Sunday, May 19, 2002

WWE Judgement Day 2002 (5/19/02)

This was the first ppv officially licensed under the name WWE so this is where the "modern era" begins. The main event for this ppv would be the rubber match between The Undertaker and Hulk Hogan for the WWE Championship. Taker won at Survivor Series 91 but Hogan took the rematch a week later on Tuesday in Texas (the first attempt of what would later be Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday) so 11 years later they finally settle the score. Other matches include Steve Austin vs Ric Flair and Big Show, which had been brewing for a month and HHH vs Chris Jericho in a Hell in the Cell. Also included are a hair vs hair match between Kurt Angle and Edge and the rubber match between Eddie Guerrero and Rob Van Dam. The undercard looked great at least on paper while the main event should be at least watchable.

MAY 19, 2002
Commentators: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

Match 1

Rob Van Dam vs Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

 This was the 3rd match between the 2 in a month, Guerrero took the title from Van Dam at Backlash and Van Dam won by DQ at Insurrextion. Hope this match is as good as the other two. Guerrero swings and misses and Van Dam hits a shoulder tackle. Rob goes for 3 quick covers before Guerrero goes outside and throws a temper tantrum. Back inside Eddie gains the advantage with some heel tactics but a charge in the corner eats boot. Van Dam fakes Eddie out and hits a split legged moonsault and a high backbody drop. Eddie runs into a tilt a whirl but the cover gets a deuce. Rob stomps away as Eddie says "nonononono" Rob locks in a butterfly lock and damn near pinned him with it. That must have hurt like hell......Rob hits a standing moonsault and then Eddie backs into the corner and calls timeout. King says "No Mas, No Mas" before Eddie fires back and stomps a mud-hole in Van Dam. Eddie gives Rob an indian sunburn on the ring apron before taunting the crowd. JR shills the Guerrero family as Eddie sticks a thumb to the eye, then JR mentions we're in Lawler country. Rob hits a split/monkey flip spot before a slugfest ensues, which Guerrero wins. Van Dam then hits another monkey flip before hot-shotting him throat first on the top rope. A rolling thunder gets 2 as a sign in the crowd says "R.I.P. Davey Boy". The king of Coliseum Video wins, British Bulldog sadly died shortly before this ppv. Guerrero counters a suplex into a prawn for a 2 but Van Dam fires back with a step-over heel kick. Rob goes upstairs but Eddie crotches him then powerbombs him almost through the mat. Eddie goes upstairs and says "I feel froggy" but missed the splash. They trade blows before Rob Van Dam turns into Jean Claude Van Dam and hits a roundhouse kick to make the crowd go "woah". Rob goes upstairs but missed the 5-star attempt. King "How do you say RVD in Spanish?" JR "I don't have a damn clue" They just stand there looking at each other before going into a leapfrogging session which ends with a flying bodypress by Van Dam for a long two count. Rob counters a european uppercut into a backslide for another long deuce before Eddie counters a roundhouse kick into a backslide, then puts his feet on the ropes for 1...2....3., nice. JR cries foul but Eddie retains the title in a decent opener. The roundhouse Rob hit earlier was one of the sickest spots I've seen in a while. I thought it was going to be good and it was. Show's off to a good start.

Time of match:  11:08

Winner: Eddie Guerrero by pinfall (still IC champion)

   The next segment is Reverand D'Von, Stacy Keibler, Deacon Bautista and Vince McMahon all bowing in a before I try to explain what the hell I'm watching, here's some backstory. Someone had the bright idea (sarcasm) to split the Dudley Boys and while Bubba Ray was basically the same as he always was on Raw, they turned D'Von into a preaching minister. DVon was also given a bodyguard, a 6'6 300 lb monster named Leviathan (great Peter Weller movie btw) in Ohio Valley Wrestling became Deacon Bautista on Smackdown. Stacy, Deacon and D'Von close their eyes while Vince takes that opportunity to check out Stacy as D'Von preaches that Stacy will take out Trish in their match and if Bubba Ray interferes he'll be taken out as well. Oh and if you couldn't guess, donation box carrying Deacon Bautista is now known as "The Animal" Dave Batista, a legend that needs no introduction. Then we cut to a "Get the F Out" commercial......its bad enough we had to see these horrible attempt to look hip commercials on weekly television, but on a ppv? The backstory to those that don't know was the World Wildlife Foundation successfully sued World Wrestling Federation for the rights to the initials WWF so Vince renamed his company World Wrestling Entertainment and tried to look cool by having commercials say "Get the F out". It wasn't was openly admitting he lost. Should have just slipped the Wildlifers a few bucks to go away.

