Saturday, October 26, 2002

WWE Velocity (10/26/02)

Pyramid Arena
Memphis, TN
Aired October 26, 2002

Commentators: Michael Cole & Tazz

This is going to be an interesting Velocity because later on tonight is the British pay-per-view Rebellion featuring the stars of Smackdown. This was shown an hour early for whatever reason. This was also taped before Smackdown despite not airing until this date. We got a main event of Nidia vs Torrie Wilson in a bikini match.....great. We also have Crash Holly vs Funaki, Albert vs Chuck Palumbo and a tag match with Reverand D-Von and Ron Simmons against Chase Sevens and Big Bully Douglas. Let's get to our dark matches first.

Dark Match 1

Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas vs Val Venis and Bill Demott

The future meets the past as Ohio Valley Wrestling stars Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin continue to get tryout matches, this one against the two veterans Venis and Demott. Shelton Benjamin was a track and wrestling star at the University of Minnesota and actually mentored Brock Lesnar when Lesnar joined the wrestling team. Benjamin and Lesnar were a tag team in OVW but Lesnar got the call first. They stuck Charlie with Shelton and they just clicked. Venis pinned Haas with the Money Shot but the good news was WWE brass liked what they saw from Shelton & Charlie.

Winners: Demott and Venis by pinfall

Dark Match 2

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs Redd Dogg

Another tryout match only with Redd Dogg. Dogg had worked the Kansas show the day before and here is taking on Jerry. Lawler won the match with his signature fist drop but WWE brass liked what they saw from Dogg, he'd be getting the call eventually.

Winner: Jerry Lawler

Now let's get to the show.

Match 1 (3rd overall)

Crash Holly vs Funaki

Ironically these two would be meeting at the Rebellion pay-per-view but this was obviously taped in advance. They lock up to start and Funaki starts with an arm-ringer but Crash reverses it. Funaki and Crash trade headlock takeovers and Funaki wants a handshake. Crash shakes it then stops everything to pull a Japanese headband out. He mocks Funaki with mock karate moves and Funaki punches him in the face. Funaki dropkicks Crash and chases him outside. Funaki beats him back into the ring then kicks Crash in the gut. Crash hits a stun gun on Funaki then ditches the headband. Crash slams Funaki but eats a sunset flip for a two. Crash nails Funaki through the ropes to the outside as Crash goes outside to retrieve him. Back inside Crash covers for a two then kicks Funaki in the back after applying a surf-board. Crash lands a forearm to the back but misses a charge in the corner. Funaki lands a bulldog then a drop toe hold. Funaki hits a dropkick to the face and covers for 1...2...nope. Funaki goes upstairs and hits a crossbody, but Crash rolls through for 1.....2..nope. Crash kicks away at the back of Funaki then blocks a victory roll for 1...2...., no Funaki rolls through into a victory roll for 1...2...3 that's it. Crash goes nuts in the ring as Funaki slides out the winner. Tazz says Funaki isn't just Smackdown's number one announcer but also has great skills. Good opener even if it was short.

Time of match: 4:19

Winner: Funaki by pinfall

Cole and Tazz hype up the bikini match as we go to commercial.

Match 2 (4th overall)

Albert vs Chuck Palumbo

Time for a hoss fight as Palumbo comes out with short hair now that Billy Gunn is on the shelf with a separated shoulder. As Albert makes his entrance, Cole and Tazz plug the Jackass movie coming out. Cole jokes he should dress as Albert for Halloween and Tazz says Albert eats meals bigger than Cole. They lock up to start and they roll into the corner. Palumbo ducks under a punch and unloads with right hands of his own. Albert whips him into a corner and hits two consecutive avalanches. Albert hits a big splash to the back, rolls him over and covers for 1. Albert clotheslines Palumbo and taunts the crowd. Palumbo rallies with right hands but Albert rams his head in the buckle and fights back with strikes. Albert manhandles Palumbo and chases referee Brian Hebner away. Tazz "While he shaves his back, he should shave his chest too." Albert slingshots Palumbo under the second rope and covers for 1.....2...nope. Albert locks in a chinlock as Cole asks Tazz about Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker in Hell in A Cell last Sunday. Who the hell told them to talk about THAT in the middle of the hoss fight? Cole says up next they'll be taking a look at Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle, that's better. Palumbo fights out of it with right hands then sends Albert into the corner. Albert counters with a bicycle kicks and covers for a deuce then drags Palumbo into the corner. Albert hits a Vader bomb and covers for 1..2...,Palumbo grabs the bottom rope. Albert misses a charge and Palumbo goes back to the right hands. Palumbo hits a belly to belly suplex and a superkick. He covers for 1.....2...nope, Albert grabs the rope this time. Palumbo fires away with right hands and goes for the Razor Punch but Albert pulls Hebner in the way. Hebner moves and Albert gets a thumb to the eye before hotshotting Palumbo off the top turnbuckle. Palumbo staggers into the Baldo Bomb and he covers for 1...2.....3 to win the match. That was a solid effort by Albert but holy crap does Palumbo know how to do anything else but punch? I know he can do better but that was terrible strategy. Still, not much you can expect out of a hoss fight but at least it was entertaining.

