Saturday, October 19, 2002

WWE Velocity (10/19/02)

WWE Velocity
Air Canada Centre
Toronto, Canada
October 19, 2002

Announcers: Michael Cole and Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd

Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

We are one day away from WWE No Mercy but we still have some unfinished business left. Not that the matches on Velocity have any impact on the pay-per-view but there's always the recaps.....or not. Nobody has the recaps so we're just going to have straight matches on this write-up unless someone else can find them. Let's get to our first match.

Match 1

Funaki vs Tajiri

The battle for Japan as SMACKDOWN NUMBA WUN ANNOUNCA Funaki takes on his buddy Tajiri. We get a highlight of Tajiri getting beat up by Jamie Noble and Nidia for....reasons. Funaki with a mic cuts a promo on the ramp saying if Tajiri wants people to like him like they like Funaki, don't make ugly faces. He should smile like Funaki does...hahahaha. Cole says Tajiri is not happy after what happened on Smackdown and once again, I find it funny how they're talking about Smackdown in the past tense while this match was recorded before it. Funaki wants a handshake to start and Tajiri goes for it...before kicking Funaki in the side of the leg. Tajiri kicks Funaki again but Sho ducks under the buzzsaw and hits a dropkick. Funaki hits an armdrag and explains the Noble/Nidia drama. Funaki does a spring board armdrag before hitting a standard armdrag. Funaki walks right into a savate kick while Cole babbles on about Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit and their match at No Mercy with Edge and Mysterio. Again, I know its Vince in their ear telling them to talk about Smackdown but its annoying when the action in the ring gets hot. Tajiri yells at the crowd and delivers a scoop slam. Tajiri screams as he drops a knee as the crowd chants for Funaki. Tajiri locks in a surfboard crab but Funaki rolls on top for a two count. Tajiri sends Funaki off and Sho goes for a sunset flip. Tajiri trudges to the ropes, rolls out of the ring and belts Funaki with a forearm. Cole babbles on about Stephanie McMahon now as some guy in the crowd asks "Where's Mr. Fuji!" Tajiri goes to the chinlock as the announcers start going on about Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker. Funaki hits a victory roll for a two count but Tajiri rolls out of a back suplex and hits an atomic drop. Tajiri misses the second rope moonsault and Funaki delivers a bulldog. Funaki covers for a two count but then runs into a tarantula. Funaki counters with a reverse powerbomb and covers for 1...2..nope. Funaki eats a springboard back elbow and Tajiri calls for the buzz kick. Tajiri swings and misses but ducks under Funaki's enziguiri. Tajiri blasts Funaki with the kick and covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. That felt like a Bloodsport finish at the end with the missed kick followed by landing it. Good crash style match and its a shame it couldn't have gone longer, they did the best they could.

Time of match: 3:53

Winner: Tajiri by pinfall

With no recaps on this recording, we go right to the next match.

Match 2

Albert vs Bobby Roode

Velocity mainstay Albert gets the young Roode here. Bobby comes out to the Drew Carey Royal Rumble theme from 2001. Lloyd "Brand new rookie here and his first match is against the bully." Cole "Hey Einstein, a rookie would be brand new." Albert shoves Roode down to start and Bobby gets up to shove him back. Cole says a good showing would get Roode a full time job here. Ha, he'd have to wait 14 years for that. Albert chops Roode then yells at the crowd. Lloyd calls Shannon Moore a rookie which is ludicrous since he'd been a 7 year vet and came over from WCW. Roode gets in a headlock but Albert bullies him into the corner. Albert lands a punch to the ribs but Roode punches back. Roode clubs away at Albert, rolls out of a scoop slam and kicks Albert in the leg. Albert runs over Roode with a shoulderblock but misses the knee drop. Roode kicks away at the leg but Albert counters with the backbreaker. Albert avalanches Roode into the corner and clubs away with forearms. Albert punches Roode down as Cole hopes Albert will beat up Lloyd. He says he and Albert go way back to college...problem is Cole graduated from Syracuse in 1988 and Albert graduated from Pittsburgh in 1996. Albert slingshots Roode throat first onto the second rope. Lloyd gets a dig at Cole saying Syracuse lost to Temple last week while Cole counters by saying "For Florida State fans like you, wide right!" This is a reference to a crucial college game in 1991 when Florida State missed a game winning field goal against undefeated Miami. Miami would go on to win the National Championship with none other than The Rock on that team. Albert covers for a deuce then locks in a nerve hold. Roode fights out of it and dropkicks Albert in the leg again. Roode runs right into a powerslam then Albert misses a second rope Vader Bomb. Albert charges in the corner but eats boot then Bobby hits a tornado DDT. Roode then goes up to the top rope but hits the missile dropkick. He covers for 1...2....nooo, Lloyd thought it was over. Roode ducks the line but runs right into the bicycle kick. Albert covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Cole says Roode has a future but Albert is just too tough. Albert gets some more heat by hitting the Baldo Bomb after the bell. Albert chases referee Mike Chioda out of the ring as well. Albert then stalks Cole and Lloyd as Cole points at Lloyd...hahaha. Good game of cat and mouse by Albert and Roode but Albert gets the win.

Time of match: 4:39

Winner: Albert by pinfall

We go right to our main event.

Match 3

Shannon Moore vs Crash Holly

Lloyd says Crash lives next to a prison and has 13 animals at his house. Cole "More useless information from Mark Lloyd coming up next week on Velocity." Bell rings and Shannon wants a handshake to start. Crash slaps the hand away and shoves Moore away. Holly gets a shoulderblock in and screams at Shannon. Moore slaps him and and armdrags Crash. Shannon punches Crash and Crash runs to the outside. Shannon follows him and sends him back inside. Shannon hits a hurracarana and covers for a two. Holly blocks a head scissors in the corner and snaps Shannon off the top rope. Crash rams Shannon into the side of the ring and throws him inside. Crash covers for a deuce then does a knee drop to the back. Crash executes a vertical suplex and an inverted surfboard. Crash turns it into a cover for a two count then does a scoop slam. Crash taunts the crowd and stomps away at the back of Moore. Crash gets booted in the face and cradled for a two count. Holly sends Shannon into the corner but the charge eats boot. Another charge eats buckle but Crash gets elbowed in the face. Shannon hits a back elbow and a clothesline then does a spinning heel kick. Moore covers for 1...2...nope. Shannon hits an enziguiri on Crash and covers for another two count then gets a suplex blocked. Crash rolls through for a two count but Shannon sunset flips out of it for another two count. Shannon charges but is sent to the apron. Shannon trips up Crash and goes up to the top. Shannon hits the Halo and covers for 1....2..noooo. Shannon bitches to referee Mike Sparks then backs Holly into the corner. Crash blocks a monkey flip but gets kicked in the face. Shannon goes for a top rope sunset flip but Crash blocks it, then holds onto the ropes for 1...2....3 to win match. The cheating, scheming Crash wins the match and that was pretty good for crash style no pun intended. Crash gets his hand raised to end the show.

Time of match: 5:31

Winner: Holly by pinfall

Not bad for Velocity standards as we get to see a young Bobby Roode and two decent cruiserweight matches. Would have been interesting to see what was on the recaps but oh well, maybe down the road someone will have them. No Mercy is the next big show but there's one more piece of business before that. The Sunday Night Heat pre-show. I'll see you there.

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