Monday, October 28, 2002

WWE Monday Night Raw (10/28/02)

Last week's Raw may have been the single worst in company history and that's saying something considering the boring as hell post-Manhattan center to pre-Nitro Raw's were from 93-95. One could argue that the Katie Vick angle Raws put Raw on a path of destruction they really never recovered from. One week ago we had to suffer through one of the most tasteless and idiotic segments in wrestling history when Triple H basically screwed a mannequin on live television pretending to be Kane. Now we have the continuation of his wretched angle as Kane kidnapped HHH at the end of last week's Raw. What could he have in mind for the World Heavyweight Champion? We're headed toward Survivor Series and the other headache HHH has to suffer is Rob Van Dam once again got one over on Ric Flair and is in hot pursuit of that title. To make matters worse, Shaw Michaels is ready to return to full active duty for the first time since March of 1998. This week's episode has ECW originals Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer taking on William Regal and Lance Storm with Chris Jericho and Christian defending the tag belts against The Dudleys. When we last left off, Eric Bischoff promised something called "Elimination Chamber" while HHH was thrown in a trunk and driven off by Kane. That means this week's Raw won't be so bad.....right? 

Joe Louis Arena
Detroit, MI
October 28, 2002

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler

Before we do anything, we got some dark matches and a Sunday Night Heat taping. We'll only do the dark matches here.

Dark Match 1

Ernest "The Cat" Miller vs Johnny Stamboli

Miller was getting a tryout after sitting out his WCW contract during the Invasion. Then again, so was Stamboli. Eventually both guys would be making their debuts. Miller won this match.

Winner: Miller

Dark Match 2

Raven and Redd Dogg vs Tyson Dux and Larry Destiny

Raven and Dux we all know and Redd Dogg was being featured on house shows and dark matches before getting the eventual call-up. Larry was last seen on Jakked back in March of 01 and was primarily a Canadian local. Raven and Dogg got the win.

Winners: Raven and Redd Dogg

Now let's start the show. The show opens with a casket being wheeled to ringside....oh no, I forgot about this. HHH makes his way down to the ring as JR and King speculate how he's even here after last week. HHH says "Kane, next time you put someone in the trunk of a car, make sure there's no child safety hatch they can pull and jump out before you drive off".....well that's a lame payoff. HHH goes on to say that people were offended last week about the tape and people would never watch Raw again. HHH says he agrees that Kane was disgusting for doing that to Katie Vick. HHH says they need to hear from Katie Vick herself and HHH says he's gonna get her opinion. He then opens the casket and a mannequin is in there in a cheerleader uniform. Like I mentioned last week, RD Reynolds of bought the outfit on the mannequin. HHH introduces "Katie Vick" as JR says this is disgusting. I'm not gonna sit through this again so I'll just give the cliff notes. HHH does a ventriloquist act making horrible "dead" puns to almost no crowd reaction. Hunter then does say something noteworthy as he somewhat breaks character to say if you're offended, he doesn't give a damn because he's going to do what he wants. Finally The Hurricane hits the ramp to break up the monotony. JR "Thank God." Hurricane says HHH got humiliated and "whatsupwithdat!" HHH says nothing happened as he jumped out of the trunk and Hurricane says he's got proof that he's lying. He then shows footage of an equally tasteless skit where someone wearing a HHH mask is "operated" on with items being pulled out of his ass including a sledgehammer and his own head. JR "The tables are turned on the game." HHH then beats up the mannequin with a steel chair and heaves it outside. HHH continues to beat up the mannequin outside as a fan says "You're not funny!" After a minute of this, Kane hits ringside and drops HHH in the ring with punches. Kane mauls Hunter as security hits the ring to stop him. Kane disposes of security and Eric Bischoff then brings the officials in to break it up including road agents Sgt Slaughter and Terry Taylor. Eric Bischoff grabs a mic and says "That's the end of this!" He orders a casket match for the main event and HHH freaks out while Kane smiles. We fade to commercial and thank christ this angle is almost over. It was clear as day as no one wanted this angle and the big blowoff at No Mercy had Kane losing. Vince wanted to milk this feud no matter what cost when he had a fully functional Shawn Michaels ready to return to active duty.

