Wednesday, July 4, 2012

WWE NXT (7/4/12)

Full Sail University
Orlando, FL
July 4, 2012

Commentators: Jim Ross & Bryon Saxton

After the great debut show two weeks ago, last week's NXT felt like an old episode of WWF Superstars with vignettes and squash matches. Hopefully the upcoming weeks will be better once everybody is introduced and they can all just wrestle. We got a women's match and Kassius Ohno making his debut. JR thanks us for joining and sends us right to our first match.

Match 1

Sofia Cortez vs Paige

Sofia Cortez was Ivelisse Velez on Tough Enough the year earlier and she was actually the protoge of indy legend Steve Boz in Chicago before being signed. Her opponent was actually a 19 year old Saraya Bevis who made her debut at the age of 13 in her native England in 2005. She's the daughter of Sweet Saraya and Roy Bevis, both English wrestlerts. This is booked as a "divas" match and Saxton gets excited before the bell. They lock up but Paige throws Sofia backwards. Sofia ducks under a clothesline and goes for a waistlock but Paige blocks it with a headbutt. Sofia blocks a hiptoss with a headscissors into a frankensteiner. Paige bails to the outside as JR brings up Sofia;s singing talent and martial arts skills. Back inside Sofia kicks and punches away in the corner and tells the ref to shut up. Paige follows with right hands but Sofia lands a martial arts kick. Sofia covers for a 1 count and locks in a arm-trap chinlock but Paige flips out of it and chops Sofia. Paige eats a kick to the face and Sofia executes the Mysterio DDT. She covers for 1....2....3 and that's it. This was definitely nearing the end of the "divas" era as 19 year old Paige looked pretty good selling here and just needed more experience. Sofia gets the duke as JR puts over both having a future. We go to the highlight of the finish as Saxton calls it an impressive debut.

Time of match: 2:27

Winner: Cortez by pinfall

Saxton hypes up Kassius Ohno's debut later tonight but up next is Seth Rollins taking on Camacho with Hunico in his corner. After the commercial break we go right to the match.

Match 2

Camacho (with Hunico) vs Seth Rollins

Camacho was born Tevita Fifita, the son of Haku. He was signed in 2009 as Tonga before becoming Donny Marlow in FCW. He made his main roster debut as Camacho, bodyguard of Hunico. Hunico was born Jose Arriaga who won the Texas state wrestling tournament his senior year of 1996 and was voted tournament MVP. He turned pro in 1999 and worked as Mistico in Mexico until someone else named Mistico (Luis Urive) showed up and Arriaga had to change his name. He signed with WWE in 2009 under the name Hunico and was in their developmental program when WWE signed Urive to work as Sin Cara. When Urive got suspended for 30 days following a wellness violation, Arriaga became Sin Cara. We all know how Sin Cara vs Sin Cara came out of that and eventually Arriaga became Hunico again doing a cholo gimmick. Now he's backup for Camacho against Rollins who made his debut the week before. Rollins makes his entrance punching up the ramp like Donkey Kong before getting in the ring. Rollins and Camacho slug it out at the bell but Camacho takes his head off with a big elbow. Camacho works him over in the corner before whipping Rollins off the ropes who turns it into a cradle for a deuce. Rollins trips up Camacho and covers for a 1 before chopping Camacho. Rollins works him over in the corner then whips Camacho into the other corner. A charge eats boot to drop Rollins and Camacho drops a leg before stomping away. Camacho pulls Rollins into the middle and covers for 1 before taunting him. Camacho executes a back suplex and covers for 1....2...nope. Camacho stomps away at Rollins as JR calls Seth highly regarded. Saxton says that's driving Camacho to beat him up if everyone's high on Rollins. Rollins nips out of a giant swing to hit an enziguiri to stun Camacho and drives Camacho into the buckle with a one armed ddt. Rollins hits a dropkick and kicks Hunico down but runs into a big forearm by Camacho.  Camacho holds Rollins for Hunico to hop up on the apron. Rollins sends Camacho into Hunico then hits the curb stomp on him. He covers for 1....2....3 and that's it. Hunico gets in and beats up Rollins with Camacho joining in. They doubleteam Rollins until Bo Dallas hits the ring to save Rollins. Rollins had a bright future ahead and he did the best he could in that.

