Monday, September 23, 2002

WWE Monday Night Raw (9/23/02)

Oh are there changes aplenty for the roster of Monday Night Raw. The fallout of Unforgiven and the march to No Mercy begins tonight. Last night The Unamericans angle came to an unoffical end after Booker T, Goldust, Kane and Bubba Ray Dudley defeated the three Canadians and Englishman. 3 Minute Warning ended up defeating Billy and Chuck but Eric Bischoff got his comeuppance thanks to Rikishi in drag....yeah. Chris Jericho retained his Intercontinental championship against Ric Flair which inexplicably caused Ric to turn heel on Rob Van Dam and help Triple H retain the World Heavyweight Championship. We have a new Women's champion as Trish Stratus defeated Molly Holly to get back on top of the mountain. So where do we go from here? Let's find out. 

WWE Monday Night Raw
September 23, 2002
Arrowhead Pond
Anaheim, CA

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler

Ring Announcer: Lillian Garcia

We don't waste any time, we get right to the first match.

Match 1

Molly Holly vs Victoria vs Trish Stratus for the WWE Women's Championship

Trish defeated Molly last night to win the title and show she has to fend off not only Molly but the insane Victoria as well. JR hypes up tonight's card which has Lance Storm and Christian defending the WWE Tag Team Championship against Kane and a mystery partner. We also got The Union Underground performing the Raw theme live with the Divas how times have changed. Victoria doesn't even wait for Molly to make her entrance as she attacks Trish right from the get go. Molly sprints to the ring and throws Trish down. Trish gets double teamed and scoop slammed by Molly. Victoria does a Sabu style leg drop and Molly is impressed, very nice. Victoria kicks Molly by accident and Trish rolls up Victoria for a deuce. Victoria executes a back slide but Molly kicks Victoria off. They shove each other but deliver a back elbow to Trish. Victoria whips Trish into the corner and Molly does her handspring elbow and Victoria does a shoulder tackle in the corner. Victoria slaps Trish down but Trish ducks the line and delivers a double clothesline. Trish rallies against both of them and does a neckbreaker to Victoria. Chick Kick drops Molly and she does Stratusphere to Victoria off the top. Trish goes for the Stratusfaction but gets thrown over the top to the floor by Molly in a nasty bump. Victoria sneak attacks Molly and covers for 1....2..nope. We got to the replay of the bump as Victoria delivers a vertical suplex. Victoria goes up top but misses the moonsault. Trish slides back in and O'Connor rolls Molly for a two before Molly reverses it for a deuce. Trish kicks Molly into Victoria and rolls her up again for 1...2....3 to win the match. Short and sweet but that was great for crash style. Trish used the heels incompetence against them to walk out still the champ.

Time of match: 3:18

Winner: Trish Stratus by pinfall (still Women's champion)

Backstage Goldust and Booker T are in front of a monitor with Booker T saying they have a special presentation for the babyface locker room. In the crowd are Jeff Hardy, Big Show, Kane, Bubba Ray Dudley and Steven Richards. Booker says they got something scary and hideous, Stank Wars: Rikishi's Ass Strikes Back. Its basically last night's Unforgiven with Eric getting his comeuppance from Stephanie McMahon and Rikishi. Everyone loves Eric getting kicked and stink faced by Rikishi. Big Show "Oh that's nasty." Goldust "I haven't seen anything that bad an unbearable since Chris Jericho's last Fozzy concert." Hahahaha. Goldust says as a special bonus he's brought a portrait of Rikishi's ass imposed on a picture of Eric Bischoff. All of a sudden Rico sticks his head through the curtain (??) and says "That's disgusting, that's despicable, I'm telling Eric!" Bubba throws an empty wrapper at him and he leaves. The babyfaces are happy but for how long?

