Monday, September 30, 2002

WWE Monday Night Raw (9/30/02)

Monday Night Raw
Compaq Center
Houston, Texas
September 30, 2002

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler

Ring announcer: Lilian Garcia

Last week's Raw was actually pretty good following the fallout from Unforgiven. Ric Flair turned heel and allied himself with Triple H to go out on top and the ECW crew of Rob Van Dam and Bubba Ray Dudley stepped up to face them. Eric Bischoff was on the war path and Goldust and Booker T felt his wrath. Big Show made mincemeat out of Jeff Hardy so he might be a possible Triple H opponent. Before we get anywhere, we got a dark match before the Sunday Night Heat taping. We'll just do the dark match here.

Dark Match 1

Little Guido vs Johnny Stamboli

ECW vs WCW as Little Guido gets a tryout match against Johnny Stamboli. Stamboli wins the match with a top rope leg drop. Both of these guys would be familiar with each other real soon.

Winner: Stamboli by pinfall

Now we get started with the show. We open with Eric Bischoff and Lita in the ring. Eric says not to go watch Monday Night Football (Ray Lewis and the Baltimore Ravens took on the Denver Broncos) because we're having three title matches. Trish will defend the Women's title, Chris Jericho defends the Intercontinental title and Triple H defends the World Heavyweight Championship. At No Mercy, Bischoff says the IC champion will face the WHC in a winner take all match. "One show, one champion." So Bischoff's grandiose idea is to get rid of the IC title after 20 years. Bischoff then segues to Lita who apparently said Smackdown was better than Raw on Eric calls her a little witch and starts yelling at her. He says Hollywood doesn't want her after she broke her neck doing stunts. Lita stares down Eric and says he needs to respect the rank and file so they'll respect him in return. He doesn't give a damn about her opinion and says she has three minutes to leave....uh oh. Jamal, Rico and Rosey appear right on cue but the calvary arrives as Jeff Hardy, Booker T and Goldust to chase off the heels. Eric says Goldust and Booker learned nothing from last week so now we got a tag match right here, right now.

Match 1

Booker T and Goldust vs 3 Minute Warning (Rosey and Jamal) with Rico

The four men brawl as the bell rings as Jeff leads Lita away to safety. The heels shitcan Booker and pound away on Goldust. Goldust ducks a line and the Samoans get axe kicked by hometown hero Booker T. Booker drops Rosey with an elbow and covers for a two count. Goldust tags in and they doubleteam him. Goldust hits Ass To Mouth but Jamal attacks from behind. The Samoans hit a flapjack and Jamal pounds away on Goldust. The crowd chants "Rico sucks" as Jamal chokes Goldust on the second rope. Goldust fights in the corner but Rosey makes the tag. Rosey pounds away on the back of Goldust and drop him with a thrust to the throat. Rosey drops a leg and covers but Booker breaks up the count. Jamal tags in and they corner Goldust with shoulder thrusts. JR and King bring up how Rosey legitimately played high school football with Dallas Cowboys hall of fame running back Emmett Smith. Goldust rams Jamal's head into the buckle and he no-sells it, clotheslining Goldust down. Rosey tags in and Goldust hits a reverse neckbreaker. Goldust gets the hot tag to Booker T who goes apeshit on Jamal, dropping him with an axe kick. He also drops Rosey with a kick as well. Jamal gets a forearm to the head and Book covers for 1...2...nope. Booker hits yet another kick on Jamal and covers then avoids Rosey's big splash. Booker throws Rosey out of the ring but stops to do the spinaroonie. Booker calls for the scissors kick and hits Jamal with it. Booker covers for 1.....2....Rosey was late getting in to break up the count so Jamal had to half heartedly get the shoulder up. Rosey did land on referee Jack Doan a little but Goldust gets in to pound away on him. Goldust gets thrown out by Rosey and Rico puts him down ont he outside with a kick to the face. Booker hits a double clothesline and takes out Rico but Rosey hits a World's Strongest Slam. Jamal hits the top rope splash and covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. People at the time asked why Booker was getting jobbed out when he arguably the most popular guy on Raw but its become pretty obvious since. Jamal and Rosey's first official match on Raw ends with beating Booker in his home town.

Time of match: 6:37

Winners: 3 Minute Warning by pinfall

Back from break, we go to the highlight of 3 Minute Warning's victory. Backstage Jonathan Coachman is with the trio and asks what their goal is. Rico says its obvious, he could lead the most dominant tag team in history. Rosey says no one is going to get in their way and Jamal guarantees they will make them feel the 3 minute warning. We cut to Christian confronting Lance Storm about losing the tag belts the previous week. Test and William Regal butt in and say to knock it off. Regal says they have a chance to show they're a dominant force tonight and to concentrate on their matches tonight. We cut to Chris Jericho who's with Terri Runnels and Terri asks if he's worried about losing to Kane. The winner goes to No Mercy as IC champ and Jericho feels magnificent, glorious and glorificent. Jericho says Kane's chances of winning are as real as Terri's chest. Suddenly, Gregory Helms appears and asks what's up with him thinking he's better than Kane. Jericho says freaks are losers. He's cool and a champion, Booker, Goldust, Kane and Helms aren't. Kane appears and Y2J bails causing Terri to kiss Kane again. Kane "What can I, chicks dig the mask." Ha! Up next is Randy Orton vs Lance Storm.

Match 2

Lance Storm vs Randy Orton

The "blue chipper" Orton takes on an angry Storm since there's trouble in paradise in The Unamerican faction. Bell rings and they lock up to start. Orton ducks the line and drops Storm with an elbow. Orton hits the side backbreaker as Christian laughs at Lance in the back. Storm hits a dropkick and covers for a deuce. Lance clubs away with right hands and applies a chinlock. Orton powers out of it and catches Storm with an elbow. He goes upstairs and hits the flying crossbody for 1..2....nope. Orton gets rolled up and Storm tries to turn it into a half crab. Orton turns it into an inside cradle for a two count. Storm goes for the O'Connor Roll and hooks the tights, but Orton rolls through and hooks the tights himself for 1...2...3 to win the match. Short and sweet as Orton stuns the veteran former champion. 

Time of match: 2:40

Winner: Orton by pinfall

Christian appears, steals JR's hat and says he doesn't know what's stupider, Storm or him wearing the hat. Orton dumps Storm to the floor and Christian challenges Orton himself. Orton in the ring says bring it and we got an impromptu match.

Match 3

Christian vs Randy Orton

Orton wastes no time and dropkicks Christian down but Christian front suplexes Orton onto the top rope. Christian throws Orton off the barricade before throwing him inside. Christian covers for a deuce as the crowd chants USA. Christian stomps away at Orton but he powers out of it and hits a backdrop. Christian goes for the reverse ddt but Orton counters with a powerslam and cover for 1...2...nope. Christian hits the reverse DDT and covers for a deuce and Christian gets upset with referee Nick Patrick. Orton rolls to the apron but Randy snaps Christian off the top. Orton misses the crossbody off the top and Christian goes for the Unprettier. Orton wiggles out of it and totally botches the Overdrive. Orton covers for 1..2.....3 to win the match anyway. Orton beats both members of last week's tag team champions inside of three minutes. Lance Storm slides back in the ring as Orton leaves with JR's hat.

Time of match: 2:40

Winner: Orton by pinfall

Randy returns JR's hat back to Ross and Ross gets a small ovation. Storm yells at Christian and simply leaves. Backstage Eric Bischoff yells at Jeff Hardy for coming to Lita's aid and books him against Big Show again. He says he got stuck with the wrong Hardy and get out of his face. Ric Flair walks up to Eric and says Jeff has no respect. Eric "What the hell do you want Flair?" Glad to see the animosity from WCW still carries over. Flair asks if he's facing Rob Van Dam and Eric doesn't know and asks how things are coming along with an "ex-Smackdown talent". Ric promises he'll deliver....who could he be talking about? On to the next match.

Match 4

Jeff Hardy vs Big Show with Jacqueline as special guest referee

Why is Jacqueline there? Why are we doing this match again? Jeff runs right at him to start just like last week but Show kicks him and throws him inside. The bell rings and Jeff gets thrown around again. Jeff dropkicks Show in the knee but Show counters with a lariat. Show heaves Jeff in the corner and chops his chest. Show throws Jeff across the ring again and headbutts him. Jeff tries to fight back but Show scoop slams him. Show drops the leg and walks over him. Show chokes Jeff in the corner with his boot and Jacqueline yells at Big Show despite being more than a foot shorter than he is. Jeff stuns Show with a jawbreaker but is heaved over the top rope. Show chops Jeff against the barricade but Jeff moves and Show clotheslines the ring post. Jeff tosses Show a chair and dropkicks the chair causing Show to fly over the barricade. Jackie starts counting both men out but Jeff gets back in to win the match. Jeff quickly leaves as Big Show gets back in to throw a tantrum. Bad match and once again Show looks like a doofus.

Time of match: 3:30

Winner: Jeff Hardy by count out

Back from commercial the Houston Texans are in the front row including 1st round pick David Carr. We're backstage where Booker confront Jericho. Jericho says he's been Undisputed champion, the current IC champ, the future world champ and a huge rock star. Booker says he's the five time...five time...five time WCW champion. Booker goes for the catchphrase but Jericho stops him before he can say "Suckaaaa", wow did Vince & HHH hate Booker. On to the next match.

Match 5

Bubba Ray Dudley vs Triple H (with Ric Flair) for the World Heavyweight Championship

Bubba and HHH have been working the houses together since the past week and he spray paints the letters HHH on the table he brought in the ring. Bubba grabs the mic and says the table is reserved...ha ha. Bubba says HHH is going through the table eventually. Bubba cuts a promo saying Hunter was handed the title and everyone in the back is sick of the politics and the fans earn everything they have, nothing is handed to them. Bubba says its about him beating HHH and earning the right to be called the new World Heavyweight Champion. Bell's gone and Bubba tells HHH to come on. Hunter backs Bubba into the corner and gets in knees to the mid-section. Bubba gets Hunter in the corner, unloads with right hands and a chop. Bubba sends HHH into the other corner and clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor. Bubba hip tosses Hunter back inside, ducks the line and football tackles him. Bubba slugs away at HHH but gets a thumb to the eye. Trips throws him outside and Flair goes to cheapchot, but Bubba gets a right hand to HHH. Hunter recovers and throws Bubba into the steps. Ric puts the loafers to Bubba and throws him inside. Hunter goes for the blatant choke and covers for 1..2..nope. Hunter clubs away at Bubba in the corner and stomps a mudhole in him. Referee Charles Robinson tells HHH to back off but Hunter hits a neckbreaker on Dudley. Hunter covers for a deuce but gets a boot to the head. Bubba charges but runs into a sleeperhold. Bubba makes it to the ropes and delivers a back suplex. A charge in the corner by Bubba eats boot but he still manages to get in a german suplex. HHH and Bubba slug it out with Bubba getting the upperhand. Bubba hits the Samoan drop and punches HHH in the corner. Bubba hits a DDT and covers for 1...2...nope. Hunter gets in a knee lift but runs into a sidewalk slam. Bubba covers for 1...2....nope. Ric Flair goes upstairs and Bubba slams him into the ring. Bubba hits a Bubba Bomb but the ref is too busy with Flair to notice the cover. Bubba does the Dusty Combo to HHH and tells himself to get the tables, Bubba nails Flair off the apron but Hunter catches him with a boot. Bubba counters the pedigree but Hunter counters a powerbomb with a backdrop. Hunter finally hits the pedigree and covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Hunter escapes with a victory and it was nice to see Bubba get a bone for once as a singles. Good match for what it was worth.

