Sunday, October 6, 2002

WWE Sunday Night Heat (10/6/02)


WWE Sunday Night Heat
Compaq Center
Houston, Texas
October 6, 2002

Commentators: Jonathan Coachman and Lita

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

To show how bad Raw was these days, there's barely any recap and there's FOUR matches tonight on Heat. Not only that, D-Lo Brown's replacement on commentary is none other than Lita, who's still out recovering from her broken neck. Its ECW night as Spike Dudley takes on Justin Credible, Steven Richards faces The Hurricane and Raven faces D-Lo Brown. Also Jacqueline faces Molly Holly. The matches should be at least watchable. Let's get to our first match.

Match 1

Steven Richards vs The Hurricane

One half of the tag team champs Hurricane takes on the demented Richards in the opening contest. We get shown a highlight of Kane and Hurricane winning the straps before the match starts. Coach brings up how Hurricane is similar to the Hardy Boys and Lita has to bring up that he, Shannon Moore and the Hardys are the North Carolina connection. Hurricane offers a hand shake to start but Richards slaps it away.....wazzupwitdat? Hurricane gets a hilarious thumb to the eye and hits a shoulderblock before hitting a victory roll for a deuce. Richards makes fun of Hurricane but eats an armdrag. Hurricane comes off the top with a bodypress but only gets a two count. Hurricane locks in a headlock but Stevens counters with a modified t-bone plex. Richard stands on The Hurricane and clubs away at him in the corner. Hurricane rallies back with right hands and another bodypress, but Richards stops the momentum with an elbow smash. Richards taunts Hurricane to get up and hits a vertical suplex. Richards holds Hurricane in a neckbreaker lock. Hurricane powers out of it using the corner and ducks the line. Hurricane hits a neckbreaker and hits a jumping lariat. Hurricane hops on the second rope and hits a flying neckbreaker before covering for 1...2....nooooo. Richards eats an inverted atomic drop then Hurricane hits a big crescent kick. Hurricane covers for, foot on the rope. Richards blocks Eye of The Hurricane and hits Emerald Flowsion (???). He covers for 1.....2....and no. Richards sets up for the Stevie Kick but Hurricane catches the foot. Hurricane finally hits the Eye then calls for the chokeslam. Richards blocks it and stuns Hurricane with an elbow. Richards rolls up Hurricane and grabs the rope for 1...2.....3 to win the match. Richards steals one and the crowd is irate. Not bad and Richards winning was kind of a shock since Hurricane is being given somewhat of a push as Kane's lackey lately.

Time of match: 6:04

Winner: Richards by pinfall

Back to Coach and Lita who sings her praises. Coach says D-Lo Brown will face Raven in the main event and goes to commercial. Back from break we get a pre-recorded interview from a while ago with Lita talking about her neck injury. On to the next match.

Match 2

Spike Dudley vs Justin Credible

ECW! ECW! These two are no strangers to each other for obvious reasons. Coach asks Lita when she'll be back and she says 7 months....which means next May? Bell's gone and Spike backs Justin in the corner and Justin punches & kicks Spike. Credible slides into the corner but runs into two arm-drags and a neckbreaker. Credible bails but Spike catches him and throws him back inside. Credible begs off but Spike bites his hand. Spike boots Justin in the head but his second rope axehandle is countered by a superkick by Credible. Justin covers for a deuce and goes to work in the corner. Justin sit down powerbombs Spike for 1...2...nope. Spike catches Credible with a bodypress for a two count as Coachman says they're taking a red eye flight to Las Vegas for Raw. Love how they desperately are trying to convince people this is a live show.  Justin locks in a chinlock as Coach says imagine if Justin Credible and Spike Dudley have to wrestle in a Bra & Panties match. Of all the divas on the roster and you're thinking of those two guys? Spike goes for the sunset flip but Credible punches him in the head. Lita says she'll bring extra bra & panties for that...good lord. A double shoulderblock puts both men down as Coach starts babbling about Eric Bischoff. Spike rallies with forearms and lands an inverted atomic drop. Spike gets a bulldog and covers for 1..2...nope. Spike dropkicks Justin into the corner and he stomps on him. Spike takes a Bret Hart style sternum bump in the corner and Credible sets up for the superkick. Spike blocks it and executes an Acid Drop then covers for win the match. Short and sweet and Spike gets thrown a bone for once. Spike chills with some kids before we cut.

Time of match: 4:44 

Winner: Spike by pinfall

We cut to Terri Runnells who's with Raven. She asks him about his history with D-Lo Brown and Raven says the time is finally at hand. He closes his chapter with D-Lo and opens another one. For two years he's been scorned and scoffed at by people. Raven says the picture is complete and the time for his voice to be heard is now. He says his masterpiece will be revealed. Great, Raven Cezanne over here. Back from commercial our recap is Bubba Ray Dudley vs HHH, nice to see Bubba get some main event time. Before we go to break our Boot of The Week is Victoria clocking Trish with a chair on Raw. That's not a boot. Another commercial break and when we get back we get the Burn of The Night which was 3 Minute Warning terrorizing Lita before Jeff Hardy made the save. FINALLY, we get to our next match.

