Monday, January 19, 1970

WWWF at Madison Square Garden (1/19/70)

Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY
January 19, 1970

Here we go, its the showdown people wanted. "Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff takes on Bruno Sammartino for the WWWF Heavyweight Championship. Tony Marino and Victor Rivera put the WWWF International Tag Team titles on the line against Waldo Von Erich and Killer Kowalski. The rising star Mario Milano goes after the mad Hungarian Willie Farkas. "Krippler" Karl Kovacs puts his hot streak on the line against Jean Dubois and we got some midgets too! Let's get right to the action.

Match 1

Cowboy Bradley and Little Beaver vs Little Brutus and Sky Low Low in a 2 out of 3 falls match.

Oh great, midgets! Who are they? Cowboy Bradley was a Texas midget who began wrestling in 1954 at the age of 19. Little Beaver was Canadian Lionel Giroux who started wrestling in 1949 at the age of 15. He and Sky Low Low are often considered on the Mount Rushmore for midget wrestlers. Speaking of Low Low, he was a legit badass. Marcel Gauthier was working as a mechanic for the Canadian Royal Airforce during World War 2 and started wrestling as an attraction after the war. He was 41 years old at the time of this match and he'd be around well into the 80's including being one of the standouts on the Tuesday Night Titans broadcast of Butcher Vachon's wedding.  Little Brutus aka Jean Jacques Girard not only was a successful wrestler but he became a trainer as well. He trained Little Beaver's brother Claude aka Tiger Jackson and Dink The Clown. Bradley and Beaver won the match.

Winners: Bradley and Beaver

Match 2

Jack Vansky vs Eric The Red

Jack Vansky was a long time ring veteran who worked for the NWA in the 1940's and 50's before becoming a mainstay of WWWF in the 1960's. By now he was 41 years old and had to go up against Eric The Red. Red won the match.

Time of match: 9:25

Winner: Eric The Red

Match 3

Willie Farkas vs Mario Milano

The mad Hungarian goes one on one with rising star Mario Milano. Mikano pinned Farkas to win the match.

Time of match: 10:20

Winner: Milano by pinfall

Match 4

Professor Toru Tanaka vs "Cowboy" Bob Ellis

"Cowboy" Bob Ellis was a 40 year old veteran of the ring who was known for inventing the bulldog. He was also former NWA tag champs with Johnny Valentine and frequent opponent of "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers in his heyday. Now he's on the downside of his career but he still beats Tanaka in this one.

Time of match: 3:00

Winner: Ellis by pinfall

Match 5

Jean Dubois vs "Krippler" Karl Kovacs

Kovacs wanted Bruno badly but it would be Ivan Koloff's turn on this night. Kovacs had to settle on beating Dubois here.

Time of match: 4:25

Winner: Kovacs by pinfall

Match 6

"Big Cat" Ernie Ladd vs Gorilla Monsoon

Two big men going at it with the 6 foot 9 Ladd taking on the 400 pound Monsoon. This went the time limit draw.

Time of match: 20:00

Winner: No one (Draw)

Match 7

Waldo Von Erich and Killer Kowalski vs Tony Marino and Victor Rivera for the WWWF International Tag Team Championship in a 2 out of 3 falls match.

The heels have been on a roll lately but Marino and Rivera retain.

Winners: Marino and Rivera (still Tag Team Champions)

Match 8

"Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff vs Bruno Sammartino for the WWWF Heavyweight Championship

The one we've been waiting for. Koloff got the title shot over Karl Kovacs against Bruno at the Garden. Bruno wins it with a german suplex.

Time of match: 18:37

Winner: Sammartino by pinfall (still Heavyweight Champion)

Bruno is still the champ after all of that. Now with Ivan Koloff dispatched, the clear number one contender is "Krippler" Karl Kovacs. Karl should be making his presence felt very shortly. Tony Marino and Victor Rivera are still the tag team champions as well so they may have new contenders soon. Tomorrow night we head to Portland, Maine at the Expo Building. I'll see you there.

Friday, January 16, 1970

WWWF at Witschi's Sports Arena (1/16/70)

Witschi's Sports Arena
North Attleboro, MA
January 16, 1970

As it was learned yesterday, it was going to be WWWF Heavyweight Champion Bruno Sammartino defending the title against "Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff this Monday night at Madison Square Garden. Also Killer Kowalski and Waldo Von Erich would get a shot at the tag team champions Tony Marino and Victor Rivera. What about the rest of the card? Let's find out with today's show.

Match 1

"Nobleman" Joe Turco vs Angelo Savoldi

"Nobleman" Turco was another guy playing a lunatic but he had a handlebar mustache years before the Iron Sheik and usually shouted Italian obscenities at the irate crowd. Wrestling's version of Methuselah steps in the ring again at this special show to face Turco. For those that don't know, Savoldi was born Mario Fornini and Italy but moved to the US when he was five years old. He dropped out of school during the great depression to work as a metal cutter before joining his brother Lou in professional wrestling. His big break came in 1937 when legendary New York wrestler Joe Savoldi needed a partner so they turned Mario into "Angelo Savoldi" his storyline brother. Thirty four years later after a storied career in the territories he was still active at age 55 against Turco tonight. Its Italy vs Italy in this one with Savoldi getting the duke.

Winner: Savoldi

Match 2

Joe Crugnale vs Johnny Rodz

Rodz wins this one, not much to say.

Winner: Rodz

Match 3

Pete Sanchez vs Jean Dubois

Not sure why these two went at it but Sanchez gets the win.

Winner: Sanchez

Match 4

Red Demon vs Gorilla Monsoon

This was the fallout from yesterday in Washington, DC. "Kripper" Karl Kovacs sent his henchman to face Monsoon in North Attleboro. Monsoon got the win.

Winner: Monsoon

Match 5

Victor Rivera vs Waldo Von Erich

These two had a date this Monday night in the tag team match but they go one on one here. They brawl to a no-contest.

Winner: No one (draw)

Match 6

Tony Angelo and "Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff vs Battman and WWWF Heavyweight Champion Bruno Sammartino

For those that don't know, Tony Angelo was a heel wrestler in the 1950's and 60's that became a heel manager, mainly managing Ivan Koloff. "Battman" was Tony Marino's alter ego and even though he retired the gimmick full time, every now and then he brought it out for a reason. This match was a good reason. Bruno and Battman win.

Winners: Battman and Bruno

Kind of a nothing card just days before Madison Square Garden but it did have a preview of this Monday night with Bruno and Koloff. Madison Square Garden just happens to be up next. I'll see you there.

Thursday, January 15, 1970

WWWF at National Arena (1/15/70)

National Arena
Washington, DC
January 15, 1970

Before we get started, today is a great day for the promoter Vince McMahon Sr. His grandson Shane was born today, congrats to Vince and Vince Jr. Also, we're going to decide who faces Bruno Sammartino at Madison Square Garden on Monday night. Let's get to the action. Before the show starts Eric The Red gets in the ring and starts ranting and raving of how he's going to cut the heads off everyone in the crowd until he gets a title shot. Gorilla Monsoon storms out, grabs a microphone and calls him a fountain of mis-information. Eric says if you want to go, let's go. Guess we're on to our first match.

