Sunday, March 31, 1985

WWF at Madison Square Garden: Wrestlemania (3/31/85)

This is going to be a different kind of post because the first Wrestlemania was actually the March 1985 Madison Square Garden show.  There’s a lot of backstory that went into the making of it and I’ll try to do the best I can to piece it all together. It started when Vince McMahon Jr purchased Georgia Championship Wrestling from Jim Barnett in May of 1984. GCW had been broadcast on Ted Turner owned TBS “The Superstation” for a decade and it featured classic NWA wrestling. In what would later be called “Black Saturday”, on July 14, 1984 Vince McMahon appeared on Georgia Championship and switched the programming from NWA wrestling to re-runs of WWF matches. The predominantly southern fans revolted as the difference in product between the NWA and WWF was severe. Instead of classic wrestling they got cartoon wrestling. The ratings hit the toilet almost immediately and Turner was pissed. To get back at Vince, Ted allowed a half hour timeslot for Ole Anderson’s Championship Wrestling From Georgia featuring anyone that refused to go to the WWF when first bought (among those were Jake Roberts, Gordon Solie and Ted Dibiase). Vince was pissed and felt that only he should be allowed on the Superstation. Turner told him to improve the ratings or get lost. Vince then sold his timeslot to Jim Crockett Promotions for a huge chunk of cash. What did he do with that cash? That’s the second part of the story. While all this was going on, in his own company, Hulkamania was running wild. Hulk Hogan was a huge ratings draw wherever he was booked and was starting to get national attention. Something was missing though, Vince knew if he wanted to hit the big time, he needed to be in the mainstream. That’s when a lucky plane ride changed the course of wrestling history. Captain Lou Albano just happened to be on the same plane as rock star Cindi Lauper and the two struck up a friendship. Cindi then asked Lou to play the role of her father on her world famous video “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”. Soon after Cindy began popping up at WWF events which led to MTV taking notice. In what would become the “Rock N Wrestling Connection” 9 days after Vince started airing his crap on GCW, MTV aired “Brawl To End It All” which launched WWF into the national spotlight. This was followed up by “War To Settle The Score” which featured Hulk Hogan taking on top heel “Rowdy” Roddy Piper (who was stolen from the NWA a year prior). Now with the mainstream attention and a huge chunk of change from the GCW sale, Vince needed a home run show. Supercards were nothing new, Starrcade 83 had been the most successful for the NWA. Vince knew he needed something bigger. Something that would revolutionize the wrestling business and how supercards should be run. TV tough guy Mr. T had befriended Hulk Hogan and Vince decided to run a supercard featuring a tag match featuring his top heels (Piper and Paul Orndorff) and Hogan/T. He had the venue set for Madison Square Garden and he had the finance, he just needed a name. Howard Finkel…yes, The Fink himself suggested “Wrestlemania” and Vince ran with it. Shown on closed-circuit television, Wrestlemania 1, the first of what would become the pinnacle of wrestling events was held on March 31, 1985 and it featured the biggest showdown of the year with television superstar Mr T along with WWF Champion Hulk Hogan taking on the biggest heel in not only the WWF but in wrestling as well "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff. I'm not kidding about the heel line, even though Flair was a heel as a part of The Horsemen he was loved in his role and over in the AWA did anyone give a damn about Stan Hansen? Piper was definately the number 1 heel in wrestling at this point so to see him get his possible comeuppance from the Hulkster was something everyone wanted to see.  Also included was the famous 15,000 dollar slam match where if Andre slammed Big John Studd he'd win 15 grand but if Studd won Andre would retire. Plus we get a tag team title match between the original Un-Americans Nikolai Volkoff and Iron Sheik against the US Express Barry Whindam and Mike Rotundo. Now before I go any further I must point out to anyone reading this NOT to judge this card like a modern day Wrestlemania. Back in these days the monthly MSG, Boston Garden and Philadelphia Spectrum shows would feature 2 or 3 good matches with cucka filling the undercard. Even though this was the first Wrestlemania, Vince still booked the show as a monthly MSG show only with a bit more pizazz. Judging the show by 2020's standards is a waste of time. This event started it all so let’s get right down to it. Vince McMahon's voice appears and runs down the card before we get sent to Monsoon, Ventura and Gene Okerlund who sings the national anthem (ugh).

