Monday, August 26, 2002

WWE Monday Night Raw (8/26/02)


Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY
August 26, 2002

Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler

Ring announcer: Howard Finkel

Summerslam was the turning point in the company it seemed, giving the WWE Championship to the rookie Brock Lesnar showed the future of WWE was now. Rey Mysterio Jr may have lost to Kurt Angle but he was a bright new star in WWE. Rob Van Dam was the new Intercontinental Champion and Triple H destroyed Shawn Michaels after their glorified street fight. How will we usher in a new era in WWE? Let's find out.....after the dark match.

Dark Match

Shawn Stasiak vs Shelton Benjamin

Stasiak was wrestling out his contract while Benjamin continued to get his trial run in WWE. Benjamin wins it with the Dragon Whip.

Winner: Benjamin by pinfall

Now let's get started. Ross and Lawler welcome us to MSG before Eric Bischoff hits the ramp for a conference. Bischoff welcomes us to HIS Raw and he promises to have a historic night. They're going to retire the WWE Hardcore title by having a unification match between Tommy Dreamer and Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam. He's going to honor a WWE hall of famer with a lifetime achievement award. Bischoff then brings out Brock Lesnar and his agent Paul Heyman. 

Heyman and Brock get in the ring and the crowd chants "Rocky", won't see him for awhile. Paul runs down Superstar Billy Graham, Hulk Hogan and Bruno Sammartino saying they don't equal Lesnar combined. Heyman "The funniest thing is I TOLD YOU SO!" He goes on to gloat about saying Brock was the next big thing, he'd win the King of The Ring, beat Hulk Hogan and beat The Rock and nobody listened. Brock himself grabs the mic and says he's 25 years old and the youngest champion in history. Paul "Who can beat you?" Lesnar says nobody can beat him.

All of a sudden Shawn Michaels' music hits. Jim Ross "My god its a miracle!" Then Triple H walks out to a chorus of boos. Of course HHH has to steal Brock's spotlight. HHH says that'll be the last time you'll hear Shawn's theme and he took him out for good. JR reluctantly has to agree with that. HHH gets to the point and says Brock is just a boy. He takes credit for softening The Rock up for Brock and he gets first crack at him. HHH says Brock owes him and Brock takes the belt off, ready to fight. HHH "Are you man enough to play the game?" comes The Undertaker to join in. Taker says the way he sees it, Hunter is all wrong. Taker says he gets first crack at the young blood because he was the number one contender anyway. Taker asks Brock if he's the next big thing or the next big bitch. HHH attacks from behind and its 2 against 1. HHH beats down Taker then turns around into Brock to tell him to get him some. That gives Taker enough time to recover, throw both guys in the corner and clothesline them both. Taker drops HHH then clotheslines both men in the corner. He clotheslines Hunter over the top rope and slaps LEsnar in the face. Taker big boots Lesnar over the top to the floor. Taker then wants a piece of HHH as Hunter slowly circles him. Hunter retreats with Heyman and Lesnar taking off as well. Ross asks who the number one contender is as we cut to commercial.

Back from break Bischoff is at the commentators table and promptly makes a match, Undertaker vs HHH tonight to determine who faces Brock. On to our first match finally.

Match 1

Booker T (with Goldust) vs Christian (with Lance Storm)

This match stems from last night when The Unamericans retained the tag titles against Booker T and Goldust after Test interfered. Christian runs right into a spinebuster at the bell. Booker punches away at Christian, sends him off and hits a big forearm. Booker kicks Christian but misses the scissors kick. Christian hits a reverse backbreaker and covers for a 1. Christian kicks away at Booker in the corner and chokes him. Booker rallies with right hands and hits a snapmare. Christian locks in a chinlock but Booker fights out of it. Christian hits a running knee to the ribs and covers for a deuce. Christian goes for the blatant choke and stands on Booker's face. Christian punches away then chokes him in the corner as well. Booker reverses it and chops away at Christian in the corner. Referee Jack Down pushes Booker back but Booker hits the axe kick anyway. Booker kind of botches the up and over sunset flip but still gets a two count. Christian goes for the Flair Pin in the corner but Goldust pushes his feet off the ropes. Christian swipes at Goldust but walks into the axe kick. Booker calls for the spinaroonie but Lance Storm gets in the ring, only he's intercepted by Goldust. Goldust clotheslines Storm over the top rope and leaves but Christian goes for the Unprettier. Booker counters with a kick to the ribs and the scissors kick. He covers for 1...2..3. to win the match. Booker dominated Christian in that match as Lance Storm comically runs in with a chair after Booker had already left. Total crash match.

