Monday, January 17, 1994

WWF at Madison Square Garden (1-17-94) Incomplete

After in essence a month of hype, it is now time for one of the most famous house shows in WWF history, The New York Rumble! This card was hyped up for a month to have a double main event of Tatanka taking on Yokozuna for the WWF Championship and a 30 man Royal Rumble as a preview of what was coming the following Saturday night in Providence. Also on the card was newcomer Jeff Jarrett taking on Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental Championship. Then came the extra added bonus a week before this show. Marty Jannetty and 123 Kid upset The Quebecers for the WWF Tag Team Championship on Raw and the rematch for the belts was scheduled for tonight. With the Royal Rumble this coming Saturday night and a month's worth of hype, let's get the party started with the New York Rumble.

JANUARY 17 1994

Match 1

Scott Putski (with Ivan Putski) vs "Iron" Mike Sharpe

Even though this is the first match on the card, it was never recorded. Guess whoever recorded this show got stuck in traffic and missed it. Putski got the win.

Winner: Putski

Match 2

Ludvig Borga vs Rick Steiner

The fallout from Survivor Series continued as All American Steiner battled Foreign Fanatic Borga here. A huge USA chant breaks out as the bell rings and Borga stalls to taunt the crowd.  The two men circle each other for more stalling until Steiner gets in a headlock. Borga counters with a back suplex and Steiner bails to the outside. Back inside Borga gets a headlock but Steiner counters with a back suplex of his own. Steiner goes upstairs and nails Borga with the top rope bulldog and covers for a 1 count. Steiner locks in an armbar but Borga grabs the tope to break. Borga drives Steiner into the corners with a few knees before whipping him across. Rick counters with the Steinerline for a deuce but Ludvig recovers and nails Steiner with an uppercut to the ribs. Borga continuously drops Rick with right hands to the face before headbutting him into the corner. Borga whips Steiner and nails a lariat of his own. Borga goes upstairs and drops Rick with a top rope clothesline, but Rick kicks out of the pinfall attempt at 2. Borga runs into a powerslam by Rick but Borga kicks out of the cover at 2. Rick locks in an armbar before sending Ludvig off and dropping him with an elbow. Rick drops an elbow and covers for a two count before hitting another Steinerline. A cover gets two and Rick locks in another armbar. Ludvig ducks under another Steinerline attempt and nails Rick with a lariat of his own. Ludvig puts his feet on the ropes on the cover attempt and the alert referee Tim White catches him. Borga punches Rick to the outside and goes outside to brawl with him. Steiner clobbers Ludvig with a chair as White completes the count to end the match. Howard Finkel gets in the ring and says the match is a double count-out. Borga bodyslams Rick on the floor after the bell but Rick gets in a low blow. They brawl to the back and Borga visibly slips during it. That slip ended up causing this to be Borga's last singles match in the company in the midst of his big push due to the ankle injury he suffered and quitting shortly after. Bye bye Borga!

Time of Match: 7:07

Winner: No one (double count-out)

Fink hits the ring and tells the crowd to go buy the program in the concession stands where Mo & Mabel of Men on a Mission is featured on the cover.

Match 3

"Double J" Jeff Jarrett vs Razor Ramon for the WWF Intercontinental Championship

Jeff comes out in the purple male stripper outfit while Razor comes out in the purple trunks. Razor was headed toward an IC title showdown with IRS this coming Saturday so they had him meet the newcomer Jeff here for the MSG house show. For weeks on Face To Face Razor had claimed he was undefeated at MSG so he puts his streak and the title on the line. Razor sticks a finger in Jarrett's face and says he's gonna throw him over the top rope. They lock up and Razor shoves Jarrett on his ass much to the crowd's delight. Razor does it again and Jarrett bails outside to stall and nearly gets counted out. Jarrett grabs Razor, pulls him outside, dumps him on retaining barrier and sends him into the stairs. Jarrett sends Ramon into the ringpost before throwing him back in the ring. Jarrett puts the boots to Razor before nailing Razor with a second rope fistdrop. A cover gets a deuce and Jarrett sends Razor off the buckle into a snapmare. Jeff locks in a chinlock before Razor eventually gets up and arm drags Jeff. Razor puts his head down and Jarrett slams it to the mat. Jeff chokes Ramon on the second rope and lands a dropkick. A cover gets a two count and Jeff yells at referee Earl Hebner to count faster. Razor rolls up Jarrett for a surprise two count before Jeff goes back to work on him. Jeff lands a punch off the top rope, goes to the opposite corner and lands another top rope punch. Jeff goes to the top rope but this time Razor counters with a punch to the ribs. Razor sends Jeff off but once again Razor puts his head down, eating boot as a result. Jeff locks in a sleeperhold but eventually Razor powers out of it. Jeff goes for a hiptoss but Razor counters with a chokeslam. Razor covers but Jeff kicks out at two. Razor rallies with right hands that drops Jeff until he begs off. Razor sends Jeff off but misses the clothesline. Jeff goes for a bodypress but Razor ducks and Jeff cleans out Earl Hebner. Razor goes for the Razor's Edge but Shawn Michaels runs out to stop him. Razor punches Shawn off the apron and nails Jeff with the Razor's Edge. Razor covers but Shawn pulls him out of the ring, earning a DQ from the awake Hebner. Razor keeps the title and the streak as Shawn helps Jarrett up in the ring. Jeff and Shawn celebrate until Razor gets in the ring with the belt and chases them out of the ring. Fink announces Razor the winner and his music hits with Jeff and Shawn teasing a run-in. Razor chases them away with the belt and puts it on. Good match and it was a nice sneak preview of their epic IC title match a year later at the Royal Rumble.

Time of Match: 12:29

Winner: Razor Ramon by disqualification.

Fink gets in the mic and promotes Wrestling Challenge on Fox 5 before Harvey Whippleman comes out to yell at him. The crowd boos Harvey as he calls Fink and the crowd losers. Harvey calls Lawrence Taylor and the Giants losers. Harvey runs down New York City and puts over Memphis, Tennessee. Harvey says Adam Bomb will win the New York Rumble later. Harvey then rants and raves about how awesome Bomb is until Fink cuts him off and says to go fill a parking meter because his time has run out. The crowd cheers Fink and Harvey is forced out of the ring by Tony Garea and Dave Hebner. Harvey pushes Tony and Garea shoves him back. Harvey retreats and Fink says its time for the main event.