Time of match: 7:10

Winner: Triple H by pinfall (still World Heavyweight Champion)

Trish Stratus gets ready for her match against Victoria but Victoria jumps her in the back and rips her shirt off causing King to scream. Victoria punches away on Trish and rams her face into the cement. Victoria "Your title is mine Trish." JR "Where the hell is damn security, on a coffee break?" We cut to commercial and when we get back we see highlights of Raw superstars hanging out at Rice University including Spike Dudley giving a speech. Onto the next match.

Match 6

Victoria vs Trish Stratus for the WWE Women's Championship

Victoria looks cocky in the ring but Trish storms out looking no worse for wear and she absolutely unloads on Victoria outside the ring and inside. Trish nails Victoria with a clothesline and covers for a deuce and Trish hits an enziguiri that sends Victoria to the outside. Victoria recovers to heave Trish into the wall then back inside. Victoria covers for a two count and kicks Trish full force in the ribs before raking her across the second rope. Victoria full force slaps Trish but Trish rolls through a charge into a sunset flip. Victoria counters and grabs the ropes for 1...2...nooooo. Victoria hits a scoop slam but Trish gets her knees up on a top rope moonsault attempt. Trish hits a swinging neckbreaker and covers for a deuce then clubs away at Victoria in the corner. Trish charges but Victoria gets her elbow up. Trish still hits Stratusphere and covers for a two count. Victoria goes ass over tea kettle outside but Victoria grabs a chair and waffles Trish in the head with it to earn the DQ. JR calls Victoria crazy and its hard to disagree with that. Trish is out cold and Victoria has to be pushed to the back by the officials. Too bad it ended so abruptly because that was a hell of a fight for 3 minutes.

Time of match: 2:52

Winner: Trish by Disqualification (Still women's champion)

Backstage Stacy Keibler is with Eric Bischoff and demands more air time because she thinks she's hotter than Trish. Eric Bischoff says he's going to spin the Raw Roulette wheel and Stacy could face Trish in a Kiss My Ass or HLA match. Stacy says "Pucker up, Trish because you're looking at the new Women's champion." JR "I can't believe this." Next week is Raw Roulette....yippie. We go back to the Unamericans locker room and Regal yells at both Christian and Lance. Test says both Christian and Lance are losers as Regal tries to keep the peace. Regal says watch him and Test show how its done as Christian sarcastically says "This aughtta be good." We go to Jonathan Coachman who enters Triple H's lockerroom with Flair and Hunter surrounded by lovely ladies. HHH comes out of the shower and Coach asks who he thinks is going to win tonight but two ladies in the shower tell Hunter to come back. Before Coach can continue, Chris Jericho shows up "What the hell is going on in here?" Jericho "Listen jackass, you're not my favorite person in the world either. Y2J says HHH should be interested in what he has to say. HHH tells Coach to beat it and tells Y2J to sit down. Jericho flirts with some lady and we cut to Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam making their way to the ring. Guess that's who Regal and Test are facing.

Match 7

Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer vs Test and William Regal

ECW vs The Unamericans as many people complained at the time that Van Dam went from main event to mid-card in just eight days. Funny how Van Dam is buddy buddy with Bubba Dudley last week and Dreamer this week. Is Spike Dudley going to be his partner next week for Raw Roulette? We get a highlight of Dreamer kicking Christopher Nowinski's ass last week. Bell's gone and Dreamer starts with Regal. Dreamer starts with an arm-ringer but the crowd chants RVD. Regal punches away at Dreamer in the corner but eats a back drop. Test tags in but Dreamer goes to work on his arm too. RVD tags in and he kicks at the left arm. RVD hits a spin kick on Test as JR hopes we get a Coal Miner's Glove match next week. Test derails Van Dam with a knee to the ribs and Regal tags in but Rob hits shoulder tackles in the corner. Regal counters Van Dam stepover kick with a suplex. Rob outside is rammed into the side by Test and rolled back in. Regal gets a two count and tags Test back in. Test locks in a surfboard as Dreamer starts an RVD chant. King won't shut up about Trish Stratus as Rob powers out of it only for Rob to eat a knee to the ribs. Test catches Rob but Van Dam sends Test into the buckle, Rob hits a spinning heel kick and gets the tag to Dreamer. Tommy cleans house and drops both Regal and Test. The crowd chants ECW as Test clotheslines Regal by accident and RVD dropkicks the knee of Test. Dreamer covers and moves out of the way so Regal drops an elbow on Test by accident. Dreamer clocks Regal as Van Dam misses the split legged moonsault on Test. Dreamer ducks under the big boot and Van Dam kicks Test in the face. Dreamer rolls up Test for 1...2...3 to win the match. Short and sweet, not much you can do with styles clashing like that. Still, it served its purpose.

Time of match: 4:50

Winners: Dreamer and RVD by pinfall

After the match Lance Storm and Christian hit the ring with Storm shitcanning Rob Van Dam. Test and Regal brawl with Christian and Storm brawling as well. Regal low bridges Test and Rob Van Dam comes off the top with a dropkick to Lance Storm. Dreamer sends Regal away with a right hand as The Unamericans have imploded. Regal and Storm appear to be on the same page but Christian and Test are out of here. Kane makes his way to ring side as the main event is next. Chris is interrupted by Booker who screams "SUCKAAAAA" in his face, ha! We go to commercial and when we get back, we get highlights of the Wrestlemania 19 press conference set to some weird Christmas music. Still sad to see Edge kick off the festivities. After this we go to JR and King with King reading that month's issue of WWE Magazine with Kane on the cover. Finally its time for the main event.

Match 8

Kane vs Chris Jericho for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Its simple, the winner is the Intercontinental Champion and goes to No Mercy as the champ for the unification match with Triple H. Ross and King make football references during the entrance and Ross says Jericho has a Randy Moss attitude. Bell's gone as there's a sign that says Y2GAy in the crowd....gotta love the early 2000's. Kane heaves Jericho across the ring twice to start and Chris slaps him. Kane knocks Chris down and heaves him into the corner. King AGAIN brings up Trish out of nowhere as Kane unloads with right hands. Kane sends Y2J off the ropes but Jericho bails. King asks who Triple H would rather face and JR instantly says Jericho because HHH has already beaten him at Wrestlemania. Chris snaps Kane off the top rope and goes up to the top. Kane uppercuts and throws him off. Kane rams Jericho's head in the corner as Ric Flair makes his way to ring side. Glad he and Y2J are okay now just eight days after Jericho vowed to end his career. Kane gets distracted and Jericho takes advantage with right hands. Kane clotheslines Y2J in the corner and Flair distracts Kane long enough for Chris to roll him up with the feet on the ropes for 1...2...nope. Jericho chokes Kane in the corner but walks into the sidewalk slam. Kane covers but Flair puts Jericho's feet on the rope. Kane stalks Flair outside and chases him into the ring. Flair begs off and Jericho takes advantage. Flair leaes the ring as Jericho punches away at Kane. Kane counters with a big boot and press slams Jericho over the top rope to the floor. Flair tries to revive Jericho but referee Earl Hebner has enough and gives Ric THE HEAVE HO! Flair's been ejected and Kane punches him up the ramp. We go to commercial and when we come back, Kane has Jericho down in the center of the ring. Kane hits a backdrop as we see Kane slam Jericho down in the replay. Kane goes up to the top rope but Jericho shoves Hebner into the top rope to crotch Kane. Jericho does a springboard dropkick and then goes for the superplex. Jericho somehow hits the superplex on Kane and covers for 1...2....nope. Kane sits up and unloads with right hands on Y2J but puts his head down. Jericho kicks him in the head but almost gets caught in the tombstone. Jericho dropkicks the left leg of Kane and Kane bails to the outside. Jericho sends Kane into the steel steps and taunts the irate crowd. King wont shut up about "chicks" as Jericho shoves Kane back into the ring. Jericho works over the left leg and eventually rams Kane's leg into the ring post. Jericho locks in the Hartbreaker as Ross even says its Bret Hart's move. Kane limps around outside but makes it to the apron. Kane suplexes Chris over the top to the floor before Jericho gets back in with a dropkick to the knee. Jericho jumps on the left leg and then does a dance for no reason. Kane rallies with right hands and a big boot with his good leg, but Chris stays with it and chopblocks the bad leg. Kane catches Chris with a back suplex and rallies with right hands. Kane flapjacks Chris and hits a tilt-a-whirl slam before covering for a deuce. Kane rams Chris' head into the corner and Jericho runs right into another big boot. Kane heaves Jericho over the ring post to the floor. Kane sends Y2J into the steel steps and throws him back inside. Kane goes up to the top rope and hits the clothesline. Kane covers for 1...2...noooo. HHH himself finally hits ringside only to eat a right hand. Jericho hits the bulldog and the wait, Jericho got caught by the throat. Kane goes for the chokeslam but Jericho rolls through it and rolls up Kane. Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho but Kane kicks him off. Jericho calls the ref over as HHH low bridges Kane. HHH botches the spinebuster so badly Ross calls it a belly to belly suplex. HHH rolls Kane back inside as Jericho goes up to the top rope. Jericho hits the missile dropkick and covers for 1..2...nope. HHH distracts Hebner as Jericho gets a chair. Jericho hits the knee of Kane with the chair and gets rid of the evidence. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho but Kane grabs the bottom rope. Jericho gets the chair again but Kane hits the big boot. Kane hits the chokseslam and covers for 1...2....3 to win the match and title. Damn good match and these two had good chemistry from matches in the past despite the run-ins from HHH and Flair. Kane is now one half of the tag champs and the IC champ with HHH irate at the entrance. We sign off with Kane standing tall.

Time of match: 16:38

Winner: Kane by pinfall (new IC champion)

All in all that was a terrible Raw that accomplished almost nothing. Kane was obviously the next sacrificial lamb for Triple H so he was booked to look strong. Everyone else including the heels were booked to be completely incompetent. Rob Van Dam went from the main event to the mid-card in eight days, Booker T gets laid out by 3 Minute Warning and the Unamericans could be split up. Even Big Show looked like a goof getting counted out against Jeff Hardy. This show benefited just three men, Ric Flair, Randy Orton and HHH and even Flair was the one taking the bumps. Like I said, unless they're saving Big Show for a special occasion, it doesn't look like anyone is on the same level of Triple H. Tomorrow night is the Velocity/Smackdown taping in Lafayette, Louisiana so I'll see you there.

WWE at Monroe Civic Center (9/30/02)

Monroe Civic Center
Monroe, Louisiana
September 30, 2002

While the stars of Raw were preparing for Monday Night Raw in Houston, the stars of Smackdown had a house show in Monroe, Louisiana for some stupid reason. Wouldn't Vince want more people to watch Raw? Why run a house show on the same night? Either way, let's get to the matches.

Match 1

Shannon Moore vs Chavo Guerrero Jr

Cruiserweight action from ex-WCW stars to start this one. Chavo wins the match.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr

Match 2

Albert, Bull Buchanan and Shelton Benjamin vs John Cena, Batista and Doug Basham

Talk about a hodge podge of veterans and Ohio Valley Wrestling alumni. Batista, Cena and Basham were considered future studs and its a shame only two got their proper chance. Shelton Benjamin was destined for good things as well. Cena's team wins it.

Winners: Cena, Batista and Basham

Match 3

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Jamie Noble (with Nidia) for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Two more ex-WCW cruiserweights in Mysterio and Jamie-san. Mysterio went for the hip hop drop but Nidia held the leg, allowing Noble to lay on top for the three count, retaining the title.

