Thursday, October 10, 2002

WWE Smackdown (10/10/02)

WWE Smackdown
America West Arena
Phoenix, Arizona
October 10, 2002

Commentators: Michael Cole & Tazz

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel

While Raw raked the eyes of anyone watching with the poorly constructed Raw Roulette then topping off with the infamous Katie Vick angle, Smackdown was the polar opposite lately. They've been putting on great matches for weeks and the introduction of the WWE Tag Team Championship tournament added some pizazz to an already great show. But, things were about to go horizontal as well but we'll get to that later. Before we go anywhere we got the dark matches before the Velocity taping. Let's get to them.

Dark Match 1

Shannon Moore vs Spanky

No, that's not Spanky from Little Rascals. That's Brian Kendrick getting a tryout. Shannon won with the Flair pin. You'll be seeing Kendrick real soon.

Winner: Moore by pinfall

Dark Match 2

Val Venis and Bill Demott vs Shelton Benjamin and Bull Buchanan

Shelton and Bull had been teaming on the house shows as this was Shelton's trial run before he made his TV debut. Shelton had all the athleticism in the world so it won't be long until he's brought up. Still, the veterans Val and Bill win it after Demott pinned Benjamin.

Winners: Venis and Demott by pinfall

Now let's get started with the show. We start with a recap of last week's show where Undertaker got ambushed by Brock Lesnar to help Matt Hardy win a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Then Brock used a propane tank to break Undertaker's hand. We open with The Undertaker, cast and all, in the parking garage waiting for Brock Lesnar. But here comes Matt Hardy to the ring for a chat. The crowd chants "We want Jeff" as Tazz says he has Mattitude. Hardy says times are great for Version 1 and he's getting all sorts of fan mail for beating Undertaker twice. Hardy brags about beating him singlehandedly and shows the highlight from last week. Naturally its just the three count and not the F-5 Brock Lesnar unleashed. Taker is being shown coming to the ring and Matt says he'll beat him up if he comes out there. Taker hits the ring and Matt attacks and slams the cast against the turnbuckle. Taker then uses the cast as a weapon to punch Matt with it. Outside the ring Taker sends Hardy into the steel steps and into the timekeeper's table. Undertaker pounds away on Matt and Matt's been busted open. Taker chases off the referees and Hardy throws right hands only to eats knees to the gut. Taker gets in the ring and punches the bloody Matt with the cast again. Hardy kicks Taker in the gonads as the referees try to break them up. Taker hits Matt with the cast again and Matt counters with a chair shot to the back. Taker beats the daylights out of Matt and almost takes referee Mike Chioda's head off with a swinging right. Taker elbows Matt against the post but Matt moves when Taker goes to punch hit. Taker holds his hand in pain as Matt escapes a bloody mess. Cole says Taker can use the cast as a weapon and may have evened the odds at No Mercy. That was 10 full minutes, just a tad too long but Taker needed to get revenge somehow. We cut to commercial and when we come back, we get the highlight of Matt's beat down. On to our first match.

Match 1

Rikishi vs Eddie Guerrero (with Chavo Guerrero Jr)

Last week Los Guerreros defeated Mark Henry and Rikishi in the first round of the tag title tournament and Rikishi takes on Eddie in singles action this week. We get a quick shot of the back with the trainer saying Taker's hand might be broken in another spot. Bell's gone and Eddie starts with a headlock but eats a shoulderblock. Rikishi says to bring it as Michael Cole says Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle will be teaming tonight and they'll be suspended if they fight each other. Cole says Edge and Rey Mysterio Jr will be teaming as well. Eddie runs into a bearhug as Cole says Dawn Marie challenged Torrie Wilson to a Lingerie Contest. Will these ridiculous antics ever cease? Eddie goes for a sunset flip but just moves before Rikishi sits on him. Eddie dropkicks Rikishi and clubs away at him. Eddie stomps away and even Chavo gets a cheapshot in. Eddie punches Rikishi in the corner but gets backdropped. Rikishi hits a modified spine buster but misses an avalanche in the corner. Eddie dropkicks the knee and hits a hilo. Eddie goes for the frog splash but misses it. Eddie staggers into a Samoan drop and Rikishi hits a clothesline in the corner. Eddie falls into the corner and Rikishi goes for the stinkface. Chavo hops on the apron and Rikishi tosses him in the ring. Rikishi savate kicks Chavo into Eddie and avalanches them both. Both Guerreros fall in to the corner and both get stinkfaced at the same time. Eddie grabs a chair and throws it in the ring. Eddie then grabs a second chair and goes to hit Rikishi with it. Rikishi catches him and unloads with right hands but Chavo grabs the second chair but kicks kicked for his trouble. Eddie picks his chair back up and waffles Rikishi in the leg with it while referee Jimmy Korderas was busy getting Chavo out of there. Eddie locks in the El Paso Lasso and Rikishi taps to end the match. Eddie has beaten Mark Henry and Rikishi by submission in successive weeks with a lot of help from Chavo. Good crash style match and the double stinkface was funny.