Time of match: 4:33

Winner: Seth Rollins

We go right to the next match after commercial.

Match 3

Corey Graves and Jake Carter vs CJ Parker and Nick Rogers

Tag team match to showcase the four new guys. Parker we know but Corey Graves was born Matthew Polinsky and started wrestling in 2000 at age 16. He took the name Sterling James Keenan which was a tip of the hat to Sterling Sharpe of the Green Bay Packers and Maynard James Keenan of Tool. In 2006 he worked dark matches with WWE before signing a developmental deal in 2011. Jake Carter is the son of none other than Big Van Vader and played football for Oklahoma University before injuries derailed him. He also got a developmental deal in 2011. Rogers was born Austin Spencer and he made his name on the Canadian indies before signing with FCW. He had a good run there and now he's here on NXT. Graves & Carter were the FCW tag champs right around the time FCW closed. Parker starts with Graves at the bell and Graves gets in a sideheadlock before Parker monkey flips him. Graves gets mad and rams Parker in the corner who punches Carter. Carter tags in and beats up Parker before landing a forearm. Graves tags in and holds him down before Carter splashes Parker in the corner. Graves chokes Parker on the middle rope before Parker fights back with punches and a backdrop. Rogers gets the tag but runs into a Carter spinebuster who had tagged in. Carter knocks Parker off the apron and tags Graves. They hit their finisher "Bottoms up" on Rogers and Graves covers for 1....2...3 to win the match. Carter & Graves definitely had chemistry and it showed in this match. Just a basic squash to get the team over.

Time of match: 2:25

Winners: Graves & Carter by pinfall

We go to JR and Byron and JR calls Kassius Ohno a knockout artist. We go to a highlight package of Kassius before we go to commercial. Back from commercial we get a Bray Wyatt vignette saying he's not afraid of anything and feels no pain. He tells his future opponents they need to run as we hear sinister laughing. Wyatt is making his debut next week.

Match 4

Mike Dalton vs Kassius Ohno

Ross says Dalton was trained by Lance Storm as Dalton starts with an arm-bar but Ohno overpowers him. Dalton sends him off the ropes and hits a drop toe hold before high school pinning Ohno for a 1 count. Ohno reverses a prawn hold and hits a dropkick to the face. Ohno goes in the corner and shouts "OHHHH....NO" then delivers a clothesline in the corner followed by a jumping forearm. Ross says Ohno prefers knocking people out as Ohno kicks Dalton around. Ohno chops Dalton in the corner and locks in a cobra clutch. Dalton fights out of it and hits a spinning wheel kick. He covers for 1...2...nope. Ohno rakes the eyes then hits the K.O. punch. Ohno covers for 1...2....3...its over. Dalton is out cold as Ross puts over the discus punch as something special. Ohno grabs the mic and says he knocks people out and when they hear him coming they say "Oh no!". Gonna need to do better than that but its a start.

Time of match: 2:32

Winner: Ohno by pinfall

We go to commercial then straight to the next match.

Match 5

Derrick Bateman vs Jinder Mahal

Both Mahal and Bateman won in the previous weeks before so it makes sense to put them together to give someone a possible winning streak. Bell's gone and they tie up to start with the crowd starting a small USA chant, ha! Bateman takes advantage with a northern lights suplex and clotheslining Mahal over the top rope to the floor. Bateman dives onto Mahal on the floor before sending him back inside. Mahal snaps Bateman off the top rope and covers for a near fall before choking him on the second rope. Mahal drops some knees to the sternum and goes for a Rude Awakening but Bateman counters with a backslide for a deuce. Bateman catches Mahal with a cradle for a two count then a slam with a roll up for yet another near fall. Bateman drops Mahal with two clotheslines and a facebuster. A running neckbreaker by Bateman gets a two count and Derrick gets frustrated. Bateman is sent into the ropes and Mahal delivers a knee to the back of the head. Mahal then locks in the camel clutch and Bateman quickly submits. Mahal sold his ass off for Bateman yet one move turned the tide for him. The crowd boos but Mahal is your winner.....but wait! Mahal puts the clutch back on as JR says there's no call for this. Guess he needed some more heat.