MARCH 31, 1985
Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse "The Body" Ventura

Match 1

Tito Santana vs The Executioner

  You know.....I think its really dumb they had to hide "Playboy" Buddy Rose (The Executioner) like this, but since this was a one time appearance I guess it was justified. I still get a kick how Mean Gene Okerlund would interview both participants in the matches mere seconds after the other departed the screen...and this was back when kayfabe was still a big deal. Executioner (who clearly looks and sounds like Buddy Rose) says he's gonna go after Santana's leg while Tito says he's gonna win....arriba! Bells gone and they run the ropes adjacent from each other before Santana hits a backdrop and a dropkick on The Executioner who falls through the ropes to the outside. Ventura utters his famous "Woodstock was to rock n roll what Wrestlemania is to wrestling" line. Well put. Back inside Santana hits a headlock who walks up the rope and turns it into a headlock takeover. Executioner and Santana trade blows before Executioner takes over in the corner and hits a knee to the solar plexus. Executioner goes for a figure four but Santana blocks it, then he goes for a step over toe wrench which Santana counters into a cradle for a near fall. Santana fires away in the corner and goes for a piledriver, but Executioner counters with a back drop. He hits a bodyslam and goes upstairs but Santana catches him with a slam off the top. Santana goes for a big splash but Executioner gets the knees up just in time, then he works over the left leg on the second rope before Tito kicks him over the top rope into the time-keeper's table. Tito hits a power slam from the apron to the ring and hits the flying forearm out of nowhere. Tito drags him to the center of the ring and locks in the figure four as Executioner submits quickly though the time keeper's asleep and takes forever to ring the bell. Howard Finkel gets in the ring with the official word as Santana takes the first match in Wrestlemania history. Now for judgement sake, keep in mind this was March of 1985 so expecting Rey Mysterio vs Juventud Guerrera or Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho is a waste of time. For its time it entertained the crowd and established Tito as number 1 contender to Greg Valentine's Intercontinental championship.

Time of Match: 4:40

Winners: Tito Santana by submission

 Alfred Hays in the aisle way shills the upcoming King Kong Bundy/SD Jones showdown who sends it to Okerlund who interviews Jones first. SD "I'm gonna get down with the biggest man in town" and 5 seconds after Jones leaves in walks Bundy and I said earlier, this was back when kayfabe was a real big deal so we're supposed to believe Bundy let him stand there and say all this stuff? Bundy says he's gonna avalanche the poor guy and get the 5 count. Back to ringside....

Match 2

King Kong Bundy (with Jimmy Hart) vs Special Delivery "SD" Jones

  SD Jones was your basic mid-card face at the time while Bundy was a rising monster heel, fresh from being a member of the Legion of Doom in the NWA. Jones runs into Bundy at the bell and Kong catches him in a bearhug then rams him into the corner. Jones crumples to the floor then gets up as Bundy hits the avalanche followed by the big splash for 1...2....3 and its over just like that. Monsoon and Ventura can't believe it as Howard Finkel gets on the mic. "Time of the fall....9 SECONDS...your winner King Kong Bundy" Um, what? I specifically counted 23 seconds (which Monsoon ironically says is the previous record) so this was all just hooplah to get Bundy over as Hogan's future opponent. My guess is SD wasn't supposed to fall to the floor after the bearhug in the corner so they went with 9 seconds as per plan anyway. Bottom line is Bundy is established as a mean looking fella.

Time of match: 23 seconds

Winner: King Kong Bundy by pinfall

     Back to Alfred Hays who shills the upcoming match as Bundy makes his way back to the locker room. Mean Gene interviews Borne first and he says Steamboat's too nice of a guy and he's gonna beat him up then Ricky comes in and scoffs at Borne for basically calling him a wuss and says he's gonna take him out.

