Sunday, November 3, 2002

WWE Sunday Night Heat (11/3/02)


WWE Sunday Night Heat
November 3, 2002
Joe Louis Arena
Detroit, Michigan

Commentators: Jonathan Coachman and Lita

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

There's a lot going on WWE Raw these days and none of it good although its time for Sunday Night Heat. As per norm, this was taped before Raw started the week before. I already covered the dark matches on the Raw show so let's get right to the action.

Match 1

3 Minute Warning (Jamal and Rosey) with Rico vs Bobby Rude and Mark Maraculi

Yes, THAT Bobby Roode....or Rude in this case. For those that don't remember, Bobby was a Canadian wrestler trained by Val Venis that made his name in TNA before coming to WWE at the end of his career. Maraculi was local talent, not much is known about him. As usual Coach and Lita babble on about that week's Raw so I'll just ignore them. Rosey starts with Rude and Rosey starts with forearms to the back. Rosey taunts Rude as the crowd erupts with a "We want Shawn" chant. Rude ducks the line but runs right into a shoulderblock. Rosey heaves Mark in the ring and makes the tag to Jamal. Jamal runs into a double drop toe hold and a double clothesline. Bobby and Mark waste too much time celebrating so Jamal double clotheslines them down before heaving Rude over the top rope. Jamal clotheslines Maraculi over the top rope as Rico gets in some kicks on Rude over by the heel corner. Rico throws Bobby in the ring as Jamal chokes him in the corner with his boot. Rosey tags in and slingshot splashes Rude in the corner. Rude walks into a kneelift by Jamal. Maraculi heads up top and goes for a flying bodypress but somehow Jamal catches him mid-air for the Samoan drop. Jamal hits the Superfly splash off the top rope but the ref tells him Rosey is legal. Rosey makes the academic cover for 1...2.....3 to win the match. Rude was destined for good things in the future but that bodypress into a Samoan drop was awesome. Rico celebrates with the Samoans as we go to the replay of Jamal's big splash. Just like his older brother, Jamal did a hell of a top rope splash. Coach hypes up the next match, Justin Credible vs Mark Jindrak....yay.

Time of match: 2:53

Winners: 3 Minute Warning by pinfall

Back from break we get our Boot Of The Week which was Kane trying to abduct HHH at the end of Raw. Then we get our recap which was the opening segment of last week's Raw featuring HHH wheeling out the casket, Hurricane making fun of him, Kane running out and causing a scrum, Bischoff  makes the main event a casket match. After this we go to break again. Back from break we get our Overdrive of the Night which is Trish Stratus retaining her title on Raw in the three way match. In real time, Lillian Garcia catches up with the demented Victoria who's hanging around in the bag gathering up weapons in a trash can. Victoria says she got hurt by Trish and had to sweep at night to make rent. She also had to haul garbage in the snow in order to pay bills. Victoria blames Trish for everything and she challenges Trish for the Women's title in a hardcore match at Survivor Series. Victoria says she's going to show her the true feeling of pain and scares Lillian with the kendo stick. We cut to Stevie Richards with Raven who asks what Raven's masterpiece is. Raven tells Stevie he and everyone else will find out next week and to be more concerned about D-Lo Brown. Never understood why Raven and Stevie didn't have a little reunion on camera, oh well. On to the next match.

Match 2

Justin Credible vs Mark Jindrak

As mentioned in the Halifax show, Credible was just wrestling out his contract while Jindrak was being considered for a big big? More on that another time. Bell's gone and they lock up with Credible getting a takedown. Credible messes with Mark and attacks with a knee to the gut. Credible tries an up and over in the corner but Jindrak fakes him out and does a waistlock takedown. Jindrak messes with Justin and delivers a series of dropkicks. Justin begs off then runs into an armdrag takedown. Credible gets a thumb to the eye and chops Mark in the corner. Mark retialliates with right hands and hits a modified stinger splash in the corner. Jindrak rams Credible's head in the corner and hits a sunset flip. Credible grabs the rope and referee Jack Doane tells Credible to cut the crap. Justin chops Mark in the corner again and taunts the crowd before hitting a baseball slide. Credible gets in a chinlock as Coach brings up the Eric Bischoff and Stephanie McMahon kiss that was never mentioned again. Credible rams Mark's head in the corner and punches him down. Mark rallies with left hands but misses the dropkick. Justin covers for a deuce and locks in another chinlock. Jindrak blocks a suplex and hits a vertical one of his own. Jindrak rallies with left hands, a scoop slam and a dropkick. Jindrak runs into a boot in the corner but hits a tilt-a-whirl slam. He covers for 1...2...noooo. Mark puts his head down and eats a forearm to the back but Credible runs into an inverted atomic drop. Mark hits a springboard clothesline off the top rope and covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Good crash style match and Jindrak looked headed for good things....then wasn't. Coach hypes up our main event next.

