Monday, October 14, 2002

WWE Monday Night Raw (10/14/02)

Bell Centre
Montreal, Quebec
October 14, 2002

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler

Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia

Last week Raw Roulette was a complete mess of stipulations that went nowhere although we did get a nice TLC match out of it. Then everything got ruined as HHH started the Katie Vick angle by calling Kane a MURDERER! 5 years ago it was The Undertaker that was the murderer (and admitted to it) but now its Kane? As mentioned in the last post, No Mercy was just 6 days away and we only had three confirmed matches with only 2 of them knowing who's involved. Hopefully this week we'll fill out the card. Before we get to anything we got a LONG segment of dark matches for a reason. With No Mercy this Sunday, the American Sunday Night Heat was going to be the pre-show, but the European version would have matches since they watched Heat on a different day. Let's get to the five matches.

Dark Match 1

Flash Flanagan vs Justin Credible

Oh look, its Flash Flanagan again. For those that forgot, Flanagan was a mainstay in Memphis wrestling that never quite made the big time. With developmental shifting from Memphis to Ohio Valley, the Memphis guys were kind of an afterthought. He hasn't been seen since the old Shotgun tapings. Credible won the match.

Winner: Justin Credible

Dark Match 2

Scott Vick and Red Dogg vs Johnny Stamboli and Charlie Haas.

The former Sick Boy and future Rodney Mack take on Charlie and Stamboli here. Its a wonder why they didn't bring up Scott to be the storyline brother of Katie Vick looking for revenge on Kane since they were running with this garbage, oh well. Stamboli and Haas got the duke.

Winners: Stamboli and Haas

European Match 1

Bobby Rude vs Test

As mentioned earlier, the European version of Sunday Night Heat would feature the next three matches but unfortunately, nobody in the UK has ever uploaded them. Test wins with the big boot.

Winner: Test by pinfall

European Match 2

Raven and Steven Richards vs Mark Jindrak and D-Lo Brown

ECW and WCW friends Richards and Raven reunite to take on the makeshift team of Jindrak and D-Lo. D-Lo and Mark get the win.

Winers: D-Lo and Jindrak

European Match 3

Spike Dudley vs William Regal

Gotta have the European Regal on the European show. Better yet, Regal wins it with the Regal Stretch.

Winner: Regal by submission

FINALLY let's get to tonight's Raw. We start with the end of last week's Raw with HHH claiming Kane is a murderer. Right off the bat Jonathan Coachman catches Kane and The Hurricane arriving to the arena (in full ring gear) and Coach asks about the accusations. Kane yells at him that its none of his business with Hurricane looking freaked out. Kane and Hurricane head to the ring for our first match.

Match 1

Christian and Chris Jericho vs Kane and The Hurricane for the World Tag Team Championship

Christian and Chris Jericho were partners last week in the TLC match so they team up again to face the champs....but wait! Booker T jumps Chris Jericho as payback for last week. Booker gives Christian a right hand as well as Johnny Ace, Fit Finlay and the referees usher Booker away. Kane stomps on Christian and throws him into the ring. Hurricane sends Christian off and hits a flying forearm. Hurricane hits shining wizard and covers for 1...2..nope. Christian eats a hurricarana and Kane tags in. Jericho tags in and Kane press slams him onto Christian on the floor. Hurricane hits a suicide plancha on both guys outside. Back inside Hurricane covers Christian for 1...2...nope. Kane tags in and rams Christian into the corner. Kane fires away at him then slams him down, but he misses the elbow drop. Christian is grabbed by the throat and sent into Jericho. Kane hits a tilt-a-whirl slam and covers for a deuce before Hurricane tags in. JR informs us Booker T faces Big Show in a falls count anywhere match later. Why not save that for No Mercy? Jericho low bridges Hurricane and attacks him on the floor. Jericho slides Hurricane in and the Canadians double team him. Jericho taunts the crowd and hits a vertical suplex before Christian tags in. Christian attacks Hurricane in the corner as JR says "I'd bet my black hat on Kane is NOT a murderer." Lawler "Oh so now you're Perry Mason." Christian charges but eats elbow. Hurricane hits a blockbuster as JR says "Have you ever been falsely accused of anything?" Lawler "Yes" Ross "Does it feel good?" Hahahaha King remembers 1993-94 all too well.  Kane gets the hot tag and wipes out both men before Jericho tags in. Jericho gets backdropped and sidewalk slammed. Kane goes up to the top and hits the big clothesline before heaving Christian out of the ring. Kane pounds away on Jericho and grabs referee Nick Patrick. Christian comes off the top with a title belt but Kane catches him by the throat. Patrick gets rid of the belt as Christian hits a low blow and Jericho hits a missile dropkick. Both Canadians whip Kane off but they get double clotheslined. Hurricane tags in and gets rocket launched on Jericho for 1..2...Christian breaks it up. Kane dumps Christian over the top and rams him into the steel steps. Kane grabs the steps and Christian just narrowly gets out of the way as Kane throws them. Kane chases Christian up the ram leaving just Jericho and Hurricane in the ring. Jericho hits an elbow but Hurricane gets the knees up on the Lionsault. Jericho blocks the chokeslam and goes for the Walls of Jericho. Hurricane cradles him up for, Jericho rolls on top and gets the feet on the ropes for 1...2....3 to win the match and titles. We got new World Tag Team Champions as Kane sprints to the ring too little, too late. Christian and Jericho celebrate at the ramp as we cut to commercial. Damn good match and its a shame this stupid Katie Vick storyline hangs over it like a dark cloud. These guys had good chemistry.