Match 3

"Maniac" Matt Borne vs Ricky Steamboat

   This could be the sleeper as match of the night because Borne was more talented than he looked (and this was 8 years before he became Doink the Clown) and we all know how great Steamboat was. Borne was competing in both Portland and Mid-South when he was brought in for the match. Ventura hypes Matt's father "Tough" Tony Borne who wrestled many moons ago including an encounter with Gorilla himself. They tie up to start before Steamboat leapfrogs over Borne and goes for the double chop but Matt catches himself, then runs into the double chop anyway. Steamboat hits a snap mare and a headlock as Monsoon hypes up him and Jimmy Snuka as possible tag team title contenders. Steamboat rolls through an atomic drop attempt and hits one of his own, then mocks Borne's selling of the maneuver. Steamboat goes back to the side headlock before Borne hits an inverted atomic drop and a knee lift. Borne fires away in the corner but Steamboat hits a boot to the head (yeah yeah!) and a chop from the second rope. Steamboat hits another double karate chop as the announcers shill Ricky's physique and Borne's intelligence. Borne backs Ricky in the corner and hits a series of knee's to the mid-section followed by a BtB suplex. Matt hits a snap suplex and covers for 1..2...nope, they trade blows in the ring before Steamboat gets the upper hand with karate chops. Steamboat hits a back suplex, a reverse neckbreaker and 2 knee drops for a cover of 1..2...nope. Steaboat leapfrogs over Borne and hits some sort of double punch to the face, then he goes upstairs and hits the FLYING CROSSBODY for 1...2....three and we have a winner. Short and much for my match of the night prediction. Then again, that's judging it by today's standards when every match was supposed to be 10 minutes because there were so many of them packed into one show. Still good for what it was.

Time of match: 4:38

Winner: Ricky Steamboat by pinfall

   Back to Alfred Hays who hypes up the upcoming David Sammartino/Brutus Beefcake showdown before sending it over to Okerlund with the pre-match interview. David says he and his dad Bruno have been training hard and he's gonna avenge Hillbilly Jim by taking Beefcake out. Hillbilly Jim got hurt a few months earlier and  Bruno says if Johnny V interferes he's gonna knock him out.  Beefcake and Johnny enter WHILE DAVID IS STILL ON SCREEN....are you kidding me? Verne Gagne would have a heart attack if he saw this going on in the AWA. Anyway Johnny V cuts a funny promo saying he'll stick his schnozz wherever her wants. Its funny how Johnny Valiant became a manager for WWF while kayfabe brother Jimmy was still competing for Crockett at this time.

Match 4

Brutus Beefcake (with Johnny Valiant) vs David Sammartino (with Bruno Sammartino)

    Poor David, the old man's shoes were too big to fill and even when matched up against someone like Beefcake, he STILL gets laughed at. There's no referee in the ring so they stall for a while as Monsoon and Ventura discuss the possibility of Beefcake being "Luscious" Johnny Valiant's son. They exchange tie-ups after the bell before David hits a drop-toe hold as the camera pans to Bruno outside. They exchange go-behinds and takedowns before Brutus slides under the ring and regroups with Valiant. Back inside David hits a series of old school takedowns and goes to the front headlock, a Sammartino trademark. Beefcake threatens to pound the ref before David counters a scoop slam with an arm-bar. David drops a leg on the left shoulder before Beefcake gets up and hits a high school style headlock for 1...2..nope. Brutus hits a shoulder-block and an arm=drag but Sammartino nips up and catches Beefcake with a double toe-hold. Beefcake powers out of it but David catches the leg and applies a step-over. Brutus counters a figure four attempt but Sammartino continues with the leg lock as Beefcake doesn't even sell it....seriously, he adjusts his arm pads and barely looks like he's in pain. Beefcake gets a thumb to the eye and hits a backdrop before hitting a series of forearms to the sternum. Beefcake hits a scoop slam and goes back on offense with elbows in the corner. Beefcake hits a hard irish whip into the corner, poses, then hits a series of knees to the mid-section. Bruno gets the crowd to chant for David as Beefcake runs straight into a back body-drop. Sammartino rallies with clubbing right hands and jabs before hitting a weak looking boot to the mid-section. David hits a big knee to the head and a snap suplex then covers for 1...2..negative. Beefcake throws David out of the ring where Valiant pounces and slams him on the concrete floor...causing the old man to toss Valiant in the ring for an ass kicking. Bruno waffles Johnny with a series of forearms before Beefcake pounds away to stop the momentum. David comes over and all 4 men go at it as the ref calls for the bell before the Sammartinos clean house. The crowd erupts but then boos when Finkel announces the match is a draw. The first and last appearance of David Sammartino on any major WWF event as Beefcake was just getting started. For those wondering why a Wrestlemania match ended in a draw, see previous explanations.

