Wednesday, July 11, 2012

WWE NXT (7/11/12)

Full Sail University
Winter Park, FLA
July 11, 2012

Commentators: Byron Saxton & William Regal

This was the fourth and final set of tapings from Full Sail to establish the new NXT. We've established the core of the roster of what this show will be but we still have one big name to go with Bray Wyatt set to make his debut. The debut episode had a great Tyson Kidd vs Michael McGillicutty match and Tyson is opening this show against Camacho fresh off last week's main event. We also got The Uso's taking on the Prime Time Players so let's get to the action.

Match 1

Alberto Del Rio vs Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship

This is actually a dark match shown just for the fans in attendance. Why they chose to never air this or have this match at all makes no sense. Still, Sheamus retained the title by beating Del Rio.

Winner: Sheamus

Match 2

Tyson Kidd vs Camacho (with Hunico)

This stemmed from last week's match where Camacho's team defeated Kidd's team. Regal tells the exact same story he told last week where Camacho saved Hunico by biting someone's eyeball out....of course last week it was the dude's nose off. Bell's gone and Camacho throws Kidd down to start. Kidd shows off his agility before dropping Camacho with a dropkick. Camacho charges but Kidd counters with a roll-up before telling the ref to watch out for Hunico. Camacho takes over with right hands but Kidd rolls over the back of Camacho and dropping him with first a leg-lock, then a drop toe hold. Kidd hits a backslide for two then goes for an arm-bar. Regal praises Kidd's training from his Hart Dungeon days but Camacho heaves Kidd over the top rope. Kidd skins the cat and head-scissors  Camacho to the floor. Kidd baseball slides out but he's cornered by Hunico & Camacho. The ref throws Hunico out despite him not doing anything as Kidd dives out onto the floor onto both men. Saxton sends us to commercial and when we come back, he's got an arm-bar on Camacho with Hunico gone from ring side. Camacho sends Kidd off the ropes but eats a kick to the head. Kidd victory rolls Camacho and goes for the sharpshooter but Camacho makes it to the ropes. Camacho bails to the outside but blocks a kick and sends Kidd face first into the apron. Camacho sends Tyson ribs first into the apron twice before throwing him back in. Camacho covers for a near-fall then delievrs a backbreaker. Camacho stomps the ribs of Kidd but Tyson rallies with right hands. Camacho regains control with shoulderblocks into the corner then sends Kidd sternum first into the other corner, Bret Hart style. Camacho covers for 1...2...nope. Regal says every inch of the ring can be used as a weapon as Camacho hotshots Kidd into the bottom rope. Camacho locks in a modified abdominal stretch before Kidd fights out of it. Camacho headbutts Kidd down then delivers a back suplex. Camacho taunts Kidd and drops a leg before covering...1....2...nope. Camacho unloads with right hands and hits a facebuster on Kidd. He covers for Camachi goes to the second rope but misses a leg drop. Regal says that's gonna hurt as Kidd kicks away at the left leg of Camacho. Kidd lands a dropkick and covers for Kidd springboard legdrops Camacho on the bottom rope then goes upstairs. Camacho crotches Tyson and hits a top rope double underhook suplex. Camacho covers for 1..2...nope. Kidd flips over Camacho onto the apron and kicks him in the head. Kidd hits the Blockbuster from off the top rope and covers for 1......2....NOOOOO. Camacho got the foot on the rope but Kidd pulls him into the center of the ring. He goes to lock in the sharpshooter but Michael McGillicutty runs in and distracts Kidd. Camacho boots Tyson in the ribs and hits a DDT. He covers for 1...2....3 that's it. Camacho wins it off the distraction. Took Michael and Hunico to help him out to win the match, but that's a big win for Camacho. Regal says the feud between Tyson and Michael is gonna go on forever. Kidd once again puts on a great match and Camacho did his best to keep up.

Time of match: 14:19

Winner: Camacho

Before we go to commercial, Saxton hypes up the main event of The Uso's against the Prime Time Players. After commercial we get the Bray Wyatt vignette from last week saying he doesn't feel pain or fear. After that we go to Matt Striker interviewing Justin Gabriel of all people. Gabriel is back from an elbow injury and he's a former 3 time tag champion. Gabriel is booked to face Heath Slater next week and Justin says he's going to make a statement. Heath Slater walks in and cuts a promo says the statement is of failure and he's a legend killer. Gabriel says Slater won't be embarassed by WWE legends, he'll be embarrassed by him next week. Those are fightin words in my country! On to the next match.

Match 2

Aiden English vs Bray Wyatt

English enters first and Bray enters second cutting a promo to the song Broken Out In Love. Bray calls himself the angel in the dirt and he's pleased to meet everyone. Bray is wearing the Waylon Mercy shirt and straw fedora hat. Regal says Wyatt gives him the "collywobbles" as the bell rings. Wyatt kicks English in the gut to start and rakes the eyes. Wyatt heaves English outside of the ring, goes outside and throws him into the apron. Wyatt heaves Aiden into the barricade and then into the ring. Wyatt looks to hit a snap suplex but just throws English across the ring. Wyatt hits a big splash in the corner and literally dances around with English before hitting Sister Abigail. He covers for 1...2....3 and that's it. Between Regal saying Wyatt scares him, the aggressive squash and the finisher, that's how you put a guy over. The sky was the limit for Wyatt with the right booking.

