Thursday, September 5, 2002

WWE Smackdown (9/5/02)

WWE Smackdown
Resch Center Arena
Green Bay, WI
September 5, 2002

Commentators: Michael Cole & Tazz

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel

Smackdown got a big boost by adding The Undertaker & Brock Lesnar last week and apparently Crash Holly is on his way too. The number one contender's tournament made Smackdown stars look stupid so let's see if they can fix it this week. We begin with a recap vignette of last week leading up to Taker's win to vault him to the number one contender status. We get our intro before Cole & Tazz welcome us. It'll be The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE title at Unforgiven but they're going face to face tonight. On to our first match.

Match 1

Billy Gunn (with Rico & Chuck Palumbo) vs Rey Mysterio Jr

This stems from last week where Mysterio beat Rico and now he gets Billy Gunn one on one. Billy attacks at the bell and punches him down before kneeing him in the corner. Billy hits a tilt a whirl slam and taunts the irate crowd. Gunn stomps away at Rey and kicks him in the corner. Gunn hits snake eyes in the corner and covers for Rey kicks at air and is sent into the corner before Gunn forearms him in the back. Rey rolls out of a back suplex and dropkicks the knee of Gunn. Billy counters with a lariat and cover for a two count. Billy chokes Rey with his boot as the crowd chants "Rico sucks". Gunn hits a neckbreaker but Rey rallies with right hands. Billy gets springboard armdragged and springboard dropkicked. Billy falls into the second rope but Palumbo catches the 619 attempt before clotheslining Rey outside the ring. Chuck rolls Rey inside and Billy covers for Billy throws Rey in the corner and punches him. Billy whips Rey into the corner but gets victory rolled for 1..2...3 to win the match. Just like that! Gunn gave Rey NOTHING in this match after Rey had Kurt Angle in trouble at Summerslam. That's on Billy for trying to work like Andre The Giant against Rey.

Time of match: 5:05

Winner: Mysterio by pinfall

After the match Rico grabs the mic and says its going to be the greatest moment of Billy's life. He tells Chuck its time. Oh, a beat down and face turn for one of them? NO! Rico tells Chuck to dig down deep and pull out his love. What? Chuck pulls out a ring from his tights, gets on one knee and asks "Billy, I know we've been partners in the ring for a long time and if he will be his partner for life." Billy looks disgusted at first then says "Yes". Chuck puts the ring on the finger as they hug it out in the ring. Rico celebrates as Michael Cole is dumbfounded. Sad part is this is only the beginning. We go to break and when we come back, we get a clip of what we just saw set to the Billy and Chuck theme.

Match 2

Shannon Moore vs Jamie Noble (with Nidia) for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Moore had gotten the best of Noble and Tajiri for two straight weeks so now he gets his title shot. 3 Count vs Jung Dragons so to speak despite Cole saying Moore is a "rookie". Noble stomps away on Moore in the corner but Shannon rallies with right hands. Shannon goes up and over and does a hiptoss before hitting a spin kick. Moore covers for Nidia grabs the leg of Shannon right in front of referee Jimmy Korderas but Noble goes out to the apron. Moore dropkicks him to the floor then hits a somersault plancha on top of him. Moore covers back inside for two and hits a heel kick in the corner. Noble counters with a clothesline and a back suplex before covering for The crowd chants "we want puppies" as Noble shoulderblocks Moore in the corner. Noble hits a backbreaker and covers for Noble taunts Moore with Nidia holding the belt but Moore slugs it out with him. Shannon sends Noble to the corner but the charge eats boot. Moore hits another heel kick and a rolling neckbreaker. He covers for Moore hits a second rope moonsault for another two count then hits a modified chokeslam. Moore hits whisper in the wind and covers for 1..2...noooo. Moore gets kicked in the ribs but counters the tiger bomb. Noble counters the victory roll for, Moore reverses for 1..2....nope. Moore sends Noble into the ring post and Shannon heads upstairs. Noble counters a hurracarana with a power bomb. Noble hits the tiger bomb and covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Good fight put up by Moore but Noble wins the match. Finally a good match with a good ending.

