Saturday, February 6, 1971

WWWF at the Boston Garden (2/6/71)

Boston Garden
Boston, Massachusetts
February 6, 1971

We are two days away from Madison Square Garden and the showdown between WWWF US Champion Pedro Morales and the WWWF Heavyweight Champion Ivan Koloff. Until then, we have a big match card for the Boston Garden. We got a midget tag team match, Chief Jay Strongbow takes on one half of the International tag team champions Geeto Mongol in singles action with the other half, Beppo, taking on Bruno Sammartino. Ivan Koloff will be defending the title against Jean Dubois and Blackjack Mulligan puts his hot streak on the line against Manuel Soto. Let's get to the action.

Match 1

Little Joey and Frenchy Lamont vs Little Brutus and Sky Low Low in a 2 out of 3 Falls match

Good lord, they're starting the show with a midget tag team match. Who are Joey and Frenchy? Joey Russell was a midget wrestler in the late 60's and early 70's and Frenchy Lamont was probably the strongest midget of all time. He legit picked up the near 400 pound Gorilla Monsoon and carried him around on his shoulders according to Jesse "The Body" Ventura. Low Low pinned Joey to win the first fall, Lamont pinned Low Low to tie the match up. Joey pinned Brutus to win the match.

Winners: Joey and Lamont by pinfall

Match 2

Geeto Mongol vs Chief Jay Strongbow

For months now, Strongbow and Gorilla Monsoon had been chasing the Tag Champs the Mongols so today in Boston, Chief takes on Geeto one on one. Apparently these two did a 20 minute broadway draw.

Time of match: 20:00

Winner: No one (Draw)

Match 3

The Wolfman vs Pedro Morales for the WWWF United States Championship

A rematch from the last Madison Square Garden show as Wolfman once again challenges Morales for the title. Morales finished him off rather quickly.

Time of match: 4:08

Winner: Morales by pinfall (Still US Champion)

Match 4

Jean Dubois vs Ivan Koloff for the WWWF Heavyweight Championship

Just two days away from Madison Square Garden, Koloff defends the strap against Dubois in the Boston Garden. Koloff made short work of Dubois and finished him with the backbreaker.

Time of match: 3:40

Winner: Koloff by submission (still WWWF Champion)

Match 5

Beppo Mongol vs Bruno Sammartino in a Texas Death Match

Bruno makes his return to the Boston Garden taking on half of the tag champs in Beppo Mongol in a special Texas Death Match. Bruno took a chair and whacked Beppo in the head with it then covered for the three count to win the match.

Time of match: 5:20

Winner: Sammartino by pinfall

Match 6

Tony Marino vs Bulldog Brower

If you're wondering why the main event matches were put on first, The Mongols, Bruno, Koloff and Strongbow were performing in Springfield, Massachusetts for the second half of the double shot later that night. As for this match, Brower got the victory when he put his feet on the ropes.

Time of match: 8:40

Winner: Brower by pinfall

Match 7

"Nobleman" Joe Turco vs The Black Demon

Shockingly Demon defeated the Nobleman. I have no idea why or how.

Time of match: 6:10

Winner: Demon by pinfall

Match 8

Blackjack Mulligan vs Manuel Soto

Mulligan had been on a hot streak since coming into the territory and was pretty much situating himself as the number one contender to Pedro Morales regardless if he was successful in MSG or not. Mulligan needed just 5 minutes to slap the iron claw on Soto and make him give up to end the day.

Time of match: 5:10

Winner: Mulligan by submission

Booking this show not only just two days away from the Madison Square Garden showdown but as the first half of a double shot is peculiar. If that wasn't bad enough, there was a house show booked in Lewiston, Maine the day of the MSG show as well. This show definitely would have been fun to see but they were too close to MSG to have anything truly drastic happen. It did put over Mulligan as a future contender and Bruno wasn't taking kindly to the Mongols. Later that night the crew made it to Springfield for the second half of the double shot. I'll see you there.

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