Sunday, November 17, 2002

WWE Survivor Series 2002 (11/17/02)

WWE Survivor Series
Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY
November 17, 2002

Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Tazz

Ring Announcers: Howard Finkel and Tony Chimel

We finally made it to Survivor Series and what a month it has been. We'll start with Smackdown. Jamie Noble finally ran into competition when Billy Kidman beat him two weeks in a row to earn a Cruiserweight title shot. Edge and Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit to become the new WWE Tag Team Champions but has to defend them against Angle & Benoit and Los Guerreros in a triple threat tag team match. Finally, Big Show jumped ship to Smackdown and immediately put Undertaker on the shelf by throwing him off the stage the night after No Mercy. He then smashed Brock Lesnar to the point Brock's agent Paul Heyman says Lesnar can't beat him. Big Show goes one on one with Lesnar for the WWE Championship. Now for the Raw side. Spike and Bubba Ray Dudley team with Jeff Hardy against 3 Minute Warning and Rico...kind of a waste of time but there was NOTHING going on Raw apart from the main event which I'll get to in a second. Secondly, we got a Women's Championship hardcore match where the demented Victoria faces Trish Stratus for the title. Finally, Eric Bischoff cooked up a new concept for Survivor Series, the elimination chamber. Triple H must defend his World Heavyweight Championship against five other guys. It was established early that four of the challengers were Kane, Rob Van Dam, Booker T and Chris Jericho. The sixth and final challenger turned out to be the returning Shawn Michaels. HBK is back to active duty and his mission is to keep HHH from winning the match. Let's get started with tonight's show. We start with a video montage before the pyro shoots off. We are shown the elimination chamber in the rafters before a camera crew show The World. On to our first match.

Match 1

The Dudley Boys (Spike and Bubba Ray) and Jeff Hardy vs 3 Minute Warning (Rosey and Jamal) with Rico in a 6 man elimination tables match

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

3 Minute Warning had been Eric Bischoff's hit squad for months but after No Mercy, they put Spike out of a tag title match and then cost Bubba and Jeff their shot. So now both Dudleys and Jeff get their hands on the Samoans and Rico. The rules are all 3 guys must go through tables and they must leave after being put through one. A pier six brawl starts in the ring but the faces shitcan the heels. Bubba press slams Spike over the top rope but 3 Minute Warning catch him. Jeff hits poetry in motion with the heels just literally standing there. Bubba brings Rico in the ring the hard way and drops him with a back elbow smash. Rico gets an uppercut as the crowd chants for tables. Bubba corners Rico and open hand slaps him in the chest. Spike hits a hurracarana on Jamal and does the wazzuppp headbutt with Bubba. Bubba scoop slams Rico and Jeff does the legdrop off the top rope. Bubba tells Jeff and Spike to get the tables. Bubba sets one up in the corner but gets run over by Rosey with a clothesline. Spike gets dropped face first and Jeff Hardy is backdropped over the top rope to the floor. Rosey grabs Spike and throws him head first into the corner table. Spike moves and Rosey launches himself into the table, but JR points out that it doesn't count if you put yourself through a table. Rosey hits Spike with a broken table and drops Bubba with a spinebuster. Rosey fails to catch Jeff on a flying crossbody but makes up for it with a big splash. Rico kicks away at Bubba as Jamal throws another table in the ring. Rico sets up the table and goes to suplex Spike through a table but Spike blocks it. Rico gets him up but Spike rolls out of it and goes for the acid drop. Both Jamal and Rosey come from behind and catch them. Rosey and Jamal face plant SPIKE DUDLEY through a table so he's out of there. 

The other referees run out to get Spike out of there as Rico barks orders. Rosey and Jamal go upstairs and Rosey moonsaults nothing when Bubba gets up. Jeff shoves Jamal off the top and Bubba shitcans Rico. Jeff hits poetry in motion on Rosey in one corner but gets dropped by Jamal. Rosey throws Jeff over the railing into the crowd. Rico and Jamal double team Bubba inside the ring as Rosey and Jeff brawl to the old Exit sign. Rico kicks Bubba in the temple and Jamal goes for an avalanche, but Bubba pulls Rico in to take the blast. Bubba hits the Bubba Bomb on Jamal then runs out to help Jeff. Bubba sets up a table as Jeff climbs the exit way. Bubba puts ROSEY on the table and Jeff swanton bombs him through the table to even this up.

Jamal and Rico set up a table in the ring and Jamal puts Bubba on it. Rico looks like he's going for a moonsault but Hardy is nowhere to be found, causing Rico to shout loudly "Come on Jeff!" Finally Jeff shakes the top rope to crotch Rico....and there we have one of the staples of early Botchamania. Jamal knocks Jeff off the apron and Bubba hits  back suplex...but Jamal moved the table. Jeff hits whisper in the wind and a dropkick on Jamal then goes outside. Jeff grabs a table and hits Jamal with it. Jeff runs the barricade but Jamal shields himself with the table and Jeff crashes into it. Jim Ross asks if that counts as an elimination but the refs say no. Jamal sets up another table with Jeff on it and go up to the top rope. Inside the ring, Bubba sets up a table but gets knocked down by an elbow smash by Jamal. Jamal goes back up top and hits the big splash through a table to eliminate JEFF HARDY.

By himself, Bubba rallies with Dusty punches on Rico and puts him on a table. Bubba hops to the second rope but Jamal stops him. Jamal rolls Rico off the table and goes for the superplex, but Bubba blocks it. Bubba hits the Bubba Bomb through a table to eliminate JAMAL.

Down to Bubba and Rico, Rico stomps away at Bubba and goes to set up another table. All of a sudden Rosey gets in the ring as referee Jack Doan tells him to scram. Bubba rallies with right hands on Rosey but Rosey recovers with a belly to belly suplex. King tells JR to go down and tell him to leave. Jamal gets back in the ring as well and now its three against one. Jamal sets up for the samoan drop but from out of nowhere D'Von Dudley hits the ring in his old cammo gear. D'Von cleans house of Rosey and Jamal as the crowd goes nuts. D'Von heaves Rosey and Jamal over the top rope then sets up the table. The pop gets progressively louder as RICO walks right into the 3D through a table to end the match. JR "Oh testify!" D'Von revs up the crowd and hugs Bubba, guess the Dudleys are re-united. The match itself was a standard mess but the appearance of D'Von to help Bubba got a huge pop. Good booking.

Time of match: 11:22

Winners: Dudleys and Hardy (Bubba survives)

We cut to The World in Times Square where Stacy Keibler is there saying she's conducting a PR tour of testicles. Stacy then introduces Saliva to perform Alive live....thankfully they show WWE highlights throughout to at least remind us this is supposed to be a wrestling show. I like Saliva and its a good song, but this could have been another match. We cut to Rob Van Dam doing the JCVD split with Michael Cole and Tazz ready for the first Smackdown match.

Match 2

Billy Kidman vs Jamie Noble (with Nidia) for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Commentators: Michael Cole and Tazz

Cole points out before the match Noble won the title at King of The Ring and has been virtually unbeatable since (against Cruiserweights anyway). Then two weeks in a row Billy Kidman got the better of him so he gets the title shot tonight. Kidman comes out to his Dollar Store DMX theme for the first time. Bell's gone and Kidman gets a quick schoolboy and a hurricarana. Noble bails to the outside but Kidman throws him inside. Noble kicks away at him first back in the ring then counters a clothesline with a neckbreaker. He covers for two and rams Kidman back first into the corner. Jamie "Get up boyyyy" and he locks in a surfboard. Kidman powers out of it but Noble throws him over the top rope. Tazz says Noble would have something up his sleeve but he's not wearing a shirt. Jamie suicide dives through the second rope onto Kidman then throws him inside. Noble comes off the top but Kidman counters with a dropkick. The camera spots blood on the mat and Tazz says Rico's arm got cut up during the tables match. Kidman hits a back elbow smash and a hiroshi goroshi before covering for a deuce. Noble does a suplex bomb and covers for two as Kidman executes a sit down faceplant. Kidman goes for the 7 Year Itch but Nidia pulls Jamie out of there. Kidman hits a crossbody on Jamie on the floor. Nidia yells at Jamie on the floor as Kidman throws him inside. Slingshot legdrop by Kidman gets Noble goes for the tiger bomb but Kidman backdrops Jamie out of it. Nidia grabs Billy's leg and he drags her on the apron. She slaps him but that takes him out of the way of a charging Noble who knocks her off the apron. Kidman hits the sky high and covers for Kidman counters the tiger bomb with a backslide but Noble rolls through it and hits the tiger bomb anyway. The cover gets 1....2.....NOOOO, Kidman kicks out and Jamie can't believe it. Jamie charges in the corner but eats boot and Billy goes to the top rope. Kidman hits an X-Factor from the top rope and covers for 1...2...nope. Noble hits a top rope DDT and covers for 1...2....noooooo. Jamie screams and stomps around only to walk into an enziguiri. Kidman pulls Noble into the corner and goes to the top rope but Nidia stops him. Kidman kicks her off but Jamie punches him. Kidman punches him down and hits the 7 Year Itch, covering for 1...2....3 to win the match. The 5 month reign of Noble is over as Billy Kidman is now the cruiserweight champion. The problem with this match is they didn't sell much so they could do as much shit as possible.....which would be come the standard for the indies over the next 20 years. Wasn't a bad match but not spectacular either.

Time of match: 7:10

Winner: Billy Kidman by pinfall (new Cruiserweight champion)

Backstage Kurt Angle has been watching the monitor and asks Chris Benoit if Kidman can win the Cruiserweight title, they can win the tag titles. Benoit "WHAT? WHAT?" Kurt says they're a team and amigos, busom buddies, friends to the end. Again, how Benoit isn't cracking up I'll never know. Benoit cracks a smile and goes for a handshake. Kurt "I'm not gonna shake your hand, tag team partners don't shake hands, tag team partners gotta hug." Kurt awkwardly hugs Benoit who looks totally confused. Now you see where Batista stole that bit years later. We cut to Chris Jericho preparing in the back before hidden camera footage shows Victoria in a closet getting ready. She asks the mirror who the prettiest diva is and goes crazy because the mirror apparently said Trish. She tears up a cardboard cutout of Trish and we cut to JR and King. JR asks what the hell is wrong with Victoria and King says she hasn't been the same since the house fell on her sister (hahahaha). The women's match is up next apparently. We get a recap of the feud where the storyline was Victoria and Trish Stratus were fitness models together but Trish blocked her from getting her WWE tryout. Victoria went nuts and waited for her chance to get revenge. Wouldn't this make her the babyface?