Time of match: 6:01

Winner: Noble by pinfall (still Cruiserweight champion)

Paul Heyman is in the back with WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and tells him not to take Randy Orton lightly. Orton is a third generation wrestler and came up through "the system" with Brock. Heyman says he's 20 years old (22 but who's counting) when Orton himself walks up. Orton is actually taller than Lesnar and says he respects him, but he doesn't sweat him. Brock "You will." We get a graphic for our main event, Undertaker, Edge and Rikishi vs Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero in a six man tag.

Back from break Edge runs into Rikishi modeling his new shirt. Edge and Rikishi get a cheap pop from the Green Bay crowd and asks if Rikishi will do the stinkface. Rikishi says the stinkface is symbolic, not funny. Rikishi says he's been getting the ass of life for a long time and it stinks, and when he wants to let them feel what he feels, he unleashes it. He's going to give them a piece of the Kish and they shake hands. Yeah....on to the next match.

Match 3

Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman)

This would be a main event match far into the future but right now its 22 year old vs 25 year old in a non-title match. Orton bum rushes him at the bell but Lesnar mauls him back. Orton flips out of a powerslam and clubs him in the back. Lesnar's charge misses and Orton schoolboys him for 2. Brock catches Orton and overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Lesnar warms up as Cole says that could be The Undertaker at Unforgiven. Lesnar gets knees to the ribs and he throws Orton over the ring post to the floor, ow. Lesnar throws Orton inside the ring and kicks him in the head. Orton rallies with forearms but gets his head taken off with a clothesline. Brock covers for Lesnar kicks Orton into the corner and shoulderblocks him. Lesnar whips Orton into the corner and hits a running shoulderblock to the ribs. Lesnar tells him to get up and Orton staggers into the corner. Lesnar charges but grabs Orton's boot before nailing him with a clothesline. Lesnar warms up and stomps away at Orton. Heyman "Do you sweat him now Randy Orton?" Brock rams Orton into each corner back first then delivers another knee to the ribs. Lesnar clubs Orton in the back as Heyman points to the belt and says "He wants this!" Oh just you wait, Paul. Lesnar hits a modified rib breaker as the crowd starts to get bored. Orton dropkicks Lesnar in the ribs and hits the Orton Backbreaker. Orton goes up to the top rope and goes for the cross body. He hits it but Lesnar rolls through it, puts Randy on his shoulders and hits the F-5. He covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Cole and Tazz marvel at how Lesnar manhandled Orton like the did. That's how you book a monster heel.

Time of match: 5:27

Winner: Brock by pinfall

Mark Henry runs into Rico, Billy and Chuck in the back. Henry congratulates Billy and Chuck as we go to break. Back from break, Crash Holly signs his Smackdown contract with Stephanie McMahon. Crash leaves and Reverend D'Von comes in. He bitches that what happened with Billy & Chuck is immoral and wrong. D'Von says its wrong and its a sin. Stephanie says the ceremony is next week on Smackdown "in that very ring". D'Von "Its Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" Stephanie says its immoral to pretend to be a man of the cloth and he's facing Bautista tonight. They dropped the Deacon portion apparently. Gotta love D'Von at least trying to remain in character. On to the next match.

Match 4

Mark Henry vs Tajiri

Cole says next we're having a same sex marriage next week as Henry makes his entrance. Bell's gone as Tajiri kicks Henry to start. Tazz says he's gotta break down the table. Henry catches Tajiri and clubs away at him. Henry heaves Tajiri 10 feet in the air and jumps on him through the second rope. Henry misses a clothesline and blocks Tajiri's handspring elbow. Cole brings up next month's European tour culminating in the Rebellion ppv. Tajiri goes for the sunset flip but Henry blocks it. Tajiri kicks Henry in the legs and the ribs then lands a dropkick to the head. Tajiri drops a knee on Henry and covers for a 1. Tajiri goes for the buzz kick but Henry blocks it. Tajiri goes for the tarantula but Henry literally throws him into the ring. Henry hits the running powerslam and covers for 1.2...3 to win the match. Another pointless match apart from pointing out Henry is a big strong fella.