Match 1

Eric The Red vs Gorilla Monsoon

Monsoon isn't going to put up with Eric's nonsense and Eric desperately needs a win to stay in contention for Bruno's title. Monsoon wins it with the big splash.

Winner: Monsoon by pinfall

Mario Milano is in the back playing cards with Victor Rivera when all of a sudden a dude in a red mask jumps them both. Krippler Karl Kovacs shows up and starts laughing at Victor and Mario laid out, telling Mario that he has to answer to the "Red Demon" later. National Arena security arrives too late to escort the heels out but Milano shouts in Italian. Back from break, we get our next match.

Match 2

Red Demon vs Mario Milano

For those that don't know, the Red Demon is actually "Killer" Joe Abby, a Pennsylvania local and Korean War veteran. Kovacs needed a henchmen to take down Milano so they had Abby don a mask and be the stooge. Milano gets the win here but Kovacs has sent a message, he wants Bruno and Milano won't stop him.

Winner: Milano

In the back Kovacs is still laughing when Arnold Skaaland shows up. He asks if Kovacs is happy with what he did to Rivera and Milano. Kovacs says he's more than happy, especially since Rivera may not make it to face Killer Kowalski later. Arnold says Vince Sr isn't here so he's in charge today. Arnold says Karl won't be happy because he's up next against Pete a 2 out of 3 falls match. Kovacs kicks a trash can as we cut. Back from break, its on to the match.

Match 3

Pete Sanchez vs "Krippler" Karl Kovacs in a 2 out of 3 falls match

Monsoon made it official and here we are. Sanchez dominated most of the match but then Kovacs waffled Sanchez with a wooden chair when the ref wasn't looking and got the pinfall to take the first fall. Then with Sanchez still dazed, Kovacs locked in a chinlock and the ref said Sanchez could no longer continue. After the match, Kovacs demanded Bruno Sammartino come out to face him. Instead, Victor Rivera and Mario Milano hit the ring to clear him out. 

Winner: Kovacs

In the back Arnold Skaaland is talking to Gorilla Monsoon about an upcoming match at Madison Square Garden when Professor Toru Tanaka walks up. He says Arnold is an abuse of power and has no business making matches in Vince's absence. Skaaland replies that he just made one more, him against Tanaka next. Tanaka says its his funeral and leaves. Monsoon says to watch for the pearl harbor job as Arnold goes to get ready.

Match 4

Professor Toru Tanaka vs "Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland

Tanaka charges at the bell as Monsoon said he would but Skaaland was ready. Skaaland actually had the match won but Karl Kovacs ran to the ring and put Tanaka's foot on the bottom rope. When Skaaland spotted Kovacs at ringside, he turned his back on Tanaka to yell at him. Tanaka hit Skaaland with a chop and rolled him up, hooking the trunks for the win. Kovacs and Tanaka leave laughing with Skaaland vowing revenge.

Winner: Tanaka by pinfall

Kovacs and Tanaka laugh about what happened when Gorilla Monsoon is standing there waiting for them. He says he just got off the phone with Vince McMahon Sr and Kovacs will NOT be wrestling Bruno. He says the winner of tonight's Ivan Koloff and Willie Farkas match will determine who faces Bruno at MSG. Kovacs shouts he has no authority and this is an outrage. All of a sudden Skaaland runs in and jumps on Tanaka's back for a beatdown, causing Kovacs to hightail it out of there. So there you have it, all those dastardly deeds cost Kovacs a title shot. On to the next match.

Match 5

"Unpredictable" Johnny Rodz vs Miguel Feliciano

Kind of a pointless match with everything else going on but they had to fill out the card somehow. Johnny Rodz wins this one.

Winner: Rodz

Ivan Koloff is with Killer Kowalski in the back. Kowalski brings him the news that the winner of the next match faces Bruno. Ivan says his time is now and leaves. Karl Kovacs then comes into the room kicking and screaming with Toru Tanaka and Red Demon trying to calm him down. Meanwhile in the babyface room, Monsoon, Skaaland, Sanchez, Milano and Victor Rivera are hyping up Willie Farkas for his match with Koloff. We're going to find out who faces Bruno next.

Match 6

Willie Farkas vs Ivan Koloff

This is it, the winner of this one faces Bruno Sammartino at Madison Square Garden this Monday night. The mad Hungarian swings wildly at the end which Ivan uses the advantage to get the backbreaker on Willie. Farkas gives it up and Koloff is your winner. Ivan faces Bruno this Monday night.

Winner: Koloff by submission

In the back Kovacs is in the heel locker-room getting consoled by Red Demon, Toru Tanaka and Killer Kowalski when Ivan Koloff walks up to them. Kovacs goes nose to nose with him and says the title shot should have been his. Then he extends his hand and says to beat the daylights out of Bruno on Monday night. Koloff shakes his hand and says consider it done. Kowalski says he'll go take care of Victor Rivera right now. 

Match 7

Killer Kowalski vs Victor Rivera

The final match on the card is one half of the tag champs in Rivera taking on the evil Kowalski. Kowalski gets himself disqualified but beats Rivera to a bloody mess. Monsoon, Skaaland and the other faces run in to save Rivera as Kowalski runs off. Rivera was due to defend the tag straps with Tony Marino against Kowalski and Waldo Von Erich at the Garden, now the question is if Rivera can make it there.

Winner: Rivera by disqualification

That show was complete mayhem but we did get some things accomplished. It'll be Bruno Sammartino against Ivan Koloff this Monday night and Killer Kowalski gets another shot at Victor Rivera and the tag straps when he and Waldo Von Erich face Victor and Tony Marino. Gorilla Monsoon will also be at MSG so this is shaping up to be a good card. We have one last show in North Attleboro tomorrow before the big trip to New York City.

Saturday, January 10, 1970

WWWF at Philadelphia Arena (1/10/70)


Philadelphia Arena
Philadelphia, PA
January 10, 1970

Things are heating up in the cold month of January in 1970. "Krippler" Karl Kovacs is rising up the ranks and so is Mario Milano. These two might have a clash, but who's going to face Bruno Sammartino in 9 days at Madison Square Garden. Tonight in Philly might have some answers. Let's get to our first match.

Match 1

Eric The Red vs Johnny Rodz

Eric started out as a house of fire but Rodz managed to quel the uprising. These two ended up going the time limit.

Time of match: 20:00

Winner: No one (Draw)

Match 2

Willie Farkas vs Professor Toru Tanaka

The mad Hungarian was on a bit of a losing streak going into this match with Tanaka. The streak continued as Tanaka won this one.

Winner: Tanaka

Match 3

Mario Milano vs "Captain" Lou Albano

Milano had been on a hot streak lately and he faces fellow Italian Louis Albano. Milano punched and kicked and slammed Lou so badly that Lou ran away to take the count-out loss.