Time of match: 3:15

Winner: Booker T by pinfall

We cut to a vignette of earlier in the day where WWE stars hit NYC to tell fans to honor America by Smackdowning your vote. The dignitaries were Bradshaw, The Rock, Mark Henry, Kurt Angle and Edge.....Edge? He's Canadian. New York governor George Pataki is all in favor of it. From something cool to something not, later tonight we get Evening Gown vs Tuxedo Match as Howard Finkel takes on Lilian Garcia....why? Back from break Christian is throwing a temper tantrum with Lance Storm trying to calm him down. Test walks by with the American flag and says he's got something big planned to have people talking about them for years to come. What's he mean? On to the next match.

Match 2

The Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray and Spike) vs Christopher Nowinski and William Regal (with Molly Holly)

The hell is Molly doing there? Earlier tonight Nowinski was talking to Molly Holly with Victoria standing there and say they made a great team two weeks ago. He begs her to join his corner and Victoria says the Dudleys are dangerous. Chris says he'll make sure nothing happens to her and Molly agrees. Chris says it means a lot to him and tells her to get ready. Victoria tells him good luck and Nowinski says he has a feeling he's getting VERY lucky. Bell rings and Bubba starts with Chris with Nowinski missing a punch in the corner. Bubba punches away with right hands and a chop of his own. Bubba gets whipped in the corner but the charge eats elbow. Bubba hits a neckbreaker and covers for two. Spike tags in as Bubba scoop slams Nowinski. Spike hits the coup de gras and punches Nowinski in the corner. Regal pulls Chris out of the way and Spike goes sternum first into the buckle. Molly and Regal pull Spike nad first into the ring post. Nowinski covers for Regal tags in and punches away at Spike. Spike headbutts Regal in the ribs then pulls off a double head scissors. Bubba tags in and cleans both guys out, avalanching Regal in the corner. Nowinski eats a german suplex and Bubba hits a sidewalk slam on Regal. Nowinski elbow drops his own partner by accident and Bubba clotheslines him over the top to the floor. Bubba hits the Dusty Punches on Regal but Molly Holly goes up to the top rope. Molly misses the Molly Go Round and Bubba scoop slams her. Spike goes upstairs and hits the wazzuppp headbutt. Bubba pushes Spike and tells him to get the tables. Spike gets the table but Molly slaps Bubba into a schoolboy by Regal for Nowinski scoop slams Spike outside but gets knocked off the apron by Regal. Bubba hits the Bubba Bomb on Regal and covers for 1...2..3 to win the match. After the match, Bubba brings Molly in the hard away and sets up the table. Bubba goes for the powerbomb but Nowinski saves her. Spike ends up hitting the Acid Drop on Regal onto the table that doesn't break. Bubba powerbombs Regal through it to finish the job....yay. Nowinski carries Molly away as JR scoffs. Bad match but this is more about Nowinski's attempt to bag Molly.

Time of match: 4:16

Winners: The Dudleys by pinfall

Eric Bischoff is talking to our unnamed Hall of Famer. He says when he gives to cue, come out when he's ready. Back from break Nowinski is in the back with Molly. Molly calls him a gentleman and if there's anything she can do to repay him, she'll do it. They hug it out and he says "I'm sure I'll think of something." Given the time period, it would have added to Molly's character if they actually did get it on in the storyline. Trish wouldn't be able to call her granny panties, virgin, or anything else anymore. 

