Saturday, August 31, 2002

WWE Velocity (8/31/02)

WWE Velocity
Moehgan Sun Casino
Uncasville, CT
August 31, 2002

Commentators: Michael Cole and Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd

Ring Annoncer: Tony Chimel

Welcome to this week's Velocity as there's a lot going on in WWE this week. Stephanie McMahon managed to get not only WWE Champion Brock Lesnar to appear exclusively on Smackdown but The Undertaker as well. Not only that, The Undertaker is the number 1 contender to Brock Lesnar so that's going to be the Unforgiven main event....from the Smackdown side anyway. Unfortunately this particular Velocity doesn't have the Smackdown recaps so we'll just have the matches here.

Match 1

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs The Hurricane

Ex-WCW guys going at it in Chavo and Hurricane to open the show. Bell rings and Chavo throws the Hurricane cape out of the ring and gets clotheslined for it. Hurricane gets a thumb to the eye, doesn't go for an up an over and punches Chavo down. Chavo gets put in the tree of woe and Hurricane stands on his nutsack. Hurricane hits shining wizard and covers for Hurricane tries a plancha to the floor but Chavo catches him mid-air and clotheslines him down. Chavo rams Hurricane against the apron and punches away at him. Chavo kicks Hurricane in the ribs and throws him in the ring. Chavo kicks Hurricane and drops him with a European uppercut. Chavo taunts the irate crowd then throws Hurricane into the buckle. Chavo clubs away but Hurricane does a unique takedown but Cole and Dorkus are too busy babbling on about The Undertaker....probably under orders from Vince McMahon to do so. Chavo charges in the corner but eats boot, yet still dropkicks Hurricane down. Hurricane covers for Chavo continues to uppercut Hurricane as Cole starts babbling about the number 1 contender's tournament. Chavo hits a back suplex on Hurricane and covers for Hurricane blocks a snap suplex and hits Eye of The Hurricane. Hurricane hits a clothesline and a backdrop before going up to the top rope. Hurricane hits the crossbody and covers for Hurricane hits a running neckbreaker and covers for Dorkus starts doing the Vince "1,2,3 he got....oh". Hurricane goes for the chokeslam but Chavo blocks it. Hurricane goes for the vertebreaker but Chavo rolls out of it, schoolboys Hurricane and hooks the tights for 1..2...3 to win the match. Damn good match for what it was and Chavo CHEATS to expected anything less from the family tradition?

Time of match: 5:38

Winner: Guerrero by pinfall

We cut to the Smackdown Your Vote clip from Raw before previews for our next matches. Billy & Chuck take on Hardcore Holly and Randy Orton after Orton saved Holly from a beatdown last week on Velocity. The cruiserweight title is on the line as SMACKDOWN NUMBA WUN ANNOUNCA Funaki takes on Jamie Noble. On to the next match since we got no recaps.

Match 2

Albert vs Mark Henry

This match was actually going around the house show circuit this week so may as well put it on Velocity as well. Dorkus says he talked to Albert earlier but Cole says he ran away from him at catering...ha! They lock up to start and Henry throws him into the corner. Cole on commentary insinuates Lloyd is gay without actually saying so as Henry gets a waistlock takedown. Albert gets frustrated and smacks the rope. They circle then Albert gets a kick to the ribs Henry whips Albert in the corner but a charge eats boot. Albert walks right into a press slam by Henry. The crowd pops for that as Albert is 350 pounds. A charge eats elbow and Albert goes for a suplex. Mark hits one of his own as the crowd pops at that too. Henry covers for 1 and jumps on Albert's back to a big ovation. Back inside Albert bicycle kicks Henry over the top rope to the floor then tells the referee to shut his mouth. Albert sends Henry into the barricade and punches away at him. Back inside Henry punches away but gets sent into the corner. Albert lands forearms to the back and an avalanche then hits a Vader Bomb. Albert taunts the irate crowd then locks in a surfboard. Albert tells a fan to shut up as Henry starts to power up. Henry sends Albert in the corner but the charge eats elbow. Henry lands two clotheslines and hits a belly to belly suplex. He covers for  Albert goes for the Baldo Bomb but can't get him up. Albert walks into the powerslam and Mark covers for 1..2...3 to win the match. Big hoss fight with some big spots that made the crowd pop, not much else you can ask for. 

Time of match: 5:31

Winner: Henry by pinfall

We get a graphic for Funaki vs Jamie Noble and the tag match scheduled later. With no recaps, on to the next match.

Match 3

Randy Orton and Hardcore Holly vs Billy and Chuck (with Rico)

We get a clip showing Orton saving Holly from a beatdown last week and Holly helping Orton win his singles match. All four go nose to nose to start and Billy & Chuck punch the faces to start. Orton drops Billy with a back elbow smash as Holly cleans out Chuck Palumbo. Orton throws Gunn against the barricade as Holly throws Palumbo in the ring. Holly and Orton send Chuck off and drop him with a double elbow. Orton gets on the apron as Holly chops Palumbo in the chest. Holly runs right into a stun gun by Gunn who didn't see it. Chuck punches Holly in the corner then stomps away at him. Gunn tags in to stomp away at Holly. Billy tells referee Mike Chioda to shut up and punches away at Holly in the corner. Billy turns his back allowing Holly to rally back with punches and chops. Billy cuts him off with a clothesline then covers for Chuck tags in to kick at Holly then hit an overhead belly to belly suplex. Chuck covers for Chuck tags Billy who stomps away in the corner then distracts the referee allowing Palumbo to punch him. Orton goes nuts trying to get at the heels and Chioda has to match his intensity to get him out (hahaha). Chuck locks in a chinlock then delivers a backbreaker, covering for Gunn tags in and stomps away at Holly and goes for the fameasser. Holly counters with a dropkick and Orton jumps up and down on the apron reaching for the tag. Chuck tags in but Holly gets the hot tag to Orton. Orton cleans house on Chuck and Billy, throwing Billy over the top rope to the floor. Orton hits the powerslam on Chuck and goes up to the top rope. Orton hits the crossbody and covers for, Billy breaks it up. Holly decks Billy and follows him outside as Chuck punches Randy in the ring. Orton hits Play of The Day and covers but Rico distracts the ref. Holly knocks Rico off the apron but Gunn sneaks up and hits One and Only. Billy rolls Chuck out of the way and covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. The ol switcheroo gets it done as the heels steal one. Holly is irate in the ring as Cole says Rico did his job. Formulaic tag match but Holly & Orton literally chase Rico, Billy and Chuck to the back for a funny spot.

Time of match: 6:28

Winners: Billy and Chuck by pinfall

We get a graphic for our main event coming up. With no recaps, let's get to it.

Match 4

Funaki vs Jamie Noble (with Nidia) for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Funaki gets a good pop as Cole makes fun of Lloyd. Cole brings up the Summerslam make out contest and the guy who tiptoed off the stage. Lloyd "You're the one who kissed her four weeks ago" Michael "At least I kiss women, Lloyd." Good luck getting away with that now. Crowd chants Funaki and Noble gets a knee to the ribs to start. Funaki kicks him in the head but Noble kicks him back. Noble goes outside for no reason and Funaki hits a baseball slide. Nidia throws Noble out of the way and Jamie sneaks in from behind and nails Funaki. Noble rams Funaki in the corner and hits a snapmare. Jamie drops a few elbows and taunts the irate crowd. Noble hits a neckbreaker and covers for a deuce then ties Funaki up in the tree of woe. Noble stretches him to the ring post then pulls him back in. Noble hits a clothesline as Cole goes off on Lloyd. Wow, what's Cole's problem? Funaki sends Noble off the ropes but misses the dropkick. Funaki catches an inside cradle for a 1 count but Noble slides under Funaki and hits a t-bone Taz plex. Noble covers for Noble drops a leg and applies a modified cobra clutch. Funaki hits a back suplex and an enziguiri then covers for Funaki hits a running forearm in the corner then a bulldog before covering for Noble goes for the Tiger Bomb but Funaki goes to backdrop him. Noble counters with a sunset flip but Funaki counters with a victory roll for Funaki goes for a tarantula but Noble counters with a reverse piledriver (!!!). Noble covers for Noble goes for another tiger bomb but Funaki backdrops him. Noble charges and eats boot as Funaki hits a second rope tornado DDT and covers for 1..2....NOOOOO. Noble kicks Funaki and finally hits the tiger bomb for 1...2..3 to win the match. Very sudden end but Noble retains. Good match and some of those spots were great for a five minute crash. Funaki grabs the mic after the match and says he's lost to Jamie Noble but he knows the people still love him. The crowd cheers as Funaki goes into his catchphrase and faints in the ring...hahahaha. Good way to end the show.

Time of match: 5:13

Winner: Noble by pinfall (still Cruiserweight champion)

This week had four decent matches and that shows you how good the depth was on Smackdown as even the lower card guys were having good matches. Funaki is definitely getting over doing his thing as Orton has a bright future for sure. Each match was good so hats off to everyone involved. Tomorrow night is a double shot with both Raw and Smackdown house shows and Raw will be in Chicago at the All-State Arena. I'll see you there.

WWE at Springfield Auditorium (8/31/02)

Springfield Civic Center
Springfield, MA
August 31, 2002

The Raw house show circuit continued into Springfield, MA for a Saturday night house show featuring mostly the exact same matches from yesterday. Let's see how this goes.

Match 1

Spike Dudley vs Raven

Opening up with the ECW guys again as Spike takes on Raven. Spike wins it with the Acid Drop.

Time of match: 4:00

Winner: Dudley by pinfall

Match 2

Justin Credible vs Shelton Benjamin

Rookie vs veteran again with Shelton on his trial run. Benjamin takes it with the dragon whip.

Time of match: 7:30

Winner: Benjamin by pinfall

Match 3

William Regal and Christopher Nowinski vs Booker T and Goldust

Same match from yesterday with slightly different result. Booker pinned Nowinski after the scissors kick.

Time of match: 10:10

Winners: Booker and Goldust by pinfall

Match 4

Steven Richards vs Tommy Dreamer

The ECW guys go at it again only no Raven on this day. Dreamer takes it with the DDT.

Time of match: 4:30

Winner: Dreamer by pinfall

Match 5

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship

Once again, they jumped to Smackdown on television but were finishing out their house show dates for Raw. Taker got disqualified for using a chair.

Winner: Lesnar by DQ (still WWE Champion)

Match 6

Molly Holly and Victoria vs Trish Stratus and Jacqueline

Same match as yesterday with the same result. Trish pins Victoria after Stratusfaction.

Time of match: 6:00

Winners: Trish and Jackie by pinfall

Match 7

Lance Storm vs Bradshaw

Same match as yesterday with the same result. Bradshaw wins it with the clothesline from hell.

Time of match: 6:45

Winner: Bradshaw by pinfall

Match 8

Bubba Ray Dudley vs Chris Jericho

Same match as yesterday with the same result. Jericho wins with the Walls of Jericho

Time of match: 12:40

Winner: Jericho by submission

Match 9

Big Show vs Rob Van Dam for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

A little bit different from yesterday as we have a standard match here. Van Dam wins it with the five star frog splash to retain.

Time of match: 6:00

Winner: Van Dam by pinfall (still IC champ)

Raw was in dire straits at this point but things should get better soon...right? Lot of ECW guys that hadn't been used outside of hardcore matches and with that gone along with the WWE title, there's really not much to look forward to at the moment. How can you have Raw with no world champion? Next up on the list is this week's Velocity. I'll see you there.

WWE at Memorial Coliseum (8/31/02)

Memorial Coliseum
Corpus Christi, TX
August 31, 2002

The stars of Smackdown head to Texas and their first stop is the Memorial Coliseum in Corpus Christi, Texas. The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar have signed Smackdown exclusive contracts but are finishing out their Raw tour dates, so let's see what Smackdown has to offer.

Match 1

Rico vs Rikishi

The rematch from the Global Warning Tour only without the kiss my ass stipulation. Rikishi wins it.

Winner: Rikishi

Match 2

Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo vs Hardcore Holly and Randy Orton

Billy & Chuck take on the rookie and the veteran. Although I doubt Holly would rough up Orton compared to other rookies considering who Orton's father was. Billy Gunn's team wins it.

Winners: Billy & Chuck

Match 3

Deacon Bautista vs Reverend D'Von

Bautista has turned on D'Von and actually got babyface pops so apparently a face turn is in the works. D'Von got the win here though.