Time of match: 3:24

Winner: Henry by pinfall

The Undertaker and Stephanie are ready for the face to face in the back as we go to break. Back from commercial we get a graphic for Unforgiven's main event and we go to the face to face. Stephanie is the moderator of this dimly lit conference. Brock says he doesn't have a lot to say and he's not one to boast. He's going to let his actions do the talking then goes on to his accolades (thought he's not one to boast). Brock says he wins King of The Ring no problem then took out Hulk Hogan. Then he beat The Rock to become the WWE Champion. Tonight he brutalized Randy Orton without breaking a sweat because he's 25 years old. He asks how old The Undertaker is which is funny because Taker was 26 when he won the WWF title from the very same Hulk Hogan that Lesnar beat. Taker's rebuttal is he can see the look in his eye of a man who thinks nobody can beat him. Taker says he's seen that look before more times than he can count. Undertaker says Brock is an impressive young man but along with the youth, he's inexperienced. Taker says Lesnar has been tested yet because he's going to take him somewhere Brock has never been. Taker "Have you ever had to wipe your own blood off your head? Have you ever had one of your ribs sticking out and wondering when your next breath is gonna come? And figure out how you were gonna win a match?" Taker says no one's beat Brock up yet but that's going to change real soon. Taker is gonna beat and bust him up and if he survives that, he might have something to brag about. Taker says "At Unforgiven, your ass is mine boy." Heyman goes next says Lesnar is focused but Taker is distracted because of his home situation. Taker tells him to keep it strictly business and Stephanie tells Paul to back off. Heyman continues that Lesnar is 100% dedicated while Taker has to tend to his pregnant wife Sara. Taker tells Paul to watch where he's going and Heyman says if anything happens to Taker and he can't provide that he'll provide for Sara....but not the unborn child. Taker flips the table over and Stephanie goes flying but Brock stands nose to nose with Taker to keep Paul safe. Its funny how Brock has mauled everyone that's been put in front of him but Taker does have one small point, he hasn't been truly tested yet. Brock's never been busted open or seriously injured, who knows how he'll respond to that. Otherwise they're throwing the Sara element in there as mind games. On to the next match.

Match 5

Reverend D'Von vs Batista

Instead of Deacon Bautista, its now just Batista who comes out to the theme song he'd have for the next three years along with the red trunks. D'Von kicks him at the bell and punches away at him. D'Von "I made you!" D'Von tries to whip Batista but gets reversed into the corner. Batista choke bombs D'Von who bails to the outside. D'Von grabs a chair but Batista catches him with a right hand. Referee Brian Hebner grabs the chair away but D'Von hits Batista in the back with a different one. Back inside D'Von hits an elbow drop and covers for D'Von kicks at Batista but Batista kicks him back and hits the sit down powerbomb. Batista covers for 1..2...3 to win the match. D'Von pinned John Cena clean last week and Batista squashed him. Keep your eye on Batista moving forward.

Time of match: 2:32

Winner: Batista by pinfall

Nidia and Jamie Noble are about to leave and she thinks its romantic that Billy and Chuck are getting married. She asks if they'll ever get married and Noble gives her a hug and looks totally freaked out while saying sure. Ha! They kiss as Tazz points out the tongue. We get a graphic for our main event coming up as we go to break.

Back from break Matt Hardy is talking to Shannon Moore and Hardy brags about going toe to toe with Brock Lesnar last week. Shannon doesn't look impressed as we see what looks to be Chavo Guerrero Jr talking with Mike Awesome with Funaki & Billy Kidman standing nearby. Whoops! Those guys wrestled earlier in the night on the Velocity tapings that weren't going to be shown until Saturday. Guess this segment was recorded right around the time of the taping. Hardcore Holly walks up and says Matt forgot the highlight of him getting F-5'd and losing. Hardy says Hardcore is jealous and Holly says we'll see in the ring. He slaps Matt in the chest and leaves with Shannon smirking. Hardy says Holly needs a double dose of Mattitude.