Winner: Noble by pinfall (still Cruiserweight champion)

Match 4

Reverend D'Von and Faarooq vs Billy and Chuck

Faarooq and D'Von had been teaming lately in house shows to develop some chemistry for some on-screen matches. Billy and Chuck got the win though.

Winners: Billy and Chuck

Match 5

Torrie Wilson vs Dawn Marie in a Bra & Panties Match with Val Venis as guest referee

Since neither Wilson or Dawn could wrestle, they had a Bra & Panties match. Naturally Torrie won.

Winner: Torrie Wilson

Match 6

Kurt Angle vs Edge

The big hair vs hair rematch between Kurt and Edge ends how the last one did, with Edge coming out on top.

Winner: Edge

Match 7

Matt Hardy vs Rikishi in a Kiss My Ass match

Don't even have to begin to pretend who was going to win this one. Rikishi wins the match and hits Matt with the stink face.

Winner: Rikishi by pinfall

Match 8

Chris Benoit vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship

Usually it was Edge to get the title shot but tonight its Chris Benoit's turn. Lesnar wins with the F-5 to retain the championship.

Winner: Lesnar by pinfall (still WWE Champion)

Another standard Smackdown card although some of the heavy hitters like Eddie Guerrero and The Undertaker aren't there. Taker had a baby on the way and had been there long enough for Vince to give him some leeway. Either way the rest of the card looked good. Edge vs Angle probably delivered the goods and Benoit vs Lesnar would have been interesting. Like mentioned earlier, while this show was going on Monday Night Raw was being held in Houston. I'll see yall there.

Sunday, September 29, 2002

WWE Sunday Night Heat (9/29/02)

September 29, 2002
Arrowhead Pond
Anaheim, California

Commentator: Jonathan Coachman

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

Always funny how Heat was taped before Raw and had to recap it in the past tense. Raw was actually decent this past week with the fallout from Unforgiven. Kane and The Hurricane are the new tag team champions while Bubba Ray Dudley and Rob Van Dam stepped up to face Triple H and Ric Flair. Booker T and Goldust have to deal with 3 Minute Warning and The Unamericans appeared headed for a break up. We got a three match card so let's get right to it.

Match 1

D-Lo Brown vs Shawn Stasiak

Stasiak had actually left WWE two days earlier but this was taped on the 23rd. This will be his final appearance for WWE. D-Lo grabs the mic and cuts a promo saying being on commentary was fun but he's back to working full time. Bell rings and Shawn stalls to allow the crowd to chant "D-Lo!" Shawn attacks Brown from behind and drops him with a back elbow smash. Stasiak runs into the corner and then into a backdrop. D-Lo drops Shawn with forearms and covers for a deuce. Shawn stun guns D-Lo off the top rope and rams his head into the buckle. Stasiak charges but eats knee but ducks under the clothesline to deliver a neckbreaker. He covers for 1...2...nope. Shawn does a snapmare and kicks D-Lo in the back to a chorus of boos. Stasiak hits a spinebuster and covers for another two count. Stasiak locks in an abdominal stretch and grabs the top rope for leverage. Referee Charles Robinson spots it and kicks the arm which causes D-Lo to hit a hiptoss. D-Lo rallies with elbows and a dropkick before scoop slamming Stasiak. D-Lo does his leg drop and covers for two. D-Lo misses a charge in the corner but hits a vertical suplex anyway. D-Lo catches Shawn with Sky High and covers for 1....2...3 to win the match. Bye bye Stasiak, he'd retire from the business to become a chiropractor. Coach says up next

Time of match: 4:05

Winner: D-Lo by pinfall

We cut to commercial and when we get back, we get the recap of a pissed off Eric Bischoff taking his frustrations out on Goldust and Booker T from Raw. We go to commercial again and when we get back we get WWE Snap of The Night which was Randy Orton winning his Raw debut. Its time for the next match.

Match 2

Justin Credible vs Johnny Stamboli

D-Lo is back on commentary for the rest of the night as Stamboli and Credible had been on opposite sides of tag teams on the house show circuit. They go one on one here. Bell rings and they lock up to start. Credible boots Johnny in the stomach and locks in a headlock. Credible runs into an arm drag and a scoop slam as D-Lo says Randy Orton will surpass The Rock some day....not quite, but close enough. Johnny hits a dropkick then locks in an armringer. Justin powers out of it and chops Johnny in the corner. An up and over fails and Stamboli powerslams Credible for his trouble. He covers for a deuce but Credible drops Stamboli with a facebuster. Justin rams Johnny's head into the buckle and attacks in the corner again. Credible stops to taunt the crowd but baseball slides nad first into the ringpost much to D-Lo's delight. Coach has the usual morons in his ear telling him to babble on about events on Raw so he has to start and stop a thought about Ric Flair when a big spot happens. Justin gets rammed into the corner and Stamboli rallies with right hands. Johnny hits an inverted atomic drop and a spinning heel kicks before covering for a deuce. Stamboli hits one of the worst Fuggetaboutits I've ever seen and covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Boring but got the job done to put over the new guy in Stamboli.

Time of match: 3:02

Winner: Stamboli by pinfall

After the match we get highlights of the Wrestlemania 19 press conference in Seattle before going to break. Back from break we get a recap of Kane and The Hurricane winning the tag belts on Raw before going to commercial again. Back from commercial the Boot Of The Week is Flair turning on Rob Van Dam at Unforgiven. We get a recap of Triple H and Ric Flair vs Rob Van Dam and Bubba Ray Dudley. Back from commercial its finally time for our main event.

Match 3

Spike Dudley vs Raven

The ECW alumnists go one on one although Spike is still selling a neck injury he suffered on Raw when he was powerbombed too far outside by Lance Storm and Christian where his head hit the ground while he was supposed to go through a table. Neither Coach or D-Lo give Spike a chance to win as the bell rings. They lock up and Raven rakes him against the corner but Spike surprises him with a roll up for a deuce. Raven slugs away at Spike as Coach and D-Lo sound like total dorks on commentary. Dudley stands on Raven in the corner and Spike headbutts him in the gonads. Somehow that hurt Spike more than Raven and Raven takes over by choking him with his boot. Raven snapmares Spike and drives a knee to the neck from the second rope. Raven covers for 1...2...nope. Raven does another snap mare and tells Spike to get up. Spike does a jawbreaker and goes for the Acid Drop but Raven shoves him away. Raven clotheslines Spike in the back of the neck and rams his head into the mat. Raven sends Spike into the corner but Spike ducks the line and hits the acid drop. He covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Spike steals one at the last second and didn't need D-Lo Brown's help this time. D-Lo says this was a hell of a sendoff for him on Heat. After the match, Raven hits the Evenflow to get some heat back much to D-Lo's dismay.

Time of match: 3:37

Winner: Dudley by pinfall

Coach and D-Lo sign off and tell us to join us tomorrow night in Houston for Raw. Kind of landmark Heat as D-Lo would be off commentary to go back to work while Shawn Stasiak is gone. Justin Credible and Raven were wrestling out their contracts so they wouldn't be winning too many matches either. Even though Coach and D-Lo said to join us in Houston, we got a house show with the stars of Smackdown to get through first. I'll see yall in Monroe, Louisiana for that. 

WWE at Beaumont Civic Center (9/29/02)

Beaumont Civic Center
Beaumont, Texas
September 29, 2002

While the stars of Smackdown were in Louisiana for a Sunday house show, the stars of Raw had their own in Beaumont, Texas. Its pretty much the same card as we had yesterday with hopefully some interesting results. The fallout from Unforgiven had given the crew a fresh set of feuds so let's see how they turned out.

Match 1

Mark Jindrak, Johnny Stamboli and D-Lo Brown vs Raven, Steven Richards and Justin Credible

Like I mentioned yesterday, its ECW vs WCW....and D-Lo Brown.  Once again D-Lo's team gets the duke.

Winners: Jindrak, Stamboli and D-Lo

Match 2

Randy Orton vs Test

Also just like yesterday, Raw's newest star Orton takes on the veteran Test. This time, Test gets the win.

Winner: Test

Match 3

Tommy Dreamer vs Big Show

Once again, same match from yesterday and Big Show once again gets the victory.

Winner: Big Show

Match 4

Goldust and Spike Dudley vs 3 Minute Warning (Rosey and Jamal)

Booker T is busy with an Intercontinental Championship match later so Spike Dudley takes his place against the Samoans. Rosey and Jamal naturally win this.

Winners: 3 Minute Warning

Match 5

Rob Van Dam vs "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Rob gets his hands on Ric Flair after Flair turned heel and cost RVD the World Heavyweight Championship at Unforgiven. Van Dam wins it.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Match 6

Victoria and Molly Holly vs Jacqueline vs Jacqueline and WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus

Same match from yesterday with the same result, Trish's team gets the duke.

Winners: Trish and Jackie

Match 7

Lance Storm and Christian vs Kane and The Hurricane for the WWE Tag Team Championship

The rematch from Raw where the Unamericans dropped the titles to Kane and his new partner. Kane and Hurricane retain.

Winners: Kane and The Huricane (Still tag team champions)

Match 8

Booker T vs Chris Jericho for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Booker gets a crack at Y2J's IC title but comes up short. Chris Jericho wins it.

Winner: Jericho (still IC champ)

Match 9

Bubba Ray Dudley vs Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship

More fallout from Raw when the ECW alumnists stepped up to face HHH and Flair. Bubba gets a shot at the WHC but Triple H wins it.

Winner: HHH (still WHC)

Same card as yesterday with the only different result being Test going over Orton. Still, the card looked solid and at least the stories carried over from Raw which was a pretty good Raw. Smackdown was miles ahead in terms of in ring work but Raw tried to keep up. If only Vince didn't make a terrible creative decision, this might have been a solid base to build on as we head to No Mercy. Up next is this week's Sunday Night Heat taping so I'll see you there.

WWE at Bossier City (9/29/02)

CenturyTel Center
Bossier City, Louisianna
September 29, 2002

After the best Smackdown of all time, the stars of the show ventured to Bossier City, Louisana for a Sunday house show. Pretty much the same matches that were going on in the house show circuit so let's see how these play out.

Match 1

Crash Holly vs Sho Funaki

Standard opener for most Smackdown cards with Funaki taking this one.

Winner: Funaki

Match 2

Albert and Bull Buchanan vs Batista and Doug Basham

Jim Ross' dream of four big hosses in one match although Basham isn't that imposing compared to the others. The OVW guys take on the veterans with the OVW guys getting the duke.

Winners: Batista and Doug Basham

Match 3

Billy and Chuck vs Reverend D'Von and Faarooq

WWE was experimenting with D'Von and Faarooq as tag team partners and they did have some good chemistry. Billy and Chuck once they ditched the gay lovers gimmick were enjoying a babyface run and they get the win here.

Winners: Billy & Chuck

Match 4

John Cena vs Shelton Benjamin

More OVW guys although Cena had already graduated to Smackdown by this point. Shelton was definitely a rising star and just needed the right moment to make his WWE TV debut. Cena gets the win here.

Winner: Cena

Match 5

Shannon Moore vs Matt Hardy

On TV this would be teacher vs pupil but in real life Moore started training just three years after Matt. Its well documented the quartet of the Hardys, Moore and Shane "Hurricane" Helms came up together so this would have been fun to watch live. Hardy gets the win here.