Time of match: 11:40

Winner: No one...double DQ

    Back to Alfred Hays who shills the upcoming IC title match before sending it over to Gene Okerlund for the pre-match interviews. Valentine says he's the master of the figure four and he's gonna hammer JYD before Dog comes in and says he's going to get his hands on Jimmy Hart. Back to ringside with Gorilla and Jesse.

Match 5

Junkyard Dog vs Greg "The Hammer" Valentine (with Jimmy Hart) for the WWF Intercontinental Championship

    JYD, one of the most popular black athletes in wrestling history, gets a title shot here. JYD had come over from Mid-South wrestling (damn near crippling the promotion as he was the top star) for this one. Valentine enters first as Another One Bites The Dust hits and JYD enters. I should point out JYD is the first person to use entrance music as everyone else to this point didn't have any. They fake hitting each other as JYD jukes and jives to the crowd's delight before hitting an arm twister. Valentine whips JYD off but Dog catches the foot then catches Greg with a right hand. Valentine hits a knee and an elbow but misses a forearm so JYD hits his trademark headbutts on the ground before the camera pans to the Garden crowd. Monsoon says Hart is now the manager of Jim Niedhart, Bundy and Valentine before Valentine goes back on offense. Greg hits a forearm to the back of the neck and an elbow drop to the mid-section before going over the right leg of JYD. Valentine goes for a half-crab and stretches the knee as the crowd begins to roar for JYD. Valentine hits a headbutt to the midsection but JYD counters the figure four attempt and sells the injury well. Valentine works him over in the corner before Dog rallies with right hands and headbutts as Valentine does the flop. Jimmy Hart gets on the apron and Dog grabs him but moves out of the way causing Valentine to hammer Jimmy to the floor. Dog backs Valentine in the corner with forearm and a headbutt before Valentine rake the eyes and scoops the legs with his feet on the rope for 1...2...3 and Valentine wins it. All of a sudden Tito Santana hits the ring and tells the ref Valentine had his foot on the rope. I don't know what kind of magic power Tito has but the ref calls for the match to continue making him the smartest ref in the history of wrestling up to this point. Unfortunately Valentine wants no part of it and stays out of the ring. Dog wins by count-out but the title does not change hands on a count-out so The Hammer is still the champ. Santana and Dog taunt Valentine in the ring as Greg teases getting in to fight them before walking to the back. That was supposed to be a 1 hour time limit and it didn't even go 7 minutes. This had the pace of a 1998 Monday Night Raw card and this was 1985.

Time of match: 6:53

Winner:  Junkyard Dog by count-out (Valentine retains the title)

   Back to Hays who shills the upcoming tag team title match before sending it over to Okerlund for the pre-match interviews. Iron Sheik says down with America while my favorite manager of all time "Classie" Freddie Blassie says we're looking at the next champions. Gene says "Ok comrade" and Nikolai Volkoff says "I came, I saw, I conquer". After the heels leave, Captain Lou Albano walks in with a beer in his hand and says the US Express is gonna win, now THAT'S confidence.

Match 6

The Un-Americanz (Nikolai Volkoff and Iron Sheik) with Freddie Blassie vs The US Express (Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo) with Captain Lou Albano for the WWF Tag Team Championship

