Sunday, September 1, 2002

WWE Sunday Night Heat (9/1/02)

WWE Sunday Night Heat
Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY
September 1, 2002

Commentators: Jonathan Coachman & D-Lo Brown

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

Stephanie McMahon took a proverbial dump on Eric Bischoff and Raw when she stole not only new WWE Champion Brock Lesnar but The Undertaker as well for Smackdown. We're three weeks away from Unforgiven and Raw is in dire straits currently. Lets get to the action here in MSG.

Match 1

Goldust vs Johnny Stamboli

We get a pre-match promo with Stamboli channeling his inner Tony Soprano. "The key to a successful marriage is to keep your wife away from Johnny Stamboli." What he said. Stamboli backs Goldust in the corner and fires away with elbows before hitting a snap suplex. Goldust punches Stamboli and hits him with the "butt bump" according to D-Lo. Stamboli runs into a right hand but blocks the Curtain Call. Stamboli suplexes Goldust across the top rope and stomps away at him. Stamboli hits an overhead press stomachbreaker and covers for Stamboli kicks away at Goldust but Goldust rallies with right hands. Goldust kicks Stamboli in the ribs and hits a suplex, but misses the elbow drop. Stamboli hits two elbow drops of his own and covers for a deuce. Stamboli punches away at Goldust and locks in a chinlock. Goldust punches out of it, gets sent sternum first into the corner and Stamboli clotheslines him from behind. Stamboli covers for Stamboli misses a dropkick and Goldust covers him for Coachman babbles on about the Intercontinental Championship being on Raw as Goldust punches it out with Stamboli. Stamboli runs into two clotheslines and an inverted atomic drop. Goldust fovers for Goldust hits the sliding uppercut and Curtain Call. He covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Lots of punches and kicks in this one but it didn't suck. Goldust gets the duke.

Time of match: 5:21

Winner: Goldust by pinfall

We get a recap of the D-Lo Brown/Raven feud which is going to be settled tonight in a one on one match. D-Lo doing double duty tonight. Steven Richards vs Crash is up next. Our WWE Rewind back from break is Kane returning to Raw, taking out the Unamericans and doing the Kane-aroonie. On to the next match.

Match 2

Steven Richards vs Crash Holly

Crash is working face for this one and circles with Richards to start. Richards backs Crash into the corner before running the ropes with Crash. Holly hits a clothesline, dropkick and right hand to back Stevie up, A hiptoss to Steven is followed by an arm-ringer. Crash sends Richards into the rope and Steven makes him eat boot. Steven shoulderblocks Crash in the corner and chops him in the chest. Richards ram's Holly's head into the buckle and chops him again. Richards applies a body scissors as D-Lo doesn't want to talk about the Tuxedo Evening Gown match from Raw. Steven goes up to the top rope but Crash slams him off the top. Crash punches away and drops Richards twice with forearms. Crash backdrops Richards and scoop slams him. Crash goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick, covering for Crash sends Richards into the corner but Richards ducks the line and hits the Stevie Kick. Richards covers for 1..2...3 to win the match. Decent for 4 minutes crash style no pun intended.

Time of match: 3:51

Winner: Richards by pinfall

D-Lo hypes his own showdown later along with Bradshaw vs Justin Credible up next as we go to commercial. Back from break we get a recap of RVD vs Tommy Dreamer in the hardcore unification match, good stuff. After another commercial break, Our Lugz "Boot of The Week" is Jimmy Snuka getting smushed by 3 Minute Warning. Onto the next match.

Match 3

Bradshaw vs Justin Credible

Wouldn't be a proper Sunday Night Heat without a Justin Credible match. Bell's gone and Credible is reluctant to get in the ring. Bradshaw starts with a headlock before shoulderblocking him down. Bradshaw hits an armdrag and scoop slam, but misses an elbow drop. Bradshaw hits a big boot on Credible and shoulders him in the back. Bradshaw pounds away on Justin's back but puts his head down, Credible countering with a neckbreaker. Justin ducks the lime but jumps into a fallaway slam by Bradshaw. Bradshaw is backdropped by Credible but Bradshaw hangs on. Credible holds onto Bradshaw's leg and gets a back suplex for his trouble. Bradshaw sends Credible off but Justin dropkicks the leg of Bradshaw. Credible and Bradshaw slug it out and Credible hits a savate kick. Justin covers for a deuce and Bradshaw puts his head down, causing Credible to kick him in the head. Credible taunts him by saying "Right hereeee" but eats a clothesline from hell. Bradshaw covers for win the match. That was pretty sudden after a sloppy match, not much you can do with Bradshaw.

Time of match: 3:27

Winner: Bradshaw by pinfall

We get a graphic for our main event before we go to commercial. Back from commercial we get the Smackdown Your Vote clip that's been shown all week. We get our upcoming house show schedule and the recap of The Undertaker vs Triple H from Raw. We go to commercial again and when we come back, its time for the main event.

Match 4

Raven vs D-Lo Brown

Raven hits the ring first with a standard entrance while D-Lo leaves the announce booth to get in the ring. D-Lo and Raven circle at the bell and Raven kicks him at the start. Raven bails to the outside and D-Lo hits a baseball slide before a plancha. D-Lo tosses Raven inside and punches away at him, but his charge eats ring poster. Raven throws him into the ring post again with D-Lo falling to the outside. Raven hits a Russian leg sweep into the barricade as the crowd chants "D-Lo" Raven works over the left arm and a knee lift before covering for Raven knee drops him from the second rope but D-Lo ducks a line and hits a left arm clothesline. D-Lo punches away at him but Raven kicks him in the ribs. Raven goes for the Evenflow but D-Lo blocks it by grabbing the top rope. D-Lo misses a second rope leg drop and Raven covers for Raven whips Brown into the corner but D-Lo ducks the line. D-Lo hits a heel kick and both men are down. D-Lo punches away at Raven and drops him with two clotheslines. D-Lo hits a scoop slam and does the leg drop before covering for D-Lo hits the tilt-a-whirl sidewalk slam and covers for D-Lo punches Raven nine times in the corner but Raven hits the powerbomb before the 10th. Raven goes for the Flair pin for Raven kicks D-Lo in the ribs and goes for the Evenflow, but D-Lo blocks it again. D-Lo hits Sky High and covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Pretty good for what it was but these two would facing each other on house shows after this. Coach is happy as we go off air.

Time of match: 5:28

Winner: D-Lo by pinfall

Pretty good episode of Heat all things considering. Raven vs D-Lo came to an end....sort of. Bradshaw was a big hoss as usual but Steven catching Crash with the Stevie Kick was sudden death for sure. Hopefully they do something with Johnny Stamboli soon. The next show after this is a Smackdown house show in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. I'll see you there.

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