Sunday, September 8, 2002

WWE Sunday Night Heat (9/8/02)

WWE Sunday Night Heat
Bradley Center
Milwaukee, WI
September 8, 2002

Commenators: D-Lo Brown and Jonathan Coachman

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

This past Monday on Raw, Triple H was awarded the World Heavyweight Championship and defeated Ric Flair for this first title defense. Later on in a tag match, WWE Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam pinned Triple H to become the defacto number one contender. What does any of this have to do with Heat? Absolutely nothing. Let's get to the show where Jonathan Coachman and D-Lo Brown welcome us. On to the first match.

Match 1

Victoria vs Jacqueline

These two have been sidekicks for the Trish Stratus/Molly Holly feud so they go at it tonight one on one. Coach and D-Lo make time period worthy "assets" jokes as Jackie starts with a headlock. Victoria drops her twice with wristlock takedowns. She poses for the irate crowd and Jackie pulls her down by the hair twice. Jackie hits a series of armdrags but runs into a powerslam by Victoria. Victoria covers for a two count and she drops a leg. Victoria covers for another dos before ramming Jackie's head in the buckle. Victoria chokes Jackie with her boot in the corner and shoulderblocks her. Jackie hits a sunset flip for Victoria executes a sidewalk slam and covers for Victoria clubs Jackie in the back but the charge in the corner eats boot. Jackie rallies with clotheslines and Victoria takes a sternum bump. Jackie hits a released german suplex but Victoria gets up immediately grabbing her head. Jackie kicks her in the stomach then the head before covering for 1...2...3 to win the match. Kind of a Mortal Kombat kind of ending where Victoria stood there dazed waiting for Jackie to finish her off, props for creativity.

Time of match: 3:00 

Winner: Jacqueline by pinfall

Coach and D-Lo scoff as Raven arrives at the building. Howard Finkel of all people comes up wanting to talk. Howard says life is funny as Raven was banned from Raw and Howard was banned last week for losing to the "sailor loving floozy" Lilian Garcia. Howard says they're two peas in a pod. Raven "We are, Howard." Howard says he's regulated to Heat but he'll be back and Raven asks what the point is. Howard goes on about D-Lo brown but Raven tells him to shut up. Raven "The first rule is is Heat is my own personal playground so please spare me your thesis on my match with D-Lo Brown." Raven says the players move across the board to leave the kings and queens alone not knowing they're pawns. Raven says he's got Spike Dudley tonight and soon we'll see his masterpiece. What? On to the next match.

Match 2

Shelton Benjamin vs Shawn Stasiak

Talk about a tale of two careers. Not only was Shawn about to leave the business for good after his WWE run, Shelton's was just about to start. Benjamin comes out with a new song that's actually not his iconic theme from a few years later. Coach before the match says tickets went on sale for their upcoming European tour culminating with the Rebellion ppv. Bell's gone and they circle to start. A tie up goes nowhere then Stasiak shoves Shelton away. Shelton flips out of an arm drag and hiptosses Stasiak. Shawn runs into an armdrag and scoop slam. Shelton ducks the line but gets thrown over the top rope....only to skin the cat back in. Benjamin heaves Stasiak over the top rope to the floor and tells him to come on. Stasiak snaps Shelton off the top rope then hit a slingshot clothesline before covering for a deuce. Stasiak stomps and chokes Shelton then delivers a front suplex. Stasiak covers for Benjamin fires away at Stasiak but gets hot shotted into the top turnbuckle. Stasiak chokes him on the second rope. Shawn snapmares Benjamin as Coachman says Spike vs Raven and Goldust vs Richards still to come. Shelton fights out of it and tries a sunset flip, only to get a right hand. Shelton still gets it for Stasiak clotheslines Shelton and D-Lo admonishes Stasiak for showboating. Benjamin reverses a suplex into a neckbreaker and they slug it out. Shelton drops Shawn with a right hand and a back elbow smash. Benjamin hits a backdrop and covers for Stasiak whips Shelton into the corner and hits a spinebuster. Shawn covers for 1...2....NOOOOO. Shelton hits the Dragon Whip and covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Coach wants to call the move the money clip and implores the crowd to dance to Shelton's theme. Decent match to showcase Shelton's athleticism, all he needed was the right place and right time for the big show callup.

