Thursday, September 26, 2002

WWE Smackdown (9/26/02)

September 26, 2002
San Diego Sports Center
San Diego, CA

Commentators: Michael Cole and Tazz

Ring Announcer Tony Chimel

We saw the fallout from Unforgiven on the Raw side and now we got the Smackdown side. WWE Champion Brock Lesnar fought to a draw with The Undertaker so that feud still needs to be settled. It looked like Edge and Eddie Guerrero finally had their blowoff but we are nowhere near yet done with Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. Jamie Noble is still the Cruiserweight champion and Stephanie McMahon humiliated Eric Bischoff with the help of Rikishi. Before we do anything, we have some dark matches that occurred before the Velocity taping. We'll save the Velocity matches for the actual Velocity show.

Dark Match 1

Horshu vs Al Snow

Yes, THAT Horshu from WCW. Born Matthew Weise, he was a WCW Power Plant graduate that shaved his head in the shape of a horse shoe and was a jobber for a couple of years. He was working the independents around this time and eventually would sign full time with WWE. This must have been a tryout match and Al Snow wins it with a snow plow. Horshu would come back two years later under the name Luther Reigns.

Winner: Al Snow by pinfall

Dark Match 2

Ivory vs Molly Holly

No idea why this was on a dark match instead of the Velocity taping but then again, women's wrestling was seriously lacking on Smackdown so this was probably throwing a bone to these two and give the live crowd something to enjoy. Ivory won the match.

Winner: Ivory

We open the show with a montage of Eric Bischoff getting humiliated by Stephanie and Rikishi before Cole and Tazz welcomes us. Speaking of Rikishi, he's in the first match.

Match 1

Rikishi vs Chavo Guerrero Jr

This stems from last week when Guerrero waffled Rikishi with a camera during the tag match which led to Chavo getting the win for Los Guerreros. Cole says we're getting a No disqualification match between Edge and Eddie later and Tazz says a bikini contest too...ugh. Bell rings and Chavo stalls to start. Rikishi chases him around the ring but Chavo kicks Rikishi once back in the ring. Chavo can't move him so Rikishi heaves him over the top rope. Cole hypes up the rest of tonight's festivities as Chavo comes off the top but Rikishi catches him and starts knocking him around with forearms. Rikishi goes for the avalanche in the corner but eats boot. Chavo hits a facebuster and puts the boots to him. Chavo works over Rikishi in the corner but its Rikishi's turn....until his charge eats ringpost. Standing dropkick sends Rikishi in the corner and he taunts the crowd. He goes to deliver a stinkface of his own but Rikishi headbutts Chavo's ass and he goes flying. Chavo pulls his tights up but runs into a backdrop. Rikishi rallies with right hands and a belly to belly suplex. Rikishi calls for the avalanche and hits hit this time with sends Chavo into the corner. Rikishi calls for the stink face but Chavo slides out of it. Rikishi hits a modified chokeslam and goes for the banzai drop. Chavo counters with knees to the gonads and covers for 1......2...nope. Chavo grabs the camera again but referee Jimmy Korderas catches him. Rikishi superkicks the camera into Chavo's head to knock him out. Rikishi hits the banzai drop and covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Rikishi gets a bit of revenge for last week although Chavo escapes without taking the stink face. Rikishi grabs a fedora hat and dances at the entrance way for no reason other than to entertain the crowd.

Time of match: 4:33

Winner: Rikishi by pinfall

We cut to Torrie Wilson lotioning up her body for the bikini contest coming up.....what do you need lotion for indoors? Back from commercial Tazz is in the ring and Billy & Chuck will be the judges.

Match 2

Torrie Wilson vs Nidia in a Bikini Contest.

