Pepsi Center
Denver, CO
September 16, 2002
Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler
Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia
We are six days away from Unforgiven and the big showdown between WWE Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam and World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. Obviously they don't want to have champion vs champion so there might be some chicanery tonight with Rob Van Dam. We also have zero other matches signed for Unforgiven, so they're going to have to do something drastic to fill out the card. Before we get to anything, we have our dark matches and European Heat matches.
Dark Match 1
Tommy Dreamer and Mark Jindrak against Christopher Nowinsky and Doug Schaeffer
Who the hell is Doug Schaeffer? Nobody seems to know, must have been a local that never really went further than this. At least he got his one moment of glory on a WWE card even if Jindrak and Dreamer won the match.
Winners: Dreamer and Jindrak
Dark Match 2
Justin Credible vs Ryan
Who the hell is Ryan? Nobody knows. Just like Doug Schaeffer, he must have been a Colorado local lost to time. Credible wins.
Winner: Credible
Now for the European Heat exclusive matches.
Match 1
Raven vs Goldust
Goldust wins this one.
Winner: Goldust
Match 2
Johnny Stamboli vs Big Show
This stems from last week where Show shoved Stamboli against a wall. This time Show wins it.
Winner: Show
Match 3
D-Lo Brown vs Steven Richards
Heat's top star D-Lo Brown actually loses to Richards. What hornswoggle is this?
Winner: Richards
Now let's start the show. To show how this is all about the McMahon family and nothing else, the opening vignette is Eric Bischoff's reveal on Smackdown and the attack on Stephanie McMahon by 3 Minute Warning. Billy & Chuck are shown very briefly. We then join Eric Bischoff doing a parody of the Simpsons sitting in the middle of the ring in pitch black darkness saying you might recognize him from other shows. Bischoff says his appearance on Smackdown was a one time shot but the good news is he's back on Raw. He didn't come alone as he introduces his new henchman, Rico. Rico appears out of the darkness and says hello. Bischoff rewards him with a match against "Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Rico says "Woooooo". Eric says controversy creates cash and he's got a special evening planned out tonight. Since his two champions are facing each other at Unforgiven, they're going to defend their titles tonight against opponents of Eric's choice. Eric says he'll be damned if he's accused of predictable television, he'll leave that to Smackdown. Well, it was definitely predictable that you weren't going to have your IC Champ face the World Champ so you know Rob Van Dam is going to get screwed tonight.
After our intro, JR and King welcome us to the show....and here comes Triple H for another soliloquy. HHH says he's been hearing the same damn thing for a week now, Rob Van Dam is going to beat him. HHH says he doesn't sweat Rob Van Dam or scared of him. HHH says the fans need to realize that RVD is not championship material. Hunter says he got lucky with one frogsplash but he can't cut the mustard. HHH calls himself the greatest World Heavyweight Champion of all time because he's got the body, the talent and the brains. HHH says he's sick of hearing the RVD chants with the crowd starting a chant on cue. HHH gets irate saying he's the champion, the game and that damn....oh wait, here comes Rob Van Dam for a rebuttal. Rob says "Dude, you are seriously stressed out." Rob says anger is a negativity and he needs to shave it right now. Rob says HHH is angered by Rob's cool moves and that's why fans love him. Rob calls himself amazing and HHH sarcastically agrees. HHH says he's right about being angry. Hunter says the anger is a gift that made him world heavyweight champion. I highly doubt him getting angry is the reason Eric Bischoff handed him the title, unless he meant his anger beat Ric Flair two weeks ago? HHH says the anger is why he sells out arenas and pay-per-views. Rob says he's not taking away his accomplishments and congratulates on his successes so far. Rob likes HHH's style and he can really spit water. Rob mocks HHH's ring entrance and sarcastically says that takes talent. HHH laughs it off and says he's a funny guy and sees why people love RVD. HHH says RVD is just like the fans, gross underachievers. HHH calls out RVD for making jokes because for all his style, he's not going to amount to anything. HHH says he's not championship material and will never be a world champion. Rob says "Nowwww I see what this is all about. You're upset because my fans aren't cheering for you. No offense, don't take it personal, but the fans are too busy cheering the next world champion Rob...Van...Dam!" Rob really had no counter here but HHH goes for the kick, but Rob blocks it, steps over and hits the heel kick. Rob leaves HHH laying as he leaves. I know Rob's gimmick was he was an uncaring stoner but when HHH was hitting him with facts, Rob just shrugged it off.