Match 2

Stacy Keibler (with D'Von Dudley and Deacon Bautista) vs Trish Stratus (with Bubba Ray Dudley) for the WWE Women's Championship

 An inter-promotional diva-fest that could actually be interesting. The re-union of the Dudleys combined with the looks of Stacy and the debut of Bautista could be noteworthy here. Stacy held a swimsuit contest on Smackdown and Tajiri pulled Torrie Wilson out of the competition leaving Trish to enter and win, then giving Stacy a beat-down. Trish enters alone wearing a purple leotard (what?) and then Stacy enters with Deacon and D'Von in tow. Bubba is announced last which is interesting since he's neither the champion nor the challenger or even in the match period. Trish starts out with forearms before catching a roundhouse kick from Stacy. That one may have trumped Van Dam's from earlier but the cover gets 2. Stacy hits a sloppy looking back-drop before making another cover. Trish hits some clothesline and puts Stacy in a boston crab. Stacy counters into a sunset flip (impressive by her standards) but Trish hits a neckbreaker for another 2 count. Trish hits the Chick Kick that knocks Stacy out of the ring into Bubba Ray territory. Bubba leans over her and then laughs in her face, causing Stacy to slap him across the face. Hahahhahahaha! Bubba backs Stacy into the corner of the ring as the ref tells Bubba to get lost....but then Deacon Bautista gets in the ring and slams Trish. Stacy slides in but the cover only gets 2. Stacy locks in a chin lock before pulling her hair, then Trish hits a jump kick before hitting a baseball slide on Bautista. Deacon is unfazed so he hops up on the apron but is nailed by a Stacy Keibler clothesline that was aimed for Trish. Again Deacon is unfazed as Trish hits a one handed bulldog and covers for 3 to win the match. D'Von gets in the ring and chases Trish away but then Bubba gets in and the crowd pops loudly. D'Von then tries to offer a handshake and Bubba accepts, then takes out an on-rushing Bautista, then D'Von hits a running clothesline. D'Von then repents and shakes his head as Deacon gets in and stomps a mudhole in Bubba. D'Von then restrains Deacon before giving the old sign of the cross...and resumes the beatdown. D'Von tells Bautista to get the tables as D'Von begins preaching to Bubba that he needs to be taught a lesson. Wonder what Spike Dudley was doing at this time. Deacon then goes for what's now known as the Batista Bomb through a table but Bubba counters and attacks D'Von in the corner. Batista...errr Bautista hits Bubba with the donation box and they flapjack Bubba through a table. In what has to be the gayest (and I don't mean homosexual gay) moment of Bautista's career, before the Eddie Guerrero hug, he then holds his hands together and looks up to pray. Stacy wakes up and they all celebrate in the ring. Damn did Stacy suck in that'd think with three years in the business she'd have learned a thing or two by now. Hell she started in 1999 and Trish in 2000 and still looks years behind Trish in terms of ability. Ah well, least she didn't have a miscarriage in this promotion. Also she was much more comfortable as a manager, and a damn good one, so why didn't they have Bubba vs D-Von with Trish and Stacy outside?

Time of Match:  2:55

Winner: Trish Stratus by pinfall (Still Women's champion)

  The next segment is Ric Flair and Arn Anderson getting confronted by Vince himself and they shake hands because Flair is sick of Austin as well. Flair says unlike Vince he'll take Steve down. Vince and Flair hug as McMahon looks angered by that comment.