Winner: D'Von

Match 4

Mark Henry vs Albert

Hoss fight here with these two big guys going at it. Henry wins it.

Winner: Mark Henry

Match 5

Kane vs Bull Buchanan

Once again, Kane was back on Raw but was rehabbing on the house shows to get his wind back. He defeats Buchanan here.

Winner: Kane

Match 6

John Cena vs Matt Hardy

The rookie Cena takes on the veteran now using Mattitude. Hardy wins it.

Winner: Hardy

Match 7

Jamie Noble, Tajiri and Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Shannon Moore, The Hurricane and Billy Kidman in a Six Man Tag Match

Its a classic WCW cruiserweight tag match....and Tajiri. This would have been a perfect time to bring Evan Karagias back for a one night 3 Count reunion but Kidman will do here. The heels got themselves disqualified.

Winners: Moore, Hurricane and Kidman by DQ

Match 8

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr

These two are magic when working together so this must have tore the house down. Rey won the match.

Winner: Mysterio

Match 9

Edge vs Chris Benoit

Our main event has Edge vs Benoit...where the hell is Kurt Angle? Edge wins the match to send the fans home happy.

Winner: Edge

Interesting to only have two tag matches and seven singles but that shows you the depth and talent on Smackdown to show that kind of variety. You had Cruiserweights, big men and technical wizards in almost every match. Orton and Cena were rising stars and Rico was criminally underrated due to bad gimmicks. This looked like a really fun house show that unfortunately has been lost to time. While this show was going on, Raw was in Springfield, Massachusetts for their own house show. I'll see you there.

Friday, August 30, 2002

WWE at Pershing Auditorium (8/30/02)

Pershing Auditorium
Lincoln, NE
August 30, 2002

Things look bleak for the state of Raw currently. The dissolution of the Hardcore title leaves most of the Raw roster useless (mostly ECW guys) and they just lost both Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker to Smackdown exclusive contracts. How are they going to recover from this? We'll find out on Raw but for now its house show time.

Match 1

Tommy Dreamer vs Raven vs Steven Richards in a 3 Man Battle Royal

Yes, you read that right. Apparently instead of a triple threat match, they decided to have battle royal rules. Raven was eliminated by missing a crossbody over the top rope and Dreamer dumped Richards to win the match. Without the Hardcore title, they had to get creative.

Winner: Dreamer

Match 2

Shelton Benjamin vs Justin Credible

Shelton's still on his trial run against the ECW guy here. Credible won the match.

Winner: Credible

Match 3

Bradshaw vs Lance Storm

Another ECW guy in Storm takes on the big hoss Bradshaw. Bradshaw wins it with the clothesline from hell.

Winner: Bradshaw by pinfall

Match 4

William Regal and Christopher Nowinski vs Booker T and Goldust

Regal & Nowinski have been tagging on TV but now they face Booker and Goldust. Booker pinned Nowinski after the Book End.

Winners: Booker T and Goldust by pinfall

Match 5

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship

Imagine seeing on TV the night before that Lesnar and Taker are on Smackdown then going to this Raw show to see this match. Guess Vince wanted the week's circuit to play out. Taker got disqualified for using a steel chair.

Winner: Lesnar by DQ (still WWE Champion)

Match 6

Molly Holly and Victoria vs Trish Stratus and Jacqueline

Molly the women's champion is being hunted by Trish Stratus. Trish pinned Victoria with Stratusfaction.

Winner: Trish by pinfall

Match 7

Bubba Ray Dudley vs Chris Jericho

Kind of a random match but this was the state of Raw at the time. Not counting Spike Dudley but they were loaded with ECW guys (including these two) and with the Hardcore title gone, they had to elevate SOMEONE. Jericho wins it with the Walls of Jericho

Winner: Jericho by submission

Match 8

Big Show vs Rob Van Dam for the WWE Intercontinental Championship in a No Holds Barred Match

With HHH not on the card, THIS was your last match? Van Dam wins it with the Van Daminator to retain.

Winner: RVD by pinfall (Still IC Champion)

Yeah Raw is in deep trouble if this is their roster moving forward. You have talent up the wazoo on Smackdown and you have mostly ECW castoffs on Raw not counting Jeff Hardy, Booker T and Triple H. Even Big Show is being booked as a goof here. This might have been a fun house show but its more so the state of the roster than it is anyone's individual fault. Hopefully things get better in the future. Smackdown has their own house show tomorrow night in Corpus Christi. Hopefully Mil Mascaras won't be there but I'll see you then.

Thursday, August 29, 2002

WWE Smackdown (8/29/02)

WWE Smackdown
Moehgan Sun Casino
Uncasville, CT
August 29, 2002

Commentators: Michael Cole & Tazz

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel

Its a new era for WWE as Brock Lesnar is your WWE Champion after his victory over The Rock at Summerslam. Not only that, Stephanie McMahon signed him to an exclusive contract meaning he'll only be appearing on Smackdown moving forward. How can she do this? Well look who her father is. Makes sense with Rob Van Dam as the Intercontinental Champion exclusive to Raw to have the WWE Champion exclusive to Smackdown. Our next pay-per-view is Unforgiven so let's start the lead up to it from the Smackdown side. Before we do anything, we got a dark match.

Dark Match

Mike Awesome vs Slyk Wagner Brown

Mike Awesome needs no introduction but Slyk Wagner Brown was a New England local who was trained by Killer Kowalski. He was hot property in 1998 for NWA New England and won the New England Championship Wrestling championship in 2001. Awesome won it with an Awesome Bomb.

Winner: Mike Awesome by pinfall

Now let's get on with the show. We open with a vignette of Brock Lesnar defeating The Rock for the WWE Championship set to Paul Heyman's maniacal laughter. Stephanie McMahon walks to the ring for a conference to open the show. Stephanie welcomes everyone to Smackdown and brags about bringing Lesnar exclusively so the number one contender match on Raw means nothing. Stephanie says HHH is NOT the number one contender but it'll be somebody on Smackdown. Stephanie says starting right now we'll have a single elimination series of matches with the winner facing Brock for the title. We begin with out first match.

Match 1

Edge vs Eddie Guerrero

We're gonna start the tournament in style with two great workers in Edge and Eddie in a rematch of Summerslam. Eddie bum rushes Edge to start and Edge starts with two armdrags. Eddie counters with a back suplex. Eddie stomps away on Edge and clubs the back of his neck. Edge sends him off the ropes and floors Eddie with a flapjack. Edge hits a faceplant and covers for Eddie taunts Edge but eats a clothesline. Eddie runs and hugs referee Jimmy Korderas causing a distraction for Eddie to get a thumb to the eye....of Edge, not Korderas. Eddie clubs away at Edge and rams his head in the buckle. Eddie kicks away at Edge in the corner and taunts him. Eddie punches away at Edge and hits a European uppercut. Eddie rams Edge in the buckle again but is whipped into the corner. Edge's charge eats elbow and Eddie hits a floatover suplex for a deuce. Eddie locks in an armbar as Cole mentions Edge "injured" his left arm at Summerslam. Eddie's suplex is blocked and Edge suplexes him over the top rope to the floor. Edge goes to the top rope and dives on top of Eddie much to Tazz' dismay. Edge throws Eddie inside but gets punched on the top rope. Eddie hits a superplex from the top rope and covers for 1...2...noooo. Eddie gets mad and punches away at Edge but gets caught in a face drop. Edge goes for the powerbomb and hits it, but Edge is down too. Edge rallies with right hands and hits a back drop. Edge clotheslines Eddie twice then hits Edge-O-Matic for Eddie rolls through a back suplex but Edge hits the second attempt. Edge goes back to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick. Eddie gets whipped in the corner and Edge hits a running shoulderbreaker. Eddie counters Edgecution by snapping Edge off the tope rope and landing to the floor. BRILLIANT! Eddie grabs two chairs, sets one up and tosses Edge the other one. Korderas stops Edge from using the chair but Eddie grabs the second one. Edge goes for a spear but Eddie uses the chair as a shield. Eddie gets rid of the evidence, goes upstairs and hits the frog splash. Eddie covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Brilliant cheating by Eddie wins the match and it was a good one. Eddie taunts Edge as Cole calls him lucky to escape. Tazz wonders who he faces next.

Time of match: 7:52

Winner: Guerrero by pinfall

We cut to commercial after the match then we see Stephanie McMahon walking when we come back. Matt Hardy grabs her and says "they love me in Moehgan Sun" then asks if he's facing Eddie Guerrero next. Stephanie says he's not, he's facing Rikishi. Matt wants the winner of that match and continues to warm up. On to the next match.

Match 2

John Cena vs Reverend D'Von

Somewhat of a homecoming for the Massachusetts born Cena but D'Von doesn't have Deacon Bautista with him after their blowup last week. Naturally we get the graphic of D'Von berating Bautista and Deacon hit him with a spinebuster. D'Von throws his jacket at Cena to start the bell but Cena rallies with right hands and an arm drag. Cena hits a dropkick and a facebuster. Cena misses a charge in the corner and D'Von counters with a neckbreaker. D'Von puts the boots to Cena and rams his head into the buckle. Cena rallies with right hands but D'Von gets a thumb to the eye. D'Von hits a suplex and an elbow drop. D'Von covers for Cena fights back with strikes but D'Von catches Cena with a powerslam. D'Von gets two near falls and delivers a jawbreaker before shouting "get up boy!" Cena tries to fight back with a 3 handled credenza. Cena rallies with clotheslines and two forearms before covering for a deuce. Cena hits an inverted atomic drop but D'Von hits the spinning elbow. D'Von misses the top rope headbutt and Cena Oklahoma rolls D'Von the wrong way for Tazz admonishes Cena for applying it wrong as Cena goes for the 10 punches in the corner. D'von hits an inverted atomic drop then hits Saving Grace for 1..2...3 to win the match. The crafty veteran beats the rookie....but wait! Here's Deacon Bautista who clotheslines D'Von and chases the referee out of the ring. Bautista hits the Batista Bomb and leaves D'Von laying. So they had D'Von beat Cena clean only to get laid out by Bautista? Oh well.

Time of match: 3:55

Winner: D'von by pinfall

We get Rey Mysterio's titantron after the match signaling that he's next. After commercial its on to our next match.

Match 3

Rey Mysterio Jr vs Rico (with Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo)

Mysterio had a valiant effort against Kurt Angle at Summerslam and now he faces the manager of Billy & Chuck with the tag team accompanying him. Rico goes to scoop slam Rey but Mysterio lands on his feet. Rey backdrops Rico over the top rope to send Billy & Chuck scattering. Rey hits a corkscrew plancha using Rico as a launching pad to take out Billy & Chuck. Referee Mike Sparks tells Billy and Chuck to scram but Rico hits a back suplex on Mysterio. Rico rams Rey's head into the buckle but eats a boot to the head. Rey hits a hurraracana and counters a tilt-a-whirl but can't avoid the kick to the back. Rico hits a sitout powerslam and kicks away at the corner before executing two floatover suplexes and a Falcon Arrow before covering for Rico chokes Mysterio and tells the crowd to shut up. Rico punches Rey but Mysterio fights back with strikes. Rico kicks Mysterio in the face and hits another powerslam. Rico taunts Mysterio and misses a top rope moonsault. Rey hits a dropkick and a bulldog before covering for Rico crashes in the corner and Rey hits a DOUBLE springboard legdrop before covering for Rico catches Rey with a backbreaker and sets up for the spin kick. Rico misses and Rey hits a dropkick to send Rico into the second rope. Rey hits the 619 and West Coast Pop for win the match. AWESOME match for crash style and its a shame Rico was stuck with a horrendous gimmick because he could go, especially with Rey. Rey and Rico deserves big hands for that one.

Time of match: 5:32

Winner: Mysterio by pinfall

Back to Stephanie who's listening to Hardcore Holly bitch about how he should be in the contender series. There's no one tougher or meaner than him. Dawn Marie interrupts and says she's got a phone call. Stephanie leaves and Holly continues to bitch at Dawn. After break, we get the same Smackdown Your Vote clip from Raw. Back to Stephanie who's on the phone with someone trying to get someone to jump from Raw to Smackdown after they got "mistreated" on Raw. Gee, who could that be? Matt Hardy barges in and says he wants a match with Lesnar and Hardy hangs up the phone on her. Stephanie calls her a stupid sonova....and puts him with Lesnar in a non-title match. Stephanie throws him out of her office as we cut to Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd with Rikishi. Rikishi wants revenge on Lesnar after being F-5'd a few weeks ago. He wants to give Brock a piece of the kish but in comes a laughing Eddie Guerrero. Eddie asks if Rikishi's diaper is too tight and its cutting off the circulating to your head. Eddie says to pull his head out of his ass because he's taking on Latino Heat, not Brock Lesnar. Rikishi asks how do you say "back that ass up" in Spanish and Eddie is disgusted. We go to break then to the next match in the ring.