Back to the ring, Eric Bischoff introduces our legend...SUPERFLY JIMMY SNUKA! 59 years young and still looks great. Rikishi, Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels and Booker T all turned 59 in the year 2024. Eric says its overwhelming to be there with him and he's prepared a video tribute package. It actually is a nice package complete with the top of the cage dive (with Mick Foley and Bubba Ray Dudley in attendance) from MSG in October of 1983. The crowd chants "Superfly" in real time as JR says he deserves this. Eric presents him with a plaque for a lifetime achievement award. He asks how it feels and Jimmy goes to answer but Eric cuts him off. Eric says "for the last three minutes....did I just say, three minutes?" You know where this is going. Right on cue, here are Rosey and Jamal for the beatdown. Snuka does chop Jamal down but Rosey stands there staring at him. Jimmy squares up but Jamal clotheslines him from behind allowing Rosey to clothesline him from the other side. Rosey brings Jimmy to the corner and Jamal hits the top rope splash. Why Vince brought Snuka out just to humiliate him is beyond me. JR "Tribute my Oklahoma ass." King agrees with him as we go to break.

Back from break JR is still mad about the beat down as Jimmy is helped up by the referees. Here comes Chris Jericho for his match with Jeff Hardy after losing to Ric Flair the night before. Jericho takes down Snuka and puts him in the Walls of Jericho. Jericho grabs a mic and cries about Madison Square Hasbeen. Jericho runs down Snuka and Flair saying they're 75 years old and Jericho deserves the award. Jericho says he made Ric tap last night and to roll the footage....which is Ric "tapping" after he grabbed the rope. Jericho screams "WHY" again and again as JR calls him a crybaby. Jericho says he's going to take it out on Jeff Hardy....after he sings for the crowd. He's going to sing New York, New York. "Start spreading the news, I'm leaving todayyyyyy. Can't wait to get right the hell out of New York, New York....these vagabond shoessss will take me wayyyyy" JR says things will get better after break. Back from break Jericho is still going as JR asks when its gonna end. Jeff Hardy's music hits and JR says "Thank god."

Match 3

Chris Jericho vs Jeff Hardy

Jericho attacks Jeff at the bell and slaps him in the face. Jericho hits a suplex and dropkicks Hardy. Chris punches away as King calls Hardy an ass clown. Hardy lands a flying clothesline and and punches him in the corner. Jeff hits the up and over head scissors but runs right into a clothesline. Jericho chokes Jeff on the second rope and drops him with a right hand. Jericho slaps Hardy but Jeff slingshots him over the top rope to the floor. Jeff goes to the top rope and hits the dive. Jeff runs up the barricade but Jericho counters with a powerslam. Jericho throws Jeff inside and stomps on him. Jericho hits a side backbreaker and chokes him with his own handkerchief. Jericho locks in a surfboard but Jeff powers out of it. Jericho hits a dropkick and covers for a deuce. King won't shut up about Howard Finkel and Lilian Garcia but does say the winner of that match is Raw's permanent announcer moving forward. Jericho dops an elbow on Jeff and covers for a two count. Jericho chokes Jeff on the second rope again and says he's the king of the world. Jericho jumps but misses Jeff as Hardy moved out of the way. Jeff misses a dropkick and Chris hits a standing senton before covering King makes fun of Smackdown and Jericho taunts Jeff to get up. Jericho punches Jeff down and does the Ali shuffle but Hardy punches his way back. Jericho hits a neckbreaker and covers for Jericho locks in an abdominal stretch but Hardy hiptosses Chris. Jeff counters a second rope crossbody with a dropkick then hits whisper in the wind. Jeff stuns Jeff with a jawbreaker and legdrop between the legs before covering Jeff goes for the sunset flip but Jericho counters with a Walls of Jericho attempt. Jeff kicks Chris into the ropes and hits an inside cradle for a near fall. A charge in the corner by Jeff eats boot and Jeff hits a face first bulldog. Jeff blocks the lionsault by getting his knees up then hitting a modified bridge for another two count. Jeff hits a mule kick then goes for the swanton bomb. Jeff hits it and covers for, Jericho grabs the ropes. Jeff goes for a hurracarana but Jericho counters into the Walls of Jericho. Jeff makes it to the ropes but Chris refuses to let go. The ref counts 1..2...3....4...5....and that's it, Jericho has been disqualified. All the referees and Sgt Slaughter hit the ring to get Jericho off. Kind of a bad match as Jeff started not giving a damn with Matt not there to keep him in check. Still, Jericho keeps heel heat as JR scoffs.

Time of match: 10:49

Winner: Jeff Hardy by DQ

Terri Runnells catches up with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Terri asks who they want to win the number one contenders match and Brock says it doesn't make a difference. She says if he had to choose and Brock goes "It really doesn't make a difference." We cut to Lance Storm and Christian saying that's too much. Huh? Test has a blowtorch and says he's gonna burn the American flag as we cut to break.