Match 4

Tatanka vs Yokozuna (with Mr. Fuji) for the WWF Heavyweight Championship

With Yokozuna locked in to the main event of the Royal Rumble this coming Saturday, Tatanka is the sacrificial lamb for Yoko tonight in the Garden. For continuity purposes, it was Yokozuna and Ludvig Borga that knocked Tatanka out of Survivor Series and Tatanka had a date with Ludvig at the Rumble. Here he gets a crack at the WWF title which would be the highest he'd be on the card for the next year and a half. Tatanka hits the ring and immediately attacks Yoko as the bell rings. Tatanka chops him out of the ring and sends him into the steel steps. Yoko slides in the ring and Tatanka punches away at him. Tatanka rocks Yokozuna with a series of chops but Yoko drops the challenger with an elbow. Yoko misses the leg drop but Tatanka misses a dropkick. Yoko misses an elbow drop and Tatanka goes upstairs, hitting a crossbody for 1....2...nope. Tatanka locks in a headlock but Yokozuna sends him off the ropes into a shoulderblock. Yokozuna is dazed but drops Tatanka with a chop. Yokozuna locks in a nerve hold but Tatanka powers out of it. Tatanka rallies with chops but eats a clothesline to kill the momentum. Yoko locks in another nerve hold but Tatanka eventually powers out of it. Tatanka runs off the ropes but eats another clothesline. Yoko chops Tatanka down and applies yet another nervehold. Tatanka powers out of this one, ducks under a clothesline and hits a series of his own. Tatanka goes upstairs but eats a big punch to the ribs. Yoko drops an elbow and punches Tatanka into the corner. Yoko sends Tatanka across the corner and calls for the avalanche...but misses completely. Yoko Flair flops but Tatanka drapes an arm across him for 1...2..nope. Yoko snap mares Tatanka and goes back guessed it...the nerve hold. Tatanka does the "fade then revive" routine and begins to power up when Yoko rams him into the buckle. Tatanka hits a series of chops before going upstairs, dropping Yoko with a clothesline. Tatanka covers for another near fall before Yoko deadweights an irish whip. Yoko then reverses a whip and sends Tatanka into referee Earl Hebner. Mr. Fuji hands Yoko the salt bucket and goes to waffle Tatanka with it. Tatanka blocks the attack and nails Yoko with it. He covers and Earl makes the count 1....2....NOOOOO! Yoko kicks out at the last second and Tatanka goes back upstairs. Fuji knocks him off the top with the Japanese flag and Yoko does the Aftershock for some weird reason. Yoko then hits his standard leg drop and covers for 1...2....3 its over. Yoko retains the title thanks to Mr. Fuji and he puts the exclamation point on his victory with a post-match banzai drop. Yoko hits a second one before the referees hit the ring to halt the attack. Yoko ignores them and stomps away at Tatanka until Garea and Hebner hit ringside to tell him to knock it off. Yoko instead goes apeshit with the flagpole on Tatanka before leaving. Yoko makes an example out of Tatanka showing that no normal man could beat him. Tatanka gets stretchered out but Yoko runs out to beat him up some more for more heat. Bret Hart wrote in his book that Yoko had gotten completely out of shape following King of The Ring around this time and it showed here. Even though it wasn't as bad as it would get in 1996 where Yoko would be winded just walking to the ring, this was pretty bad for the world champion of your company. Either Bret Hart or Lex Luger was going to be your champion after Wrestlemania 10 and the only question was which one was it gonna be?

Time of Match: 14:54

Winner: Yokozuna by pinfall

After a tape-cut, Fink sends us to the most important match of the night. The tag team title match with would be simultaneously be talked about on tonight's Monday Night Raw. This all goes back to the October 25th Raw when a routine match by Marty Jannetty against the 123 Kid was ruined by Johnny Polo. 2 months later with help from Quebecer Pierre, Polo defeated Jannetty in a one on one match on the December 27th Monday Night Raw. One week later with Polo on commentary, Kid and Jannetty challenged Polo to put the belts on the line in a tag match the following Raw. With The Quebecers scheduled to face The Hart Brothers at the Royal Rumble for the belts, it seemed like an ordinary tune up match. Shockingly Kid and Jannetty beat the Quebecers for the belts and just with Shawn Michaels at King of The Ring after he lost the IC title to Jannetty, the Royal Rumble tag match became non title....which is a clue that the Quebecers were getting the belts back. After all, if there were any long term plan to keep the belts on Jannetty and the Kid, why not put them against the Harts at the Rumble? 

Match 5

The Quebecers (with Johnny Polo) vs Marty Jannetty and 123 Kid for the WWF Tag Team Championship

Jannetty and Kid jog out with the belts to a huge ovation. Even though he wasn't booked to win that many matches since his May return, Jannetty won the IC and tag titles inside of 8 months. The Quebecers start by posing for the irate crowd before the faces mock them to loud cheers. The Quebecers attack while they're posing with Pierre pouncing on Marty while Jacques nails the Kid. Quebecers go to whip the faces together but Kid leapfrogs Marty and clobbers Pierre. Kid and Jannetty do the 10 punch in the corner before whipping Jacques and Pierre together. They do a do-se-do and eats dropkicks by the champs. Jannetty and Kid clothesline Jacques and Pierre out of the ring and they regroup with Polo. Kid gets a "123" chant going as the heels stall outside. Jannetty and Jacques get in and Jacques fools Marty with a test of strength before shouting at someone in the crowd. Jacques puts the boots to Marty but Marty flips over him and goes for the schoolboy. Jacques blocks it and ducks under a clothesline, but eats a right hand from Marty who tags in Kid. Marty and Kid hit a double hiptoss and drop elbows on Jacques, but eat a double clothesline from Pierre when they nip up. The heels throw the faces out of the ring and hug. Jannetty and the Kid get on the apron, slide under the heels and hit double crescent kicks to knock the mout of the ring. Jannetty goes to take Jacques, Pierre and Polo out with a bodypress but they catch him in midair, forcing Kid to dive out of the ring on top of them. Kid catches his foot on the rope on the way down but gets back in the ring as Marty tosses in Jacques. Kid ducks under a clothesline but Pierre pulls the rope down and Kid crashes over the top to the floor. Pierre sends Kid into the guardrail then the steel steps. Pierre throws Kid inside and Jacques makes the cover, but Kid kicks out. Jacques drops Kid with an elbow smash then puts the boots to him. Jacques rams Kid into the corner then distracts the ref allowing Pierre to choke Kid with the tag rope. Jacques slams the kid and tags Pierre. They tease the Tower of Doom but Pierre drops a knee as Jacques leaves. Pierre hits a snap suplex but misses a second rope leg drop. Jacques tags in and Kid tags in Jannetty. Marty goes to town on both Quebecers and nails Polo off the apron for good measure. Jannetty rams Jacques head into the buckle but Polo distracts the ref. Pierre grabs Marty but Jacques knocks him off the apron by accident. Jannetty hits a running roll up but Pierre clotheslines Marty off Jacques. Jacques hits a roll up but Kid flies off the top onto Jacques. Pierre then belly flops on the Kid before Marty sends Kid to the corner. They recreate the move that won them the tag belts the week before but Polo distracts the referee, allowing Jacques to nail Marty with the polo stick. Jacques rolls Pierre out and covers Marty for 1..2...nope. Jacques sends Marty into the buckle where Pierre tags in. They hit a double stun gun on Marty and Pierre covers for 1...2.. and no. Pierre taunts Marty to get up before locking in a chinlock. Marty powers out of it but eats a knee to the ribs. Jacques tags in and they double team Marty some more. Jacques applies a rear chinlock. Jacques goes for an avalanche but eats a double knee to the gonads. Marty crawls toward Kid but Pierre tags in and clobbers Kid off the apron. Pierre nails a swinging neckbreaker and covers for a deuce before jumping on Marty on the middle rope. Pierre then sells an elbow to the gonads that Marty never actually threw and tags Jacques back in. Jacques hits the jumping elbow and covers but Kid makes the save. Jacques baits Kid which allows him and Pierre to make the switch. Pierre hits a back drop on Marty and tags in Jacques who covers for a deuce. Marty goes for a sunset flip but Jacques stops him with a punch that misses. Jacques clotheslines Marty and tags Pierre back in. Pierre locks in a bearhug but Marty escapes with a bellringer and a hip toss. Marty misses an elbow drop and the heels double team him some more with a another nearfall. Jacques locks in another rear chinlock as the crowd chants "123". Jacques and Pierre do a number on Marty in the corner but Marty fights back. Jacques backdrops Marty over the top to the floor and Polo throws him back in. Jacques covers but Marty gets the foot on the rope. Jacques hits the piledriver and tags in Pierre. Jacques goes to back drop Pierre onto Marty but Jannetty moves out of the way. Marty rolls up Jacques but only gets two. Pierre tags in and hits a sidewalk slam before going up to the second rope. Marty gets the boot up to stun Pierre then crawls toward the Kid. Marty FINALLY tags Kid in who lays waste to the bungholes of the Quebecers. Kid drops both of them with martial arts kicks then goes up top...only to be crotched by Polo. Pierre hits a superplex and tags in Jacques. Jacques tells Pierre to go upstairs and they hit the Tower of Doom. Pierre covers for the 1..2...3 to win the match despite not being the legal man. The Quebecers are once again the tag team champions heading into the Royal Rumble and they leave with the belts. Marty would never win another belt in WWF again while Kid had to wait a calendar year before his next one.

