Sunday, September 29, 2002

WWE Sunday Night Heat (9/29/02)

September 29, 2002
Arrowhead Pond
Anaheim, California

Commentator: Jonathan Coachman

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

Always funny how Heat was taped before Raw and had to recap it in the past tense. Raw was actually decent this past week with the fallout from Unforgiven. Kane and The Hurricane are the new tag team champions while Bubba Ray Dudley and Rob Van Dam stepped up to face Triple H and Ric Flair. Booker T and Goldust have to deal with 3 Minute Warning and The Unamericans appeared headed for a break up. We got a three match card so let's get right to it.

Match 1

D-Lo Brown vs Shawn Stasiak

Stasiak had actually left WWE two days earlier but this was taped on the 23rd. This will be his final appearance for WWE. D-Lo grabs the mic and cuts a promo saying being on commentary was fun but he's back to working full time. Bell rings and Shawn stalls to allow the crowd to chant "D-Lo!" Shawn attacks Brown from behind and drops him with a back elbow smash. Stasiak runs into the corner and then into a backdrop. D-Lo drops Shawn with forearms and covers for a deuce. Shawn stun guns D-Lo off the top rope and rams his head into the buckle. Stasiak charges but eats knee but ducks under the clothesline to deliver a neckbreaker. He covers for 1...2...nope. Shawn does a snapmare and kicks D-Lo in the back to a chorus of boos. Stasiak hits a spinebuster and covers for another two count. Stasiak locks in an abdominal stretch and grabs the top rope for leverage. Referee Charles Robinson spots it and kicks the arm which causes D-Lo to hit a hiptoss. D-Lo rallies with elbows and a dropkick before scoop slamming Stasiak. D-Lo does his leg drop and covers for two. D-Lo misses a charge in the corner but hits a vertical suplex anyway. D-Lo catches Shawn with Sky High and covers for 1....2...3 to win the match. Bye bye Stasiak, he'd retire from the business to become a chiropractor. Coach says up next

Time of match: 4:05

Winner: D-Lo by pinfall

We cut to commercial and when we get back, we get the recap of a pissed off Eric Bischoff taking his frustrations out on Goldust and Booker T from Raw. We go to commercial again and when we get back we get WWE Snap of The Night which was Randy Orton winning his Raw debut. Its time for the next match.

Match 2

Justin Credible vs Johnny Stamboli

D-Lo is back on commentary for the rest of the night as Stamboli and Credible had been on opposite sides of tag teams on the house show circuit. They go one on one here. Bell rings and they lock up to start. Credible boots Johnny in the stomach and locks in a headlock. Credible runs into an arm drag and a scoop slam as D-Lo says Randy Orton will surpass The Rock some day....not quite, but close enough. Johnny hits a dropkick then locks in an armringer. Justin powers out of it and chops Johnny in the corner. An up and over fails and Stamboli powerslams Credible for his trouble. He covers for a deuce but Credible drops Stamboli with a facebuster. Justin rams Johnny's head into the buckle and attacks in the corner again. Credible stops to taunt the crowd but baseball slides nad first into the ringpost much to D-Lo's delight. Coach has the usual morons in his ear telling him to babble on about events on Raw so he has to start and stop a thought about Ric Flair when a big spot happens. Justin gets rammed into the corner and Stamboli rallies with right hands. Johnny hits an inverted atomic drop and a spinning heel kicks before covering for a deuce. Stamboli hits one of the worst Fuggetaboutits I've ever seen and covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Boring but got the job done to put over the new guy in Stamboli.

Time of match: 3:02

Winner: Stamboli by pinfall

After the match we get highlights of the Wrestlemania 19 press conference in Seattle before going to break. Back from break we get a recap of Kane and The Hurricane winning the tag belts on Raw before going to commercial again. Back from commercial the Boot Of The Week is Flair turning on Rob Van Dam at Unforgiven. We get a recap of Triple H and Ric Flair vs Rob Van Dam and Bubba Ray Dudley. Back from commercial its finally time for our main event.

Match 3

Spike Dudley vs Raven

The ECW alumnists go one on one although Spike is still selling a neck injury he suffered on Raw when he was powerbombed too far outside by Lance Storm and Christian where his head hit the ground while he was supposed to go through a table. Neither Coach or D-Lo give Spike a chance to win as the bell rings. They lock up and Raven rakes him against the corner but Spike surprises him with a roll up for a deuce. Raven slugs away at Spike as Coach and D-Lo sound like total dorks on commentary. Dudley stands on Raven in the corner and Spike headbutts him in the gonads. Somehow that hurt Spike more than Raven and Raven takes over by choking him with his boot. Raven snapmares Spike and drives a knee to the neck from the second rope. Raven covers for 1...2...nope. Raven does another snap mare and tells Spike to get up. Spike does a jawbreaker and goes for the Acid Drop but Raven shoves him away. Raven clotheslines Spike in the back of the neck and rams his head into the mat. Raven sends Spike into the corner but Spike ducks the line and hits the acid drop. He covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Spike steals one at the last second and didn't need D-Lo Brown's help this time. D-Lo says this was a hell of a sendoff for him on Heat. After the match, Raven hits the Evenflow to get some heat back much to D-Lo's dismay.

Time of match: 3:37

Winner: Dudley by pinfall

Coach and D-Lo sign off and tell us to join us tomorrow night in Houston for Raw. Kind of landmark Heat as D-Lo would be off commentary to go back to work while Shawn Stasiak is gone. Justin Credible and Raven were wrestling out their contracts so they wouldn't be winning too many matches either. Even though Coach and D-Lo said to join us in Houston, we got a house show with the stars of Smackdown to get through first. I'll see yall in Monroe, Louisiana for that. 

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