Winner: Hardy

Match 6

Edge vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship

Edge had already been working with Lesnar on the houses but I can't imagine the pop he got on this night after stealing the show on Smackdown. Lesnar gets the win to keep the title.

Winner: Lesnar by pinfall (still WWE Champion)

Match 7

WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble and Nidia vs Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson

Once again, fake couple vs real couple. Once again, Kidman and Torrie are the winners.

Winners: Kidman and Wilson

Match 8

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Rey Mysterio Jr

The rematch from Sunday Night Heat before Unforgiven. That match was good so this should have been good as well. Rey wins this match as well.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Match 9

Val Venis vs Chris Benoit

Two Canadians enter, one man leaves victorious. The rabid wolverine Benoit wins this one.

Winner: Benoit

Match 10

Kurt Angle vs Rikishi in a Kiss My Ass match

Why this is the last match on the card compared to anything else I don't know other than to send the fans home happy. Naturally Rikishi wins and gives Kurt the stink face.

Winner: Rikishi by pinfall

That was a long card so the matches must have been shorter than usual. Still, the quick pace might have helped especially with a lot of the smaller guys on the card. Rey vs Chavo worked on Heat so that might have been good here too and Matt vs Shannon definitely would have benefited from crash style. Smackdown was just heating up so let's see how they keep the momentum going from here. While this was going on, the crew from Raw was in Beaumont, Texas for their own house show. I'll see you there.

Saturday, September 28, 2002

WWE Velocity (9/28/02)

September 28, 2002
San Diego Sports Center
San Diego, CA

Commentators: Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd and Tazz

Ring announcer: Tony Chimel

This week's velocity was taped Tuesday night before Smackdown and we got three matches. Billy Kidman vs Crash Holly, Shannon Moore vs Doug Basham and Reverend D'Von vs John Cena. No Albert this week? What is this herecy? The recaps should be fun as well since we had one of the best Smackdowns of all time on Thursday. Dorkus Malorkus and Tazz welcome us before sending us to our first match.

Match 1

Crash Holly vs Billy Kidman

We start the night with cruiserweight action between Kidman and Crash. They shake hands to start and they chain wrestle while the crowd chants "Let's go Elroy!" Crash goes up and over in the corner but Kidman fakes him out when he does it. Kidman hits a flying back elbow smash then sends Crash through the ropes to the outside with a head scissors. Kidman misses a baseball slide to the floor and Crash powerbombs him against the barricade. Tazz is trying to babble on about Brock Lesnar as he's instructed to do by whoever is in his ear, but he gets distracted by the cool looking powerbomb. This is why I hate C shows. Tazz wants to enjoy the match but they're instructed to promote Smackdown, Unforgiven, No Mercy and the upcoming presidential election if Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn tell them to. Back inside Crash covers for a deuce and hits a scoop slam. Another cover gets only a 1 and Crash locks in a surfboard. Dorkus Malorkus and Tazz continue to yap about Lesnar and Taker. A backbreaker by Crash also gets a two count and locks in a camel clutch. Crash lets him go and jumps on his back then re-applies it. Kidman powers out if it and catches Crash with an inside cradle for a two count. Kidman rallies with a series of clotheslines but misses a charge in the corner. Crash rolls him up and puts his feet on the ropes for Tazz says referee Jimmy Korderas can't use the excuse his hair got in his eyes because he doesn't have any. Kidman counters a scoop slam with a sit down powerbomb for 1...2...noooo. Crash counters a bulldog and hits one of his own before covering for 1...2....noooo. Crash gets frustrated and Kidman hits an enziguiri. Kidman goes upstairs for the Seven Year Itch but Crash counters and does the Crash Landing for 1...2.....3 to win the match. Solid effort by both men including some good high spots to tell a story. Crash gets the duke as Dorkus Malorkus says Crash has been on a roll on Velocity lately.

Time of match: 4:34

Winner: Crash Holly by pinfall

Before we go to commercial we go to our recap portion and naturally its the amazing No DQ match between Edge and Eddie Guerrero that was half-ladder match. Too bad Edge legitimately injured his neck because to this day that was one of the best Smackdown matches ever. We also get more highlights of the Wrestlemania 19 press conference before we get to our next match.

Match 2

Shannon Moore vs Doug Basham

Moore was making a name of himself on Smackdown as Matt Hardy's lackey but Basham was just waiting for a spot to open up. Basham was one of those guys that spent way too long in the indies/developmental as he was already 31 by this point, which isn't his fault since WCW and ECW bit the dust a year earlier. Like I mentioned in another review, Doug had an incredible match with Chris Benoit a few weeks earlier so all eyes were on him. Tazz gives a shout out to Ohio Valley Wrestling as Dorkus Malorkus says "rookies" like Basham ask Tazz for advice. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Basham was a 9 year veteran at this point, mentored by "Nitro" Danny davis and Jim Cornette. With all due respect, what the hell could Tazz tell him? Moore gets in an arm-ringer and Basham misses a charge in the corner. Moore hits a dropkick and a hurricarana but the cover only gets two. Moore's charge eats ring post and Basham hits a drop toe hold into the second rope. Basham covers for a two and he rams Shannon's head into the corner. Doug hits a clothesline in the corner as Dorkus correctly tells us Moore trained with the Hardy boys (so did Hurricane). Basham locks in a neck lock as the crowd chants "You suck" at Basham. Tazz says both his grandfather and father were named Tazz but his real life father stole the show on Before They Were Superstars. Mr. Senerchia said "I tell my son in high school NO DRUGS! You do drugs, I break your legs, you don't go out! No drugs!" To my knowledge Tazz was never involved in any shenanigans in the ECW locker room so heeded his father's words. Basham takes Matt down and they kind of botch an inverted power bomb into a bulldog spot causing the crowd to boo loudly. A charge by Basham in the corner eats boot and Shannon rallies with forearms. Shannon goes up and over and hits a bodypress for Shannon hits a spinning heel kick and a rolling neckbreaker. Shannon covers for 1...2...nope. Shannon comes off the ropes and Basham counters with a jumping leg drop....nice. Basham covers and gets 2 and 3/4 before setting Shannon up on the top rope. Shannon elbows Doug off and hits a Halo (modified whil-o-whisp) then covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Kind of a sloppy match but they only had four minutes and probably called it on the fly. Still, some of the spots worked. Tazz says "shades of Jeff Hardy" which is what Dorkus alluded to earlier.

Time of match: 4:12

Winner: Moore by pinfall

Our next recap is the brilliant main event from Smackdown where Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit in a triple threat match. Benoit and Angle were so bloodthirsty to destroy each other Rey snuck in and stole the victory. If it wasn't for Eddie vs Edge, that would have been the talk of the week. After that Tazz says our main event will be John Cena against Reverand D'Von. Back from break we get a recap of Brock Lesnar taking out Funaki and busting open The Undertaker after Taker beats up the "ingrate" Matt Hardy. Again, one of the best Smackdown's of all time so I can see why this episode dedicated so much time to the recaps. Let's get to our main event.

Match 3

Reverand D'Von vs John Cena

Where have we seen this before? Cena does the "Word Life" pose despite not having the gimmick yet. They lock up to start and Cena gets the upper hand in the corner. Tazz brings up what I mentioned earlier that the triple threat got overshadowed by Edge vs Eddie Guerrero. Its funny how this Velocity was taped before the very same Smackdown they're mentioning in past tense, gotta love syndication. D'Von misses a line in the corner and eats an armdrag. Cena hits a hiptoss and another arm drag as the announcers mention "ruthless aggression". Cena hits a body press for a two count and another arm drag. The crowd chants "we want tables" as Cena rolls up D'Von for another two count. D'Von sends Cena ass over tea kettle to the outside. Cena gets on the apron and does a face plant to the floor when D'Von hits a forearm. D'Von rolls him inside and puts the boots to him. Some dude in the crowd chants "Cena sucks!" as D'Von rakes the eyes. Cena rallies with strikes and a clothesline, covering for a two count. D'Von hits a lariat on Cena and puts the boots to him again. A cover gets a deuce as Dorkus Malorkus starts babbling about Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker again (I'd love for Lloyd to tell whoever is in his ear to stick it). The crowd chants "boring" as D'Von misses a second rope elbow. Cena hits a series of clotheslines and an atomic drop. A dropkick by Cena gets 1...2....nope. Cena hits a spinning fisherman's suplex (!) and covers for a deuce. Cena goes for the 10 punches in the corner but makes it to four before D'Von slides under and hits a second rope neckbreaker. D'Von covers for 1...2....nope. D'Von goes for a Saving Grace but Cena rolls through. Cena sends D'Von off but the reverend throws Cena over the top rope. Cena catches himself, hits a shoulderblock and sunset flips D'Von for 1...2....3 to win the match. Cena wins the match as Malorkus calls it an upset. D'Von hits Saving Grace after the bell to get some heat back. D'Von hits the wazzup headbutt as Malorkus says "Geeeeeez." D'Von leaves Cena sprawling as we sign off. Decent match for what it was as some of Cena's spots were hilarious. You could tell Cena was due to break out but just needed the right gimmick.

Time of match: 5:11

Winner: Cena by pinfall

Mostly by proxy, this was probably one of the best Velocity's of all time. The recaps were fun because of the great matches and Crash vs Kidman was great for the time frame given. Smackdown was definitely the place to be at the time and good times were coming for sure. As for this show, the opener was great, the second match was meh and the main event was okay. Least there was no Albert this time, right? We got three shows tomorrow with the Raw crew in Beaumont, Texas, Smackdown in Bossier City, Louisiana and Sunday Night Heat. I'll see you in Bossier City.

WWE at West Palm Beach (9/28/02)

South Florida Fair & Expo Center
West Palm Beach, Florida
September 28, 2002

The stars of Monday Night Raw came to sunny Florida for a house show in West Palm Beach. Some of the matches come from the fallout of this past Monday including the main event when Triple H puts the World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Bubba Ray Dudley. Rob Van Dam gets a piece of "Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Booker T & Goldust take on 3 Minute Warning. Christian and Lance Storm get a rematch with Kane & The Hurricane and other matches should be good. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

Spike Dudley vs Rico

With Bubba busy in the main event, Spike Dudley takes on the manager of 3 Minute Warning, Rico, in singles action. Rico wins it with a spinkick to the face.

Winner: Rico by pinfall

Match 2

Test vs Randy Orton

Orton jumped to Raw this past Monday and defeated Steven Richards in his debut. Now he faces Test of The Unamericans and surprises the big guy with a roll up victory.

Winner: Orton by pinfall

Match 3

Steven Richards, Raven and Justin Credible vs Mark Jindrak, Johnny Stamboli and D-Lo Brown

Its ECW vs WCW....and D-Lo Brown in a six man tag match. Jindrak and Stamboli were getting a trial run on the house show circuit before both could be put on television while the others were wrestling out their contracts. D-Lo pinned Raven with the sky high.

Winners: Jindrak, Stamboli and D-Lo by pinfall

Match 4

Christian and Lance Storm vs Kane and The Hurricane for the WWE Tag Team Championship

The rematch from Raw as Kane and Hurricane had won the tag belts from these two in Hurricane's Raw debut....well, after the brand split anyway. Kane and Hurricane pinned both opponents after dueling chokeslams to retain.

Winners: Kane and The Hurricane by pinfall (still tag team champions)

Match 5

"Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs Rob Van Dam

Ric Flair turned heel at Unforgiven and cost RVD the World Heavyweight Championship against Triple H so Rob gets him one on one here. Rob takes it with the five star frog splash.