  The men who would become IRS and The Stalker (and father to Bray Wyatt & Bo Dallas) take on Sheik and Volkoff here. The Express had beaten the North/South Connection (Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch) for the belts two months prior. Before the match Nikolai does his pre-match ritual by singing the Soviet National Anthem as the Garden crowd heaves garbage in the ring. Sheik "RUSSIA NUMBA VUN....IRAN NUMBA VUN...AMERICA HACK PATOIE!" Born in the USA by Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen hits and the Express make their entrance. With 3 out of the 4 wrestlers in their prime, this could be the sleeper that Borne/Steamboat wasn't. Rotundo starts off with Sheik as Ventura says you'll see bad world series and superbowls but not Wrestlemania....yah wait until Wrestlemania 11. Rotundo hits an armdrag, dropkick, a scoop slam and a headlock takedown as Ventura shills. Windham makes the tag and hits an elbow from off the top rope then hits a boot to the mid-section. Sheik backs Barry back in the corner and Volkoff holds, but Windham escapes and Sheik dropicks Volkoff instead. Volkoff tags in and the camera shows an instant replay of the dropkick before going back to live action where Rotundo hits a back elbow smash. Mike locks in an arm-bar then tags in Windham who once again comes off the top onto the elbow. Rotundo follows with the same elbow drop before Nikolai takes over and rams Rotundo's head into Sheik's legendary loaded boot. Sheik backdrops Rotundo and hits an elbow drop for 1...2...nope, near fall. Iron Sheik executes a gut-wrench suplex and covers for a deuce before Rotundo blocks a snap suplex and hits one of his own. Nikolai tags in and drops him throat first on the top rope as Blassie shouts "Kick em!" Rotundo switches out of a hammerlock as the crowd gets a USA chant going. Mike hits a sunset flip for 1..2...noooo, Volkoff quickly gets up and puts the boots to him. Volkoff hits a knee to the mid-section and boots before ramming Mike's head once again into Sheik's boot. The heels double team Rotundo before Sheik applies an abdominal stretch as the camera pans to Blassie and Albano trading invectives. Rotundo escapes and Volkoff tags in but Mike finally makes it to Windham, who fires away at Nikolai with fists and a dropkick. Windham hits the bulldog and covers for 1..2...nope, Sheik cuts him off. Rotundo gets in and dropkicks Sheik to the floor but Blassie sneaks the cane into Sheik's hands. The ref is distracted by Rotundo as Sheik breaks the cane over the back of Windham who crumbles to the floor. Nikolai rolls him over and covers for 1....2...3 and we got new tag team champions. Iron Sheik becomes the first superstar since Bob Backlund to be both World champion and Tag champion in their careers. I should point out that Barry left the company not long after this and Windham wouldn't compete in another Wrestlemania for 12 more years. Meanwhile Rotundo resurfaced 7 years later as I.R.S. Again, crash style match and it was good for 85 standards.

Time of match: 6:51

Winners: The Un-Americanz by pinfall (New Tag Team Champions)

    Mean Gene interviews the new champs and scoffs at Blassie for using the cane. Freddie "Cane? What cane? I didn't have no cane!" Sheik says Gene Mean and spits at the US again as Okerlund sends it back to Monsoon and Ventura who goes over what we just saw. Back to Alfred Hays who shills the upcoming $15,000 slam match who sends it back to Okerlund for the pre-match interviews. Big John Studd and Bobby Heenan enter with the duffel bag of money and its funny to see Okerlund try to stick his hand in as Heenan swats it away. Heenan "There's only 2 people that are gonna see this money, me and Studd....make it 3, the teller at the bank when we deposit the money." The next segment is shilling Wrestlemania merchandise which makes no sense because the announcer dude says "pick it up in the corridors" which is an insinuation people watching this commercial is at the Garden? Whatever....on to the match.

Match 7

Andre the Giant vs Big John Studd (with Bobby Heenan) in a $15,000 Slam Match

 Ok, the rules are simple.....if Andre bodyslams Studd he wins 15 grand but if Studd slams Andre then say goodbye to the Giant. Studd attacks Andre in the corner as the bell rings before Andre rallies with chop and a big headbutt. Andre boots Studd to the outside of the ring and John regroups with Heenan, back inside Andre taunts Studd until backing him into the corner. Andre chokes Studd in the corner and Ventura asks where the ref is, but this isn't a standard wrestling match so there are no DQ's to speak of. Andre hits a knee to the head and big hamhock to the head before executing avalanches in the corner. Studd goes for a bodyslam but Andre blocks it then chops away at Studd before hitting a bearhug. The fants chats for Andre to slam as Ventura says "25,000 strong chanting".....thought the building only held about 17,000 but nevertheless it is a sell out. The bearhug spot is worked for 2 full minutes before letting go and hitting a forearm to the back as Ventura says this could be the last time we could be seeing Andre. Andre hits a headlock and hits another hamhock to the mid-section as the crowd erupts. Andre whips Studd off and catches the foot, then hits another right hand to the face. Andre blocks a back elbow smash before chopping John in the corner. Andre kicks away at Studd's leg and I'll let Monsoon handle this one. "Andre now going to work on the leg, LOOK AT THIS...ANDRE PICKS EM UP...HE SLAMMED HIM!!!" This one's over and Andre wins the match with the big scoop slam. The crowd erupts again as Finkel hands Andre the bag of money. Andre begins throwing money into the crowd before Heenan sneaks up, steals the bag then runs to the back with Studd. Ventura "They don't call him The Brain for nothin Gino!" Andre poses in the ring and his career will resume....for a few more years anyway. I look at this match not for the catch-as-catch-can but for the drama and the storyline because in 1985, 15 grand or retire was a big deal so this match certainly was legendary.

