Friday, August 30, 2002

WWE at Pershing Auditorium (8/30/02)

Pershing Auditorium
Lincoln, NE
August 30, 2002

Things look bleak for the state of Raw currently. The dissolution of the Hardcore title leaves most of the Raw roster useless (mostly ECW guys) and they just lost both Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker to Smackdown exclusive contracts. How are they going to recover from this? We'll find out on Raw but for now its house show time.

Match 1

Tommy Dreamer vs Raven vs Steven Richards in a 3 Man Battle Royal

Yes, you read that right. Apparently instead of a triple threat match, they decided to have battle royal rules. Raven was eliminated by missing a crossbody over the top rope and Dreamer dumped Richards to win the match. Without the Hardcore title, they had to get creative.

Winner: Dreamer

Match 2

Shelton Benjamin vs Justin Credible

Shelton's still on his trial run against the ECW guy here. Credible won the match.

Winner: Credible

Match 3

Bradshaw vs Lance Storm

Another ECW guy in Storm takes on the big hoss Bradshaw. Bradshaw wins it with the clothesline from hell.

Winner: Bradshaw by pinfall

Match 4

William Regal and Christopher Nowinski vs Booker T and Goldust

Regal & Nowinski have been tagging on TV but now they face Booker and Goldust. Booker pinned Nowinski after the Book End.

Winners: Booker T and Goldust by pinfall

Match 5

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship

Imagine seeing on TV the night before that Lesnar and Taker are on Smackdown then going to this Raw show to see this match. Guess Vince wanted the week's circuit to play out. Taker got disqualified for using a steel chair.

Winner: Lesnar by DQ (still WWE Champion)

Match 6

Molly Holly and Victoria vs Trish Stratus and Jacqueline

Molly the women's champion is being hunted by Trish Stratus. Trish pinned Victoria with Stratusfaction.

Winner: Trish by pinfall

Match 7

Bubba Ray Dudley vs Chris Jericho

Kind of a random match but this was the state of Raw at the time. Not counting Spike Dudley but they were loaded with ECW guys (including these two) and with the Hardcore title gone, they had to elevate SOMEONE. Jericho wins it with the Walls of Jericho

Winner: Jericho by submission

Match 8

Big Show vs Rob Van Dam for the WWE Intercontinental Championship in a No Holds Barred Match

With HHH not on the card, THIS was your last match? Van Dam wins it with the Van Daminator to retain.

Winner: RVD by pinfall (Still IC Champion)

Yeah Raw is in deep trouble if this is their roster moving forward. You have talent up the wazoo on Smackdown and you have mostly ECW castoffs on Raw not counting Jeff Hardy, Booker T and Triple H. Even Big Show is being booked as a goof here. This might have been a fun house show but its more so the state of the roster than it is anyone's individual fault. Hopefully things get better in the future. Smackdown has their own house show tomorrow night in Corpus Christi. Hopefully Mil Mascaras won't be there but I'll see you then.

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