Carver Arena
Peoria, IL
November 10, 2002
The stars of Smackdown head to Peoria, Illinois for a Sunday house show one week before Survivor Series. Thankfully this show seems to be different than last night's one. That's definitely a good thing. So let's get right to it.
Match 1
D'Von Dudley, Ron Simmons and Bull Buchanan vs Eric Angle, Shelton Benjamin and Val Venis
Six man tag action to start with Kurt's older brother Eric teaming with the rookie Shelton and the veteran Val against the mean looking fellas. Venis pinned Buchanan after a money shot.
Winners: Shelton, Angle and Venis by pinfall
Match 2
Crash Holly vs Nathan Jones
The monster from Australia gets Crash Holly on this house show. Jones crushes Holly with the full nelson slam for the win.
Winner: Jones by pinfall
Match 3
Tajiri vs Jamie Noble for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Billy Kidman seemed to be next in line for a Cruiserweight title shot but they're gonna run this Tajiri feud into the ground first. You know the drill, Noble hooks the tights to get the pin.
Winner: Noble by pinfall (still Cruiserweight champion)
Match 4
Billy Kidman and Chuck Palumbo vs Doug Basham and John Cena
The OVW stars Basham and Cena team up to face Kidman and Palumbo. Kidman takes it with the 7 Year Itch on Cena.
Winners: Kidman and Palumbo by pinfall
Match 5
Matt Hardy vs Rikishi in a Kiss My Ass Match
Wonder who Matt pissed off to draw this assignment again and again. Still, Rikishi wins with the banzai drop and gives Matt the stinkface after.
Winner: Rikishi by pinfall
Match 6
Albert vs Chris Benoit
Now this looks interesting. The big bad Albert finally meets someone he can't intimidate, Benoit.....too bad the match is a no contest. Why? Big Show came in, laid out both guys and demanded Brock Lesnar to come out. Lesnar ran out but everyone held back the two men.
Winner: No one (no contest)
Match 7
Dawn Marie vs Torrie Wilson in a Bra & Panties Match
Standard diva trope of the time which sees Torrie "win" by stripping Dawn Marie down. Wonder if Al Wilson was watching.
Winner: Wilson
Match 8
Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo Jr) vs Edge and Rey Mysterio Jr for the WWE Tag Team Championship
Our main event is the same as last night's with the exact same result. Edge and Rey get the double pin on Chavo and Eddie to retain.
Winners: Edge and Mysterio by pinfall (still WWE Tag Team Champions)
Kind of sad how Kurt Angle didn't work on this card with Eric on it. House shows were usually a waste of time at this point so they could have had Eric and Kurt face Ron Simmons and D'Von for all anyone cared. Lesnar didn't face Big Show in the ring apart from the scrum in the middle so maybe Vince came to his senses to save the match for Survivor Series. The next show after this is tonight's Sunday Night Heat so I'll see you there.
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