Test, Christian and Storm hit the ring and Test grabs a mic. Test says he can't think of a better way to signal the rest of the world's hate than to burn the flag. Kane's pyro hits as the Unamericans scatter but he doesn't come out. Test then resumes the blowtorch but Booker T and Goldust hit the ring to stop them. The 3 on 2 advantage has Goldust and Booker down as Test grabs the flag in the ring. Finally Kane comes out to make the real save with his new half mask. Kane clears out Test and Storm then no-sells a chair shot by Christian. Kane chokeslams Christian, clotheslines Storm over the top rope and chases off Test as the crowd chants USA. Point of the segment is to bring back Kane.....oh wait, we're not done. Booker grabs the mic and says the people are gonna get what they paid to see, the spinaroonie. Booker does the spinaroonie and says "CAN YOU DIG THAT SUCKAAAAA" Kane stops Booker and grabs the mic. He says these people didn't come here just to see the spinaroonie, they came to see the Kane-aroonie. Kane does the Kane-aroonie as King laughs. Trying to humanize Kane is kind of dumb but it sure is funny. We get a graphic of HHH vs Taker later as we go to break.

Back from break we get a vignette saying there is no off-season or contract disputes in WWE. This was right around when Major League Baseball was threatening to go on strike but it never actually happened. No Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz needed this time. On to the next match.

Match 4

WWE Hardcore Champion Tommy Dreamer vs WWE Intercontinental Champion Rob Van Dam in a Unification Match

Ross says this is hardcore rules in the last hardcore match on Raw. Makes sense to have the two ECW guys to do it. They shake hands to start and circle before Dreamer gets a waistlock. Rob gets a headlock takeover but Van Dam misses a somersault. Both men miss enziguiris, Van Dam ducks a line and they stop. The crowd chants ECW as Dreamer counters a split with a dropkick to the face. Dreamer rams his head into the buckle but Van Dam counters with shoulderblocks in the corner. Dreamer finally grabs the singapore cane and waffles Rob in the ribs with it. Dreamer hits the White Russian leg sweep and covers for Dreamer grabs a ladder but Van Dam comes out and kicks it in his face. Rob covers on the ramp for Rob sets the ladder up on the edge of the ring and barricade as Dreamer hits a spinebuster. He covers for Dreamer rolls Van Dam in but Rob catches him on the apron. Van Dam blocks a suplex but Dreamer brings him on the apron. Dreamer goes for a bulldog but Rob throws him face first into the ladder. Rob crotches Dreamer on the barricade and dropkicks him off the ladder. He covers for Van Dam throws a chair into the ring and hits a standing moonsault on Dreamer for Dreamer goes upstairs and goes for the split legged moonsault but Dreamer gets the chair up. Van Dam hits Northern Lights for a deuce but Dreamer goes for the Dreamer Driver. Rob rolls out of it but right into the DDT. Dreamer covers for 1....2..noooooo. Dreamer hits a sidewalk slam on the ladder and goes up to the second rope. Dreamer misses the elbow drop on the ladder and Rob puts it on Tommy. Rob hits rolling thunder on the ladder and covers for Van Dam hits a spinning legdrop and goes up to the top. Dreamer drops Rob with a right hand and pins Rob against the ropes with the ladder. Dreamer ends up crotching himself in the ladder and Rob heel kicks him down. Rob hits the Van Daminator on the ground and goes back up to the top. Rob hits the five star frog splash and covers for 1..2...3 to win the match and retire the Hardcore title. The belt ran its course after the 24/7 Crash Holly stuff ended but having the two ECW guys put on a good ECW match was the honorable way to end the title. Dreamer hugs Van Dam after the match and leaves with JR saying he's got nothing to be ashamed of.

Time of match: 8:06

Winner: Rob Van Dam by pinfall (Unified Intercontinental Champion)

We cut to the back with HHH pacing back and forth preparing for his match when Lilian Garcia and Trish Stratus walk by much to King's delight. Guess its time for this nonsense when we come back from break. Stacy Keibler walks to the ring with Howard Finkel saying hi. Keibler says she's not there to support him but she wants to make sure Trish doesn't interfere. Howard says she's interfering with something in his trousers. Stacy is grossed out and I'll never understand why Vince repeatedly humiliated Howard any chance he got. Stacy gets out of the ring as Trish and Lilian come to the ring. Howard announces his own opponents which is kind of funny.