Match 3

The Hardy Boyz vs Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman

 No Shawn Stasiak this time...Heyman will do it himself. The storyline going into this one is Brock has been a one man wrecking crew and is on the verge of breaking out as a superstar once he's done with Matt and Jeff Hardy. He's been feuding with them for a solid month now. Speaking of Jeff....he flies out of the ring as Lesnar makes his entrance and Brock catches him. Matt quickly baseball slides into Jeff to knock Brock flat on his back. The Hardys double team Brock outside the ring then chase Heyman inside. Heyman begs for mercy before Lesnar clobbers The Hardys with a double clothesline as the bell rings, Lesnar gets rid of Matt then feasts in Jeff in the corner with shoulder blocks. Jeff tries to counter but Lesnar's power is too much. Matt tags in and goes on the offensive but Lesnar takes control and hits more shoulderblocks in the corner as the crowd starts up a GOLDBERGGGG chant. Wait two years, people. Matt blocks a overhead press but is caught in a powerslam. Everything Lesnar has done so far is high impact power moves, and keep in mind he was a mat based wrestler in high school and college. Lesnar continues to hit shoulderblocks in the corner before Matt counters with a tornado ddt. Jeff tags in and hits whisper in the wind and then a jawbreaker. Jeff trips up Brock as Matt goes upstairs and they hit their 2Xtreme legdrop combo....ok I made the name up but you can visualize it can't you? Brock is barely fazed but is hit by the Leap of Faith by Jeff and clotheslined out of the ring by Matt. The Hardys chase Heyman around the ring again and finally Matt grabs ahold inside the ring. Paul's hat falls off exposing his bald head as King squeals "LOOK AT HIS HEADD...HAHAA LOOK AT HIS HEAD" Matt unloads on Paul in the corner and Jeff hits a Leap of Faith. Brock comes over and pulls Matt out under the ring as Jeff goes upstairs. Brock gets in and catches Jeff in mid-air....then falls backwards for a two count. Who blew that spot? Jeff charges and Brock leapfrogs him over his head and crashing into Matt on the apron, knocking him off. Brock hits the F-5 and tags in Heyman, who trips getting in the ring as JR scoffs. A cover gets the 1--2--3 to win the match and, oh yes, Paul Heyman has pinned Jeff Hardy.  After the match Heyman takes his jacket off as King prays he doesn't continue to strip. Brock did all the work of course and looming on the horizon....King of the Ring. Lesnar had proven his point by taking out both Hardys, now it was on to better things.

Time of match: 4:47

Winners: Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman by pinfall

  The next segment is some dorkus malorkus interviewing Booker T about his recent joining of the nWo on Raw. Before I continue I should point out after Scott Hall was fired, they replaced him with Booker T. The move wasn't so bad in terms of a talent standpoint since Scott really couldn't work anymore and Booker was amongst the best, it was that to ANYONE that followed WCW knew that Booker was anti-nWo since the beginning. Anyway Booker says that he's the man before spotting a Halle Berry lookalike contest winner and proceeds to hit on her until she tells him she wants him to sign her an autograph in a very special place and proceeds to give him the key to her hotel. Booker then goes crazy as we head for our next match but not before King says "I think Booker just got a magic johnson!"