Match 4

Rikishi vs Eddie Guerrero

Cole says Guerrero already wrestled tonight and now he has to face the 350 pound Rikishi. Bell rings and Rikishi heaves Eddie across the ring. Eddie gets a headlock but eats a shoulderblock. Rikishi punches Eddie and clotheslines him in the corner. Eddie falls in the corner and Rikishi goes for the stinkface but Eddie slides out of the way. Eddie dropkicks Rikishi's left leg and kicks away at it. Eddie rams the left leg into the side of the ring then rams it into the steel steps. Eddie rolls Rikishi in the ring and stomps on it some more. Eddie locks in a leg lock but Rikishi kicks him off. Eddie goes for a pinfall for Eddie kicks away at the left leg in the corner and goes for the blatant choke. Rikishi fights back with right hands and Eddie goes for a sunset flip, only for Rikishi to miss the ass drop. Eddie covers for a deuce and goes back to the leglock. Rikishi kicks him off and Eddie punches away in the corner. Eddie taunts the crowd then misses a splash in the corner. Rikishi catches Eddie with right hands and a clothesline. Rikishi hits a modified spinebuster and hits the avalanche in the corner. Eddie ducks the line but walks right into the superkick (with the bad leg). Rikishi covers for win the match. Rikishi has no time to celebrate as Eddie's buddy Chris Benoit hits the ring for the beatdown. Benoit hits a german suplex and stomps away with Eddie. Eddie hits the frog splash from off the top rope and Benoit locks in the crossface. Here comes Edge to make the save, clotheslining Benoit over the top rope. Edge chases Eddie away and Rikishi has won, but at what cost?

Time of match: 5:01

Winner: Rikishi by pinfall

The same "no off-season" vignette plays before we cut to Stephanie getting in Benoit's face in the back. Stephanie says if he wants to take his aggression out, he'll do it against Rikishi in the Number 1 contender series is that punishment? Benoit says "He's done!" and storms off. Literally you just gave Benoit what he wanted, a match against an injured Rikishi with the number 1 contender slot on the line. On to the next match.

Match 5

Tajiri (with Jamie Noble and Nidia) vs Shannon Moore (with The Hurricane)

Nidia shakes her ass in front of Cole and Tazz with Noble pointing at it as Cole isn't interested. Ex 3-Count member Moore beat ex-Jung Dragon member Noble in a non-title match last week so this week Moore gets Tajiri. Least Moore has his 3 Count buddy Hurricane as backup against Noble & Nidia. Bell's gone and Tajiri starts with an armringer as Cole brings up our upcoming road schedule. Moore hits an arm drag and dropkick on Tajiri then covers for a deuce. Tajiri heaves Moore off the top rope and kicks Shannon in the back. Tajiri puts Moore in a chinlock but Moore fights out of it, only to walk right into a savate kick. Tajiri puts Moore on the top rope and kicks away at him. Tajiri dropkicks Moore's head and covers for Tajiri taunts the irate crowd, snapmares Shannon and locks in another chinlock. Tajiri locks in a modified cobra clutch then chokes him on the second rope. Tajiri slaps Shannon down and covers for 1...2..nope, foot on the rope. Tajiri drops a knee, covers for a deuce then goes back to the chinlock. Shannon fights out of it with punches and chops before rolling out of a reverse DDT. Shannon hits a back elbow smash and a rolling neckbreaker. He covers for Shannon is dumped on the apron but Shannon takes him down and somewhat botches the top rope hurracarana. He covers for Shannon gets kicked in the ribs then blocks the handspring elbow. Tajiri rolls through the waistlock and hits a german suplex for Shannon gets tripped by Noble and Hurricane drops him with a flying clothesline. Both Noble and Hurricane fight but Tajiri baseball slides Hurricane down. Moore counters a waistlock into a victory roll for 1...2...3 to win the match. Moore has beaten Noble and Tajiri in consecutive weeks. Least we got a new challenger for Noble. Decent match but nothing special.

Time of match: 6:36

Winner: Moore by pinfall

Rikishi vs Benoit is up next after break and we get right to it.

Match 6

Rikishi vs Chris Benoit

Kind of a heel move by Stephanie to put Rikishi immediately after getting beat up back in the ring against a fresh Benoit. Benoit wastes no time and rushes Rikishi at the start. Rikishi punches away at him but gets dropped with a back elbow smash. Benoit kicks away at Rikishi in the corner then punches at Rikishi's left arm. Benoit stomps away at Rikishi in the corner and tells Jimmy Korderas to get lost. Rikishi hits the samoan drop but his shoulder isn't cooperating. Benoit goes right to the Crippler Crossface and Rikishi slowly crawls to the ropes. Rikishi grabs the bottom rope but Benoit brings Rikishi to the center of the ring, reapplying the crossface. Rikishi taps and this one's over. Way to show Benoit who's boss, Stephanie. A relatively fresh Benoit moves on to face whoever's left on Stephanie's list. Short match but it serves its purpose to move Benoit forward. Cole says the next match is the final one as we go to commercial.

Time of match: 2:31

Winner: Benoit by submission

Back from break, its Kurt Angle getting interviewed by Dorkus Malorkus. He asks Kurt if he's concerned that his name hasn't been mentioned in the tournament yet. Angle apologizes for Snow White and the other 6 dwarves for what he did to Rey Mysterio. Kurt says that'll be the last time Rey will "Medal" in his affairs. Dorkus says Mysterio almost beat him and Kurt tells him to shut up. Kurt says Stephanie saved the best for last because HE is the final opponent for Chris Benoit. Kurt says he's going to beat Chris Benoit and the crowd pops when Angle says he'll take Lesnar next. The seeds were planted for the two national college champions to go at it right here.

We cut to Funaki, SMACKDOWN NUMBA WUN ANNOUNCA, who wants an interview with Brock Lesnar. Funaki grabs Paul Heyman and says he wants Brock. Heyman talks him out of it but here comes Matt Hardy. Matt says tonight is a special night as its the era of Matt Hardy. This is now WWE Mattitude....the birth of Mattitude folks. Heyman says "You know Funaki, you learn something new every day. I just learned Matt Hardy has a death wish." Back from break, its time for the next match.

Match 7

Matt Hardy vs Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman)

Non-title match as Hardy gets Lesnar here. I'm surprised the title isn't on the line considering Stephanie doesn't quite understand how punishment works. Hardy goes to the second rope to pose with his music still playing and Lesnar shoves him right off the top to the floor. Lesnar follows him and stomps him outside. Brock rams Matt back first into the ring post and throws him inside. A "Let's go Lesnar" chant breaks out as Brock rams Matt into the corner. Brock hits shoulderblocks but Hardy gets the left knee up on a spear attempt. Matt punches away and hits an elbow but Lesnar clotheslines him down. Brock takes Matt's head off with another clothesline as Cole says Brock beat Hulk Hogan and The Rock in a matter of weeks. Brock holds on to the right arm and clotheslines Matt again. Brock picks Matt up but Matt rolls him up for Matt tries some right hands but Brock overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Brock clubs away on Matt's back then whips him into the corner. Matt staggers into a powerslam and Brock kicks away at him. Brock taunts the crowd but gets a pop instead. Matt pulls the top rope down to shitcan Lesnar. Hardy jumps off the top but Lesnar catches him in mid-air. Hardy rolls out of his arms and sends him face first into the ring post. Back inside Matt dropkicks Brock in the back and goes for the Twist of Fate...but Brock blocks it and turns it into the F-5. Brock covers for win the match. Kind of a squash but Matt did get in some blows here and there. Bottom line is Matt had no chance and was foolish to take the match. Heyman says "That was unbelievable" as they walk up the ramp.

Time of match: 3:49

Winner: Lesnar by pinfall

Heyman tells Brock to go have some fun and Brock runs back to the ring. Brock powerbombs Hardy not once but twice for good measure. Brock needed to get some heat since they were cheering him and leaving Hardy sprawled helps. Back to Stephanie's office where Dawn Marie walks in saying whoever Steph was talking to is now signed to Smackdown. Stephanie says the main event is no longer Angle vs Benoit, its now a triple threat match with whoever she just pilfered from Raw. Stephanie smiles as we go to commercial. Back from break, Angle and Benoit are in the ring waiting for their new opponent as Stephanie walks out with a microphone. Stephanie has signed....THE UNDERTAKER!

Match 8

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit vs The Undertaker in a triple threat match

Bad week for Eric Bischoff to lose Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker to Smackdown. Angle charges Taker at the bell and Benoit joins him. They stomp away on Taker and whip him in the corner. Taker boots Benoit and clotheslines Angle down. Taker avalanches both guys in each corner and hits a backdrop on Angle. Taker sidewalk slams Benoit but crotches himself on the top rope when Angle pulls it down. Benoit kicks away at Taker and they both attack the left leg. Tazz says its the smart thing to do for Angle and Benoit to team up here. Benoit and Angle choke Taker then hit a double back suplex. Both men clothelines Taker over the top to the floor then Angle takes Benoit down. Angle goes for the ankle lock but Benoit fights him off. Angle lands 2 german suplexes on Benoit but Chris counters the third and hits two of his own. Angle counters Benoit's third and hits a third suplex of his own. Angle gets the ankle lock but Benoit makes it to the ropes. Angle stomps away on Benoit but Chris hits a release german suplex that nearly breaks Angle's neck. Chris covers for, Taker breaks up the count. Taker punches Benoit in the corner after sending Kurt to the outside then hits snake eyes on Chris. Taker drops Benoit with a big boot and punches Angle off the apron. Taker covers Benoit for Taker calls for the Last Ride but Angle chopblocks Taker down. Angle and Benoit both grab steel chairs and its Angle to distract the ref, allowing Benoit to clobber Taker in the head with the chair. Benoit knocks Angle off the apron and covers Taker for, Angle pulls him out. Angle covers for Angle stomps away on both men but Taker throws Angle over the top rope. Benoit hits a german suplex on Taker but Taker blocks the second attempt. Taker chokeslams Benoit and covers for, Angle locks in the ankle lock on The Undertaker. Taker kicks Angle off and clotheslines him to the floor. Benoit locks the crossface in as Angle gets in to apply the ankle lock. Referee Brian Hebner has no idea what's going on but Angle abandons the ankle lock to kick Benoit off. Benoit counters the Angle Slam with the crossface but Angle rolls through and applies the ankle lock. Benoit fakes tapping then crawls to the bottom rope. Angle pulls him to the center but Benoit kicks him off. Taker rolls up Angle for  Taker walks into an Angle Slam as Kurt pulls the straps down. Angle runs but Benoit belly to belly suplexes Angle out of the ring. Chris turns around right into the Last Ride. Taker covers for 1..2...3 to win the match. Taker is the number one contender to Brock Lesnar which feels kind of cheap, I'll explain why later. We go to the replay to show Angle and Benoit taking each other out more or less to allow Taker to win the match. Taker rides off on his bike as we sign off.

Time of match: 9:10

Winner: Undertaker by pinfall

Very interesting Smackdown even if it was rushed and a little ass backwards. The whole number one contender's thing was cool....but ultimately meant nothing because The Undertaker jumped from Raw to steal the spotlight. Not only that, Taker had only beaten Test at Summerslam and lost to Triple H on Raw. The idea of Brock vs another legend in the making like Undertaker is going to sell tickets but this was a horrible way to do it. You buried the entire Smackdown roster busting their asses even if Taker coming out at the end was a nice surprise. Still, we got some good ones on Smackdown with Edge, Mysterio, Angle, Benoit, Brock and now Taker for the main events. Things were about to get even better soon. Tomorrow night the stars of Raw had a house show in Lincoln, Nebraska. I'll see you there.