Back from commercial the International Organization of Women are outside the arena protesting Eric Bischoff's mistreatment of women. Can't say you didn't see it coming after he had 3 Minute Warning legit pulverize two women last week, then Stephanie on Smackdown. On to the next match.
Match 1
Rico vs "Nature Boy" Ric Flair
Ross says 21 years ago tomorrow, Ric Flair defeated Dusty Rhodes for his first NWA Championship. Lawler says Flair is the past and Rico (turning 41 in fifteen days) is the future. Bell rings as Ross says this is Rico's biggest match against a legend. They lock up and Flair takes him down to start. Flair gets a snap mare and a knee drop. Ric hits a headlock takeover and says Wooooo. Rico gets knees to the ribs then drops Ric with a shoulderblock. Ric hiptosses Rico and hits another headlock takeover. Rico hits the JCVD kick and rams him in the buckle. Rico kicks away in the corner including the Sean Waltman combo. Rico covers for 1..2...no. Rico backdrops Flair and kicks away at him. Rico's charge in the corner eats elbow and Flair chops him. Ric drops Rico with a back elbow smash and stomps away at him. Rico goes outside and grabs a chair, Ric stops him with a chop on the apron. Ric suplexes Rico back in the ring and covers for 1..2....no. Flair chops Rico in the corner and punches away at him. Flair accidentally socks referee Charles Robinson and kicks the chair out of the ring. Rico hits a spinning kick and covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Flair held onto the bottom rope and Charles totally missed it. The announcers ignore the fact Flair had the rope so he might not have been supposed to do that. JR says Flair's hesitation cost him the match and Lawler can't believe Rico won. Not off to a good start when you have Flair trying to put over Rico.
Time of match: 3:59
Winner: Rico by pinfall
Backstage Terri Runnels is with Booker T. She asks what it'll be like to face his former tag team partner Test and he tries to speak French, failing miserably, making himself last. Booker had to go to summer school and he's going to show up and pass the Test with flying colors. Booker won't be the number 2 pencil. he's the FIVE TIME WCW Champion. Can you dig that SUCKKKKAAAAAA. Back from commercial the protestors are still walking in a circle outside the arena. Security won't let them in so they're going to protest in the entrance. On to the next match.
Match 2
Booker T vs Test
These two were former tag team champions and team USA is a man down with Bradshaw out 4 to 6 months with a torn bicep. Booker attacks at the bell and they slug it out to start. Booker hits a flying forearm and chops away at him. Booker went for a bulldog at the moment Test tried for a sidewalk slam and they both go down. Test recovers with right hands as JR explains Test and Booker T won the WCW Tag Titles (after WWE bought it of course) during the Alliance run. Test kicks away at Booker then punches away in the corner. Test sends Booker into the corner and nails a running clothesline. Test covers for 1..2...no. Test locks in an arm-bar but Booker kicks his way out of it. Booker runs right into a back elbow smash and Test covers for 1...2..no. Booker hits a flying clothesline and chops away at Test against the ropes. Booker hits a heel kick but Test gets a knee to the ribs. Booker drops a leg between the thighs of Test and the axe kick. Booker calls for the spinaroonie and does it, but misses the scissors kick. Test goes for the pump handle slam but Booker lands on the apron. Booker shoulderblocks Test and hits the scissors kick from the apron. Booker goes upstairs and hits the missile dropkick, covering for 1..2...no. Test hits the pumphandle slam and covers for 1...2....NOOOOOO, Test can't believe it as Booker kicked out. Booker hits a frankensteiner but walks into an elbow. Booker ducks under the big boot and sunset flips Test for 1...2...3 to win the match. Test again can't believe it as Booker gets the duke. Kind of a sloppy match but big win for Booker.