What do you need Billy and Chuck here for? Anyway Torrie makes her entrance first followed by Nidia by herself. She flirts with Billy and Chuck with Cole noticing she's wearing sneakers. Of all the places to look, you look THERE? Tazz explain the rules, you got 30 seconds to do what you want and the judges give their scores. Nidia goes first and she starts dancing only to lose her gum on the canvas. She puts it back in her mouth which is BEYOND disgusting for anyone that's ever been in the ring as Cole laughs his ass off. Nidia pretends to be out of breath and Tazz asks what the judges think. Palumbo holds up a 6 and Billy holds up a 9....har de har har. Torrie is up next and she looks a lot more coordinated. Billy and Chuck give her a perfect 10. Torrie wins and Nidia throws a temper tantrum. Billy "She's hot but not Torrie Wilson hot." A complete waste of time, moving on.

Time of match: N/A

Winner: Torrie Wilson

Billy and Chuck celebrate in the ring with Torrie but here comes Jamie Noble and Tajiri. Oh....THAT'S why they were the judges. Noble cuts a promo complaining about the judges' scores and Billy & Chuck have no taste. Noble and Tajiri wants to challenge them to a match right here and now. I thought Tajiri and Noble were feuding? Billy and Chuck are in street clothes but accept.

Match 3

Billy & Chuck (with Torrie Wilson) vs WWE Cruiserweight Champion Jamie Noble and Tajiri (with Nidia)

We don't even have a ref in the ring yet as they brawl to start. Finally a ref gets in and the bell rings. Paul Heyman was notorious for impromptu matches in ECW so he must have booked this. Noble and Tajiri beat up Billy Gunn who's in a blue t-shirt and jeans. Then again, he should be used to wrestling in jeans. Noble and Tajiri double team Billy but Chuck pulls Tajiri out and Noble runs into a tilt-a-whirl slam by Billy. Billy rips his shirt off but Noble dropkicks Billy's leg. Tajiri tags in and he kicks Billy in the injured leg. Tajiri hits the springboard back elbow, ducks the line and hits a savate kick. He covers for 1...2...nope. Noble tags in and he dropkicks Billy again. He too works over the left leg but Billy leg presses him over the top rope to the floor. Tajiri kicks Chuck off the apron and they double team Billy in the corner. Noble takes over on the leg with Cole babbling about Brock Lesnar and Undertaker coming up later. Noble gets in a leg lock but his chop pisses off Billy causing Billy to forearm him. Billy rallies with right hands but falls down selling the leg. Cole says the ref should stop this but Tazz says its too soon. Tajiri works over Billy with Noble distracting the referee. Noble continues to work over the leg as Cole bringing up The Hurricane and Randy Orton leaving for Raw and now all contracts are binding. Billy uses his good leg to kick Noble off him then delivers a flapjack. Billy gets the hot tag to Chuck who cleans house. He overhead press slams Noble and rips his shirt off. Chuck picks up Tajiri for the Doomsday Device and Billy hits hit. Chuck covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Talk about making something out of nothing as they told a good story here. Nidia throws another temper tantrum as Billy and Chuck celebrate with Torrie. Torrie beats up Nidia and spanks her with Billy holding Nidia's arms. Gotta love 2002 folks.

Time of match: 6:24

Winners: Billy & Chuck by pinfall

Cole and Tazz hype up The Undertaker vs Matt Hardy later as we got to break. When we come back, Smackdown NUMBA ONE ANNOUNCAH Funaki heroically knocks on Brock Lesnar's door for an interview. Funaki stammers through his intro and Lesnar manhandles him. Funaki asks if its true that Brock will not give Taker a rematch for the WWE title. Brock says Funaki was the only one to ask him to his face and Brock says he'll answer in public, in the ring. Funaki thanks him and says "see you in the ring". Uh oh....we cut to Stephanie McMahon on the phone lamenting the loss of The Hurricane and Randy Orton when Kurt Angle barges in. He thinks its funny what Stephanie did to Eric Bischoff and smart too. Kurt gets to the point and wants a rematch between him and Chris Benoit and Angle's mad that Chris cheated. Stephanie says she had something different as Rey Mysterio Jr walks in. He asks what the heck he's doing here and makes a child labor law joke. The hometown hero is going to be in a triple threat with Kurt and Benoit. Kurt asks why he's there threatens Rey that he's going to get the 1...2...3. Rey says he's going to give him the 6....1....9.