Monday, August 26, 2002

WWE Monday Night Raw (8/26/02)


Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY
August 26, 2002

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler

Ring announcer: Howard Finkel

Summerslam was the turning point in the company it seemed, giving the WWE Championship to the rookie Brock Lesnar showed the future of WWE was now. Rey Mysterio Jr may have lost to Kurt Angle but he was a bright new star in WWE. Rob Van Dam was the new Intercontinental Champion and Triple H destroyed Shawn Michaels after their glorified street fight. How will we usher in a new era in WWE? Let's find out.....after the dark match.

Dark Match

Shawn Stasiak vs Shelton Benjamin

Stasiak was wrestling out his contract while Benjamin continued to get his trial run in WWE. Benjamin wins it with the Dragon Whip.

Winner: Benjamin by pinfall

Now let's get started. Ross and Lawler welcome us to MSG before Eric Bischoff hits the ramp for a conference. Bischoff welcomes us to HIS Raw and he promises to have a historic night. They're going to retire the WWE Hardcore title by having a unification match between Tommy Dreamer and Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam. He's going to honor a WWE hall of famer with a lifetime achievement award. Bischoff then brings out Brock Lesnar and his agent Paul Heyman. 

Heyman and Brock get in the ring and the crowd chants "Rocky", won't see him for awhile. Paul runs down Superstar Billy Graham, Hulk Hogan and Bruno Sammartino saying they don't equal Lesnar combined. Heyman "The funniest thing is I TOLD YOU SO!" He goes on to gloat about saying Brock was the next big thing, he'd win the King of The Ring, beat Hulk Hogan and beat The Rock and nobody listened. Brock himself grabs the mic and says he's 25 years old and the youngest champion in history. Paul "Who can beat you?" Lesnar says nobody can beat him.

All of a sudden Shawn Michaels' music hits. Jim Ross "My god its a miracle!" Then Triple H walks out to a chorus of boos. Of course HHH has to steal Brock's spotlight. HHH says that'll be the last time you'll hear Shawn's theme and he took him out for good. JR reluctantly has to agree with that. HHH gets to the point and says Brock is just a boy. He takes credit for softening The Rock up for Brock and he gets first crack at him. HHH says Brock owes him and Brock takes the belt off, ready to fight. HHH "Are you man enough to play the game?" comes The Undertaker to join in. Taker says the way he sees it, Hunter is all wrong. Taker says he gets first crack at the young blood because he was the number one contender anyway. Taker asks Brock if he's the next big thing or the next big bitch. HHH attacks from behind and its 2 against 1. HHH beats down Taker then turns around into Brock to tell him to get him some. That gives Taker enough time to recover, throw both guys in the corner and clothesline them both. Taker drops HHH then clotheslines both men in the corner. He clotheslines Hunter over the top rope and slaps LEsnar in the face. Taker big boots Lesnar over the top to the floor. Taker then wants a piece of HHH as Hunter slowly circles him. Hunter retreats with Heyman and Lesnar taking off as well. Ross asks who the number one contender is as we cut to commercial.

Back from break Bischoff is at the commentators table and promptly makes a match, Undertaker vs HHH tonight to determine who faces Brock. On to our first match finally.

Match 1

Booker T (with Goldust) vs Christian (with Lance Storm)

This match stems from last night when The Unamericans retained the tag titles against Booker T and Goldust after Test interfered. Christian runs right into a spinebuster at the bell. Booker punches away at Christian, sends him off and hits a big forearm. Booker kicks Christian but misses the scissors kick. Christian hits a reverse backbreaker and covers for a 1. Christian kicks away at Booker in the corner and chokes him. Booker rallies with right hands and hits a snapmare. Christian locks in a chinlock but Booker fights out of it. Christian hits a running knee to the ribs and covers for a deuce. Christian goes for the blatant choke and stands on Booker's face. Christian punches away then chokes him in the corner as well. Booker reverses it and chops away at Christian in the corner. Referee Jack Down pushes Booker back but Booker hits the axe kick anyway. Booker kind of botches the up and over sunset flip but still gets a two count. Christian goes for the Flair Pin in the corner but Goldust pushes his feet off the ropes. Christian swipes at Goldust but walks into the axe kick. Booker calls for the spinaroonie but Lance Storm gets in the ring, only he's intercepted by Goldust. Goldust clotheslines Storm over the top rope and leaves but Christian goes for the Unprettier. Booker counters with a kick to the ribs and the scissors kick. He covers for 1...2..3. to win the match. Booker dominated Christian in that match as Lance Storm comically runs in with a chair after Booker had already left. Total crash match.

Time of match: 3:15

Winner: Booker T by pinfall

We cut to a vignette of earlier in the day where WWE stars hit NYC to tell fans to honor America by Smackdowning your vote. The dignitaries were Bradshaw, The Rock, Mark Henry, Kurt Angle and Edge.....Edge? He's Canadian. New York governor George Pataki is all in favor of it. From something cool to something not, later tonight we get Evening Gown vs Tuxedo Match as Howard Finkel takes on Lilian Garcia....why? Back from break Christian is throwing a temper tantrum with Lance Storm trying to calm him down. Test walks by with the American flag and says he's got something big planned to have people talking about them for years to come. What's he mean? On to the next match.

Match 2

The Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray and Spike) vs Christopher Nowinski and William Regal (with Molly Holly)

The hell is Molly doing there? Earlier tonight Nowinski was talking to Molly Holly with Victoria standing there and say they made a great team two weeks ago. He begs her to join his corner and Victoria says the Dudleys are dangerous. Chris says he'll make sure nothing happens to her and Molly agrees. Chris says it means a lot to him and tells her to get ready. Victoria tells him good luck and Nowinski says he has a feeling he's getting VERY lucky. Bell rings and Bubba starts with Chris with Nowinski missing a punch in the corner. Bubba punches away with right hands and a chop of his own. Bubba gets whipped in the corner but the charge eats elbow. Bubba hits a neckbreaker and covers for two. Spike tags in as Bubba scoop slams Nowinski. Spike hits the coup de gras and punches Nowinski in the corner. Regal pulls Chris out of the way and Spike goes sternum first into the buckle. Molly and Regal pull Spike nad first into the ring post. Nowinski covers for Regal tags in and punches away at Spike. Spike headbutts Regal in the ribs then pulls off a double head scissors. Bubba tags in and cleans both guys out, avalanching Regal in the corner. Nowinski eats a german suplex and Bubba hits a sidewalk slam on Regal. Nowinski elbow drops his own partner by accident and Bubba clotheslines him over the top to the floor. Bubba hits the Dusty Punches on Regal but Molly Holly goes up to the top rope. Molly misses the Molly Go Round and Bubba scoop slams her. Spike goes upstairs and hits the wazzuppp headbutt. Bubba pushes Spike and tells him to get the tables. Spike gets the table but Molly slaps Bubba into a schoolboy by Regal for Nowinski scoop slams Spike outside but gets knocked off the apron by Regal. Bubba hits the Bubba Bomb on Regal and covers for 1...2..3 to win the match. After the match, Bubba brings Molly in the hard away and sets up the table. Bubba goes for the powerbomb but Nowinski saves her. Spike ends up hitting the Acid Drop on Regal onto the table that doesn't break. Bubba powerbombs Regal through it to finish the job....yay. Nowinski carries Molly away as JR scoffs. Bad match but this is more about Nowinski's attempt to bag Molly.

Time of match: 4:16

Winners: The Dudleys by pinfall

Eric Bischoff is talking to our unnamed Hall of Famer. He says when he gives to cue, come out when he's ready. Back from break Nowinski is in the back with Molly. Molly calls him a gentleman and if there's anything she can do to repay him, she'll do it. They hug it out and he says "I'm sure I'll think of something." Given the time period, it would have added to Molly's character if they actually did get it on in the storyline. Trish wouldn't be able to call her granny panties, virgin, or anything else anymore. 

Back to the ring, Eric Bischoff introduces our legend...SUPERFLY JIMMY SNUKA! 59 years young and still looks great. Rikishi, Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels and Booker T all turned 59 in the year 2024. Eric says its overwhelming to be there with him and he's prepared a video tribute package. It actually is a nice package complete with the top of the cage dive (with Mick Foley and Bubba Ray Dudley in attendance) from MSG in October of 1983. The crowd chants "Superfly" in real time as JR says he deserves this. Eric presents him with a plaque for a lifetime achievement award. He asks how it feels and Jimmy goes to answer but Eric cuts him off. Eric says "for the last three minutes....did I just say, three minutes?" You know where this is going. Right on cue, here are Rosey and Jamal for the beatdown. Snuka does chop Jamal down but Rosey stands there staring at him. Jimmy squares up but Jamal clotheslines him from behind allowing Rosey to clothesline him from the other side. Rosey brings Jimmy to the corner and Jamal hits the top rope splash. Why Vince brought Snuka out just to humiliate him is beyond me. JR "Tribute my Oklahoma ass." King agrees with him as we go to break.

Back from break JR is still mad about the beat down as Jimmy is helped up by the referees. Here comes Chris Jericho for his match with Jeff Hardy after losing to Ric Flair the night before. Jericho takes down Snuka and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. Jericho grabs a mic and cries about Madison Square Hasbeen. Jericho runs down Snuka and Flair saying they're 75 years old and Jericho deserves the award. Jericho says he made Ric tap last night and to roll the footage....which is Ric "tapping" after he grabbed the rope. Jericho screams "WHY" again and again as JR calls him a crybaby. Jericho says he's going to take it out on Jeff Hardy....after he sings for the crowd. He's going to sing New York, New York. "Start spreading the news, I'm leaving todayyyyyy. Can't wait to get right the hell out of New York, New York....these vagabond shoessss will take me wayyyyy" JR says things will get better after break. Back from break Jericho is still going as JR asks when its gonna end. Jeff Hardy's music hits and JR says "Thank god."

Match 3

Chris Jericho vs Jeff Hardy

Jericho attacks Jeff at the bell and slaps him in the face. Jericho hits a suplex and dropkicks Hardy. Chris punches away as King calls Hardy an ass clown. Hardy lands a flying clothesline and and punches him in the corner. Jeff hits the up and over head scissors but runs right into a clothesline. Jericho chokes Jeff on the second rope and drops him with a right hand. Jericho slaps Hardy but Jeff slingshots him over the top rope to the floor. Jeff goes to the top rope and hits the dive. Jeff runs up the barricade but Jericho counters with a powerslam. Jericho throws Jeff inside and stomps on him. Jericho hits a side backbreaker and chokes him with his own handkerchief. Jericho locks in a surfboard but Jeff powers out of it. Jericho hits a dropkick and covers for a deuce. King won't shut up about Howard Finkel and Lilian Garcia but does say the winner of that match is Raw's permanent announcer moving forward. Jericho dops an elbow on Jeff and covers for a two count. Jericho chokes Jeff on the second rope again and says he's the king of the world. Jericho jumps but misses Jeff as Hardy moved out of the way. Jeff misses a dropkick and Chris hits a standing senton before covering King makes fun of Smackdown and Jericho taunts Jeff to get up. Jericho punches Jeff down and does the Ali shuffle but Hardy punches his way back. Jericho hits a neckbreaker and covers for Jericho locks in an abdominal stretch but Hardy hiptosses Chris. Jeff counters a second rope crossbody with a dropkick then hits whisper in the wind. Jeff stuns Jeff with a jawbreaker and legdrop between the legs before covering Jeff goes for the sunset flip but Jericho counters with a Walls of Jericho attempt. Jeff kicks Chris into the ropes and hits an inside cradle for a near fall. A charge in the corner by Jeff eats boot and Jeff hits a face first bulldog. Jeff blocks the lionsault by getting his knees up then hitting a modified bridge for another two count. Jeff hits a mule kick then goes for the swanton bomb. Jeff hits it and covers for, Jericho grabs the ropes. Jeff goes for a hurracarana but Jericho counters into the Walls of Jericho. Jeff makes it to the ropes but Chris refuses to let go. The ref counts 1..2...3....4...5....and that's it, Jericho has been disqualified. All the referees and Sgt Slaughter hit the ring to get Jericho off. Kind of a bad match as Jeff started not giving a damn with Matt not there to keep him in check. Still, Jericho keeps heel heat as JR scoffs.

Time of match: 10:49

Winner: Jeff Hardy by DQ

Terri Runnells catches up with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Terri asks who they want to win the number one contenders match and Brock says it doesn't make a difference. She says if he had to choose and Brock goes "It really doesn't make a difference." We cut to Lance Storm and Christian saying that's too much. Huh? Test has a blowtorch and says he's gonna burn the American flag as we cut to break.