Match 3

Jacqueline vs Molly Holly

Two experienced women who know what they're doing, this should be good. Bell rings and instantly Coach talks about 3 Minute Warning beating up Jeff Hardy on Raw. Molly gets taken down and Lita literally has to say out loud she's trying to pay attention to the match but says Rosey and Jamal are scary. Again, don't blame Coach, blame the idiot in his ear telling him "Talk about Raw! Talk about Raw!" Molly gets decked with a shoulderblock and Jackie hits a nothern lights suplex for a two count. Jackie gets a backslide for a two count and Coach has to deviate from calling the match to talk about Victoria and Trish. I'm about 3 seconds from hitting the mute button and its not even Coach's fault. Molly throws Jackie over the top rope and Jackie skins the cat back in, ducks under Moly and hits a double underhook suplex. She covers for 1...2...nope. Molly drops Jackie on the second rope as Lita says we haven't seen THAT Victoria yet. Molly throws Jackie into the barricade outside but Jackie fights back inside the ring. Molly puts the boots to Jackie and rams her head into the mat. Molly hits a side backbreaker and covers for 1...2...nope. A charge in the corner by Molly eats elbow but Jackie throws Molly into the corner. A roll up gets a two count and Jackie drops Molly with forearms and a dropkick. Jackie decks Molly with a back elbow smash and covers for a two count as Coach then goes back to 3 Minute Warning....oh for Christ's sake. Jackie hits a huge spinning heel kick and covers for a deuce. Molly sets up Jackie on the top rope but Jackie hits a tornado DDT and covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. That match was AWESOME with no rest holds and its a shame Coach was instructed to bring up as many Raw events as he could. As they say, don't hate the playa, hate the game. Great match and kudos to both women. Coach and Lita go to the replay and that was a great spot at the end.

Time of match: 3:57

Winner: Jackie by pinfall

Coach hypes up the main event of D-Lo vs Raven when we come back. Back from commercial the next recap segment is Kane beating Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship. We got commercial again and when we come back, we get a Randy Orton promo done in NFL Films style. Least it was unique. Finally let's get to our main event.

Match 4

D-Lo Brown vs Raven

What's the masterpiece Raven is talking about? D-Lo grabs a mic and says what up to all the dawgs in the D-Lo Nation. D-Lo says the only masterpiece will be Raven in the Sky High hall of fame. Bell's gone and Raven gets the upperhand in the corner then puts the boots to him. D-Lo reverses it and pounds away on Raven. D-Lo goes for a tackle but Raven keapfrogs him and D-Lo goes shoulder first into the ring post, falling to the floor. Raven outside hits a russian leg sweep into the barricade. Raven throws D-Lo inside and gets in a front facelock. D-Lo powers out of it and shoulderblocks Raven into the corner. Raven drops a knee to the back of D-Lo and covers for a deuce. Raven gets drop toe holded into the middle turnbuckle. D-Lo unloads with right hands and a dropkick. D-Lo does a scoop slam and drops the leg. D-Lo covers for a deuce then punches Raven in the corner. Raven ducks and uses the distraction to powerbomb D-Lo and go for the Flair pin for 1...2...nope.  Raven runs right into Sudden Impact (??) and D-Lo covers for 1...2....nooo. Raven staggers into the corner, D-Lo charges but eats boot. Raven charges but D-Lo goes for the Sky High. Raven blocks it and intentionally throws himself into referee Nick Patrick. With Patrick turned around, Raven uppercuts D-Lo in the gonads. Raven hits the Evenflow and covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Interesting how this was supposedly the feud ender and Raven gets the duke. Raven had less than 3 months to go on his contract but got a bone here. That wasnt as good as the women's match but still decent for crash style.

Time of match: 3:15

Winner: Raven by pinfall

Coach signs off and tells us to watch Raw Roulette tomorrow night live from Las Vegas. Amazing how we had four matches here when usually there's only three. I like it, the more wrestling and less recaps the better. In the old days, recap shows were useful because there was no internet too look up results so you either taped the live show or had to wait for the recap show. By 2002 the internet was evolving so the recap portions of Velocity and Heat were kind of moot. Richards vs Hurricane was okay, Spike vs Credible was okay, Molly vs Jackie was great and Raven/D-Lo was good. At least none of the matches sucked anyway. While Monday Night Raw is tomorrow night in Las Vegas, the stars of Smackdown had a house show in Tuscon, Arizona. I'll see you in Tucson.

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