Funaki brings out the chair Undertaker used last night and gets in the ring as we cut to commercial. Back from commercial Funaki does his schtick and brings out Lesnar. Tazz "Here comes the pain". Heyman walks out with Brock as well and Brock is in wrestling gear. Funaki hands the chair to Lesnar and he throws it away and takes his belt off. Funaki drops the mic and starts throwing right hands that Brock no-sells. Lesnar takes Funaki's head off with a clothesline and a pump handle slam. Brock hits knees to the stomach, drives him in the corner and rams him into another corner. Brock hits an over the head belly to belly suplex and Funaki flies halfway across the ring. Lesnar hits the F-5 and Cole says we still don't have an answer if Taker gets a rematch. Lesnar throws Funaki out of the ring as Cole says its like poking an angry bear with a stick. Didn't really need to have this go on that long, he could have just beat him up in the back but oh well.

We cut to Torrie Wilson again in the back and Dawn Marie walks up. Dawn wants to congratulate Torrie on the win over the "nothing of a hillbilly" Nidia. Dawn says Torrie should take on her next time and Wilson just walks off. Edge makes his way to ringside for the next match.

Match 4

Edge vs Eddie Guerrero in a No Disqualification Match

Cole calls this the conclusion of a long rivalry as Eddie makes his entrance. Edge makes his entrance to a monster pop. Cole says Eddie won last night which kind of ruins who's gonna win this one. Bell's gone and they lock up to start. Eddie starts with punches in the corner and drops him with elbows. Eddie gets in a headlock but he shoulderblocks Edge down. Edge leapfrogs Eddie and monkey flips him as some girl screams bloody murder for some reason. Edge gets in an arm bar as Cole once again brings up there will be no more jumping ship. Cole says this started back when Eddie and Benoit defected from Raw months ago. Eddie covers with his feet on the rope as someone continues to scream. Edge reverses a whip and backdrops Eddie then hits a dropkick. A scoop slam by Edge is followed by an elbow to the chest but the cover gets a deuce. Edge locks in an arm-bar but Eddie counters with an enziguiri. Eddie stomps away then hits a vertical suplex before covering for a deuce. Eddie locks in a chinlock and screams "PINCHE BOLA DE MOJADOS" which translate to "Fucking wet balls". Edge powers out of it and hits a powerslam before going upstairs. Eddie stops him and hits a superplex. Eddie can't capitalize quickly and the cover only gets two. Eddie unloads with forearms but Edge hotshots him off the tope rope and clotheslines him over the top to the floor. Edge goes under the ring and gets a ladder, no disqualification after all. Edge goes to ram Eddie but Eddie ducks and Edge takes out referee Mike Sparks instead. Whoops! Eddie takes advantage with a forearm to the back and grabs a chair from underneath the ring. Eddie waffles Edge in the back with it and rolls Edge back inside. Eddie grabs the chair and clobbers Edge in the ribs with it before taunting the crowd. Eddie goes upstairs but misses the frog splash. All three men are down but Edge gets to his feet first. Eddie hits the spear and covers but there's no referee. Finally Mike Chioda runs in and counts 1...2...nooo. Eddie goes apeshit in the corner on Edge with strikes, then locks in a sleeperhold as the other referees haul off Mike Sparks. Edge powers out of it but Eddie ducks the line only to eat a facebuster. Edge covers for 1..2....nooooo. Eddie hits a top rope hurricarana and covers for 1....2....nooooo. Eddie works over the right arm and goes for the top rope arm drag but Edge counters with a sit down powerbomb. Edge grabs the ladder and throws it inside the ring. Eddie dropkicks the ladder into Edge's face. Eddie brings out a second ladder from underneath the ring as Cole asks what he needs that one for. Eddie hits a European uppercut that sends Edge onto one of the ladders. He puts the second ladder on top of Edge and hits a hilo onto the Edge sandwich. The crowd chants for Eddie as he covers for a deuce. Eddie climbs to the top of a ladder but Edge climbs up the other side. They trade punches and Eddie hits a sunset bomb off the top of the ladder for a huge pop. Eddie covers for 1...2...noooooo. Eddie sets the ladder up in the corner with Edge against it. He charges but Edge backdrops him onto the ladder. Edge sets up a ladder in the corner and goes to climb it but Eddie goes upstairs to get on the other side. Edge grabs Eddie and hits Edge-cution off the top of the ladder. Edge covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Eddie's head is busted open as Edge gets the duke and he walks away favoring his head. Eddie actually gets a standing O after Edge leaves. As good as this match was, there was one drawback. When Edge took that European uppercut onto the ladder, he legitimately injured his neck. He tried to work through it the next four months but it kept getting worse. Its a shame Edge lost so many years off his career due to what looked to be a simple bump off a ladder. This match was so good it ended up on three different DVD compilations. Viva La Raza: The Eddie Guerrero Story, You Think You Know Me? The Edge Story and Best of Smackdown: 10th Anniversary.