Winner: Milano by count-out

Match 4

Jean Dubois vs "Krippler" Karl Kovacs

These two had faced off the day before but Dubois gets a rematch here in Philly. Unfortunately for him, Kovacs still gets the duke.

Winner: Kovacs

Match 5

Killer Kowalski vs Victor Rivera

These two had been at each other's throats for days now and they go one on one again. This time Kowalski wins it.

Winner: Kowalski

Match 6

"Big Cat" Ernie Ladd and Waldo Von Erich vs Gorilla Monsoon and WWWF Heavyweight Champion Bruno Sammartino

Once again, even in kayfabe the heel pairing makes no sense. Why would Ernie Ladd ally himself with a nazi? Ladd specifically worked heel because he was tired of the happy go lucky smiling stereotypical black babyfaces. Ladd correctly pointed out the fans would cheer them in the ring then not allow them to eat at their restaurants. He said "they'd call me the n word when I was a villain but as long as they put money in my pocket to do it, so be it." Not to mention at a legit 6 foot 9, Ladd was not one to be messed with. For those that don't know, he had a pro-football career with the San Diego Chargers, winning the AFL title in 1963. A knee injury forced Ladd to retire in 1969 from football so he took up pro wrestling. Still, on paper this looks like a hell of a match. The two teams fought to a draw.

Winners: No one (Draw)

Once again Mario Milano and Karl Kovacs continue their hot streak but Ernie Ladd is in town with Waldo Von Erich by his side. Ivan Koloff is also on the prowl gunning for Bruno so within the next nine days, Sammartino will have his challenger at the Garden. Victor Rivera and Tony Marino will also defend the tag belts at the Garden as well. After four days off, the WWWF is back in action on the 15th in Washington DC at the National arena. I'll see you there.

Friday, January 9, 1970

WWWF at Witschi's Sports Arena (1/9/70)

Witschi's Sports Arena
North Attleboro, Massachusetts
January 9, 1970

We're back in North Attleboro for this week's show at the Witschi's Sports Arena. Krippler Karl Kovacs is on a hot streak but so is Mario Milano. Milano takes on Johnny Rodz while Kovacs tangles with Gene Dubois. In the main event, one half of the tag champs Victor Rivera takes on Professor Toru Tanaka. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

"Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland vs Eric The Red

Skaaland rebounds from his loss to Krippler Kovacs by beating Eric in the opening contest here.

Winner: Skaaland

Match 2

"Unpredictable" Johnny Rodz vs Mario Milano

Milano is on a hot streak but runs into the unpredictable one here in North Attleboro. Milano gets the duke.

Winner: Milano

Match 3

"Krippler" Karl Kovacs vs Gene Dubois

The unofficial number one contender to Bruno Sammartino is the Krippler. He makes a statement by beating Gene Dubois here that Bruno is on his radar.

Winner: Kovacs

Match 4

Willie Farkas vs Gorilla Monsoon

The mad Hungarian goes after the brute from Manchuria. Only difference is Farkas really is from Hungary. Monsoon gets the win.

Winner: Monsoon

Match 5

Victor Rivera vs Professor Toru Tanaka

One half of the tag team champions gets in a wild brawl with the evil Tanaka. Both men are disqualified as its absolute mayhem in the arena. Second week in a row these two battle to a draw.

Winner: No one (Draw)

Kind of a nothing spot show but it does put one thing over. Karl Kovacs is hot on Bruno Sammartino's tail but Mario Milano might stand in his way. Still, the big Madison Square Garden Show is on the 19th and Bruno's opponent hasn't been decided yet. It might not be Karl Kovacs but he's definitely on the radar now. The next show is tomorrow night in Philadelphia at the Arena. I'll see you there.

Thursday, January 8, 1970

WWWF at Uline Arena (1/8/70)

Uline Arena
Washington, DC
January 8, 1970

Yes, I know I said we'd be in Salisbury, Maryland on the seventh but the show got postponed due to bad weather. Instead, the day after the crew traveled to Washington, DC for the big show. Have to remember, up until the mid 70's, Washington DC was just as important as Madison Square Garden. WWWF Heavyweight Champion Bruno Sammartino defends against the upstart Hungarian Willie Farkas. Victor Rivera teams with Gorilla Monsoon against the dastardly duo of Waldo Von Erich and Killer Kowalski. Johnny Rodz takes on Pete Sanchez and Boris Yeltsin might make an appearance. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

"Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland vs "Krippler" Karl Kovacs

Back in the late 60's and early 70's, heels would face and most likely defeat Arnold Skaaland before getting their title shot against Bruno. During the Pedro Morales reign, it was usually Gorilla Monsoon in the role. Well on this night, Kovacs defeated Skaaland to become number 1 contender.

Winner: Kovacs

Match 2

Pete Sanchez vs "Unpredictable" Johnny Rodz in a 2 out of 3 falls match

For those that don't know, Johnny Rodriguez became Johnny Rodz in 1964 at the age of 23 and became a mainstay in New York starting in 1965. If Sky Low Low is on the Mt Rushmore of midget legends, Johnny Rodz is up there for jobbers. However, Rodz won the match 2 falls to zip.

Winner: Rodz

Match 3

Eric The Red vs Mario Milano in a 2 out of 3 falls match

Another two out of 3 falls match featuring Milano against the evil Eric. Milano won it 2 falls to nada.

Winner: Milano

Match 4

Willie Farkas vs Bruno Sammartino for the WWWF Heavyweight Championship

The mad hungarian takes on Bruno for the crown here in the main event in the nation's capital. Farkas fought hard but Bruno wins it with the backbreaker.

Winner: Bruno by submission (still WWWF Heavyweight Champion)

Match 5

Gene Dubois vs Professor Toru Tanaka

The evil Japanese heel (who's actually Chinese) takes on Gene Dubois in this one. This time he did NOT trip and fall, beating Dubois to win the match.

Winner: Tanaka

Match 6

Killer Kowalski and Waldo Von Erich vs Victor Rivera and Gorilla Monsoon

To end the show we have the evil heels take on the fan favorite Monsoon and one half of the tag champs, Rivera. It was mayhem with chairs and chainsaws with the ref throwing the match out with the arena being torn apart. That's one way to end the show.

Winners: No one (Draw)

Just as with every show that's been lost to time, this would have been interesting to see live. Bruno vs pre-Wolfman Farkas and a younger, more mobile Monsoon against an equally younger Kowalski would have been interesting. Karl Kovacs was definitely going to be facing Bruno at one point or another after taking out Skaaland. Just a question of when they're gonna clash. Tomorrow the crew travels to North Attleboro, Massachusetts for another show at the Witschi's Sports Arena. I'll see you there.