Time of match: 5:52

Winner: Andre the Giant

   Back to Okerlund who interviews Andre who says in his booming voice that he doesn't care about the money and tries cutting a promo but is cut off as we send it back to Monsoon and Ventura. The man just saved his career, let him speak dammit! We send it back to Alfred Hays who tries to shill the upcoming women's match but is cut off by Fabulous Moolah who kisses him on the lips. Alfred "Good gracious!" then Leilani Kai kisses him before he finally sends it to Mean Gene. Okerlund interviews Cyndi Lauper and Richter then Cyndi in her thick Brooklyn accent she's gonna get her hands on Moolah. Richter says she's gonna get her belt back as the camera cuts off allowing Moolah and Leilani to enter....why couldn't they have done that all night to make it look like they weren't standing next to each other. Moolah is wearing flamboyant glasses and Okerlund says don't tell Ventura about them so he doesn't get any ideas. Back to ringside for the match.....

Match 8

Wendi Richter (with Cyndi Lauper and David Wolfe) vs Leilani Kai (with Fabulous Moolah) for the WWF Womens Championship

   Ironically this match was more hyped up than the previous seven (Andre included) because of the involvement of Lauper on MTV. Richter had originally dethroned Moolah and Moolah trained Leilani to get the belt back, which she did. Richter, Wolfe and Lauper come running out to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun as the crowd goes crazy for the trio. Cyndi gets in Leilani's face before the bell and Kai motions that she's crazy, haha good one. I don't know whether it was because I was a weird kid or not but when I first saw this match I thought Leilani was much more gorgeous than Wendi but Richter was the better wrestler. Monsoon says Cyndi stole her outfit out of Ventura's dresser as we get underway with the big title match. They tie up and roll around the ropes before Leilani backs Wendi in the corner. Wendi punches Leilani halfway across the ring then hits an armdrag but Leilani nips Richter off her. Kai hits an armdrag but Wendi turns it into a hammerlock before THROWING her in hammerlock position a good 3 feet in the air, how Leilani didn't tear a shoulder in the process I don't know. Leilani reaches back and hits a series of snapmares as Cyndi shouts encouragement for Wendi. Leilani goes back to old school holds, a tribute to Moolah I'm sure.  They trade blows in the ring before Leilani grabs Wendi by the hair and throws her into the corner, then hits a snapmare before choking her down. Wendi applies a body scissors from sex position and Leilani shows how strong she is by pulling her all the way to her feet but Wendi hits a forearm to the chest. They appear to go for the same gut-wrench suplex but Wendi being taller falls forward into a lateral press for 1...2....nope. Leilani holds on to the hair then snapmares her over as Ventura speculates what its like to be on the receiving end of something like that. Kai throws Richter in the corner but a charge eats double boot then Wendi covers for a near fall. Leilani distracts the ref so Moolah chokes Wendi on the bottom rope before Cyndi runs over to save the day. Leilani whips Wendi off and hits a boot to the mid-section but Wendi rallies with a forearm and a New Delhi Devastator (and this is 1985 no less). Wendi splashes on top for 1....2..nope, near fall. Wendi whips Leilani into the corner where she goes for a splash but Kai gets the knees up in time. Leilani puts the boots to Wendi and hits a backbreaker for 1....2..NOOOO, that was close. Leilani hits a scoop slam then goes upstairs and hits a flying crossbody, but then Wendi rolls through it for 1....2......3 and we got a new WWF Women's champion! Cyndi runs around and strangles Moolah with the towel before she trips getting into the ring. A funny spot that I find funny is Cyndi tries to pick up Wendi but can't and Wendi picks up Cyndi effortlessly. They then do a dose-do dance as Girls Just Wanna Have Fun once again blares to the Madison Square Garden crowd.  Monsoon goes to the replay of the finish and speculates when Leilani came off the top she hit her head on the canvas allowing Wendi to roll on top......good explanation but anyways we got a new champion. I should point out this would be the last Women's title change at a Wrestlemania for 16 years.

