Sunday, October 20, 2002

WWE Sunday Night Heat (10/20/02)

OCTOBER 20, 2002

Commentators: Jonathan Coachman & Lita

Welcome to a special edition of Heat as its the night of WWE No Mercy. This entire show will mostly be hype for the upcoming ppv with one match for the DVD most likely. Our hosts are Jonathan Coachman and Lita who's still recovering from her injury. Lita says she's no longer a virgin of pay-per-views and Coach gives her a look. Coach hypes up the main event Hell In A Cell match between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar for the WWE title and Kane taking on Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship. The WWE tag team title finals as Edge & Rey Mysterio Jr face Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. Coach sends us to the tag team title tournament highlights which had Edge & Mysterio defeat Brock Lesnar and Tajiri (yes I'm serious). Los Guerreros defeated Mark Henry and Rikishi and Reverend D'Von and Faarooq defeated Billy & Chuck in the first round. Stephanie orders enemies Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit to team together and if they fight, they'll be suspended a year without pay. Angle and Benoit put their differences aside to defeat Billy Kidman and John Cena in the first round only for Los Guerreros to attack Chris Benoit. Angle & Benoit defeat Los Guerreros in the semi-finals with Edge and Mysterio defeating D'Von and Faarooq to set the stage for No Mercy. Edge & Rey can get along, but will Kurt and Chris? Coach hypes up Saliva's Always with Saliva themselves performing at The World....yippie.

Before we go to commercial we get Paul Heyman alone giving his thoughts on Hell In A Cell. He talks about how it ends careers and shortens lives. He mentions Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley and Tim White never was the same after it. Paul says when Brock retains the title, he'll come out a different man and nobodies lives will be better. Talk about long term storytelling. We then get our road schedule with Raw in Nashville tomorrow night, Tuesday night in Memphis, Friday night in Topeka, Saturday night in Witchita, one week from tonight in Toledo and next Monday night in Detroit. Back from commercial, Coach and Lita hype up Tough Enough 3...ugh. We recap the audition process where the superstars went to 25 different people to personally invite them. Somebody named Wendell says he's the best athlete but gets cut for talking back to Al Snow when he half-asses calisthenic drills. Then the crew has to bike for 3 miles with Bill Demott yelling at them then has to run another 3 miles. You gotta be in great shape to survive that. The 13 that survives are the ill fated Matt (Cappotelli), Rebekha, Justin, Jill, Jonah, Eric, Chad, Lisa, Nick, Jamie, Scott, John (Morrison) and Kelly. Out of the 13 that were picked, only two made it to OVW with one a lengthy WWE career. Out of the 11 that didn't make it, only two had minor success. That means only 4 really had any kind of success out of 25 picks....and that's the problem with taking athletes and trying to teach them to wrestle, they might not have the passion. Whereas indy vets that have nothing to lose will never see the big time.

Back to Coach and Lita who hype up the World Tag Team title match between Chris Jericho and Christian taking on Booker T and Goldust. Then we got a grudge match between Ric Flair and Rob Van Dam after Flair turned heel and cost Rob his WHC match with Triple H. We get a highlight of Tim White getting knocked out at Hell in A Cell at Judgment Day and we got to an interview with White himself. He says there's no winners, only survivors and his livelihood was taken away. He never wants to be in another HiAC match ever. One of the commercials is Pete Rose insulting wrestling fans coming to his door for Halloween until the real Kane shows up.

Back to Coach and Lita, they hype up Kane vs Triple H unification title match. We get a montage of all the great Intercontinental champions of the past. Also included is Goldust winning the title, Steve Austin getting paralyzed by Owen Hart, Steve Austin throwing The Rock's belt into the river, Chyna becoming the first women's champion, Kurt Angle becoming the Euro-continental champion and highlights of various matches. They wanted to get rid of the IC title to have just five titles in the company, two sets of tag champs, two sets of world champs and the Cruiserweight champion. We then show Saliva backstage at The World, guess they're up next.

Back from commercial, Coach and Lita sends us to The World in New York City. They interview Saliva who's new CD comes out November 12 called Back Into Your System. They worked with Chris Jericho on King Of The World and Saliva kayfabes saying they want to slap the taste out of his mouth. They explain what their new song is about and they go right into Always. After the song, we go to an interview with The Undertaker who downplays being the "master" of Hell in A Cell saying its not a compliment. Its war and anything goes in the match. Undertaker says he shortened Shawn Michaels' life and Mick Foley's career and he has no idea what he did to himself. He says only he and Lesnar go in, but one man comes out.

Back from commercial we go to the Slam of The Week. Jamie Noble and Nidia were supposed to fight each other with Tajiri as the ref and naturally they turn on Tajiri. Was anyone fooled? Jamie Noble puts the title on the line against Tajiri and then Dawn Marie faces Torrie Wilson....ugh. We then go to the recap of the feud between Kane and Triple H....and its not pretty. Kane enjoys a babyface run culminating in winning the IC title but Eric Bischoff says "One show, one champion. Kane vs Triple H winner take all". Usually title vs title means the IC Champ wins but this is unification rules.....and Triple H goes into the Katie Vick storyline which doesn't need to be told here. Back to Coach and Lita, Lita says Kane may not be 100% in the head and he has to worry about Ric Flair as well. Coach and Lita are going to send it to Michael Cole and Tazz when they come back. But first, we got to Brock Lesnar for an interview. He's not nervous about Hell In A Cell, he's excited. If he beats The Undertaker at his own game, he'd be unstoppable. Lesnar says Taker has won before but he won't tonight. Lesnar says Taker's broken hand will be a factor one way or another. Lesnar says he won't just be WWE Champion but Hell In A Cell champion as well. After commercial we go to our pre-show match.

Match 1

The Hurricane vs Steven Richards

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

Last month we had a Smackdown pre-show match and tonight its the Raw crew. Richards attacks Hurricane at the bell but Hurricane counters with a sunset flip. Hurricane eats a back suplex as JR brings up how Chris Jericho and Christian defeated Hurricane and Kane to win the tag straps last Monday. Richards delivers a snap suplex then locks in a surfboard. Hurricane powers out of it and flips over Steven. Hurricane delivers a neckbreaker then a big clothesline. Richards charges but eats elbow and Hurricane hits a neckbreaker off the second rope. Hurricane kicks Richards in the head and covers for 1...2...nope. Hurricane calls for the chokeslam but Richards counters with a knee. Richards hits a Stevie Kick and covers for Richards puts Hurricane on the top turnbuckle and goes for a superplex. Hurricane knocks Steven off then delivers a vertebreaker. He covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Short and sweet but Hurricane wins it. Serviceable crash style match that hypes the crowd up for tonight's show.

Time of match: 3:05

Winner: Hurricane by pinfall

JR and King sends us to a montage of the events leading up to tonight. Taker and Lesnar fought to a draw at Unforgiven and Lesnar broke Taker's hand with a propane tank. Stephanie tells Paul Heyman and Brock that Taker will fight Brock in a rematch anyway in Hell in a Cell. Then we get the stupid "Tracy" storyline where she lies about sleeping with Taker and gives one of the worst slaps in wrestling history. Taker says he's going to take it out on Brock at No Mercy. Lesnar intimidates Stephanie and lays out Taker, stomping on Taker's injured hand. Taker fights back and beats up both Heyman & Lesnar before they retreat. Michael Cole and Tazz are in the ring and describe how Hell In The Cell works and how evil the match is. The cell lowers and it would have been funny if Cole and Tazz had an impromptu match inside it. Cole asks will Lesnar finally put an end to the dead man or will Taker keep his master of the cell streak alive? Find out tonight at No Mercy!

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