Test, Christian and Storm hit the ring and Test grabs a mic. Test says he can't think of a better way to signal the rest of the world's hate than to burn the flag. Kane's pyro hits as the Unamericans scatter but he doesn't come out. Test then resumes the blowtorch but Booker T and Goldust hit the ring to stop them. The 3 on 2 advantage has Goldust and Booker down as Test grabs the flag in the ring. Finally Kane comes out to make the real save with his new half mask. Kane clears out Test and Storm then no-sells a chair shot by Christian. Kane chokeslams Christian, clotheslines Storm over the top rope and chases off Test as the crowd chants USA. Point of the segment is to bring back Kane.....oh wait, we're not done. Booker grabs the mic and says the people are gonna get what they paid to see, the spinaroonie. Booker does the spinaroonie and says "CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKAAAAA" Kane stops Booker and grabs the mic. He says these people didn't come here just to see the spinaroonie, they came to see the Kane-aroonie. Kane does the Kane-aroonie as King laughs. Trying to humanize Kane is kind of dumb but it sure is funny. We get a graphic of HHH vs Taker later as we go to break.

Back from break we get a vignette saying there is no off-season or contract disputes in WWE. This was right around when Major League Baseball was threatening to go on strike but it never actually happened. No Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz needed this time. On to the next match.

Match 4

WWE Hardcore Champion Tommy Dreamer vs WWE Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam in a Unification Match

Ross says this is hardcore rules in the last hardcore match on Raw. Makes sense to have the two ECW guys to do it. They shake hands to start and circle before Dreamer gets a waistlock. Rob gets a headlock takeover but Van Dam misses a somersault. Both men miss enziguiris, Van Dam ducks a line and they stop. The crowd chants ECW as Dreamer counters a split with a dropkick to the face. Dreamer rams his head into the buckle but Van Dam counters with shoulderblocks in the corner. Dreamer finally grabs the singapore cane and waffles Rob in the ribs with it. Dreamer hits the White Russian leg sweep and covers for Dreamer grabs a ladder but Van Dam comes out and kicks it in his face. Rob covers on the ramp for Rob sets the ladder up on the edge of the ring and barricade as Dreamer hits a spinebuster. He covers for Dreamer rolls Van Dam in but Rob catches him on the apron. Van Dam blocks a suplex but Dreamer brings him on the apron. Dreamer goes for a bulldog but Rob throws him face first into the ladder. Rob crotches Dreamer on the barricade and dropkicks him off the ladder. He covers for Van Dam throws a chair into the ring and hits a standing moonsault on Dreamer for Dreamer goes upstairs and goes for the split legged moonsault but Dreamer gets the chair up. Van Dam hits Northern Lights for a deuce but Dreamer goes for the Dreamer Driver. Rob rolls out of it but right into the DDT. Dreamer covers for 1....2..noooooo. Dreamer hits a sidewalk slam on the ladder and goes up to the second rope. Dreamer misses the elbow drop on the ladder and Rob puts it on Tommy. Rob hits rolling thunder on the ladder and covers for Van Dam hits a spinning legdrop and goes up to the top. Dreamer drops Rob with a right hand and pins Rob against the ropes with the ladder. Dreamer ends up crotching himself in the ladder and Rob heel kicks him down. Rob hits the Van Daminator on the ground and goes back up to the top. Rob hits the five star frog splash and covers for 1..2...3 to win the match and retire the Hardcore title. The belt ran its course after the 24/7 Crash Holly stuff ended but having the two ECW guys put on a good ECW match was the honorable way to end the title. Dreamer hugs Van Dam after the match and leaves with JR saying he's got nothing to be ashamed of.

Time of match: 8:06

Winner: Rob Van Dam by pinfall (Unified Intercontinental Champion)

We cut to the back with HHH pacing back and forth preparing for his match when Lilian Garcia and Trish Stratus walk by much to King's delight. Guess its time for this nonsense when we come back from break. Stacy Keibler walks to the ring with Howard Finkel saying hi. Keibler says she's not there to support him but she wants to make sure Trish doesn't interfere. Howard says she's interfering with something in his trousers. Stacy is grossed out and I'll never understand why Vince repeatedly humiliated Howard any chance he got. Stacy gets out of the ring as Trish and Lilian come to the ring. Howard announces his own opponents which is kind of funny.

Match 5

Lilian Garcia (with Trish Stratus) vs Howard Finkel in an Evening Gown Tuxedo Match

Storyline wise, this is the end of the Finkel/Garcia & Trish feud. Howard says that's a nice gown but he thought Rudy Guliani barred hookers from New York City a long time ago. Ha! Howard shoves her down as the bell rings. Lilian jumps on his back and they roll around the ring. Howard goes to rip the dress but he can't and he grabs the mic. Garcia rips his suspenders but he throws her against the ropes, her falling down. Howard says "That's how it should be, blondes like you laying down on your back." Suddenly Stacy and Trish hit the ring, taking turns slapping him in the face. Trish drops him with a clothesline and they all strip Howard to his underwear. JR goes "Ohhh and they're stained. Can we get a wide shot? Can we go to commercial?" Patrick raises Trish's hand in victory as she raises Lilian's hand in victory. Howard runs to the back as JR scoffs. Vince never misses a chance to humiliate the Fink, let's move on.

Time of match: 1:28

Winner: Garcia

We go right from commercial break to the main event.

Match 6

The Undertaker vs Triple H

Winner of this is the number one contender as Ross & King shill Unforgiven coming up in Los Angeles. They brawl on the outside to start with HHH sends Taker to two ring posts. HHH clotheslines Taker over the barricade into the crowd. HHH pulls Taker back and rams him into the barricade. HHH continues to punch away then throws him inside. The bell officially rings as Triple H tries to end it early with a pedigree, but Taker counters with a clothesline. Taker elbows Hunter in the corner then hits the flying clothesline. Taker drops the big leg and covers for He's not Hogan. Taker wrenches the left arm and shoulderblocks him down. Taker goes Old School on Hunter and covers for Taker gets kicked in the head but whips HHH in the corner and clotheslines him. Taker punches away at HHH and hits snake eyes. HHH hits a high knee to Taker then throws him through the ropes to the outside. HHH punches Taker outside then whips him into the ring steps. Hunter breaks the count then rams Undertaker's head into the steel steps. Hunter back inside hits a neckbreaker and covers for Hunter punches away and drops an elbow before a cover gets a deuce. Hunter locks in a sleeperhold but Taker punches out of it. HHH hits a kneelift and covers for a deuce. HHH goes to the chinlock then goes back to the sleeper. The crowd gets bored so Taker hits a back suplex on Hunter. They slug it out in the middle of the ring as HHH runs right into a clothesline. Taker's lateral press gets two and he rams Hunter's head into the buckle. Taker's charge eats elbow but then referee Earl Hebner gets avalanched. Taker hits a horrible looking big boot as Taker signals for the choke slam. Taker chokeslams HHH as here comes Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Taker knocks Brock off the apron and HHH hits a low blow. Taker backdrops out of HHH's pedigree but Lesnar decks Taker with the WWE title belt. HHH covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Lesnar laughs on the ramp as JR scoffs. Kind of a bad match since they only had 8 minutes but par for the course tonight.

Time of match: 8:36

Winner: Triple H by pinfall

After the match Lesnar laughs on the apron as HHH rips the bandage off his head. JR says HHH is Brock's next opponent as Stephanie McMahon is seen in the back. Eric Bischoff tells her to get the hell out of his building. Eric brags about having Lesnar and the number 1 contender HHH on Raw but Stephanie tells him to shut up. Stephanie says HHH is the number 1 contender for nothing. Stephanie reveals that she paid Brock to be exclusive to Smackdown and tonight was the last time the WWE Champion will be on Raw. Stephanie asks how her peaches taste now and leaves in a limousine with Brock and Heyman. Eric looks sick as King and Ross sign off dumbfounded. This was all designed for the brand split. How is Eric going to respond to this? All in all this was a bad show but that was mostly due to Raw's reliance on ECW guys and the dregs. Now with Brock Lesnar gone and The Rock off in Hollywood, Raw is severely lacking in star power. Our next show is this Thursday night at Moehgan Sun in Connecticut. I'll see you there. 

WWE at New Haven Coliseum (8/26/02)

New Haven Coliseum
New Haven, CT
August 26, 2002

Once again Vince McMahon foolishly puts the stars of Smackdown on a house show opposite Raw. This show is significant as its the last show ever at the New Haven Coliseum. Summerslam hit the reset buttons on a lot of stories so let's see how the first house show after it plays out.

Match 1

Funaki vs Tajiri

The battle for Japan as the two popular stars battle each other. Tajiri wins it with the buzz kick.

Winner: Tajiri by pinfall

Match 2

Randy Orton vs Reverend D'Von

Youth vs experience as D'Von takes on the young up and coming Orton. Orton gets the crossbody but D'Von rolls through it to get the pin. Rookie mistake by Orton costs him.

Winner: D'Von by pinfall

Match 3

Albert vs Hardcore Holly

Big hoss match here with Holly against the larger Albert. Holly wins it with the Alabama Slam.

Winner: Holly by pinfall

Match 4

Bull Buchanan vs Deacon Bautista

D'Von's bodyguard takes on Bull Buchanan in this big hoss fight. Batista wins it with the sit out powerbomb.

Winner: Bautista by pinfall

Match 5

Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo vs The Hurricane and Shannon Moore

Two thirds of Three Count take on Billy and Chuck....and if only Sean O'Haire was the partner instead of Gunn, it would be Natural Born Thrillaz vs 3 Count. WCW teams aside, Hurricane wins it by pinning Gunn with the chokeslam.

Winners: Hurricane and Moore by pinfall

Match 6

Rikishi vs Chris Benoit in a Kiss My Ass Match

Chris Benoit goes from feuding over the Intercontinental Championship to facing Rikishi in a kiss my ass match. Benoit wins it with a crossface. Whether he took the stinkface or not has been lost to time...unless anyone who was there wants to chime in.

Winner: Benoit by submission

Match 7

Dawn Marie vs Torrie Wilson in a Bra & Panties Match

Nidia is the special guest referee which is ridiculous since this doesn't involve pinfalls or submission. Torrie wins the "match".

Winner: Torrie Wilson

Match 8

Billy Kidman vs Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Jamie Noble for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship in a triple threat match

Standard triple threat match rather than a 3 way dance. Noble pinned Kidman with his feet on the ropes to retain.

Winner: Noble by pinfall (still Cruiserweight champion)

Match 9

Matt Hardy vs John Cena

The heel Matt takes on another young up and comer in John Cena. Matt wins it with a twist of fate.

Winner: Hardy by pinfall

Match 10

Edge and Rey Mysterio Jr vs Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero

These four fought each other the night before in singles matches but team tonight. Edge pinned Angle with the spear to end the fans home happy.

Winners: Edge and Mysterio by pinfall

The Smackdown Six were in full effect with Rey, Edge, Eddie, Chavo, Angle and Benoit. Funny to see how Orton and Cena were just filling out the cards in those days. 20 plus years later they're still going strong. Things were about to change with Brock Lesnar winning the title and the dueling General Managers establishing their rosters. It'll be interesting how things play out on TV moving forward. Tonight's Raw is in Madison Square Garden in New York City. I'll see you there.

Sunday, August 25, 2002

WWE Summerslam 2002 (8/25/02)

We've made it to Summerslam, after a month of buildup and a tour of Australia, a lot has happened since Vengeance. The showdowns are the monster match between The Rock and Brock Lesnar for the big one, but also the return of Shawn Michaels after a 4 year layoff to face his former best friend HHH. We also got the American pay per view debut of the high flying Rey Mysterio along with great stars such as Rob Vam Dam, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho. The general manager storyline was beginning to take shape and a lot of other things I'll cover as we move on, let's get to the action.