Winner: RVD by pinfall

Match 6

Molly Holly and Victoria vs Jacqueline and WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus

The four best ladies of Raw battle it out after Trish had regained the women's title at Unforgiven. Jackie pinned Victoria after a DDT.

Winners: Jackie and Trish by pinfall

Match 7

Tommy Dreamer vs Big Show

Apparently there was a stipulation in place that if Big Show didn't beat Dreamer within 10 minutes, he'd have to kiss Tommy's ass. Show beat him a little over nine minutes in with the chokeslam.

Winner: Big Show by pinfall

Match 8

Booker T and Goldust vs 3 Minute Warning (Rosey and Jamal)

This was supposed to be a match featured on Raw this coming Monday so they tried it out on the house show to build some chemistry.  Jamal pinned Goldust after the Samoan drop.

Winners: 3 Minute Warning by pinfall

Match 9

Bubba Ray Dudley vs Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship

Our main event also stems from Raw when Bubba and Rob Van Dam stepped up to face HHH and Flair in the tag match. Now Bubba faces HHH alone for the WHC. Ric Flair distracted the ref allowing HHH to use a chair and hit the pedigree for the 1-2-3.

Winner: HHH by pinfall (still WHC)

Sounds like a decent house show and at least it made sense after what happened on Raw. Consistency is definitely a good thing as Raw may not have the in-ring perfection that Smackdown has, but they make up for it with the characters. Kane and Hurricane are getting pushed strong and it looks like no one is touching Triple H for that title until they want to get serious with Big Show. All in all it might have been a good house show to those who saw it. Next up is tonight's showing of Velocity which was taped before Smackdown...which was taped on Tuesday itself. I'll see you there.

Thursday, September 26, 2002

WWE Smackdown (9/26/02)

September 26, 2002
San Diego Sports Center
San Diego, CA

Commentators: Michael Cole and Tazz

Ring Announcer Tony Chimel

We saw the fallout from Unforgiven on the Raw side and now we got the Smackdown side. WWE Champion Brock Lesnar fought to a draw with The Undertaker so that feud still needs to be settled. It looked like Edge and Eddie Guerrero finally had their blowoff but we are nowhere near yet done with Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. Jamie Noble is still the Cruiserweight champion and Stephanie McMahon humiliated Eric Bischoff with the help of Rikishi. Before we do anything, we have some dark matches that occurred before the Velocity taping. We'll save the Velocity matches for the actual Velocity show.

Dark Match 1

Horshu vs Al Snow

Yes, THAT Horshu from WCW. Born Matthew Weise, he was a WCW Power Plant graduate that shaved his head in the shape of a horse shoe and was a jobber for a couple of years. He was working the independents around this time and eventually would sign full time with WWE. This must have been a tryout match and Al Snow wins it with a snow plow. Horshu would come back two years later under the name Luther Reigns.

Winner: Al Snow by pinfall

Dark Match 2

Ivory vs Molly Holly

No idea why this was on a dark match instead of the Velocity taping but then again, women's wrestling was seriously lacking on Smackdown so this was probably throwing a bone to these two and give the live crowd something to enjoy. Ivory won the match.

Winner: Ivory

We open the show with a montage of Eric Bischoff getting humiliated by Stephanie and Rikishi before Cole and Tazz welcomes us. Speaking of Rikishi, he's in the first match.

Match 1

Rikishi vs Chavo Guerrero Jr

This stems from last week when Guerrero waffled Rikishi with a camera during the tag match which led to Chavo getting the win for Los Guerreros. Cole says we're getting a No disqualification match between Edge and Eddie later and Tazz says a bikini contest too...ugh. Bell rings and Chavo stalls to start. Rikishi chases him around the ring but Chavo kicks Rikishi once back in the ring. Chavo can't move him so Rikishi heaves him over the top rope. Cole hypes up the rest of tonight's festivities as Chavo comes off the top but Rikishi catches him and starts knocking him around with forearms. Rikishi goes for the avalanche in the corner but eats boot. Chavo hits a facebuster and puts the boots to him. Chavo works over Rikishi in the corner but its Rikishi's turn....until his charge eats ringpost. Standing dropkick sends Rikishi in the corner and he taunts the crowd. He goes to deliver a stinkface of his own but Rikishi headbutts Chavo's ass and he goes flying. Chavo pulls his tights up but runs into a backdrop. Rikishi rallies with right hands and a belly to belly suplex. Rikishi calls for the avalanche and hits hit this time with sends Chavo into the corner. Rikishi calls for the stink face but Chavo slides out of it. Rikishi hits a modified chokeslam and goes for the banzai drop. Chavo counters with knees to the gonads and covers for 1......2...nope. Chavo grabs the camera again but referee Jimmy Korderas catches him. Rikishi superkicks the camera into Chavo's head to knock him out. Rikishi hits the banzai drop and covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Rikishi gets a bit of revenge for last week although Chavo escapes without taking the stink face. Rikishi grabs a fedora hat and dances at the entrance way for no reason other than to entertain the crowd.

Time of match: 4:33

Winner: Rikishi by pinfall

We cut to Torrie Wilson lotioning up her body for the bikini contest coming up.....what do you need lotion for indoors? Back from commercial Tazz is in the ring and Billy & Chuck will be the judges.

Match 2

Torrie Wilson vs Nidia in a Bikini Contest.

What do you need Billy and Chuck here for? Anyway Torrie makes her entrance first followed by Nidia by herself. She flirts with Billy and Chuck with Cole noticing she's wearing sneakers. Of all the places to look, you look THERE? Tazz explain the rules, you got 30 seconds to do what you want and the judges give their scores. Nidia goes first and she starts dancing only to lose her gum on the canvas. She puts it back in her mouth which is BEYOND disgusting for anyone that's ever been in the ring as Cole laughs his ass off. Nidia pretends to be out of breath and Tazz asks what the judges think. Palumbo holds up a 6 and Billy holds up a 9....har de har har. Torrie is up next and she looks a lot more coordinated. Billy and Chuck give her a perfect 10. Torrie wins and Nidia throws a temper tantrum. Billy "She's hot but not Torrie Wilson hot." A complete waste of time, moving on.

Time of match: N/A

Winner: Torrie Wilson

Billy and Chuck celebrate in the ring with Torrie but here comes Jamie Noble and Tajiri. Oh....THAT'S why they were the judges. Noble cuts a promo complaining about the judges' scores and Billy & Chuck have no taste. Noble and Tajiri wants to challenge them to a match right here and now. I thought Tajiri and Noble were feuding? Billy and Chuck are in street clothes but accept.

Match 3

Billy & Chuck (with Torrie Wilson) vs WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble and Tajiri (with Nidia)

We don't even have a ref in the ring yet as they brawl to start. Finally a ref gets in and the bell rings. Paul Heyman was notorious for impromptu matches in ECW so he must have booked this. Noble and Tajiri beat up Billy Gunn who's in a blue t-shirt and jeans. Then again, he should be used to wrestling in jeans. Noble and Tajiri double team Billy but Chuck pulls Tajiri out and Noble runs into a tilt-a-whirl slam by Billy. Billy rips his shirt off but Noble dropkicks Billy's leg. Tajiri tags in and he kicks Billy in the injured leg. Tajiri hits the springboard back elbow, ducks the line and hits a savate kick. He covers for 1...2...nope. Noble tags in and he dropkicks Billy again. He too works over the left leg but Billy leg presses him over the top rope to the floor. Tajiri kicks Chuck off the apron and they double team Billy in the corner. Noble takes over on the leg with Cole babbling about Brock Lesnar and Undertaker coming up later. Noble gets in a leg lock but his chop pisses off Billy causing Billy to forearm him. Billy rallies with right hands but falls down selling the leg. Cole says the ref should stop this but Tazz says its too soon. Tajiri works over Billy with Noble distracting the referee. Noble continues to work over the leg as Cole bringing up The Hurricane and Randy Orton leaving for Raw and now all contracts are binding. Billy uses his good leg to kick Noble off him then delivers a flapjack. Billy gets the hot tag to Chuck who cleans house. He overhead press slams Noble and rips his shirt off. Chuck picks up Tajiri for the Doomsday Device and Billy hits hit. Chuck covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Talk about making something out of nothing as they told a good story here. Nidia throws another temper tantrum as Billy and Chuck celebrate with Torrie. Torrie beats up Nidia and spanks her with Billy holding Nidia's arms. Gotta love 2002 folks.

Time of match: 6:24

Winners: Billy & Chuck by pinfall

Cole and Tazz hype up The Undertaker vs Matt Hardy later as we got to break. When we come back, Smackdown NUMBA ONE ANNOUNCAH Funaki heroically knocks on Brock Lesnar's door for an interview. Funaki stammers through his intro and Lesnar manhandles him. Funaki asks if its true that Brock will not give Taker a rematch for the WWE title. Brock says Funaki was the only one to ask him to his face and Brock says he'll answer in public, in the ring. Funaki thanks him and says "see you in the ring". Uh oh....we cut to Stephanie McMahon on the phone lamenting the loss of The Hurricane and Randy Orton when Kurt Angle barges in. He thinks its funny what Stephanie did to Eric Bischoff and smart too. Kurt gets to the point and wants a rematch between him and Chris Benoit and Angle's mad that Chris cheated. Stephanie says she had something different as Rey Mysterio Jr walks in. He asks what the heck he's doing here and makes a child labor law joke. The hometown hero is going to be in a triple threat with Kurt and Benoit. Kurt asks why he's there threatens Rey that he's going to get the 1...2...3. Rey says he's going to give him the 6....1....9.

Funaki brings out the chair Undertaker used last night and gets in the ring as we cut to commercial. Back from commercial Funaki does his schtick and brings out Lesnar. Tazz "Here comes the pain". Heyman walks out with Brock as well and Brock is in wrestling gear. Funaki hands the chair to Lesnar and he throws it away and takes his belt off. Funaki drops the mic and starts throwing right hands that Brock no-sells. Lesnar takes Funaki's head off with a clothesline and a pump handle slam. Brock hits knees to the stomach, drives him in the corner and rams him into another corner. Brock hits an over the head belly to belly suplex and Funaki flies halfway across the ring. Lesnar hits the F-5 and Cole says we still don't have an answer if Taker gets a rematch. Lesnar throws Funaki out of the ring as Cole says its like poking an angry bear with a stick. Didn't really need to have this go on that long, he could have just beat him up in the back but oh well.

We cut to Torrie Wilson again in the back and Dawn Marie walks up. Dawn wants to congratulate Torrie on the win over the "nothing of a hillbilly" Nidia. Dawn says Torrie should take on her next time and Wilson just walks off. Edge makes his way to ringside for the next match.

