Thursday, January 1, 1970

WWWF at Cleveland Arena (1/31/63)

Cleveland Arena
Cleveland, Ohio
January 31, 1963

Tonight's the night where Bobo Brazil gets his world heavyweight title shot against "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers in a Texas Death Match. The best part is Rogers has no backup as Handsome Johnny and Magnificent Maurice are in Washington. Also on the card, Eduoard Carpentier takes on Killer Kowalski, Buddy Austin takes on Gene Kiniski and Swede Hanson makes an appearance as well. Let's get to the action

Match 1

Swede Hanson vs George Strickland

Swede Hanson was born Robert Hanson in New Jersey and spurned Wake Forest University in order to work as a mechanic to support his mother. He was an accomplished amateur boxer going 61-3 in New Jersey until Willie Gilzenberg wanted to try him out as a wrestler, making his NWA debut in 1957. Strickland was the trainer of Dr. Sam Shepard, the inventor of the mandible claw. Hanson got the victory here.

Winner: Hanson

Match 2

TNT Napolitan vs Ace Freeman

Napolitan was a veteran of Florida wrestling while Freeman was a Pennsylvania/Ohio local. Freeman got the win here.

Winner: Freeman

Match 3

Miguel Perez Sr and Pete Sanchez vs The Canadian Wrecking Crew (Chris and John Tolos)

Sanchez was a local Pittsburgh star and was a frequent tag partner of Manuel Soto in the late 60's and 70's. Miguel Perez Sr was one of the first Puerto Rican superstars, forming a very popular tag team with Antonino Rocca, winning the NWA tag team championships. "The Golden Greek" John Tolos was one of the top heels of the 1960's and 70's in California and his brother Chris was his frequent tag team partner. Chris was John's older brother and were one of the top heel tag teams of the day. The Tolos brothers win this one.

Winners: Canadian Wrecking Crew

Match 4

Buddy Austin vs "Sailor" Art Thomas

The bad boy Buddy takes on fan favorite Thomas. Buddy got himself disqualified to give Art the victory.

Winner: Thomas by disqualification

Match 5

Killer Kowalski vs Eduoard Carpentier

The former NWA champion takes on the sadistic Kowalski in a big grudge match. Carpentier got the victory.

Winner: Carpentier

Match 6

Bobo Brazil vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers for the World Heavyweight Championship in a Texas Death Match

After Rogers and his crew terrorized Brazil and his crew, Bobo gets Buddy one on one. Rogers won the match to retain the title. As he stood in the ring celebrating, Eduoard Carpentier came out to deliver a message. He congratulated Buddy on his victory and oh by the way....according to Toots Mondt, you face Bruno Sammartino for the title in the Pittsburgh Civic Arena in four days. Rogers is irate but is still the champ.

Winner: Rogers (still Heavyweight Champion)

Rogers closes the door with Brazil but Bruno Sammartino gets his title shot after all. Toots Mondt has been lobbying for Bruno to get his match, and now he gets it. Carpentier beating Kowalski puts him in a future position against Buddy as well. We'll see you in Pittsburgh for the big showdown.

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