AUGUST 25, 2002

Match 1

Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio Jr

Commentators: Michael Cole and Tazz

   The Rey Mysterio era began at Global Warning for anyone following my reviews, but this is the big match for him on the national level. Before we get started Vince finally figured out a way to incorporate the announce teams by having Cole and Tazz call the Smackdown matches and JR and Lawler call the Raw matches. Rey's music hits but he's not making his entrance, but then we see Rey on the apron behind Angle and he hits a springboard hurracurrana on Kurt to kick off the ppv. Rey ducks under a clothesline and hits a head scissors, monkey flip and a dropkick. Kurt rolls through a dropkick and turns it into an ankle-lock before Rey makes it to the ropes. Rey still in ankle-lock position backflips out of it then floors Kurt with a drop-toe hold into the ropes, but Rey missed the 6-1-9. Kurt pulls Rey out for the first breather since everything I typed has been non-stop. Back inside Kurt puts the boots to Mysterio then hits a back suplex. Kurt puts his head down and pays for it as Mysterio kicks him between the eyes and Kurt turns a sit-down bulldog into a german suplex.....sick spot. Kurt tries to ride Rey freestyle but Mysterio makes it to the ropes and scales to the top as Angle tries to beat him down. Rey hits a surprising sunset flip for a 2 count before Angle nearly takes Mysterio's head off with a clothesline. The cover gets 2 as Kurt hits a backbreaker and covers for another near fall. Kurt chokes Rey on the second rope as the crowd chants Angle Sucks so Kurt pounds away at Mysterio in the corner. Mysterio flies into a head scissors.....but Kurt stops mid-air and turns it into a side suplex, nice. Kurt covers for 1...2... and no. Kurt applies a half-crab Lion Tamer style. (The Lion Tamer was when Jericho would put his knee behind the head of his opponent after applying the crab part, but Vince told him not to do that for some reason and Walls of Jericho is basically an elevated boston crab without the knee, whereas the original Tamer looked a lot more painful) Rey inexplicably turns the crab into an inside cradle for a 2 but Kurt slows the pace down again with another hard clothesline. Michael Cole brings up the pinfall Rey scored over Angle on a recent Smackdown to set this match up as Kurt puts the boots to Rey. Rey hits a jawbreaker and a series of forearms then goes for the sunset flip. Kurt drops down but Rey bridges out of it then runs into an overhead suplex....ouch! Kurt pulls the straps down but Rey counters the Angle-Slam attempt with an arm drag. Kurt charges but Mysterio pulls the top rope down and Angle goes flying. Kurt staggers on the apron where Mysterio baseball slides him back to the ground, then goes for a high flying tactic but referee Jimmy Korderas stops him. Jimmy puts his head through the ropes so Rey front flips over the ref onto Angle below....nice acrobatics. Rey rolls Kurt in then hits a springboard legdrop from the apron over the top rope onto the back of Angle's head. Rey covers for 1........2....noooooo. Rey bounces off the corner but Kurt catches him on his shoulders then electric chair drops him before hitting the ankle-lock. Rey counters and Kurt ends up on the second rope where Mysterio executes the 6-1-9. Rey hits the West Coast Pop for 1...2....NOOOOO, wow Kurt got the shoulder up. Rey hits a spinning wheel kick to the chin then goes upstairs but Kurt ducks under the plancha. Kurt's on the second rope so Rey hops on the second rope and dropkicks him. Rey goes upstairs behind Kurt and tries the hurracarana but Kurt either botches the flip or decides not to sell it and locks in the ankle-lock. Rey nearly makes it to the ropes before Kurt pulls Rey back to the middle and Mysterio finally taps to end the match. That was an AWESOME opener, no rest holds, just high impact action and mat wrestling, all any grumpy fan could ask for.

Time of Match: 9:20

Winner: Kurt Angle by submission

 The next segment is Stephanie McMahon in the hallway talking to a PR guy about how great Smackdown is, then goes into the GENERAL MANAGER'S office where Eric Bischoff is sitting on the couch. Stephanie asks what the hell he's doing there and Eric nonchalantly tells her its both their office for the evening since they're on neutral ground. They taunt each other over which brand is better and they sit and watch the ppv as we send things to JR and The King. They hype up the upcoming Raw matches but not before Lawler calls Summerslam "Smackdown" for a second.

Match 2

Chris Jericho vs "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

  Jericho's been on a losing streak ever since Wrestlemania and apparently scoring a win over the ancient Ric Flair is the best remedy for it. They show highlights on Raw how Ric Flair attacked Jericho with a trash can before Jericho returned the favor later on the evening. Jericho later on has a Fozzy concert that Flair breaks up and destroys the set, setting up this encounter. Ross says this is Flair's first Summerslam and he's partially right as he was only referred to by name at Summerslam 91 and only did a run-in at Summerslam 92. Jericho backs Ric up in the corner and Ric slaps him hard....then struts. Ric hits a go-behind takedown for a near fall then struts again. Jericho fires away at Ric in the corner then backdrops him 5 feet in the air, then clotheslines the Nature Boy. Chris hits a back suplex then says he's the king of the world, but can't find the elbow. Ric chops away then throws Y2J over the top....where Jericho skins the cat back in the ring. Chris charges but runs into another chop and then is met with rights in the corner. Jericho returns the favor before whipping Flair into the corner where he BOTCHES HIS OWN FLAIR FLIP. Jericho has to improvise so he clotheslines him over the top to the floor instead. Jericho pulls back the padding on the security wall and drops Flair throat first onto the exposed steel. Jericho goes upstairs and axehandles Flair who staggers into the camera-man. Chris throws Ric back inside and knocks him down with a series of right hands then does the Ali shuffle. Ric blocks a right hand then chops Jericho into the corner but the charge eats elbow. Jericho goes upstairs and hits a missile dropkick then covers for 1...2..nope, got the shoulder up. Chris unhooks one of the top turnbuckles and as referee Charles Robinson tries to re-hook it, Jericho strangles Ric with some of his own wrist-tape. They trade blows before Jericho chokes Ric on the second rope then jumps on him. Jericho hits a snap suplex as Jim Ross brings up Flair's 1975 plane crash which almost ended his career. Jericho goes upstairs but Flair cuts him off with chops then throws him off the top. Flair catches his wind in the corner where Y2J charges but goes shoulder first into the ring-post. Flair hits another series of chops then a backdrop and finishes with a back suplex for a 2 count. Flair goes for a vertical suplex but Chris rolls out of it, schoolboys Ric then goes for the Walls of Jericho. Flair turns the Walls into an inside cradle for 1...2....nooooooo. Jericho clotheslines Flair then chops him in the corner, finishing with the one arm facebuster. Jericho misses the lionsault so Flair chops him some more. Flair goes for the Walls of Jericho but Y2J counters with the figure four....they switched brains or something. Flair does his part by selling the move like he's in a chinese torture chamber before tapping out to end the match. What's that you say, its not over? Oh lookie here, while Flair was tapping his hand was on the second rope and referee Charles Robinson (a former Flair stooge in WCW storylines) noticed it then negates the tap. Jericho shoves Robinson then puts the boots to Ric before setting him up for another jump....which he crotches himself on the second rope after he misses. Flair chops Chris into the ref who goes down allowing flair to hit a low blow on Y2J, then puts him in the figure four. Jericho wails in pain the TAPS OUT and we have a winner.  Flair hobbles around the ring as Lawler can't believe what we just saw. We go to the instant replay which shows Ric's hand on the second rope before tapping meaning Robinson made the correct call. Yeesh, the first undisputed champion has now lost his last 6 consecutive ppv matches including his Global Warning match with Edge. No wonder the company went downhill so damn quick this year, terrible writing like that does it every time. Don't get me wrong the match was ok but jobbing out Jericho like this is dumb when you need important heels as much as strong faces.

Time of match: 10:30

Winner: Ric Flair by submission

   The next segment is a commercial for Hulk Still Rules, which is ironic given Hogan was about to miss the next 5 1/2 months due to injury but we'll get to that later. Meanwhile back in Lesnar's locker-room, Paul Heyman basically says exactly what I just typed saying how they released the DVD in memorium because Hulkamania's dead. He then hypes up the showdown between Brock and Rock saying The Next Big Thing has arrived. Let's go back to Cole and Tazz.

Match 3

Eddie Guerrero vs Edge

Commentators: Michael Cole and Tazz

   Apparently when Eddie had jumped to Smackdown, he began feuding with Edge. Michael Cole calls Edge "the future of Smackdown" which I laugh considering he'd only be on Smackdown another 6 months before the neck injury went down. They start out with go-behinds before Guerrero runs into a flapjack before engaging in more chain wrestling. Edge tries to suplex Eddie over the top to the floor but Guerrero catches himself on the apron and snaps Edge off the top rope. Back inside Guerrero puts the boots to Edge before ducking under a leapfrog and monkey flipping about 7 feet across the ring. Edge hits a powerslam for a near fall before tying him in the ropes Andre the Giant style. Edge hits the spear and goes for a second but this time Eddie moves causing Edge to fly out of the ring. Eddie goes for something outside but Edge shoves him away selling a shoulder injury. It looks like Edge legitimately hurt himself until Eddie pounces and rams him shoulder first into the steel steps, yeah its a work. Cole tells us he injured it in a cage match with Kurt Angle earlier in the month so Eddie goes right to work on it. Eddie hits a series of moves to the left arm before hopping up to the top rope, then executes a jumping arm breaker from off the top (ouch). Eddie covers for a near fall then applies a rest hold as Cole brings up Tazz's neck injury back in his ECW days during downtime. Eddie hits a crossface chickenwing as Cole brings up how Eddie and Chris Benoit jumped to Smackdown from Raw. Edge actually does the "fade then revive" routine then hits a snapmare but Eddie takes Edge down and applies a Fujiwara armbar. Eddie hits a back suplex then applies a top wristlock as some yahoo on a cell phone waves to the camera....I get enough of that during Red Sox games, I don't need to see that BS here. Guerrero runs into a powerslam and into a series of clotheslines before Eddie whacks Edge with an elbow to the face. Edge executes a facebuster and covers for a near-fall before finally hitting the suplex to the floor he tried earlier. Edge goes upstairs and flies onto Guerrero which from a kayfabe standpoint is beyond idiotic since he's selling a shoulder injury. Back inside Edge goes up to the top again and after Guerrero also goes up, he hits a sitdown facebuster off the top onto Eddie. Edge covers for 1....2...nope. Edge calls for a spear and charges but Eddie counters with a well placed dropkick to the shoulder. Eddie goes upstairs and goes for the frogsplash but Edge gets the knees up just in time. Edge does the edgecution on Eddie then covers for 1...2....nooooo, Eddie got the shoulder up. The announcers are shocked then Eddie counters another Edgecution attempt with a northern lights suplex for 1...2...negative. Eddie applies a swinging neckbreaker then goes back upstairs whereEdge catches up to him forcing Eddie to hit a series of headbutts to the injured shoulder, knocking Edge off the top. Eddie does the frogsplash...on Edge's injured shoulder then covers for chance. Did he really expect Edge to be down for the count when he can easily lift his good shoulder up, if he was smart he would have done it on the good one. Eddie goes back to the injured shoulder and hops up to the top rope but this time Edge heaves him off. Edge ducks under a clothesline and hits the spear then covers for 1...2.....3 that's it! Edge picks up the win in a decent match as Cole shills Edge on his performance.