We cut to Eddie Guerrero with Kurt Angle checking out his gold medals. Kurt tells him to get outta here and Eddie says he's not going to take it easy on Rikishi. Kurt says he was robbed of the number one contender spot by Chris Benoit, its true. Eddie asks why Kurt didn't beat Undertaker last week and Kurt calls him Cheech. Benoit himself walks in and Kurt says he'd never get pinned by Undertaker like Benoit. Kurt makes dog jokes as Chris and Eddie start laughing at Kurt and Eddie says "Watcha got to say now homes?" Benoit gets in Angle's face and mocks him as Eddie gets in between them saying they need to stick together. Eddie and Benoit leave as Kurt says "Was it something I said?" Hahahaha. On to the next match.

Match 6

Matt Hardy vs Hardcore Holly

Cole says Hardy needs a "Mattitude" adjustment before saying Crash is back on Smackdown. Tazz says Holly isn't happy about that, or anything and he digs that. Hardy gets a quick roll up for 2 and Hardy says he was THAT close. Holly gets in headlock and turns it into a backslide for 1..2.. no. Hardy drops Holly with a right hand and they trade punches. A charge by Holly eats elbow and Matt hits a running neckbreaker. He covers for two and Holly shitcans Matt to the apron. Matt gets sent into the ring post and Holly chops him on the outside. Back inside Hardcore stomps on Matt and hits a back suplex. Holly covers for Hardcore delivers a side backbreaker and covers for another deuce. Holly puts Matt on the top rope but gets elbowed off. Matt hits a moonsault and covers for They slug it out in the middle of the ring but Matt hits the side effect and covers for Holly kicks Matt in the dick and hits a powerbomb. Holly covers for Hardcore's charge in the corner eats boot and Hardy hits the second rope leg drop for Hardy eats a dropkick and Holly covers for another two count. Hardy counters the Alabama Slam with a sunset flip for a two count and Holly counters the twist of fate by shoving Matt into the corner. Matt goes for a victory roll but Holly reverses it and grabs the tights for 1...2....3 to win the match. Holly gives Matt a taste of his own match in a damn good crash style match. Hardy pitches a fit in the ring but the decision stands

Time of match: 5:00

Winner: Holly by pinfall

Funaki SMACKDOWN NUMBA WUN ANNOUNCA catches up with Rico and wants a comment on next week's wedding. Rico says its going to be a spectacle, an experience, a happening. Rico says its going to going to be marvelous and he's going to stand up for Chuck AND be Billy's best man. He leaves as Funaki looks disgusted.

Cut to the Crash Holly powerwalking in the back, running into Hardcore. They shake hands and Hardcore tells him good luck. Guess Crash is up next. Back from break its on to the next match.

Match 7

Crash Holly vs The Hurricane

Crash told Cole he came to Smackdown for the Cruiserweight division apparently. Bell rings and Crash shoves Hurricane in the head to start. Tazz says Hurricane is the mascot for Smackdown as Hurricane puts Crash in the tree of woe before standing on his berries. Hurricane hits a snap suplex and a crossbody for Hurricane gets in a headlock but Crash stun guns him off the top rope. Cole says he's never been at a same sex wedding as Crash hits a back suplex. Tazz says he was in one in New Jersey with two females. Crash's suplex gets blocked and Hurricane hits Eye of The Hurricane. Hurricane punches away at Holly and hits a flying clothesline followed by a back elbow smash. Hurricane hits the blockbuster and shining wizard before covering for Hurricane misses a charge in the corner but Holly's charge eats ring post. Hurricane and Crash both head to the top and Hurricane hits a swinging neckbreaker off the rope. Tazz gets excited when referee Mike Sparks counts to seven as Hurricane calls for the chokeslam. Crash counters a chokeslam with a Peterson Roll (!!) for 1..2.....3 to win the match. There's your obligatory "jump to different show debut win". Crash may not win another match outside the Cruiserweight division again. Hurricane shakes Crash's hand after the match.

Time of match: 4:40

Winner: Holly by pinfall

We get a graphic for our main event before we cut to commercial. Back from break, its time for the main event.