Time of Match: 22:12

Winners: The Quebecers by pinfall (new WWF Tag Team Champions)

Kid is unable to get up following the match and we tape-cut. Fink announces the next MSG show is none other than Wrestlemania 10 on March 20th. Fink says watch Superstars and Wrestling Challenge in the upcoming months to find out what the card will be for Wrestlemania, no love for Raw? Fink then sends us to the final match.

Match 6

The New York Rumble

For whatever reason, Vince decided to hold a Royal Rumble five days before the ppv just for the MSG crowd. Fink explains the rules and since there's no scoreboard or clock, he's gonna lead the crowd in the countdown. Since this is going to be a legit 30 man rumble, it'll be interesting to see who's in it considering its just a house show where all bets are off.

Number 1 is Diesel and Number 2 is Mo from Men on a Mission with Oscar in tow. Oscar does his rap before the match and the bell rings. Diesel nails Mo with a knee to the ribs and a forearm to the back of the head. Another forearm drops Mo and Diesel tries to throw him out only to get stopped by an eye rake. Mo works over Diesel in the corner but eats an elbow to the face. The crowd chants for Mo but Diesel floors him with a clothesline. Mo fights back and goes to dump Diesel in the corner but is stopped. Diesel drops Mo with another big right hand and throws him over the top rope...only for Mo to get his foot stuck in the ropes. Oops! Diesel unhooks the foot and MO (1:55)  is eliminated with 5 seconds left in the countdown.

Number 3 is Bushwhacker Butch who gets a big ovation from the crowd before sliding in the ring. Butch caters to the crowd before eating a boot and forearms by Diesel. Butch counters with an eye rake and biting Diesel on the ass. Har de har har. Diesel is not amused and drops Bitch with forearms and a scoop slam. Diesel picks up and tosses BUTCH (49 seconds) over the top and out. Diesel stands and waits for his next opponent as Butch marches around outside for absolutely no reason.

Number 4 is the exhausted 123 Kid who still sells his injury from the previous match. Diesel unloads on Kid and chokes him in the corner with his boot. Diesel heaves Kid across the ring and hits the sidewalk slam. Diesel picks up Kid but eats a hurricarana. Kid kicks away at Diesel in the corner but crotches himself on the top rope. Diesel forearms 123 KID (1:32) to the floor and out. Having Diesel control the match and seeing the MSG crowd's reaction was a test run for what Diesel was going to do in the actual Rumble the upcoming Saturday.

Number 5 is Scott Steiner which means there's going to be a lot of tag team guys in this one since they need 30 bodies. Steiner doesn't even make in the ring as he's attacked by Diesel on the inside. Diesel steps over the top rope to the floor which logically should have meant he just eliminated himself. The refs ignore it as Diesel sends Scott into the ringpost and gets back in the ring to taunt the crowd. Scott crawls in and Diesel whips him into the corner. Diesel tries to dump out Scott but Scott breaks free only to run into a clothesline. Diesel nails Scott with another clothesline but Scott ducks under a third only to throw Diesel THROUGH the ropes. Scott bails to the floor and attacks Diesel with a chair. The crowd begins the countdown and Steiner becomes the first one to make it to the next number.

Number 6 is "Iron" Mike Sharpe as Scott botches the double underhook suplex since Diesel's too big for the move. Sharpe attacks Steiner and beats him down. Mike tries to throw Scott out but Steiner grabs MIKE SHARPE (19 seconds) and tosses him over the top. Steiner gives him the arm and the elbow but that allows Diesel to get in a knee to the ribs. Diesel sends Scott off the ropes and drops him with a big boot. Diesel tries to throw Scott out but Scott counters and hits a snap suplex. The officials at ringside carry 123 Kid out as he legitimately blew out his knee doing the kicks to Diesel. Scott tries to throw Diesel out but Diesel stops him. The countdown begins and who knows what is coming next.

Number 7 is Samu of the Headshrinkers. Diesel eyeballs him as he gets in the ring and they double team Scott. Diesel and Samu try to dump out Scott but Samu pushes on Diesel's back and the big man doesn't like it. Samu and Diesel circle each other and they lock up to give Scott a breather. Diesel hits the knees in the corner and tries to dump Samu but Scott tries to dump them both.

Number 8 is former WWF Champion Bob Backlund who immediately goes after Samu. Backlund nearly went the distance a year earlier so what's 6 more slots in this one? Samu and Backlund go at it and Backlund hits an atomic drop. Him and Steiner try to dump Samu but Diesel makes the save. Diesel damn near dumps Backlund as Samu chokes down Steiner. Steiner fights out of it and levels Samu with a clothesline. Scott hits a snap suplex on Samu as the countdown starts.

