Sunday, November 10, 2002

WWE Sunday Night Heat (11/10/02)

WWE Sunday Night Heat
Fleet Center
Boston, MA
November 10, 2002

Commentators: Jonathan Coachman and Lita

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

Welcome to this week's edition of Sunday Night Heat. We're one week out from Survivor Series and so far we got the Elimination Chamber match signed and the hardcore match between Trish and Victoria. Shawn Michaels says he's in for the chamber match but hasn't wrestled since Summerslam. Tonight's card features Goldust vs Johnny Stamboli, Steven Richards vs Aaron Stevens and Spike Dudley vs D-Lo Brown. Let's get to Coach to get things started.

Match 1

Goldust vs Johnny Stamboli

Stamboli had been working babyface on live events and on Heat lately, guess they want to see how he does as a heel here. Goldust crouches in the corner to start then slaps Johnny's hat off. Stamboli sheds his tear-away pants and runs right into a headlock. Stamboli snap mares Goldust but Goldust hangs on to the hammerlock. Stamboli scoop slams Goldust and sends him in the corner but Goldust clotheslines him down. Goldust hits a hiptoss and an assbump before setting Johnny up for shattered dreams. The ref gets Johnny free and he gets a thumb to the eye. Johnny hits the military press powerslam and goes for the blatant choke. Stamboli stomps away at Goldust and whips him into the corner. Goldust falls down and Stamboli drops an elbow before covering for a deuce. Stamboli locks in a rear chinlock as Lita scoffs at the bikini match coming up on Super Tuesday. Goldust goes to power out of it and counters with a backslide for 1..2....nope. Stamboli hits a tilt-a-whirl slam and locks it in a surfboard. Goldust turns it into a back suplex then rallies with a reverse atomic drop and clothesline. Goldust hits the ddt and covers for 1...2...nope. Goldust goes for Curtain Call but Stamboli rolls out of it, running right into a powerslam. Goldust covers for 1...2...nope. Stamboli goes for a slam but Goldust counters with Curtain Call. He covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Stamboli is pretty much harking back to his Mamaluke days with this Italian gimmick and Goldust still got the win. We'll see if Johnny goes anywhere moving forward.

Time of match: 5:00

Winner: Goldust by pinfall

Coach says Raven's big announcement is up next after commercial. Back from break we get Chris Jericho's "King of My World" Saliva music video available on the WWE Anthology CD. Raven hits the ring for a conference. Raven asks the crowd to cease their babbling so they can begin. Raven says curiosity leads to temptation and temptation leads to sin. Sin is what his masterpiece is all about. You mean Sin from Final Fantasy 10? THAT would be a surprise. Instead, Raven just yells at the crowd until they shout a loud "asshole" chant. Raven says he must complete his masterpiece to bring salvation to their souls. That was pretty damn pointless.

Back from commercial we get a Scott Steiner vignette saying he's coming back. Then Coach and Lita recap last week's episode of Tough Enough where Scott got alcohol poisoning and Chad got the heave-ho. Nobody cares. Then we get an ad for Super Tuesday coming up at 9 PM on UPN. After all that, time for the next match.

Match 2

Steven Richards vs Aaron Stevens

Yes, THAT Aaron Stevens that would later find fame as Damien Sandow in WWE. Here he was just 20 years old after starting in Chaotic Wrestling just a year earlier here in Massachusetts. Bell's gone and they circle to start. Richards backs him in the corner and slaps him then pounds away on his back. Richards punches away but gets whipped into the corner. Stevens hiptosses and scoop slams him before giving him a slap of his own. Stevens gets an armbar as Coach nonchalantly says Stevens can't beat Richards. Stevens slides under Richards, hits a dropkick and covers for a deuce. Aaron gets backed into the corner and Richards forearms him in the corner. Stevens reverses it with forearms and whips him into the other corner. A charge eats double boots as Coach hypes up Christopher Nowinski on Blind Date. Richards knees Stevens in the back and chops him. Richards whips Aaron sternum first into the buckle and stomps away at him. Richards gets a body scissors in and Stevens fights out of it. He misses an elbow drop by a mile but reverses a hiptoss into a neckbreaker. Aaron fights back with right hands and hits a series of clotheslines. Stevens hits a back elbow smash and a swinging neckbreaker before covering for 1...2....nope. Stevens punches away at Richards in the corner then hits a spinning heel kick. He covers for Stevens goes up and over in the corner but Aaron misses the second rope cross body in the other corner. Bad mistake by Aaron as Steven hits the Stevie-T and covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Nice of Steven to give the 20 year old some shine as Aaron held his own in that much. You'll be seeing him down the road for sure. Good match for what it was.

Time of match: 5:49

Winner: Richards by pinfall

Our Lugz Boot of The Week is Victoria and Trish brawling with each other. They face each other next Sunday in a hardcore match.  Our next recap is Raw's main event with Booker & Kane against HHH and Jericho with Shawn Michaels coming out to cost HHH the match. Shawn declares himself the sixth member of the elimination chamber. Afterwards, Booker and HHH are scheduled to go one on one tomorrow night on Raw. We cut to commercial and when we come back, our JVC Tower of Power Extreme Blast is Batista making his Raw debut, squashing Justin Credible. Lets get to our final match.

Match 3

Spike Dudley vs D-Lo Brown

Coach and Lita do a horrible ventriloquist act to make fun of Raven before the bell. Spike gets a waistlock and they trade reversals. Brown sets Spike on the top rope and backs off. Spike gets dropped with a shoulderblock but Spike counters with a hip toss. Coach brings up Super Tuesday, Raw, Blind Date and Lita randomly screams about Scott Steiner. D-Lo faceplants Spike and stomps away at him. D-Lo gets a punch to the ribs that sends Spike bailing outside. D-Lo drops him face first on the barrier before throwing Spike in the ring. D-Lo scoop slams Spike and hits the leg drop. D-Lo sends Spike in the corner but the charge eats boot. Spike gets a headscissors then the Spike Stomp in the corner. D-Lo whips Spike first into the corner and referee Nick Patrick asks if Spike wants to quit. Coach says they'll be live at 7:00 PM for Heat next week. D-Lo locks in a bear-hug but Dudley gets a bell ringer. D-Lo gets in a dropkick but Spike headbutts D-Lo in the ribs. Spike hits an elbow but D-Lo catches him with Sudden Impact. Coach asks why he's not covering and instead D-Lo goes for Sky High. Instead Spike rolls through, hooks him up for 1...2.....3 to win the match. Spike steals one!

Time of match: 5:41

Winner: Spike by pinfall

After the match D-Lo grabs Spike to tease hitting him but gives him a hug and raises his arm in victory. Awww isn't that sweet? Actually not a bad show all things considering. Stamboli working heel worked fine and a young Damien Sandow/Aaron Stevens was good to see as well. Even Spike/D-Lo was good for what it was. At least none of this was comedic nonsense or something embarrassing. We're one week away from Survivor Series but we still got a way to go. Not only do we have Raw, Smackdown, Velocity. Heat and house shows...we got Super Tuesday as well. Once again Vince decided to hold a Monday house show for Smackdown stars so I'll see you in Wheeling, West Virginia.

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