When we get back from commercial we get a hidden camera of Trish Stratus on the phone with someone while she changes her outfit. King has an aneurism on commentary and at least that's an improvement over the first 15 minutes of the show, FINALLY we get to our first match

Match 1

Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer vs William Regal and Lance Storm

ECW vs WCW a year after the Alliance angle ended and Regal gets on the mic in the ring. Regal says people fear for their lives walking the streets and they send their children out to ask for candy anyway, happy Halloween. They show footage of Dreamer vs RVD from 2 months ago at MSG to show how they respect each other. RVD start with Storm and they exchange go-behinds but Lance Storm misses a spin kick. RVD hits his own spin kick and counters for just a one count. Regal tags in and Van Dam brings him in the hard way before hitting shoulder blocks in the corner. Rob does a back flip, ducks under a clothesline and hits a second rope crossbody for a two. Van Dam hits another spinning heel kick to Storm but Regal counters with a suplex for a two count. Storm tags in and delivers a back elbow smash but the cover only gets two. Storm locks in a chicken wing as the crowd chants "RVD".  Rob hits a second rope dropkick and Regal tags in only to get kicked by Rob. Dreamer gets the hot tag with a hat on and he cleans house. A spinebuster on Regal only gets a two count and he goes for a ddt only to clothesline an interfering Lance Storm. Van Dam comes off the top with a dropkick on Regal and a double clothesline sends Storm to the outside. Van dam misses a top rope splash on Storm and Storm comes off the top with the Canadian flagpole on the back of Dreamer's head. Regal inside covers for 1...2..3 to win the match. Regal and Storm win it in a short three minute match.

Time of match: 3:13

Winners: Regal & Storm by pinfall

We cut to Eric Bischoff's office who gives 3 Minute Warning and Rico the business for blowing last week's match. Rico tries to talk but Eric says save it. Eric says his reputation goes in the toilet if Big Show beats Brock Lesnar for the WWE title. Eric tells Rico to shut up and says Spike Dudley told him to bite him two weeks ago. Eric says they all work for him and if they don't go out and make an impact, their 3 minutes are up. I wouldn't piss them off Eric, but that's just me. We go to footage of a public signing at Madison Square Garden the previous Saturday and say tickets are available for the next show there. We then cut to Test and Stacy Keibler on a date and Stacy is coming up with gimmicks for Test. Stacy bends over in front of the camera (thanks Dunn) and says Test's fans are called "Test-icles". Stacy says when she's done with him, his Test-icles are gonna be huge. Dick jokes aside, Test always did better with a manager whether its Stephanie or Trish Stratus. On to the next match where Bubba Ray and Spike Dudley are to meet Christian and Chris Jericho for the World Tag Team titles. JR and King show footage of the week before where Spike & Bubba beat Lance Storm & William Regal but was beat up with brass knuckles following the match. After Bubba and Spike enter they're suddenly attacked by 3 Minute Warning and Rico. Rosey hits a big splash on Spike and they double samoan drop the poor guy. Bubba is out cold and Spike rolls around in pain as 3 Minute Warning much for the tag match.

When we get back from commercial we get a vignette of Deacon Bautista coming to Raw only under the name Batista. Essentially Bischoff traded Big Show for Batista. We see footage of the attack from just a minute ago and we move on to the next match

Match 2

Goldust vs Test (with Stacy Keibler)

JR and King say next Monday night will be at the Fleet Center in Boston as Test and Stacy make their entrance. King drools over Stacy as Test grabs the mic and says "I'd just like to say hi to all all all my Test-icles!" That gets a huge pop but Goldust is not impressed and attacks him at the bell. He sends Test off the ropes and right in to a reverse atomic much for the Test-icles. A lariat by Goldust almost takes Test's head off but Test crotches Goldust on the top rope. Test goes to work on Goldust in the corner as JR brings up that Scott Steiner was just signed to a contact.....remember that in a few weeks. Test goes for the pump handle slam but Goldust slides out of it and hits a clothesline. Goldust gets whipped into the corner but a charge eats boot. Goldust hits a second rope bulldog and covers for 1...2.., nope. Goldust goes for shattered dreams in the corner but Stacy interferes and gets kissed for her troubles. He sets her up in the corner and the crowd explodes when he teases shattered dreams on Stacy. He goes to kick Stacy but referee Jack Doane stops him. Test gets free but Goldust ducks under the big boot and hit a clothesline. Goldust goes for the curtain call but Stacy hits a lowblow allowing Test to hit the big boot. Test covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Test picks Stacy up by the ass as King goes "woah WOAH!". We go to the replay and JR bitches Stacy should have been disqualified. Short match but it served its purpose as trying to get Test & Stacy over.