Tuesday, January 6, 1970

WWWF at Lewiston Armory (1/6/70)

Lewiston Armory
Lewiston, Maine
January 6, 1970

Three days after the showdown in Hubbard, the WWF travels all the way to Lewiston, Maine for a five match card. The champ Bruno Sammartino is NOT appearing and neither is Tony Marino. Who's here? We got Killer Kowalski, Gene Dubois, Pete Sanchez and more! Sounds meh but let's see.

Match 1

Pete Sanchez vs Eric The Red

Its the dastardly Eric The Red and he takes on latin sensation Pete Sanchez in the first bout. This one went the 20 minute distance.

Time of match: 20:00

Winner: No one (Draw)

Match 2

Willie Farkas vs Karl Kovacs

Who the hell are these two? Willie Farkas is actually The Wolfman before he became The Wolfman. Farkas moved from Hungary to Ontario before being trained in Calgary. Kovacs was actually Stanley Kowalski, one half of Murder Incorporated in the AWA. Since the internet and cable TV didn't exist in 1970, he took the name "Krippler" Karl Kovacs in New York and nobody knew it was Kowalski. Kovacs got the duke here.

Time of match: 8:10

Winner: Kovacs by pinfall

Match 3

Waldo Von Erich and "Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff vs Gorilla Monsoon and Gene Dubois in a 2 out of 3 falls match

Now these four we know. Koloff was born Oreal Perras in Montreal before being raised on a dairy farm in Ontario. He made his debut as the evil Irishman Red McNulty in 1965 and also as Jim Parris but hit his stride in 1967 when he became the Soviet Union supporting Ukranian Ivan Koloff. Bret Hart once wrote in his book he met Ivan many years later and said "Hey you're Jim Parris" and Ivan had to tell him to keep it down so no one heard him. Ivan came to New York in 1969 managed by Captain Lou Albano and instantly became a top contender to Bruno Sammartino. Waldo was born Walter Sieber in Toronto and actually went to the same gym as Geeto Mongol, Mikel Scicluna and Dave McKigney as a teenager. When he started wrestling in 1950 for Stampede, he became Waldo Von Sieber an Evil german nazi. When he met Fritz Von Erich in the late 50's, who himself had renamed himself from Jack Adkisson, Waldo changed his name to Waldo Von Erich and formed a team with Fritz who terrorized the territories. He was 36 years old by this time and could still draw heat even though Fritz went on to fame in his native Texas. Von Erich pinned Dubois to win the first fall and both teams were disqualified in the second fall to give the victory to Koloff & Von Erich.

Winners: Koloff and Von Erich

Match 4

Professor Toru Tanaka vs Mario Milano

Who's Milano? Born Mario Bulfone, he immigrated as a youth from Italy to Venezuela and started wrestling at 18 as Black Diablo. Then he started working under his real name until he came to Tennessee in 1962, being renamed Mario Milano. He did have success in Memphis, becoming tag team champs with "Fabulous" Jackie Fargo. He made a better name for himself in Australia but came to New York in 1970. Apparently Milano won when Tanaka tripped and fell out of the ring, getting counted out.

Winner: Milano by count-out

Match 5

Killer Kowalski vs Victor Rivera

One half of the tag champs takes on the devious Killer Kowalski in the final match. Both of them fought to a mayhem filled double count-out. Interesting way to end a show but that's the way it goes sometimes.

Winner: No one (draw)

Kind of a nothing show with no Bruno and only half of the tag team champions. Still, they were establishing Mario Milano, Victor Rivera and Gorilla Monsoon as babyfaces and mission accomplished. Bruno would be facing Kovacs, Waldo or one of the other evil heels coming up in Madison Square Garden soon. The next show would be tomorrow night in Salisbury, Maryland at the Civic Center. I'll see you there.

Saturday, January 3, 1970

WWWF at Hubbard Junior High (1/3/70)

Hubbard Junior High School
Hubbard, Ohio
January 3, 1970

Yesterday half of the World Wide Wrestling Federation were at the Witchi's Sports Arena in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. Tonight Captain Lou Albano joins the other half of the crew in Hubbard, Ohio for tonight's spot show. Frank Holtz goes one on one with the lunatic George "The Animal" Steele, The Battman takes on Baron Mikel Scicluna, Dominic DeNucci and Johnny DeFazio take on The Sicillians and WWWF Heavyweight Champion Bruno Sammartino defends against the vile Killer Kowalski. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

Frank Holtz vs George "The Animal" Steele

Believe it or not, Holtz was a local Pennsylvania police officer who was booked when the WWWF came to Pittsburgh/Ohio area from the 60's all the way to 1976. If you don't know who Steele was, he was born Jim Myers and was a high school teacher & wrestling coach in his native Michigan. To supplement his income, he became a masked wrestler under the moniker "The Student". Eventually his future rival Bruno Sammartino saw his potential and told him to take the mask off. In the era before internet and national television, he could be the rabid "George The Animal Steele" wrestling in the summer but go home and be plain old Coach/Mr. Myers in the fall. Well its Saturday night so Mr. Myers can transform into Steele for tonight's show before heading back home to Michigan. Steele got the victory here.

Winner: Steele by pinfall

Match 2

The Battman vs Baron Mikel Scicluna

Believe it or not, if you've ever seen pictures of someone dressed as Adam West's Batman in a wrestling ring, that was Tony Marino. Barely avoiding being sued by DC Comics, Marino's The Battman was a fixture in Pittsburgh and other parts of the country in the late 60's and early 70's until the bottom dropped out on the 60's Batman craze. One last fun fact, current women's wrestler Lady Frost is his granddaughter. Mikel Scicluna was actually born in Malta before he broke into the business as Mike Valentino in the 1950's in Canada. In 1965, he went to New York and became the evil Baron wearing a flowing blue cape. Scicluna got the win here.

Winner: Scicluna

Match 3

The Sicilians (Tony Altomare and Captain Lou Albano) vs Johnny DeFazio and Dominic DeNucci

Oh boy, its the Sicilians, one of the most infamous tag teams of the 1960's. We all know Albano but who was his partner? Tony Altomare served 2 years in the Air Force before becoming a defacto professional lifeguard. Remember David Hasselhoff in Baywatch? Altomare was the real deal. Because of his great physique and an appearance in The Horror of Party Beach, he caught the eye of wrestling promoters. When he was 32 he got paired with Lou Albano as The Sicilians, a play on Italian gangsters.Dominic DeNucci was born Domenico Nucciarone in Italy before immigrating to Pennsylvania. He made his debut in Montreal in 1958 and formed a tag team called The Bravos with the original Dino Bravo (not the one we know). He was a well traveled veteran making his New York debut in 1968. He was a fan favorite in the WWWF ever since and later became a wrestling trainer. In one class DeNucci trained Mick Foley, "The Franchise" Shane Douglas and Brian "Mark Curtis" Hildebrand....that's quite a team. The Sicilians won this one.

Winner: The Sicilians

Match 4

Killer Kowalski vs Bruno Sammartino for the WWWF Heavyweight Championship

Killer was the perfect opponent for the fan favorite Sammartino throughout the decades. These two fought to a draw when they both committed enough mayhem for the local police to have to separate them.