Time of match: 6:13

Winner: Wendi Richter by pinfall (New Women's champion)

   We go back to Mean Gene in the locker-room who interviews the new champ, where she says she beat "Leilani Cow". Captain Lou makes his way into the picture as Gene asks "Did Moolah get in your way Cyndi?" Wendi "Are you crazy??" Cyndi "Yeah she's bigger than me but I took care of her" before sending it to Howard Finkel in the ring. Fink turns things over to New York Yankees manager Billy Martin who is the special guest ring announcer. He gets a standing O from the crowd which is weird considering how many times he's been hired and fired as manager. He then introduces Liberace as the special guest time-keeper (who dances a jig with the Rockettes in the ring) Billy then introduces the special guest referee Pat Patterson and special guest enforcer former world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali. Jose Torrez the former light-heavyweight champion leads Ali to the ring as the crowd gives a much deserved applause for the duo. Now its time for the main event......

Match 9

"Mr Wonderful" Paul Orndorff and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper (with Bob Orton) vs Mr T and Hulk Hogan (with Jimmy Snuka)

 A Bagpipe band makes their way to the ring signaling the arrival of wrestling's number one heel ROWDY.....RODDY....PIPER!!  The Rowdy one makes his entrance with Mr Wonderful and "Ace" Bob Orton. Not to nitpick, but couldn't this have been a six man tag match since Jimmy Snuka was equally as loved in the Garden as Hogan and Orton was Piper's bodyguard...ah well, no use squawking about it now. Mr. T, Snuka and Hogan make their entrance to Eye of the Tiger as the Garden crowd goes nuts. They take FOREVER to start before Liberace stands and rings his custom made bell to start the main event. Hogan and Orndorff start jawing each other as the tension builds. Orndorff teases going at it before tagging Piper in. Mr T hops up and down saying let me have him so Hogan tags him in. Piper made it clear on his DVD compilation he never liked Mr. T so this feud was more personal than it was business. Piper hated Mr T, Orndorff and Hogan hated each other so this maybe an out and out shoot by the end. Piper and T staredown nose to nose before they exchange slaps to the face before hitting a go-behind takedown. T tries to sit-out/turn in but Piper maintains the ride. Mr T finally switches out of it as Orndorff fires up Piper in their corner. Mr T puts Piper into a fireman's carry then drops him like yesterday's newspaper (Monsoon's words not mine). Piper backs T into his corner where Orndorff gets in then a melee ensues when all 4 men brawl into the corner. Muhammad Ali and Bob Orton get in the ring as Snuka goes upstairs. Ali throws a punch that sends Piper out of the ring then takes a swing at Orton who retreats to the ground. The heels regroup outside as the camera shows Billy Martin laughing his ass off at the proceedings. Piper motions that they're outta here as Monsoon scoffs and the heels actually leave the area. Patterson counts up to 8 before Hogan stops him and motions for them to come back and the heels in fact do walk back to ringside. Piper and Paul get in the ring to attack Mr T and Hogan but the faces clean house. They hit a double noggin knocker on the heels before Hogan clotheslines Roddy in the corner. Hulk hits a knoggin knocker on Piper and Orndorff before hitting an atomic drop on the rowdy one. Piper and Hogan trade blows before Hulk makes the tag to Mr T then they hit a double clotheslines. T hits a scoop slam on Piper and an arm-drag on an interfering Orndorff. T hits another slam on Piper and headbutts Orndorff before ramming Piper's head into Hogan's knee. Make no mistake about it, in terms of physical condition Mr T has the physique that is better than half the WWF roster so had he went into wrestling, he couldn't have been any worse than anybody the AWA put out in the late 80's. Hogan rakes the eyes and big boots Piper over the top rope to the floor. Mr Wonderful interferes and clotheslines Hogan out of the ring so Piper grabs a chair and waffles the Hulkster with it. Muhammad Ali chases Piper back in the ring but Orndorff sneaks