Match 3

Victoria vs Trish Stratus for the WWE Women's Championship in a hardcore match

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

Ross says its been two years since the last women's hardcore match and Victoria doesn't wait, she attacks right at the bell. She strangles Trish with her own trench coat then throws her down with it twice. Victoria grabs a broom as JR asks if she's going to ride it. Trish kicks Victoria and monkey flips her with it, but Victoria holds on and chokes her with it. The crowd chants "HLA" as Victoria chokes Trish with the broom on the second rope but Trish pulls her down with it. Trish grabs the trash can lid but Victoria whacks the lid into her face with the broom. Victoria throws Trish into the lid twice and they spill outside. Victoria throws Trish into the garbage can full of weapons then throws her down. Back inside Victoria does a slingshot legdrop and covers for 1..2...nope. Victoria sets up a trash can in the corner but the hole is facing the ring. Trish slingshots Victoria up into it but her head is nowhere near the can so she uses her hands to create the sound. Trish then sets up the trash can on Victoria's face and kicks it of....that shouldn't have hurt either. Trish covers for 1...2...nope. Trish grabs an ironing board and sets it up in the corner. Trish whips Victoria into it and hits a chick kick. She covers for Trish grabs a singapore cane and waffles Victoria with it. Victoria grabs a trash can lid and SMASHES Trish in the face with it. Victoria heads to the second rope but Trish does Stratusphere only grabbing the lid first. Trish hits Victoria with the lid knocking her to the floor. Trish sends Victoria into the ring steps. Back inside a bloody nose'd Victoria hits a powerbomb then grabs a mirror outside. Back inside Trish ducks the shot and hits another chick kick. The cover gets Trish gets a cookie sheet but Victoria whacks her with the singapore cane. Trish goes for a bulldog but totally botches it when Victoria's head hits her ribs. She covers anyway for JR ties to save face by saying she didn't get all of it. Victoria drops Trish face first onto the cane and goes outside for the fire extinguisher. Victoria sprays Trish with it, hits a snap suplex and covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. King "You gotta be kidding me!" Yeah really, Victoria wins the title on a snap suplex? Non-finisher aside, Victoria gets her revenge by beating Trish like she said she would. Sloppy match but that's actually a good thing for a match like this designed to beat the hell out of each other. The demented Victoria is the new women's champion.

Time of match: 7:04

Winner: Victoria by pinfall (new Women's Champion)

We cut to the back where Booker T is getting ready then to Jonathan Coachman. Coach is with Eric Bischoff and asks what we can expect. Bischoff says we're gonna see history and the future and praises himself. Suddenly Big Show walks up and says "hi stranger". Show says it was a big mistake trading him and he's going to walk out of MSG as the new WWE Champion. We cut to Brock Lesnar preparing when Paul Heyman walks in looking sad. Heyman says he's been nervous since Big Show showed up and nothing's been the same since Hell In A Cell. Heyman says he has to put everything behind him and he'll make sure his client leaves as WWE Champion. We get a montage of Big Show and Brock's feud after No Mercy and I've said it a hundred times....this WOULD have been epic if Big Show hadn't been booked as an idiot for a year.

Match 4

Big Show vs Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) for the WWE Championship

Commentators: Michael Cole and Tazz

Cole says Lesnar is the underdog for the first time in his career. Although mid-card title matches are never a good thing for the champion. They go nose to nose right at the start and Show shoves him backwards. The crowd chants "Let's go Lesnar" and Show drives Brock in the corner before hiptossing him out. Show calls for the chokeslam early but Lesnar hits a double leg takedown and punches him. They spill outside and Brock gets rammed into the ring post. Show rolls Brock in and goes for another chokeslam but Brock hits a back suplex. Brock backs Show in the corner with shoulderblocks but is whipped into the corner. Show charges but misses and Brock german suplexes him. Brock goes for the F-5 but Show counters with forearms to the back. Lesnar goes for another takedown but Show moves, causing Lesnar to blast referee Mike Chioda through the ropes to the outside. Lesnar ducks under the big boot and hits the overhead belly to belly suplex. Heyman tosses a chair into the ring and Lesnar picks it up but Show punches the first swing away, only to be cracked in the head with it on the second attempt. Lesnar goes for the F-5 and hits it. He covers with referee Mike Sparks hitting the ring for 1...2....Paul Heyman pulls Sparks out, what the hell? Heyman decks Sparks and Lesnar looks at Heyman angrily. Lesnar chases Heyman into the ring but Show walks into a steel chair shot to the ribs, then across the back. Show chokeslams Lesnar on the chair as Chioda comes back in. Show covers for 1....2....3 to win the match. We got a new WWE Champion! Heyman celebrates with Big Show as Tazz calls Heyman a scumbag. Cole wants to know why Heyman would turn on Lesnar after being his manager since he came to WWE. Just goes to show you that anything can happen in WWE. Big Show was languishing on Raw while Lesnar was wiping out Hulk Hogan. The Rock and The Undertaker.....and all it took was one month to turn him into a monster again. Short and sweet and for the first time in 3 years, Big Show is WWE Champion.

Time of match: 4:23

Winner: Big Show by pinfall (new WWE Champion)

Show and Heyman hightail it out of there into a limousine in the back as Tazz tells Heyman to watch his back. Cole and Tazz go over what we just saw. A lot of people felt the turn made no sense after Lesnar manhandled Big Show, thus proving to Heyman Brock COULD beat him. The real logic is Heyman is a heel and will always be one, Lesnar turning face pretty much negates Heyman's heat. Brock didn't need him anymore and now Paul can get heat for others. Cole says we've had 3 straight title changes, will their be a fourth? Up next is the triple threat elimination tag match. The storyline is Edge and Rey are the champs but when they're not killing each other, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit are arguably the most dominant tag team. Then you have Los Guerreros lurking in the shadows. After a video montage, let's get to the match....after we see Al Wilson and Dawn Marie at ring side for god knows what reason.

Match 5

Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo Jr) vs Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs Edge and Rey Mysterio Jr in a triple threat elimination tag match for the WWE Tag Team Championships

Commentators: Michael Cole & Tazz

Originally this was just a triple threat match but they added in the elimination portion out of nowhere it seems. The Smackdown Six are on full display here and we start with everyone in the ring. Kurt and Eddie jaw at each other with Benoit trash talking Rey Mysterio. Benoit and Rey start it out and Chris chops Rey in the chest twice. Rey hits a hurracarana and a flapjack on Benoit and punches Angle on the apron. Rey hits a drop toe hold in the corner and Edge tags in. Edge and Rey hit a double hiptoss as Edge drops an elbow. Chris chops him in the chest and tags in Angle. Edge cuts him off with a backdrop. Edge hits a flying forearm and Chavo tags himself in when Angle goes flying out of the ring. Edge hits a droptoe hold on Chavo and drops him with a shoulderblock. Edge hits a dropkick and a scoop slam before tagging Rey in. Rey hits a top rope splash and covers for 1...2...nope. Rey hits an armdrag as Cole starts babbling on about Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman....that's gotta be Vince in his ear telling him to do it randomly in the middle of a tag team title match. You do that shit in the middle of chinlocks, not high flying moves like Chavo hitting a huge face plant on Rey. Eddie tags in with forearms and stomps before taunting the irate crowd. Rey hits an armdrag and monkey flip on Eddie who tags Kurt in. Kurt rallies with right hands on Rey as the crowd chants "Let's go Angle", gotta love MSG. Kurt goes shoulder first into the ring post and Rey goes for a springboard but completely falls on his head. Kurt takes a second to make sure Rey's not dead before stomping away at him. Kurt chokes Rey with his boot as Tazz says the Guerreros are smart for staying on the apron. Kurt hits a suplex and covers for a deuce before hitting a clothesline. Benoit tags in and hits a spinning neckbreaker followed by a back suplex. Benoit covers for a two count as Cole calls the 28 year old Mysterio a "kid"....yeah. Angle tags in and hits a back suplex of his own before covering for a dos. Kurt stomps on Rey before knocking Edge off the apron. Rey counters an Angle Slam with an arm drag but Kurt clotheslines him. Kurt covers for two then tags in Benoit. Benoit hits a running knee to the ribs as Cole blows the ending by saying the Guerreros are gonna wait until one team eliminates the other then pounce on the survivor. Benoit hits a suplex for two then tags in Angle. Angle goes for the front headlock as Eddie taunts from the apron. Rey fights out of it and rolls out of a suplex. They counter each other several times then hits the heel kick. Kurt goes to tag one of the Guerreros but they both drop down. Kurt tags Benoit but Edge gets the hot tag. Edge wipes out both Kurt and Benoit then Eddie and Chavo off the apron. Angle runs into a belly to belly suplex and Chavo gets thrown over the top. Rey hits a hurracarana over the top rope on Eddie leaving Edge in the ring. Edge goes to spear Benoit but Kurt hits a droptoe hold and Benoit locks in the crossface. Kurt has the anklelock on as well but Rey hits the West Coast Pop on Angle then a dropkick to Benoit's back. Chavo pulls Angle out and Rey hits a corkscrew plancha on both of them. Benoit hits a german suplex on Edge but Eddie sunset flips off the top rope onto Edge for the double pin 1...2...nope, everyone kicks out. Benoit rolls over Eddie and heaves him over the top to the floor. Benoit hits three german suplexes on Edge then calls for the top rope headbutt. Benoit goes upstairs but Eddie beats him to the punch by hitting the frog splash on Edge. Eddie covers but Benoit hits the headbutt on Eddie to break up the count....why? Should have just let him finish off Edge THEN hit the headbutt. Kurt hits the Angle Slam on Eddie then pulls the straps down. Benoit slaps the crossface on Edge as Angle has the ankle lock on Eddie. Chavo waffles Benoit with the title belt and throws it to Angle before sliding out of the ring. Benoit gets up and sees Angle holding the belt.....and you thought Eddie came up with that spot? Benoit shoves Angle and Kurt pushes him back then Rey comes off the top with a dropkick to send both guys into each other. Mysterio baseball slides into Chavo then hits a hurracarana. Edge hits a spear on Benoit and covers for 1..2...3 to eliminate Kurt and Benoit.