Time of match: 4:02

Winner: Mahal by submission

Late breaking news, tonight's main event is now a six man tag with Michael McGillicutty teaming with Hunico and Camacho against Tyson Kidd, Bo Dallas and Seth Rollins. Dusty Rhodes isn't wasting any time plus Rollins & Camacho are pulling double duty. After an obligatory "Don't try this at home" commercial we got to our main event.

Match 6

Seth Rollins, Bo Dallas and Tyson Kidd vs Michael McGillicutty, Hunico and Camacho

Guest Commentator: William Regal

Stemming from the match to start the night, now we got an impromptu six man. Kidd and McGillicutty had a great match two weeks earlier and Dallas was victorious last week. Dallas starts with Michael who Michael tells to scram. Tyson tags in so Hunico does as well. JR complains about Hunico's durag as Kidd hits a top rope headscissors. Hunico gets a boot to the mid-section and a Gory Special and uses it as a pinfall attempt for Kidd uses his abdominal strength to sunset flip out of it for a two count then Kidd victory rolls out of a waistlock. Kidd armdrags Huncio and tags in Dallas who drops an elbow to the left arm. Rollins tags in and goes to town on Hunico in the corner before splashing him in the other corner. Rollins gets distracted by Camacho allowing Hunico to nail him from behind. Camacho tags in as we cut to commercial. We're back with Camacho covering Rollins for a near-fall before locking in a chin-lock. Rollins fights out of it but is in the wrong corner as Hunico tags in to stomp away. Hunico charges but eats boot then Rollins monkey flips Hunico halfway across the ring. Rollins rolls into the corner to tag Dallas but Camacho tags in. Camacho falls down so Dallas somewhat misses a big elbow so they repeat the spot. Dallas kicks Camacho in the head then knocks Michael off the apron. Camacho counters by throwing Dallas head first into the bottom buckle. Regal says Camacho manhandles people with ease. McGillicutty tags in and and puts the boots to Dallas. Michael gets in a chinlock and punches Dallas for good measure. Dallas powers out of it but Michael locks in a leglock to keep Dallas from tagging. Hunico tags in and delivers a double-underhook backbreaker then covers for 1...2.....nope. Hunico locks in a chinlock as Regal tells a cockamamie story of how Camacho saved Hunico in the barrio from a gang stabbing by biting the nose off the guy stabbing Hunico. Hunico tags in McGillicutty to deliver more damage before executing a backbreaker. The cover gets a deuce and Michael pounds away as Regal says Dallas suffered a kidney injury a few months earlier. McGillicutty cheap shots Rollins but that allows Dallas to make the tag to Kidd. Kidd cleans house of the heels and hits a dropkick to the face. A pier sixer develops with Dallas taking out Hunico to the floor. Rollins dives off the top onto Dallas, Hunico and Camacho. Down to Kidd and McGillicutty, Michael chopblocks Kidd and hits the McGillicutter. He covers for 1...2....3 that's it. Good booking to have Michael get a big win after putting Tyson over two weeks earlier. Hunico struts around as JR signs off. Damn good match for time constraints and it showcased the stars of the future. Kidd and McGillicutty took command but the others kept up nicely.

Time of match: 13:19

Winners: McGillicutty, Camacho and Hunico by pinfall

That was a better show than last week as they're still in weeding out mode. They're trying to establish everyone's skills before they start storylines. It's fairly obvious a lot of these guys could go like Kidd, Rollins & McGillicutty and NXT was to develop character. Paige was only 19 here which is a blessing that NXT was established to get her experience before being put in a WWE ring. Kassius Ohno is a bit of a gimmick but he can definitely work on it. Jinder has a GREAT look and he could be a special heel someday. Bray Wyatt makes his debut next week so let's see what the former Husky Harris has in store.

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