Time of match: 15:46

Winner: Edge by pinfall

How can you possibly top that match? By hyping up our main event of Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit vs Rey Mysterio coming up. Back from break we got Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd interviewing Chris Benoit who congratulates him on his win over Angle at Unforgiven. He asks what he thinks about the triple threat and Chris says "YOU SUCK!" Chris says the wrestler Kurt doesn't suck and he's a tough sonofabitch. Chris looks forward to beating him and Rey Mysterio. "Chris Benoit was born to hurt!". Matt Hardy is in the back with Shannon Moore and he says he beat The Hurricane so bad that Hurricane ran away to Raw. Matt says he can beat Hurricane and The Undertaker but Shannon says it had to more with Brock Lesnar than Taker. Matt calls him "Mr. Fancy Pants" and says he'll beat Taker without Brock's help....good luck with that. Matt leaves and Brock watches him walk away....ruh roh. Back from break Cole sends us to highlights of the Wrestlemania 19 press conference held in Seattle.  We're 6 months out but the date and location has been set. March 30, 2003 at Safeco Field in Seattle. Edge says he'll be there.....ugh. Taker says he'll be 11-0 after the show. Kane says freaks will rule at Wrestlemania. On to the next match.

Match 5

Matt Hardy vs The Undertaker

Hardy had been a thorn in Taker's side for weeks but as Shannon Moore pointed out, it was mostly due to Brock Lesnar. Something tells me Brock will remain behind for this one. Even Cole says Matt is just a pawn for Heyman and Lesnar. Bell's gone and Matt goes for a handshake. Taker shakes his hand and doesn't let go. Taker whips him in the corner and ravages Matt with knee lifts. Taker hits a big right hand but a charge in the corner eats boot. Matt takes Taker down and unloads with right hands and stomps. Matt hits the legdrop off the second rope but the Twist of Fate is blocked. Taker sends him off the ropes and puts his head down. Matt kicks Taker in the head but runs right into a chokeslam. Taker calls and hits The Last Ride and covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Before the bell even rings Brock Lesnar appears from nowhere and waffles Taker with the WWE title belt. Taker blades and Lesnar blasts him a second time to put Taker down for the count. Purpose served as Taker humiliates Hardy only for Brock to get the last word.

Time of match: 1:49

Winner: Undertaker by pinfall

Back from break we're shown Taker bleeding all over the place and staggering to the back looking for Brock. Brock gets the upper hand tonight but Taker will be looking for revenge. Now its time for the main event. Angle comes out first and cuts a promo saying Mysterio is an illegal alien and so is everyone else. Good luck saying that now. Kurt says Rey will need 911 and calls Chris Benoit an illegal alien as well. Finally let's get to the match.