Back from commercial Eric Bischoff welcomes someone to the Raw roster but we don't know who it is. Rico walks in as the person walks off and says "What's he doing on Raw? I thought he was on Smackdown?" Guess Bischoff made a trade. Eric "THERE YOU ARE!" Eric screams at Rico for taking off last night. Rico squeals on Booker T and Goldust and says everyone was laughing at him. Eric says he's going to put an end to that right now. Jim Ross calls Rico a tattletale as we cut to ring side. Ross calls him an opportunist. Here comes an angry Eric to the ring for a chat. Eric yells at the fans and says when he had Stephanie laid out by 3 Minute Warning, the Smackdown stars ran out to save her but last night he got beat up by Rikishi and no one saved him. Well, he DID send 3 Minute Warning away. Eric says he got a call from Vince McMahon as the crowd chants "asshole!". Vince has put a freeze on the contracts meaning no more jumping between shows unless there's a trade. Eric says he cut a couple of deals before the deadline which means if you're on Raw, you belong to him. Eric says he wants Booker T out there now. Booker hits the ring in street clothes and laughs at him. Eric asks if he thinks this is funny and Booker says "You damn skippy hippie. Just because you let Rikishi use your face for toilet paper, don't blame me." Eric says he doesn't know who he's dealing with and Booker says he's sorry and asks "After last night, does HLA still stand for hot lesbian action or huge lumpy ass?" Booker "Step back, your breath is heinous like a fat man's anus, NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKAAAAAAA." Eric tells him to stop laughing and to show some respect. All of a sudden Rosey runs in and starts attacking before Eric could give the 3 minutes cue. Jamal hits the ring too and Booker wards them off but Rico attacks from behind. Booker takes him down but the numbers game becomes too much and they kick his ass. Goldust hits the ring to save Booker and he delivers a double clothesline but Rico holds his legs. They beat down Goldust too as the crowd boos. 

We cut to commercial and we come back to Eric celebrating with 3 Minute Warning in the back and saying that's what he wants to see. Eric says he's putting Booker and Goldust into singles competition and Rico volunteers to take out Booker. Chris Jericho walks up and is mad at Goldust for making fun of Fozzy. Eric says he's putting Chris against Goldust in an IC title match and says let's go celebrate. Eric, Rico, Jamal and Rosey walk off but Jericho stays behind stunned Eric made it a title match. Jericho "I never said anything about an Intercontinental championship match, Eric!" On to the next match.

Match 2

Jeff Hardy vs Big Show.

These guys were sitting next to each other like 10 minutes ago and now they're going at it. JR asks who Kane's mystery partner is for later as Show makes his entrance. Jeff attacks at ring side before Show can even get in. Show headbutts him and throws Jeff down. Show throws him inside but Jeff hits a suicide dive. Jeff continues to attack but Show press slams him down. Referee Nick Patrick tells them to get in. Big Show rolls Jeff in and finally gets in to officially start the match. Show clubs away at Jeff and delivers a slingshot front suplex on the top rope. Show drops a knee and stands on Jeff for 1....2....nope. Jeff dropkicks Show in the knee twice to knock him down and clubs away. Jeff goes upstairs and hits the Swanton. He rolls Show over and covers but Show heaves him off. A charge in the corner eats boot but Jeff ducks the line. Jeff just bounces off him as Ross says when motivated, Show can take out anyone. Show executes a rib breaker and chops him in the corner. Show does a backbreaker and does a double leg drop. Big Show does a big boot and sends Jeff into the corner who goes for a whil o whisp but Show catches him mid-air. Show turns it into a choke slam and covers for 1....2....3 to win the match. Hardy had no chance and Show pretty much squashed him. It did tell a story with Jeff attacking him before the bell to take Show off his game but it didn't work. If they were building up Big Show for Triple H in the future, they're doing a good job.

Time of match: 3:25

Winner: Big Show by pinfall

We go back two weeks to Christopher Nowinski getting his ass handed to him by Tommy Dreamer. King complains that Christopher was unarmed and we go to Christopher for an interview. Chris is in a classroom and says if Dreamer has the balls to face him, he'll be there to teach him a lesson; don't mess with a Harvard graduate. We go to a commercial where Pete Rose yells at kids trick or treating as wrestlers until the real Kane shows up. They squeezed that gag for years. Back from break Kane is doing pushups as King says Dreamer has answered the call. Nowinski wastes no time and beats up Tommy with the singapore cane. Dreamer fights back and they brawl all over the place. Dreamer dumps a bookcase on him and rams his head through the ceiling tiles. JR "I've never seen a course like this." King "He should be expelled." Nowinski gets the upper hand but Dreamer throws him almost through the wall. Dreamer hits him right in the jaw with the cane and says "Class dismissed." Way to keep the hardcore without the actual matches. JR says he'll be in the ring to introduce the newest Raw superstar when we come back from break. Back from break, Steven Richards gets in the ring for a match and JR gets in to introduce his opponent.....22 year old Randy Orton. 