Match 4

Edge vs Eddie Guerrero in a No Disqualification Match

Cole calls this the conclusion of a long rivalry as Eddie makes his entrance. Edge makes his entrance to a monster pop. Cole says Eddie won last night which kind of ruins who's gonna win this one. Bell's gone and they lock up to start. Eddie starts with punches in the corner and drops him with elbows. Eddie gets in a headlock but he shoulderblocks Edge down. Edge leapfrogs Eddie and monkey flips him as some girl screams bloody murder for some reason. Edge gets in an arm bar as Cole once again brings up there will be no more jumping ship. Cole says this started back when Eddie and Benoit defected from Raw months ago. Eddie covers with his feet on the rope as someone continues to scream. Edge reverses a whip and backdrops Eddie then hits a dropkick. A scoop slam by Edge is followed by an elbow to the chest but the cover gets a deuce. Edge locks in an arm-bar but Eddie counters with an enziguiri. Eddie stomps away then hits a vertical suplex before covering for a deuce. Eddie locks in a chinlock and screams "PINCHE BOLA DE MOJADOS" which translate to "Fucking wet balls". Edge powers out of it and hits a powerslam before going upstairs. Eddie stops him and hits a superplex. Eddie can't capitalize quickly and the cover only gets two. Eddie unloads with forearms but Edge hotshots him off the tope rope and clotheslines him over the top to the floor. Edge goes under the ring and gets a ladder, no disqualification after all. Edge goes to ram Eddie but Eddie ducks and Edge takes out referee Mike Sparks instead. Whoops! Eddie takes advantage with a forearm to the back and grabs a chair from underneath the ring. Eddie waffles Edge in the back with it and rolls Edge back inside. Eddie grabs the chair and clobbers Edge in the ribs with it before taunting the crowd. Eddie goes upstairs but misses the frog splash. All three men are down but Edge gets to his feet first. Eddie hits the spear and covers but there's no referee. Finally Mike Chioda runs in and counts 1...2...nooo. Eddie goes apeshit in the corner on Edge with strikes, then locks in a sleeperhold as the other referees haul off Mike Sparks. Edge powers out of it but Eddie ducks the line only to eat a facebuster. Edge covers for 1..2....nooooo. Eddie hits a top rope hurricarana and covers for 1....2....nooooo. Eddie works over the right arm and goes for the top rope arm drag but Edge counters with a sit down powerbomb. Edge grabs the ladder and throws it inside the ring. Eddie dropkicks the ladder into Edge's face. Eddie brings out a second ladder from underneath the ring as Cole asks what he needs that one for. Eddie hits a European uppercut that sends Edge onto one of the ladders. He puts the second ladder on top of Edge and hits a hilo onto the Edge sandwich. The crowd chants for Eddie as he covers for a deuce. Eddie climbs to the top of a ladder but Edge climbs up the other side. They trade punches and Eddie hits a sunset bomb off the top of the ladder for a huge pop. Eddie covers for 1...2...noooooo. Eddie sets the ladder up in the corner with Edge against it. He charges but Edge backdrops him onto the ladder. Edge sets up a ladder in the corner and goes to climb it but Eddie goes upstairs to get on the other side. Edge grabs Eddie and hits Edge-cution off the top of the ladder. Edge covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Eddie's head is busted open as Edge gets the duke and he walks away favoring his head. Eddie actually gets a standing O after Edge leaves. As good as this match was, there was one drawback. When Edge took that European uppercut onto the ladder, he legitimately injured his neck. He tried to work through it the next four months but it kept getting worse. Its a shame Edge lost so many years off his career due to what looked to be a simple bump off a ladder. This match was so good it ended up on three different DVD compilations. Viva La Raza: The Eddie Guerrero Story, You Think You Know Me? The Edge Story and Best of Smackdown: 10th Anniversary.

Time of match: 15:46

Winner: Edge by pinfall

How can you possibly top that match? By hyping up our main event of Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit vs Rey Mysterio coming up. Back from break we got Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd interviewing Chris Benoit who congratulates him on his win over Angle at Unforgiven. He asks what he thinks about the triple threat and Chris says "YOU SUCK!" Chris says the wrestler Kurt doesn't suck and he's a tough sonofabitch. Chris looks forward to beating him and Rey Mysterio. "Chris Benoit was born to hurt!". Matt Hardy is in the back with Shannon Moore and he says he beat The Hurricane so bad that Hurricane ran away to Raw. Matt says he can beat Hurricane and The Undertaker but Shannon says it had to more with Brock Lesnar than Taker. Matt calls him "Mr. Fancy Pants" and says he'll beat Taker without Brock's help....good luck with that. Matt leaves and Brock watches him walk away....ruh roh. Back from break Cole sends us to highlights of the Wrestlemania 19 press conference held in Seattle.  We're 6 months out but the date and location has been set. March 30, 2003 at Safeco Field in Seattle. Edge says he'll be there.....ugh. Taker says he'll be 11-0 after the show. Kane says freaks will rule at Wrestlemania. On to the next match.

Match 5

Matt Hardy vs The Undertaker

Hardy had been a thorn in Taker's side for weeks but as Shannon Moore pointed out, it was mostly due to Brock Lesnar. Something tells me Brock will remain behind for this one. Even Cole says Matt is just a pawn for Heyman and Lesnar. Bell's gone and Matt goes for a handshake. Taker shakes his hand and doesn't let go. Taker whips him in the corner and ravages Matt with knee lifts. Taker hits a big right hand but a charge in the corner eats boot. Matt takes Taker down and unloads with right hands and stomps. Matt hits the legdrop off the second rope but the Twist of Fate is blocked. Taker sends him off the ropes and puts his head down. Matt kicks Taker in the head but runs right into a chokeslam. Taker calls and hits The Last Ride and covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Before the bell even rings Brock Lesnar appears from nowhere and waffles Taker with the WWE title belt. Taker blades and Lesnar blasts him a second time to put Taker down for the count. Purpose served as Taker humiliates Hardy only for Brock to get the last word.

Time of match: 1:49

Winner: Undertaker by pinfall

Back from break we're shown Taker bleeding all over the place and staggering to the back looking for Brock. Brock gets the upper hand tonight but Taker will be looking for revenge. Now its time for the main event. Angle comes out first and cuts a promo saying Mysterio is an illegal alien and so is everyone else. Good luck saying that now. Kurt says Rey will need 911 and calls Chris Benoit an illegal alien as well. Finally let's get to the match.

Match 6

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit vs Rey Mysterio Jr

If you thought Edge vs Eddie was great, this should be great as well. Only problem is we only have about 10 minutes left in the show. Benoit enters second and stares down Kurt before Rey makes his entrance. Rey tries to get inbetween but Kurt piefaces him down and unloads on Benoit with a right hand. Rey hits a hurracarana on Kurt and uses Benoit as a launcing pad to kick Angle in the face, then bulldogs Chris. Rey covers Chris for a deuce and Kurt heaves Rey out of the ring. Kurt and Chris mat wrestle and Chris holds his own. Then Kurt hilariously knocks Rey off the apron to go back to another mat wrestling session. Benoit's turn to knock Rey off and Angle goes for the ankle lock but Chris counters. Angle tries to use the ropes to pin Benoit but Chris kicks out. Rey flips over Kurt and dropkicks Benoit then droptoe holds Angle. Rey leapfrogs over Benoit who avoids crashing into Kurt only for Rey to roll him up for a two count. Angle charges but Rey flips over him only to eat a back suplex from Benoit. Chris drops Mysterio and covers for a two count and delivers an inverted atomic drop. Chris chops Rey down and Chris delivers a snap suplex. A cover gets a deuce and Chris goes for a neck lock. Benoit picks up Rey and heaves him over the top rope as Angle gets back in to stomp away at Benoit near a pool of Undertaker's blood still on the canvas. Angle chops Benoit but Chris chops him back. Benoit runs into an overhead belly to belly suplex. Kurt covers but Chris gets his foot on the bottom rope. Kurt runs into a back elbow smash that drops the Olympian as Cole says these two rocked the house on Sunday at Unforgiven. Benoit hits two German suplexes but Kurt counters the third and hits two of his own. They block each other from hitting the third but Angle catches Chris with the Angleslam. Kurt pulls down the singlet straps but Rey springboard dropkicks Kurt through the ropes to the outside. Rey covers Chris for 1...2...nooo. Rey gets clobbered by Angle and throws him outside. Chris hits an over head german suplex on Kurt to end that segment. Chris gives the sign for the diving headbutt but Rey dropkicks him down. Kurt launches Rey over his head and onto Benoit on the floor. Kurt rams Mysterio into the barricade and throws Benoit back in. He chopblocks Benoit and locks in the ankle lock. Benoit gets to the ropes and Kurt dives on top of him only for Rey to hit a double 619 out of nowhere. Rey goes for the West Coast Pop but Kurt shoves Benoit into the ropes and Kurt catches Rey coming down, only for Rey to hit a sunset flip for a two count. Rey eats a clothesline but Benoit locks in the Crippler Crossface. Kurt rolls into the middle of the ring and looks like he's going to tap. Rey comes out of nowhere with a springboard legdrop on Benoit and covers for 1...2.....NOOOOO. Rey dropkicks Kurt into Benoit, Chris dumping Kurt to the floor. Rey springboards into a hurricarana on Benoit and hooks the leg for 1...2.....3 to win the match. They only had 9 minutes but did the best they could in those 9 minutes. Rey took advantage of the other two being hellbent on destroying each other to win the match in his home town. This match would be featured on the Rey Mysterio: 619 DVD later. Mysterio runs off with referee Jimmy Korderas as the winner as we go to the replay.

Time of match: 8:43

Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr by pinfall

Benoit and Angle are mad in the ring as we fade to black. That show started off slow with the Rikishi match and bikini contest then became an all-time classic. The No-DQ match is still talked about today and the triple threat was one of Rey's favorite matches. Taker vs Brock was heating up but...just like on Raw, an awful writing decision almost ruined the story but we'll get to that when it happens. The Smackdown Six was in full effect here as the show established that in ring work was second to none. Stephanie behind the scenes knew she had something here which is why she was about to create something on screen actually worth something. All in all if it wasn't for the bikini contest this would have been one of the best Smackdown's of all time even with the Taker squash. The feuds were in place and the action was great as we start the climb to No Mercy. The next house show would feature the stars of Raw this Saturday night in West Palm Beach, Florida. I'll see you there.

Monday, September 23, 2002

WWE Monday Night Raw (9/23/02)

Oh are there changes aplenty for the roster of Monday Night Raw. The fallout of Unforgiven and the march to No Mercy begins tonight. Last night The Unamericans angle came to an unoffical end after Booker T, Goldust, Kane and Bubba Ray Dudley defeated the three Canadians and Englishman. 3 Minute Warning ended up defeating Billy and Chuck but Eric Bischoff got his comeuppance thanks to Rikishi in drag....yeah. Chris Jericho retained his Intercontinental championship against Ric Flair which inexplicably caused Ric to turn heel on Rob Van Dam and help Triple H retain the World Heavyweight Championship. We have a new Women's champion as Trish Stratus defeated Molly Holly to get back on top of the mountain. So where do we go from here? Let's find out. 

WWE Monday Night Raw
September 23, 2002
Arrowhead Pond
Anaheim, CA

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler

Ring Announcer: Lillian Garcia

We don't waste any time, we get right to the first match.

Match 1

Molly Holly vs Victoria vs Trish Stratus for the WWE Women's Championship

Trish defeated Molly last night to win the title and show she has to fend off not only Molly but the insane Victoria as well. JR hypes up tonight's card which has Lance Storm and Christian defending the WWE Tag Team Championship against Kane and a mystery partner. We also got The Union Underground performing the Raw theme live with the Divas how times have changed. Victoria doesn't even wait for Molly to make her entrance as she attacks Trish right from the get go. Molly sprints to the ring and throws Trish down. Trish gets double teamed and scoop slammed by Molly. Victoria does a Sabu style leg drop and Molly is impressed, very nice. Victoria kicks Molly by accident and Trish rolls up Victoria for a deuce. Victoria executes a back slide but Molly kicks Victoria off. They shove each other but deliver a back elbow to Trish. Victoria whips Trish into the corner and Molly does her handspring elbow and Victoria does a shoulder tackle in the corner. Victoria slaps Trish down but Trish ducks the line and delivers a double clothesline. Trish rallies against both of them and does a neckbreaker to Victoria. Chick Kick drops Molly and she does Stratusphere to Victoria off the top. Trish goes for the Stratusfaction but gets thrown over the top to the floor by Molly in a nasty bump. Victoria sneak attacks Molly and covers for 1....2..nope. We got to the replay of the bump as Victoria delivers a vertical suplex. Victoria goes up top but misses the moonsault. Trish slides back in and O'Connor rolls Molly for a two before Molly reverses it for a deuce. Trish kicks Molly into Victoria and rolls her up again for 1...2....3 to win the match. Short and sweet but that was great for crash style. Trish used the heels incompetence against them to walk out still the champ.