Time of match: 2:30

Winner: Test

Back to Eric Bischoff's office and an irate Bubba Ray Dudley barges in complaining about Eric sending 3 Minute Warning to jump them. Bischoff says his title shot is still on and to find another partner. Bubba says "Anyone I want?" Bischoff said sure and get out because he has business. When we get back from commercial we get a vignette of Scott Steiner coming to the WWE, way to ruin it JR. JR brings up last week showing Shawn Michaels is healthy and ready to return. After this Katie Vick garbage is over, HBK vs HHH round 2 is upon us. 

We then cut to RNN Breaking News with JR going "The hell is that?" Its actually Randy Orton who's arm is in a sling and he talks about how he wasn't even mentioned the previous week. He says he's rehabbing to return and wants the ladies to write to As ridiculous as this sounds, WWE had plans for him....oh did they have plans for him.

After that's over, Jonathan Coachman catches up to Kane and says the match is non-title with HHH. Kane says he doesn't care about the title, he wants to seal HHH in a casket. He says what he did to Katie Vick was an accident but what he's gonna do to HHH tonight won't be. Like  I said, thank god this is coming to an end. Before we got to commercial again, Chris Jericho and Christian are on their way to the ring. We come back from commercial with Jericho & Christian making their entrance. Bubba makes his entrance with a smile on his face and we go to a highlight of how Bubba suffered a concussion a few weeks earlier. Bubba's partner is......Jeff Hardy. Ha, we got 1/3 of TLC with Christian, Jeff and Bubba.

Match 3

Bubba Ray Dudley and Jeff Hardy vs Christian & Chris Jericho for the WWE World Tag Team Championship

King goes "What??" as JR says he'd never seen a Dudley and a Hardy team up in any capacity.....uh the 2000 Survivor Series? Jeff starts with Christian who's wearing the red singlet tights. Christian attacks Jeff with punches and kicks but Jeff slides under and take shim down with a double leg takedown. He does the legdrop between the thighs and tags in Bubba. Bubba works over Christian with open handed chops in the corner and hits a big splash in the other corner. Bubba does the Dusty Punches & Elbow then drops Jericho off the aprin. Jericho then grabs the leg to trip up Bubba allowing Christian to make the tag. Jericho puts the boots to Bubba and hits a rude awakening neckbreaker. Jericho dropkicks Bubba and drapes him across the middle rope. Jericho runs and jumps on Bubba before taunting the crowd. Christian tags in and they hit a double back body-drop. Christian covers for a 1 count and Bubba tries to rally with Dusty punches but Christian stops him with a kick. Bubba catches Christian with a face-buster and tags Jeff in who cleans house of Jericho and Christian. Christian quells the momentum with a knee to the head but Jeff rolls into a legdrop cradle for 1...2...nope. Christian ducks and Jeff hands a flying headbutt....on referee Nick Patrick. Whoops! Christian heaves Jeff over the top rope and Jericho hits a flying dropkick off the top rope on Bubba. Jericho tells Christian to get some chairs for a con-chair-to. Bubba ducks the attempt and hits a double clothesline on them. Jeff revives and uses Bubba to hit whisper in the wind then Bubba slingshots Jericho over the top rope onto Christian. Jeff uses Bubba as a springboard to hit whisper in the wind onto the floor. All of a sudden 3 Minute Warning hits the ring to attack Bubba and Jeff, but Jeff takes them out with a crossbody. Nick Patrick throws the intruders out but Bubba hits a flying crossbody off the top onto Rosey, Jamal and Jericho. We cut to commercial and when we get back Jericho has Jeff in an abdominal stretch as we're shown during the break the heels got the advantage by Christian low bridging Jeff to the floor. Back to real time Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho but Jeff cradles him for 1....2....nope. Jericho dropkicks Hardy in the head, gets up and calls Bubba a son of a bitch to get him irate. Jericho fakes a tag with the ref dealing with Bubba to allow Christian to come in and execute a backbreaker. The cover gets two and Christian gets in a front headlock. Jeff tries to escape and makes his way to Bubba but Jericho distracts the ref to do the "face gets the tag but the ref doesn't see it" routine. Bubba gets chased out as Jericho and Christian double-team Jeff.  Jericho taunts the irate crowd and JR says "I guarantee there won't be any bad officiating in the casket match!" Jericho sends Hardy into the corner and unloads with right hands but Hardy fights back with rights of his own. Jericho charges into the corner but eats boot only to drop Hardy with a sleeperdrop. He covers but Bubba breaks up the count and Jericho protests. He drops Bubba off the apron as JR calls him a real jackass. Chris chops Jeff in the corner and whips him into the other corner where he stuns Jericho with a crossbody. Chris grabs his league but eats a mule kick. Bubba gets the hot tag and lays waste to Jericho and an interfering Christian. Jericho counters a Bubba Bomb but eats a sidewalk slam. The heels try a backbody drop but Bubba kicks Jericho and clotheslines Christian before tagging in Jeff. Bubba slams Chris and he and Jeff do the Wazzup Headbutt. Bubba shoves Jeff and tells him to get the tables. King "The tables???" Referee Nick Patrick tells Jeff not to do it as Bubba gets one. Before Bubba can set it up, Christian baseball slides him down only to get bumrushed by Jericho after Hardy moved. Hardy rolls up Jericho for 1...2..NOOOOOO. Jericho chops Jeff in the corner again and whips him to the other side only to eat a whisper in the wind. Jeff covers for 1...2...nope. Christian grabs a tag belt and goes to hit Jeff with it only for Hardy to duck. Bubba spears Christian but turns around to see Rico & 3 Minute Warning holding Spike Dudley upside down like high school bullies. Bubba leaves the ring and runs after the trio leaving Jeff by himself. Hardy hits a reverse twist of fate and goes up top for a swanton. Christian gets kicked off the apron but Jericho stops Jeff only to pushed off. Jeff hits the swanton and covers for, Christian pulls the ref out. Jeff dropkicks Christian into Patrick and Jericho waffles Jeff with the belt Christian brought in. Jericho hits the lionsault and covers for 1...2.....3 to win it. JR "Dammit!" King puts over the match and Jeff's effort as JR is irate that 3 Minute Warning took Bubba out of the match. Jericho and Christian celebrate up the ramp as King congratulates them. That was a hell of a match considering it was a makeshift team of Hardy & Bubba but all four of them made it work. Finally a bright spot to a lackluster time period for Raw.