Time of match: 6:47

Winners: Christian and Jericho by pinfall (New World Tag Team Champions)

Back from break we get a highlight of Jericho cheating to win. Jericho and Christian pop champagne but an irate Booker T damn near gets to them before being restrained by Goldust and the officials. Bischoff keeps the peace by congratulating Christian and Jericho but says they'll be defending the titles against Booker and Christian at No Mercy. Bischoff says he's not going to be upended by Stephanie McMahon and that's why the titles are on the line. Booker says he's gonna get Jericho's ass and Jericho says he's not a sucka. At least we got an official match this Sunday. On to the next match.

Match 2

Lance Storm (with William Regal) vs Al Snow

Regal joins the commentary team for this match and Ross makes fun of him for being in drag. Regal "How dare you!" Bell's gone and Snow starts with right hands before sliding under Lance. Storm hits a heel kick to the back of the head then snaps Snow off the top rope Randy Savage style. Lance goes upstairs but jumps right into a powerslam. Ross continues to make fun of Regal and Regal storms off. King "Now look what you've done JR!" Regal stands in the corner as Storm takes over in the corner with a clothesline. Al traps Lance's arms and headbutts him then hits a Taz plex. Al Snow takes over right hands and a backdrop. Al slides into the corner and clotheslines Storm then goes outside and knocks own Regal. Al goes upstairs and hits a bodypress, but Storm rolls through it for 1..2....nope. Storm had the tights but Al kicked out. Al kicks Lance but is tripped up by Regal. Regal tosses the brass knuckles but Al knocks them out of his hand. Regal hops up on the apron and Al knocks him off, but turns around into a superkick. Lance covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. It essentially turned into a handicap match at the end but the point was the Unamericans may have broken up, but Storm and Regal are still cool with each other.

Time of match: 2:57

Winner: Storm by pinfall

Backstage Coachman is with Victoria who's teaming with Molly Holly to take on Trish Stratus and Jacqueline. Victoria has a title shot at No Mercy and Victoria is asked what the beef is. Victoria says years ago Trish and Victoria were both interested in being divas but Trish never let her get her chance. Victoria says she'll do anything to get her chance unlike Trish who will do anyone. Trish herself walks up and slaps her as Victoria smiles. Back from break we get the Kane and Pete Rose commercial. Back from break Jeff Hardy is chillin with Spike Dudley when Rob Van Dam walks up. RVD is looking for Bischoff but Spike says Bubba has a severe concussion and doesn't remember the match. (According to Chris Jericho, Bubba really did have a concussion in the match and kept talking to him instead of Spike because he was that out of it) Eric walks up clapping and says he's proud of all three of them. He says he has a highlight reel for the three of them and its just a montage of the match. After that, Eric says he's got a match with Rico coming up next. Eric tells Spike to take a hike and tell Bubba to get well soon. Spike says "Bite me" and leaves. Eric says it's gonna be Rob vs Ric Flair at No Mercy and tonight he's got a non title match against Triple H. It'll be a CANADIAN Lumberjack match, meaning the twenty lumberjacks all have straps.