Winner: No one (Draw)

Standard spot show card the day after another spot show. The 1970's were a lot different from today when they ran local arenas in the territory without crossing borders. Unless Dick The Bruiser put up a stink about doing a show in Ohio, Vince Sr might have been fine running this venue. Bruno is still the champ....whoopie. This Tuesday night the WWWF comes back to Lewiston, Maine at the Armory for the next show. I'll see you there.

Friday, January 2, 1970

WWWF at Witschi's Sports Arena (1/2/70)

Witschi's Sports Arena
North Attleboro, MA
January 2, 1970

Welcome to 1970, everyone. Its a new decade for the World Wide Wrestling Federation that's going to begin with the man who ended it as WWWF Heavyweight Champion, Bruno Sammartino NOT going to appear on tonight's wrestling card. We got 10 guys for today's show so let's get to the wrestling.

Match 1

Jean Dubois vs Joe Crugnale

For those that know, Gene Dubois is actually Dave McKigney. McKigney made his name wrestling Terrible Ted the bear in Toronto then later playing a Canadian wildman gimmick no different than The Wolfman I'll be mentioning later. He came to the states in 1969 as Gene Dubois and here he takes on Joe Crugnale. Not much is known about Joe apart from he trained "The Duke of Dorchester" Pete Dougherty. No, this isn't the same Joe Crugnale that founded Bertucci's either. Jean got the victory on this night.

Winner: Jean Dubois

Match 2

"The Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland vs "Captain" Lou Albano

Two legends in the making in the World Wide Wrestling Federation collide. Arnold was about to turn 46 in a few weeks but still was over in New York. Albano was born in Italy while his father was in med school before moving to New York. Albano played college football at Tennessee U and was roomates with future National Football League coach Sam Rutigliano. After college, Lou wanted to become a boxer and the legendary trainer Lou Duva hooked him up with promoter Willie Glizenberg. Willie then took one look at Albano and realized he'd be much better off as a wrestler. Guess who trained Albano? Skaaland himself along with Solider Barry. Albano made his name in the 1960's as one half of a tag team called The Sicilians along with Tony Altomare. Legend has it that REAL Chicago mob boss Tony Accardo told them to stop saying "mafia" in their interviews. By now, Altomare was gone and Albano was by himself against his old mentor. The two men fought to a draw in this one.

Winner: No one (Draw)

Match 3

Pete Sanchez vs Miguel Feliciano

The battle of the Latin stars as Sanchez takes on Feliciano. Miguel was yet another latin star of the 60's that was primarily enhancement talent by the 70's. Sanchez got the victory in this one.

Winner: Sanchez

Match 4

Gorilla Monsoon vs Eric The Red

One legend in the world of wrestling and one not so much. Monsoon was born Bob Marella and was a standout amateur heavyweight wrestler for Jefferson High School in Rochester, NY and Ithica College. He placed second in the NCAA Championship in 1959 and turned pro as Gino Marella, a singing Italian babyface....imagine if Prime Time era Bobby Heenan had a hold of 1960 Gino Marella footage? He made his name as Gorilla Monsoon, a complete savage from Manchuria who spoke no English (ironic) and terrorized babyfaces. Manchuria is actually in northeast China so naturally when you think northeast China you think of an Italian guy. Eric was born Ib Solvang Hansen in Denmark before immigrating to Canada. He got his start working for Frank and Jack Tunney in Toronto as a Viking based off the real Erik The Red before turning heel in 1969. Monsoon beat Eric on this card.

Winner: Gorilla Monsoon

Match 5

Professor Toru Tanaka vs Victor Rivera

Victor Rivera was a rising latino star that would be a mainstay for years to come as a face or heel. Tanaka was actually an American Hawaiian of CHINESE descent named Charles Kalani Jr but because of the way wrestling was in the 60's, he became an evil Japanese heel after serving 11 years in the US military. You have to be a proud man to be an 11 year serviceman only to be called a "dirty Jap" by the predominantly xenophobic crowds of wrestling at the time. These two fought to a no-contest to end the show.

Winner: No one (draw)

All in all with two wild brawls to end the show, this must have been fun to witness in person. Its a shame there's virtually no footage remaining from shows as old as these but they served their purpose, especially in the territory days. The following day an entire different crew (sans Albano) would be in Hubbard, Ohio for the next show. I'll see you there.

Thursday, January 1, 1970

WWWF at Washington Coliseum (2/11/63)

Washington Coliseum
Washington, DC
February 11, 1963

Capitol Wrestling returns home to Washington, DC for a big show tonight. Bobo Brazil, Art Thomas and Dory Dixon face Magnificent Maurice, "Handsome" Johnny Barend and The Canadian Wrecking Crew in an eight man tag, but Bobo's team has a mystery partner. Who could it be? Somehow "Killer" Buddy Austin has a Heavyweight title shot against "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers in a rare battle of the brutes. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

Tommy O'Toole vs Tim Woods

Talk about a rare treat. Tim Woods is the unmasked alter-ego of the original Mr. Wrestling, one of the greatest American masked wrestlers of all time. George Woodin was a college wrestler for Michigan State, damn near winning the national championship in 1959. He made his wrestling debut at age 28 in 1962 and took the Mr. Wrestling gimmick national but would also wrestle as "Tim Woods" back when nobody could have known the difference. Woods beats O'Toole here.

Winner: Tim Woods

Match 2

Miguel Torres vs "Irish" Pat Barrett

Miguel was a star in Mexico going back to the 1940's and was well traveled by this point. Barrett was an Irish born wrestler who started in 1960 but was on his first American tour in 1963. He would eventually be WWWF Tag Champion but that's down the road. He defeats Torres here.

Winner: Barrett

Match 3

Cowboy Reed vs Pedro Morales

The future Buddy Colt takes on the future heavyweight champion. They go the 20 minute distance for a draw.

Winner: No one (Draw)

Match 4

Gordo Chihuahua vs Jolly Charlie

Two gimmicks, only one will walk out a winner. Charlie got the victory.

Winner: Charlie

Match 5

The Shadow vs Pete Sanchez

The Shadow attacks faces and heels, he doesn't care. He faces Sanchez here and wins.

Winner: Shadow

Match 6

Magnificent Maurice, "Handsome" Johnny Barend, Chris and John Tolos vs Bobo Brazil, Dory Dixon, "Sailor" Art Thomas and Johnny Valentine

Surprise!!! The mystery partner in this eight man tag is none other than Johnny Valentine. Valentine and Bob Ellis lost the NWA US Tag Team Titles to Buddy Rogers and Barend so he has no love lost for the other team. Bobo's team wins.

Winners: Thomas, Dixon, Valentine and Brazil

Match 7

"Killer" Buddy Austin vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers for the World Heavyweight Championship

Its a battle of the brutes as they say as its heel vs heel. Austin got a title shot for his hot streak of late but was counted out in the match.