Kurt hits a german suplex on Edge and Chris hits one on Rey. Benoit hits a back suplex on Chavo and Angle hits an angle slam on Edge. Benoit and Angle yell at each other and still bicker as they leave while Eddie covers Edge in the ring for Eddie hits a suplex on Edge as Cole's prediction came true, the Guerreros are pouncing on Edge & Rey. Chavo goes to town on Edge before tagging out to Eddie. Eddie locks in a sleeper hold. Chavo tags in who hits a dropkick on Edge before covering for a deuce. Chavo stomps away in the corner then distracts the ref allowing Eddie to choke Edge with the tag rope. Chavo tags in Eddie who hits a back suplex and goes to the front facelock. Eddie tags out to Chavo who continues the onslaught before Eddie tags back in, only for Edge to hit a double flapjack. Rey gets the hot tag and he hits a crossbody followed by a hurracarana on Chavo. He hits the tilt-awhirl backbreaker on Eddie and then sends Chavo into Eddie. Edge spears both men in the corner and Chavo falls out. Rey hits a dropkick on Eddie on the ground then gets launched by Edge onto the top rope for a hurracarana on Eddie from the top. Edge shitcans Chavo again but Edge throws Eddie onto the second rope. Rey hits 619 on Eddie but Chavo hits Rey in the back with the title belt. Edge baseball slides Chavo outside but Eddie locks in El Paso Lasso in the ring. Rey taps and Los Guerreros are the new tag team champions! Two belt shots lead to the new champs being crowned. Damn good match and a good conclusion to "The Smackdown Six" as we know it. There was no way they were keeping Angle & Benoit as a team plus Rey & Edge were better off on their own. The Guerreros just need teams to go against.

Time of match: 19:18

Winners: Los Guerreros by submission (new Tag Team Champions)

Kane is preparing in the back as we've had four title changes tonight, will there be a 5th? Before we get to our main event, here comes Christopher Nowinski for a conference. Nowinski says he's the only Harvard grad in the arena (are you sure?) and New York's street smarts are not the same as real intelligence. Nowinski says the New York Yankees bought their world series titles and the fans aren't intelligent. Nowinski goes on to say they're number 1 in stupidty as Matt Hardy's music hits. Mattitude fact is he keeps the room temperature at a toasty 75 degrees and he drinks low fat chocolate milk. Why is he here? Matt grabs a mic and asks who the hell Chris thinks he is. Matt says New Yorkers aren't stupid, they're classified as losers. Matt "There's a huge difference". He goes on to say he expected to see Mattitude in the building and they're sucking the Mattitude out of him. He's choking worse than the Knicks...hahahaha. He used to think New York was cool but now its full of losers. JR "Where is this going, King?" King "I don't know but can we hurry up and get there." Chris "These people aren't losers, they're too stupid to know any better." Chris "Are you losers or are you stupid?" Matt says New Yorkers are losers and stupid...lupid. Chris and Matt shake hands and raise their arms when Scott Steiner's music hits....THERE'S your payoff. They're going to debut Steiner as a babyface apparently as he walks out in his wrestling gear. Steiner takes his chain mail and sunglasses off as Matt shoves Nowinski forward. Steiner hits the Steiner Line and overhead belly to belly suplexes Matt. He hits a tbone Taz plex on Nowinski and a standard belly to belly suplex. The crowd loudly chants for Steiner as he throws Nowinski over the top to the floor. Steiner overhead press slams Hardy onto Nowinski on the floor. The heels retreat with Steiner standing tall to a loud ovation. Steiner gets on the mic and says to all the freaks in New York City, holla if ya hear him. They do, in fact, holler. Here's the problem, if they cut out the Saliva performance and some of the elimination chamber vignettes they could have had time for a standard match where Steiner beats either of these guys.

JR sends us to Terri Runnells for an interview with Shawn Michaels...or just her ass anyway (nice camera work Dunn). Terri asks if he can win the World Heavyweight Championship and before Shawn can answer we cut to RNN Breaking News. Ha! Nice one. Randy Orton in a Survivor Series t-shirt says he's here at Survivor Series and an extra pillow on his flight caused no further damage to his elbow. Orton says he'll be back in no time. Can we get to the chamber now? Nope, another damn recap vignette set to Always again. We cut to Jonathan Coachman and Triple H (with Ric Flair) and Coach asks what he's thinking. He says in September he was deemed World Heavyweight Champion and in the past 3 months he's beaten everyone. Tonight he will beat all five other guys because he's still the game, still the best, and that damn good. But right now....he's got a first class ticket to hell, and he just wants to know who's coming with him. Here comes Eric Bischoff in the ring to put himself over and go over the rules....again, we already know them. They could have added another match with all this wasted time. Bischoff goes over the chamber dynamics while inside it. Since this was the first time we've seen the chamber, it does look impressive. Its like a combination of Hell in A Cell and Wargames with the chain link fence top and surrounding the ring. Not only that, there's steel areas around the chamber outside of the ropes. Eric finally leaves and FINALLY we get to our main event.

Match 6

Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam vs Kane vs Booker T vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H (with Ric Flair) in an Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

Saliva performs Jericho's entrance song at The World as he makes his entrance. Shawn Michaels, Kane and Booker T are the other men locked in the individual chambers with Y2J. It's going to be Triple H and Rob Van Dam to start things off. HHH backs him in the corner but Rob reverses it and rallies with right forearms. Rob ducks the line and hits a heel kick then a reverse enziguiri. rob runs into a knee to the face as King asks if Rob pins HHH right here and now. JR explains HHH would have to leave and Rob would wait for the next guy to come out. HHH goes for the pedigree but Rob backdrops him onto the steel ramp. Rob rams HHH into the side of the cage four times. Rob does his RVD taunt as HHH blades already. RVD does a monkey flip to send HHH into the steel ramp and does rolling thunder over the top rope onto HHH on the ramp. The good thing is the cage door is locked and there's no way to get under the ring so Flair can't theoretically interfere. Van Dam flips off Jericho and climbs to the top of Jericho's chamber. Jericho reaches over head to grab his leg. Rob manages to kick Jericho off and somersaults on top of HHH, landing heavily on his left hip. Shawn Michaels from inside his chamber asks if Rob is okay. Rob sends HHH face first into the chamber and Hunter falls into the ring. RVD stomps away at HHH on the corner as the countdown starts.

Chris Jericho is next in the ring but RVD cuts him off with a heel kick. RVD hits a moonsaults and covers for RVD hits the second rope dropkick on Jericho and clotheslines him over the top rope to the steel. Rob jumps off the top rope but Jericho ducks, causing RVD to catch himself in the cage like Spiderman. He hits a crossbody on Jericho but HHH clotheslines him down. Jericho stomps on Van Dam and hits a back suplex. Jericho slaps Rob who starts to rally with right hands on both men. RVD runs right into a high knee and Jericho hits a standing senton. Jericho covers for Jericho holds Rob and tells HHH to give him a shot. Hunter punches Rob down and Jericho does a crotch chop to Shawn Michaels. HHH throws Rob over the top rope to the steel. Hunter and Jericho launch Rob back first into the steel. Jericho shouts he's the king of the world and throws Rob to HHH. They throw Rob into the cage three times in a row. JR says Jericho and HHH despise each other but King says they'll do anything to be world champion. Van Dam rolls over Jericho, clotheslines HHH and hits a heel kick to Jericho. HHH hits a DDT on RVD as the countdown starts again.

Booker T hits the ring and cleans out both HHH and Jericho. Book clotheslines Jericho and HHH over the top rope and does a spinaroonie. He and Rob Van Dam slug it out in the center of the ring as JR says the stakes are too high for them to co-exist. Booker drops Rob with the axe kick and covers for Rob hits the stepover heel kick and covers for King says Kane and Shawn have the advantage since everyone else is beating each other down. Booker hits another kick and covers for a deuce. HHH punches Book but he counters with a scissors kick. Jericho clotheslines Booker and Van Dam hits a dropkick on Y2J. RVD heads up to the top rope then climbs to the top of an empty chamber. He hits a big splash on HHH but couldn't get the five star due to the cage in the way. Booker from off the top hits a missile dropkick on Rob Van Dam and covers for 1..2.....3 to eliminate ROB VAN DAM Oooh the crowd did NOT like that. Booker covers HHH but the ref was busy was Rob. Earl Hebner counts, HHH got the foot on the trope. Jericho chokes Book on the second rope and chops him. Jericho hits the facebuster but runs into a spinebuster by Booker T. Booker covers Jericho for The countdown begins again.....

Here comes Kane to drop Booker T with right hands then backdrops Jericho. Kane pounds away on Booker and clotheslines him in the corner. Kane heaves Jericho over the top rope and launches him face first into the cage. Kane then sends Jericho through the glass of an empty chamber. Kane turns his attention to HHH and uppercuts him in the corner. HHH flops down and he's moving very slowly. Apparently Rob's splash caught him right in the throat and he's legit not breathing right. Booker goes for the axe kick on Kane but Jericho low blows him. Booker staggers into the chokeslam by Kane. Kane slugs HHH and Jericho hits the lionsault on Booker. He covers for 1...2.....3 and Jericho eliminates BOOKER T. Crowd didn't like THAT either. Jericho is busted wide open from the glass shot and Kane punches him. Kane heaves Jericho into the ring then punches HHH down again. Kane hits a suplex on Jericho and covers for a deuce. Kane misses an elbow drop as JR wonders if Shawn Michaels thinks he can win. He's the last one in, two guys are already gone and both heels are bleeding. If there's ever a time for him to win, its now. HHH is slammed off the top rope by Kane into the ring and he continues to grab his throat. Yeah Rob hurt him for real. Jericho hits a missile dropkick as the final countdown begins.