Time of match: 15:44

Winners: Jericho and Christian by pinfall (Still World Tag Team Champions)

We're with Jonathan Coachman interviewing Triple H on his upcoming casket match. HHH sarcastically makes fun of Kane and subtlety calls him gay without actually saying so. "You just keep your little burnt up banana in its hammock and you and me will be just fine." Thankfully Coachman switches gears to something less embarrassing by asking about Shawn Michaels making his return. HHH says no way is Shawn is going to convince him that he's 100% and Shawn is a lot of hot air. A phone starts ringing and Hunter tells Coach he has to go. JR "Kane is going to kick Triple H's ass tonight I can feel it." The same hidden camera that filmed Trish changing now is filming Hunter taking a phone call. Its Ric Flair and HHH asks why he isn't at the arena yet. Apparently Ric's dealing with bad weather and can't make it. HHH vents that he's booked against Kane and sounds very nervous, the opposite of the bravado he showed just a minute ago with Coach. Basically the point is he's not as confident as he appears.

After commercial we're shown Al Snow confronting Chris Nowinski. Al said he stood up for Chris and stayed loyal during Tough Enough but he's not proud of his behavior. Al runs him down and says he made the right decision choosing Maven to win and Chris responds that he would have been successful without Tough Enough and his attitude is a reflection of himself, not Snow. Chris tells Al to get him an opponent of his choosing and to be at ringside to witness Chris winning. He calls him "dad" and leaves. Al Snow is the LAST person you want to choose an opponent for you because he knows everyone.

