Thursday, January 1, 1970

WWWF at Harbor Yard Arena (2/5/63)


Arena at Harbor Yard
Bridgeport, CT
February 5, 1963

In a span of four days, world heavyweight champ "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers survived a Texas Death Match against Bobo Brazil and a 2 out of 3 falls match with Bruno Sammartino. Who's going to be Buddy's opponent at the next big Madison Square Garden show on February 25th? Let's find out. 

We start today's program with "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers coming out with "Handsome" Johnny Barend and Magnificent Maurice in tow. Rogers gloats about how he has no contenders left and nobody is in the same league as he is. He praises Vince McMahon Sr for knowing he was the true champion and denounces Toots Mondt as a stooge for Bruno. All of a sudden Bobo Brazil, Arnold Skaaland and Tony Martinelli walk out. Arnold says he has a message from Toots Mondt that not only will Rogers face Bobo in a rematch in the main event, but Maurice and Barend faces himself and Martinelli RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! Rogers spazzes out saying its a conspiracy and Vince will take care of this. Rogers leaves but Maurice and Barend stay in the ring. The main event is in question but Rogers doesn't have enough time to reverse the tag match, its on.

Match 1

"Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland and Tony Martinelli vs "Handsome" Johnny Barend and Magnificent Maurice

Its two out of three falls as Skaaland and Martinelli take on Rogers' crew. Unfortunately for Skaaland, Maurice and Barend win the match in two straight falls.

Winners: Maurice and Barend

Maurice and Barend continue to attack the faces after the match but Dory Dixon and Bobo Brazil run out to chase them away. In the back, Buddy Rogers is on a payphone trying to get Vince McMahon to cancel the main event. Buddy cracks a smile to imply something went his way. On to the next match.

Match 2

Killer Kowalski vs Frank Martinez in a 2 out of 3 falls match

Frank was a standard jobber of the time period and Kowalski mauls him in two straight falls to win the match.

Winner: Kowalski

After the match, Kowalski gets on the mic and says that Buddy may be the world champion, but he's the most dangerous man in Capitol Wrestling. He says if anyone wants a piece of him, come see him in the back later. We cut to Bobo Brazil in the back preparing for his match against Dory Dixon when Buddy walks in with Maurice and Johnny in tow. Buddy says Vince McMahon says the match is OFF and Dory is up next so he better get to the ring. Brazil says we'll see about that as he leaves the room. Dory stares down the trio as they leave. Uh oh, Brazil's title shot is off and Dixon has to face a mystery opponent. Who will it be?

Match 3

Dory Dixon vs Gordo Chihuahua

Dixon gets in the ring and out walks Gordo Chihuahua. Who's that you ask? A prominent "rudo" in Mexico in the 1950's and 60's. Dixon wins the match when Gordo gets disqualified for excessive biting. After the match, Dixon is helped to the back. Once again, Buddy Rogers has sent a goon to do his dirty work.

Winner: Dixon

We cut to Kowalski changing in the back when The Shadow walks up to him. He says he's got a match with El Capitan today and Frank Valois tomorrow and is going to stretch the daylights out of them. Kowalski says that's great but what's that got to do with him. Shadow says after he's done with El Capitan and Valois, he's doing the same to Kowalski tomorrow in Baltimore as well. Onto the next match.

Match 4

Ted Lewin vs "Killer" Buddy Austin

The future author takes on the bad boy from Georgia. Austin wins the match.

Winner: Austin

Dory Dixon is being treated for his bites with Arnold Skaaland and Tony Martinelli also brandishing ice packs. Bobo Brazil walks in and says the bad news is Toots Mondt can't overrule Vince's decision not to have Bobo in a rematch today. He does say he has a match against Frank Valois later and has a surprise for Buddy at the end though. On to the next match.

Match 5

El Capitan vs The Shadow

The Shadow challenged Killer Kowalski to a match tomorrow in Baltimore but he gets El Capitan in this show. Kowalski himself walks out with his arms folded to watch the match. The Shadow wins and Kowalski just shakes his head and walks away. Tomorrow is going to be a big battle.

Winner: The Shadow

Back to the babyface locker-room where Bobo is preparing for his match when Rogers, Maurice and Barend walk in. Buddy demands to know what the surprise is for later and Bobo says he doesn't have to tell him anything. He does say that since Vince didn't say anything about tomorrow, Toots ordered a tag match in Baltimore between Johnny & Maurice against Jolly Charlie and Gene Kiniski. The heels leave complaining as Bobo heads tot he ring.

Match 6

Bobo Brazil vs Frank Valois

Brazil comes out to face Valois alone and the match goes off for a while. Suddenly Buddy Rogers, Maurice and Johnny come out to attack Bobo to earn the DQ. Dory Dixon, Arnold Skaaland and Tony Martinelli come out to help Bobo.

Winner: Brazil

Brazil tells the others to leave Buddy but "get rid of the garbage". Tony, Arnold and Dory get Maurice and Johnny out of there as Valois leaves as well. Bobo gets on the mic and declares that while Vince may have blocked the title shot today, Toots Mondt booked the rematch TOMORROW in Baltimore. Buddy complains but Bobo says he's not done yet. Buddy has to defend the title today, just not against him.....against MIGUEL PEREZ JR!

Match 7

Miguel Perez Jr vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers for the World Heavyweight Championship

Latin superstar Perez hits the ring and attacks Rogers at the bell. After Rogers gets beat on for most of the match, Rogers gets the fluke pin to win the match. After the bell, Bobo chases Buddy away. Brazil and Perez shake hands and raise each other's arms to end the show.

Winner: Rogers (Still world heavyweight champion)

That was a wild show that not only was exciting television but set up tomorrow's show in Baltimore. It looks like we have a dueling promoter's war between Vince McMahon and Toots Mondt. Either way Bobo Brazil gets his title shot tomorrow while Maurice and Johnny are facing former champ Kiniski and Charlie. The Shadow takes on Killer Kowalski as well. I'll see you all in Baltimore.

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