Thursday, January 1, 1970

WWWF at WIIC Studios (1/25/63)

WIIC Studios
Pittsburgh, PA
January 25, 1963

It was a landmark day in the world of professional wrestling. The night before in Toronto's Maple Leaf Gardens, Lou Thesz defeated NWA World Champion "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers to win the title. One of the biggest opponents of this title change was Capitol Wrestling Corporation owner Vince McMahon Sr. Buddy Rogers was making him a ton of money when he came to the northeast and Vince was against the decision to put the belt on Thesz. Rather than take it lying down, Vince decided to break off from the National Wrestling Alliance. Today, the World Wide Wrestling Federation was born and it still recognized "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers as its world champion. One of the top contenders to the strap was a young Italian named Bruno Sammartino. Vince McMahon took to WIIC Studios after the break off to announce they were standing alone. Still, some of the boys weren't taking kindly and would take it out on the "traitors" such as Bruno Sammartino, Arnold Skaaland and Gorilla Monsoon. Let's get to the matches.

Match 1

Killer Kowalski vs Eduoard Carpentier

Born Edward Spulnuk, the future "Killer" took a bunch of different names when he first started wrestling such as Walter Kowalski, Tarzan Kowalski and Hercules Kowalski. Then he got his nickname "Killer" in 1952. For those that don't know, Kowalski was the New Jack/Abdullah the butcher of the 50's, 60's and 70's. He got his reputation after dropping a knee on Yukon Eric (not Scott Irwin) that caused Eric's badly cauliflowered ear to simply fall off. While visiting Eric in the hospital, reporters saw him laughing with Eric at how silly Eric looked with the bandage on his head. To not break kayfabe, the reporters wrote Kowalski laughed AT him instead to cement his reputation as a bad guy. In 1958 in the Boston Garden, Kowalski accidentally kicked guest referee Jack Dempsey, the ex boxing champion, so hard he needed to be hospitalized. Once again it was an accident but the papers reported it to be on purpose to keep Kowalski as a villain. By this point he was 36 years old and still a big nasty heel. Eduoard Carpentier was born Eduoard Weiczorkiewicz (good luck spelling that correctly) in Roanne, France and was a legit part of the French Resistence during World War 2. You know the heel WWE group La Resistance? Carpentier was in the real one. He made his wrestling debut in 1956 in Montreal taking the name Eduoard Carpentier after boxer Georges Carpentier. Many claim he defeated NWA Heavyweight Champion Lou Thesz on June 14, 1957 but a lot of people claim he didn't. Whether or not he was recognized as champion depended on the territory but in 1963, he was here to take on Kowalski. They fought to a time limit draw.

Winner: No one (Draw)

After the match, Heavyweight Champion Buddy Rogers comes out with Johnny Barend and Magnificent Maurice in tow. Rogers gets on the microphone and says he's the real world champion and his buddies Johnny and Maurice say to hell with the fans and the National Wrestling Alliance. If anyone's got a problem with him as champion, come say so. Right on cue Bobo Brazil, Dory Dixon and Art Thomas walk out to cheers from the crowd. Thomas says they're sick of Rogers and his stooges trying to hurt people legitimately and they're going to stop him. They challenge the trio to a six man tag match later which the heels accept. Bobo then says if Rogers was a real man, he'd face him right here, right now. Rogers says bring it.

Match 2

Bobo Brazil vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers for the Heavyweight Championship

Bobo was born Houston Harris and his father died when he was 7. He actually played baseball for The House of David (don't ask) before being discovered by Joe Savoldi. After he was trained, Savoldi wanted to call him BuBu Brasil a South American star with a cape but the guy who printed the advertising poster printed "Bobo Brazil" and the name stuck. Bobo pretty much broke segregation in the wrestling south as white promoters wanted him to work with their top white stars in the 1950's. By now he was 38 years old and he had a tall task ahead of him. Born Herman Rohde Jr, the future "Nature Boy" was born to German parents although he served in the US Navy during World War 2. He began his career in 1939 for the Hanley brothers and started to really make his name in Ohio for Jack Pfefer. He was called "Natural Guy" Buddy Rogers and was managed by Slave Girl Moolah who we all know as Fabulous Moolah. He started his run as the Nature Boy in the 1940's with a rivalry with Lou Thesz. Rogers became NWA Champion in 1961 as a braggadocios, bleach blonded heel compared to the clean cut Pat O'Connor. As mentioned earlier, Rogers was due to drop the title to Thesz on January 24, 1963 but Vince Sr didn't want to recognize it. With no internet or cable television in those days, Vince just kept Rogers as "heavyweight champion" in the northeast. He defeated Brazil to keep the strap.

Winner: Rogers (Still Heavyweight Champion)

All of a sudden Bruno Sammartino walks out for an interview. He asks where Toots Mondt gets off putting him on the same card with Buddy Rogers. He says Rogers better stay away from him or else he'll knock his block off. On to the match.

Match 3

Bill Scholl vs Bruno Sammartino

Who is Bill Scholl? Nobody knows although he was an opponent of Dr. Sam Sheppard. Bruno wins the match.

Winner: Bruno

After the match Bruno walks to the back but out walks the trio of Magnificent Maurice, Johnny Barend and Buddy Rogers. Bruno and Buddy give each other the stank eye as Bruno walks off and the trio get in the ring to a chorus of boos. On to the main event.

Match 4

"Sailor" Art Thomas, Dory Dixon and Bobo Brazil vs "Handsome" Johnny Barend, Magnificent Maurice and Heavyweight Champion Buddy Rogers

Rogers barely kept his title against Brazil earlier but now its six man action. So who are the other four guys? "Sailor" Art Thomas was a merchant marine before making his wrestling debut in 1943. Remember Sgt Craig Pittman? Think that only 50 years earlier. By now he was a fan favorite usually teaming with Brazil. Dory Dixon was born in Jamaica and was actually a physical education teacher before making his debut in 1955. Him and Brazil were frequent tag team partners as well. "Handsome" Johnny Barend was one of Capitol Wrestling's original heels even before the NWA split and was tag team champions with Magnificent Maurice. Maurice was born Eugene Dubuque and made his wrestling debut in 1947. He was one of the flamboyant heels not unlike Gorgeous George. Maurice and Barend were tag team champs in both Capitol Wrestling and the AWA. Apparently Rogers and his crew won this match.

Winners: Rogers, Barend and Maurice

After the match is over. Rogers gets on the mic and says he's here to stay. If anyone's got a problem with him, they'll have to get through Handsome Johnny and Magnificent Maurice first. He tells Toots Mondt and Vince McMahon that they wanted him as champion, now they're stuck with him. They leave to a chorus of boos. That was quite a first show for the newly named World Wide Wrestling Federation. Its clear that Buddy Rogers thinks he runs the show but he's going to make a lot of people angry along the way. The next TV show is on the 29th in Bridgeport, Connecticut. I'll see you there.

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