Back from commercial Triple H is with Ric Flair in their own personal room. HHH paces back and forth and says he has no idea what a Canadian Lumberjack Match....then proceeds to say that they all have straps. How would he know that if he doesn't know what it is? He's scared that he's afraid the guys will take a shot at him with the strap. Ric says Eric put him with RVD at No Mercy and HHH says he'll take care of Rob tonight. HHH says he's going to ruin Kane's night and says if he doesn't spill the beans, he'll do it for him. On to the next match.

Match 3

Jeff Hardy vs Rico

Talk about filler, but here we are. Rico attacks at the bell but Jeff returns with strikes and clotheslines themselves over the top to the floor. Jeff runs up the barricade and splashes Rico before stomping on him. Jeff throws Rico back inside and the crowd chants Rico Sucks. Jeff goes up and over but Rico kicks him in the ribs. Rico gets a savate kick and covers for a deuce. Rico shouldertackles Jeff in the corner and Ross says Rico won American Gladiators once....which is a true story. Rico covers for a deuce and snap mares him. Rico locks in a waistlock scissors but Jeff escapes and does the inbetween the legs leg drop. Jeff drops a leg on the apron then goes upstairs. Jeff hits Whisper in The Wind and covers for a two. Rico comes off the top but eats a dropkick. Jeff goes upstairs and hits the Swanton. He covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. No 3 Minute Warning run in, no shenanigans....just a match. Totally worthless but it wasn't bad or anything.

Time of match: 3:07

Winner: Jeff Hardy by pinfall

Backstage Kane is going apeshit with Hurricane trying to calm him down. Kane says he doesn't give a damn about the tag titles and just wants to be left alone. Hurricane leaves but Terri Runnels walks up to him. Kane tells her to buzz off but she says she's here as a friend. Terri says he needs to let what's bothering him out and not to bottle it up. Kane says she's right and he'll do this. Great...

Back from commercial here comes Kane to tell his side of the story. Kane says Katie Vick was his friend who's dead. He claims it was an accident and he is not a murderer. He says ten years ago they were friends when he first started wrestling. Wait....I thought he was supposed to be in an insane asylum until Paul Bearer got him out of there in 1997? Was there an Asylum Wrestling Federation? (Imagine THAT) Anyway, Kane says she was the only one who cared when he was getting beat up. One night they were at a party and she drank too much. He says he was going to drive her home but had no idea how to drive a stick. It was dark and an animal jumped in front of them causing them to swerve. The car went off the road and he broke his arm, but she was killed instantly. It was an ACCIDENT! Kane says he's had to live with it but the only thing he has left to say is he's sorry for Katie's parents.

Here comes Triple H for his rebuttal. Hunter says Kane was drunk too and when the cops showed up, there were empty beer cans everywhere. Hunter says the M.E's autopsy found his semen in her. Hunter goes on to say she was more than a friend for him and he was madly in love with him. The problem was she liked him but didn't love him. Hunter says who'd love a burnt up freak like him and goes on to say Kane wasn't charged with murder or manslaughter. Hunter says facts are facts and Kane killed Katie Vick. Hunter finishes by asking if Kane raped her or committed necrophelia. Kane's stunned expression says it all as was anyone who ever watched this. This was, with no hyperbole, the worst storyline in wrestling history. Vince seriously pushed for this and the whole creative team was mortified, now you see why.

So remember two years ago when Kane spoke with a voicebox, was in an asylum until 1997, Paul Bearer was his dad and Tori was his first girlfriend.....well this storyline threw all that out the window. Glen Jacobs the man was forced to stand there shocked rather than say Hunter was full of baloney to put over Kane the character being scared. This was embarrassing as a wrestling fan and it was even bad as an episode of Law & Order SVU by throwing the rape/necrophelia angle into it. Lastly, how would HHH know any of this? The internet was in its infancy in 2002 and social media barely existed, there was no possible way he could have known the intimate details like he was a police detective. But, that's logic...and there is none here. 

Back from commercial we go to a highlight of what we just saw before we cut to Kane and Hurricane. Kane leaves and says he'll do something he'll regret the rest of his life if he stays. On to the next match.