Match 3

Steven Richards vs Randy Orton

Guess the guy Eric was talking to earlier was Randy Orton because he's Steven Richards mystery opponent. King sings the praises of Orton as he goes around slapping hands. If they were trying the Rocky Maivia route, this is NOT going to work. JR and Orton shake hands as JR leaves. Bell's gone as King calls Steven a whacko. Steven "I'll show you" and they lock up. Steven gets the upper hands with forearms and a right hand. Orton arm drags and scoop slams Steven then delivers a dropkick. Randy covers for a deuce as JR sings the praises of Orton. Randy misses a charge and eats a back suplex. JR "He's 6'5, 245 and only 22 and if he doesn't get injured he's only the third second generation wrestler." Oh he'll get injured alright, but that comes with the territory. King brings up the cast on Bob Orton Jr's arm he had forever as Steven goes to work on the back of Orton in the corner. Referee Jack Doan yells at Steven as JR compares Orton to The Rock. Writing this over 20 years later, Orton did reach the top of the mountain of WWE but wasn't quite on The Rock's level, mostly due to he was much better as a heel, which is no shame at all. Back to 2002, Orton rolls up Steven for a deuce but eats a clothesline. Steven stomps on Randy and does a sidewalk slam for a two count. Richards does a snap mare and locks in a full nelson clutch. Ross and King bring up Randy going AWOL in the military and learned from his mistakes. JR says losing Randy is a blow to Smackdown as Steven goes for a rude awakening but Randy counters with a back suplex. JR "I don't have a tattoo on my back! What are you looking at my back for anyway, dirty old man!" Orton almost takes Steven's head off with a lariat and backdrops Steven. Orton goes for the babyface come back but the crowd chants "we want puppies!" Orton really is pulling a Rocky Maivia as he does his signature side backbreaker. He covers for 1....2....noooo. Randy eats an elevated DDT and Steven covers for 1....2....nope. Orton catches Steven with a powerslam but the cover only gets two. Orton eats a Stevie Kick and Steven covers for 1..2....nooooo. Steven covers again for a two count and he throws a temper tantrum, ripping his elbow pads off. Steven chokes Orton in the corner and sends him across the ring, but eats knee. Steve whips Orton up and over to avoid a charge and Randy hits the top rope crossbody for 1...2....3 to win the match. King "This kid is phenomenal."  JR sings Randy's praises again and its only going to get better for Randy. The babyface act isn't going to work but once he gets a character, the sky is the limit.

Time of match: 7:01

Winner: Orton by pinfall

We cut to the back to Ric Flair walking and JR says he owes us an explanation. Back from commercial, Lillian Garcia introduces The Union Underground performing Across The Nation, the Raw theme. As badass as Thorn In Your Eye was, that song was recorded in 1995 and its 2002, they needed a new theme. The band performs with the Divas dancing. Terri Runnells doesn't really look into it since its not a really a song to dance to while Jacqueline does her best. Lillian looks like she's just enjoying the song but Stacy Keibler being the former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader steals the show. Tremendous camera work has Stacy grinding on top of the camera to a huge pop. I know Jackie, Terri and Lillian were there for support but they were better off with just Stacy. That was essentially a waste of 5 minutes as King creams his pants, but at least Stacy made it worth watching. 

Here comes Ric Flair for a chat about his actions last night. Flair says Triple H made him realize something. He said Flair had lost his passion, his guts and his instinct. He even looked him in the eye and said he was pathetic. Flair says Triple H was right because he cared more about the fans than he cared about himself. He was trying to be a mentor to guys that didn't want his help or advice anyway. Flair says Triple H grew up wanting to be just like him which makes a hell of a lot more sense than him "idolizing Hulk Hogan" back in April. Flair sings Triple H's praises and says its his job to take him to another level. Flair and HHH are gonna ride as high as he can go if he wants it. Flair goes into classic Ric and says he's gonna teach him how to be the World Heavyweight Champion as long as he wants. He just wants to be by his side so he can end his career the way he started it, on top. A pissed off, taped up Rob Van Dam makes his way out as Flair laughs at him. Ric "You found out first hand why I'm the dirtiest player in the game." HHH attacks RVD from behind and sends him into the steel steps. Flair and Hunter double team Rob in the ring. HHH grabs a mic and says "You don't get it do you? You can't win, you are done." Bubba Ray Dudley runs in to help his ECW buddy and gets taken down by HHH and Flair as well. Bubba is sent outside and they continue to assault Rob Van Dam. Bubba grabs a chair and the heels retreat. What made this work was HHH always was better at being a classic heel just like Flair and having him as a mentor extends his cerebral assassin character. With Stephanie on Smackdown, DX gone and Vince off TV, HHH needed another heel to draw heat with and Flair fits perfectly.

