Saturday, August 31, 2002

WWE Velocity (8/31/02)

WWE Velocity
Moehgan Sun Casino
Uncasville, CT
August 31, 2002

Commentators: Michael Cole and Mark "Dorkus Malorkus" Lloyd

Ring Annoncer: Tony Chimel

Welcome to this week's Velocity as there's a lot going on in WWE this week. Stephanie McMahon managed to get not only WWE Champion Brock Lesnar to appear exclusively on Smackdown but The Undertaker as well. Not only that, The Undertaker is the number 1 contender to Brock Lesnar so that's going to be the Unforgiven main event....from the Smackdown side anyway. Unfortunately this particular Velocity doesn't have the Smackdown recaps so we'll just have the matches here.

Match 1

Chavo Guerrero Jr vs The Hurricane

Ex-WCW guys going at it in Chavo and Hurricane to open the show. Bell rings and Chavo throws the Hurricane cape out of the ring and gets clotheslined for it. Hurricane gets a thumb to the eye, doesn't go for an up an over and punches Chavo down. Chavo gets put in the tree of woe and Hurricane stands on his nutsack. Hurricane hits shining wizard and covers for Hurricane tries a plancha to the floor but Chavo catches him mid-air and clotheslines him down. Chavo rams Hurricane against the apron and punches away at him. Chavo kicks Hurricane in the ribs and throws him in the ring. Chavo kicks Hurricane and drops him with a European uppercut. Chavo taunts the irate crowd then throws Hurricane into the buckle. Chavo clubs away but Hurricane does a unique takedown but Cole and Dorkus are too busy babbling on about The Undertaker....probably under orders from Vince McMahon to do so. Chavo charges in the corner but eats boot, yet still dropkicks Hurricane down. Hurricane covers for Chavo continues to uppercut Hurricane as Cole starts babbling about the number 1 contender's tournament. Chavo hits a back suplex on Hurricane and covers for Hurricane blocks a snap suplex and hits Eye of The Hurricane. Hurricane hits a clothesline and a backdrop before going up to the top rope. Hurricane hits the crossbody and covers for Hurricane hits a running neckbreaker and covers for Dorkus starts doing the Vince "1,2,3 he got....oh". Hurricane goes for the chokeslam but Chavo blocks it. Hurricane goes for the vertebreaker but Chavo rolls out of it, schoolboys Hurricane and hooks the tights for 1..2...3 to win the match. Damn good match for what it was and Chavo CHEATS to expected anything less from the family tradition?

Time of match: 5:38

Winner: Guerrero by pinfall

We cut to the Smackdown Your Vote clip from Raw before previews for our next matches. Billy & Chuck take on Hardcore Holly and Randy Orton after Orton saved Holly from a beatdown last week on Velocity. The cruiserweight title is on the line as SMACKDOWN NUMBA WUN ANNOUNCA Funaki takes on Jamie Noble. On to the next match since we got no recaps.

Match 2

Albert vs Mark Henry

This match was actually going around the house show circuit this week so may as well put it on Velocity as well. Dorkus says he talked to Albert earlier but Cole says he ran away from him at catering...ha! They lock up to start and Henry throws him into the corner. Cole on commentary insinuates Lloyd is gay without actually saying so as Henry gets a waistlock takedown. Albert gets frustrated and smacks the rope. They circle then Albert gets a kick to the ribs Henry whips Albert in the corner but a charge eats boot. Albert walks right into a press slam by Henry. The crowd pops for that as Albert is 350 pounds. A charge eats elbow and Albert goes for a suplex. Mark hits one of his own as the crowd pops at that too. Henry covers for 1 and jumps on Albert's back to a big ovation. Back inside Albert bicycle kicks Henry over the top rope to the floor then tells the referee to shut his mouth. Albert sends Henry into the barricade and punches away at him. Back inside Henry punches away but gets sent into the corner. Albert lands forearms to the back and an avalanche then hits a Vader Bomb. Albert taunts the irate crowd then locks in a surfboard. Albert tells a fan to shut up as Henry starts to power up. Henry sends Albert in the corner but the charge eats elbow. Henry lands two clotheslines and hits a belly to belly suplex. He covers for  Albert goes for the Baldo Bomb but can't get him up. Albert walks into the powerslam and Mark covers for 1..2...3 to win the match. Big hoss fight with some big spots that made the crowd pop, not much else you can ask for. 

Time of match: 5:31

Winner: Henry by pinfall

We get a graphic for Funaki vs Jamie Noble and the tag match scheduled later. With no recaps, on to the next match.