Match 4

Steve Austin vs Ric Flair and Big Show

   This one has been brewing for months. It started at Backlash when Flair unknowingly screwed Austin out of the WWE title and then began to make one mistake after another before Austin stunned him at Insurrexion (as well as several other times on Raw). Big Show highlights are shown including a promo he cut saying how when Austin was out from 99-00, Show was one of the main stars but when Austin came back he (meaning Show) was turned into a joke. Yes, a rare logical storyline since Big Show was pretty much an afterthought to this point in May 2002. This was pretty much a pseudo-heel turn by Flair who hated Austin but after this was over, would go back to being his jolly old self. Big Show comes out to his new nWo theme as Flair comes out to his old school WWF theme.....until the theme ends and you can hear his 2001 Space Odyssey tune finishing out and they actually overlap at the end. Which means they were overdubbing the old school all along, guess they didn't want to pay royalties or something. Austin enters and begins slugging away at the both of them. Austin backdrops Flair and kicks away at Big Show, he then goes for a stunner attempt but is thrown into Flair. Austin slugs away at Big Show and fires away at Flair before hitting a low blow on Show. Austin applies a figure four and in a dumb spot, hits Flair while lying on his back and Flair sells it like he was hit by a truck. Austin flips off Flair and applies a figure four on flair then rolls out of the way of an oncoming Big Show elbow drop. Austin rolls outside and grabs a chair and gets inside which provokes referee and Flair lackey Charles Robinson to give him an earful. Finally Austin gives up the chair....then rolls out and gets another one. He then props the chair and sits in it, then flips off Charles Robinson. I'm gonna miss Austin that's for sure....I'll explain what I mean at the end of this match. Flair climbs to the second rope and stands behind Show. The crowd gets a "What" chant going as Austin locks up with Flair.....and I just realize this is the first time they've wrestled in any sort of meaningful match since 1993 back when Austin was chumming with the late Brian Pillman. What a shame how this could have been a money-making main event back in 1998 but is a midcard match on a 2002 ppv. Austin slugs Big Show and says "what?" but hits Flair with a shoulderblock. Flair rolls outside and regroups with Big Show as Austin rolls outside and grabs a brewsky Its a little early for the post-match celebration. Austin teases cracking it open before discarding it and eats a Flair shoulderblock. Flair begs off and then catches Steve with a thumb to the eye. Flair chops the rattlesnake in the corner as the crowd chants WOOOOOO. Austin then counters and begins chops of his own as the crowd loudly chants "What?" Flair does a flop and again begs for mercy. Austin hits a series of punches then no sells an inverted atomic drop before clotheslining Flair down. Flair tags out to Show as King says "Now the fun begins". Show taunts Austin before Austin does push-ups to piss Show off, which Show answers with open handed chops to the chest. Austin regains his composure and once again is sent down from a big chop. Austin then counters with punches but eats a big boot to kill the momentum. Flair tags in and hits a lowblow on Steve as JR scoffs. Flair struts as Big Show laughs as Ric chops Austin in the corner, then they trade blows. Flair gets another thumb to the eye and goes upstairs, but Austin throws him off the top rope. Steve stomps a mudhole in Flair and then attacks an interfering Big Show, but Show counters with a powerslam. A cover gets 2 and Flair continues to stomp away on Steve before taunting the crowd. Flair chops and punches Austin in the corner again and begins attacking the left leg of Austin. Show tags in and begins wearing down the leg Flair was working on. Flair tags back in and Austin surprises him with an inside cradle for a 2 count. Flair then hits the figure four leg lock....and the crowd doesn't even pop or cheer. After a minute Austin reverses the hold but Show comes in and drops an elbow. Austin sneaks a backslide for a 2 count but Flair hits more chops and a right hand. Austin rallies with chops as the crowd chants "Woo" and "What". Austin then hits a spinebuster and another figure four before Show comes in and leg drops Steve. Flair tags in Big Show who eats boot twice before Austin hits a Lou Thez press from the second rope. Flair comes in and is met with a conventional Thez press. Austin hits a low blow and a spine buster, but Show stops the counter attempt. Austin counters a chokeslam attempt into a Stunner but nWo member X-Pac interferes. Austin ducks under a savate kick and Pac nails Show with it instead and is stunned for his effort by Steve. Austin stuns Flair and covers for the 1-2--3 to win the match even though Big Show was the legal man. Austin then does his double drink salute on the ramp. Not the best match but the crowd was really into it with all the chants.

I should point out following this ppv, Austin grew increasingly bitter against Stephanie McMahon and the other writers so on June 2, 2002...he walked out. That's right, the man who helped launch the WWF into the stratusphere in 1998 got so angry he took his ball and went home. One of the reasons was that they wanted him to job cleanly to Brock Lesnar in a King of the Ring qualifying match on an upcoming Raw. Austin said he had no problem jobbing to Lesnar, but would rather do it in a more important match such as a ppv main event or something (Think of Austin, the 1996 KOTR passing the torch to Lesnar in the 2002 final). On one hand Austin was definitely playing an ego card by refusing to job to Lesnar and getting angry that they were putting others in the spotlight ahead of him, but when you saw what they were doing to the careers of Chris Jericho, The Hardys and Austin himself you could feel for him. Stephanie was the head writer and HHH was her fiancee....who do you think's getting the spotlight? So as it was, this would be the last ppv Austin would wrestle at for 8 months...least he went out with a win.

Time of match: 15:36

Winner: Steve Austin by pinfall

 The next segment is hosted by Michael Cole and Tazz which highlights the upcoming hair vs hair match. They show a preview of what both would look like bald, and Edge with the shades looked like Ron Pearlman from Blade 2. I should point out that one of the oldest rules in promoting is give the fans a match they want to see, but do it in a manner where the outcome of the match can't be given away, therefor making fans pay to see what happens. A perfect example of how to do it and how not to do it happened at Wrestlemania 18, two months earlier. The Rock faced Hulk Hogan in a match fans paid to see but the buildup and the combined ego's of the two men involved gave no indication of who would win, therefor fans were interested enough to pay to see the outcome. The opposite of this would be HHH vs Jericho, HHH was being booked as an unstoppable face after returning from quad surgery and Jericho was being booked so horribly that everyone knew HHH was going to win, also because HHH is an ego-maniac and Jericho has never been known to have a backstage ego (which is ironic given his on-screen character). Edge has long blond hair that the female fans love and Kurt has a noticeable receding hairline so it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out who wins this one. I just hope the match itself is worth the inevitable conclusion.

