Keybank Center
Buffalo, NY
March 3, 2025
Commentators: Michael Cole and Pat McAfee
Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor
Well the mood just shifted in the world of wrestling. 48 hours after the most shocking heel turn of the century, WWE Raw comes to you from Buffalo, New York. Elimination Chamber gave us the number 1 contender to the Women's World Championship in Bianca Belair and the number one contender to Cody Rhodes in John Cena......more on that in a minute. Tiffany Stratton and Trish Stratus defeated Nia Jax and Candace Larae to finally clear a path for Tiffany vs Charlotte Flair at Wrestlemania. Finally Kevin Owens destroyed Sami Zayn and the returning Randy Orton has KO in his sights, most likely at Wrestlemania. As for tonight, Rhea Ripley defends the World Women's Championship against Iyo Sky with the winner facing Bianca Belair at Wrestlemania. Let's get to it.
We begin with the obligatory recap of Elimination Chamber including the shocking heel turn of none other than John Cena and the attack of Naomi by Jade Cargill. A downtrodden Michael Cole is still in shock as McAfee tells us the obvious, Cena sold his soul for the record breaking 17th world championship. Rhea Ripley arrives alone to the arena with Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai arriving as well. We're shown Diamond Mi.....American Made training because we got the Women's Intercontinental Championship match with Lira Valkyria against Ivy Nile and The War Raiders defending the World Tag Team Championships against The Creed Brothers. But first....here comes a pissed off CM Punk. Cole says he got screwed at the Elimination Chamber by Seth Rollins and Punk shoves the dude holding a microphone away. He then rips the announce table cover off and dumps over the Prime Station, which no one's ever used before....ever. He says let's start this show off with a bang. He says this is gonna be fun for him, but not for them. He's got gonna get Raw canceled off Netflix and considering his past pipe bombs, this is gonna be good. He says this is a state of the union address and people have been talking about how he's exhausted all his chances to go to Wrestlemania. He says its time to discuss his enemies which means EVERYONE. He wants a name from the crowd and everyone throws names out. McAfee says The Rock and Cole says John Cena. Punk says "The Rock, the final boss. Listen up Dwayne, you bald fraud! You think because you're on the board of directors that you're immune from criticism? You don't know who you're dealing with." He calls himself the best in the world, middle aged and crazy. He said he marched through hell to get to where he was while The Rock just waltzed in and stole other people's opportunities because he thinks he's bigger than everyone. Punk says he'd love to say it to Rock's face but he's not here to do his bullshit. Punk says Rock only pretends to care about the business and Punk has never had to stoop to wear a fake title and proclaim himself the people's champion. Punk says he doesn't deserve it, he earns it. He says he's never been desperate to sell his soul and that brings him to John Cena. Punk says they can all see through John and he stole Punk's Wrestlemania main event. Punk "Hustle, loyalty and respect for 20 plus years and now everybody sees what I've known all along. You've been selling these people and all these kids BULLSHIT!" Punk says he never gave up in the Elimination Chamber and Cena gave up on himself. Punk says he's going to get both of the "bald frauds" and Cena will make a wish Punk never got his hands on him. Punk says "And now the man of the hour, my little brother Seth Rollins." Punk says to Becky Lynch to come get her man because if he does, he'll put him in a wheelchair. Right on cue....BURN IT DOWNNNNNN.
Seth Rollins walks out and Punk makes a mad dash to cut him off. They brawl at the entrance way and here comes the referees and Suit Brigade (Petey Williams, Shane Helms, Jason Jordan) to pull them apart. The crowd wants to see them fight and Punk breaks free. They brawl some more all the way to ringside. Adam Pearce comes out with security guards to pull them apart but they get knocked down as well. They brawl into the ring and out of the ring, spilling into the crowd as well. It takes about 20 people to separate them including refs, security, Suit Brigade and Pearce. They spill into the announce area and McAfee screams "HOLY SHIT COLE!" The crowd chants "This is awesome!" as Punk grabs one of the announce chairs. Rollins breaks free and they go again much to the crowd's delight. Rollins chucks some Prime bottles at Punk as Cole says this is the damndest thing he's ever seen. We cut to commercial....and that's how you open Raw. You could genuinely feel Punk's anger and Rollins wasn't about to let him bring his wife into it. This is gonna be epic when the time comes.
