Saturday, November 16, 2002

WWE at Santander Arena (11/16/02)

Santander Arena
Reading, PA
November 16, 2002

We are one day away from Survivor Series but there's some unfinished business to get to first. The stars of Raw ventured to Reading, Pennsylvania for a Saturday house show. Its been established that Triple H was virtually unbeatable and nobody else but Shawn Michaels had a chance to beat him in the elimination chamber. Christian and Chris Jericho were still the World Tag Team Champions despite Jericho hitting him with a chair on Monday. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

Batista vs Steven Richards

Raw's newest star takes on poor Steven who was humiliated by Test this past Monday. Batista wins it with a spinebuster.

Winner: Batista by pinfall

Match 2

Victoria (with Molly Holly) vs Trish Stratus (with Jacqueline) for the WWE Women's Championship

Same match as the past week with the same results. Trish gets inside cradle, Molly pulls Victoria on top. Jackie rolls Trish on top for the 3 count to retain.

Winner: Trish by pinfall (still Women's champion)

Match 3

Al Snow vs Christopher Nowinsky

Mentor vs pupil again with the same result. Nowinsky gets the Flair Pin for the victory.

Winner: Nowinsky by pinfall

Match 4

Raven and Johnny Stamboli vs The Hurricane and D-Lo Brown

D-Lo and Raven's perpetual feud on Heat and house shows continues only they have partners this time. Hurricane pinned Stamboli after Eye of The Hurricane.

Winners: Hurricane and D-Lo by pinfall

Match 5

Kane vs William Regal

Talk about bottom of the barrel for Kane. Nothing against Regal but Kane went from Tag & IC Champ and legit threat to Triple H to a mid-card match with Regal. Kane takes it with the chokeslam.

Winner: Kane by pinfall

Match 6

Justin Credible vs Tommy Dreamer

The ECW guys go at it in this random match in Reading, Pennsylvania. Dreamer wins it with the Dreamer Driver.

Winner: Dreamer by pinfall

Match 7

Lance Storm vs Rob Van Dam

Just like Kane, Rob Van Dam goes from the main event of Unforgiven to a mid-card match with Lance Storm. Nothing against Lance, its just the state of Raw. Van Dam takes it with the five star frog splash.

Winner: RVD by pinfall

Match 8

The Dudley Boys (Spike and Bubba Ray) and Jeff Hardy vs 3 Minute Warning (Rosey and Jamal) and Rico

A preview of tomorrow night's tables match with all six men going at it here. Jamal pinned Bubba with the samoan drop to win the match.

Winners: Rosey, Jamal and Rico by pinfall

Match 9

Goldust and Booker T vs Christian and Chris Jericho for the World Tag Team Championship

Guess Christian forgives Jericho for hitting him with a chair because they team up to face Goldust and Booker. Jericho pinned Goldust after hitting him with a tag belt. The heels win to end the night.

Winners: Christian and Chris Jericho by pinfall (Still World Tag Team Champions)

Kind of a lame house show just one day before Survivor Series but that might be the point. No Triple H or Ric Flair...or Shawn Michaels for that matter. The problem with booking HHH over everyone is the rest of the roster is just filler. Still, the matches might have been interesting if you saw this live. On the exact same day of this show, the stars of Smackdown were in Baltimore, Maryland for their own Saturday house show. I'll see you there.

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