Winner: Rogers by count out (still World Heavyweight Champion)

That was definitely an interesting show with Mr. Wrestling on the card under his maskless name along with an 8 man tag with Johnny Valentine stepping up to fight with Brazil's crew. Rogers survived his challenge from Buddy Austin but where does he go from here? There's actually going to be two shows tomorrow, the first is that week's TV taping at Bridgeport. I'll see you there.

WWWF at Sunnyside Garden Arena (2/9/63)

Sunnyside Garden Arena
Queens, NY
February 9, 1963

After Vince McMahon held joint promotion events in Chicago and Toronto with other NWA promoters, the next event would be held in Queens. Tonight, Magnificent Maurice and "Handsome" Johnny Barend take on Bobo Brazil and Miguel Perez Sr. "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers defends the World Heavyweight Championship against Dory Dixon and youngster Pedro Morales takes on Karl Steif. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

Cowboy Reed vs Tommy O'Toole

Isn't this a treat. Cowboy Reed is none other than Buddy Colt, the future NWA North American Champion, survivor of the 1975 plane crash that killed Bobby Shane and future commentator/part owner of Championship Wrestling From Florida. The 27 year old defeated Tommy in this match.

Winner: Reed

Match 2

"Wild" Red Berry vs Frank Valois

Another treat with the legendary "Wild" Red Berry. To compare him to today, he was essentially that generation's Bobby Heenan. A small, chickenshit heel that relied on bombastic behavior to draw heat. By 1963 he was 57 years old and primarily managing tag teams like The Fabulous Kangaroos and a young 26 year old Gorilla Monsoon. Berry still defeated Valois with some old school tactics.

Winner: Berry

Match 3

Skull Murphy and Karl Von Hess vs "Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland and Gene Kiniski

For those that don't know, Karl Von Hess was an evil German sympathizer gimmick but portrayed by legitimate US Navy Seal Frank Faketty. Faketty was trained by Joe Dusek and was inspired in 1955 to take an evil nazi gimmick, which was perfect for New York and Capitol Wrestling. Kiniski and Skaaland win this one.

Winners: Skaaland and Kiniski

Match 4

Karl Steif vs Pedro Morales

Karl Steif was born Clyde Steeves and wrestled primarily in the 1950's and 60's as The Preacher although he had a ton of gimmicks. The young Morales won this one.

Winner: Pedro Morales

Match 5

Bobo Brazil and Miguel Perez Jr vs Magnificent Maurice and "Handsome" Johnny Barend

This stems from the recent TV taping where Maurice and Barend jumped Bobo Brazil during his match against Buddy Rogers and Rogers had recently defeated Perez. The faces get their revenge and beat Rogers' crew.

Winners: Brazil and Perez

Match 6

Dory Dixon vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers for the World Heavyweight Championship

Dixon gets the title shot on this spot show against the Nature Boy. Rogers came out on top to retain the title.

Winner: Rogers (Still world heavyweight champion)

WWWF at Baltimore Civic Center (2/6/63)

Baltimore Civic Center
Baltimore, MD
February 6, 1963

Yesterday's TV taping set up today's card perfectly. The Shadow not only takes on Frank Valois, but he has a date with Killer Kowalski as well. Magnificent Maurice and "Handsome" Johnny Barend take on Jolly Charlie and former world champ Gene Kiniski. Then in the main event, "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers defends the Heavyweight championship against Bobo Brazil again. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

The Shadow vs Frank Valois

Shadow was scheduled to face Valois anyway but he challenged the sadistic Killer Kowalski later in the show. Shadow wins here with Kowalski at ring side scouting him.

Winner: Shadow

Match 2

Tommy O'Toole vs "Killer" Buddy Austin

Tommy O'Toole was a veteran wrestler going back to the 1930's but was nearing the end of the line in 1963. Austin made quick work of him here.

Winner: Austin

Match 3

Jolly Charlie and Gene Kiniski vs Magnificent Maurice and "Handsome" Johnny Barend

The former AWA champ teams with Charlie to take on Buddy Rogers' boys. Barend and Maurice win this one.

Winners: Barend and Maurice

Match 4

The Shadow vs Killer Kowalski

This turned out to be a wild brawl where they fought all the way into the stands, knocking fans over and almost causing a riot. The match was thrown out.

Winner: No one (No contest)

Match 5

Bobo Brazil vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers for the World Heavyweight Championship

Here it is, the big rematch ordered by Toots Mondt under protest from Vince McMahon. Bobo had the upper hand but was thrown out of the ring. All of a sudden Magnificent Maurice and Johnny Barend hit the ring to beat him down with the ref's back turned. All of a sudden, Gene Kiniski and Jolly Charlie ran out to beat them down into the ring. The ref saw all six men brawling and threw the match out. Brazil, Charlie and Kiniski chased off the heels and stood tall to end the show.

Winner: No one (No Contest, Rogers retains)

Talk about a wild end to a show with back to back brawls, but at least it was entertaining. Buddy Rogers remains the champion and it doesn't look like he has any contenders left after dispatching Bruno Sammartino and coming out with the title against Bobo Brazil. The next couple of days the stars of New York would be competing in other territories but the next New York show would be at the Sunnyside Gardens on February 9th. I'll see yall there.

WWWF at Harbor Yard Arena (2/5/63)


Arena at Harbor Yard
Bridgeport, CT
February 5, 1963

In a span of four days, world heavyweight champ "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers survived a Texas Death Match against Bobo Brazil and a 2 out of 3 falls match with Bruno Sammartino. Who's going to be Buddy's opponent at the next big Madison Square Garden show on February 25th? Let's find out. 

We start today's program with "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers coming out with "Handsome" Johnny Barend and Magnificent Maurice in tow. Rogers gloats about how he has no contenders left and nobody is in the same league as he is. He praises Vince McMahon Sr for knowing he was the true champion and denounces Toots Mondt as a stooge for Bruno. All of a sudden Bobo Brazil, Arnold Skaaland and Tony Martinelli walk out. Arnold says he has a message from Toots Mondt that not only will Rogers face Bobo in a rematch in the main event, but Maurice and Barend faces himself and Martinelli RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! Rogers spazzes out saying its a conspiracy and Vince will take care of this. Rogers leaves but Maurice and Barend stay in the ring. The main event is in question but Rogers doesn't have enough time to reverse the tag match, its on.

Match 1

"Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland and Tony Martinelli vs "Handsome" Johnny Barend and Magnificent Maurice

Its two out of three falls as Skaaland and Martinelli take on Rogers' crew. Unfortunately for Skaaland, Maurice and Barend win the match in two straight falls.

Winners: Maurice and Barend

Maurice and Barend continue to attack the faces after the match but Dory Dixon and Bobo Brazil run out to chase them away. In the back, Buddy Rogers is on a payphone trying to get Vince McMahon to cancel the main event. Buddy cracks a smile to imply something went his way. On to the next match.

Match 2

Killer Kowalski vs Frank Martinez in a 2 out of 3 falls match

Frank was a standard jobber of the time period and Kowalski mauls him in two straight falls to win the match.

