Saturday, October 5, 2002

WWE Velocity (10/5/02)

WWE Velocity
Lafayette, Louisiana
October 5, 2002

Commentators: Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd and Michael Cole

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel

Before I get anywhere, there will be no recaps this week because they've been lost to time. We start with a promo from Funaki, SMACKDOWN NUMBA WUN ANNOUNCA, 2 weeks ago he got beat up by Albert after Funaki beat him. We see a highlight of that match then back to Funaki who's with John Cena now. Funaki calls Albert a bully and Cena says he's the only bully who would steal lunch money and actually use it for lunch. Cena then says Albert hit puberty differently as his body grew hair before his head did (har de har har). Cena says nobody bullies John Cena and he's taking Albert out tonight. Funaki sends us to our intro. Now, THAT is what I'm talking about. Sunday Night Heat in 2000 would have mini one night storylines with the B show guys, they should do this more often for Velocity and Heat rather than straight cold matches. We go right to the match.

Match 1

Albert vs John Cena

Its the battle for Boston with Cena from West Newburyport and Albert from Peabody, Massachusetts. Cena comes out with gold tights that would have been perfect for Shelton Benjamin years later. They circle to start and Cena gets thrown down to start. Albert sends Cena off and drops him with a shoulderblock. Cena gets in an arm ringer as Cole and Lloyd start babbling about Brock Lesnar and Undertaker. Cena rallies with right hands in the corner and executes a drop toe hold. Albert is frustrated and takes over with right hands and a whip into the other corner. Albert works over Cena with knees and strikes as Cole and Lloyd are STILL babbling about it. Albert covers for a two count and Albert gives him an Indian burn...ouch.  Cena rallies with right hands but Albert counters with an avalanche in the corner. Albert covers for a deuce and Albert is mad at the ref. Albert clotheslines Cena and covers
for another two count. Albert places Cena horizontally across the top rope and clubs with forearms. Cena gets up and dropkicks Albert down, but Albert continues to slug away. Cena gets the upperhand, reverses a powerslam into a back suplex and covers for 1...2....noooo. More right hands by Cena ends with Albert hitting the bicycle kick. Albert covers for 1..2......nooooo, Cena got the shoulder up at the last second. Cena hits a back sidewalk slam and covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Cena does the Word Life pose without that being the name yet. Kind of a slog until the very end, Cena definitely paid his dues along the way.

Time of match: 5:20

Winner: Cena by pinfall

Lloyd hypes up the upcoming Cruiserweight match between Shannon Moore and Tajiri before we go to break. Back from break we get a recap of the bikini contest between Torrie Wilson and Dawn Marie....only because Michael Cole alluded to it before the end of the Cena match. Torrie wins and Dawn heaves her outside. We go to break again and back from break is our next match.

Match 2

Billy Kidman vs Doug Basham

This should be a better match than the first. Bell's gone and Basham starts with forearms but eats a hurracarana by Kidman. Basham sends him up and over but Kidman flips in only to get a thumb to the eye. Basham slingshots Kidman over the top rope to the floor. Outside Basham sends Kidman into the barricade and rolls him back inside. Basham covers for a deuce and stomps away at him. Basham hits a snap suplex then a second one. He covers for a deuce then locks in a camel clutch. Basham rakes the eyes and somehow turns it into a pinning combo. Kidman hits a backslide for a deuce then Basham hits a sidewalk slam but the cover only gets a near fall. Basham locks in a bow and arrow for a second then let's go. Basham stomps on Kidman in the corner and whips him back first into the buckle. Basham does a bow and arrow against the ring post and breaks it off before the five count. Doug scoop slams Kidman then goes upstairs. Doug goes for the axehandle smash but Kidman dropkicks him down. Kidman rallies with a forearm, a dropkick and a bulldog. Billy covers for a deuce but runs into a spinebuster. He covers for 1...2...nope. Basham ducks under a lariat and hits a flying legline. He covers for two then goes for a powerbomb. Kidman counters with an enziguiri and covers for 1....2...nope. Basham recovers to hit a Russian leg sweep then goes back upstairs. Basham hits the guillotine legdrop and covers for 1....2...NOOOOO, Cole is stunned that Kidman kicked out. Basham sets up Kidman on the top rope and goes for the superplex but Kidman hits the X-Factor from off the top rope. He puts Basham in position and hits the Seven Year Itch. He covers for win the match. Dorkus Malorkus says Kidman beat the "rookie" Basham even though Doug started wrestling a full year (1993) before Kidman did (1994). That was a damn good match for what it was, Basham deserved better.

Time of match: 6:36

Winner: Kidman by pinfall

Since we have no recaps in this recording I found of Velocity, we just go to the main event.

Match 3

Shannon Moore vs Tajiri

Shannon actually gets a nice pop during his entrance and they circle to start. Shannon and Tajiri exchange go-behinds and a chain sequence to start. Lloyd says Matt Hardy wants to be number one contender as Matt's real life friend Shannon gets kicked by Tajiri for his troubles. Tajiri puts the boots to Shannon in the corner as Shannon tries to fight back. Tajiri starts working the right leg of Shannon and taunts the crowd, reminding them he's the heel. Tajiri kicks away at the right leg and locks in a leg lock. Cole and Lloyd babble on about Brock Lesnar and Undertaker....I know they're being instructed to do it but its still annoying. Shannon hits a sunset flip out of nowhere and Cole literally has to ignore it to finish his chain of thought about Undertaker's broken hand. Tajiri then starts working over the left leg and does a dragon screw. Tajiri tells the crowd to stick it then continues to work over the left leg. Shannon hits a dropkick and ignores his "injury". He clothesline's Tajiri twice and scoop slams him. Shannon hits a running blockbuster and covers for a deuce. Shannon hits a hurracarana and covers for a deuce. Tajiri goes for the handstand elbow but Shannon counters with a dropkick to the back. Moore covers for 1...2...nope. Moore goes for the Halo but misses. Tajiri loads up for the Buzz Kick but Shannon ducks, Tajiri counters a hurricarana and knocks Shannon cold with a savate kick. Tajiri covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Not as good as the previous match mostly due to they wasted too much time with the alternating leg spot. Still a good match though.

Time of match: 5:15

Winner: Tajiri by pinfall

We don't even get final thoughts from Cole and Lloyd, they just send us straight to WWE Confidential. If you don't remember what that was, it was "Mean" Gene Okerlund hosting a 60 Minutes like show for a while. As for Velocity, two of the three matches were good and the Boston battle may not have been good, but fun for personal reasons. Tomorrow is another double shot with the stars of Raw in Reno, Nevada with Smackdown heading to San Angelo, Texas. See you all in San Angelo.

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