Number 9 is Jeff Jarrett who attacks Steiner and Backlund. Jeff then nails Samu only to eat a clothesline by Diesel much to the crowd's delight. Samu hits a gut-wrench suplex on Jarrett but is almost tossed by Backlund. Diesel hits gut-wrench of his own on Steiner and Jarrett tries to throw him out. Jarrett is press-slammed by Steiner as Samu tries to get out of the way. The countdown is nearly missed by the crowd as Samu drops Steiner.

Number 10 is Virgil to even the odds and he goes after Jarrett. Samu snatches him and Jarrett comes off the top with punch...only to be laid out by Samu. Jarrett and Samu then team up to try to get Backlund out as Diesel hits a backbreaker on Virgil. Everybody pairs off with Virgil against Jarrett, Diesel and Backlund & Samu and Steiner. Jarrett hits a snap suplex on Virgil then gets on the middle rope to punch Steiner. Steiner catches him with a reverse atomic drop as the countdown starts.

Number 11 is Bam Bam Bigelow and he goes to town on Steiner with his old buddy Samu. Bam Bam snatches Virgil for Diesel to pound on as Jarrett tries to dump Backlund. Bam Bam and Samu try to dump Steiner as Diesel tries to toss out Jarrett. Backlund jumps on Bam Bam as Samu drops Virgil. Samu hits a savate kick on Virgil as Diesel has passed the 20 minute mark. The countdown begins after Samu and Bam Bam hit a double headbutt on Virgil.

Number 12 is "Macho Man" Randy Savage who goes after anyone that moves until Diesel stops him cold by choking him with his boot. Diesel goes for a big boot in the corner but Randy ducks under it. Randy grabs DIESEL (21:22) and shoves him over the top and out as the crowd pops. Jarrett attacks Savage but Randy ducks under a clothesline and nails Jeff with a punch. Randy grabs JEFF JARRETT (7:04) and tosses him out to another loud pop. Back down to 6 men in the ring, everyone pairs off again. Steiner and Savage, Bam Bam and Backlund, Samu and Virgil. Backlund kicks Bam Bam in the face as the countdown starts.

Number 13 is Adam Bomb, Harvey Whippleman's pick to win it. Bomb gets in and goes after Backlund before Savage. Steiner attacks Bomb and Savage hits Adam with a second rope axehandle. Bam Bam picks up Virgil but he trips and falls. Virgil goes to work on him as Backlund tries to dump out Bomb. Savage grabs Samu and kicks him in the chest as Steiner helps out Backlund as the countdown starts.

Number 14 is Sgt Slaughter making his first appearance in god knows how long. Slaughter helps out Steiner and Backlund dump out ADAM BOMB (2:06). Harvey's pick to win instead lasted 15 seconds longer than Mo did. Slaughter goes to dump out Steiner as Backlund has Virgil halfway out. Savage clocks Sarge and kicks at Steiner. Savage sends Sarge halfway out and Steiner pounces, but fails to get him out. Steiner hits the 20 minute mark as Savage nails Samu with a running axehandle and sends him into Bam Bam. Samu rallies with fists and a dropkick to send the Macho Man down as the countdown begins.

Number 15 is Crush, look out Savage! Crush goes right after Randy and drops him with the help of Samu. Crush hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker on Savage and drops Steiner with a headbutt. Crush grabs and tosses out SCOTT STEINER (21:36) who lasted 14 seconds longer than Diesel. Crush goes back to work on Savage and they roll to the outside. Bam Bam sends Slaughter chest first into the buckle but fails to get him out as the countdown begins.

Number 16 is Mabel from Men on a Mission as Savage jumps into a bearhug by Crush. Slaughter nails Crush to free Randy as Mabel gets in the ring. Crush nails Slaughter, grabs and tosses RANDY SAVAGE (8:41) over the top. Mabel goes to work on Samu before Crush nails Slaughter again. Randy grabs a chair outside and has to be restrained by the referees. Bam Bam picks Crush and goes to slam him out. Crush counters by holding on to the rope as BAM BAM BIGELOW (11:11) hits the floor.  Mabel nails Crush in the middle of the ring and hammers him down. Slaughter and Backlund are tied up in the corner as Virgil pounds away at Samu. Crush sends SGT SLAUGHTER (5:55) chest first over the top and out. Samu hits the 20 minute mark as the countdown begins.

Number 17 is Jim Powers who had been nothing but a jobber the last 5 years since he and Paul Roma split. Jim goes after Mabel but Backlund grabs his leg. Jim ignores him and still goes after Mabel until Mabel grabs him by the throat and heaves him into the corner. Mabel hits an avalanche in the corner then tosses JIM POWERS (43 seconds). Talk about a wasted spot, they could have had a bum off the street do what Powers just did. Crush grabs Backlund and chokes him in the corner as Virgil chokes Samu on the middle rope. Mabel clotheslines Virgil as Bob Backlund hits the 20 minute mark. Mabel drops a leg on Virgil as Samu lands a few kicks on Mabel. The countdown starts as Virgil kicks at Mabel.

Number 18 is Bastion Booger who goes after Maabel. Everyone in the ring gangs up to try to dump Mabel but VIRGIL (17:12) is pushed out by Samu. MABEL (4:29) finally hits the floor as well as BOB BACKLUND (21:23) courtesy of Crush. All 3 faces dumped at once leaves just Booger, Crush and Samu left. Crush and Booger square off in the middle of the ring as Samu takes a breather. Booger headbutts Crush but is attacked by Samu. Booger rakes the eyes of Samu but foolishly turns his back to do his dance. Crush clotheslines BASTION BOOGER (1:14) over and out leaving just him and Samu who's been in there 24 minutes. They tease a test of strength when the countdown begins.

Number 19 is Bushwhacker Luke...of course. Luke walks into a headbutt by Samu and falls. Samu goes for the big splash but gets his head caught in the top rope. Luke pushes SAMU (24:52) to the floor but eats a clothesline from Crush. Luke tries to fight back with an eyepoke but stops to cater to the crowd. Crush punches down Luke then whips him into the corner. Crush hits a crescent kick that sends LUKE (1:00) to the floor, leaving him all alone like Diesel earlier. Too bad Savage is already out, otherwise he was the perfect guy to come out next. The countdown begins as Crush waits for his next opponent.

Number 20 is Owen Hart who runs right into a bearhug by Crush, Owen punches Crush down and goes to work on him. Owen hits a standing dropkick followed by right hands that stun Crush. Owen hits the spinning wheel kick to floor the big guy. Owen gets whipped into the ropes where Crush launches him 10 feet in the air. crush hits the side backbreaker and stops to catch his breath. The countdown begins as Owen moves out of the way of a Crush charge.