Time of match 11:54

Winner: Edge by pinfall

      The next segment is a commercial saying how WWE stars are unlike every sport in the mainstream including this quote "Contract disputes do not determine the outcome of the season" Yeah, tell that to Bret Hart, Wendi Richter, Shawn Michaels, Christian, Kurt Angle, and on and on and on. We send things to Jonathan Coachman in the locker room with the Un-Americans. Lance Storm rips on the Long Island crowd as Christian says they're gonna beat the other guys as Test scowls. Back to JR and The King

Match 4

Booker T and Goldust vs The Un-Americans (Christian and Lance Storm) for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

  The Un-Americans had been dominating the scene with their anti-American heel tactics and Booker T and Goldust were the great white hope so to speak (yes I know Booker is black). This is actually Goldust's first ppv match since Wrestlemania as he was de-pushed to Booker's lackey due to punishment stemming from Plane Ride From Hell (see Insurrexion 2002). Lance and Christian enter without Test, strange given how Test was behind them in Coach's interview. Goldust starts out with Christian and Christian runs into a butt bump as JR brings up Goldust's debut in 1995. Lance interferes and runs into a powerslam then Goldust goes back to work on Christian. Goldust hits the Runnels Punch (where he bounces off the ropes, falls on his back and punches his opponent in the throat). Storm tags in as Goldust hits an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline then tags in Booker T. Booker attacks Storm and hits a back elbow smash followed by a sidewalk slam. Booker hits his Huffman Kneedrop (where he points to the sky before dropping a knee across the opponents chest) and covers for a nearfall before tagging in Goldust. Goldust is whipped into Christian, who turns around and slugs him off the apron as Lance takes advantage with a thumb to the eye. Lance throws Goldust over the corner turnbuckle to the floor...sick bump taken by Goldust. Christian outside rams Goldust into the guard-rail then rolls him inside where Lance covers for a near fall. Lance Storm puts the boots to Goldust then tags in Christian as the crowd chants USA. Goldust rallies against Christian but loses the battle and Christian/Lance make frequent tags, isolating Goldust in the process. Lance Storm misses a dropkick so Goldust makes the cover for a deuce then hits a chokeslam (!!!) but collapses from exhaustion. Christian tags in and locks in a frontheadlock as Booker tries to get the crowd to wake up during downtime. JR "The Un-Americans....for the record, I do not like them" Goldust backdrops Christian but the ref's back turned so they do the "guy makes tag/ref doesn't see it" routine so the heels take advantage. This match is 10 years too late in terms of being formulatic. Storm chokes Goldust in the corner with his boot then hits a short arm clothesline for a 2 count as Booker breaks up the count. The crowd chants for Booker T but the heels continue to work over Goldust. Goldust tries to rally in the corner then slingshots Christian into Lance Storm then rolls up Christian for 1...2..nope. Both men clothesline each other and after a while Goldust begins to crawl over to Booker. Lance Storm runs around and cuts Booker off, allowing Christian to inflict more damage to Goldust. Lance gets chairs then tosses one to Christian so we may be looking at a Conchairto here. Goldusts ducks under the attempt, hits a double clothesline and FINALLY makes the tag to Booker T. Booker T beats the crap out of Lance and Christian with chops, slams and backdrops before going upstairs where he hits a missle dropkick. Goldust knocks Lance out of the ring as Booker covers for 1..2.....NOOOOOO, wow that could have been the finish but Christian got the shoulder up. Booker misses the scissors kick then blocks the Unprettier before hitting a flapjack as Lance Storm hits a dropkick on referee Nick Patrick (he was aiming for Booker). Booker catches both heels in the mid-section then does the scissors kick to both men at once getting a nice pop from the crowd. Booker is feelin it then does the spinaroonie before finishing it with an axe kick to Christian. Booker covers but the ref is out, so Lance grabs one of the tag belts and goes to clock Booker with it, but Goldust cuts him off. Booker and Goldust double clothesline Storm over the top when out of nowhere TEST interferes and hits the big boot to Booker. Test takes off through the crowd as Christian crawls on top of Booker then Patrick revives...1.......2.....3. and the champs retain. Goldust grabs the belt and clean house as JR scoffs at Test for interfering, hey it was a briliant coup....he's their stable-mate after all. Pretty formulaic tag match but the crowd was red hot for Booker T....can't say I blame them.

Time of match: 9:37

Winners: The Un-Americans by pinfall

  The next segment is over at The World where Jamie Noble holds a makeout contest where 2 buff looking dudes pose with the winner getting to make out with Nidia.....yikes. Nidia chooses a guy and pounces on him and nearly eats him alive as Noble squeals. Back at Bischoff and Stephanie's office, Eric talks about stealing Nidia from Smackdown before they trade barbs about which brand is walking away with the IC title in the next match. Back to JR and The King.....

Match 5

Rob Van Dam vs Chris Benoit for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

  This match stems from the previous month where shortly after Vengeance, Chris Benoit defeated Van Dam for the title and then shockingly jumped to Smackdown with Eddie Guerrero. Eric Bischoff, no doubt suffering a massive headache from the jump, then employed Rob to bring the title back to Raw which sets up this inter-promotional match. Rob starts off with a kick to the left leg as JR and King get excited, then Rob kicks Benoit down. Benoit bails to the outside as Rob poses in the ring, then JR shills where each man is from. Chris hits a single leg takedown then goes for a side-headlock as JR tells us how each man should try to win the match. Benoit hits a shoulderblock but then Van Dam backflips out of the corner, front flips into the other corner and hits a moonsault on Chris....nice acrobatics. Rob goes on offense, they trade counters before Benoit hits a release german suplex as the crowd applauds. Benoit goes on offense then hits a short armed clothesline for a near fall as JR says he misses Benoit on Raw...don't worry he'll be back in about 18 months. Benoit hits a backbreaker for a near fall, puts the boots to Rob and hits a snap suplex just as JR mentions Benoit idolized Dynamite Kid (who's trademark was a snap suplex). Benoit applies an arm-bar, Van Dam armdrags out of it, Benoit clotheslines him down and Rob hits an inside cradle for a near fall. Van Dam executes a backslide for a near fall, monkey flips Benoit 7 feet across the ring before running into a clothesline. Benoit chops Rob in the corner then a charge eats boot so Rob goes for the split-legged moonsault but Chris gets the knees up in time. Benoit calls for the flying headbutt so he goes upstairs but misses the attempt as Rob rolled out of the way, then Rob emphatically drops a leg before going upstairs himself. Rob misses the 5-Star Frogsplash as Benoit locks in the Crippler Crossface as King says this match is over. Somehow Rob gets a foot on the rope as the camera pans to Bischoff and Stephanie in the locker room cheering on their respective representatives. Benoit chops Rob in the corner, a charge eats elbow, Van Dam goes upstairs where he's pushed off onto the arena floor. Benoit goes outside and throws Rob shoulder first into the ringpost, now Rob is selling a shoulder injury. Benoit hits a sloppy looking shoulderbreaker then methodically works over Rob as the crowd cheers the efforts. They trade blows before Benoit hits a clothesline for a 2 count then applies a surfboard as the crowd all turns to see something going on in the stands. Rob tries to stand out of the surfboard but Benoit turns it into a triangle lock, Rob rolls through and reverses the hold, Benoit throws Rob down to end the sequence. Rob sweeps Chris off his feet, misses the cartwheel moonsault and Benoit sinches in the crossface with his arm between Benoit's legs so you know something's going to happen. Sure enough Rob hits a Peterson Roll which Benoit counters for a pinning combination for 1..2...noooooo, that was close. Benoit throws Rob into the ringpost shoulder first then applies another arm-bar before executing northern lights while still holding the arm. Benoit repeats the sequence twice as the crowd cheers Benoit's excellence of execution (like someone else I know named Bret). Benoit applies the crossface this time in the center of the ring but Rob begins to crawl toward the rope. Benoit turns the crossface into a dragon sleeper which Rob counters with a crossface of his own. Benoit rolls out of it, dropkicks Van Dam down, backs Rob in the corner and fires away with forearms. Benoit charges but eats elbow, Rob does a springboard dropkick from the second rope and covers for 1..2....negative. Rob hits his step-over heel kick then rolling thunder and covers for 1....2...noooo. Van Dam hits a shoulderblock in the corner which he sells the previous shoulder injury, ducks under a clothesline and heel kicks Benoit for yet another near fall.  Van Dam goes upstairs but Benoit crotches him and goes for a back suplex, but Van Dam counters it mid-air. Rob goes upstairs and hits 5 STAR FROGSPLASH and covers for 1...2...THREEE and we got a new champion. Bischoff cheers in the GM's Office as JR and King shill what we just saw. Beautiful match....simply beautiful.  We've seen 5 matches so far, 2 of them outstanding, 1 very good and 2 ok ones, looking good so far.

Time of match: Rob Van Dam by pinfall (new IC champion)
Winner: 16:30

 The next segment has Bischoff gloating about bringing the IC title to Raw before Stephanie retorts by evily laughing in his face. I know why she's laughing but I won't ruin'll have to see for yourselves, back to JR and King

Match 6

The Undertaker vs Test

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

  This next inter-promotional match will certainly not be the technical wrestling display we just saw. The hype to this one was The Undertaker had recently turned face because of the whole "American Bad Ass" image to take on the Un-Americans, Test in particular. Test comes out to the theme song I prefer over his previous one from 99-01 where people were actually paid to decipher the lyrics to it. The Undertaker makes his entrance on the bike as JR hypes up the Tough Enough 3 of whom would go on to become Johnny Nitro/Morrison/Mundo. Test starts out with a shoulderblock, ducks under a leapfrog and runs into an arm drag. Taker begins working over the left shoulder before Test counters with a series of knees to the mid-section. Taker ducks under a clothesline then hits his flying clothesline but the cover only gets a near fall. Taker goes back to work on the left arm then goes upstairs but Test blocks old school by throwing referee Jack Doane into the ropes. Test knocks The Undertaker off the apron then goes on offense outside the ring before they trade blows. Test whips Taker knee first into the steel steps as JR says someday Test will wear major gold in the, that's a big no. They tried shoving Test down our throats for years and years and he just wasn't good enough in the ring or on the mic for the fans to get behind him.  Back inside Test puts the boots to him, rams him into the turnbuckle, hits a series of elbows in the corner and chokes him down with a boot. Test hits a running clothesline in the corner, poses for the irate crowd then trade blows in the corner. Test hits a short-armed clothesline then applies a rest hold as King roots on The Undertaker during downtime. Test botches a clothesline so Undertaker counters with a back suplex, but misses the ensuing elbow drop.  They trade blows in the center of the ring before Taker hits the running ddt for 1.....2.....nope, Test got the shoulder up. Taker goes back upstairs and finally hits Old School before avalanching Test in the corner. Taker hits snake eyes, misses a big boot attempt, rolls through the pump handle slam and signals for the chokeslam. Test blocks the chokeslam attempt and goes for the Big Boot but misses, then turns around into a chokeslam by the dead man. Taker makes the cover for 1.....2.....NOOOOOO. JR says "Mah gawd, how many people have ever kicked out of the chokeslam?"   Taker signals for the last ride before Lance Storm and Christian hit the ring, yet the ref doesn't call for the bell. Taker cleans house with avalanches in the corner and chokeslams the two men before turning around into THE BIG BOOT. Test quickly covers for 1....2....NOOOOO, wow I thought that was the finish. Test goes nuclear on the referee then goes outside to steal Michael Cole's chair. Test boots Doane but then Taker boots the steel chair into Test and follows with the tombstone piledriver. The cover...1......2......3 put it in the bank, its over. Taker hops the guardrail as if to leave through the crowd before he steals someone's American flag then waves it around in the ring. Bad match but what do you expect...its Test!

Time of match: 8:18

Winner: The Undertaker by pinfall

    The next segment is a highlight package hyping up the "non-sactioned match" between the returning Shawn Michaels and HHH. Let me go back a bit to tell everyone how it all came about....last month at Vengeance we learned that HHH had jumped from Smackdown to Raw with a huge assist from Shawn Michaels. They actually wore their DX attire out to Raw (which got a massively huge ovation) and they cut a DX promo before HHH TURNED ON SHAWN and hit the pedigree on him. HHH cuts a promo the next week saying how they were never friends and they just used each other before a camera guy tells HHH Shawn's been jumped in the parking lot and someone rammed his head through a car window, HHH shows sympathy upon arrival and calls for an ambulance. Shawn comes out the next week saying he knows who did it, and the security camera's reveal it was HHH himself. Shawn then challenged him to a fight at Summerslam which prompts Bischoff not to sanction it. Which means basically we got a street fight on our hands and anything goes.