Back from break Jonathan Coachman catches up with an irate Bubba Ray Dudley. Bubba says "enough is enough and he's tired of hearing and seeing Triple H. This is not the Triple H or Ric Flair show, this is Raw. This is the fans show. I'll be damned if I have to sit through one more HHH or Ric Flair speech." Rob walks out and says let's go kick their asses. The ECW guys walk into Bischoff and Eric says its MY show. Eric says they'll face HHH and Flair in tag team action tonight. There's our main event. Eric makes a crack that Rob's ribs will be a target for Hunter and Flair. On to the next match.

Match 4

Goldust vs Chris Jericho for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Jericho stepped up to defend Eric Bischoff's honor and takes on Goldust even though he's not happy Eric made it a title match. King says Goldust may not be 100 percent after being attacked by 3 Minute Warning but no matter. Bell's gone and they circle to start. Its funny how these two went parallel to each other as Dustin left WCW a year before Jericho got there and Goldust left to back to WCW in June of 99 a few months before Jericho made his WWF debut. Goldust slaps Y2J to start and delivers a drop toe hold. He hiptosses Chris and hits him with Ass To Mouth. Jericho gets a thumb to the eye and chops Goldust against the ropes. Chris goes for a dropkick but Goldust counters with a slingshot into the corner. King brings up Goldust is no stranger to the building as he fought Roddy Piper here at Wrestlemania 12. Hard to believe these days but Wrestlemania up until 2008 were held in normal arenas including the Hartford Civic Center, Madison Square Garden, Boston Garden and Arrowhead Pond. King brings up Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart as Jericho does a reverse neckbreaker. Jericho goes to a nerve hold as King quips JR about Fozzy. Jericho clubs away at Goldust in the corner but Goldust fights out of it. Jericho drops Goldust with an elbow to the face and trash talks him. Y2J stuns Goldust onto the top rope and chokes him on the middle one. Jericho jumps on Goldust as JR hypes up the main event and Kane's mystery partner. Jericho stomps away at Goldust in the corner but a charge eats elbow. Another neckbreaker gets a two with Y2J's feet on the ropes and they slug it out again. Chris eats a huge lariat and then another clothesline. Jericho runs into a modified Bossman slam for a two count. The Goldust Uppercut stuns Chris but Chris rolls through the Curtain Call. A powerslam by Goldust gets a long two count and he counters Jericho's bulldog attempt by crotching him on the second rope in the corner. Goldust goes for Shattered Dreams but Chris pulls the ref in the way. Goldust throws the ref out of the way as JR says that wasn't smart. Chris catches Goldust with an enziguiri and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Goldust almost makes it to the ropes but Y2J pulls him back to the center of the ring. Goldust gives it up and Jericho retains. Good effort by Goldust but Y2J wins it. Good match even if it was a spur of the moment type decision.

Time of match: 6:39

Winner: Jericho by pinfall (still IC champion)

Back from break we see Meredith Brooks in the crowd who had a number 1 hit "Bitch" back in the 90's. Some idiot next to her photobombs her which is kind of funny. The Unamericans hit the ring with William Regal in tow. Kane comes out and his mystery partner is.....The Hurricane?