Number 21 is "The Model" Rick Martel who goes right after Owen. Martel and Crush double team Owen but Owen ducks and Crush decks Martel with a right hand. Owen hits a missile dropkick from the second rope on Crush and atomic drops Martel through the ropes to the outside. Crush stops Owen's momentum with an inverted atomic drop. Crush and Martel hit a double clothesline on Owen and they double team him in the corner. Owen fights his way out as the countdown starts.

Number 22 is Bret "The Hitman" Hart who saves his brother by going after Crush. The Hart Brothers fend off the heels as Owen gets the upperhand with Martel. With only 8 guys left, two of them have to be Fatu and Rick Steiner. The other 6 who the hell knows. Crush hits Bret with his kick offense whole Martel almost dumps Owen. A fan jumps the guardrail and security pounces on him off camera as the countdown begins.

Number 23 is IRS as Bret hits a dropkick that sends CRUSH (16:14) over the top and out before Irwin even gets in the ring. IRS goes after Bret as Crush complains to the ref outside the ring. Bret slugs it out with Irwin. Martel and Owen try to eliminate each other as the countdown starts.

Number 24 is Johnny Polo...yes of course I'm serious. Bret cuts him off and fdrops him with a series of right hands before trying to dump him out. Martel and Irwin doubleteam Owen but Bret makes the save. Polo goes to down on Owen but Owen reverses Johnny into the corner. Owen hit and inverted atomic drop on Polo and tries to dump him out in a fireman's carry. Martel and Irwin almost have Bret out but Owen makes the save. Polo and Martel then have Owen halfway out as the countdown begins.

Number 25 is Scott Putski, the son of Ivan. Like I said earlier, Putski vs Sharpe was the actual opener of the show. Scott goes to town on Irwin in the corner as Polo goes after Bret. Bret hiptosses Polo halfway across the ring as Owen avoids elimination. Putski is almost dumped by Irwin but Bret makes the save. Putski goes to work on Polo in the corner as Martel and has Owen down. Martel hops on the second rope but Bret stops him. Martel nails Bret with a second rope axehandle as Polo drops Putski. The countdown begins as Bret is halfway out of the ring.

Number 26 is Fatu of the Headshrinkers. Fatu goes after Bret Hart and nails him with a headbutt. Only 4 guys left and one of them has to be Rick Steiner. Irwin almost gets Bret but Owen makes the save again. Fatu stomps at Putski before trying to assist the other heels in dumping Bret. Owen makes the save again only to eat a headbutt by Fatu. Polo gets worked over by Owen and nearly dumped out but Irwin makes the save. Putski hammers away at Martel in the corner which gets a nice pop. The problem with Putski doing the 10 punch in the corner on Martel was it coincided with the countdown and the crowd missed it.

Number 27 is Marty Jannetty....oh, forgot about him since the Kid was number 4. Jannetty walks into a Fatun headbutt before going after his nemesis Johnny Polo. Marty beats Polo all around the ring and tries to dump him out. Marty almost gets Polo as Putski nearly had Fatu out. Owen clubs away at Irwin before hitting a top rope punch. Bret tries to dump Martel but fails as Fatu now has Putski almost out. Polo misses an elbow drop as the countdown begins.

Number 28 is Bart Gunn of the Smoking Gunns. This was supposed to be Ludvig Borga but he hurt his ankle in the brawl with Rick Steiner, thankfully Bart just happened to be at the arena so Vince plugged him in. Bart goes after Fatu and beats him into the corner as Putski looks for someone to beat on. Bret holds Irwin for Marty to hit with a top rope punch. as Owen, Martel and Polo cram into the corner. Putski and Martel try to dump out Fatu as Owen and Polo continue to go at it. Martel nearly has Bret out but Owen makes the save again. Irwin goes to town on IRS as Jannetty catches a breather in the corner. The countdown begins as Bret hits a headbutt on Polo.

Number 29 is "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels which would be my pick to win it if I were watching this live in 1994. Marty cuts him off and they start beating the daylights out of each other, Marty goes to town on Shawn in the corner but Shawn cuts him off with an inverted atomic drop. Shawn gets the upperhand as the crowd pops for the ex-Rockers going at it. Shawn hits Marty with a few elbows and whips Marty off the ropes only for Jannetty to duck under a clothesline and hit him withn the superkick. By the way Putski and Polo are still there as Marty has Shawn halfway out of the ring. Fatu comes over and nails Marty off of Shawn. Irwin comes over and holds Marty for Shawn to go to work on. Bret, Owen, Samy and Irwin cram in to the corner as the countdown begins.

Number 30 is NOT Rick Steiner...its actually Doink The Clown accompanied by Dink. Before Doink gets in the ring, MARTY JANNETTY (6:12) is backdropped to the floor by his old partner HBK. Owen Hart hits the 20 minute mark as the final field of ten is complete. Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Rick Martel, IRS, Johnny Polo, Scott Putski, Fatu, Bart Gunn, Shawn Michaels and Doink remain. Fatu nails Doink as soon as he gets in the ring as Putski clotheslines Polo down. Polo rakes the eyes of Putski as Jannetty finally leaves. Owen ducks under a roll up by Polo and Johnny goes over the top rope but lands on the apron. Polo goes upstairs but Owen cuts him off with a headbutt, sending JOHNNY POLO (13:11) crashing to the floor. Fatu ducks a charge and SCOTT PUTSKI (11:31) is backdropped out. Scott Putski wouldn't even be on WWF tv semi-regularly for another 3 years but he lasted 11 minutes in a Royal Rumble. Johnny Polo wouldn't be in another one until he returned as Raven in 2001.

Down to eight men remaining Doink pounds away at Martel in the corner as Owen has Shawn halfway out. Doink clotheslines Bret as Owen hits Shawn with a few European uppercuts. Martel then starts choking his Survivor Series teammate Irwin. Irwin then ducks under and backdrops RICK MARTEL (19:45) out of the ring. Shawn has Owen halfway out but Owen then pulls Shawn over the top with him. Irwin and Fatu try to dump Bret out but Bart Gunn cuts him off. Doink and Irwin go at it before he hits Bart. Doink begs off then clobbers Bart. Doink suplexes BART GUNN (7:10) over the top to the floor.

Down to the final six of Doink, IRS, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Owen Hart and Fatu as Doink laughs at Bart Gunn on the floor. Irwin knees Doink in the back and sends him into the corner. Shawn sees him staggering and clotheslines DOINK THE CLOWN (3:14) over the top and gone. Shawn and Irwin go after the Hart Brothers with Fatu assisting Shawn. Doink tries to get back in the ring but referee Danny Davis tells him to scram. Bret atomic drops IRS (17:40) over the top and out as the second rope looks broken.