Time of match: 5:54
Winner: Booker by pinfall
Terri is with a downtrodden Ric Flair and asks what happened earlier. Ric goes to answer but here's HHH to interrupt. HHH says Ric is humiliated and embarrassed. HHH asks what is the matter with him and says he used to idolize Flair. He can't believe this is the same guy that won the WHC 16 times. HHH says Flair just lost to a guy that can't even hold his jock and Flair has lost it. He tells Ric to just retire because he's pathetic. Ric says what's pathetic is walking around with the WHC without earning and doesn't know what he's about or capable of. HHH says he does know as we go to break.
Back from commercial Jonathan Coachman is with the protestors and the leader named Rebecca says the treatment of women from Raw is deplorable and she wants to talk to Eric Bischoff. On to the next match.
Match 3
The Dudley Boys (Spike and Bubba Ray) vs Lance Storm and Christian for the WWE Tag Team Championship
Dudleys somehow get a title shot but since the company is devoid of actual tag teams, it makes sense. Lawler asks what's on the minds of women outside the arena and Ross has no idea. We're about forty minutes into the show and Lawler hasn't made one sexist remark yet, amazing what happens when there's no garbage writing to trigger him for once. Bubba starts with Lance as the crowd chants for tables early. Lance gets a headlock and Bubba hits a suplex on him. Lance misses a clothesline and Bubba hits a back suplex. Bubba pounds away on Lance in the corner and ties him in the tree of woe. Bubba clotheslines Christian off the apron and makes the tag to Spike. Spike comes off the top with an axehandle smash and hits a bulldog on Storm. Spike hits an inverted atomic drop and clothesline, covering for 1...2..no, Christian breaks it up. Spike nails Christian to the outside but Storm whips Spike sternum first into the corner. Christian tags in and blatantly chokes Spike while Storm goes and gets a table unprovoked. Bubba complains, which is even more bizarre, as Storm blind tags in to hit a running powerslam. Storm covers for 1..2...no, Christian tags in. Christian kicks Spike in the ribs and chokes him on the second rope. Storm gets some cheap shots on the outside and Christian covers again for 1..2...no. Storm tags in but gets caught in a headscissors. Spike crawls over to Bubba but Christian distracts the ref so he doesn't see the tag. While Earl Hebner shoos Bubba out of the ring, Christian and Lance double team Spike. Christian stays in and hits a backbreaker, then covers for 1..2...no. Christian snap mares Spike, kicks him in the back and locks in a chinlock. Spike cradles up Christian for 1...2...no. Storm tags in and knees Spike in the ribs. Lance gets in a hammerlock but Spike powers out of it, rallying in the corner with elbows. Spike hits an enziguiri and tags in Bubba. Bubba cleans house of Christian and Storm, hitting a sidewalk slam on Christian. Bubba flapjacks Storm and whips him into Christian. Storm moves and Bubba splashes Christian. Storm clotheslines Christian by accident and Bubba scoop slams him. Spike hits the wazzup headbutt and Bubba tells him to get the tables. Spike goes outside and Bubba hits the Dusty Punches to Storm. Christian gets speared by Bubba but Storm pulls him outside. Storm superkicks Bubba outside and Spike gets double powerbombed through a table with Hebner checking on Bubba. Speaking of which, he hits a Bubba Bomb but now Hebner is outside with Spike. Bubba backdrops Storm over the top to the floor but Christian rolls him up for 1..2....3 to win the match. Spike is hauled off on a gurney with the Unamericans retaining. I know Hebner had to do what he did so the spots could work but that's on the guys in the ring for making him look like an idiot.
Time of match: 8:32
Winners: Storm & Christian by pinfall (still Tag Team Champions)
Eric Bischoff is in the back with Chris Jericho, naming him the Intercontinental championship number one contender. Suddenly the security dude walks up and says protestors want to see him. Eric says he'll meet with them "in a few minutes". Oh dear....on to commercial. Back from break Spike is about to be loaded into an ambulance and Triple H shows up just to laugh at him. On to the next match.