Shawn Michaels enters his second match in four years and goes to town on Jericho and then Kane. Shawn backdrops Jericho but gets clotheslined down by Kane. Kane sends Shawn off but Shawn hits a flying forearm. Michaels gets whipped into the tree of woe before he falls. Kane choke bombs Jericho and chokeslams Shawn. Kane chokeslams HHH and Jericho in succession. Rather than cover, Kane signals for a tombstone. Kane grabs HHH but Hunter rolls out of it. Kane walks right into Sweet Chin Music but sits right up. HHH then hits the pedigree on Kane and Jericho hits the lionsault. He covers for 1...2...3 and KANE is gone. We're down to the only 3 guys who had half a chance going into this match. Jericho clotheslines Michaels over the top onto the steel. Jericho sends Shawn into the cage as King says this is Shawn's first Survivor Series since 1997. HHH punches Shawn down as he and Jericho are both bloody messes. Shawn is also bleeding from the forehead as both Jericho and HHH punch the open cut to draw more blood. Jericho jumps on Shawn on the second rope and does the Ali shuffle. HHH sends Shawn over the top rope onto the steel. HHH grates Shawn into the cage like parmesan cheese. Jericho and HHH punch away at Shawn then Jericho taunts him inside the ring. Jericho squeezes Shawn's head and punches it then sends takes him outside. Shawn sends Jericho into the cage and punches HHH down. Shawn clotheslines HHH into the ring then goes for a piledriver on the steel ramp. Jericho backdrops him instead. Back in the ring Shawn ducks the line and drops Hunter with a big forearm. Shawn nips up but hits a bulldog on Shawn. Jericho hits the lionsault and covers for 1.....2...nooooo. Jericho tries again but only gets a two count. Jericho shouts to stay down but a charge in the corner eats boot. Shawn hits a moonsault and covers Jericho for 1.....2....noooo, at the last second Jericho kicked out. Shawn of all people locks in the Walls of Jericho but HHH counters with a ddt. Jericho covers for, HHH pulls Jericho off. Why? Apparently Hunter wanted to do it himself. Jericho and HHH slug it out and Hunter hits Jericho with a hard clothesline. Jericho gets knee lifted and Hunter covers for King says Shawn can rest with these two beating each other. Jericho jumps off the second rope into a kick. HHH goes for the pedigree but Jericho counters with the Walls of Jericho. Suddenly from out of nowhere Shawn buries Jericho with Sweet Chin Music. Shawn covers Jericho for 1...2....3 and CHRIS JERICHO is history.

We're down to one on one, HHH vs Shawn, just like everyone thought for weeks going in. Shawn and Hunter are bloody messes and they tee off on each other. HHH then lands a spinebuster and covers for Shawn kicks Triple H in the head but Hunter backdrops Shawn over the top rope onto the steel. Shawn throws HHH into the cage and goes for the pedigree out there. HHH counters with a slingshot through the glass of an empty chamber. HHH pulls Shawn in the ring and covers for Hunter punches down Shawn and yells to get up. Shawn gets to his feet to slug it out again but Shawn eats a facebuster. HHH clotheslines Shawn over the top rope onto the steel. HHH goes for a pedigree on the steel but Shawn counters with a slingshot into the cage. Shawn clotheslines HHH over the top rope back into the ring. He goes up to the top rope then to the top of an empty chamber. Shawn hits the elbow drop but doesn't cover. He tunes up the band in the corner but HHH kicks him in the ribs. HHH hits the pedigree but takes a long time to cover. Hebner counts 1....2....nooooo, Shawn kicks out. HHH screams at Earl Hebner then turns around to go for another pedigree. Shawn backdrops Hunter and WHAM, hits Sweet Chin Music. Shawn covers for 1...2....3 to win the match and the World Heavyweight Championship. JR shrieks Shawn has won as MSG actually cheers for Shawn six years after booing him out of there. Confetti shoots into the air as Ross screams "Do you believe in miracles? MICHAELS BELIEVED IN HIMSELF AND HE HAS SURVIVED IT!" Future chamber matches would be a little bit more fast paced but this one was the first and can't be compared to what hadn't happened yet. The bottom line was this was all about Shawn vs HHH with four extras and Shawn walked out the champion. Ironically this would be Shawn's last major world championship with eight more years of service to go.

Time of match: 39:12

Winner: Shawn Michaels by pinfall (New World Heavyweight Champion)

This night was one big reset button. D'Von Dudley saving Bubba pretty much reunited the Dudleys on Raw to give them a legit tag team. All five titles that were on the line changed hands and some more shocking than others. Kidman and Victoria winning were mostly for a change of pace but the Guerreros coming out on top pretty much sent Rey, Edge, Benoit and Angle back to singles competition. The big one, no pun intended, was Big Show winning his first WWE title in three years after being booked as an idiot for the last year. Literally during the spring he was a lackey for the nWo then in the summer he was just background fodder on Raw. Now he's the man who ended Brock Lesnar's undefeated streak albeit with help from Paul Heyman. Like I mentioned earlier, Heyman was a heel manager and having Brock as a face wouldn't have worked with him. Finally the elimination chamber was telegraphed from day one this was going to come down to Shawn and Hunter. The only drama was if Jericho would sneak in and steal it like he did the year before at Vengeance beating Austin & The Rock. Then add in the debut of Scott Steiner and we got some new feuds and matches coming up. It'll be interesting to see how Brock Lesnar and Triple H respond to losing. Tomorrow night Raw comes to Bridgeport, CT at the old Harbor Yard Arena. I'll see you there.

WWE Sunday Night Heat (11/17/02)

WWE Sunday Night Heat
Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY
November 17, 2002

Hosts: Jonathan Coachman and Lita

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

Here we go, its time for Survivor Series and we bring you the pre-show with Jonathan Coachman & Lita as your hosts. We start with the elimination chamber construction video from Raw and Coach says its a rainy night here in New York. Coach runs down the card and marvels at the elimination chamber hanging over the ring. 

Coach sends us to our first vignette video, Trish Stratus vs Victoria for the Women's Championship and what led to it. Long story short, Victoria and Trish were fitness models and Trish went on to fame, leaving Victoria behind. Now Victoria is out for revenge an wants to beat Trish at her own game. Victoria beat the daylights out of Terri Runnells on Raw but was dropped by Trish. Coach says our Heat match will be Goldust and The Hurricane against William Regal and Lance Storm later. Cut to commercial.

Back from commercial Coach and Lita thank our sponsors as fans start to file into the Garden. We then cut to last night's WWE Confidential for an interview with Scott Steiner....after a vignette with WCW highlights and commentary. Steiner says he's the big bad booty daddy and always goes balls to the wall because you never know when it'll end. He says he's still in his prime and wants to get stronger every day. Steiner says he doesn't know what show he'll appear on because him vs Lesnar or him vs Triple H would be interesting. He has no problem working with Eric Bischoff again and there's challenges he hasn't faced yet. He wants to be world champion and its going to be interesting because he's back.

Coach sends us to The World where Saliva performs a soundcheck. Apparently they're going to play tonight during Survivor Series. Stacy Keibler barges in their dressing room and wants them to write a song about the testicles because testicles love Saliva....yay dick jokes. Our upcoming Smackdown road schedule is this Tuesday in the Hartford Civic Center, next Saturday in Syracuse, next Sunday in Elmira, North Carolina and next Monday in Raleigh, North Carolina, then a week from Tuesday they'll be in Columbia, South Carolina.

Back from break the Overdrive of The Night is HHH hitting the pedigree on Shawn Michaels from Raw. Coach and Lita talk about the Elimination Chamber which they can't show under Eric Bischoff's orders. Lita can't pick a winner and even Coach can't pick a winner. Our rules are four guys will be in individual chambers with 2 men starting in the ring. Every 5 minutes a randomly chosen chamber opens. Elimination occurs at anytime via pinfall or submission and the last man standing is the World Heavyweight Champion. We cut to Chris Jericho on The Best Damn Sports Show Period who is out of character and jovial, although he does say he's going to win. 

We then hype up the triple threat tag team title match with a highlight package going back to last month at No Mercy leading up all the way to tonight. After that, Coach hypes up our pre-show match coming up before we go to another break, Back from break we got a WWE Anthology commercial with Trish Status saying she's a huge fan of Lil Kim...yippie. Eric Bischoff goes to knock on the door of Stephanie McMahon's office but thinks better of it. Coach and Lita bring up the kiss without actually saying so then cut to this week's episode of Tough Enough 3. Jamie is a tomboy and Jonah can't stand her but the eventual John Morrison is indifferent. This is the reality show BS I could never stand. We get the Raw road schedule which was tomorrow night in Bridgeport, CT, next Monday night is North Charleston, South Carolina, a week from Saturday in Amarillo, Texas, two weeks from today in Laredo, Texas and two weeks from tomorrow night is Austin, Texas.

After break, our WWE rewind is Jamal splashing Jeff Hardy and Spike Dudley through a table on Raw. Coach brings up the six man tables match, the Cruiserweight title match, and Brock Lesnar vs Big Show. We then get a hype package video for Lesnar and Show as Coach says its been a while since Big Show main evented a ppv. That's why randomly booking Show as an unstoppable monster doesn't work if you don't book him as such for a year. 

Back from commercial, Coach and Lita send it to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler for our pre-show match.

Match 1

The Hurricane and Goldust vs William Regal and Lance Storm

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

With Booker T in the elimination chamber match, The Hurricane takes his place teaming with Goldust against Regal and Storm on Heat. Bell rings and Hurricane switches out of a waistlock only to get kicked in the head. Hurricane hits a clothesline and covers for a two then goes to punch Storm in the corner. Regal snaps Hurricane off the top rope and Storm hits a heel kick. Regal tags in and hits a t-bone taz plex and covers for a deuce. Regal and Storm isolate Hurricane and Storm covers for a two count. Hurricane rolls out of a suplex and goes for an O'Connor Roll, but Regal makes the blind tag. Regal forearms Hurricane off and hits knees to the head. Regal covers but Goldust breaks up the count. Storm splashes Hurricane in one corner but a charge in the other one eats elbow. Shane hits the blockbuster then tags in Goldust who goes to town on both Regal & Storm. Goldust backdrops Storm and invert atomic drops Regal. He powerslams Storm and covers but Regal breaks it up. All for men are in and Regal runs into the ass bump by Goldust while Hurricane goes for the chokeslam on Storm.  Hurricane hits it and Goldust goes for the curtain call but Regal clotheslines him, allowing Storm to cradle him up for 1...2...3 to win the match. Regal and Storm win it. Suddenly Tommy Dreamer appears out of nowhere and wipes out both heels with the singapore cane. Since its New York, gotta have the New Yorker stand tall. Only had 3 minutes so can't expect much there.

Time of match: 3:01

Winners: Storm and Regal by pinfall

After the match we get another elimination chamber vignette set to Always by Saliva before we sign off. The time for talking is over, the chips are on the table. Its time for Survivor Series. Will Brock Lesnar be able to withstand the onslaught of the Big Show? Will Billy Kidman dethrone Jamie Noble for the Cruiserweight title? Will 3 Minute Warning prevail in the tables match? Will Victoria crush Trish Stratus in the hardcore match? Who will walk out the new tag team champions? Who will win the elimination chamber match? I'll see you at Survivor Series.

