Saturday, September 7, 2002

WWE Velocity (9/7/02)

WWE Velocity
Resch Center Arena
Green Bay, WI
September 7, 2002

Commentators: Michael Cole and Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel

Smackdown was pretty cool last week plus we got an unintentional Easter egg with the guys who worked this show in the background of the Hardcore Holly/Shannon Moore/Matt Hardy segment. This should be a great show considering who's involved. Let's get to it. Cole and Lloyd welcome us to the show as we get to our first match. Lloyd says our main event is Chavo Guerrero Jr vs John Cena.

Match 1

Billy Kidman vs Albert

Velocity mainstay Albert takes on Kidman in this one. Albert is reeling after losing to Mark Henry so he faces a guy half of Mark's size. The crowd chants "Albert sucks" as Cole & Lloyd hype up the Billy & Chuck wedding...ugh. Albert grabs Billy Kidman by the hair then heaves him into the corner. Albert misses a charge and Kidman goes to the right handed strikes, but Albert drops him with a right hand. A charge in the corner eats Albert's boot and Albert hits his overhead backbreaker. Albert covers for Albert gets knees to the ribs and chokes him with his boot. Kidman kicks away at Albert's leg but Albert rushes Billy in the corner. Cole and Lloyd babble on about Brock Lesnar as Albert hits a double underarm suplex and covers for Albert goes to the chinlock then full nelsons him down. Kidman does manage to get in an enziguiri and two forearms. Kidman hits a tornado DDT and covers for  Kidman goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick, covering for Billy goes back up to the top but Albert powerslams Kidman in mid-air. Albert covers for Albert's charge in the corner misses and Kidman goes for the sunset flip. Albert puts Kidman on the second rope but Kidman half sunset flip, half rolls up Albert for 1...2...3 to win the match. Wow, Albert's on a losing streak. He does get some heat back by attacking Kidman after the bell, slingshotting him into the second rope. Albert hits the bicycle kick and leaves Kidman laying. Cole says the frustration is boiling over.

Time of match: 4:44

Winner: Kidman by pinfall

We get a graphic for Chavo vs Cena later as Chavo himself cuts a promo. Chavo brings up John's quote of "ruthless aggression" and Guerreros are born aggressive. He dares John to be aggressive as we cut. Back from break our recap is the Billy Gunn/Mysterio match followed by Chuck Palumbo's proposal. Cut to commercial again. Back from break its on to our next match.

Match 2

Funaki vs Mike Awesome

Mike Awesome really needs to get the hell out of WWE and go somewhere else. They're dropping the ball with him almost as bad as WCW did. They got him on Velocity facing Funaki when he should be where Brock Lesnar is. Funaki cuts a promo before the match saying SMACKDOWN NUMBA WUN ANNOUNCA. Funaki brings up Everybody Loves Raymond but everyone loves Funaki here. Mark Lloyd scoffs and Cole says he saw a sign saying Mark sucks. Awesome kicks Funaki to start and heaves him in the corner. Awesome misses a big punch and Funaki rallies with right hands. Funaki hits a second rope crossbody and covers for 1 then Awesome goes flying out of the ring after Funaki moves. Awesome pulls Funaki outside and heaves him into the steel steps. The crowd starts an ECW chant as Awesome throws Funaki against the side of the ring. Cole and Lloyd bicker with each other as Awesome hits a top rope clothesline. He covers for Awesome punches Funaki to the rope, Funaki kicks him and Mike clotheslines him down. Lloyd brings up Awesome came back from reconstructive knee surgery and still goes up to the top when he can. Mike goes for snake eyes but Funaki counters with a reverse DDT. Funaki kicks Mike in the leg and Awesome's charge in the corner eats boot. Funaki hits the bulldog and covers for Funaki hits an enziguri and covers for a 1 count. Awesome hits a sit down powerbomb to keep the announcers from talking about Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker temporarily. Funaki counters the Awesome Bomb then rolls him up for 1....2..3 to win the match. The former ECW Champion that laid a path of destruction until he left for WCW can't even beat Funaki? Behind the scenes Awesome wanted out and this was Vince jobbing him out. Cole sarcastically says Funaki is on a major roll.

Time of match: 3:29

Winner: Funaki by pinfall

Before we go to commercial, we get a graphic for tonight's main event. Back from break our recap is from the six man tag to end Smackdown with Edge, Rikishi and The Undertaker against Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle. Once again we go to commercial and when we come back, we get another recap only its the face to face between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar. We get another graphic for the main event coming up only its John Cena's turn to talk. Cena says ruthless aggression isn't a catch phrase, don't EVER count him out. Finally after one last break, its on to the main event.

Match 3

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs John Cena

The rookie against the veteran. Cole calls Chavo a "kid" despite Chavo being just four years younger than him and a spry 32 (next month) years old. They circle to start and Chavo backs him into the corner. Chavo misses a punch and gets arm dragged twice by Cena and tilt-a-whirl slammed. Chavo taunts the irate crowd and they exchange go-behinds before Chavo locks in an armbar. Cena ducks the line and locks in a headlock but Chavo slides under him. Chavo tries a crucifix but Cena blocks it only for Chavo to roll him up for a deuce. Cena backs Chavo to the ropes and Chavo punches John down. Chavo puts the boots to him and goes to work on the left knee. Chavo scoop slams Cena then rams his left leg into the ring apron. Chavo wraps the leg around the bottom rope and taunts the irate crowd. Chavo floors Cena with a European uppercut and chokes him with his boot. Chavo kicks Cena in the corner and again ties the leg up in the second rope. It looks like Chavo is going to deliver Shattered dreams but instead hits a dropkick. He covers for two then kicks away at the left knee. Cena fights back with forearms but Chavo hits a running elbow drop. Chavo applies a bow and arrow and turns it into an inverted STF. Chavo lets go and continues to kick away at Cena and hits another dropkick to the knee. Cena and Chavo exchange forearms in the middle of the ring when Chavo ducks a line only to be backdropped. Cena whips Chavo in the corner but sells the knee. Cena's charge eats boot and Chavo ducks a line. Chavo puts his head down and Cena cradles him up  for win the match. Cena makes a hasty retreat as Chavo goes nuts inside the ring. Lloyd says "where did THAT come from?' Oh, you have NO idea. Damn good match for what it was.

Time of match: 6:30

Winner: Cena by pinfall

We sign off here and that was a pretty good show. The babyfaces outwitted the heels in all three matches although the misuse of Mike Awesome was pretty criminal. Booking Albert as a goof is going to look silly down the road but Cena was definitely going to be special someday. All in all it was pretty good for Velocity standards. Tomorrow we have a double shot for house shows and Raw's show is in Cedar Rapids, Iowa at the US Cellular Arena. I'll see you there.

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