Match 7

"The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels vs HHH in a non-sanctioned match (which in English means Street Fight)

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

  It is the unlikely return of one of the greatest superstars to ever grace the WWE ring, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. Shawn hadn't wrestled for four years prior to this so needless to say he may be a little rusty. Shawn comes out in jeans and cowboy boots as HHH enters with standard wrestling gear....remember this is supposed to be a fight not a match per se. Shawn attacks Hunter immediately with right hands before HHH throws HBK through the ropes to the outside. Shawn bullrushes Hunter back inside, takes him down with punches before getting knocked down with a shoulderblock. Shawn leapfrogs over Hunter then tosses him over the top rope to the floor then slingshots himself onto HHH.  HBK rams Hunter into the ringpost then clotheslines him as the announcers speculate how long Shawn can last after a 4 year layoff. Shawn goes underneath the ring and heaves a trash can into the ring, so the fight has begun to coin a phrase. HHH drops Shawn sternum first off the security wall as the crowd goes silent, a hush has fallen over the 18,000 strong or whatever the number is. Shawn sits on the apron and when Hunter comes over, HBK belts him with a trash can lid then skins the cat back into the ring. Shawn picks the trash can and nails Hunter right between the eyes with it, goes upstairs and floors HHH with a right hand. Shawn calls for sweet chin music but misses and Hunter counters with a side backbreaker. Hunter hits another one as Shawn cringes in pain as the crowd chants HBK. Hunter goes on offense with hard irish whips in the corner then does the DX suck it taunt to a huge pop. Hunter goes back to work on the lower back then covers for a near fall then goes outside to get a chair. Hunter eyes Shawn and connects with the steel chair on the lower back, rolls him over and covers for 1...2....nope, not over yet. The announcers speculate if Shawn's better off staying down but that's not HBK's style for he continues to fight back. Shawn counters a back suplex with a running roll up for a near fall before eating a kneelift from The Game. Hunter signals for a ddt on a chair and scores with it then covers for 1....2...hellll no. Shawn is busted wide open then Hunter takes Shawn's belt off and whips him with that shit hurts. Hunter wraps his hand with the belt and punches Shawn in the head, drawing more blood. Shawn goes outside for his sledgehammer but can't find it initially before eventually getting his hands on it. Hunter goes to waffle him but Shawn fight back with right hands only to be put in an abdominal stretch by HHH. Jim Ross pleads for HBK to submit but Shawn can't hear him obviously so he continues to feed off the crowd. Hunter uses the ropes for leverage and referee Earl Hebner tells him to break.....cept there are no DQ's so that should be legal. Hunter breaks and shoves Hebner which Earl responds by shoving back and getting in Hunter's face. Earl turns beet red and they shout at each other buying Shawn enough time to regain focus in the corner. Hebner goes on a rampage and even Hunter backs off before running into right hands by Shawn before setting him up on the top rope. Shawn punches Hunter off the top and signals for the flying elbow drop, but Hunter shoves Hebner into the ropes causing HBK to crotch himself and fall forwards. Hunter gets the chair and....hits him in the ass? Hunter attacking Shawn's exposed anal cavity is certainly unexpected and even Hebner doesn't know what to make of it. Hunter sets the chair down and executes a backbreaker onto it then covers for 1.....2....nooooooo. JR and King wonder why Shawn isnt giving up as Hunter hits a sidewalk slam on the chair then covers again for 1....2...negative. Hunter sets the chair down and attempts to pedigree Shawn on the chair but HBK counters with a low blow, that'll stop him for sure. HHH picks the chair up again but Shawn counters with SWEET CHIN MUSIC, kicking the chair in Hunter's face causing a blade job. Both men are down as JR says "It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy" sarcastically. Shawn swings the momentum his way with right hands including his flying forearm smash/nip up combo. Shawn hits a backdrop, picks up the steel chair and crunches Hunter in the head with it. Shawn whips Hunter over the corner to the floor, goes outside to pick up the trash can lid, hits him with it then starts whipping Hunter with the belt that was used earlier. Shawn grabs the trash can and cracks Hunter in the head with it as the crowd chants "We want tables!" Shawn hits Hunter with the trash can lid who goes flying backwards into the Smackdown announce table. HBK goes over to the Spanish announce table and takes Hugo Sevenevich's boot off......riiiiiight. Shawn hits Hunter with the boot, removes the top half of the steel steps, runs around the ring and bulldogs Hunter into the bottom half of the steel steps. Shawn goes under the ring and gets the *drumroll* LADDER. JR calls Shawn the innovator of the ladder match which is absurd considering a certain Bret Hart was the true innovator. Shawn torpedos the ladder into HHH then rams it into the mid-section a bunch of times on The Game. HBK sets the ladder against the ringpost then slingshots Hunter into it, rolls back inside and covers for 1.......2....nooooo, Hunter kicks out. Shawn picks the ladder up but Hunter baseball slides the ladder into Shawn. Hunter goes upstairs but Shawn counters with a superplex back into the ring then covers for a long near fall. Shawn counters a slam into a crucifix/sunset flip for a near fall but runs into a high knee by The Game. Hunter goes outside and grabs the steel steps, but back inside Shawn executes a drop-toe hold causing HHH to crash into them. Shawn clotheslines Hunter over the top to the floor but HHH lands on the ladder, bad positioning there. Shawn goes under the ring and gets the one item that hasn't been used yet...a table. Shawn sets the table up, grabs a fire extinguisher and belts Hunter with it onto the table. Shawn goes up to the top rope and flies off, splashing Hunter through a table then covers.....but this isn't falls count anywhere unfortunately. Shawn brings the ladder back into the ring, climbs all the way up and hits the flying elbow drop onto The Game. HBK nips up full of energy, tunes up the band as the crowd roars and......Hunter catches the foot. Hunter goes for the pedigree but HBK rolls through it into a bridge for 1.....2.....THREEEEE Shawn wins, Shawn wins, Shawn wins!!! Shawn celebrates but Hunter gets the sledgehammer and hits Shawn in the back, ruining the celebration. Hunter looks Shawn right in the eye and bludgeons him in the back of the neck, knocking Shawn out. Hunter does the suck it taunt as JR scoffs, then Hunter leaves ringside a bloody mess. Sgt Slaughter and the medics hit ringside as JR calls Hunter a sonovabitch. The medics haul Shawn off on a stretcher as the announcers speculate if we'll ever see Shawn again, wait a couple of months. Awesome match and the ending gave Shawn enough time to get in game shape to return to active duty. This feud is far from over, that's for sure.

Time of match: 27:20

Winner: Shawn Michaels by pinfall

 The next segment is a Get the F Out commercial before we go to Howard Finkel who....cuts a promo? Apparently Howard says this is his first ppv in the Nassau Coliseum since Wrestlemania 2 and that baseball may go on strike but wrestling fans will always have him. (MLB was in danger of going on strike in the summer of 2002 but it never happened) All of a sudden Trish Stratus makes her way to ringside (who's been humiliating Finkel on Raw the last month) and Howard goes nuclear on her. Trish appears to be coming on to Howard who then says "Trish its a dog-eat-dog world and since you've got the puppies...I've got my weiner." Jim Ross says he's about to vomit and Trish offers a hug to Howard. All of a sudden Lillian Garcia hits the ring and Howard turns around into a slap to the face followed by a boot to the nads. Apparently they must have been having an announcer free-for-all on Raw, plus I guess they needed to have this segment to calm the crowd down before the main event. JR and King send things to Michael Cole and Tazz for the highly anticipated final match. All month prior to this they showed both The Rock and Brock Lesnar training really hard for this match meaning both men are in the best shape possible for the monster matchup. Basically, whoever wins will have beaten the other man at the top of his game so either The Rock adds to his legendary status or Lesnar becomes a legend himself.

Match 8

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) vs The Rock vs the WWE Championship

Commentators: Michael Cole and Tazz

   Finally.....after months of booking Lesnar as the unstoppable monster, he gets The Rock face to face for the biggest prize in the industry. Like I said earlier, all month long they showed vignettes of the two training so each man looks championship worthy. The Rock rushes the ring and attacks Lesnar at the opening bell as the crowd goes wild. Brock suddenly hits an overhead BtB suplex and covers for a nearfall then hits 2 backbreakers for yet another near fall. Lesnar drives Rock into the corner with football shoulderblocks as Cole brings up how HHH, Benoit, Guerrero and Lesnar have beaten The Great One up recently, which is dumb considering how they've been hyping both up to be in the best shape of their lives. Brock knees Rock through the ropes to the outside before Heyman sneaks over and gets a few shots in. Brock clotheslines Rock over the guardrail into the fans, drops him sternum first into it, then clotheslines him back into the ringside area. Back inside Brock hits another overhead BtB and once again the cover only gets a deuce before Rock rallies with right hands. Rock bounces off the ropes but Heyman trips him up then Lesnar goes to work with elbow drops and boots. Referee Mike Chioda admonishes Lesnar so Heyman takes the opportunity to choke Rock down. Rock fights back with right hands and a boot to the head (yeah yeah) but runs right into a powerslam. Brock covers for 1...2...nope, Rock gets the shoulder up as Heyman evilly grins. The crowd chants "Rocky Sucks" so apparently the crowd's behind Lesnar, even more writing on the wall. Brock shoulderblocks Rock into the corner again then delivers a running shoulderblock...but the second attempt eats ringpost. Rock slows down Lesnar with a back suplex and both men are down until both men nip up at the same time. Rock clotheslines Lesnar but Brock doesn't move, so he ducks under a Lesnar clothesline and floors the monster with one of his own. Rock hits the people's ddt and covers for 1...2...near fall, then goes for the sharpshooter before Heyman hops up on the apron. Rock shoves Chioda out of the way and punches Paul off the apron much to Tazz's delight. Brock goes to deliver a boot but Rock catches it, single leg takedowns Brock and finally applies the sharpshooter. The crowd chants "Lets go Lesnar" as Rock pretty much turns heel and tells the crowd to fuck off. Brock motions that he's gonna tap before Heyman once again hops up on the apron, tosses a chair into the rings before Rock comes over and hiptosses him into the ring. Rock motions for the rock bottom but Brock stops him with a clothesline to the back. Heyman and Chioda wrestle to the ground as Brock picks the chair up and drives it into the ribs of The Rock, then applies the bearhug that killed Hulkamania (or so we thought). Brock turns the hug into a back suplex as the crowd chants "Lets go Lesnar" again, finally acknowledging the fact is Tazz. Brock applies another bearhug on the ground and Rock does the "fade then revive" routine. Rock powers out of it before the crowd starts chanting "Rocky" the crowd's split in two, great. Rock fires away at Lesnar with punches and Heyman once again hops up on the apron, this time Rocky takes advantage by low blowing Brock. Lesnar drives Rock into the corner and hits a running shoulderblock but runs into a clothesline during the second attempt. Rock looks at his hand and punches Brock over the top rope to the floor as the crowd cheers. Rock goes outside and takes apart the Spanish announce table, here we go. Heyman runs over so Rock rams him head first into it before clotheslining Lesnar down. Rock slingshots Brock head first into the ring post then rock bottoms Heyman through the that EVERYONE wanted to see. Brock crawls into the ring as the crowd chants again, this time I can't make out what they are saying. Rock gets back into the ring and signals for the rock bottom and buries Brock with it. The cover 1......the count...2....NOOOOO, Lesnar kicked out of the rock bottom!  Rock taunts the crowd so Lesnar takes advantages with a rock bottom of his own and covers for 1.....2....noooooo, Rock gets the shoulder up. Cole brings up Rock won a national championship in football (as apart of the 92 Miami Hurricanes) while Lesnar had won a college wrestling title in 2000. Brock runs into the spinebuster as Rock slowwwwly removes his arm know what's coming. Rock bounces off the ropes but suddenly Brock pops up and clotheslines Rock down. Rock staggers to his feet and Lesnar goes for the F-5, which Rock counters with an elbow to the head. Rock goes for the rock bottom but Brock counters by ducking under and finally hits the F-5. Lesnar covers Rock for 1.......2.......THREE AND WE GOT A NEW WWE CHAMPION!  Brock Lesnar, a legitimate amateur wrestler has become the youngest WWE champion in history. The ramifications are huge, The Rock had trained his ass off for this match meaning Brock Lesnar had beaten him on his best day, don't get much more put over than that. Speaking of the great one, this would be The Rock's last match for six months for he left the company again to film the movie Walking Tall. The only drawback to Brock's victory was that this was the 5th title change in six months which really devalues the championship. Hopefully an extended run by a legitimate wrestling champion will help turn the company around, and without The Rock around, stopping Brock looked to be a tall task indeed.

Time of match: 14:38 

Winner: Brock Lesnar (New WWE Champion)

   Now that was a ppv for the ages, it featured the American debut of Rey Mysterio Jr, the return of Shawn Michaels and the coronation of Brock Lesnar to legendary status. It was an awesome ppv all around from the in-ring action to the storylines but once again they played hot potato with the world title. Brock Lesnar's win was the 5th title change in the last 6 months compared to 2001 where the title changed hands 5 times ALL YEAR. In terms of brand vs brand....the night after Summerslam was when Stephanie announced the Raw superstar who jumped to Smackdown, Brock Lesnar himself. According to the storyline Lesnar had become exclusive property to Smackdown so that left Bischoff and Raw without possibly ever seeing the WWE title again.....but Bischoff had a plan which would change the complexion of the company, which I'll get to later. As for the ppv....believe it or not 5 stars out of 5, nothing to complain about from an in-ring standpoint or storyline. Definately pick this up if you see it in stores, well worth it.