Match 5

Kane and The Hurricane vs Lance Storm and Christian (with William Regal) for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Apparently The Hurricane has jumped ship from Smackdown which kind of renders what Eric said about Vince being unhappy with the brand switches useless. Either way we got a title match so let's get to it. Bell rings as JR brings up Kane's crew beating The Unamericans last night. Hurricane slugs it out with Christian and Hurricane sends him into the corner. Hurricane gets in a blockbuster on Christian and a neckbreaker on Storm. Kane tags in and cleans house, slamming Christian on top of Storm. Kane rocket launches Hurricane into the heels and Hurricane slugs away at Christian. Regal trips up Hurricane and pulls him outside only to get decked. Christian hits a baseball slide and they quickly triple team Hurricane. Back inside Christian gets a foot on Hurricane's neck. Storm tags in and the crowd loudly chants USA. The champs double team and isolate Hurricane and Christian gets a backbreaker on him. Kane breaks up the pinfall attempt and Christian locks in a chinlock. Hurricane powers out of it but eats a boot to the stomach. Christian delivers a reverse backbreaker and covers for a deuce. Hurricane rallies with right hands and delivers the Hurricane Elbow. Storm tags in but Hurricane gets the tag to Kane. King asks why Kane chose HIM of all people and Kane gets double teamed by Christian and Storm. Kane drops both with a double clothesline and goes upstairs. He hits the flying clothesline on Storm and signals for the chokeslam. Suddenly Test hits the ring to distract referee Nick Patrick and Regal waffles Kane with the title belt. Shouldn't the mask block the impact? Storm covers for 1.....2...nope. Regal and Test can't believe it. They go to rush the ring but Nick Patrick steps between them and throws them both out. Referees Jack Doan and Charles Robinson run out and shoo Regal & Test away. Back inside Christian stomps away on Kane but Hurricane hits a Hurracarana off the top. Storm hits a dropkick on Christian by accident and Kane and Hurricane do a double chokeslam. Kane covers Storm for 1...2....three and we got new tag team champions. Love how The Unamericans were on TV for two months and Hurricane beats them on his first night. JR calls them The Green Machine and the Big Red Machine. Kind of a weird match but it served its purpose as we have new tag team champions. The Unamericans storyline was coming to an end while Kane was being elevated for a reason we'd find out eventually...ugh.

Time of match: 6:27

Winners: Kane and Hurricane by pinfall (new tag team champions)

Backstage Terri is with the new champ and she asks why Kane chose him. Hurricane says they're the perfect match. They both wear masks, use the chokeslam and have great physiques. "Wazzupwitdat!" Hurricane says he's been looking for a sidekick then says he's only joking when Kane puts his hand over Hurricane's mouth. Kane says he picked him because he's a freak just like him and the Kane-enites. Kane says freaks are cool and Hurricane wants to celebrate. Kane kisses Terri and screams happily, yikes, don't tell Goldust. Hurricane says "All Ameri-Kane" and runs off with him. Kane being treated as a joke doesn't really work long term but it sure is funny. Coach is in the heel locker room with The Unamericans and asks what happened. Christian says the belts were stolen by American incompetence and they're not gonna take it. Regal says the only ones to blame are themselves and they don't want to whine like Americans. "Its time to regroup". Regal says the interview is over and PISS OFF! Ha! On to the next match.

Match 6

Booker T vs Rico

3 Minute Warning attacked Booker and Goldust earlier and now Booker gets his hands on Rico. Rico still has the Billy & Chuck theme but Booker attacks him at the bell. Rico slugs it out but walks right into an axe kick. Booker punches away at Rico and King says Rico is tougher than he looks and Rico punches back at Booker. Rico goes to work in the corner with punches and kicks and does the X-Pac Kid. Rico covers for a deuce and King says he wants to see a Rico-roonie. Rico continues to kick away at Booker but eats an elbow smash. Booker rallies with knock down blows but gets a thumb to an eye. Rico goes off the ropes but Booker counters with the axe kick. Booker does the spinaroonie and does the scissors kick. He covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Booker has no time to celebrate as Rosey and Jamal attack. Booker holds his own until the numbers game gets too much. Rico holds back the ref, Rosey holds Booker and Jamal hits the top rope splash. Goldust runs in and gets beaten up again in a mirror image of earlier in the show. Goldust does rally and uses miscommunication to get the upper hand on Rosey and Jamal. Goldust does manage to hit Shattered Dreams on Rico much to the crowd's delight but Rosey and Jamal once again gets the upperhand. 3 Minute Warning leaves Goldust and booker sprawled out for the second time tonight to establish that they're mean fellas.