Match 8

Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero vs Edge, Rikishi and The Undertaker

Eddie and Benoit come out together to a mashup of their were better off with The Radicalz theme. Bell rings with Kurt and Rikishi beginning. Kurt wants The Undertaker and Rikishi immediately tags out. Taker starts with an arm-ringer but Kurt gets a knee to the ribs. Kurt runs right into a big boot and big leg then covers for, brother. Taker goes for the chokeslam early but Kurt bails to tag Benoit. Benoit ducks the line then kicks away at Taker in the corner. Taker throws Benoit in the corner and fires away with right hands. Taker tags in Rikishi who punches away at Benoit before dropping him with a clothesline. Rikishi hits a sit out spinebuster and knocks Eddie off the apron. Eddie climbs back on but Rikishi sends Benoit crashing into him. Rikishi hits a samoan drop to Benoit and tags in Edge. Eddie tags in and Eddie fire away at Edge with right hands. Edge ducks the line and hits a flying forearm followed by a power slam. Edge hits a flapjack on Eddie then rams his head in the buckle. Edge punches at Eddie in the corner but Angle runs up and snaps him throat first off the top rope. Taker chases Angle away allowing Benoit to double team Edge with Eddie. Eddie attacks the back of Edge's neck with elbows then hits a vertical suplex. He covers for two then tags in Kurt. Green Bay chants "Angle sucks" loudly as Tazz scoffs. Kurt hits a back suplex and covers for Benoit tags in to fire away at Edge then chops him in the corner. Benoit hits a side backbreaker and covers for a deuce before Eddie tags in with a hilo. He covers for two and stomps away at Edge. Eddie hits a dropkick and tags in Angle. Kurt kicks away at Edge and hits a floatover suplex for, Taker breaks it up. Kurt locks in a chinlock but Edge gets to his feet. Edge ducks the line but runs into an overhead belly to belly suplex. Kurt taunts Edge's partners and poses for the irate crowd. Edge uses the distraction to hit Edgecution. Edge crawls to his corner but Benoit cleans out Rikishi. Edge hits an enziguiri on Kurt and tags in Undertaker. Taker cleans out all three guys and avalanches them all in different corners. Taker hits Kurt with snake eyes but Kurt ducks the line right into a belly to belly suplex by Rikishi....who looks like he caught his own arm underneath Kurt. Taker goes for the chokeslam but Eddie runs in for the low blow. Benoit hits a german suplex on Taker but Rikishi throws Eddie over the top rope and hits a superkick on Benoit. Angle locks in the ankle lock on Rikishi but Edge sends Angle into the corner, hitting a spear. Eddie and Edge take each other over the top rope as Rikishi hits an avalanche on Kurt. Rikishi hits the stinkface on Angle but Benoit runs in to send Rikishi into the ring post. Benoit laughs at Angle and they go nose to nose. Eddie tells them to cool out and Benoit throws him out of the way, Benoit and Angle both reverse each others finishers and tumble to the outside. Kurt slingshots Benoit into the ring post as Eddie looks at the camera with all 3 babyfaces stalking him. Eddie turns around and starts bitching about Angle and Benoit, putting his arm on Rikishi's shoulder. This whole sequence needs to be seen to be appreciated. Rikishi grabs Eddie by the hair and gets triple teamed before Edge hits the spear. Edge rubs Eddie's face in Rikishi's ass and throws him to the Undertaker. Taker hits the chokeslam and covers for 1..2...3 to win the match. The faces shake hands as the show ends with Taker saying he wants the WWE Championship.

Time of match: 11:06

Winners: Undertaker, Rikishi and Edge by pinfall

Things are looking up around here with Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker joining the main event picture and Crash joining the Cruiserweights. A lot of people bitch about the booking with the Hollys going over but screw them, most wrestling fans are never happy to begin with. Apart from the Billy & Chuck publicity stunt, this was a solid show with some angles brewing, no pun intended. Kurt vs Benoit is inevitable with Taker vs Lesnar locked in for Unforgiven. We got a few weeks before the PPV so let's see what else happens until then. Apart from the gay wedding, next week's show looks wide open. Tomorrow night is a Raw house show in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I'll see you there.

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