Match 3

Randy Orton and Hardcore Holly vs Billy and Chuck (with Rico)

We get a clip showing Orton saving Holly from a beatdown last week and Holly helping Orton win his singles match. All four go nose to nose to start and Billy & Chuck punch the faces to start. Orton drops Billy with a back elbow smash as Holly cleans out Chuck Palumbo. Orton throws Gunn against the barricade as Holly throws Palumbo in the ring. Holly and Orton send Chuck off and drop him with a double elbow. Orton gets on the apron as Holly chops Palumbo in the chest. Holly runs right into a stun gun by Gunn who didn't see it. Chuck punches Holly in the corner then stomps away at him. Gunn tags in to stomp away at Holly. Billy tells referee Mike Chioda to shut up and punches away at Holly in the corner. Billy turns his back allowing Holly to rally back with punches and chops. Billy cuts him off with a clothesline then covers for Chuck tags in to kick at Holly then hit an overhead belly to belly suplex. Chuck covers for Chuck tags Billy who stomps away in the corner then distracts the referee allowing Palumbo to punch him. Orton goes nuts trying to get at the heels and Chioda has to match his intensity to get him out (hahaha). Chuck locks in a chinlock then delivers a backbreaker, covering for Gunn tags in and stomps away at Holly and goes for the fameasser. Holly counters with a dropkick and Orton jumps up and down on the apron reaching for the tag. Chuck tags in but Holly gets the hot tag to Orton. Orton cleans house on Chuck and Billy, throwing Billy over the top rope to the floor. Orton hits the powerslam on Chuck and goes up to the top rope. Orton hits the crossbody and covers for, Billy breaks it up. Holly decks Billy and follows him outside as Chuck punches Randy in the ring. Orton hits Play of The Day and covers but Rico distracts the ref. Holly knocks Rico off the apron but Gunn sneaks up and hits One and Only. Billy rolls Chuck out of the way and covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. The ol switcheroo gets it done as the heels steal one. Holly is irate in the ring as Cole says Rico did his job. Formulaic tag match but Holly & Orton literally chase Rico, Billy and Chuck to the back for a funny spot.

Time of match: 6:28

Winners: Billy and Chuck by pinfall

We get a graphic for our main event coming up. With no recaps, let's get to it.

Match 4

Funaki vs Jamie Noble (with Nidia) for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Funaki gets a good pop as Cole makes fun of Lloyd. Cole brings up the Summerslam make out contest and the guy who tiptoed off the stage. Lloyd "You're the one who kissed her four weeks ago" Michael "At least I kiss women, Lloyd." Good luck getting away with that now. Crowd chants Funaki and Noble gets a knee to the ribs to start. Funaki kicks him in the head but Noble kicks him back. Noble goes outside for no reason and Funaki hits a baseball slide. Nidia throws Noble out of the way and Jamie sneaks in from behind and nails Funaki. Noble rams Funaki in the corner and hits a snapmare. Jamie drops a few elbows and taunts the irate crowd. Noble hits a neckbreaker and covers for a deuce then ties Funaki up in the tree of woe. Noble stretches him to the ring post then pulls him back in. Noble hits a clothesline as Cole goes off on Lloyd. Wow, what's Cole's problem? Funaki sends Noble off the ropes but misses the dropkick. Funaki catches an inside cradle for a 1 count but Noble slides under Funaki and hits a t-bone Taz plex. Noble covers for Noble drops a leg and applies a modified cobra clutch. Funaki hits a back suplex and an enziguiri then covers for Funaki hits a running forearm in the corner then a bulldog before covering for Noble goes for the Tiger Bomb but Funaki goes to backdrop him. Noble counters with a sunset flip but Funaki counters with a victory roll for Funaki goes for a tarantula but Noble counters with a reverse piledriver (!!!). Noble covers for Noble goes for another tiger bomb but Funaki backdrops him. Noble charges and eats boot as Funaki hits a second rope tornado DDT and covers for 1..2....NOOOOO. Noble kicks Funaki and finally hits the tiger bomb for 1...2..3 to win the match. Very sudden end but Noble retains. Good match and some of those spots were great for a five minute crash. Funaki grabs the mic after the match and says he's lost to Jamie Noble but he knows the people still love him. The crowd cheers as Funaki goes into his catchphrase and faints in the ring...hahahaha. Good way to end the show.

Time of match: 5:13

Winner: Noble by pinfall (still Cruiserweight champion)

This week had four decent matches and that shows you how good the depth was on Smackdown as even the lower card guys were having good matches. Funaki is definitely getting over doing his thing as Orton has a bright future for sure. Each match was good so hats off to everyone involved. Tomorrow night is a double shot with both Raw and Smackdown house shows and Raw will be in Chicago at the All-State Arena. I'll see you there.

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