Match 4

Victoria and Molly Holly vs Jacqueline and WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus

Stacy Keibler is the special guest referee as we get a highlight of Victoria cracking Trish in the head with a steel chair. Victoria vs Trish is this Sunday as well. Trish gets a huge pop in her native country and she runs right into the ring, blows past Stacy and takes down Victoria. Bell's gone and we're gonna start with Trish pounding away on Victoria. Molly takes over bu ramming Trish's head into the corner. Trish charges but eats elbow but Molly goes up to the second rope. Trish hits Stratusphere and knocks Victoria off the apron. Trish hits a neckbreaker and tags in Jackie. Jacqueline throws Molly down by the hair and does a double head scissors takedown of both heels. Trish unloads on Victoria but Molly attacks her from behind. Apparently Jackie never tagged out but that's okay. Molly grabs Trish and throws her face down into the mat. Molly does it again and locks in a chinlock. Molly glares at Stacy as Molly scoop slams Trish. Victoria tags in for a hilo legdrop and covers for 1...2..nope. Victoria covers again for a two count as King gets excited about his Las Vegas adventure. Victoria does a backbreaker to Trish and tags in Molly. Molly misses the handspring elbow and Jackie tags in. Jackie unloads on both women to no pop at all. Jackie hits a sidewalk slam on Molly and covers for, Victoria breaks it up. Victoria backdrops Trish to the floor but Trish pulls Victoria out to the floor. Trish rams Victoria's head into the mat. Jackie goes up and over in the corner on Molly and absolutely knocks her cold with a kick to the head. The cover gets 1...2.....and Stacy pretends she hurts her shoulder. Oh for the love of Pete. Jackie sticks a finger in Stacy's face as Molly hits an O'Connor Roll on Jackie. Stacy doesn't even bother to count, she just stands there and waits for Jackie to kick Molly into her. Stacy still botches the bump out of the ring as Jackie hits a DDT. Another referee runs to the ring as Jackie covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Double refs aside, that was good for what it was. Victoria did some good highspots while Trish did a good job as the babyface in peril. The only bad part was Stacy as she looked lost. Oh well.

Time of match: 3:35

Winners: Trish and Jackie by pinfall

After the match Victoria kicks Jackie in the head and Trish tackles her outside. They get into a pier sixer as King says he'll go help. JR "You better stay right here." Victoria and Trish have to be separated and they still find a way to get at each other. Say what you will, Trish and Victoria at least has some hype heading into Sunday. Backstage Nick Patrick is handing out straps to the babyfaces as Tommy Dreamer and Spike Dudley stand there. Goldust and Booker T barge in and Booker is PISSED. He wants to tear into Triple H and we cut to commercial.

After a No Mercy commercial, we get a vignette for Batista who's making his Raw debut soon. Back in the ring, Eric Bischoff is there. Eric says Kane vs Triple H will be at No Mercy no matter Kane's mindset....which made the entire Katie Vick storyline pointless. Eric says the winner take all match will go down in history as it will be the last time the Intercontinental title will be defended. To celebrate this occasion, Eric brings hometown hero Pat Patterson to the ring. Patterson comes out to Mae Young's old theme as Pat gets a decent ovation.

Pat says "Thank you, its a pleasure to be here in Montreal Quebec!" in French. He goes on to say he's here tonight but doesn't.....and he's cut off by Eric who wants him to speak English. Pat says he doesn't trust Eric and Eric says he's learned from him. He says he's not here for a 3 Minute Warning, he's prepared a montage about the Intercontinental Championship. We got to a decent montage featuring the past IC champions with famous calls from Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, Vince McMahon and Jim Ross. Still think its absolutely stupid to get rid of the belt. Other highlights include Owen Hart breaking Steve Austin's neck. Austin throwing the belt into the river, Chyna becoming the first IC champ and Kurt Angle becoming the Euro-continental champion. Eric says lets give a big hand to Pat but then here comes 3 Minute Warning. Pat decks them both off the apron but Jamal recovers to hit the Samoan drop on the 61 year old Patterson. To put it in perspective, Headshrinker Samu, Billy Gunn and Al Snow are the same age in 2024. Eric says his three minutes are just about up but here comes Gerald Brisco. Brisco was 56 at the time....the same as Goldberg, Dustin Rhodes and JBL in 2024. So imagine the Authors of Pain lay waste to Billy Gunn and Dustin Rhodes, doesn't have the same feel since guys wrestle a lot longer these days. Gerald gets double headbutted by both Samoans and Jamal does the ass bump to Brisco in the corner. Jamal hits the top rope splash on Patterson and here comes Big Show with a strap. Big Show got jumped by these two weeks ago and he tans the hides off Rosey in the ring. D-Lo Brown runs down with a strap to take care of Jamal. Rosey tries to escape but Jeff Hardy comes down with a strap to whip him some more. Big Show, D-Lo and Jeff check on the Stooges as Ross asks what kind of man is Bischoff.