Match 5

Lilian Garcia (with Trish Stratus) vs Howard Finkel in an Evening Gown Tuxedo Match

Storyline wise, this is the end of the Finkel/Garcia & Trish feud. Howard says that's a nice gown but he thought Rudy Guliani barred hookers from New York City a long time ago. Ha! Howard shoves her down as the bell rings. Lilian jumps on his back and they roll around the ring. Howard goes to rip the dress but he can't and he grabs the mic. Garcia rips his suspenders but he throws her against the ropes, her falling down. Howard says "That's how it should be, blondes like you laying down on your back." Suddenly Stacy and Trish hit the ring, taking turns slapping him in the face. Trish drops him with a clothesline and they all strip Howard to his underwear. JR goes "Ohhh and they're stained. Can we get a wide shot? Can we go to commercial?" Patrick raises Trish's hand in victory as she raises Lilian's hand in victory. Howard runs to the back as JR scoffs. Vince never misses a chance to humiliate the Fink, let's move on.

Time of match: 1:28

Winner: Garcia

We go right from commercial break to the main event.

Match 6

The Undertaker vs Triple H

Winner of this is the number one contender as Ross & King shill Unforgiven coming up in Los Angeles. They brawl on the outside to start with HHH sends Taker to two ring posts. HHH clotheslines Taker over the barricade into the crowd. HHH pulls Taker back and rams him into the barricade. HHH continues to punch away then throws him inside. The bell officially rings as Triple H tries to end it early with a pedigree, but Taker counters with a clothesline. Taker elbows Hunter in the corner then hits the flying clothesline. Taker drops the big leg and covers for He's not Hogan. Taker wrenches the left arm and shoulderblocks him down. Taker goes Old School on Hunter and covers for Taker gets kicked in the head but whips HHH in the corner and clotheslines him. Taker punches away at HHH and hits snake eyes. HHH hits a high knee to Taker then throws him through the ropes to the outside. HHH punches Taker outside then whips him into the ring steps. Hunter breaks the count then rams Undertaker's head into the steel steps. Hunter back inside hits a neckbreaker and covers for Hunter punches away and drops an elbow before a cover gets a deuce. Hunter locks in a sleeperhold but Taker punches out of it. HHH hits a kneelift and covers for a deuce. HHH goes to the chinlock then goes back to the sleeper. The crowd gets bored so Taker hits a back suplex on Hunter. They slug it out in the middle of the ring as HHH runs right into a clothesline. Taker's lateral press gets two and he rams Hunter's head into the buckle. Taker's charge eats elbow but then referee Earl Hebner gets avalanched. Taker hits a horrible looking big boot as Taker signals for the choke slam. Taker chokeslams HHH as here comes Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Taker knocks Brock off the apron and HHH hits a low blow. Taker backdrops out of HHH's pedigree but Lesnar decks Taker with the WWE title belt. HHH covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Lesnar laughs on the ramp as JR scoffs. Kind of a bad match since they only had 8 minutes but par for the course tonight.

Time of match: 8:36

Winner: Triple H by pinfall

After the match Lesnar laughs on the apron as HHH rips the bandage off his head. JR says HHH is Brock's next opponent as Stephanie McMahon is seen in the back. Eric Bischoff tells her to get the hell out of his building. Eric brags about having Lesnar and the number 1 contender HHH on Raw but Stephanie tells him to shut up. Stephanie says HHH is the number 1 contender for nothing. Stephanie reveals that she paid Brock to be exclusive to Smackdown and tonight was the last time the WWE Champion will be on Raw. Stephanie asks how her peaches taste now and leaves in a limousine with Brock and Heyman. Eric looks sick as King and Ross sign off dumbfounded. This was all designed for the brand split. How is Eric going to respond to this? All in all this was a bad show but that was mostly due to Raw's reliance on ECW guys and the dregs. Now with Brock Lesnar gone and The Rock off in Hollywood, Raw is severely lacking in star power. Our next show is this Thursday night at Moehgan Sun in Connecticut. I'll see you there. 

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