Sunday, October 13, 2002

WWE Sunday Night Heat (10/13/02)

WWE Sunday Night Heat
Thomas & Mack Center
Las Vegas, Nevada
October 13, 2002

Commentators: Jonathan Coachman and Lita

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

So far this week's Raw, Smackdown and Velocity all sucked....can Heat be the saving grace? It doesn't look likely since Raw Roulette flopped like a dead deer. Tonight we only got two matches for Heat, Justin Credible vs Mark Jindrak and Johnny Stamboli vs Lance Storm. Apparently Raven is going to unveil his masterpiece as well. It won't be Chris Masters, he comes later. We go right to our first match.

Match 1

Mark Jindrak vs Justin Credible

Lita says this is Mark's debut on Heat as Credible makes his entrance. Lita brings up Mark Jindrak's WCW tag title run with Sean O'Haire (did Vince let her say that?) as they lock up. Coach literally does the worst segue of all time to talk about Raw Roulette as instructed by whoever is in his ear as Mark backs Justin in the corner. The crowd chants ECW as Credible bails to the outside for some heat. Credible gets a knee to the ribs and some strikes but Mark doesn't fall for the up and over. Mark hiptosses Credible and gets in some armdrags. Coach babbles on about Booker T/Big Show/Chris Jericho. Credible pounds on Jindrak's back but walks into a tilt a whirl slam. Mark covers for 1...2..nope. Credible crotches Jindrak on the top tope and Mark falls into the tree of woe. Credible taunts the crowd as Coach now babbles on about the TLC match. Credible slaps Mark but Mark rallies with left hands only to eat another boot to the ribs. Credible gets in a chinlock but Mark powers out of it. Jindrak gets superkicked in the face and Justin covers for a two count. Coach goes to plug Tough Enough 3 but Credible baseball slides nut first into the ringpost. Lita mocks the Tough Enough 3 of them was John Morrison who would eventually be a long time WWE star and the other talented one, Matt Cappotelli would have been a star if he didn't contract what would eventually be terminal brain cancer. Mark rallies with a left hand and a scoop slam before executing a dropkick. Jindrak faceplants Credible and covers for a deuce as former ECW alumni Lita says "He's not just the coolest, he's not just the best..." She remembers. A charge by Jindrak eats boot but his springboard attempt connects and covers for 1..2....nope. Jindrak catches the superkick and hits an inverted atomic drop. Jindrak follows with a neckbreaker and covers for 1....2....3 to win the match. They were pushing Jindrak as a classic babyface but, as Randy Orton and John Cena were about to find out, classic babyfaces doesn't work in 2002. Decent match between the two.

Time of match: 4:31

Winner: Jindrak by pinfall

Coach hypes up the main event with Lance Storm taking on Johnny Stamboli before saying we got Raw Roulette highlights after break. Back from commercial we get a Tough Enough 3 plug then a vignette for just Batista now, coming to Raw. Then of all the things to highlight, they go through the entire Stacy Keibler/Trish Stratus segment backstage and the match. Then we cut to Victoria's interview from Raw saying she's going to hurt Trish like Trish hurt others. Before we go to break, another reminder for Stamboli/Storm coming up.

Our JVC Kaboom of the Week is the drag match between William Regal and Goldust where Regal waffles him with brass knuckles. Our next recap is for Triple H and Ric Flair at the Wheel picking a blindfold match. HHH cheats to beat D-Lo Brown to win that match. Before we go to break again we get a montage of Kane vs Triple H for No Mercy.

Back from break our Rewind of the Week is Raven defeating D-Lo Brown on Heat last week. Coach is in the ring with Raven for a chat. Coach asks about what Raven's masterpiece is. Instead, Raven whines that he's languished for two years in WWE and he's been treated like an outcast. He goes on to say he's resisted temptation to lash out and quit WWE (remember this) but didn't because he has a statement to make. He will reveal that statement in the next couple of weeks as the crowd chants "You suck!". He says the crowd has the chastity of a three dollar tramp and they look down at him for being different. Raven says he's not depraved, its the people. Raven calls off the interview and leaves. Lita mocks him by saying we've learned nothing from this interview. Yeah really, talk about a waste of time. You could have had a 3 minute match with Raven grabbing a mic after and saying those words. Lita then says the Saliva music video for "Always" will debut next week on Heat on the No Mercy pre-show.

Back from break we get a plug for the Divas Undressed magazine (porn for kids) and the recap of the HHH vs Kane feud so far. Yeah, Katie Vick is underway....great.  We do get to see highlights of the TLC match which was still good. Finally we got our main event after this last break. On to the match.

Match 2

Lance Storm vs Johnny Stamboli

Its funny how this was pre-recorded before Lance Storm's Canadian babyface run on the house shows but he actually comes out to his pre-Unamericans titantron. He still makes his entrance yapping at the fans as a heel. Bell's gone and Storm takes over with right hands and knees in the corner. Lance whips Johnny into the other clothesline and hits a another one. The crowd chants USA as Storm takes Stamboli over and drops a leg. He gets a two count but Stamboli blocks a suplex. He hits one of his own but misses an elbow drop. Lance hits an axehandle to the back as Coach and Lita babble on about Kane being a murderer and asking who Katie Vick is. Oh we're going to find out the hard way as the weeks go on. Lance sends Stamboli off the ropes and Lance drops him with an elbow smash. Lance covers for a two count and gets in a neck vice. Stamboli powers out of it and hits an overhead suplex. Stamboli hits a heel kick and a backdrop, followed by a stinger splash. He faceplants Storm and covers for a deuce as Coach plugs Tough Enough 3 again. Stamboli hits a tilt-a-whirl slam and covers for a deuce but Lance hits a jawbreaker. Coach babbles on and on about Eric Bischoff as Storm hits the fireman's carry roll and covers for 1..2....nope. Storm goes for a half crab but Stamboli cradles him up for a deuce. Stamboli goes for an overhead press slam but Storm rolls out of it. Stamboli charges in the corner but Storm counters with the superkick. He covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Storm outwits his WCW alumni to win this one. Storm celebrates after the match and that was okay for what it was. 

Time of match: 4:09

Winner: Storm by pinfall

Surprisingly this Heat wasn't that bad. The matches were okay although this episode was CLEARLY Raw Roulette recap focus heavy. The TLC match was good for what it was worse. The Raven interview was a waste of time but oh well. Raw and Smackdown this week both were lackluster and now we're deep into the outhouse of the Katie Vick storyline. Tomorrow night Raw is coming from Montreal but Smackdown has a house show in London, Ontario. I'll see you there.

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