Saturday, November 16, 2002

WWE Velocity (11/16/02)

WWE Velocity
Nationwide Arena
Columbus, OH
November 16, 2002

Commentators: Michael Cole and Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel

Survivor Series is tomorrow night but we got another edition of Velocity to sit through first. The double edged sword is this particular recording doesn't have the recaps. Nobody has them so its going to be straight matches for this one. If anyone has the full show, let me know. Tonight we have Crash Holly vs Chuck Palumbo, Shannon Moore vs Albert and Funaki vs D'Von Dudley. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

Crash Holly vs Chuck Palumbo

Crash gets a pop for god knows what reason even though he's been working heel lately on Velocity. Crash falls into the ring during his entrance. Crash starts with the headlock at the bell and catches himself on the ropes. Crash tries an up and over but Chuck catches him and hits snake eyes in the corner. He whips Crash hard into the buckle but gets drop toe holded into the corner. Crash stomps away at Chuck. then says he's going to give Chuck the iron claw. He grabs Chuck in the stomach and Chuck looks at him funny. Chuck then drops him with a big forearm. Crash rallies with a snapmare and a dropkick to the neck, covering for 1...2..nope. Dorkus Malorkus then yaps about Brock Lesnar as Crash looks in a surfboard. Crash hots a forearm to the back and hits a scoop slam. Crash covers for a deuce and locks in a chinlock. Chuck powers out of it as Mark Lloyd has no idea who Baron Von Rashcke is. Crash jumps off the top rope but eats boot by Chuck. Palumno rallies with a right hand and belly to belly suplex. Chuck covers for 1..2...nope. Crash runs into an overhead belly to belly suplex, gets up and Palumbo hits him with the discuss punch. Chuck hits Real Crash Landing and covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Kind of boring but that's what happens when you have big hoss against little technician.

Time of match: 4:52

Winner: Palumbo by pinfall

This would have been the recap portion but we don't have those here. We do get a graphic that Jamie Noble will appear later in the show. Back from break its on to the next match.

Match 2

Albert vs Shannon Moore

Another big hoss against a smaller dude match although Moore is a bit more flashy than theory anyway. Cole says Shannon is outweighed by 150 pounds in this one. Bell rings as Shannon starts a "shave your back chant". Shannon starts with right hands to the gut and a kick as well. Albert backdrops Shannon and clotheslines him against the ropes. Albert gets kicked in the ribs on the way in but Shannon gets dropped with a shoulderblock. Albert gets two knees to the ribs and a clothesline. Albert slingshots Moore into the second rope. Albert covers for Albert indian burns Shannon then goes to the blatant choke. Albert lands a headbutt as Cole says to come do that to Lloyd. Shannon goes to the second rope but Albert catches him midair and delivers a shoulder breaker. Cole asks what it would be like to french kiss Albert and Lloyd gets grossed out. Albert charges in the corner but eats ring post. Moore kicks him in the shoulder and drops Albert into the second buckle. Shannon does a second rope coup de gras but runs right into the bicycle kick. Albert hits the baldo bomb and covers for 1..2...3 to win the match. Not so much a squash but still Albert wins decisively. They really need to do something with him, especially on Smackdown. If they can make Big Show the biggest threat to Brock Lesnar in under a month after being a dud on Raw for a year, I'm sure they can make Albert into something as well.

Time of match: 3:22

Winner: Albert by pinfall

Without the recaps, we got Jamie Noble up next for a conference. Jamie and Nidia come out and Cole asks if Lloyd hits his woman on the ass. Lloyd says no....poor guy. Noble says the crowd is full of poor, pathetic people. They ain't got no respect for anyone. Nidia complains about the crowd calling them trash and says she's "...uh....uh....a lady!" Noble says he's Jamie Noble, cruiserweight champion. Nidia has no idea how long he's been champion so he says "a long time." Noble screams he's not going to lose to Kidman at Survivor Series. Cole "WHY IS JAMIE NOBLE YELLING AT ME??" Cole "Maybe Nidia can buy a calculator with the Survivor Series paycheck." Ha! Cole's been hilarious tonight, a rare W. Pointless segment other than to establish Nidia is stupid, cool I guess? Again, without the recaps, its on to the main event.

Match 3

D'Von Dudley vs Funaki

This steps from last week when Funaki pinned D'Von in a tag team match. Tony Chimel just calls him "D'von" so apart from the theme song, he's kind of ditched the Reverend gimmick. Cole "Funaki doesn't have a microphone in his hand! What is wrong with the world??" Ha! Bell rings and Funaki runs into a knee to the ribs. D'Von nearly takes Funaki's head off with a clothesline. D'Von hits a vertical suplex and covers for two as Cole calls Paul Heyman a scumbag. Fuanki ducks the line, dropkicks D'Von and hits an armdrag. Funaki hits a dropkick to the face but is sent into the corner. A charge by D'Von eats boot and Funaki jumps off the second rope into a clothesline. Dudley scoop slams Funaki and drops the big elbow before covering for a deuce. Funaki gets his eyes raked and Dudley taunts the irate crowd. D'Von gets the chinlock and tells some fan to shut up....or maybe he's talking to Cole and Lloyd babble on about Brock Lesnar. Funaki powers out of it and schoolboys D'Von for 1...2..nope. D'Von hits a powerslam and covers for D'Von goes up to the second rope but misses the splash when Funaki rolls out of the way. Funaki hits an enziguiri and a facebuster bulldog. Funaki covers for 1...2...nope. Funaki hits the ddt and covers for another two count. Funaki gets caught in the Saving Grace and D'Von covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Not bad for crash style and D'Von does the testify signal....hasn't done THAT in a while. 

Time of match: 4:20

Winner: D'Von by pinfall

We sign off here and we're on to Survivor Series. Big Show vs Brock Lesnar, Jamie Noble vs Billy Kidman, Edge & Rey vs Los Guerreros vs Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit are your Smackdown matches. Trish vs Victoria in a hardcore match, 3 Minute Warning and Rico against the Dudleys and Jeff Hardy in a table match and the elimination chamber match. The only thing left to do is catch the pre-show tomorrow night on Heat featuring a tag match. I'll see you there.

WWE at Baltimore Arena (11/16/02)

Baltimore Arena
Baltimore, MD
November 16, 2002

One day out from Survivor Series and the stars of Smackdown are in Baltimore. Unlike the past week we got all new house show matches. Either this is going to be the circuit matches for the next week or this was a one night thing with Survivor Series tomorrow. Either way let's get to the action.

Match 1

Billy Kidman vs Jamie Noble (with Nidia) for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

A Survivor Series preview as the number one contender for the Cruiserweight title gets a title shot the night before. Kidman's had his number on TV but Noble got the win after Nidia interfered.

Winner: Noble by pinfall (still Cruiserweight champion)

Match 2

Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs Redd Dogg and Doug Basham

Its the birth of the world's greatest tag team. Unbeknownst to anyone watching on TV, Haas and Benjamin were put together as a tag team for a future run on TV. For what? I'll reveal another time. They take on Dogg and Basham from OVW here. Haas forced Dogg to submit to win the match.

Winners: Haas and Benjamin by submission

Match 3

Funaki vs Chavo Guerrero Jr

One half of Los Guerreros takes on SMACKDOWN NUMBA WUN ANNOUNCA Funaki. Guerrero wins it with the brainbuster.

Winner: Chavo by pinfall

Match 4

D'von Dudley, Bull Buchanan and Sean O'Haire vs Chuck Palumbo, Crash Holly and Shannon Moore

Talk about a hodge podge of randomness. O'Haire hadn't been on TV in a year but D'Von and Bull weren't really partners. Same with Crash and the others. You could have had any random drawing of these six and no one would have known the difference. Palumbo got the pin on Buchanan though.

Winners: Palumbo, Holly and Moore by pinfall

Match 5

Val Venis vs Albert

This match may seem random but it was done with purpose. Big Show came out and laid out both guys then demanded Brock Lesnar face him. Lesnar ran out and they had to be separated. They had been doing this on the circuit for a week now.

Winner: No one (no contest)

Match 6

Matt Hardy vs Rikishi in a Kiss My Ass Match

Same match for weeks now. Rikishi wins and hits the stinkface on Matt, next.

Winner: Rikishi by pinfall

Match 7

John Cena and Dawn Marie vs Tajiri and Torrie Wilson

Mixed tag action but....wait a minute. I thought Torrie and Tajiri hate each other after Tajiri started mistreating her in the Spring. Guess she forgives him just enough to team with him against Cena and Dawn. Torrie pinned Dawn to win the match.

Winners: Tajiri and Torrie by pinfall

Match 8

Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle vs Edge and Rey Mysterio Jr for the WWE Tag Team Championship

One day before the triple threat tag match, Kurt and Benoit ends the show with a title shot against the champs. Mysterio hit Angle with the 619 and Edge hit the spear to get the pin to win the match. Champs retain and send the fans home happy.

Winners: Edge and Rey Mysterio by pinfall (Still tag team champs)

A little bit of some new matches with some standard like the Kiss My Ass match. Watch for Haas and Benjamin in the future and the other OVW guys who were on the verge of getting the call. As some of the Velocity and Heat jobbers start to faze out, you'll be seeing new guys soon. As for the rest of the card, it definitely sounded interesting on paper. Chavo vs Funaki could have been a sleeper and Edge & Rey vs Angle & Benoit was always good. We're inching closer and closer to Survivor Series but we have one last piece of business first....tonight's Velocity. I'll see you there.

WWE at Santander Arena (11/16/02)

Santander Arena
Reading, PA
November 16, 2002

We are one day away from Survivor Series but there's some unfinished business to get to first. The stars of Raw ventured to Reading, Pennsylvania for a Saturday house show. Its been established that Triple H was virtually unbeatable and nobody else but Shawn Michaels had a chance to beat him in the elimination chamber. Christian and Chris Jericho were still the World Tag Team Champions despite Jericho hitting him with a chair on Monday. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

Batista vs Steven Richards

Raw's newest star takes on poor Steven who was humiliated by Test this past Monday. Batista wins it with a spinebuster.

Winner: Batista by pinfall

Match 2

Victoria (with Molly Holly) vs Trish Stratus (with Jacqueline) for the WWE Women's Championship

Same match as the past week with the same results. Trish gets inside cradle, Molly pulls Victoria on top. Jackie rolls Trish on top for the 3 count to retain.

Winner: Trish by pinfall (still Women's champion)

Match 3

Al Snow vs Christopher Nowinsky

Mentor vs pupil again with the same result. Nowinsky gets the Flair Pin for the victory.