Match 4
Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
You knew RVD wasn't walking into Unforgiven as the IC champ, it was just a question of who was taking it off of him. Bell rings and they circle to start. Jericho gets in a headlock and a shoulderblock before running right into a spinning heel kick. Rob flips over Jericho as Ross says if the protestors win, there's no women's title match tonight. Oh no...what will we ever do. Rob hits the reverse enziguiri but Jericho hits a running forearm. Jericho hits a back suplex and a chop to Rob's chest. Rob catapaults Jericho into the second rope but jumps into a dropkick by Rob. Rob hits a springboard leg drop on the apron. Rob kicks Jericho in the head and goes to the top rope. Jericho kicks referee Charles Robinson into the top rope to crotch Rob as Lawler claims he didn't see it. Jericho hits a double arm superplex off the top rope and kicks the back. Jericho hits a side backbreaker and mocks the Hulk Hogan taunt. Chris hits another side backbreaker and locks him in a bow and arrow. Jericho lets him go and rams his head into the buckle. Jericho whips Rob in the corner but a charge eats boot. Jericho counters with a dropkick and locks in a surfboard. Rob powers out of it and Jericho runs into a double boot. Rob hits a crescent kic, then the rolling monkey flip, followed by the second rope dropkick, finishing with rolling thunder. Rob covers for 1...2...no. Jericho goes for the Walls and Rob cradles him up for a deuce. Rob whips Jericho in the cotner but Rob's charge eats boot. Rob steps over and hits the heel kick then goes for the five star. Here comes HHH to interfere and Rob cuts him off with a crossbody. Rob hits a top rope missile dropkick and the split legged moonsault for 1..2...no. Rob whips Jericho into HHH and Hunter flies into the ring. Rob drops HHH but Jericho sneaks up from behind, tripping him up. Jericho locks in the Walls and RVD taps. This is HORRIBLE booking. If you want the title off RVD, you make it a screwjob, not a relatively clean tap out. The match itself was fine.
Time of match: 8:46
Winner: Jericho by submission (New Intercontinental Championship)
Post-match HHH hits the pedigree on Rob Van Dam, just to show you he's got no chance....and also shows that Jericho doesn't matter either. Again, terrible booking as we go to commercial. Back from break the security guard says he'll meet the protestors in the ring. We then cut to Jericho celebrating with 2 champaigne bottles and gets congratulated by Eric Bischoff. Chris thanks Eric for the match and he wants Ric Flair at Unforgiven as payback for Summerslam. Eric says he's got it.
We cut to The Unamericans and William Regal says he's got Kane up next. Everything about America sucks, you know the deal. Storm, Test and Christian are on standby as Regal leaves. Kane walks in the back as we go to break. Back from commercial, on to the next match.
Match 5
William Regal vs Kane
Regal attacks before the bell even rings. Regal clotheslines Kane over the top rope to the floor and Kane press slams him back in the ring. Regal snaps Kane off the top rope and throws him to the ring post. Back inside Regal kicks away at Kane and punches him too. Regal chokes him against the second rope but Kane rallies with right hands. Regal clubs away with forearms and goes for the blatant choke in the corner. Kane rallies with right hands and a backdrop. Kane hits a big boot and a clothesline in the corner. Kane hits a second clothesline in the corner and a sidewalk slam. Kane goes to the top rope and hits the big clothesline. Kane calls for the chokeslam but here comes Test for the DQ. Saw that coming...
Time of match: 2:54
Winner: Kane by DQ
Test accidentally big boots Regal and Kane goes for the chokeslam, but here comes Storm and Christian for the four on one beat down. Bubba Ray Dudley comes in to help and then Booker T & Goldust. Kane chokeslams Lance Storm as the four babyfaces clear the ring. Booker grabs a mic and challenges them to an 8 man tag this Sunday at Unforgiven. Glad they're trying to add matches to a ppv 6 days out. Back to the IOW, security guard says come with him.
