Saturday, October 5, 2002

WWE at Kansas City Municipal Auditorium (10/5/02)


Muncipal Auditorium
Kansas City, Missouri
October 5, 2002

After another great Smackdown, the stars of the brand made their way to Kansas City for a house show at the Municipal Auditorium. Once again there will be no Undertaker or Eddie Guerrero but the Smackdown Six (sans Eddie) are here and this should still be a solid show. So let's get right to it.

Match 1

Funaki vs Matt Hardy

Fresh off his "victory" over The Undertaker, Matt takes on SMACKDOWN NUMBA ONE ANNOUNCA. Matt wins this one.

Winner: Hardy by pinfall

Match 2

Shelton Benjamin and Bull Buchanan vs Crash Holly and Bill Demott

Benjamin was getting a lot of work on the house show circuit to prepare him for his TV debut whenever that maybe. Bill Demott was a trainer on Tough Enough at this point but still worked time to time. Demott got the pin to win for his team.

Winners: Demott and Holly by pinfall

Match 3

Albert vs John Cena

Funny how at this time both John Cena and Randy Orton were typical smiling babyfaces. That's the carryover from Pat Patterson still thinking it was 1980 every now and then. Cena gets the pin with a sunset flip.

Winner: Cena by pinfall

Match 4

Chavo Guerrero Jr and Tajiri vs Billy Kidman and Shannon Moore

Cruiserweight tag team action here with 3/4 WCW and 1/4 ECW to delight the crowd. Kidman wins it with the shooting star press.

Winners: Kidman and Moore by pinfall

Match 5

Edge vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship

Edge had been working with Brock on the house show circuit and that continues here. Apparently Chavo Guerrero of all people interfered to cost Edge the match.

Winner: Lesnar by pinfall (still WWE Champion)

Match 6

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Jamie Noble for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Funny how was Rey was piling up victories on TV but had been putting over Noble on the houses. No surprise here as Noble takes it to keep the strap.

Winner: Noble by pinfall

Match 7

Val Venis vs Chris Benoit

Guess they had to do something to keep Benoit on the card so they fed him Val Venis here. Benoit won with the Crippler Crossface.

Winner: Benoit by submission

Match 8

Reverend D'Von and Faarooq vs Billy and Chuck

The rematch from Smackdown only with a different result. Palumbo got the pin to win it for his team.

Winners: Billy and Chuck by pinfall

Match 9

Kurt Angle vs Rikishi in a Kiss My Ass Match

Surprisingly Rikishi did NOT get the win here as he had been on the houses. Angle pinned him with a roll up. More than likely Rikishi hit the stink face on Angle anyway.

Winner: Angle by pinfall

Once again the card looks solid but you'd have to be there live to appreciate it. Smackdown was number one at this point and The Smackdown Six was a large part of it. You could put them anywhere on the card and they'd still deliver the goods. Too bad this card has been lost to time. While this show was going on, the stars of Raw were in Sacramento at the Arco Arena for their own house show. I'll see you there.

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