Time of match: 1:48

Winner: Wyatt by pinfall

Before we go to commercial we get another video plug for The Uso's against the Prime Time Players. When we get back, Saxton hypes up this Sunday's WWE Money In The Bank 2012 ppv headlined by Daniel Bryan going one on one with WWE Champion CM Punk. AJ Lee will be the special guest referee for the bout. The MITB match for the WWE title shot is between Kane, John Cena, Big Show and Chris Jericho. Meanwhile the World Heavyweight Championship title shot will be between Tyson Kidd, Sin Cara, the Intercontinental Champion Christian, Damien Sandow, the US Champion Santino Marella, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler and Lord Tensai. Sheamus puts the WHC title on the line against Alberto Del Rio. We go to Briley Ziggl....Pierce who's with Richie Steamboat who says he's going to show NXT how good he is. All of a sudden Leo Kruger comes up and hypes himself up before they brawl. There's a match for next week. Cue "Don't Try This At Home" before we get a vignette for Raquel Diaz....Eddie Guerrero's daughter Shaul (and Aiden English's girlfriend). Raquel makes her debut next week. Onto the main event.

Match 3

The Uso Brothers (Jimmy & Jey) vs The Prime Time Players (Darren Young & Titus O'Neil)

Guest commentator: Jim Ross

Good ol JR joins on commentary for the main event. Regal says there's nothing wrong with bragging if you can back it up. Darren starts with Jimmy Uso as JR asks how how you can tell them apart. At the time Jey had a big tattoo on his left arm that Jimmy didn't. They lock up and Jimmy backs Darren into the corner before messing up his hair. Darren pushes Jimmy who slaps him in retaliation. Darren hugs Titus in the corner as JR says the Uso's are the twin sons of Rikishi. Jimmy tags in Jey and they deliver a double back elbow smash. Jey hits a big splash in the corner before landing a double chop clothesline. Jey covers for 1...2..nope. O'Neil tags in and rams Jey's head into the buckle. Titus lands a headbutt but Jey no-sells it like his dad used to. Jimmy tags in and hits a big splash in the corner but the cover gets 1. Regal says Titus is shilling the "Save the donkey association" this week. Darren tags in and Jey drops him causing him to bail to the outside. Jimmy grabs the comb the heels left behind and mock the Players with it. Darren runs inside only to get clotheslined out of it by Jey. Jimmy then launches Jey onto both men outside of the ring. The Uso's taunt them outside as we go to commercial. Jimmy has chinlock in but Darren makes it to the corner to tag Titus in. Jimmy gets in an arm-bar but Titus powers out of it only to eat a thrust to the throat. Jimmy knocks Darren off the apron but Titus trips Jimmy up. The Players make frequent tags on Jimmy including Titus stomping away. Titus locks in a leg lock before tagging in Darren. Young stomps away in the corner and locks in his own leg-lock. Jimmy kicks Darren through the ropes and to the outside so he knocks Jey off the apron so Jimmy couldn't make the tag. JR says that was good strategy but Jimmy rolls up Darren for a near fall. Young hits a dropkick to the knee and covers for 1...2...nope. Young does a stepover toe hold and Jimmy escapes but Young goes back to the leg-lock. Titus tags in and tries to suplex Young on top of Jimmy but Uso rolls out of the way. Titus dives on Jimmy to prevent him from making the tag and locks in a modified leg lock. Jimmy kicks him off but Titus rams him with a forearm. Titus misses a charge in the corner and Jimmy backdrops him. Titus tags in but so does Jey who cleans house. Jey hits a superkick to Darren's ribs and Darren clotheslines Titus by accident. Jey hits a samoan drop and a running ass bump to Darren. Jey covers for 1...2...Titus breaks it up. Jimmy pulls Titus out of the ring but Titus drops Jimmy. The ref inexplicably turn his back to check on Jimmy as Titus nails Jey from behind. Titus sets Jey up for the Decapitator and Darren lands it. Darren covers for 1....2....3 that's it. The Players win it with a page out of Demoltion's playbook. JR says they're gonna get better as a team because they're too smart not too but the Uso's are THIS close to figuring it out. Great praise by JR for both teams as it was defnitely a serviceable match. Hard to imagine that The Uso's were in purgatory doing jobs on NXT knowing what would happen a decade later.

Time of match: 11:49

Winners: Young & O'Neill by pinfall

Well now NXT is off and running and we have some talent, that's for sure. The matches were solid if not spectacular but better to be solid than boring or bad. Wyatt and Mahal are definitely going to be key players down the road in different ways. Kidd and McGillicutty as well. Next week we have the debut of Raquel Diaz, ex-Nexus members Gabriel & Slater going at it plus Leo Kruger vs Richie Steamboat. Should be a great show.

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