Back from commercial we get "Coming soon" and Bret Hart's music hits with his old titantron...WHAT??? Unfortunately its not him, its WWE Anthology, a CD compilation of entrance themes coming out soon. Bret had suffered a stroke back in June of 2002 anyway. We cut to Christopher Nowinski checking himself out in the mirror when Al Snow catches him with the circle game from Tough Enough 1. Al goes into unflattering Tough Enough stories but says he's seriously proud of him for not giving up on himself. Chris "I did, no thanks to you. By the way, nice loss tonight." Ouch. On to the next match.

Match 5

Christopher Nowinski vs Tommy Dreamer

King says Harvard football is better than Oklahoma and JR's scoff needs to be heard to appreciate. Dreamer apparently FINALLY got married to Beulah McGillicutty and is ditching his honeymoon for this match. Chris attacks at the bell and the crowd chants ECW while JR babbles on about Kane to show how much he cares about this match. Dreamer blocks an armdrag with a neckbreaker and covers for a near fall. Chris gets backed into the corner but Chris reverses it and shoulderblocks him in the corner. Nowinski eats a spinebuster and Tommy covers for another two count. Dreamer rallies with right hands and forearms as JR continues to babble on about Kane and Triple H. I expect this on Heat, not on Raw. Nowinsky gets a double leg takedown on Dreamer, goes outside and gets a singapore cane. Dreamer brings in the cane but Al Snow walks out. Dreamer stands on Chris nut first...owwwwww. Dreamer goes to grab the cane but Al grabs it. Chris gets the full nelson slam and covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Nowinski starts to celebrate but then gets mad when he sees Al holding the cane. Bad match but it was to put over that Nowinski wants nothing to do with Al yet Al is protecting his student like any teacher would.

Time of match: 2:43

Winner: Nowinski

Back to Terri Runnels who's with Triple H. Terri asks how he can justify his actions. HHH says he didn't ask for this, he doesn't want to get in the ring with a murderer. HHH says the police report was just given to him and he's just reporting the facts. Isn't that Gregory Helms' job? HHH says Kane has a pension for hurting those that get close to him. HHH says Kane is a murderer and can take the life of a sweet girl but he won't take his World Heavyweight Championship. HHH says he always overcomes the odds and he's going to beat RVD tonight, then Kane on Sunday. He quotes Ric Flair by saying "Whether you like it, or you don't, I am that damn good." 

We cut to a Randy Orton vignette signaling he's a legend in the making. Hmmm, Randy Orton and Deacon Bautista are coming to Raw huh? Anyway we cut to JR who introduces Orton....with his arm in a sling. Orton says he tore his shoulder last week and says a normal person would be out a year. He says he'll be back in 3-4 months. He gets a little bit of boos as Orton says they can email him to wish a speedy recovery. The crowd chants "Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye" and Orton runs with it by thanking the audience and saying Bret Hart got screwed in Montreal. He says Montreal was the place where Randy Orton got screwed. Randy says unlike Bret, Randy Orton will be back. That's one way to turn heel....but it was badly needed. The 3rd generation blue chipper gimmick didn't work for The Rock and it won't work for Orton. 

Booker T vs Big Show is up next after break. JR and King plug Saliva's "Always" video coming up this Sunday on Heat. On to the next match.

Match 6

Booker T vs The Big Show in a Falls Count Anywhere Match

Ross says we'll be in Memphis next Monday night as Booker attacks at the bell. Show heaves him into the corner then whips into the other one. A charge eats boot and Booker rallies with right hands but can't move him. Big Show throws Booker over the top rope to the floor and hits a clothesline while on the floor. Show drops Booker throat first on the barricade and covers for 1...2...nope. King and Ross babble on and on about Kane and HHH again, but Booker backdrops Big Show into the crowd. Booker dives on him and they fight into the crowd. Booker gets sent into a tunnel and Show covers for a deuce. In the backstage area Show clicks Booker with what looks to be a hose reel. Booker gets sent into a wall meanwhile in the background Triple H is driving a forklift with Ric Flair telling him where to go.....the hell? Booker gets thrown into wall but moves and Show kicks the wall. Booker uses a fire extinguisher on Show's eyes and covers for 1...2..nope. Booker sends Show face first into the ring crew container. Booker hits a scissors kick and covers for 1...2..nope. Booker gets chopped into the Women's locker room. Terri is fully clothed but Jackie covers up her chest. Booker kicks Show in the gonads in the shower. We see a blonde woman in a towel run off camera and Lawler says he hopes its not Molly. Its actually Trish as Ross is mad they're even in there. Booker somehow gets the Book End in that cramped area and covers for two. Suddenly Chris Jericho appears out of nowhere with a chair and clocks Booker with it. Show covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Show wins as Christian walks in as well to taunt Booker....did I mention this is the women's room? AWFUL match and there was almost nothing entertaining until they brawled into the women's room just for Ross to yell at Lawler to shut up. Booker and Jericho are gonna get it on this Sunday in the tag match but for now Show beats Booker. Let us never speak of this again.