We cut to the arena where Eric Bischoff makes his appearance. He says Scott Steiner is coming to WWE (after sitting out his guaranteed contract). Bischoff says he traded Big Show for a lot of talent but doesn't mention who. Bischoff then says he was behind the hidden cameras which technically Trish could sue him for that. Bischoff then gets to the point and says he's going to debut the Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series. He says next week he'll give the details but says there will be six men involved. Its going to have elements of Royal Rumble, War Games and Survivor Series mixed in plus it'll be for the World Heavyweight title. He names the six as Chris Jericho, Booker T, Rob Van Dam, HHH, Kane and Shawn Michaels. Bischoff says he's gonna give Shawn his chance to get revenge on HHH and to get back to him by next week. All of a sudden Booker T comes out to give his two cents. Booker says "you damn skippy, hippie" about being in the match and tells Bischoff to shut his trap and get to the back because the five time, five time, five time champ is on the attack, jack. After Bischoff leaves, Booker calls out Chris Nowinski and tells him to get out there. Guess we know who Al Snow picked to face Chris. We cut to commercial here and its interesting how that segued from Scott Steiner to Elimination Chamber to Booker T vs Nowinski.

Match 4

Chris Nowinski vs Booker T

Al Snow is at ringside and Chris doesn't look too scared he's facing Booker as he bumrushes him to start the match. Booker gets the upper hand with right hands and drops him with a back elbow smash, Booker chops and strikes Chris who bails to the outside. Booker pulls Chris back in on the apron by the air, brings him in the hard way and drops him twice with clotheslines. A cover gets two and Booker locks in an arm wrench. Nowinski counters with knees in the corner as JR finally gives a shoutout to Rebellion the UK PPV that took place two days earlier. Nowinski hits a hot shot off the top rope followed by a spinebuster. Chris covers for a near fall as King says Oklahoma football is jealous of Harvard football which JR hilariously says King must be hallucinating. Chris hits a powerslam for a deuce, delivers a snapmare then locks in a chinlock. King tells Al to give Chris up and let go. Booker fights back with right hands but eats a boot to the head. Booker hits a spinebuster as JR says Booker may be the next champion on November 17th at Survivor Series. Booker chops, punches and hits an axe kick on Chris. Booker hits another axe kick and covers for 1...2...nope. Chris rakes the eyes but misses a clothesline. Booker lands a third axe kick as Chris goes outside and punches Al Snow. Al gets in and beats the crap out of Chris to cause a disqualification. JR figures out that was on purpose and King laughs that Nowinski outsmarted everyone. Booker drops Al Snow with a right hand and kicks the crap out of Nowinski after the bell hitting a backdrop. Booker hits the scissors kick and clotheslines him over the top to the floor. Booker's music plays as he does the spinaroonie despite losing the match. Why would you put Booker in the main event at Survivor Series and have him LOSE to Nowinski?

Time of match: 3:06

Winner: Chris Nowinski by disqualification

After the match we cut to Trish and King screams "Puppies!" as the women's title match is next.

Match 5

Jacqueline vs Molly Holly vs Trish Stratus for the WWE Women's Championship

King whoops it up for Trish to start and JR asks if he likes Lil Kim. King & JR hock X-Box, Lugz and the movie Half Past Dead as Jacqueline makes her entrance. Molly comes out last after King makes a tasteless breast joke as JR explains triple threat rules. Trish runs over Jackie but Molly kicks her off. Molly kicks Trish in a head but is clotheslined for her trouble. Jackie gets an Oklahoma roll for a two count on Trish then locks in a half crap. Molly grabs the other leg and Jackie elbows her in the head. They trade blows as Victoria in the back watches the match. Molly hits the Molly Cartwheel on Jackie and Jackie hits a tornado DDT on Trish. Jackie covers for 1...2...Molly stops the count. Jackie gets two nearfalls on Molly including a backslide and but Molly delivers a backbreaker. Trish grabs Molly and goes for the Stratusfaction and on the way down she grabs Jackie as well for the double Stratusfaction. Trish covers Molly for the 1....2.....3 to win the match and retain the title. Not a great way to showcase your only women's match to have it go 2 minutes while HHH gets to babble on and on about Katie Vick. All three women deserved better. Still, point is Victoria is hot on Trish's tail.

Time of match: 2:33

Winner: Trish Stratus by pinfall (still Women's champion)

Our final commercial comes after hype for the casket match, thankfully this is the end of the Katie Vick saga.....we hope.