The final four go into opposite corners and apart from Owen Hart, three of these guys are going to be in the final four this coming Saturday night. Bret hits the 20 minute mark as Bret and Fatu square off with Owen and Shawn the other. Shawn crotches himself on the top rope and Owen nearly rocks him out. Fatu drops Bret with a crescent kick as Shawn has Owen in the tree of woe. Bret almost has Fatu out but Shawn makes the save and dumps BRET HART (21:36) out. Fatu and Shawn circle Owen as Bret leaves. Fatu and Shawn double team Owen but Owen counters with a double clothesline. Owen dropkicks Shawn and tries to dump Fatu but Shawn cuts him off. Owen rams Fatu and Shawn's heads together and Shawn goes flying while Fatu no sells it. Fatu drops Owen with a headbutt of his own and Fatu picks Owen up to be superkicked by Shawn into a spinebuster by Fatu...nice double team. All of a sudden Razor Ramon hits ringside to taunt Shawn. Shawn climbs onto the middle rope to shout at Razor as Fatu whips Owen off the ropes. Owen hits a spinning wheel kick that sends Fatu crashing into SHAWN MICHAELS (10:30) that sends him over the top to the floor. Razor and Shawn brawl to the back as the final two are Owen Hart and Fatu....who saw that coming?

The middle rope finally breaks and Owen chokes Fatu with it when Samu runs back to ringside. Fatu hits a sidewalk slam and throws Owen over the top..but Owen catches himself on the apron. Owen clobbers Fatu and throws him over the top, but Samu makes the save from the outside. Gorilla Monsoon would be having a bird on commentary if he was there and where the hell is Bret? Owen punches Fatu in the corner but Fatu lowblows him. Finally Bret comes back to ringside to even the odds and cheer Owen on. Fatu and Owen slug it out in the ring with Fatu dropping Owen and delivering a falling headbutt. Fatu misses a charge in the corner and Owen slams him. Owen goes up to the top and hits the flying elbow. Fatu gets up and hits a backbreaker on Owen. Fatu goes up to the top but Owen pops up and nails him, forcing Fatu to crotch himself on the top turnbuckle. Owen grabs Fatu and goes to deliver a dropkick but FATU (20:27) already is throwing himself over the top to end the match. Owen Hart wins the New York Rumble after lasting 32 minutes! Bret gets in and celebrates with Owen as the Headshrinkers gather themselves outside. Bret and Owen celebrate until the Headshrinkers get back in the ring. Finally the Headshrinkers retreat and the Harts stand tall. 


Diesel - 6:57 - 28:19

Mo - 6:57 - 8:52

Butch - 9:24 - 10:13

123 Kid - 11:19 - 12:51

Scott Steiner - 13:12 - 34:58

Mike Sharpe - 15:25 - 15:44

Samu: 17:42 - 42:34

Bob Backlund - 19:26 - 40:49

Jeff Jarrett - 21:34 - 28:38

Virgil - 23:36 - 40:48

Bam Bam Bigelow - 25:57 - 37:08

Randy Savage - 27:47 - 36:28

Adam Bomb - 30:03 - 32:09

Sgt Slaughter - 31:55 - 37:45

Crush - 34:15 - 50:29

Mabel - 36:20 - 40:49

Jim Powers - 38:09 - 38:52

Bastion Booger - 40:14 - 41:28

Luke - 42:18 - 43:18

Owen Hart - 44:15 -

Rick Martel - 46:21 - 1:06:06

Bret Hart: 48:22 - 1:09:58

IRS - 50:32 - 1:08:12

Johnny Polo - 51:59 - 1:05:10

Scott Putski - 53:56 - 1:05:27

Fatu - 56:03 - 1:16:30

Marty Jannetty - 58:05 - 1:04:17

Bart Gunn - 1:00:05 - 1:07:15

Shawn Michaels - 1:02:08 - 1:12:38

Doink: 1:04:19 - 1:07:33

Winner: Owen Hart

That was definitely an unorthodox Royal Rumble for sure. I'm sure this was a test run for the real thing which showed Owen was just as good as Bret and guys like Diesel and Crush could dominate. Its too bad this house show is only remembered for the tag title change but keep in mind there was no internet in 1994 and the MSG shows were barely mentioned anymore on television. Only those in attendance saw Owen Hart's coming out party. One thing I should mention is one of the reasons the Rumble went so long was originally there was supposed to be a Rock n Roll Express vs Heavenly Bodies match that was cancelled because of bad travel weather. Jim Cornette wasn't going to risk his top two tag teams for a house show that wasn't even going to be mentioned on TV. As for the whole show, they had their first big house show of the year without The Undertaker or Lex Luger. Nothing was overly worth watching again, especially the Tatanka/Yoko match. Not only that both 123 Kid and Ludvig Borga got hurt and would both miss the Rumble ppv. As we head toward Royal Rumble weekend, the Harts will once again be gunning for the tag belts with The Quebecers regaining the titles. The funny thing was on the same night as the New York Rumble, Monday Night Raw was having Stan Lane give phone updates of the tag match throughout the night to Vince McMahon and Crush on commentary....which was obviously pre-taped since The Hart Brothers, Randy Savage, IRS, Yokozuna, Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Tatanka and Crush were on that Raw card. That episode of Monday Night Raw will be up next just for continuity purposes. As for the New York Rumble, its worth a look if you can ever find it.

Saturday, January 1, 1994

WWF Mania (1-1-94)


Host - Todd Pettengill

Happy New Year everyone! As the calendar turned to 1994 the kids tuned in on this day for the recap of last week's events. You would have had to be a masochist in order to get up at 10 AM to watch this show as an adult after drinking the night before. Anyway the show opens with Todd singing the New Year's song and saying Randy Savage isn't here yet. Todd says Shawn Michaels, Lex Luger and Razor Ramon will be in action plus an interview with Crush. Also, an Undertaker workshop vignette along with Johnny Polo's in ring debut. Jeff Jarrett will also be featured as Todd brings up the circumstances around Johnny Polo's debut. Todd sends us to our first match, which was the Polo vs Marty Jannetty match from last week's Raw.

Match 1

Johnny Polo vs Marty Jannetty

Commentators: Vince McMahon, Quebecer Pierre, Quebecer Jacques

This will be a repost from last week's Raw. Jannetty enters wearing the green and black bodysuit with Polo in polo pants and striped singlet. Jacques and Pierre speak French to annoy Vince as the bell rings. Johnny backs off before getting in a go-behind to start. He hiptosses Marty as Jacques says he's the man. Marty and Johnny exchange wristlocks before running into an armdrag by Polo. Jacques says Marty is over the hill and did nothing since he split with Shawn Michaels....ouch. Marty tricks Polo into diving into the corner. Polo hops over the top rope onto the apron but Jannetty slingshots him back in. Marty delivers an atomic drop, ducks under a right hand and delivers a back suplex. Marty covers for a deuce as Jacques says Marty is good but Johnny was in Honolulu recently. Marty tilt-a-whirls into a sunset flip for a 1 count. Marty armdrags Johnny and works an armbar as Jacques says Marty has a black eye courtesy of Johnny. Marty goes for a bodypress but Polo ducks and Marty goes crashing over the top rope. Polo hits a plancha as Jacques claps for him. Polo looks at the camera and says "Polo fever...CATCH IT!" 