Back from break, Eric Bischoff is in the ring says he's going to entertain the protestors. The IOW comes to the ring and Bischoff looks bored. Rebecca grabs the mic and says this group of women exist to preserve their rights in entertainment. She can't even keep a straight face as she says Raw promotes Bra & Panties matches, mud matches and pillow fights. Then most recently they exploited HLA which causes Lawler to cheer. Eric grabs the mic and says he should have known. "I'm surrounded by a horde of lesbians. Hey no problem ladies, get it on!" Eric says everyone here wants to see HLA and he starts an HLA chant. King is giddy as Eric says its about their 15 minutes of fame. You see where this is going. Eric says he doesn't have 15 minutes when all of a sudden one of the women walks up and kicks him in the junk. The lady then reveals herself to be STEPHANIE MCMAHON. Good camera work to keep her out of sight during this whole segment. Stephanie says "3 minutes??" Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo hit the ring and hit a doomsday device on Eric. Stephanie cheers them on as Rosey and Jamal hit the ring. Rosey splashes Billy in the corner but Chuck superkicks him in the face. Billy recovers to hit the fameasser on Jamal. Stephanie, Billy and Chuck leave through the crowd as Lawler shouts for help. The fact no one came out was not lost on Eric in the storyline. On to commercial.
Back from break Eric says he challenges Stephanie to an inter-promotional showdown. Eric says 3 Minute Warning vs Billy & Chuck. If Billy & Chuck win, he'll kiss her "little" ass in the ring. If 3 Minute Warning wins, Stephanie has to perform HLA. Once again, its all about Stephanie in the end with Eric, 3 Minute Warning and Billy & Chuck as window dressing. Triple H then comes out for this main event match....but here comes Rob Van Dam to jump him before it starts. Rob unloads on HHH until John Laurinaitis and Fit Finlay come out to stop him. Rob grabs the WHC belt and waffles HHH with it. Finlay and Johnny Ace drag RVD out kicking and screaming as HHH is bleeding in the ring. Back from break, the mystery opponent is....JEFF HARDY!
Match 6
Jeff Hardy vs Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship
Jeff sprints to the ring and attacks HHH at the bell. Jeff ducks the line and drops Hunter with a flying forearm. Jeff damn near botches a second rope crossbody and hits a dropkick. Jeff blocks a pedigree with a legdrop between the legs. Jeff hits a dropkick and covers for 1...2...no. Jim Ross remembers when Jeff Hardy pinned HHH to win the IC title as HHH rolls outside to avoid the swanton. Jeff runs the barricade and clotheslines him down. Jeff hits the springboard moonsault in the ring and covers for 1..2...no. HHH heaves Jeff under the bottom rope and sends him into the steel steps. Jeff slides back in and Hunter stomps him in the corner. HHH hits a vertical suplex but Hardy counters with a top rope frankensteiner. Hardy covers for 1...2...no. Hardy's charge eats ringpost but Jeff hits a moonsault off the top. Jeff covers for 1...2...no. Hardy hits the twist of fate and goes upstairs, hitting the swanton bomb. Jeff covers for 1...2....noooooo, Hunter gets the foot on the rope. Jeff runs right into a sleeperhold and the ref drops his arm three times to end it....WHAT??? This is a thing now? HHH gets busted open and takes both Hardy's finishers yet Jeff can't survive a damn sleeper? This is getting ridiculous.
Time of match: 5:43
Winner: HHH by submission
HHH has no time to celebrate because here's RVD for the beat down. A spinning heel kick drops The Game and Rob hits the 5 star frog splash. Rob poses with the WHC belt as Ross shrieks he could be the next champion. Yeah...no. If you think HHH is being booked too hard, you have NO IDEA what's coming. Another lackluster show where the main players are HHH, Stephanie and Eric Bischoff....gee, what's wrong with this picture? Raw was in a deep funk right now and it looked like there was no end in sight. Even guys like Booker T and Kane were being put in a mid-card tag match to not steal the spotlight from the almighty Triple H. Our next show after this is the upcoming Smackdown in Colorado Springs. I'll see you there.
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