Winner: Nowinsky by pinfall

Match 4

Raven and Johnny Stamboli vs The Hurricane and D-Lo Brown

D-Lo and Raven's perpetual feud on Heat and house shows continues only they have partners this time. Hurricane pinned Stamboli after Eye of The Hurricane.

Winners: Hurricane and D-Lo by pinfall

Match 5

Kane vs William Regal

Talk about bottom of the barrel for Kane. Nothing against Regal but Kane went from Tag & IC Champ and legit threat to Triple H to a mid-card match with Regal. Kane takes it with the chokeslam.

Winner: Kane by pinfall

Match 6

Justin Credible vs Tommy Dreamer

The ECW guys go at it in this random match in Reading, Pennsylvania. Dreamer wins it with the Dreamer Driver.

Winner: Dreamer by pinfall

Match 7

Lance Storm vs Rob Van Dam

Just like Kane, Rob Van Dam goes from the main event of Unforgiven to a mid-card match with Lance Storm. Nothing against Lance, its just the state of Raw. Van Dam takes it with the five star frog splash.

Winner: RVD by pinfall

Match 8

The Dudley Boys (Spike and Bubba Ray) and Jeff Hardy vs 3 Minute Warning (Rosey and Jamal) and Rico

A preview of tomorrow night's tables match with all six men going at it here. Jamal pinned Bubba with the samoan drop to win the match.

Winners: Rosey, Jamal and Rico by pinfall

Match 9

Goldust and Booker T vs Christian and Chris Jericho for the World Tag Team Championship

Guess Christian forgives Jericho for hitting him with a chair because they team up to face Goldust and Booker. Jericho pinned Goldust after hitting him with a tag belt. The heels win to end the night.

Winners: Christian and Chris Jericho by pinfall (Still World Tag Team Champions)

Kind of a lame house show just one day before Survivor Series but that might be the point. No Triple H or Ric Flair...or Shawn Michaels for that matter. The problem with booking HHH over everyone is the rest of the roster is just filler. Still, the matches might have been interesting if you saw this live. On the exact same day of this show, the stars of Smackdown were in Baltimore, Maryland for their own Saturday house show. I'll see you there.

Thursday, November 14, 2002

WWE Smackdown (11/14/02)

WWE Smackdown
Nationwide Arena
Columbus, Ohio
November 14, 2002

Commentators: Michael Cole & Tazz

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel

We're three days away from Survivor Series and pretty much the Smackdown portion of Survivor Series is set. We got Brock Lesnar defending the WWE strap against Big Show, we got a triple threat tag team title match with Edge and Rey Mysterio Jr taking on both Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit and Los Guerreros, and finally Billy Kidman gets a shot at Jamie Noble for the Cruiserweight title. What could possibly happen tonight just days out from the ppv? Let's find out.....after the obligatory dark matches.

Dark Match 1

Chris Kanyon vs Renee Dupree

Kanyon was rehabbing his shoulder injury and he's up against the 18 year old son of Canadian wrestling promoter Emile Dupree. Kanyon takes it with a flatliner.

Winner: Kanyon by pinfall

Dark Match 2

Val Venis and Nova vs Shelton Benjamin and Lance Cade

Wow, where the hell did they dig up Nova? Well if you're gonna have the OVW guys like Benjamin and Cade, may as well have experienced vets in Venis and Nova as opposition. Benjamin pinned Nova to win the match.

Winners: Benjamin and Cade by pinfall

Now let's start the show.....with the montage of "You can't beat the Big Show". Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd catches up with Paul Heyman and asks how Brock Lesnar is doing. Heyman says ask about the Undertaker, he hasn't been seen since Big Show threw him off stage. Lesnar has a broken rib and he's been coughing up blood all week. The difference between Lesnar and everyone else is Brock will defend the title anyway. What he WON'T do is show up tonight on Smackdown based on doctor's orders and his own. Big Show walks up behind Heyman and says if Brock shows up, he's calling him out. Cole and Tazz welcome us and say Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit is tonight's main event. Let's get to the first match.

Match 1

Edge vs Chavo Guerrero Jr

Eddie Guerrero won the triple threat match at Super Tuesday but Edge gets Chavo one on one tonight. Because of Chavo's interference to help Eddie win, both Eddie and Rey Mysterio Jr are barred from ringside. Edge starts with an armbar before Chavo runs into a back elbow. Chavo gets hiptossed, taken down and arm-barred. Cole babbles on about Brock Lesnar but Edge runs into a dropkick. Chavo clotheslines Edge over the top rope to the floor. Edge shoulderblocks Chavo on the apron and flips over the suplex attempt. Edge sends Chavo off the buckle into a flapjack. Edge covers for a deuce as wee see Rey watching from the back. Edge gets backdropped on the apron but gets crotched on the second rope by Chavo. Tazz picks Angle and Benoit to win this Sunday. Chavo clotheslines Edge and covers for a deuce as Cole says also tonight, Eddie takes on Mysterio. Chavo gets in a wristlock but Edge powers out of it. Chavo counters Edge-O-Matic with a back suplex then goes up to the top rope. Chavo flies right into a dropkick by Edge. Edge backdrops Chavo and rallies with a clothesline. Edge hits a forearm and Edge-O-Matic for a two count, Edge slaps and chops Chavo in the corner then punches him down. Edge goes for the spear but misses, eating the second buckle. Chavo hits a spear of his own and covers for 1...2....nope. Chavo boots Edge in the ribs and goes for a sunset flip. Edge counters with a slingshot onto the second rope. Edge blocks the tornado DDT and hits the Edgecution. Edge covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Damn good effort by both guys with counters and precision. Edge fires the first salvo tonight in the tag title war by beating Chavo.

Time of match: 6:04

Winner: Edge by pinfall

In the back, Dorkus Malorkus asks Rey how he's going to do against Eddie. Rey says he's glad that Edge beat Chavo and he knows Eddie better than anyone. He then stops the interview as Brock Lesnar is coming. Rey asks how his ribs are and Lesnar says he's fine. Malorkus asks how he's doing and Lesnar says to get the hell out of his face. We go to commercial with the fact that Lesnar IS here tonight.

Back from break Al Wilson is reading a bridal magazine when Dawn Marie walks up and kisses him. Dawn says she's a lucky girl and will be Mrs. Al Wilson on their wedding day. She wants Al to invite Torrie to the wedding and she should be one of the first to invite. Al doesn't know if he should but Dawn convinces him to go talk to her.

Cut to Brock Lesnar and Heyman. Heyman is irate that he's even here and Big Show is going to maul him. Heyman says without him, Brock beat Eddie Guerrero but got demolished by Show. They're supposed to be a team but he can't protect him if he doesn't listen to him. Heyman says he hasn't been listening since Hell in A Cell and Brock says yeah, Show did throw him off the apron but Heyman wasn't there. Heyman says Show is too big and too bad and not to engage him. "He's going to rip you limb from limb and there's nothing we can do about it, we're three days away from Survivor Series. Heyman pleads with him to listen to his idea. Naturally we fade to black before we find out what the idea was. Once again, they're trying to set up Hogan/Andre and it would have worked if Show wasn't booked like a jobber for a year. Back from break its on to the next match.

Match 2

John Cena and Matt Hardy vs Rikishi and Tajiri

This week's Mattitude fun fact is Matt was the Fear Factor champion. He also loves guacamole. Cena is still coming out to the generic theme with prototype trunks. Tajiri starts with Hardy and he drops V1 with arm drags but gets shoved down by Matt. Tajiri hits a hurracarana but Matt gets a thumb to the eye. Cena tags in and drops Tajiri with an elbow before covering for a deuce. Hardy tags in and they double team Tajiri in the corner. Cena and Hardy hit a double suplex and Cena covers for two, but Tajiri hits a rolling neckbreaker to make the tag to Rikishi. Rikishi hits a samoan drop on Cena and elbows Matt in the corner. Rikishi whips Hardy into Cena in the corner and Rikishi avalanches them both. Hardy falls out of the ring and Tajiri buzz kicks Cena, knocking him down in the corner. Rikishi goes for the stink face but runs right into side effect. Cena covers for 1...2...nope. Cole starts babbling about Big Show as Hardy beats down Rikishi in the corner. Hardy chokes Rikishi on the second rope then locks in a front headlock. Rikishi backdrops him and Tajiri tags in. Tajiri and Hardy drop each other with a double face plant but Matt's arm is on top of Tajiri for 1...2...3 to win the match. Interesting way to end the match. Matt grabs Cena and celebrates as Cena puts him on his shoulders, hahahaha. Matt gets one over on Rikishi and Tajiri.

Time of match: 3:18

Winners: Cena and Hardy by pinfall

In the back Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit are bickering again. Angle says its all Benoit's fault they lost the titles. Benoit says Angle got pinned twice and wants to know how that happened. Angle says he hates Benoit's guts but loves being a champion. He says he's going to take his aggressions out on Benoit and Chris mocks him for that. Benoit says the last two times they fought, Benoit won. Kurt "You watch your mouth, young man!" (Kurt is actually a year younger than him) Kurt says he's the team captain and Benoit says he apologizes and says he beat the team captain twice. Kurt "Yeah....well I have more teeth than you." Chris "Well I have more hair than you." Benoit says he's 11 times better than him and Kurt says he's an Olympic gold medalist. Chris has no counter for that and says he's going to beat him tonight. Kurt does the finger up to the nose trick and walks off. That was pretty funny.

Back from commercial we get a Scott Steiner is coming vignette and Paul Heyman walking in to Big Show's room. Heyman wants Show not to call out Lesnar because he's too young to understand. Heyman says he himself says he knows he's beaten The Rock, Undertaker and Hulk Hogan in his prime. Heyman says Show broke Brock's rib and asks a professional courtesy to lay off Brock until Survivor Series. Show says that Lesnar has one good thing going for him, Paul. Show says he might not call him out....but maybe he will. Heyman leaves. Again, I like how they're making Show a monster but its a year too late.

Los Guerreros walk up to Edge and Rey Mysterio. Eddie calls them flying squirrels. Eddie says after tonight, they're going to win at Survivor Series. Eddie and Rey insult each other in Spanish and Eddie mocks hiding behind Chavo. Edge says let's go right here, right now. Edge insults Eddie in Spanish as well and we cut here. Back from break its on to the next match.