Time of match: 4:37

Winner: Guerrero by submission

Back to Torrie Wilson going through her own underwear and can't believe Dawn challenged her to this match. Al Wilson shows up and says she wants to show him something. Uh, what? What dad is cool with their own daughter going through lingerie? Then again, its only a show so who cares. Back to Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle in Stephanie McMahon's office staring each other down. Stephanie says she needs them to get along because they're the best in WWE but if they can't get along, they'll be suspended without pay. Kurt says he's not even going to pretend to like Chris then thanks Stephanie for the opportunity. He says he's going to win no matter how much teeth or lack of brain cells his partner has. Chris fakes a belly laugh and says Kurt is bitter that he lost at Unforgiven. He says Angle's never been tag team champion so follow his lead. He grabs Kurt's medal and Kurt says don't touch. Stephanie tells them both to get to steppin but they refuse to leave first. Stephanie just sits down.

We cut to Rey Mysterio Jr with Funaki SMACKDOWN NUMBA WUN ANNOUNCA! He asks how they have a chance against Jamie Noble and Tajiri. All of a sudden Nidia shows up and starts hitting on him in Spanish. Rey then says something to offend her and she starts screaming at him and Funaki. She storms off and runs into Jamie asking what's going on. She blows him off and he spins her around saying she doesn't turn her back on him, he's Cruiserweight champion. He wants respect and Nidia says this is not the time or place. Jamie yells and she yells so security throws them both out. Back to Los Guerreros who's outside Stephanie's office where Chris Benoit finally walks out. Eddie brags about what they did to Rikishi and Chris doesn't look impressed. Chris "I don't know what the hell is up with Stephanie but I'll be damned if I sit home for a year. Eddie and Chavo stir the pot by saying Kurt is gonna train for the Olympics so Curt needs to watch his back. Kurt walks out and he calls Eddie "home slice." Kurt "Was it something I said? Wait a minute, were you guys talking about me? We may not be able to fight during our matches, but I'll beat it out of you." Chris "Yeah, YOU beat it out of me, yeah." Cole says the match is next.

Match 2

Billy Kidman and John Cena vs Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit

Amazing how one man would eclipse the other three when all was said and done and it wouldn't be who you'd think in 2002. Benoit and Angle argue outside before the match even starts before Chris starts with Kidman. The winners face Los Guerreros in the semi-finals next week. Benoit dominates Kidman to start with right hands and chops. Kidman gets a hurracarana and locks in an arm-bar before tagging in Cena. They double team Benoit and John covers for a 1 count. Benoit tags in Angle and Cena hiptosses him. Cena drops Angle with a forearm then covers for a deuce. Kidman tags in and dropkicks Angle then covers for another two count. Kidman kicks Angle and charges but Kurt belly to belly suplexes him over the top to the floor. Benoit picks Kidman up and throws him back in the ring. Angle hits a back suplex and Benoit reaches for the tag. Angle hits another belly to belly overhead suplex and Benoit tags himself in. Cole says he'd be shocked if they can make it through. Benoit german suplexes Kidman twice and executes a side backbreaker. Benoit taunts Kurt and slaps Kidman across the face. Cole plugs a Saturday night house show in Benoit's home town of Edmonton. Benoit locks in a half-crab but Kidman catches him in a small package for a two count. Kurt tags himself in and does a backbreaker to Kidman. A cover gets a two count and he sends Kidman into the corner. A charge eats boot and Kidman tags in Cena...only the ref didn't see it. Angle hits a vertical suplex and tags Benoit in. Benoit goes to whip Kurt into Billy but Kidman moves and Kurt hits the ringpost, spiraling out of the ring. Kidman hits an enziguiri on Benoit and crawls over to Cena. Kidman gets the hot tag and Cena ralies with clotheslines to Benoit. He backdrops Benoit and plants Angle as well. Cena hits a 3 Handled Credenza (!!) and covers only to see Kurt coming. Kurt splashes Benoit by accident and Cena throws him to the outside. Benoit gets clotheslined by Cena but he's pulled outside by Kurt. Kidman goes for the 7 Year Itch and hits it. Kidman covers for 1....2...noooo, Angle pulled Kidman out at the last second. Cena clotheslines Kurt out of the ring but is backdropped over and out by Benoit. Kidman hits an X-Factor on Benoit and covers for 1...2...noooo. Angle counters a bulldog into an Angle Slam and locks in the ankle lock. Benoit shoves Cena into Angle and both fly out of the ring. Benoit locks in the Crippler Crossface and Kidman submits to end the match. That was damn good match with the story going on that Angle and Benoit can't get along. Good work to all four guys.

