Thursday, January 15, 1970

WWWF at National Arena (1/15/70)

National Arena
Washington, DC
January 15, 1970

Before we get started, today is a great day for the promoter Vince McMahon Sr. His grandson Shane was born today, congrats to Vince and Vince Jr. Also, we're going to decide who faces Bruno Sammartino at Madison Square Garden on Monday night. Let's get to the action. Before the show starts Eric The Red gets in the ring and starts ranting and raving of how he's going to cut the heads off everyone in the crowd until he gets a title shot. Gorilla Monsoon storms out, grabs a microphone and calls him a fountain of mis-information. Eric says if you want to go, let's go. Guess we're on to our first match.

Match 1

Eric The Red vs Gorilla Monsoon

Monsoon isn't going to put up with Eric's nonsense and Eric desperately needs a win to stay in contention for Bruno's title. Monsoon wins it with the big splash.

Winner: Monsoon by pinfall

Mario Milano is in the back playing cards with Victor Rivera when all of a sudden a dude in a red mask jumps them both. Krippler Karl Kovacs shows up and starts laughing at Victor and Mario laid out, telling Mario that he has to answer to the "Red Demon" later. National Arena security arrives too late to escort the heels out but Milano shouts in Italian. Back from break, we get our next match.

Match 2

Red Demon vs Mario Milano

For those that don't know, the Red Demon is actually "Killer" Joe Abby, a Pennsylvania local and Korean War veteran. Kovacs needed a henchmen to take down Milano so they had Abby don a mask and be the stooge. Milano gets the win here but Kovacs has sent a message, he wants Bruno and Milano won't stop him.

Winner: Milano

In the back Kovacs is still laughing when Arnold Skaaland shows up. He asks if Kovacs is happy with what he did to Rivera and Milano. Kovacs says he's more than happy, especially since Rivera may not make it to face Killer Kowalski later. Arnold says Vince Sr isn't here so he's in charge today. Arnold says Karl won't be happy because he's up next against Pete a 2 out of 3 falls match. Kovacs kicks a trash can as we cut. Back from break, its on to the match.

Match 3

Pete Sanchez vs "Krippler" Karl Kovacs in a 2 out of 3 falls match

Monsoon made it official and here we are. Sanchez dominated most of the match but then Kovacs waffled Sanchez with a wooden chair when the ref wasn't looking and got the pinfall to take the first fall. Then with Sanchez still dazed, Kovacs locked in a chinlock and the ref said Sanchez could no longer continue. After the match, Kovacs demanded Bruno Sammartino come out to face him. Instead, Victor Rivera and Mario Milano hit the ring to clear him out. 

Winner: Kovacs

In the back Arnold Skaaland is talking to Gorilla Monsoon about an upcoming match at Madison Square Garden when Professor Toru Tanaka walks up. He says Arnold is an abuse of power and has no business making matches in Vince's absence. Skaaland replies that he just made one more, him against Tanaka next. Tanaka says its his funeral and leaves. Monsoon says to watch for the pearl harbor job as Arnold goes to get ready.

Match 4

Professor Toru Tanaka vs "Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland

Tanaka charges at the bell as Monsoon said he would but Skaaland was ready. Skaaland actually had the match won but Karl Kovacs ran to the ring and put Tanaka's foot on the bottom rope. When Skaaland spotted Kovacs at ringside, he turned his back on Tanaka to yell at him. Tanaka hit Skaaland with a chop and rolled him up, hooking the trunks for the win. Kovacs and Tanaka leave laughing with Skaaland vowing revenge.

Winner: Tanaka by pinfall

Kovacs and Tanaka laugh about what happened when Gorilla Monsoon is standing there waiting for them. He says he just got off the phone with Vince McMahon Sr and Kovacs will NOT be wrestling Bruno. He says the winner of tonight's Ivan Koloff and Willie Farkas match will determine who faces Bruno at MSG. Kovacs shouts he has no authority and this is an outrage. All of a sudden Skaaland runs in and jumps on Tanaka's back for a beatdown, causing Kovacs to hightail it out of there. So there you have it, all those dastardly deeds cost Kovacs a title shot. On to the next match.

Match 5

"Unpredictable" Johnny Rodz vs Miguel Feliciano

Kind of a pointless match with everything else going on but they had to fill out the card somehow. Johnny Rodz wins this one.

Winner: Rodz

Ivan Koloff is with Killer Kowalski in the back. Kowalski brings him the news that the winner of the next match faces Bruno. Ivan says his time is now and leaves. Karl Kovacs then comes into the room kicking and screaming with Toru Tanaka and Red Demon trying to calm him down. Meanwhile in the babyface room, Monsoon, Skaaland, Sanchez, Milano and Victor Rivera are hyping up Willie Farkas for his match with Koloff. We're going to find out who faces Bruno next.

Match 6

Willie Farkas vs Ivan Koloff

This is it, the winner of this one faces Bruno Sammartino at Madison Square Garden this Monday night. The mad Hungarian swings wildly at the end which Ivan uses the advantage to get the backbreaker on Willie. Farkas gives it up and Koloff is your winner. Ivan faces Bruno this Monday night.

Winner: Koloff by submission

In the back Kovacs is in the heel locker-room getting consoled by Red Demon, Toru Tanaka and Killer Kowalski when Ivan Koloff walks up to them. Kovacs goes nose to nose with him and says the title shot should have been his. Then he extends his hand and says to beat the daylights out of Bruno on Monday night. Koloff shakes his hand and says consider it done. Kowalski says he'll go take care of Victor Rivera right now. 

Match 7

Killer Kowalski vs Victor Rivera

The final match on the card is one half of the tag champs in Rivera taking on the evil Kowalski. Kowalski gets himself disqualified but beats Rivera to a bloody mess. Monsoon, Skaaland and the other faces run in to save Rivera as Kowalski runs off. Rivera was due to defend the tag straps with Tony Marino against Kowalski and Waldo Von Erich at the Garden, now the question is if Rivera can make it there.

Winner: Rivera by disqualification

That show was complete mayhem but we did get some things accomplished. It'll be Bruno Sammartino against Ivan Koloff this Monday night and Killer Kowalski gets another shot at Victor Rivera and the tag straps when he and Waldo Von Erich face Victor and Tony Marino. Gorilla Monsoon will also be at MSG so this is shaping up to be a good card. We have one last show in North Attleboro tomorrow before the big trip to New York City.

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