Time of match: 3:18

Winner: Trish Stratus by pinfall (still Women's champion)

Backstage Goldust and Booker T are in front of a monitor with Booker T saying they have a special presentation for the babyface locker room. In the crowd are Jeff Hardy, Big Show, Kane, Bubba Ray Dudley and Steven Richards. Booker says they got something scary and hideous, Stank Wars: Rikishi's Ass Strikes Back. Its basically last night's Unforgiven with Eric getting his comeuppance from Stephanie McMahon and Rikishi. Everyone loves Eric getting kicked and stink faced by Rikishi. Big Show "Oh that's nasty." Goldust "I haven't seen anything that bad an unbearable since Chris Jericho's last Fozzy concert." Hahahaha. Goldust says as a special bonus he's brought a portrait of Rikishi's ass imposed on a picture of Eric Bischoff. All of a sudden Rico sticks his head through the curtain (??) and says "That's disgusting, that's despicable, I'm telling Eric!" Bubba throws an empty wrapper at him and he leaves. The babyfaces are happy but for how long?

Back from commercial Eric Bischoff welcomes someone to the Raw roster but we don't know who it is. Rico walks in as the person walks off and says "What's he doing on Raw? I thought he was on Smackdown?" Guess Bischoff made a trade. Eric "THERE YOU ARE!" Eric screams at Rico for taking off last night. Rico squeals on Booker T and Goldust and says everyone was laughing at him. Eric says he's going to put an end to that right now. Jim Ross calls Rico a tattletale as we cut to ring side. Ross calls him an opportunist. Here comes an angry Eric to the ring for a chat. Eric yells at the fans and says when he had Stephanie laid out by 3 Minute Warning, the Smackdown stars ran out to save her but last night he got beat up by Rikishi and no one saved him. Well, he DID send 3 Minute Warning away. Eric says he got a call from Vince McMahon as the crowd chants "asshole!". Vince has put a freeze on the contracts meaning no more jumping between shows unless there's a trade. Eric says he cut a couple of deals before the deadline which means if you're on Raw, you belong to him. Eric says he wants Booker T out there now. Booker hits the ring in street clothes and laughs at him. Eric asks if he thinks this is funny and Booker says "You damn skippy hippie. Just because you let Rikishi use your face for toilet paper, don't blame me." Eric says he doesn't know who he's dealing with and Booker says he's sorry and asks "After last night, does HLA still stand for hot lesbian action or huge lumpy ass?" Booker "Step back, your breath is heinous like a fat man's anus, NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKAAAAAAA." Eric tells him to stop laughing and to show some respect. All of a sudden Rosey runs in and starts attacking before Eric could give the 3 minutes cue. Jamal hits the ring too and Booker wards them off but Rico attacks from behind. Booker takes him down but the numbers game becomes too much and they kick his ass. Goldust hits the ring to save Booker and he delivers a double clothesline but Rico holds his legs. They beat down Goldust too as the crowd boos. 

We cut to commercial and we come back to Eric celebrating with 3 Minute Warning in the back and saying that's what he wants to see. Eric says he's putting Booker and Goldust into singles competition and Rico volunteers to take out Booker. Chris Jericho walks up and is mad at Goldust for making fun of Fozzy. Eric says he's putting Chris against Goldust in an IC title match and says let's go celebrate. Eric, Rico, Jamal and Rosey walk off but Jericho stays behind stunned Eric made it a title match. Jericho "I never said anything about an Intercontinental championship match, Eric!" On to the next match.

Match 2

Jeff Hardy vs Big Show.

These guys were sitting next to each other like 10 minutes ago and now they're going at it. JR asks who Kane's mystery partner is for later as Show makes his entrance. Jeff attacks at ring side before Show can even get in. Show headbutts him and throws Jeff down. Show throws him inside but Jeff hits a suicide dive. Jeff continues to attack but Show press slams him down. Referee Nick Patrick tells them to get in. Big Show rolls Jeff in and finally gets in to officially start the match. Show clubs away at Jeff and delivers a slingshot front suplex on the top rope. Show drops a knee and stands on Jeff for 1....2....nope. Jeff dropkicks Show in the knee twice to knock him down and clubs away. Jeff goes upstairs and hits the Swanton. He rolls Show over and covers but Show heaves him off. A charge in the corner eats boot but Jeff ducks the line. Jeff just bounces off him as Ross says when motivated, Show can take out anyone. Show executes a rib breaker and chops him in the corner. Show does a backbreaker and does a double leg drop. Big Show does a big boot and sends Jeff into the corner who goes for a whil o whisp but Show catches him mid-air. Show turns it into a choke slam and covers for 1....2....3 to win the match. Hardy had no chance and Show pretty much squashed him. It did tell a story with Jeff attacking him before the bell to take Show off his game but it didn't work. If they were building up Big Show for Triple H in the future, they're doing a good job.

Time of match: 3:25

Winner: Big Show by pinfall

We go back two weeks to Christopher Nowinski getting his ass handed to him by Tommy Dreamer. King complains that Christopher was unarmed and we go to Christopher for an interview. Chris is in a classroom and says if Dreamer has the balls to face him, he'll be there to teach him a lesson; don't mess with a Harvard graduate. We go to a commercial where Pete Rose yells at kids trick or treating as wrestlers until the real Kane shows up. They squeezed that gag for years. Back from break Kane is doing pushups as King says Dreamer has answered the call. Nowinski wastes no time and beats up Tommy with the singapore cane. Dreamer fights back and they brawl all over the place. Dreamer dumps a bookcase on him and rams his head through the ceiling tiles. JR "I've never seen a course like this." King "He should be expelled." Nowinski gets the upper hand but Dreamer throws him almost through the wall. Dreamer hits him right in the jaw with the cane and says "Class dismissed." Way to keep the hardcore without the actual matches. JR says he'll be in the ring to introduce the newest Raw superstar when we come back from break. Back from break, Steven Richards gets in the ring for a match and JR gets in to introduce his opponent.....22 year old Randy Orton. 

Match 3

Steven Richards vs Randy Orton

Guess the guy Eric was talking to earlier was Randy Orton because he's Steven Richards mystery opponent. King sings the praises of Orton as he goes around slapping hands. If they were trying the Rocky Maivia route, this is NOT going to work. JR and Orton shake hands as JR leaves. Bell's gone as King calls Steven a whacko. Steven "I'll show you" and they lock up. Steven gets the upper hands with forearms and a right hand. Orton arm drags and scoop slams Steven then delivers a dropkick. Randy covers for a deuce as JR sings the praises of Orton. Randy misses a charge and eats a back suplex. JR "He's 6'5, 245 and only 22 and if he doesn't get injured he's only the third second generation wrestler." Oh he'll get injured alright, but that comes with the territory. King brings up the cast on Bob Orton Jr's arm he had forever as Steven goes to work on the back of Orton in the corner. Referee Jack Doan yells at Steven as JR compares Orton to The Rock. Writing this over 20 years later, Orton did reach the top of the mountain of WWE but wasn't quite on The Rock's level, mostly due to he was much better as a heel, which is no shame at all. Back to 2002, Orton rolls up Steven for a deuce but eats a clothesline. Steven stomps on Randy and does a sidewalk slam for a two count. Richards does a snap mare and locks in a full nelson clutch. Ross and King bring up Randy going AWOL in the military and learned from his mistakes. JR says losing Randy is a blow to Smackdown as Steven goes for a rude awakening but Randy counters with a back suplex. JR "I don't have a tattoo on my back! What are you looking at my back for anyway, dirty old man!" Orton almost takes Steven's head off with a lariat and backdrops Steven. Orton goes for the babyface come back but the crowd chants "we want puppies!" Orton really is pulling a Rocky Maivia as he does his signature side backbreaker. He covers for 1....2....noooo. Randy eats an elevated DDT and Steven covers for 1....2....nope. Orton catches Steven with a powerslam but the cover only gets two. Orton eats a Stevie Kick and Steven covers for 1..2....nooooo. Steven covers again for a two count and he throws a temper tantrum, ripping his elbow pads off. Steven chokes Orton in the corner and sends him across the ring, but eats knee. Steve whips Orton up and over to avoid a charge and Randy hits the top rope crossbody for 1...2....3 to win the match. King "This kid is phenomenal."  JR sings Randy's praises again and its only going to get better for Randy. The babyface act isn't going to work but once he gets a character, the sky is the limit.

Time of match: 7:01

Winner: Orton by pinfall

We cut to the back to Ric Flair walking and JR says he owes us an explanation. Back from commercial, Lillian Garcia introduces The Union Underground performing Across The Nation, the Raw theme. As badass as Thorn In Your Eye was, that song was recorded in 1995 and its 2002, they needed a new theme. The band performs with the Divas dancing. Terri Runnells doesn't really look into it since its not a really a song to dance to while Jacqueline does her best. Lillian looks like she's just enjoying the song but Stacy Keibler being the former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader steals the show. Tremendous camera work has Stacy grinding on top of the camera to a huge pop. I know Jackie, Terri and Lillian were there for support but they were better off with just Stacy. That was essentially a waste of 5 minutes as King creams his pants, but at least Stacy made it worth watching. 

Here comes Ric Flair for a chat about his actions last night. Flair says Triple H made him realize something. He said Flair had lost his passion, his guts and his instinct. He even looked him in the eye and said he was pathetic. Flair says Triple H was right because he cared more about the fans than he cared about himself. He was trying to be a mentor to guys that didn't want his help or advice anyway. Flair says Triple H grew up wanting to be just like him which makes a hell of a lot more sense than him "idolizing Hulk Hogan" back in April. Flair sings Triple H's praises and says its his job to take him to another level. Flair and HHH are gonna ride as high as he can go if he wants it. Flair goes into classic Ric and says he's gonna teach him how to be the World Heavyweight Champion as long as he wants. He just wants to be by his side so he can end his career the way he started it, on top. A pissed off, taped up Rob Van Dam makes his way out as Flair laughs at him. Ric "You found out first hand why I'm the dirtiest player in the game." HHH attacks RVD from behind and sends him into the steel steps. Flair and Hunter double team Rob in the ring. HHH grabs a mic and says "You don't get it do you? You can't win, you are done." Bubba Ray Dudley runs in to help his ECW buddy and gets taken down by HHH and Flair as well. Bubba is sent outside and they continue to assault Rob Van Dam. Bubba grabs a chair and the heels retreat. What made this work was HHH always was better at being a classic heel just like Flair and having him as a mentor extends his cerebral assassin character. With Stephanie on Smackdown, DX gone and Vince off TV, HHH needed another heel to draw heat with and Flair fits perfectly.

Back from break Jonathan Coachman catches up with an irate Bubba Ray Dudley. Bubba says "enough is enough and he's tired of hearing and seeing Triple H. This is not the Triple H or Ric Flair show, this is Raw. This is the fans show. I'll be damned if I have to sit through one more HHH or Ric Flair speech." Rob walks out and says let's go kick their asses. The ECW guys walk into Bischoff and Eric says its MY show. Eric says they'll face HHH and Flair in tag team action tonight. There's our main event. Eric makes a crack that Rob's ribs will be a target for Hunter and Flair. On to the next match.