Match 5

Edge vs Kurt Angle  (Hair vs Hair)

 Remember in my Backlash review how I said even through the storylines for this feud were silly but the matches delivered, this would be the epitome. A hair vs hair match usually stinks the joint out but if its booked properly, can be a noteworthy event (Wrestlemania 23). This could have been the opposite, fans were hot to see Edge and Angle get it on but certainly not in a manner like this. They lock up and Angle hooks in a cement mixer that Edge quickly backs into the corner to avoid the pinfall attempt. Kurt locks in a front facelock and they chain sequence until Edge hits a running roll-up for a 2 count. Angle goes on offense as JR shills Kurt's career at this point. Edge throws Kurt over and out then hits a baseball slide, then goes on offense outside. Kurt gets the upper hand back inside with punches and kicks before eating a back body drop. Edge ties Kurt into the top rope Andre the Giant style and then hits a spear. A second attempt is turned into a belly-to-belly suplex from the ring to the floor by Angle onto Edge. Kurt stomps away in the corner but turns his attention to the ref long enough to start an "Angle sucks" chant. Edge chops Kurt but eats a spinebuster for his troubles. Angle chokes Edge with his knee on the second rope as King tries to make fun of Edge by saying he has a dinosaur shaped head and then says JR has a bowling ball shaped head. Edge hits a back elbow smash but Kurt counters with a ddt/pinfall attempt for a 2 count. Kurt locks in a resthold as JR puts over the importance of this match, King says the loser of this match should seek help from Howard Finkel. As Edge does the fade-then-revive routine, King accidentally says "WWF" and JR scolds him on it, this was literally the first month of the name change and after saying the letters WWF for over 20 years, kind of hard to adjust in a matter of weeks. Edge powers out and Kurt takes him down by the hair then hits a floatover suplex for a 2 count. Kurt goes for a double armbar facelock as JR says if Edge loses his hair all the ladies will weep, then King says "I was hoping you wouldn't say if Edge loses all the kids will shave their heads" Nevermind the fact the kids shave their heads anyway due to a Mister Stone Cold Steve Austin. Edge hits a BtB suplex of his own and they stay down for a few seconds. Edge rallies with clotheslines and a spinning back kick, then an Edge-o-matic for 2. Kurt hits another BtB suplex as King hypes up the next match (Hell in a Cell). Edge backdrops Kurt onto the apron but kicks his legs out from under him. Edge hits a plancha from the ring to the floor onto Angle...but doesn't clear the ropes completely like he did at Summerslam 98. Edge goes upstairs and shoves an onrushing Angle off the turnbuckle then hits a missle dropkick. A cover gets a LONG 2 count and Angle quickly recovers to hit a german suplex. King and JR are non-stop with hair jokes as Edge turns another german into a victory roll for a 2 count. Edge hits the Edgecution and then goes upstairs again but this time Angle gets the overhead suplex from the top. Kurt covers for the 1..2...noooooo Edge kicks out at 2. Edge hits a superkick and hits a ddt from the second rope but the near-fall is a 2. Edge goes for the spear but Angle moves and referee Brian Hebner goes flying. Kurt does another german and Edge actually does a 360, landing on his face as the crowd all goes silent at once. Kurt covers but Hebner's out, so he goes out and grabs a chair. Edge counters a swing with a spear but the ref is still down. Edge calls for another spear but Angle kicks him in the face. Kurt goes for the angle-slam but Edge hits another spear but Hebner takes too long and Angle kicks out at 2. Edge blocks an angle-slam but Angle hits a spear of his own and finally hits an angle-slam. The cover gets 1...2...NOOOOO Edge kicks out as Angle is heated. Angle unstraps his singlet and locks in an ankle-lock, but Edge counters with an enziguiri. Angle hits a single-leg takedown and hits another anklelock but Edge kicks angle off the ropes and catches Kurt with an inside cradle for 1...2..3 AND ITS OVER. Angle attacks Edge after the bell but Edge counters with the Edgecution. Edge drags Kurt to the barber area set up where Kurt manages to escape.....lame. Decent match but Angle managed to escape for now with his hair