Match 6

Kane vs World Heavyweight Champion Triple H in a Casket Match

The title is not on the line so Hunter has essentially nothing to lose. JR predicts comeuppance for HHH but King isn't so sure. King "Have you ever been in a casket?" JR "Why in God's name would I ever be in a casket?" King "Well I have, its horrible!" Kane has a smile as he enters the ring and he slugs Hunter to start. Kane drops HHH with a series of clotheslines and slugs away in the corner. Kane stomps away with Hunter as JR denounces Hunter's recent tapes and tactics. Kane throws HHH repeatedly in the corner and hits a pump handle slam and calls for referee Earl Hebner to open the lid. HHH fights back as King says you're never the same if you get locked in a casket. Kane shoves HHH into the casket but quickly squirms out. Kane brings Hunter in the hard way but he gets a thumb to the eye. Kane shakes it off and hits a powerslam as JR says he hates being around caskets. Kane heaves Hunter off the corner to the floor as JR says he'd rather be cremated. Hunter grabs the ring bell and waffles Kane with it as JR says its legal. King "Cremated, you want to make an ash out of yourself?" Hahahahahahaha! Triple H sends Kane into the ring steps and sends him into the ring. Hunter pounds away with right hands but Kane fires back with his own right hands. HHH hits a big spinebuster but Kane sits up causing HHH to fire away with more right hands in the corner. Hunter hits a facebuster then a DDT as King asks if Kane's gay without actually saying so causing JR to retort "What's wrong with that?" HHH drags Kane to the open casket and shoves him almost in, but Kane fights out of it. Kane drops Hunter with a big right hand and goes upstairs only to be crotched. JR says there hasn't been a casket match since 1998 and Hunter hits a superplex. King asks what Katie Vick saw in Kane and deducts it must have been a cool car. Wasn't the original Kane story that he was locked up in a mental institution for 30 years? When did he have time to date Katie Vick? Inconsistencies aside HHH tells Hebner to open the lid. Hunter rolls Kane into the casket but Kane's feet are sticking out. Kane then grabs Hunter by the throat but Hunter fights him off. Hunter misses a clothesline but he blocks the chokeslam. Kane counters a pedigree with a backdrop but Hunter applies a sleeperhold. JR tries to explain why a sleeper is effective in a match like this as Kane sits up again. Kane pseudo-hulks up as JR says he can't beat Kane in a fair fight. Kane hits a big boot and hits a clothesline in the corner. Kane catches Trips with a sidewalk slam then goes upstairs. Kane hits the flying clothesline then calls for the chokeslam. Hunter counters it with a forearm to the gonads then goes outside to grab a chair. Hunter blasts Kane in the head and poses for the irate crowd, but Kane sits up. Hunter hits him in the head again and asks for the casket to be open. The casket opens and OUT POPS SHAWN MICHAELS! HBK goes to town on HHH and hits a flying forearm before nipping up. The crowd goes berserk and he tunes up the band. Shawn buries Hunter with sweet chin music and gets out of the ring when Kane sits up. Kane finally lands the chokeslam and rolls Hunter into the casket. He slams the lid to win the match and FINALLY put an end to the Katie Vick angle. Unfortunately the ramifications were Kane needed Shawn Michaels to win a match against HHH. Kane leaves allowing Shawn to dance in the ring and on the casket to end the night's festivities. JR "You don't hunt what you don't kill" and says Hunter not finishing off HBK might prove to be fatal come Survivor Series. Casket matches are kinda blah anyway but it had a purpose, now we can move on.

Time of match: 11:16

Winner: Kane

Apart from the return of Shawn Michaels and the tag match, this show SUCKED. The Katie Vick saga was a disgrace, Booker T is announced as an Elimination Chamber contestant and loses to Chris Nowinski, the women got 2 minutes in the ring, Test vs Goldust was too short.....see a problem here? It was 2002 but this smacked of Vince Russo booking by keeping the matches short as possible to put over the extra garbage. Of course this was the problem with giving HHH too much power as Smackdown had their pecking order but had a core of 10 guys that could put on great matches while Raw basically has six and even then none of them besides Shawn Michaels has a chance to beat HHH. Raw was lacking in main event talent as it is but the stupid storylines made it even worse. Like I said before, Raw really never recovered to this day. Although if you want to focus on the positives, Shawn Michaels is back to full time duty, the tag match was good and the women's wrestling is actually good when given enough time. Hopefully next week's show will be better with everything gearing toward Elimination Chamber. As for the next show on the Timeline, its another Ruthless Aggression Smackdown which means good things in store. See you there.

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