Match 4

Goldust vs Chris Jericho for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Jericho stepped up to defend Eric Bischoff's honor and takes on Goldust even though he's not happy Eric made it a title match. King says Goldust may not be 100 percent after being attacked by 3 Minute Warning but no matter. Bell's gone and they circle to start. Its funny how these two went parallel to each other as Dustin left WCW a year before Jericho got there and Goldust left to back to WCW in June of 99 a few months before Jericho made his WWF debut. Goldust slaps Y2J to start and delivers a drop toe hold. He hiptosses Chris and hits him with Ass To Mouth. Jericho gets a thumb to the eye and chops Goldust against the ropes. Chris goes for a dropkick but Goldust counters with a slingshot into the corner. King brings up Goldust is no stranger to the building as he fought Roddy Piper here at Wrestlemania 12. Hard to believe these days but Wrestlemania up until 2008 were held in normal arenas including the Hartford Civic Center, Madison Square Garden, Boston Garden and Arrowhead Pond. King brings up Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart as Jericho does a reverse neckbreaker. Jericho goes to a nerve hold as King quips JR about Fozzy. Jericho clubs away at Goldust in the corner but Goldust fights out of it. Jericho drops Goldust with an elbow to the face and trash talks him. Y2J stuns Goldust onto the top rope and chokes him on the middle one. Jericho jumps on Goldust as JR hypes up the main event and Kane's mystery partner. Jericho stomps away at Goldust in the corner but a charge eats elbow. Another neckbreaker gets a two with Y2J's feet on the ropes and they slug it out again. Chris eats a huge lariat and then another clothesline. Jericho runs into a modified Bossman slam for a two count. The Goldust Uppercut stuns Chris but Chris rolls through the Curtain Call. A powerslam by Goldust gets a long two count and he counters Jericho's bulldog attempt by crotching him on the second rope in the corner. Goldust goes for Shattered Dreams but Chris pulls the ref in the way. Goldust throws the ref out of the way as JR says that wasn't smart. Chris catches Goldust with an enziguiri and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Goldust almost makes it to the ropes but Y2J pulls him back to the center of the ring. Goldust gives it up and Jericho retains. Good effort by Goldust but Y2J wins it. Good match even if it was a spur of the moment type decision.

Time of match: 6:39

Winner: Jericho by pinfall (still IC champion)

Back from break we see Meredith Brooks in the crowd who had a number 1 hit "Bitch" back in the 90's. Some idiot next to her photobombs her which is kind of funny. The Unamericans hit the ring with William Regal in tow. Kane comes out and his mystery partner is.....The Hurricane?

Match 5

Kane and The Hurricane vs Lance Storm and Christian (with William Regal) for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Apparently The Hurricane has jumped ship from Smackdown which kind of renders what Eric said about Vince being unhappy with the brand switches useless. Either way we got a title match so let's get to it. Bell rings as JR brings up Kane's crew beating The Unamericans last night. Hurricane slugs it out with Christian and Hurricane sends him into the corner. Hurricane gets in a blockbuster on Christian and a neckbreaker on Storm. Kane tags in and cleans house, slamming Christian on top of Storm. Kane rocket launches Hurricane into the heels and Hurricane slugs away at Christian. Regal trips up Hurricane and pulls him outside only to get decked. Christian hits a baseball slide and they quickly triple team Hurricane. Back inside Christian gets a foot on Hurricane's neck. Storm tags in and the crowd loudly chants USA. The champs double team and isolate Hurricane and Christian gets a backbreaker on him. Kane breaks up the pinfall attempt and Christian locks in a chinlock. Hurricane powers out of it but eats a boot to the stomach. Christian delivers a reverse backbreaker and covers for a deuce. Hurricane rallies with right hands and delivers the Hurricane Elbow. Storm tags in but Hurricane gets the tag to Kane. King asks why Kane chose HIM of all people and Kane gets double teamed by Christian and Storm. Kane drops both with a double clothesline and goes upstairs. He hits the flying clothesline on Storm and signals for the chokeslam. Suddenly Test hits the ring to distract referee Nick Patrick and Regal waffles Kane with the title belt. Shouldn't the mask block the impact? Storm covers for 1.....2...nope. Regal and Test can't believe it. They go to rush the ring but Nick Patrick steps between them and throws them both out. Referees Jack Doan and Charles Robinson run out and shoo Regal & Test away. Back inside Christian stomps away on Kane but Hurricane hits a Hurracarana off the top. Storm hits a dropkick on Christian by accident and Kane and Hurricane do a double chokeslam. Kane covers Storm for 1...2....three and we got new tag team champions. Love how The Unamericans were on TV for two months and Hurricane beats them on his first night. JR calls them The Green Machine and the Big Red Machine. Kind of a weird match but it served its purpose as we have new tag team champions. The Unamericans storyline was coming to an end while Kane was being elevated for a reason we'd find out eventually...ugh.

Time of match: 6:27

Winners: Kane and Hurricane by pinfall (new tag team champions)

Backstage Terri is with the new champ and she asks why Kane chose him. Hurricane says they're the perfect match. They both wear masks, use the chokeslam and have great physiques. "Wazzupwitdat!" Hurricane says he's been looking for a sidekick then says he's only joking when Kane puts his hand over Hurricane's mouth. Kane says he picked him because he's a freak just like him and the Kane-enites. Kane says freaks are cool and Hurricane wants to celebrate. Kane kisses Terri and screams happily, yikes, don't tell Goldust. Hurricane says "All Ameri-Kane" and runs off with him. Kane being treated as a joke doesn't really work long term but it sure is funny. Coach is in the heel locker room with The Unamericans and asks what happened. Christian says the belts were stolen by American incompetence and they're not gonna take it. Regal says the only ones to blame are themselves and they don't want to whine like Americans. "Its time to regroup". Regal says the interview is over and PISS OFF! Ha! On to the next match.

Match 6

Booker T vs Rico

3 Minute Warning attacked Booker and Goldust earlier and now Booker gets his hands on Rico. Rico still has the Billy & Chuck theme but Booker attacks him at the bell. Rico slugs it out but walks right into an axe kick. Booker punches away at Rico and King says Rico is tougher than he looks and Rico punches back at Booker. Rico goes to work in the corner with punches and kicks and does the X-Pac Kid. Rico covers for a deuce and King says he wants to see a Rico-roonie. Rico continues to kick away at Booker but eats an elbow smash. Booker rallies with knock down blows but gets a thumb to an eye. Rico goes off the ropes but Booker counters with the axe kick. Booker does the spinaroonie and does the scissors kick. He covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Booker has no time to celebrate as Rosey and Jamal attack. Booker holds his own until the numbers game gets too much. Rico holds back the ref, Rosey holds Booker and Jamal hits the top rope splash. Goldust runs in and gets beaten up again in a mirror image of earlier in the show. Goldust does rally and uses miscommunication to get the upper hand on Rosey and Jamal. Goldust does manage to hit Shattered Dreams on Rico much to the crowd's delight but Rosey and Jamal once again gets the upperhand. 3 Minute Warning leaves Goldust and booker sprawled out for the second time tonight to establish that they're mean fellas.

Time of match: 2:06

Winner: Booker T by pinfall

Back from break Goldust and Booker are being hauled off by the referees. Eric taunts them and says Raw is coming to Houston next week and puts them against 3 Minute Warning. Booker says "You are what you eat and I think you're an asshole." King "He can't say that?" JR "He just did." We cut to Bubba Dudley and RVD talking about their match. Rob says he's passionate about facing HHH and Ric. "They took my IC title and my shot at the World Championship. They took everything." He says it doesn't matter if he's hurt, he's got nothing left to lose. Bubba is down with it as we cut to commercial. Back from break, its time for the main event.

Match 7

Bubba Ray Dudley and Rob Van Dam vs World Heavyweight Champion Triple H and "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.

The ECW guys face Hunter and Ric as JR says Rob's got a busted gut from the sledgehammer shot. Bell's gone and referee Earl Hebner tells everyone to clear out. HHH attacks Bubba in the corner but gets reversed in the corner. Bubba hits a backdrop and knocks Flair off the apron. Flair tags in and its been 4 months since Flair worked heel in London against the departed Steve Austin. Flair is wearing black tights with purple boots, so much for coordination. Bubba drops Ric with right hands and goes to tag in RVD to get him some, but Ric retreats to the corner to tag in The Game. HHH rallies with right hands in the corner on Bubba and tags in Flair. Ric chops Bubba in the corner but Bubba counters with chops of his own. Flair flips in the corner then eats a backdrop. Bubba tags in Rob and Rob goes to work with right hands and a spinning heel kick. Rob slugs away at Ric in the corner and shoulderblocks him. He monkey flips Flair and goes upstairs. He hits a dropkick off the top then drops an interfering HHH. He hits rolling thunder on HHH but sells his injuries. Flair gets a thumb to the eye and Triple H drops him with a clothesline. Flair leaves without tagging out and Hunter sets Rob up for a back suplex off the top. Rob knocks him off with an elbow but misses the split legged moonsault.  Rob does an enziguiri as both men make the tag. Bubba drops Flair and knocks HHH off the apron. Bubba backdrops Flair and delivers a samoan drop on HHH. He hits a sidewalk slam on Flair and covers but HHH breaks up the count. Bubba does a double clothesline and does double Dusty punches and a Dusty elbow to both men. Flair is no stranger to that. Bubba clotheslines HHH over the top to the outside and scoop slams Flair. Rob comes off the top with the wazzup leg drop and Rob says to get the tables. Bubba gets a table and throws it inside as Flair begs off. Bubba and Rob set the table up and put Flair on it. Rob goes upstairs but HHH sends him crashing to the barricade. Bubba punches HHH on the apron but Ric delivers a knee to the back. HHH snaps Bubba off the top rope and Flair rolls him up for 1....2...3 to win the match. Big win for Flair as a heel but Bubba gets up quickly to beat up HHH. Flair chopblocks Bubba and throws him outside. HHH throws Rob in the ring and gets the sledgehammer.  Bubba hits a low blow on HHH and heaves Flair over the top. Bubba powerbombs HHH off the side of the table....whoops! Rob saves face by putting HHH on the table and does a top rope legdrop through the table. Good to keep to kayfabe by not hurting his ribs and instead going for the legdrop. Bad match but it does set up the future with Flair and HHH as top heels, something Flair is very familiar with.

Time of match: 7:08

Winners: HHH and Flair by pinfall

We fade to black with HHH laid out and that was a pretty good Raw all things considering. We got two new faces in Randy Orton and The Hurricane and Eric is on the warpath after being humiliated at Unforgiven. We do have new potential opponents for HHH in Big Show and Bubba Ray Dudley as we head for No Mercy....and I wish we stayed on this path. Instead, Vince McMahon called an audible and what we got for No Mercy was 10 times worse than what this Raw was heading toward. But that's a story for another time. As of now we got new top heels, new tag team champions and two new faces. Smackdown's in ring work was second to none and Raw had to respond with characters. Kind of like WWF vs NWA in the 80's, which is what SHOULD have happened a year earlier. We also got Trish on the run from Victoria and Molly Holly and a feud between Tommy Dreamer and Chris Nowinski developing. We got a Smackdown and Velocity taping in two days but no house shows in between, so I'll see yall on Smackdown as they have their fallout show after Unforgiven.