Time of match: 15:30

Winner: Edge by pinfall (Kurt is to be shaved bald)

 The next camera shot is the Marriott Hotel across the street and King says "Uhhhhh...what would be the reason to show that?" Then we see Booker T in bed calling for his new "friend" to get in bed. Then she says to turn off the light and he complies, then she says to kiss her but the camera light unfortunately shows someone leaving the bed and someone else getting in. Booker then says "what do u want me to do now" and Goldust's voice says "I want you to leave the nWo!" Booker turns on the light and screams then runs out with his ass showing as Goldust turns to the woman and says "...I wore this dress for nothing!" On to the next match before I throw up.

Match 6

HHH vs Chris Jericho (Hell in a Cell)

 This would be the end of one of the dumbest and frustrating storylines I've ever been forced to witness. Chris Jericho after years of service with both WCW and WWE finally got his due when he pinned both The Rock and Steve Austin in the same night at Vengeance 2001 to become WWE Champion. Now as the champion, he then took a back-seat to the returning HHH and began serving as Stephanie McMahon's lackey. After HHH beat Jericho for the title at Wrestlemania, Jericho wasn't even booked to wrestle at Backlash while HHH jobbed to Hulk Hogan. In the storylines, Vince McMahon was mad at HHH for the pedigree on both Vince and Stephanie so he employed Jericho to take him out in a Hell in a Cell. Yes, so not only was Jericho never given his rematch for the title, he was now forced to be the McMahon's hired gun against HHH. They do a stare down to start the match then trade blows. Hunter hits a high knee and a backdrop then goes on offense in the corner. HHH throws out Jericho and both counter each others attempt to ram heads into steel. Back inside Jericho flys and hits HHH but a slugfest ensues. Chris says "Come on you sonovabitch" but misses a shoulderblock and hits the ringpost. HHH finally rams Jericho head first into the cell outside and then body first on the other side. Back inside HHH continues the assault with short armed clotheslines and a suplex. Jericho whips HHH over the corner to the floor and finally Chris gets some offense in. HHH reverses a whip and Jericho goes into the steel steps as his arm cuts open. HHH goes for a piledriver on the steps but Jericho counters and catapaults HHH into the cell. Jericho goes and gets...a ladder from under the ring. Jericho rams the ladder into HHH who blades, then Jericho grates Hunter's head into the cell. Back inside Jericho javelins the ladder into HHH's head again, before proping the ladder in the corner. Jericho whips HHH into the ladder who bounces off, over the top rope and face first onto the steel steps. King says "Looks like he's in a pinball machine" and Jericho throws the ladder out onto HHH. Jericho whips HHH into the cell and puts the ladder and a chair in the ring. Jericho goes for the ladder but HHH counters with a chair shot on the ladder. HHH hits Chris in the back with the chair but Y2J hits the one-arm facebuster on the ladder. Chris gets the steel steps as referee Tim White says "Get in the god damn ring Jericho, I've had enough." Jericho picks up the steps but HHH drop-toes him into it. HHH hits a neckbreaker and a facebuster then heaves the steps right into the bad shoulder of Jericho. Outside HHH javelins Jericho into the cell and heaves him into the other set of steel steps. Tim White heads out onto the apron to fix something as both HHH and Jericho head back inside. Jericho charges but HHH throws him into Tim White who ricochets right into the cell. Jericho hits HHH with a chairshots as JR speculates that Tim had the key to the door. Jericho covers but White's nowhere to be found, so Y2J goes outside and tosses White into the other side of the cell because he's such a role model. White is busted open and Jericho pummels him for absolutely no reason. Jericho runs inside right into a spinebuster by The Game. By this point referees Mike Chioda and Jim Korderas get a pair of clippers and cuts the lock off the cell. The officials check on White as HHH kicks the chair into Jericho's face. HHH goes outside and gets his equalizer the sledgehammer. HHH nails Jericho with it but with the referee's busy, there's no one to count the fall. Jericho slips outside and crawls out of the now open door, then shuts it in Triple H's face. HHH finally crawls out and is met with boots by Y2J. They battle all around the outside of the cell and onto King and JR's announce table. Jericho dismantles the Spanish announce table and goes for a pedrigree but HHH blocks it and ddt's Chris through the table. Jericho makes his way up to the top of the cell as HHH unveils a 2 X 4 wrapped in barbed wire. I remember a friend of mine saying "I can understand ladders, tables, chairs and sledgehammers under the ring, but what the hell does THAT have to do with ring maintenence? The 2 X 4 has a wrap on it so HHH straps it on his wrist and climbs to the top as well. Both are now on top of the cell but Jericho uses the 2 X 4 first to the back of HHH. JR reflects on past cell matches as Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho but Chioda just then starts climbing to the top. Once Chioda gets up there, HHH crawls and kicks Chris off. Y2J gets the 2 X 4 but HHH hits a low blow, but Jericho back-drops HHH into the cell, which doesn't give away. If the thing did give way he would have landed on the top rope in the ring, now that would have been cool. HHH picks up the 2 X 4 and waffles Chris with it, and it catches in his hair. Hunter covers but Jericho kicks out, now Jericho is clearly busted open in the face. HHH hits the pedigree and covers for the 1...2...3 to end this massacre. HHH poses on the top of the cell as JR shills both of them. This would be Tim White's last match ever as an official and this would later lead to a horrific angle which I'll get to in due process, but for now The Game has won.