Match 6

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit vs Rey Mysterio Jr

If you thought Edge vs Eddie was great, this should be great as well. Only problem is we only have about 10 minutes left in the show. Benoit enters second and stares down Kurt before Rey makes his entrance. Rey tries to get inbetween but Kurt piefaces him down and unloads on Benoit with a right hand. Rey hits a hurracarana on Kurt and uses Benoit as a launcing pad to kick Angle in the face, then bulldogs Chris. Rey covers Chris for a deuce and Kurt heaves Rey out of the ring. Kurt and Chris mat wrestle and Chris holds his own. Then Kurt hilariously knocks Rey off the apron to go back to another mat wrestling session. Benoit's turn to knock Rey off and Angle goes for the ankle lock but Chris counters. Angle tries to use the ropes to pin Benoit but Chris kicks out. Rey flips over Kurt and dropkicks Benoit then droptoe holds Angle. Rey leapfrogs over Benoit who avoids crashing into Kurt only for Rey to roll him up for a two count. Angle charges but Rey flips over him only to eat a back suplex from Benoit. Chris drops Mysterio and covers for a two count and delivers an inverted atomic drop. Chris chops Rey down and Chris delivers a snap suplex. A cover gets a deuce and Chris goes for a neck lock. Benoit picks up Rey and heaves him over the top rope as Angle gets back in to stomp away at Benoit near a pool of Undertaker's blood still on the canvas. Angle chops Benoit but Chris chops him back. Benoit runs into an overhead belly to belly suplex. Kurt covers but Chris gets his foot on the bottom rope. Kurt runs into a back elbow smash that drops the Olympian as Cole says these two rocked the house on Sunday at Unforgiven. Benoit hits two German suplexes but Kurt counters the third and hits two of his own. They block each other from hitting the third but Angle catches Chris with the Angleslam. Kurt pulls down the singlet straps but Rey springboard dropkicks Kurt through the ropes to the outside. Rey covers Chris for 1...2...nooo. Rey gets clobbered by Angle and throws him outside. Chris hits an over head german suplex on Kurt to end that segment. Chris gives the sign for the diving headbutt but Rey dropkicks him down. Kurt launches Rey over his head and onto Benoit on the floor. Kurt rams Mysterio into the barricade and throws Benoit back in. He chopblocks Benoit and locks in the ankle lock. Benoit gets to the ropes and Kurt dives on top of him only for Rey to hit a double 619 out of nowhere. Rey goes for the West Coast Pop but Kurt shoves Benoit into the ropes and Kurt catches Rey coming down, only for Rey to hit a sunset flip for a two count. Rey eats a clothesline but Benoit locks in the Crippler Crossface. Kurt rolls into the middle of the ring and looks like he's going to tap. Rey comes out of nowhere with a springboard legdrop on Benoit and covers for 1...2.....NOOOOO. Rey dropkicks Kurt into Benoit, Chris dumping Kurt to the floor. Rey springboards into a hurricarana on Benoit and hooks the leg for 1...2.....3 to win the match. They only had 9 minutes but did the best they could in those 9 minutes. Rey took advantage of the other two being hellbent on destroying each other to win the match in his home town. This match would be featured on the Rey Mysterio: 619 DVD later. Mysterio runs off with referee Jimmy Korderas as the winner as we go to the replay.

Time of match: 8:43

Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr by pinfall

Benoit and Angle are mad in the ring as we fade to black. That show started off slow with the Rikishi match and bikini contest then became an all-time classic. The No-DQ match is still talked about today and the triple threat was one of Rey's favorite matches. Taker vs Brock was heating up but...just like on Raw, an awful writing decision almost ruined the story but we'll get to that when it happens. The Smackdown Six was in full effect here as the show established that in ring work was second to none. Stephanie behind the scenes knew she had something here which is why she was about to create something on screen actually worth something. All in all if it wasn't for the bikini contest this would have been one of the best Smackdown's of all time even with the Taker squash. The feuds were in place and the action was great as we start the climb to No Mercy. The next house show would feature the stars of Raw this Saturday night in West Palm Beach, Florida. I'll see you there.

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