Time of match: 5:15

Winner: Jindrak by pinfall

We come back from break with an update from Tough Enough 3. Scott hurt his hand playing volleyball and Lisa suffered a nervous breakdown, quitting. Apparently that was a real breakdown that nearly got the show cancelled. Then we get an ad that Batista is making his Raw debut soon, no more church boxes. Our next Raw recap is the casket match between HHH and Kane where Shawn Michaels popped out of it to help Kane win the match. Also the Elimination Chamber for Survivor Series is booked and Shawn Michaels has been invited to be the sixth and final man for it. We'll get our answer on Raw. Next up is an ad for Scott Steiner to make his WWE return. For which show is yet to be determined. Finally its time for our main event.

Match 3

Steven Richards vs D-Lo Brown

Its a shame the office never really forgave D-Lo Brown for hurting Darren Drozdov as he still got a decent pop for his entrance. Bell rings and they circle to start. Richards back D-Lo in the corner and gets a cheap shot. The ref stops D-Lo from retaliating from some inane reason. D-Lo hiptosses and scoop slams Richards as Lita asks who Raw got in the trade for Big Show. D-Lo gets an armdrag and an armbar in but Steven powers out of it. D-Lo is sent off and stuns Richards with a swinging neckbreaker. D-Lo delivers a second rope elbow and covers for a deuce. D-Lo sends Steven into the opposite corner and is backdropped to the apron. Richards knocks him off with a back elbow smash then throws him back in, Richards takes over with forearms to the back then calls for a suplex. He hits it as Coach says Steven had too much coffee tonight. Lita says eventually someone will get a pinfall with a simple suplex. Steven goes for D-Lo's legdrop with the head shaking but misses completely. D-Lo hits an atomic drop to make Stevie hop around before hitting an inverted run. A clothesline and cover gets a two count but Richards kicks him in the head. Stevie chokes D-Lo on the second rope then pounds away on D-Lo's back in the corner. Steven does a back suplex and covers for a deuce then locks in a chinlock. D-Lo powers out of it, hits the rope and schoolboys Steven for 1......2...nope. Steven clubs on D-Lo's neck and locks in a full nelson before D-Lo elbows his way out of it. D-Lo drops Steven with a flying elbow smash and both men are down. Both men are down for an 8 count before Steven gets up first. D-Lo rallies with right hands to drop Steven and a backdrop. D-Lo flips over Stevie and delivers a scoop slam. Coach and Lita go nuts for the D-Lo Legdrop as he hits it. He covers for 1...2...nope. D-Lo continues to punch away on Steven and goes for Sky High but Steven counters it. Steven runs into the flying heel kick then goes upstairs. Steven kicks D-Lo causing Brown to crotch himself. Steven sets up for a superplex with chops then goes for it. D-Lo counters with SKY HIGH OFF THE TOP ROPE! D-Lo puts his hand on Steven's chest for 1..2....3 to win the match. That was pretty damn good for a one off on Sunday Night Heat. Amazing what happens when there's no bullschmidt, just good wrestling. Coach and Lita says they've never seen a top rope Sky High before. Coach hypes up Raw tomorrow night as he signs off.

Time of match: 7:46

Winner: D-Lo Brown by pinfall

For Sunday Night Heat, that was pretty good. 2 of the 3 matches were better than expected and even the squash match had a young Bobby Roode. At this point, the show was half hour of wrestling and half hour of recaps & commercials. The guys on the show may either be middling mid-carders or guys wrestling out their contracts but at least they're trying. For those that don't know, Mark Jindrak was the original choice to be in the upcoming Evolution stable with Triple H, Ric Flair and Randy Orton. He was even filmed in the vignettes but Triple H argued he didn't fit. They would eventually find a suitable replacement but that's why Jindrak was being showcased around this time. As for the next show, believe it or not its not Raw. For some stupid reason Vince had his Smackdown guys work a house show in Bangor, Maine so I'll see you there.

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