Time of Match: 24:31

Winner: HHH by pinfall

  We then cut to Kurt Angle running away from Edge, who disguises himself in the makeup chair as Edge runs by. Angle thinks he's fooled him but Edge quickly runs the other way after him. We then cut to another Get the F out commericial with SEXUAL CHOCOLATE as the theme song. After this we head on over to The World in Times Square where Maven is on a date with Torrie Wilson. Torrie says how wearing the geisha outfit was cool, but she'd rather wear nothing at all which causes Maven to do a spittake. Back at ringside JR and King go back to work and put over the previous match before the next match begins.

Match 7

Rikishi and Rico vs Billy and Chuck for the WWE Tag Team Championships

 Before the match is started, it is learned that Rikishi will challenge Billy and Chuck with a Mr. McMahon appointed partner. Howard Finkel then says by order of Vince McMahon..RICO is named the partner. Yes, the manager of the tag team champions, and JR scoffs. Rico is making his ppv in ring debut here and I should note he wasn't a bad worker in his OVW days but the gimmick is really dumb. Billy starts out with Rikishi and unloads with fists but Kish rallies. Billy hits a ddt that doesn't faze him at all so Kishi hits a superkick, Chuck interferes and Rikishi flattens him as well. Rikishi charges but Gunn and Palumbo move out of the way then hit a flapjack on Rikishi. Rikishi avoids and Billy dropkick and goes for the tag but Rico turns away. Billy tags in Chuck and hits football shoulderblocks in the corner and unloads with rights. Chuck hits a powerful overhead suplex and covers but kicks out at 2.  Billy tags in and hits the fame-asser and covers for 1---2---noooo, he kicks out. Chuck tags in and nails a Razor Ramon style right hand as referee Teddy Long scoffs. Rikishi counters a backdrop with a kick and hits a BtB suplex on Chuck. Rikishi tries to fight back and hits backdrop on Chuck and a samoan drop on an interfering Billy. Chuck goes for a sunset flip but Rikishi sits on him for 1....2...nooo Billy tackles him at the last second. Rikishi goes for a press-slam diamond cutter but botches it. Chuck hits a dropkick and orders Rico to kick him, but Rikishi ducks and Rico nails Chuck instead. Rikishi superkicks his own partner and covers Chuck for the 1...2...3?? Yes...Rikishi and Rico are the new tag team champions and no one pops, the crowd is dead silent. Rico wins his first gold inadvertently. Rikishi then does a victory dance complete with dance number at the entrance-way. Really really bad match but it did the job as the crowd is now relaxed enough for the main event

Time of Match: 3:50

Winners: Rikishi and Rico by pinfall (new WWE Tag Team Champions)

  Edge is still running after Angle and this time Kurt catches him with a trash can lid to the face. They brawl back to the ring and Kurt grabs the mic and proclaims he's gonna cut Edge's hair. They brawl near Floyd the barber and Edge locks in a sleeper hold. After a while Kurt is out and Edge finally gets to shave Angle bald. JR "Look at that, look at this"  King "I can't see anything" JR (pointing to the monitor) "Look over here" The crowd starts chanting NA NA NA NA, Goodbye as Edge finishes the job. Edge puts shaving cream on his hand and wakes Kurt up to show him the mirror. Edge grabs the mic and says "They're not gonna chant You suck anymore, but now they're gonna say You're Bald" Kurt's music starts up and the crowd does indeed chant You're Bald.  Kurt runs to the back and to this day he has never wrestled with hair again. On to the main event. 