Time of match: 5:23

Winner: Show by pinfall

We cut to Triple H who backs the forklift into the babyface locker room door to trap everyone in. Apart from Kane who's left the arena and Booker T who's laid out in the women's room, Rob Van Dam now has no backup....great. Coach runs up to ask what's going and HHH says he just trapped the babyfaces. HHH gets a right hand on Coach for good measure. As someone who knows how to operate a forklift, pretty much anyone could free them effortlessly...but never let logic dictate a bad storyline. On to the main event.

Match 7

Rob Van Dam vs World Heavyweight Champion Triple H (with Ric Flair) in a Canadian Lumberjack Match

Naturally only the heels we've seen tonight are out there. Christian, Jericho, Jamal, Rosey, Lance Storm, Rico, Big Show, William Regal and Christopher Nowinski. This is a non title match and Rob wastes no time attacking Hunter to start. Rob hits the kicks in the corner and the rolling monkey flip. He hits 10 punches in the corner and back flips off. He charges but Hunter throws him outside. The heels whip Van Dam and throw him inside as JR and King AGAIN babble on about Kane. Van Dam fights back and Van Dam gets thrown outside again. They whip him and throw him inside before Hunter covers for a deuce. Hunter's back suplex gets countered and Rob hits the step over heel kick. Rob clotheslines HHH over the top to the floor and the lumberjacks simply pick him up. JR scoffs at all of them but Rob comes off the top with a bodypress to take out everyone. RVD wipes out Christian and Regal with kicks and throws Hunter back in. Rico grabs the lag and Big Show sends him into the steel steps. Show heaves Van Dam into the ring and Hunter covers for 1..2...nope. Hunter shoulderblocks Rob in the corner and delivers a vertical suplex. HHH mocks Rob for some heat and executes a backbreaker. He covers for a two count and sets Rob up on the top rope. Hunter goes for the superplex and hits it before covering for another deuce. Hunter locks in an abdominal stretch and Jamal whips Rob from outside the ring. The crowd chants "You screwed Bret" but Rob hits the O'Connor Roll for a two count then hits a mule kick. Rob shoulderblocks Hunter in the corner, ducks a line and hits a second rope dropkick. Van Dam hits rolling thunder and covers for 1..2...nope. Jericho hilariously jumps up and down when Hunter kicked out. Van Dam gets kicked in the stomach but backdrops out of the pedigree attempt. Rob hits a heel kick and goes upstairs. Jericho crotches Van Dam and he falls to the outside. They whip Van Dam but Booker T appears in the entrance way. Guess he woke up from his beating.....but wait there's more! He freed the babyfaces and here they come to the ring to even the odds. The locker room brawls on the outside as Ross says "Its a pier six brawl in Montreal." Van Dam goes up to the top and hits a dropkick on HHH and calls for the Five Star. Rob hits it but Flair waffles him with the title belt with the ref distracted. Hunter covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Wow, they wouldn't even let Rob win a non-title match. Pretty much apart from Kane, nobody has any chance to beat HHH. Bad match and a perfect ending to a bad night.

Time of match: 10:38

Winner: HHH by pinfall

Oh look, here comes Kane too little, too late. Kane blitzes through everyone and gets in the ring. Kane gets his hands on HHH and Flair but Nowinski makes the safe. D-Lo goes to nail Nowinsky but Kane clocks and chokeslams both of them. Kane chokeslams Rico then 3 Minute Warning has Kane pinned down in the corner. Kane then fights back and chokeslams both members of 3 Minute Warning. Kane stands tall to end the night as Ross screams that Triple H will burn in hell this Sunday. Literally one of the worst Raw's of all time due to the Katie Vick nonsense and we've only just begun. HHH can't be beat and the rest of the roster look like jackasses compared to him. Booker T and Rob Van Dam continue to be jobbed out and its all bad. Tomorrow night is a Smackdown taping being aired on Thursday. I'll see you there.

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