Time of match: 7:51

Winners: Angle and Benoit

After the match Benoit and Angle goes nose to nose as the ref raises both their arms in victories. We cut to the back with Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar and.....ugh....Tracy coming to the ring. As I mentioned, Vince McMahon went nuts trying to add pizazz to the No Mercy main events by incorporating Katie Vick into HHH vs Kane'll see. Heyman grabs a random stooge and tells him to clear the ring. We go to commercial and when we come back, we get a Mattitude vignette set to Live For The Moment by Monster Magnet. Say what you will about Matt, that song SLAPPED back then. After a highlight of Taker beating up Matt earlier, here comes Brock, Paul and Tracy....ugh. Tracy Dali was an actress, cheerleader and Playboy model brought in for this. Heyman goes over what Brock did last week and says Taker is screaming about Hell in A Cell. Heyman puts over Taker's accomplishments at previous HIAC but as a man, Tracy has some words to say about the person. Before she can say anything, Taker himself comes out.

Taker gets in the ring and Tracy says "How could you Mark? For 3 months you have lied to me and slept with me. Now I find out you're married and your wife is pregnant. You're a bastard! I never even cared that you were The Undertaker or watched wrestling. I even promised you that I would never take our relationship public. Now I see why, don't I?" The only problem with this logic is he literally has Sara tattooed on his throat, how did she not know he had another woman. Taker grabs his own mic and says he has no idea who she is. She slaps him half-heartedly behind the ear and storms off with Lesnar and Heyman. Taker is completely confused and so are the fans really. Nobody asked for this and it just drags the angle down. Its not Tracy Dali's fault for taking a job, but Stephanie thinking it was necessary.

Back from commercial Heyman, Tracy and Brock are leaving when Stephanie walks up to them. Stephanie informs them that Brock has a match tonight and Heyman asks what? Stephanie says Jamie Noble has been thrown out of the arena and Brock will now team with Tajiri. Heyman complains about it and says this is an unsafe working environment. Stephanie says the match will be on but Undertaker will be banned from ring side. Heyman asks how that's going to keep Taker away and Stephanie says if he does interfere, then he won't face Brock at No Mercy. Brock is mad as we cut to the ring.

Match 3

Billy Gunn (with Chuck Palumbo) vs Reverend D'Von (with Ron Simmons)

Yes, you read that right. They FINALLY dropped the name Faarooq and started calling Ron by his real name. With Deacon Bautista headed to Raw, D'Von needed a new partner and they stuck Ron Simmons with him. Billy faces D'Von one on one and they lock up to start. D'Von sends Billy off and eats a shoulderblock. Billy hits an arm-drag suplex and covers for a two count. Billy goes for One and Only but D'Von escapes. D'Von takes over with a thrust to the throat only to run into a hiplock. He covers for a two count and D'Von bails to the outside. Palumbo shouts at D'Von which causes the ref to pay attention to him, allowing Simmons to clotheslines Billy Gunn, D'Von sends him into the steps then back inside. Billy instinctively reaches for a tag but forgets its a single match. D'Von hits a jumping elbow on Billy and a big right hand. D'Von locks in a chinlock as Cole babbles on about Brock Lesnar and we don't get enough of this on Velocity? D'Von covers for a two count, hits a scoop powerslam and covers for another deuce. Gunn reverses a backdrop and hits One and Only. Gunn rallies with right hands in the corner and hits a stinger splash. Gunn calls for the fameasser but Simmons grabs the leg to stop him. Palumbo superkicks Simmons and D'Von goes for Saving Grace. Gunn rolls through it and hits the fameasser. He covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Weird to have Simmons and Dudley lose like this with their semifinal match next week, but Gunn gets the duke. Not great but they needed something to fill the show. This would be the last Smackdown appearance for Billy for nearly a year as he'd get injured on an upcoming house show.

Time of match: 5:21

Winner: Billy Gunn by pinfall

Back to the backstage area, Undertaker is on a cell phone talking to someone. Apparently Sara is NOT happy with these accusations and hangs up on him. We go to commercial and when we come back, Chavo Guerrero is shouting for help. He tells Benoit that Angle has Eddie Guerrero and needs help. He leads Benoit to a room and shuts the door behind him. We hear fighting noises and when the dust settles, Chavo opens the door and Eddie walks out with a steel chair. Eddie claims "Kurt Angle" wrecked Benoit. We cut to Torrie Wilson who says not to watch her in the lingerie contest and they'll have dinner later. Well...yeah. Dawn Marie walks up and shows off her lingerie to Al. The showdown is next.....ugh.

