Thursday, January 1, 1970

WWWF at Harbor Yard Arena (1/29/63)

Arena at Harbor Yard
Bridgeport, CT
January 29, 1963

The battle lines have been drawn, World Heavyweight Champion Buddy Rogers has thrown the gauntlet down. You're either with him, or against him. Vince McMahon and Toots Mondt wanted him the champion, and now we're all stuck with him. One fella who doesn't take kindly to him is the young Italian Bruno Sammartino. Another fella who doesn't like him is 20 year old Puerto Rican sensation Pedro Morales. Let's get to today's action.  The show opens with the Heavyweight Champion "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers himself flanked by "Handsome" Johnny Barend and Magnificent Maurice. He tells the irate crowd to shut up as he says that he's going to make an example out of "a nobody" to show who's boss around here. Then Maurice and Johnny will take care of "some losers" as well. Buddy gets in the ring for our first match.

Match 1

Ted Lewin vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers

Non title match here but who's Ted Lewin? He was actually a critically acclaimed children's book author later in life. Wrestling on the side provided him with enough $ to be able to write his books down the road. Rogers makes quick work of him here.

Winner: Rogers

Rogers rolls out of the ring and says that's going to happen to Bobo Brazil or his cronies if they mess with him. Then he tells Johnny and Maurice to get in the ring and show them how tag team wrestling is done.

Match 2

El Capitan and Eugenio Marin vs "Handsome" Johnny Barend and Magnificent Maurice

Not much is known about Capitan and Marin although Marin was a frequent mainstay of Capitol Wrestling in the late 50's. Maurice and Barend win the match.

Winners: Maurice and Barend

After the match Barend and Maurice join up with Buddy Rogers and Rogers says they can't be stopped. Rogers says on the 31st in Cleveland, he's going to tear Bobo apart in a Texas Death Match. Suddenly Pedro Morales and Dory Dixon walk out and challenge Barend and Maurice to another tag match later. Rogers says they're on and they're going to regret this. On to the next match.

Match 3

The Shadow vs Gregory Jarque

Not much is known about The Shadow either although Gregory Jarque was a Capitol Wrestling jobber to the stars. The Shadow wins the match.

Winner: Shadow

Pedro Morales and Dory Dixon come out for an interview. They say that they're standing up to Buddy and his cronies and they're going to beat the duo not only today but on the 31st in Capitol Arena. On to the next match.

Match 4

Tony Martinelli vs Buddy Austin

Martinelli was another jobber of the time period. Born Austin Rapes (yes, that was his name), he changed his name to Austin Rogers but started wrestling as Frankie Gabor in the 50's. Then he became a beach blonde heel named "The Golden Gladiator" Buddy Austin, pretty much a clone of Buddy Rogers. He trained a youngster by the name of Harley Race and was mostly known in the WWA and AWA territories. Austin won this match.

Winner: Austin

Dory Dixon and Pedro Morales come out ready for the tag match when Buddy Rogers comes out and says since Maurice and Barend has to wrestle already, then they have to as well. All of a sudden Tony Altomare of The Sicilians runs through the curtain and pulls Dory Dixon into the ring. Pedro Morales leaves to search for Lou Albano making this one on one.

Match 5

Dory Dixon vs Tony Altomare

Dixon had the upper hand against Altomare when all of a sudden, Magnificent Maurice and Johnny Barend hit the ring and beat down Dixon to cause the disqualification. 

Winner: Dixon

As the beatdown continues, Pedro Morales gets in and throws Altomare out of there. Morales goes to town on the other two before the referee restores order. Looks like the tag match is on.

Match 6

Pedro Morales and Dory Dixon vs Magnificent Maurice and "Handsome" Johnny Barend.

Back and forth tag match until Buddy Rogers runs in to make it a three on two beat down, thus earning the disqualification.

Winners: Morales and Dixon

The show ends with Rogers, Maurice and Barend leaving Dixon sprawled out and bloody. The question is will Dixon even make it to Capitol Arena to face Maurice and Barend? That same night, Bobo Brazil gets a heavyweight title shot in a Texas Death Match against Rogers. Its going to be an interesting double shot for sure. I'll see you on the 31st in Maryland.

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