Time of match: 5:23

Winner: Benjamin by pinfall

We get a graphic for tonight's main event featuring Goldust vs Steven Richards before we go to the recap. Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H at Summerslam only to get a sledgehammer to the back. Shawn in a wheelchair on Raw says he'll be coming back for Triple H someday. After that, we get a graphic for the next match as we go to commercial. Back from break our Boot of The Week is D-Lo beating Raven last week with the Sky High. On to the next match.

Match 3

Raven vs Spike Dudley

The two ECW guys go at it with D-Lo unhappy to see Raven. He says Raven needs to "better recognize." Bell rings as D-Lo apologizes for not being unbiased, he wants Spike to kick Raven's ass. Raven jawjacks D-Lo and D-Lo says he's about to go up there. Raven punches Spike in the corner but Dudley hits a headscissors. Raven goes over the top rope to the floor and Spike hits a plancha. Spike runs in place on Raven's chest but gets whipped sternum first into the corner. Raven throws Spike into the corner and hits a clothesline. Raven covers for Raven calls out to D-Lo and lands a knee drop to the back. He covers for a deuce and slingshots Spike throat first into the bottom rope. Raven hits a sleeper but Spike rolls out of it to reverse it. Raven hits a back suplex on Spike and both men were down for a 9 count. Spike hits a headbutt to the gonads then unloads with punches and kicks. Spike hits the bulldog and a forearm before covering for Raven is sent to the corner but a charge eats knee. Raven hits a pop up powerbomb and yells at D-Lo "That's for you, pal." D-Lo gets on the table to taunt Raven and Spike hits a backslide on the distracted Raven for 1...2....3 to win the match. Raven couldn't keep focused and Spike made him pay. D-Lo says that was all a master plan as he points to Spike as he leaves. Decent match for Heat standards.

Time of match: 5:29

Winner: Dudley by pinfall

Back from break we go to a highlight of Spike winning and what we missed during the break. Raven and D-Lo yelled at each other and Coach had to hold D-Lo back. Our next recap is Triple H being awarded the World Heavyweight Championship, beating Ric Flair in the title defense and losing to Rob Van Dam as part of the tag match. We cut to commercial then back from break its the WWE Rewind where Booker T beat William Regal on Raw. On to our main event.

Match 4

Steven Richards vs Goldust

Richards gives D-Lo the stank eye as he walks to the ring. This might mean tag match next week. Bell rings and Goldust crouches in the corner to start. They lock up and Richards taunts him. Richards backs Goldust in the corner but misses the right hand. Goldust shoves Steven on his keister and hits the ass bump. Richards eats an uppercut and an armdrag. Goldust drops Steven with another uppercut as Coachman hypes up Iowa State University football. Goldust rallies in the corner but Steven hits an inverted neckbreaker. Steven does a snapmare then drops an elbow. The cover gets two and Steven goes to the chinlock. Goldust does a sunset flip for a deuce and Steven punches away at him. They shove each other and Richards hits a dropkick. Steven covers for, foot on the rope. Richards misses a dropkick and Goldust rolls through for Goldust hits a powerslam but is too weak to cover at the moment. They slug it out in the center of the ring before Goldust lands a series of clotheslines. Goldust hits an inverted atomic drop and a spinebuster but the cover only gets dos. Goldust punches Richards in the corner 9 times before taunting. He hits the 10th punch and sets up for Shattered Dreams. Richards gets a thumb to the eye but Goldust blocks the Stevie kick. Steven spins around and still lands a clothesline before covering for a deuce. Richards' DDT attempt fails and Goldust turns it into a Curtain Call. He covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Goldust dispatches Richards in a decent match as Coach signs off.

Time of match: 5:19

Winner: Goldust by pinfall

We sign off and that was a pretty good Heat show. You had guys that knew what they were doing so all four matches were serviceable with 3-5 minutes to work with. Raven vs D-Lo seems to be the theme lately which seems useless but at least it gives them something to do. WWE was missing out using their C shows to promote midcarders when it should have been a straight OVW showcase. It would take them another 10 years to figure it out. Still, none of the matches were bad or embarrassing and that's all you can ask for. Tomorrow night the stars of Smackdown are in Mankato, Minnesota at the Midwest Wireless Civic Center. I'll see you there.

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