Marty goes upstairs but Polo crotches him and goes for a superplex. Marty counters and front suplexes Marty down before hitting a bodypress for 1..2....NOOOOO. Jacques "Don't count your apples before they grow." Marty leapfrogs Polo and rolls him up for a two count and Jacques continues to annoy Vince with French. Polo kicks Marty in the head as Pierre gets up from the table. Jacques tells Vince to mind his business as Marty dropkicks Polo over the top rope to the floor. Pierre picks up Johnny and Marty baseball slides both men down. Jacques "That'll make him mad, shouldn't have done that." Jacques "Ou es Pierre?" He's right there you idiot! Pierre trips up Marty and he turns his attention to him. Polo goes to attack but Marty goes to counter with the superkick but Polo is too close so he grazes him in the stomach. Marty sidesteps and hits the real superkick and goes upstairs. Pierre pulls Johnny outside and Marty flies on top of Pierre and punches him. Polo goes back in the ring and Marty gets on the apron. Marty shoulderblocks Polo and goes for the sunset flip but Pierre assists Polo by grabbing on to him during the counter for 1...2....3 and its over. Johnny Polo needed a lot of help from Pierre but makes good on his pre-match prediction by beating Marty Jannetty. Jacques says they are the greatest and laughs about it. Vince says he's never seen anything like this as Polo walks away victorious as Pierre rejoins Jacques at the announce table. After the match, Marty complains to referee Joey Marella and goes to attack The Quebecers. Joey says the result is final but throws Pierre out of the arena. Marty grabs a chair and Vince tells him to take it easy. Marty and Jacques look to square off as Marella tells Pierre to hit the bricks. I don't think I've ever seen a referee throw out an announcer before or since. 

Time of match: Edited

Winner: Johnny Polo by pinfall

Back to Todd who says The Quebecers should have known not to get involved since Randy Savage was thrown off the commentary team after getting involved. Todd segues by saying Randy "got involved with this guy." We go to a WWF Mania exclusive interview with Crush flanked by Mr. Fuji conducted by....Howard Finkel? Fink says Crush is one of the 30 participants in the Royal Rumble and Randy Savage will also be in it as well. Fink asks Crush what his plans are, Crush says Randy should call himself the Macho Crybaby. Crush says Fuji has been pulling knives out of his back from day one and Savage was using him as a stepping stone. Crush says he hopes Savage is in the ring when he gets there and will make the Rumble his worst nightmare.

Back to Todd who gets cut off by none other than Randy Savage himself. Randy is blowing streamers and Todd yells at him to stop it. He asks where Randy has been and Randy says he's been up 19 hours partying. Knowing him, I wouldn't doubt it. Todd shows Randy the Crush interview we just saw and Randy cuts a promo on the video monitor saying he's going to take care of business. He tells Todd he's out of there as we go to the next match.

Match 2

Men on a Mission (Mabel and Mo with Oscar) vs "Iron" Mike Sharpe and Mike Bell

Commentators: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon

Its the tag match from last week's Superstars only with Ross and Monsoon on the overdub. Mabel starts with Sharpe and Mike does a hilarious double charge off the ropes only to bounce off Mabel. Sharpe does another Yosemite Sam charge only to eat a drop-toe-hold. Mabel does the Viscera roll on top of Sharpe as Mike gets up frustrated and flexes his muscle. Ross asks Monsoon what it would be like on a long car ride with Sharpe and Monsoon responds he'd rather take a long walk off a short pier. Mike wants a test of strength that Mabel wins easily before the big man drops an elbow on the neck of Sharpe. Mabel hits a scoop slam and a suplex before Mo tags in. Mo hops off the top with an axehandle to the back. Mo wrenches the arm and executes a northern lights suplex but Mike rakes the eyes. Sharpe brings Mo into his corner where Mike Bell finally tags in. Monsoon hasn't heard the Royal Rumble rap yet as Bell slugs away at Mo. Mo fights out of it with right hands but Bell gets in a rake to the eyes. Bell runs into a back elbow smash and Mo tags in Mabel. Mabel whips Mo who does a clothesline to Bell then whips him into a spinning wheel kick by Mabel. Mabel covers for 1.....2....3 that's it. This show cuts out right here so that's it for the Mania edition. You can see why Vince would later put his faith in Mabel because he showed flashes of brilliance as a 22 year old.

Time of match: 3:00

Winners: M.O.M.

We get a commercial for the upcoming Royal Rumble, Saturday the 22nd. Then we get the same Undertaker workshop vignette from this past Monday with him and Paul Bearer making Christmas puns. Then inexplicably we go to the next match with no warning already in progress.

Match 3

Scott Taylor vs "Double J" Jeff Jarrett

Commentators: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon

We're joined in progress from last week's Wrestling Challenge. Taylor hiptosses Jarrett and says to come on. Taylor armdrags Jarrett and chops him in the throat. He whips Jeff into the corner who does an up and over to punch Scott in the face. Jeff rams Scott's head into the other buckle and chokes him on the top rope in front of the camera guy to talk trash. Monsoon asks what kind of western getup Jarrett is wearing as Ross claims they're not western, they're from Oklahoma and Tennessee. Taylor tries an up and over himself but Jarrett catches him and hits a running powerslam. Jeff drops an elbow and calls for the finish. Jarrett whips Scott off but puts his head down, Taylor responds with a right hand to the face. Taylor continues to rock Jarrett with right hands but eats a right hand to the mid-section. Jarrett hits a jumping DDT and hooks the tights for 1...2....3..and its over. That was actually a hell of a sell job by Jeff to give Taylor that much offense and to have to hook the tights at the end. It definitely didn't go unnoticed as Taylor would eventually get full-time status 3 years later. As for now, Jarrett gets the duke. Jarrett does the Fargo strut after the match and grabs a mic to spell his name.

Time of match: Joined in progress

Winner: Jeff Jarrett by pinfall

Back to Todd and the Macho Man. Todd hypes up the Rumble three weeks from that day with Randy pulling silly string out of nowhere while explaining what you have to do to survive the Rumble. I'm not taking advice from the guy who tried to pin someone in the Rumble the previous year but that's just me. Todd runs down the 18 guys currently in the Rumble match and the theme plays impromptu. Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Mabel, Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Crush, Kamala, Doink, Scott Steiner, Adam Bomb, Bam Bam Bigelow, 123 Kid, Bob Backlund, Rick Steiner, Samu, Fatu and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. Kamala hadn't been seen in about 6 months and Valentine had left nearly two years earlier. Still got 12 slots to go and one of them may or may not be Lex Luger. Speaking of which, he's in the next match.