Time of match: 5:05

Winner: Albert by pinfall

Up next is the recap portion with highlight's of Smackdown. We get the love/hate relationship between Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle as in they love to hate each other. Cole and Tazz also hype up the Bikini Match later....yippie. We're shown highlights of the number 1 contender match for the tag straps where Edge & Mysterio defeated Los Guerreros in a damn good match to become the top contenders for Benoit & Angle. Speaking of which, we segue into them not getting along on Smackdown, fighting over the trophy and facing each other in the main event. After the highlights we go to commercial hyping up the Undertaker/Lesnar confrontation and the damn bikini conest. Back from commercial we get a 90 second video package of the post Hell In a Cell video between Taker and Lesnar, so much for the Smackdown confrontation. What was the point of that? Onto the next match.

Match 3 (5th overall)

Reverand D-Von and Ron Simmons vs Chase Stevens and "Big" Bully Douglas

No idea why Faarooq went back to being Ron Simmons for no rhyme or reason but that's okay. Who are the job guys? "The Natural" Chase Stevens was trained by Tracy Smothers after being a former Golden Gloves boxing champion. He made his TNA debut earlier this year and now he's on WWE television. Bully Douglas was a local guy who was 6'6 300. Simmons starts with Bully as Tazz reminisces of the APA with Bradshaw. Cole calls Douglas a "Will Sasso lookalike" and Simmons stuns him with a shoulderblock. Douglas walks into a big boot but counters with a jawbreaker. Stevens tags in with right hands but misses a dropkick. Simmons goes for the Dominator but Stevens slides out into forearms to the back. Simmons kicks him in the ribs and tags in D'Von. D'Von continues the onslaught with right hands in the corner as referee Jimmy Korderas tells him to get out of the corner. D'von chops Stevens in the corner and delivers a back elbow smash. D'Von knocks Douglas off the apron and tags in Simmons. Ron slams Stevens and delivers a falling headbutt. He covers but stops the count himself at two twice. D'von tags in and knocks Douglas off again before slapping Stevens. Stevens tries to rallies with right hands and a crossbody for 1...2...nope. D'Von damn near takes Chase's head off with a lariat and hits a powerslam. D'Von tags in Simmons who covers for 1...2..he stops it again. Simmons hits a spinebuster and tags in D'Von for the flying headbutt. Simmons nails Douglas as D'Von covers for 1..2....3 that's it. Total squash by D'Von and Simmons and these two did work together well, but something was missing clearly. D'Von delivers last rites as Simmons stomps the poor guy for good measure.

Time of match: 4:04

Winners: D'Von and Simmons

As we got to commercial we get another hype clip for the Bikini match. We come back to a Smackdown Your Vote ad highlighted by Chuck Palumbo saying "vote to end discrimination". We are then shown highlights of Smackdown of Big Show being traded there although no one knows who went to Raw in return. Then we get the Undertaker/Brock confrontation where Lesnar and Taker basically respect each other. We go to commercial with one last hype video for Nidia vs Torrie Wilson. When we come back from commercial we get highlights of the latest Tough Enough where "Jill" quit the first day. I know its just a reality show but good lord what a waste of time. FINALLY let's get to the main event.

Match 4 (6th overall)

Torrie Wilson vs Nidia in a Bikini Match

So this is not a bikini contest, only that they're going to wrestle in bikinis. The Divas era was notorious for this kind of stuff. Nidia has on a polka dot bikini but Torrie has a golden one. Nidia starts with an arm-ringer before switching to a headlock takwndown. Torrie counters with a headscissors and Nidia slaps her. Torrie slingshots Nidia into the ringpost then rolls her up for a two count. Torrie cradles Nidia for a two count then clotheslines Nidia down twice. Torrie hits an inverted neckbreaker but Nidia gets the upperhand with knees to the ribs. Nidia hits a snap suplex and covers for a two count. Nidia whips Torrie into the corner and hits a shoulderblock before snapmaring Torrie down. Nidia stomps between the legs but Torrie drop toe holds to the bottom rope. Torrie slaps her but runs into a lariat. Nidia covers for 1....2...nope. Nidia gets kicked in the head and chopped by Torrie before Wilson kicks her in the corner. Nidia whips Torrie into the other corner but Torrie rolls over Nidia and rolling prawns her for 1..2.....3 that's it. Torrie wins it as Cole & Tazz sign off, telling us to join us for Smackdown this Thursday. Wasn't the worst match I've seen but definitely "divas" style. Torrie had only been in the business for 3 years and Nidia about a year, can't really judge too harsh for the inexperience.

Time of match: 3:03

Winner: Torrie Wilson by pinfall

Pretty standard Velocity which once again ends with a divas match hyped up all night shades of the debut episode. At least if if you watched this through to the end you got caught up on some of Smackdown's events. Brock Lesnar is still your WWE champ with Big Show hot on his trail and Benoit can't get along with Angle. As for the matches on this show, not much to whine about. Palumbo needs to do more than just punch but that's about it. Like I mentioned earlier, Rebellion was that night so I'll see you there.

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