Moncton Coliseum
New Brunswick, Canada
November 3, 2002
The Raw house show circuit made its way to Canada yesterday when they worked Halifax, Nova Scotia. Now the crew had to make their way to New Brunswick, Canada. If you ever wonder why so many stars died young or had to retire early, its work schedules like this that wore people down. Worse, they had to fly back to the States to be in Boston the next night for Raw. Ain't no rest for the wicked as they say. The house show circuit was pretty standard with the same matches being presented every night, just with a few changes here and there. Let's see if they stick with the theme of having the Canadians on last and or win.
Match 1
Tommy Dreamer and Johnny Stamboli vs 3 Minute Warning (Rosey and Jamal) with Rico
Same match as last night with the exact same result. The Samoans take it after Jamal hits Stamboli with the Samoan drop.
Winners: 3 Minute Warning by pinfall
Match 2
Justin Credible vs Batista.
Like I mentioned yesterday, Credible was wrestling out his contract and the company had BIG plans for Batista. Doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out who wins this one. Larry Holmes could have told you Batista was going to take it with the sit down powerbomb.
Winner: Batista
Match 3
Christopher Nowinsky vs Goldust
Third match in a row which was the same as yesterday's card with the exact same result. Goldust wins it with the Curtain Call.
Winner: Goldust by pinfall
Match 4
Lance Storm and William Regal vs Spike Dudley and The Hurricane
Same match as yesterday and pretty much all week except, just like yesterday, the Canadian gets the win. Lance Storm pins Dudley after a superkick.'
Winners: Lance Storm and William Regal by pinfall
Match 5
Test vs Kane
Same match as yesterday now that Kane was free of Triple H. Kane wins it with a tombstone.
Winner: Kane by pinfall
Match 6
D-Lo Brown vs Raven
Just like Justin Credible, Raven wasn't long for WWE and was just wrestling out his contract. D-Lo Brown wins it with sky high.
Winner: D-Lo Brown by pinfall
Match 7
Victoria and Molly Holly vs Jacqueline and WWE Women's Champion Trish Status
Same match as yesterday but someone must have forgot that Trish was Canadian in Halifax. They got it right tonight as Trish gets the duke after a bulldog on Victoria.
Winners: Trish Stratus and Jacqueline by pinfall
Match 8
Rico vs Rob Van Dam in a Martial Arts Challenge
Rico did have experience in martial arts as well as Rob Van Dam. Worked shoots usually suck so I can't imagine how bad this was. Rob Van Dam wins after a five star frog splash....which you see in UFC all the time, right?
Winner: Rob Van Dam
Match 9
Bubba Ray Dudley and Spike Dudley vs Christian and Chris Jericho for the World Tag Team Championship
Like I mentioned yesterday, this match was on the house show circuit and did so well they brought it to last week's Raw where it ended up being the best match of the night. Once again the Canadians win it when Chris Jericho pinned Jeff after a lionsault.
Winners: Christian and Chris Jericho (still World Tag Team Champions)
Unlike last night in Halifax, all the Canadians won this time. Christian and Jericho were probably going to win anyway but Trish and Lance Storm got thrown bones as well as Regal and Storm were putting over Spike and Helms in the States. With Triple H and Booker T not there and Shawn Michaels not back to active duty yet, these cards look painful to sit through on paper. Raw was pretty much lackluster as it was on television, can't imagine what the house shows were like. The stars of Smackdown were in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on this same day so I'll see yall there for the next show.
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