Winner: Kowalski

After the match, Kowalski gets on the mic and says that Buddy may be the world champion, but he's the most dangerous man in Capitol Wrestling. He says if anyone wants a piece of him, come see him in the back later. We cut to Bobo Brazil in the back preparing for his match against Dory Dixon when Buddy walks in with Maurice and Johnny in tow. Buddy says Vince McMahon says the match is OFF and Dory is up next so he better get to the ring. Brazil says we'll see about that as he leaves the room. Dory stares down the trio as they leave. Uh oh, Brazil's title shot is off and Dixon has to face a mystery opponent. Who will it be?

Match 3

Dory Dixon vs Gordo Chihuahua

Dixon gets in the ring and out walks Gordo Chihuahua. Who's that you ask? A prominent "rudo" in Mexico in the 1950's and 60's. Dixon wins the match when Gordo gets disqualified for excessive biting. After the match, Dixon is helped to the back. Once again, Buddy Rogers has sent a goon to do his dirty work.

Winner: Dixon

We cut to Kowalski changing in the back when The Shadow walks up to him. He says he's got a match with El Capitan today and Frank Valois tomorrow and is going to stretch the daylights out of them. Kowalski says that's great but what's that got to do with him. Shadow says after he's done with El Capitan and Valois, he's doing the same to Kowalski tomorrow in Baltimore as well. Onto the next match.

Match 4

Ted Lewin vs "Killer" Buddy Austin

The future author takes on the bad boy from Georgia. Austin wins the match.

Winner: Austin

Dory Dixon is being treated for his bites with Arnold Skaaland and Tony Martinelli also brandishing ice packs. Bobo Brazil walks in and says the bad news is Toots Mondt can't overrule Vince's decision not to have Bobo in a rematch today. He does say he has a match against Frank Valois later and has a surprise for Buddy at the end though. On to the next match.

Match 5

El Capitan vs The Shadow

The Shadow challenged Killer Kowalski to a match tomorrow in Baltimore but he gets El Capitan in this show. Kowalski himself walks out with his arms folded to watch the match. The Shadow wins and Kowalski just shakes his head and walks away. Tomorrow is going to be a big battle.

Winner: The Shadow

Back to the babyface locker-room where Bobo is preparing for his match when Rogers, Maurice and Barend walk in. Buddy demands to know what the surprise is for later and Bobo says he doesn't have to tell him anything. He does say that since Vince didn't say anything about tomorrow, Toots ordered a tag match in Baltimore between Johnny & Maurice against Jolly Charlie and Gene Kiniski. The heels leave complaining as Bobo heads tot he ring.

Match 6

Bobo Brazil vs Frank Valois

Brazil comes out to face Valois alone and the match goes off for a while. Suddenly Buddy Rogers, Maurice and Johnny come out to attack Bobo to earn the DQ. Dory Dixon, Arnold Skaaland and Tony Martinelli come out to help Bobo.

Winner: Brazil

Brazil tells the others to leave Buddy but "get rid of the garbage". Tony, Arnold and Dory get Maurice and Johnny out of there as Valois leaves as well. Bobo gets on the mic and declares that while Vince may have blocked the title shot today, Toots Mondt booked the rematch TOMORROW in Baltimore. Buddy complains but Bobo says he's not done yet. Buddy has to defend the title today, just not against him.....against MIGUEL PEREZ JR!

Match 7

Miguel Perez Jr vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers for the World Heavyweight Championship

Latin superstar Perez hits the ring and attacks Rogers at the bell. After Rogers gets beat on for most of the match, Rogers gets the fluke pin to win the match. After the bell, Bobo chases Buddy away. Brazil and Perez shake hands and raise each other's arms to end the show.

Winner: Rogers (Still world heavyweight champion)

That was a wild show that not only was exciting television but set up tomorrow's show in Baltimore. It looks like we have a dueling promoter's war between Vince McMahon and Toots Mondt. Either way Bobo Brazil gets his title shot tomorrow while Maurice and Johnny are facing former champ Kiniski and Charlie. The Shadow takes on Killer Kowalski as well. I'll see you all in Baltimore.

WWWF at Pittsburgh Civic Arena (2/4/63)

Pittsburgh Civic Arena
Pittsburgh, PA
February 4, 1963

After Heavyweight champion "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers defeated Bobo Brazil in a Texas Death Match, former NWA Champion Eduoard Carpentier delivered a message from Toots Mondt that Rogers will face Bruno Sammartino in Bruno's hometown of Pittsburgh. Tonight's the night as Bruno faces Buddy in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Let's get to our first match.....but wait. All of a sudden Buddy himself comes to the ring with a special announcement. He says he's going to make an example out of Bruno later tonight but first he's got a warm up match for the crowd as a sneak preview.

Match 1

Frank Pickens vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers

Rogers brings out local jobber Frank Pickens for a tune-up match to begin the night. Rogers beats him in record time and Pickens has to be stretchered out. Rogers grabs the mic and says that's what's going to happen to Bruno later tonight.

Winner: Rogers

Match 2

TNT Napolitan vs Johnny DeFazio

 Johnny DeFazio was a local star in Pittsburgh mostly known for Studio Wrestling in Pennsylvania. He gets the win over TNT here with a dropkick.

Time of match: 9:51

Winner: DeFazio by pinfall

Match 3

Gene Kiniski vs Buddy Austin

If you think Vince McMahon Jr was notorious for taking other promotions' champions and jobbing them out, he learned it from his father. For whatever reason Vince Sr was booking former world champion Kiniski as a jobber. Austin won this one.

Time of match: 9:49

Winner: Austin

Match 4

Jim Grabmire vs Ace Freeman

Jim Grabmire was a veteran working for Jim Crockett Sr at the time but was on loan to face Ace on this card. Freeman takes it with an inside cradle.

Time of match: 11:34

Winner: Freeman by pinfall

Match 5

Chico Santana and Pee Wee Lopez vs Marcel Sinard and Tiny Bell in a 2 out of 3 falls match

Oh boy, midget tag team wrestling. Tiny Bell was mostly know for AWA and WWA matches while Marcel was another from the French Canadian midget camp. Pee Wee was a Detroit/AWA mainstay and remember when Jesse Ventura used to call Tito Santana "Chico"? He was referencing midget wrestler Chico Santana all those years. Santana and Lopez got the duke.

Winners: Santana and Lopez

Match 6

Bobo Brazil vs Killer Kowalski

After failing to win the heavyweight title, Brazil took on the Killer just four days later. In the storyline, Brazil was weak because of the grueling Texas Death Match and Kowalski rendered him unconcious, causing the ref to stop the match.

Winner: Kowalski by stoppage

Match 7

Skull Murphy vs "Sailor" Art Thomas

Skull Murphy was Canadian born John Joseph Murphy who was one half of a heel tag team with Brute Bernard in the 1960's. Thomas made him submit to the bearhug.