out and throws Hogan into the ring. Piper puts the boots to Hogan as Orndorff sneaks in a cheap shot of his own. Mr T interferes so Piper and Orndorff double team the Hulkster. Piper and Orndorff execute a double atomic drop on Hogan as Muhammad Ali gets in the ring to chase Piper out. Fans may not be pleased with Ali's constant interference but from a kayfabe standpoint he's supposed to be the enforcer and that's exactly what he's doing. Patterson has to beg Ali to get out as Orndorff works over Hulk. Orndorff hits a snap suplex as Ventura says he's the x-factor of this match being the most technically gifted of all 4 men involved.....well 6 including Snuka and Orton outside. Piper tags in and hits windup punches then a knee lift for 1...2..nope, Hogan kicks out. Piper holds Hogan as Paul tags in and hits a forearm to the back of the neck.....One of the unwritten laws of wrestling is not to hit moves on the back of the neck because you're more prone to actual injuries, but Orndorff would ROUTINELY do this to Hogan in their matches, pissing off the Hulkster legitimately in the process. Paul covers for a near-fall before hitting a nice backbreaker before going upstairs. Orndorff goes for another forearm off the top but misses, before Hogan makes the hot tag to Mr T. T cleans house before Orndorff is able to take him down. Mr T and Orndorff go high school style as Mr T goes for a roll but Paul wizzers to make sure that doesn't happen. Piper makes the tag then hits a front headlock on B.A. Barabus before T tags Hogan in.  Both heels interfere so Hogan hits a double noggin knocker on them then headlock punches Orndorff until Wonderful counters with a back suplex. Piper interferes but Patterson cuts him off so both Jimmy Snuka and Cowboy Bob get in the ring. Snuka hits a jumping headbutt that sends Orton over the top to the apron. Patterson is distracted by Snuka as Orndorff puts Hogan in a full nelson. Piper and Mr. T go at it as Patterson turns his attention to him as Orton goes upstairs. Orton comes off the top but Hogan moves and Ace catches Orndorff in the back of the head with the cast. Hogan covers as Snuka roughs up Orton and Patterson gets in position..1......2.....3....its overrrrrrrr!!!!  The ring becomes chaos as everyone gets in the ring before Piper knocks out Patterson, spits at Orndorff and takes off with Orton in tow. Back inside Mr T tends to Orndoff as Billy Martin announce Hogan and Mr T the winner. Orndorff springs to life as Snuka, T, Patterson and Hogan back off. The faces celebrate in the ring as Orndorff doesn't have a clue what happened before heading to the locker-room. Hogan, Mr. T, Muhammad Ali, Pat Patterson, Snuka, Liberace and Billy Martin all pose and celebrate in the ring. Monsoon and Ventura go to the instant replay before sending it back to Mean Gene to interview the winners. Mr T says he trained hard,as Hogan shills Snuka and T before Superfly does the same thing.  Back to Monsoon and Ventura who sign off and thanks the fans for tuning in.

Time of match: 13:21

Winners: Mr T and Hulk Hogan by pinfall

     From an in ring standpoint this was on par with a lot of WWF action from 1985 and historically it did great numbers on closed circuit television. WWF was taking over the country and this would be the greatest year in wrestling (until 1998) for the AWA had their second wind after losing virtually their entire roster to McMahon, the NWA was awesome with the Horsemen against Dusty Rhodes and Magnum TA and of course WWF's Rock n Wrestling was a big seller. This was more of a modern day crash event with only two matches going over 10 minutes but that's basically how long WWF stars could go and still be entertaining. If you're looking for an in-ring classic ppv like Great American Bash 96 don't bother, but if you want a drama filled time capsule of fun then definitely get your hands on this priceless classic. Seriously, whoever was old enough to remember what wrestling was like during this time period can agree that this was ground breaking. As for this one, 4 stars out of 5 for the significance and a point off for the crash style. Some of them deserved to be longer.

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