Monday, April 29, 1974

WWWF at Madison Square Garden (4/29/74) Incomplete


Madison Square Garden
New York City, NY
April 29, 1974

Commentator: Vince McMahon Jr

Just four weeks after Bruno Sammartino defeated Nikolai Volkoff at Madison Square Garden, Bruno has the 47 year old Killer Kowalski on his trail. Bruno and Kowalski were two of the most important men for Vince Sr in the 1960's and they still drew in the 70's. Could the unorthodox, roughhouse style of the Killer help him win the title or will Bruno retain. Other matches include one half of the tag champs Dean Ho take on Nikolai Volkoff, Pedro Morales wrestles Mr. Fuji, a 24 year old Rob Fuller locks up with Eddie Sullivan and Andre The Giant teams with Chief Jay Strongbow against Don Leo Jonathan and Otto Von Heller. Unfortunately only two matches remain from this card, Ho vs Volkoff and Bruno vs Kowalski. Let's get to it.

Match 1

Larry Zbyzsko vs Jose Gonzalez

The rookie Larry gets a crack at the future Invader in the opening contest. Just like the previous MSG show, the opening match was a draw

Winner: No one (Draw)

Match 2

Eddie Sullivan vs Rob Fuller

Talk about a treat. A young Rob Fuller of the Welch/Fuller territory making a rare appearance in Madison Square Garden. Rob got the victory to boot.

Winner: Rob Fuller

Match 3

Mike Conrad vs Tony Garea

One half of the tag champs Garea gets perennial jobber Mike Conrad on this night. Not surprisingly, Garea gets the win.

Winner: Tony Garea

Match 4

Dean Ho vs Nikolai Volkoff (with Freddie Blassie)

Believe it or not, this match is one of just two that has been found. The other half of the tag champs, Dean Ho takes on Volkoff in this one. Blassie shouts at the irate fans at the start before he leaves and you know this match is old because Nikolai has hair. They stall to start before Volkoff gets the upperhand on the lock up. Volkoff sends Ho into the corner but a charge eats boot to the ribs. Ho chops the head of Nikolai and he backs off much to the crowd's delight. They tie up again and Volkoff rams Dean into the buckle before biting the poor guy. Volkoff sends him into the other corner and goes to work on him before trying to stretch his face and hair. Dean goes into a karate stance and the crowd pops as Volkoff slowly stalks him. Dean does a double thumb to the eyes but Nikolai gets in a chop to the throat before biting him again. Volkoff hits a big boot and a headbutt before headlock punching the tag champ. Dean gets up and karate kicks Volkoff to back him up again. Volkoff gets in what looks like a cobra clutch as Vince says that might be a choke-hold. Ho gets up and chops his way out to another pop. Volkoff gets in a kick and a boot to the ribs before Nikolai starts choking Dean on the mat. Volkoff knees Dean in the head and scoop slams him. Volkoff rams him into the buckle and uses the 5 count to pummel him. Ho comes back with eye pokes and chops and sends Volkoff into the corner. Ho misses the big splash attempt and falls down. Nikolai runs off the ropes and hits a big stomp then covers for 1....2....3...that's it. Volkoff beats the tag champ to get some heat back after losing to Bruno four weeks earlier. Vince on commentary says Blassie will be happy.

Time of match: 5:22

Winner: Volkoff

Match 5

Andre The Giant and Chief Jay Strongbow vs Don Leo Jonathan and Otto Von Heller in a 2 out of 3 Falls Match

One year earlier Andre made his MSG debut and tonight he's teaming with Strongbow against the big Mormon and his German partner. This must have been a chore to sit through as Andre and Strongbow win it.

Winners: Strongbow and Andre

Match 6

Killer Kowalski vs Bruno Sammartino (with Arnold Skaaland) for the WWWF Heavyweight Championship

The only other match still in existence is the main event that sees the 47 year old Kowalski get another shot at Bruno. We're joined in progress as Kowalski stomps away at Bruno and ties up his left arm in between the bottom and middle rope. Vince says Killer will do anything to win the match. Bruno then gets up and goes apeshit on Kowalski with right hands and ties his left leg up in the rope, turnabout is fair play. Bruno kicks away at the left leg of Kowalski and Killer does a big jumping bump. Bruno attacks the left leg but Kowalski kicks at him with his good leg then goes for the iron claw hold on the abdomen of Bruno. Bruno goes for the left leg with Killer trying to wizzer out of it. Bruno tackles Kowalski but Killer gets him in a crucifix. Bruno powers on top and the ref counts 1...2...nope. Kowalski rolls Bruno over for a one count and they spill into the ropes. Kowalski stomps away at Bruno and goes upstairs. Bruno throws Kowalski off the top rope. Bruno scoop slams him for Bruno goes for the surfboard but Kowalski makes it to the ropes. Bruno stomps away in the corner and starts pummeling Kowalski. The ref tries to stop him but Bruno is relentless. Kowalski then gets his iron claw on the abs of Sammartino and then bites Bruno's head. Kowalski goes up top and hits a big stomp before going back to the claw. Bruno kicks him off, picks him up and dumps him over the top rope. Kowalski takes a breather on the apron then gets back in. He snatches Bruno in a nerve hold but Bruno punches him. Kowalski hits a dropkick to the back that sends Bruno through the ropes to the outside. Bruno slides inside and Kowalski delivers a scoop slam. Killer covers for 1..2....nope. Kowalski slaps Bruno in the chest that send shim through the ropes to the outside. Mrs. Krieger appears behind Bruno and tells him to go get Kowalski. Bruno gets back in but Kowalski bites him again. Kowalski punches away at Bruno's head and Bruno says something to him. Bruno is busted wide open and Killer punches away at the cut. Vince asks how much can one man take but we all know what's coming. Bruno gets back to his feet and does his version of a hulk it comes. The crowd comes alive and Kowalski looks around confused. Bruno stops selling and finally goes apeshit on Kowalski to a massive pop. Bruno absolutely beats the crap out of Kowalski all around the ring and sends him to the buckle. They trade blows in the center of the ring but the ref calls for the bell. They continue to brawl in the ring as Skaaland tries to help break it up. Jay Strongbow, Dean Ho and Pedro Morales run in to separate everyone. Kowalski bails as the announcer says the bout is a draw, double disqualification. Pedro, Dean and Jay calm Bruno down as Skaaland raises Bruno's arm to a nice pop. Modern fans looking for canadian destroyers, false finishes and armdrags will be very disappointed but fans at the time wanted Bruno to go apeshit on Kowalski, and he did. Mrs. Krieger certainly enjoyed the ass kicking at the end. Good job by both guys.

Time of match: 24:15

Winner: No one (Draw)

Better to have two matches saved than none at all. The other four seemed like they'd be interesting but Andre and Strongbow in 2 out of 3 falls might not have been the best. Who knows, it was 70's Andre so it might have been. Still Nikolai needed a win and the end to the main event was awesome. As the years go by more and more footage will be available so it won't be so many incompletes. 

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