Time of match: 12:33

Winner: Thomas by submission

Match 8

Bruno Sammartino vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers for the World Heavyweight Championship in a 2 out of 3 falls match

Under the orders of Toots Mondt, Bruno gets his long awaited title shot against the champion. Buddy got the advantage 11:39 into the match when he landed a running knee to the head and got the three count to take the first fall. Then 6:59 into the second fall, Bruno made Buddy submit to the bearhug. For some inane reason, Bruno thought he had won the title and started celebrating on the apron. Buddy ran up and knocked him into the steel barricade where Bruno was counted out to end the match. Fans were LIVID but Buddy was still the champion.

Time of match: 18:58

Winner: Rogers 2 falls to 1 (still World Heavyweight Champion)

After surviving a Texas Death Match just four days earlier, Buddy just beat Bruno Sammartino in his home town 2 falls to 1. Who's gonna stop Buddy now, Edouard Carpentier? Logically Gene Kiniski should get a title shot but he's being jobbed out for some inane reason. Its going to be interesting tomorrow on television what happens next. I'll see you in Bridgeport, CT for the next TV taping.

WWWF at Cleveland Arena (1/31/63)

Cleveland Arena
Cleveland, Ohio
January 31, 1963

Tonight's the night where Bobo Brazil gets his world heavyweight title shot against "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers in a Texas Death Match. The best part is Rogers has no backup as Handsome Johnny and Magnificent Maurice are in Washington. Also on the card, Eduoard Carpentier takes on Killer Kowalski, Buddy Austin takes on Gene Kiniski and Swede Hanson makes an appearance as well. Let's get to the action

Match 1

Swede Hanson vs George Strickland

Swede Hanson was born Robert Hanson in New Jersey and spurned Wake Forest University in order to work as a mechanic to support his mother. He was an accomplished amateur boxer going 61-3 in New Jersey until Willie Gilzenberg wanted to try him out as a wrestler, making his NWA debut in 1957. Strickland was the trainer of Dr. Sam Shepard, the inventor of the mandible claw. Hanson got the victory here.

Winner: Hanson

Match 2

TNT Napolitan vs Ace Freeman

Napolitan was a veteran of Florida wrestling while Freeman was a Pennsylvania/Ohio local. Freeman got the win here.

Winner: Freeman

Match 3

Miguel Perez Sr and Pete Sanchez vs The Canadian Wrecking Crew (Chris and John Tolos)

Sanchez was a local Pittsburgh star and was a frequent tag partner of Manuel Soto in the late 60's and 70's. Miguel Perez Sr was one of the first Puerto Rican superstars, forming a very popular tag team with Antonino Rocca, winning the NWA tag team championships. "The Golden Greek" John Tolos was one of the top heels of the 1960's and 70's in California and his brother Chris was his frequent tag team partner. Chris was John's older brother and were one of the top heel tag teams of the day. The Tolos brothers win this one.

Winners: Canadian Wrecking Crew

Match 4

Buddy Austin vs "Sailor" Art Thomas

The bad boy Buddy takes on fan favorite Thomas. Buddy got himself disqualified to give Art the victory.

Winner: Thomas by disqualification

Match 5

Killer Kowalski vs Eduoard Carpentier

The former NWA champion takes on the sadistic Kowalski in a big grudge match. Carpentier got the victory.

Winner: Carpentier

Match 6

Bobo Brazil vs "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers for the World Heavyweight Championship in a Texas Death Match

After Rogers and his crew terrorized Brazil and his crew, Bobo gets Buddy one on one. Rogers won the match to retain the title. As he stood in the ring celebrating, Eduoard Carpentier came out to deliver a message. He congratulated Buddy on his victory and oh by the way....according to Toots Mondt, you face Bruno Sammartino for the title in the Pittsburgh Civic Arena in four days. Rogers is irate but is still the champ.

Winner: Rogers (still Heavyweight Champion)

Rogers closes the door with Brazil but Bruno Sammartino gets his title shot after all. Toots Mondt has been lobbying for Bruno to get his match, and now he gets it. Carpentier beating Kowalski puts him in a future position against Buddy as well. We'll see you in Pittsburgh for the big showdown.

WWWF at Capitol Arena (1/31/63)

Capitol Arena
Washington, DC
January 31, 1963

As mentioned on television, today's house show is part of a double shot. Here in Maryland, Pedro Morales and Dory Dixon were supposed to face Magnificent Maurice and "Handsome" Johnny Barend. But after the beatdown the heels gave Dixon, he may not make it tonight. Also on the card will be fan favorite "Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland and dastardly George "The Great" Scott. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

Gene Kelly vs The Shadow

No, that's not the famous singer & dancer Gene Kelly. That's none other than hall of famer Gene Kiniski. Eugene Kiniski was an Edmonton, Alberta born football player who played for the University of Arizona and the Edmonton Eskimos before a knee injury retired him. He took to wrestling in 1953 and became one of the top heels in the United States and Canada ever since. Gene beat The Shadow here.

Winner: Kelly

Match 2

Frank Valois vs Jolly Charlie

Montreal legend Frank Valois steps into the ring at 42 years old but faces 47 year old Al Smith aka Jolly Charlie. He was a legend of the old National Wrestling Association in the 1940's then became an NWA mainstay in the 50's. Valois wins this one.

Winner: Valois

Match 3

Gregory Jarque vs The Great Scott

Jarque we all know but who is The Great Scott? None other than George Scott, yes THAT George Scott. The future booker in JCP, World Class, WWE and WCW was still active in 1963. George was born in Scotland but who's parents were from Hamilton, Ontario. He and his brother (and future Smoky Mountain Wrestling promoter) Sandy were The Flying Scotts. He almost had to retire in 1952 after Buddy Rogers broke his back for real with very stiff kicks. 11 years later he's here in Maryland to face Jarque. The Great Scott wins it.

Winner: Great Scott

Match 4

The Great Mephisto vs "Golden Boy" Arnold Skaaland

"The Great Mephisto" Frankie Cain was doing a Sheik gimmick while Eddie "The Sheik" Farhat was still active. Then again, that's wrestling for you. Mephisto would have a lot of success in the territories as a wrestler and a manager. Skaaland served in the US Marines during World War 2 and turned pro in 1946. On this night, Skaaland gets the duke.

Winner: Skaaland

Match 5

Pedro Morales and "The Golden Greek" Tony Manousos vs Magnificent Maurice and "Handsome" Johnny Barend

Morales has a big surprise for Maurice and Barend, "The Golden Greek" is here to replace Dory Dixon as his partner against Buddy Rogers' heel team. Morales and Manousos get the win.

Winners: Morales and Manousos

That was a great card full of legends in their prime. Also it was brilliant for Morales to replace Dory Dixon with The Golden Greek. Buddy Rogers won't be happy about this but he's currently busy. While this was taking place in Maryland, Rogers was set to defend the Heavyweight title against Bobo Brazil in Cleveland. I'll see you there!