Match 4

Barry Horrowitz vs Lex Luger

Commentators: Jim Ross and Gorilla Monsoon

This also was from last week's Raw only we got Ross and Monsoon on the overdub. Monsoons ays the fan poll has overwhelming stats that favor Luger going in to the Rumble match. Lex gets in a go-behind then an armdrag on Barry. Lex poses for the crowd and Barry just lets him before Lex does an arm-ringer. Monsoon calls the 34 year old Horrowitz a "youngster" but Barry gets the upperhand with a boot to the midsection then a knee lift. Barry kicks away in the corner, but  Luger whips him into a chest bump in the corner and rolls him up for a deuce. Barry gets a thumb to the eye, a back rake and a European uppercut. Barry gets a jawbreaker in before forearming Lex in the side of the head. Barry taunts the crowd and punches Lex in the face. Barry rams Lex's head into his boot and goes to work in the corner. Monsoon says Yokozuna may not make it to Wrestlemania 10 as the champiomn as Barry chokes Lex in the corner with his foot. Ross says The Undertaker has never lost a casket match as Barry does a series of shoulderblocks in the corner. Lex roars out of the corner with a clothesline before powerslamming Barry. Lex looks out at the crowd then sets up Barry for a superplex. Lex hits the superplex and covers for 1...2...3 to end the match. Ross sends it back to Todd and Savage directly after.

Time of match: 4:25

Winner: Lex Luger by pinfall

Back to Todd and Randy and Todd asks Randy if Luger will be in the Rumble. Savaage says if its up to him, Lex will be because Randy will win the Rumble and he doesn't want the victory tainted if Lex isn't in it. Randy says he's got nothing against Lex Luger but he's got something against everyone in the Rumble including Lex and 29 other guys he's going to beat. Todd shills the upcoming Lex vs Jacques match later today on Superstars which was mentioned on last week's Raw. Todd goes to say something but Randy hits him in the head with a balloon before we get a vignette of slow motion action featuring various WWF stars. Then Bret Hart tells us not to drink and drive this holiday season. Randy says he doesn't drink or drive so he's all set, (HA!). Todd then says Bret and Owen are reunited and will face The Quebecers for the WWF tag belts at the Rumble. Savage says the Harts will win as it will be Owen's first title shot. Todd says he has something in common with Shawn Michaels and says he's a former IC champion as well. He lifts his shirt up and he's wearing the foam IC title belt kids can get at the merch stands. Savage gives him a double high five and says to tell Shawn that. Todd says no and we go to our next match.

Match 5

Phil Apollo vs "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels

Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon and Jim Ross

Its the match from last week's Superstars only with Monsoon and Ross on the overdub. Shawn starts with a go-behind, full nelson and a snapmare as Ross talks about valet parking. Shawn gets in a chinlock but Apollo puts him in a head scisssors. Shawn nips out of it and drops Apollo with a clothesline. Shawn sends Phil off, misses a line and gets hiptossed by Apollo. Shawn recovers with a dropkick, arm-drag and arm-ringer. Shawn gets in a Fujiwara armbar and then drops a knee on it before turning it into a pin for a 1 count. Shawn continues to work the left arm before rolling over into a hammerlock. Shawn shouts he's the undisputed Intercontinental Champion as Monsoon scoffs. Apollo gets in a hard elbow to the face to break the hold then shoulderblocks HBK down. Shawn puts his head down and Phil gets a kneelift in. Phil kicks away at the mid-section but puts his own head down, Shawn countering with a Russian leg-sweep. Shawn hits Sweet Chin Music then hops up on the second rope before delivering a jumping, twisting fist-drop. Shawn covers for 1....2.....3 that's it. Shawn rolls Apollo out of the ring as we cut here. That was actually a good jobber match as HBK got down and wrestled and gave Apollo some shine.

Time of match: 2:59

Winner: Shawn Michaels by pinfall

Ross sends us to the vignette of Kwang shown from last week's Raw. Why Vince decided to have a Puerto Rican ninja I'll never know but at least he came to his senses a year later. Back to Todd and Randy, Todd brings up the upcoming tag-team match on Raw where Bam Bam Bigelow and Bastion Booger take on The Smoking Gunns. Randy then pops a balloon while saying the Gunns are a pistol. Todd says Johnny Polo will be the guest commentator as well but then shifts to Razor Ramon. Todd asks Randy since he's been in the locker room if IRS has Razor's gold. Randy says he heard a few guys talking but he's not Columbo. We go Todd who shows a camera angle of a recent match where they do a close-up on the open briefcase of IRS which shows he indeed has the gold. Randy raises Todd's hand in victory as we go to our final match.

Match 6

Derek Domino vs WWF Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon

Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon and Jim Ross

Its the match from last week's Raw only with Monsoon and Ross on the overdub. Domino works over the left arm but Razor takes him down. Domino chops Razor in the corner and Razor counters with chops of his own before sending Domino flying across the ring. Domino ducks a clothesline but Razor catches Domino mid-air. Razor goes upstairs and hits a top rope fallaway slam. Ross talks about the upcoming college football bowl games as Razor does his STF slaparound. Ross talks about a potential IRS matchup with Razor drops Domino with a back elbow smash. Monsoon calls Irwin a crybaby and a wuss as Ramon locks in an abdominal stretch. Razor plants Domino on the top rope and hits the back suplex.  Razor calls for the Razor's Edge and hits it, then covers for 1..2...3 to end the match. Ross says Razor is marked by Shawn Michaels and has a date with IRS soon. Standard jobber match, not much to say.

Time of match: 3:52

Winner: Razor Ramon by pinfall

We get a commercial for the upcoming Royal Rumble upcoming Saturday January 22nd. Back to Todd with Randy who brings up a special interview with Lex Luger next week on Mania. Randy says his New Year's Resolution is to win the Rumble and take Crush out then find different colors to wear. Todd says his resolution is to tag with Randy in a match, yeah that would have gone over well. Todd then thinks better off it and signs off with Randy trying to hilariously convince him to wrestle. All in all that was a standard Mania. It went with the holiday theme and showed matches already seen on television. The only thing new we learned was Crush and Savage are going after each other in the Royal Rumble. It was interesting to see Howard Finkel handle the interview and anytime the Fink is on TV is always a good thing. As for moving forward, we got Quebecer Jacques vs Lex Luger on Superstars later to day and The Smoking Gunns vs Bam Bam Bigelow and Bastion Booger coming up on Raw. See you later today for Superstars!