Match 8

The Undertaker vs Hulk Hogan for the WWE Championship

The Hogan nostalgia run had catapulted Hogan to the WWE Championship but standing in his way is one of the only men to ever beat him clean, The Undertaker. The storyline was logical as Taker had beaten Austin at Backlash to become number 1 contender and then proceeds to beat up Hogan with a belt, to which Hogan counters by driving an 18 wheeler over Taker's bike. Taker enters to his You're Gonna Pay theme without the actual lyrics as Hogan comes out to Voodoo Child. JR brings up Taker's win over Hogan at Survivor Series 91 and Hogan's rematch victory at Tuesday in Texas, then Taker attacks Hogan with his own belt. Taker whips Hogan but Hogan comes back with right hands. Still wearing his entrance gear and belt, Hogan picks up the belt Taker brought and waffles Taker with it a bunch of times. The bell finally rings as Hogan rakes the eyes and punches Taker in the corner and hits a slow clothesline as JR basically admits this will not be your standard wrestling match. Hogan still has all his gear on and backdrops Taker and clotheslines him to the floor. Hogan tears the shirt off as the crowd cheers for some reason. Hogan and Taker battles outside before Hogan whips Taker into the steel steps. Hogan whips Taker into the foam guardrail before going back inside. Taker fires back with elbows and shoulder breakers as the crowd chants Hogan again. Taker goes for old school but Hogan blocks it and crotches Undertaker on the top turnbuckle. Hogan then does a superplex and covers for a near fall. Taker ducks under a clothesline and chop-blocks Hogan down and works over the left leg. Taker rams Hogan's leg into the side of the ring and then the ringpost, then adds a right cross for good measure. JR then says since Hogan is not a mat wrestler, taking out one of his legs makes him virtually come no one did that in the 80's? Taker does a leg-lock spot before Hogan counters by stomping his right leg about 9 times. They trade blows in the middle of the ring before Hogan hits a double axe-handle smash. Hogan then hits the big boot but Taker catches the right leg on the legdrop of doom attempt and turns into a half boston crab. JR says Hogan has never submitted before in his career.....which is blatently false because Starcade 97 was one of the biggest ppv's in wrestling history and Sting made him submit to the scorpion death lock. Hogan makes it to the rope and pulls himself up, but Taker slugs away in the corner. Taker goes for a big boot but Hogan pulls the top rope down and Taker crotches himself. Hogan pseudo Hulks Up and Taker hits one of the worst chokeslams I've ever seen, not even a foot off the ground. Taker covers and Hogan Hulks Up for real this time. Hogan hits the fists and big boot then the leg drop and covers for the 1..2...NOOOOOO. Hogan goes for another big boot and Taker counters with a ddt. Taker goes outside and gets a chair as Vince McMahon hits ring side. Hogan kicks the chair in Taker's face and hits the leg drop, but Vince gets on the apron and distracts referee Earl Hebner. Hogan brings Vince in the ring and drops the big leg on him. Earl rolls Vince out as Taker catches Hogan with a chair shot and a chokeslam. Taker covers for 1...2....3 to win the match and the title. Vince grins and the crowd goes silent. The Undertaker is your new WWE Champion.....the third new champion in 3 months which isn't a good thing. JR asks if Hulkamania is dead as Taker goes outside and gets a steel chair and drives Hogan throat first into it. Taker continues to attack Hogan with the chair as JR signs off and thus ends the ppv. Bad match but the belt has come off Hogan and onto The Undertaker for the 4th time in his career.

Time of Match:  11:17
Winner: The Undertaker by pinfall (new WWE Champion)

   This ppv was half and half. The opener was good, the hell in the cell was ok and the hair vs hair match was good, the rest were nowhere close to good. The biggest mistake was playing hot potato with the WWE Title since there's been a new champion crowned every month since Wrestlemania. Devaluing the world title is what helped kill WCW so doing this to their own was one of the reasons ratings began to decline. Although this was indeed a landmark event, Kurt Angle hasn't had hair nor has Hogan won a World title since, plus the whole Tim White saga and Rico's first title win. 2 1/2 stars out of 5...mainly due to the opening contest. The next ppv would be King of the Ring

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