Match 4

Dawn Marie vs Torrie Wilson in a Lingerie Showdown.

Tazz is our MC and he shills the Divas Magazine before Torrie and Dawn make their entrances. Same thing as a bikini contest only different attire....sort of. Dawn goes first and shows off the goods before Torrie does the same. Naturally the crowd cheers Torrie and she wins. A complete waste of time who's only purpose is "yay boobies". Dawn wants a handshake but Torrie stones her cold after what happened last week.

Winner: Torrie

Backstage Dawn runs into Al Wilson and says she wanted to congratulate Torrie. Al claims he watched and Dawn shows her the Divas Undressed Magazine with her hotel room number card. Oh god....anyway, we cut to Paul and Brock. Paul tries to talk strategy for Edge and Mysterio but Brock says he wants Paul's phone. Paul hands it over and Brock calls a number to check on whoever he's calling. The person on the other line has no idea who he is so he introduces himself. Lesnar admits he just called Sara and Heyman is mortified. We then go to a highlight of Tracy's slap, which runs way too long. Finally, let's go to our main event.

Match 5

Tajiri and WWE Champion Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) vs Edge and Rey Mysterio Jr

Edge had been facing Brock on the house shows so they might have good chemistry here. Cole says before the match Brock doesn't want to be here. We start with Edge and Brock at the bell and Edge gets thrown halfway across the ring to start. Edge gets thrown across a second time and Brock laughs at him. Edge gets in a headlock but gets shoulderblocked. Edge catches Brock with a drop toe hold and pulls the top rope down to send Brock flying over the top. Lesnar is PISSED and paces around outside. He kicks the ring steps and Heyman tries to calm him down. Brock gets in and warms up but misses the clothesline. He gets a knee to the ribs and forearms Edge in the back. Mysterio blind tags in and Edge goes for a bodypress. Brock catches him but Mysterio jumps on Edge to take Brock down. Rey covers but gets launched off at 1. Rey and Brock are now in the ring for the first time together, power vs speed. Brock snatches Rey by the legs but almost botches the powerslam. Lesnar tosses Rey like a gnat and Tajiri tags himself in. Tajiri lands a superkick to drop Rey and locks in a chinlock. Cole says Tajiri's chances to win the tag belts increased ten-fold with Brock. Tajiri charges but is thrown up and over. Tajiri catches Rey with the tarantula but misses the Buzz Kick but hits a standard dropkick. Tajiri tells Brock he's got this as Heyman says to keep on him. Rey hits a hilo hurracarana and Tajiri sets Rey up on the top rope. Tajiri slugs at him then goes up himself. Rey knocks Tajiri off and makes the tag to Edge. Edge goes apeshit on Tajiri and knocks Brock off the apron. Edge counters the big kick and hits Edge-O-Matic. Lesnar gets in and hammers Edge. Edge tries a clothesline but Brock no-sells it. Edge hits another one to no effect but a third forearm drops him. Tajiri accidentally buzz kicks Lesnar and a double dropkick sends Lesnar outside. Edge drop toes Tajiri into the ropes and Rey hits the 619. Edge hits the spear and covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. The individual matchups with Edge vs Brock, Rey vs Brock and Rey vs Tajiri were interesting but this was as makeshift as it gets. Still, they did well with what they had. Topped off a bad Smackdown with at least a good match.

Time of match: 7:23

Winners: Edge and Mysterio

After the match, Lesnar backdrops Edge on the floor and catches Rey in mid-air. Brock hits the backbreaker and launches Mysterio back in the ring. Lesnar hits the F-5 on Tajiri and Mysterio, but The Undertaker hits the ring. Taker blasts Lesnar with the cast that hurts him but sends Brock heading for the hills. Taker stands tall to end the show with Lesnar retreating. Cole says there will be no escape at No Mercy at Hell In A Cell as we sign off. God, that show SUCKED. It was 75% talking/segments and 25% wrestling which is unacceptable by Smackdown standards. The whole Tracy storyline was seriously unnecessary and just having Taker sell a broken hand would have done just fine. Los Guerreros screwing with Benoit and Angle before their semi-final tag match next week was good, but it dragged way too long. The lingerie match was also a waste of time but that's standard Divas circa 2002. All in all this show fell off a cliff compared to the previous two weeks and its a shame because it was supposed to be better than Raw. Vince royally screwed up with Raw Roulette and too much talking on Smackdown. Hopefully he can salvage what he can before No Mercy. Tomorrow night the stars of Raw have a house show in Utica, New York so I'll see you there.

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