Saturday, September 7, 2002

WWE at MCI Center (9/7/02)

MCI Center
Washington, DC
September 7, 2002

The stars of Smackdown came to the nation's capital to battle it out in this Saturday house show. Smackdown ended with a bang on Thursday with The Undertaker, Edge and Rikishi standing tall. Let's see how the house show circuit looks this weekend.

Match 1

Billy Kidman vs Jamie Noble for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Least the show starts with the cruiserweights going at it. Noble wins it with a roll up and hooking the tights.

Winner: Kidman by pinfall

Match 2

Horace Hogan vs Bull Buchanan

Yes, you're reading that right. Hulk's nephew got a few dark/house show matches here and there. Buchanan wins it with a top rope leg drop.

Winner: Buchanan by pinfall

Match 3

Reverend D'Von vs Batista

As we saw on Smackdown, its no longer Deacon Bautista. Batista wins it with the sit down powerbomb.

Winner: Batista by pinfall

Match 4

Billy Gunn, Chuck Palumbo and Rico vs Mark Henry, John Cena and Randy Orton

Cena and Orton teaming together, that would be a calamity years down the road. Still, the rookies team with Mark to face the impending newlyweds. Henry wins it with the powerslam.

Winners: Orton, Cena and Henry by pinfall

Match 5

Hardcore Holly vs Matt Hardy

A rematch from Smackdown where Holly got the best of Hardy. This time Hardy wins it with a twist of fate.

Winner: Hardy by pinfall

Match 6

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship

This was the same match they were running on the Raw circuit last week. The finish was Undertaker gets disqualified for walloping Brock with a chair.

Winner: Brock by DQ (still WWE Champion)

Match 7

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr

They ran the same match in last week's circuit but who the hell is ever going to complain about Rey vs Eddie. Rey wins it with the West Coast Pop

Winner: Mysterio by pinfall

Match 8

Tajiri and Chavo Guerrero Jr vs The Hurricane and Shannon Moore

2 thirds of 3 Count team up to face the makeshift team of Tajiri and Chavo. Hurricane pinned Chavo with the vertebreaker.

Winner: Moore and Hurricane by pinfall

Match 9

Rikishi vs Kurt Angle in a Kiss My Ass match

Same match from last week's circuit with the same result. Angle wins it with the Angle Slam.

Winner: Angle by pinfall

Match 10

Edge vs Chris Benoit

Same match from last week with the same ending. Both Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr interfered but Edge took it with the spear.

Winner: Edge by pinfall

Pretty much the same card as last week although it does sound pretty epic. Who would have thought you'd see Horace Hogan in a WWE ring even if it was just a house show. We're heading toward Unforgiven so let's see if the card changes on the houses moving forward. Eddie vs Rey is never a bad thing. Raw was having their own show in Rapid City, South Dakota so I'll see you there.

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