Match 3

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr

The big Halloween Havoc 97 rematch. Bell rings and they circle to start. Eddie and Rey chain wrestle but Eddie gets the chinlock applied. Eddie drops Rey with a shoulderblock but Rey hits a backdrop, dropkick and an armdrag. Eddie fights out of it and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He covers for two and locks in an arm-bar. Eddie works over the left arm as the crowd chants "Eddie sucks". Eddie stomps away on Rey in the corner but Rey tries to kick his way out. Rey hits a second rope hurracarana then they trade hammerlocks. Rey snap mares Eddie then monkey flips him. He calls for the 619 but Eddie moves to cause Rey to hit referee Brian Hebner instead (hahahahaha). Chavo Guerrero Jr runs down with the ref out and hits Rey with the Gory Special. Edge runs in and chases Chavo out of there. Eddie hits a powerbomb and stacks Mysterio for 1...2...nope. Edge spears Eddie and is knocked outside by Chavo. Edge sends Chavo into the barricade as Hebner tells them both to get lost. The other referees run down to get Chavo and Edge out of there. Eddie runs into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker of his own by Rey. Rey hits the bronco buster in the corner and goes up to the top rope. Eddie shoves him off the top to the floor and wits. Eddie hits the plancha on Rey and rolls him back inside. Eddie hits a back suplex and goes up to the top rope. Rey runs up and hits a superplex. Rey covers for 1.....2...nope. Rey hits an armdrag but Eddie clotheslines him down. Eddie locks in an arm-bar but Rey fights out of it, only for Eddie to rally with forearms. Eddie puts Rey on the top rope but Rey elbows him off. Rey hits the moonsault and covers for Eddie catches a second rope moonsault attempt but Rey hits an armdrag out of it. Rey baseball slides Eddie outside and Rey hits a slingshot hilo. Cole says Rey's got a bad knee but Mysterio still hits the springboard legdrop back inside. Rey covers for Eddie hits a vertical suplex on Rey and taunts the irate crowd. Eddie goes up to the top rope but flips over Rey. Rey hits a heel kick to the chin of Eddie and hits the 619. Rey calls for the West Coast Pop but Eddie stands up, forcing Rey to go to the sunset flip. Eddie rolls out of it and applies the El Paso Lasso, holding the rope for leverage. Rey taps and this one's over. Not as epic as Halloween Havoc but still a damn good match against two guys that have great chemistry.

Time of match: 6:11

Winner: Guerrero by submission

Backstage Al Wilson walks into Torrie Wilson but she blows him off. Al walks into the women's room anyway to talk about it. Torrie says Dawn Marie is using him to get to her. She calls Dawn a conniving, manipulative bitch. Al wants to invite her to the wedding but she can't do it. Torrie says she won't go because he's being played. Torrie says there's no way to say this nicely but there's no fool like an old fool. She's got a point. Back from break, its on to the next match.

Match 4

Billy Kidman vs Jamie Noble (with Nidia)

Non-title match as Kidman gets his title shot at Survivor Series....kind of makes this match pointless. They brawl at the bell and Kidman gets backdropped on the apron. Nidia pulls him off and Noble baseball slides Billy. Noble rolls Kidman inside and covers for a near fall. Noble works the left arm in the corner and dropkicks it. Noble arm drags Kidman and locks in a keylock. Kidman punches his way out of it and flapjacks Jamie. Kidman clotheslines Noble and backdrops him. Kidman hits a dropkick and covers for 1.....2...nope. Kidman sends Noble into the corner but blocks the clothesline, kicks Kidman and hits the tiger bomb. Noble stacks him but Kidman sunset flips for Noble goes up to the top but Kidman dropkicks him. Noble rolls over Kidman and goes for the Razor's Edge. Kidman rolls out of it and hits a modified Sky High. He drags Noble to the corner and goes upstairs. Nidia distracts the ref so Noble can punch Kidman. Noble hits a top rope superplex but Kidman rolls over on top for 1...2.....3 to win the match. Kidman gets Noble two weeks in a row, will the third time be a charm this Sunday? Decent crash style match and it puts over that Kidman has Noble's number right now.

Time of match: 3:17

Winner: Kidman by pinfall

Back to Dawn Marie who walks up to Al Wilson. Al is distraught about his "little angel" and she doesn't want to go to the wedding. Dawn comes on to him an says they're going to be just fine. They hug and she grins evily. They gave this crap THREE segments. We cut to Heyman and Lesnar and Paul says everything is going to be ok. Heyman says he looked the neanderthal right in the eye and not to call him out. Paul says Show was smart enough to listen to him and was intimidated by Paul's intelligence. Paul says to pack his bag and leave because they're all set. Brock says he's not leaving and he asks if Paul convinced Show not to call him out. Lesnar says he'll call HIM out. Heyman goes nuts as we go back to ringside for Tazz to shill the new video game Smackdown Shut Your Mouth. One of my favorite games as a teenager. 

On to the main event....and Angle grabs a mic before the match. He apologizes to his fans for being too predictable. He says he's beaten Edge, Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio and the Guerreros so many times its become a blur. He says he's better in the ring than everyone, better athlete than Benoit, better looking than Edge, can speak English unlike the Guerreros and been through puberty unlike Rey Mysterio. He says he doesn't need Benoit, he can win the belts all alone. Los Guerreros then walk out with a mic to mock him. Eddie says Kurt is full of it and Eddie pinned Angle 1-2-3. Suddenly Edge and Rey Mysterio walk out with mics too. Edge says Kurt has lost his hair and mind because Edge beat Kurt for the belts. Rey "Hi Kurt!" Edge says the only predictable thing about Kurt is that he sucks. Kurt says he's got more talent in his little finger than all four of them combined. He knows why they're out there, they want to scout him and learn from him. Kurt says to have a seat because he's going to win the next match. He calls out Benoit as the others back away from the ramp.

Match 5

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

Angle and Benoit blame each other for dropping the tag belts so they're going to take their frustrations out on each other with the other two teams watching. Bell rings and Chris gets a headlock to start.Kurt gets a doubleleg takedown but Chris rolls out of it. Chris drops Kurt with a shoulderblock but Angle ducks the line to hit a german suplex. He taunts the Guerreros but Chris uses the distraction to punch away at Kurt. Kurt still hits an overhead belly to belly suplex and once again taunts Eddie. Benoit punches Kurt and drops him with a back elbow smash. Chris covers for a deuce, hits a sidebackbreaker and covers for another two count. Chris sends Kurt into the corner then rams his head into the buckle. Chris and Kurt slug it out before Chris whips Kurt into the corner. Chris drops him with a clothesline to the back of the head and Benoit gets out of the ring to talk trash to Edge and Rey. Kurt jumps off the apron but Benoit gets a punch to the ribs. Benoit sends Angle into Rey and Edge, cleaning them out. Chris throws Benoit in and rolls back in himself. Edge wants in the ring but Rey holds him back. Benoit hits two german suplexes but Kurt blocks the third. Kurt three of his own and covers for 1...2..nooo. Kurt again taunts the Guerreros and pulls his singlet straps down. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Chris rolls out of it and hits the crossface. Kurt grabs the legs and reverses it into the ankle lock. They roll to the corner but Benoit kicks Kurt off. Angle hits the Angle Slam and taunts the Guerreros one more time. Kurt actually locks in the El Paso Lasso to mock them and says this hold sucks. Eddie runs in and is immediately thrown over the top rope into Edge and Rey outside. Edge, Rey and the Guerreros brawl on the floor as Benoit hits a german suplex that sends Kurt flying. Then the four outside brawl into the ring and referee Mike Chioda calls for the bell. Edge sends Eddie over the top rope then Rey locks the ankle lock on Kurt with Edge joining him. Edge cuts off Benoit and puts the crossface on him but the Guerreros attack. Eddie and Chavo dump Edge and Rey but Eddie runs into the ankle lock. Benoit locks in the crossface on Edge and the refs get in the ring to break it up. This one's over....and its too bad because the match was good.

Time of match: 6:30

Winner: No one (no contest)

After the match Angle and Benoit go nose to nose and Kurt says enough. Kurt extends his hand and Chris shakes it. Kurt wants a hug and Benoit looks confused. Kurt gives him a hug and the crowd laughs. How Chris isn't laughing his ass off is beyond me. 

Backstage Heyman is trying to talk Brock out of going to the ring but Big Show looks like he's heading out there as well. Back from commercial, Tazz says Lawler didn't get Scott Steiner on Confidential, he did. Cole then runs down the card including a new match, Goldust and Hurricane vs William Regal and Lance Storm which will take place on Sunday Night Heat.

Here comes Lesnar to call out Big Show. He throws the WWE Championship down and removes his shirt. His ribs are all taped up and he grabs the mic. Lesnar says face him in the middle of the ring one on one. The crowd cheers as Heyman tries to talk Lesnar out of it. Heyman grabs the mic but Lesnar tells him to shut up much to the crowd's delight. Lesnar "Big Show, if you don't get out here. That's alright, I'll just drag your ass out." Show's music hits and here he comes. Lesnar cuts him off and sends him immediately into the steel steps, cutting Show's forearm by accident. Lesnar grabs a chair and bashes Show in the head twice then kicks away at him. Lesnar hits Show in the back twice and Show is busted wide open, that was no accident. Lesnar grabs the title belt and clocks Show with it. Show is laid out as Cole says "The giant has been slain tonight. Maybe Paul Heyman was wrong, maybe he CAN beat the Big Show." We go to a replay of what just happened as the crowd cheers Lesnar. If this was supposed to be a face turn for Brock, it worked.

We sign off with Lesnar standing tall. The sad part was the good matches on the card were cut short due to the storyline feuds. The triple threat tag match overshadowed almost the entire show except for Torrie/Dan/Al and Show/Lesnar. The fact they gave Torrie, Dawn and Al three segments is inexcusable. Still, we got our stories heading into Survivor Series. Lesnar evened the playing field a little bit to show he's not intimidated by the giant. Angle and Benoit are going to try to co-exist to win the triple threat tag match and Billy Kidman has Jamie Noble's number right now. We still got some business before Survivor Series in the form of a Saturday double shot for house shows. Raw will be in Reading, Pennsylvania this Saturday. I'll see you there.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

WWE Super Tuesday (11/12/02)

WWE Super Tuesday
Fleet Center and Verizon Wireless Arena
Boston MA and Manchester, NH
November 12, 2002

Commentators: Jim Ross, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and Tazz

Ring Announcers: Lilian Garcia and Tony Chimel

Vince has always had an obsession with shows on Tuesday whether its Tuesday In Texas or the eventual Taboo Tuesday. The problem is fans just don't want to pay more money for a Tuesday ppv. With just five days before Survivor Series, Vince decided to just have a UPN special instead much like the old Survivor Series Showdown shows. The stars of Raw and Smackdown will both participate in this special although the Raw 10 men tag was filmed last week in Boston while the triple threat match and bikini contest was filmed in Manchester. Its going to be Triple H, Christian, Chris Jericho, Rosey and Jamal against Booker T, Kane, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy and Bubba Ray Dudley. Also a bikini contest between Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson. Finally, a triple threat match between Edge, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero. Btw, Vince is an absolute moron for not making the tag match Survivor Series style. If they weren't going to have elimination tag matches on the card, this would have been PERFECT for that. Could have had Eddie, Kurt Angle, Chavo Guerero Jr, Benoit and Big Show against Edge, Rey Mysterio Jr, Rikishi, Billy Kidman and Brock Lesnar. Oh well...