Time of match: 2:06

Winner: Booker T by pinfall

Back from break Goldust and Booker are being hauled off by the referees. Eric taunts them and says Raw is coming to Houston next week and puts them against 3 Minute Warning. Booker says "You are what you eat and I think you're an asshole." King "He can't say that?" JR "He just did." We cut to Bubba Dudley and RVD talking about their match. Rob says he's passionate about facing HHH and Ric. "They took my IC title and my shot at the World Championship. They took everything." He says it doesn't matter if he's hurt, he's got nothing left to lose. Bubba is down with it as we cut to commercial. Back from break, its time for the main event.

Match 7

Bubba Ray Dudley and Rob Van Dam vs World Heavyweight Champion Triple H and "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.

The ECW guys face Hunter and Ric as JR says Rob's got a busted gut from the sledgehammer shot. Bell's gone and referee Earl Hebner tells everyone to clear out. HHH attacks Bubba in the corner but gets reversed in the corner. Bubba hits a backdrop and knocks Flair off the apron. Flair tags in and its been 4 months since Flair worked heel in London against the departed Steve Austin. Flair is wearing black tights with purple boots, so much for coordination. Bubba drops Ric with right hands and goes to tag in RVD to get him some, but Ric retreats to the corner to tag in The Game. HHH rallies with right hands in the corner on Bubba and tags in Flair. Ric chops Bubba in the corner but Bubba counters with chops of his own. Flair flips in the corner then eats a backdrop. Bubba tags in Rob and Rob goes to work with right hands and a spinning heel kick. Rob slugs away at Ric in the corner and shoulderblocks him. He monkey flips Flair and goes upstairs. He hits a dropkick off the top then drops an interfering HHH. He hits rolling thunder on HHH but sells his injuries. Flair gets a thumb to the eye and Triple H drops him with a clothesline. Flair leaves without tagging out and Hunter sets Rob up for a back suplex off the top. Rob knocks him off with an elbow but misses the split legged moonsault.  Rob does an enziguiri as both men make the tag. Bubba drops Flair and knocks HHH off the apron. Bubba backdrops Flair and delivers a samoan drop on HHH. He hits a sidewalk slam on Flair and covers but HHH breaks up the count. Bubba does a double clothesline and does double Dusty punches and a Dusty elbow to both men. Flair is no stranger to that. Bubba clotheslines HHH over the top to the outside and scoop slams Flair. Rob comes off the top with the wazzup leg drop and Rob says to get the tables. Bubba gets a table and throws it inside as Flair begs off. Bubba and Rob set the table up and put Flair on it. Rob goes upstairs but HHH sends him crashing to the barricade. Bubba punches HHH on the apron but Ric delivers a knee to the back. HHH snaps Bubba off the top rope and Flair rolls him up for 1....2...3 to win the match. Big win for Flair as a heel but Bubba gets up quickly to beat up HHH. Flair chopblocks Bubba and throws him outside. HHH throws Rob in the ring and gets the sledgehammer.  Bubba hits a low blow on HHH and heaves Flair over the top. Bubba powerbombs HHH off the side of the table....whoops! Rob saves face by putting HHH on the table and does a top rope legdrop through the table. Good to keep to kayfabe by not hurting his ribs and instead going for the legdrop. Bad match but it does set up the future with Flair and HHH as top heels, something Flair is very familiar with.

Time of match: 7:08

Winners: HHH and Flair by pinfall

We fade to black with HHH laid out and that was a pretty good Raw all things considering. We got two new faces in Randy Orton and The Hurricane and Eric is on the warpath after being humiliated at Unforgiven. We do have new potential opponents for HHH in Big Show and Bubba Ray Dudley as we head for No Mercy....and I wish we stayed on this path. Instead, Vince McMahon called an audible and what we got for No Mercy was 10 times worse than what this Raw was heading toward. But that's a story for another time. As of now we got new top heels, new tag team champions and two new faces. Smackdown's in ring work was second to none and Raw had to respond with characters. Kind of like WWF vs NWA in the 80's, which is what SHOULD have happened a year earlier. We also got Trish on the run from Victoria and Molly Holly and a feud between Tommy Dreamer and Chris Nowinski developing. We got a Smackdown and Velocity taping in two days but no house shows in between, so I'll see yall on Smackdown as they have their fallout show after Unforgiven.

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