We get a cool remix of The Beautiful People and Across The Nation for the intro. Both announce teams say their hellos with dueling arenas. This entire night was filmed in advance but we're going to pretend its on the same night. Cole and Tazz sends us to Stephanie McMahon's office. She says Edge and Rey Mysterio are the new tag champs and at Survivor Series it'll be a triple threat tag team match. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit vs Los Guerreros vs Edge and Rey Mysterio. Because of that, the triple threat match tonight will be Benoit vs Edge vs Eddie. She's going to hold on to the belts so nobody steals them. In other words, this is the kayfabe reason why Edge and Mysterio aren't holding the title belts due to the fact they hadn't won them yet when this was filmed last week.

Match 1

Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Benoit vs Edge in a Triple Threat Match

Benoit makes his entrance last as Tazz says he's mad at Kurt for dropping the tag belts. Benoit attacks Edge at the start and boots him in the corner as Eddie hides outside.  Benoit rams Edge into the corner and chops away at him. Benoit rams Edge into the other corner and chops away. Edge sends Benoit sternum first into the corner and Edge hits a back suplex. Edge hits a leg drop and covers but Eddie slides in to break up the count. Eddie kicks away at Edge and hits a back elbow smash. Benoit nails Eddie from behind and hits a back suplex on him. Benoit sends Eddie in the corner and kicks away at him before landing some chops. Edge comes in and nails both of them with right hands. Chris lands a running knee to the ribs on Edge as Tazz says Rey Mysterio goes one on one with Eddie this coming Thursday on Smackdown. Benoit and Angle will also duke it out on Smackdown as Eddie cheapshots Benoit. Eddie sends Benoit off, ducks the line and they take each other out with a double clothesline. Edge then hits a on Eddie and goes to town on Benoit. Eddie from behind hits a back suplex on Edge. Eddie goes for the El Paso Lasso on Edge but Benoit hits a dropkick. Eddie slugs Benoit and he retaliates with right hands. Edge slugs Benoit and hits a flapjack on Guerrero. Edge hits the flapjack on Benoit as well. Edge goes upstairs but Eddie cuts him off. Benoit puts Eddie on his shoulders and Edge hits a missile dropkick on Guerrero. Edge covers Eddie for 1......2..nope. Chris ducks the line and hits a german suplex on Edge but Eddie hits a suplex before covering for a deuce.  Eddie misses the frog splash off the top and Edge hits another face plant on Eddie. Benoit catches Edge with the Crippler Crossface in the middle of the ring but Chris intercepts a diving Eddie, locking him in the Crossface. Edge dropkicks both men in the face then hits Benoit with a spear. Eddie runs right into the Edgecution and Edge covers for 1...2..nooo, Chavo Guerrero Jr runs down to pull referee Mike Chioda out. Edge hits a baseball slide to knock out Chioda, Chavo and the camera guy. Chavo sends Edge into the ring post but Rey Mysterio Jr runs out to counter Chavo. Rey hits a moonsault on Chavo outside as back inside Eddie gets caught in the crossface. Kurt Angle then runs out, throws the referee in on top of Benoit to break up the hold. Angle hops up on the apron as Eddie rolls up Benoit from behind for 1...2...3 to win the match. Eddie stole that one off the distraction. That was a pretty good match despite the run ins and it set up the triple threat this coming Sunday. Eddie and Chavo celebrate in the ring as Benoit and Angle yell at each other up the ramp.

Time of match: 7:29

Winner: Guerrero by pinfall

Cole hypes up the ten men tag as Big Show is coming out later. Back from break we get a video montage of Big Show and Brock Lesnar's feud up to this point. Again, if they didn't book Show out to be a goofus for a year straight, this might of worked. After that LONG montage here comes Show himself to the ring. Show says he's quoting Paul Heyman by saying Lesnar can't beat him. He brags about hurting Lesnar and this Sunday he'll be the next WWE Champion. His music hits and he leaves....what? The montage was longer than the promo. Kind of pointless but up next is Trish vs Torrie. Back from break we shift over to Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross for a moment to hype up Raw's events. We get the elimination chamber video from Raw. What's with the montages? You can put all this stuff on the pre-show on Heat. They could have easily had Bubba Ray vs D'Von for the amount of time they wasted on video montages. Anyway, let's get to the ring.

Match 2

Torrie Wilson vs Trish Stratus

Tazz is our MC for our bikini contest. Normally these things are a waste of time since the babyface wins every time, but we got two babyfaces here so I'll treat this as an actual match. Interesting to see who the crowd picks. Cole drools over Torrie as she makes her entrance. Tazz explains the rules, they got 30 seconds to show their stuff and the audience picks the winner. Trish goes first as Tazz says this is the biggest moment of her career....what? Trish shows off her bikini and gets a good pop from the crowd. Tazz tells Cole to get Stephanie to get Trish on Smackdown. Torrie goes next and gets a much larger pop for her skin colored bikini and booty shake. Tazz asks the crowd who wins and clearly Torrie gets the larger pop but all of a sudden Nidia hits the ring and pulls out Torrie. Nidia rushes Trish and both she and Torrie fend her off. Torrie and Trish raise each other's arms in victory. Torrie got the louder pop but everyone's a winner here apparently.

Time of match: N/A

Winner: Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson

Cole sends it to JR for the Raw portion of the show, which has about 18 minutes left of showtime. We got an interview with Shawn Michaels next. Again, we want to see wrestling, you can save all this for Heat. We get a montage of Shawn vs HHH up to this point and finally JR asks Shawn "live" via satellite what Sunday will be like. Shawn "One word...Wild, crazy, chaotic....okay that's three words. He says his motivation is simple, keep HHH from winning and ruin his life. He admits its immoral but he's doing it anyway. He doesn't know who's going to win but HHH certainly won't. Time for the main event.

Match 3

Triple H, Rosey, Jamal, Christian and Chris Jericho (with Rico and Ric Flair) vs Booker T, Kane, Rob Van Dam, Bubba Ray Dudley and Jeff Hardy in a Ten Man Tag Match

Thankfully the heel entrances are cut in favor of a video showing Jericho decimating Kane and Rob Van Dam on Monday. JR and King ask how Hardy is able to walk after being put through the table "last night" which was funny since this is clearly filmed the week before since you can see the god damned Boston Celtics banners hanging in the Fleet Center during the camera cut to the ring. Hardy starts with Jamal and Jamal starts with right hands "sup boy!" Jamal hits a backdrop on Jeff "Get your ass up boy!" Jamal tags in Christian and Hardy slides under him, takes him down and hits the between the legs legdrop. Hardy tags in Bubba who punches away at Christian. Bubba chops Christian in the chest and looks over at Jericho "I got one for you two ya punk". Christian is whipped into the corner and Bubba hits a stinger splash followed by Dusty Punches. Bubba covers for The crowd chants "we want tables" as Bubba hits a flapjack on Christian. Rob Van Dam tags in and Jamal tags in as well. Van Dam kicks Jamal but Jamal misses a charges in the corner. RVD hits the top rope dropkick and moonsault for 1...2..nope. Jamal clotheslines RVD down and HHH tags in. Hunter punches him in the corner but the ref gets distracted allowing the corner beat down. Jericho tga sin and hits a back suplex on RVD. "I'm the king of the world." Jericho misses a dropkick and RVD hits rolling thunder. RVD tags in Kane who cleans house of HHH and Jericho. Then he knocks everyone else off the apron. Jericho runs into a boot as Kane double clotheslins Christian and HHH. Kane sidewalk slams HHH and goes up to the top rope. Kane hits the top rope clothesline and covers for, Jamal pulls him off. Pier Six brawl outside with only RVD and Christian in the ring. RVD takes out Christian then heel kicks Jericho. Jericho turns a flip into the Walls of Jericho but Booker T hits the axe kick. Booker hits the scissors kick on Y2J and does the spinaroonie. Christian hits the reverse ddt but walks into the Bubba Bomb by Bubba Ray. Jeff Hardy hits the swanton on Christian but Rosey sends Jeff into Jamal for the samoan drop. Bubba cleans out Rosey but eats superkick from Jamal. Kane grabs Jamal and chokeslams him off the top rope. HHH runs in and goes for the pedigree, but is backdropped. Kane hits the chokeslam and covers for 1...2..nope, Christian breaks it up. Kane throws Christian on top of Rosey and Rico outside but turns around into a missile dropkick from Jericho. Rob Van Dam hits the five star frog splash on Jamal out of nowhere when Jericho grabs a chair. He rushes RVD with it but Rob hits the Van Daminator to take out Jericho. Rob somersault planchas the heels outside leaving Kane in the ring. Flair hits Kane with a chair and HHH hits the pedigree. HHH covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Of course....once again HHH goes over to show that nobody else in the chamber match has a chance in hell. The heels celebrate outside as we go off air. Since the stupid video montages took forever, they only had 8 minutes to get their shit in and it was just spamming finishers.

Time of match: 8:23

Winners: HHH, Jamal, Rosey, Christian and Chris Jericho by pinfall

All in all that was a total waste of time. They could have had cut the video montages, Big Show's promo and Shawn's satellite interview to have two separate elimination matches in the spirit of Survivor Series. The opener was good but then everything else went south. The only drama going into the elimination chamber is will HHH or HBK win. That's not how you promote a six person match. If fans know that 4/6ths of the competition have no chance, what's the point of watching? At least Smackdown attempted to book Big Show as a monster to give Lesnar a roadblock for the first time in his career. The less said of "Super Tuesday" the better. Up next is the final Smackdown before Survivor Series coming at you from Columbus, Ohio. I'll see you there.