Back from commercial, we're shown more Elimination Chamber highlights including the Cena heel turn which made mainstream media. Then we're shown Rollins and Punk got into it again before needing to be separated again. We're then shown a highlight of last week's Women's Tag Title Match where Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan defeated Bianca and Naomi to win the straps due to Dominik Mysterio. Judgment Day is backstage as Carlito picks up an apple. Dom Mysterio asks Finn Balor if he's cool and Finn says yes. Liv shows off her real scar from getting whipped by Bianca at EC and tells Raquel to keep her eye on the Intercontinental Championship match later. Liv asks if Finn is okay and he says he's okay....but Liv lost on Saturday night and Dom & Carlito got embarrassed by Bron Breakker last week. Dom says Finn had a chair and still backed down from Bron. Dom says they need another member (that's a diss on the injured JD McDonough. Finn says they don't need a new member but he'll deal with Breakker tonight. He leaves and Dom asks Liv what happened with Jade Cargill the other night. Liv says she doesn't know and she's staying out of it because she said she had nothing to do with it.
Alpha Academy is in the ring ready for the Otis vs Gunther showdown. Gunther walks out with a microphone. Gunther says before he embarrasses Otis he says he knows Otis is strong as an ox. People call Otis a freak of nature but he just calls him a freak. Gunther says Otis is no different than Jey Uso, a people pleaser who makes a clown out of himself to entertain a degenerate audience. Otis doesn't belong in Gunther's sacred ring and the crowd doesn't cheer Otis because they like him, they pity him. Gunther says he looked in the mirror and saw the World Heavyweight Championship belt around his waist while Otis couldn't even find a belt that fits. Gunther says Otis could have been great if he had self respect and Gunther will teach it to him now.
Match 1
Otis (with Maxxine Dupree and Akira Tozawa) vs Gunther
Non-title here and Gunther cheap shots him with a big boot to start. Gunther sheds the belt and stomps away at Otis before taunting the irate crowd. Cole says don't count out Otis as he was a tremendous amateur wrestler and Otis fights back with right hands. Otis pummels Gunther in the corner but Gunther kicks him, locking in a headlock. Gunther shoulderblocks Otis who no sells it. Otis hits two consecutive big boots to send Otis threw the ropes to the outside. Gunther slaps Otis from inside the ring and Otis starts getting mad. Otis pulls Gunther out and hits a fallaway slam on the floor as we got to break. Back from commercial, Gunther has a headlock on Otis inside the ring. Gunther taunts him and calls him a freak. Gunther punches away at Otis and kicks him in the head. Gunther covers for 1...2....no. Otis gets up and counters a chinlock with a back suplex. Gunther chops Otis and Otis no sells it. Otis takes a third and fourth chop and rips his shirt off. Gunther is totally confused as they trade chops in the center. Otis headbutts Gunther into the corner and drops him with a clothesline. Otis splashes him in the corner and hits a scoop slam. Otis splashes Gunther in the corner and drops him with a back elbow smash. Otis powerslams Gunther and then does the caterpillar. He covers for 1...2..no. Otis goes for the Vader Bomb but misses and Gunther hits the dropkick. Otis backdrops Gunther and they clothesline each other. Gunther hits Otis with another big boot and hits a big lariat. He covers for 1...2..nooooo. Gunther is pissed and finally hits the powerbomb. He covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Good hoss fight and showing by Otis to have Gunther on the run a bit. Good to show Gunther is human and can still take a pounding.
Time of match: 9:41
Winner: Gunther by pinfall
Post-match, Gunther locks in a sleeper on Otis and Akira Tozawa jumps on his back. Gunther throws Akira off and powerbombs him on top of Otis. Here comes Jey Uso for the real save. Gunther cuts him off but Jey takes him down with a spear to chase him off. Jey holds up the title belt and the crowd chants. Uh oh....here comes A-Town Down Under for the beatdown. Grayson Waller and Austin Theory beat down Jey but Jey rallies with a superkick and a spear to dispatch them. Gunther then locks in a sleeper from behind to leave Jey laying. Gunther poses over the fallen Jey, holding up the title belt.
We get a Rhea vs Iyo vignette, hype for Lira Valkyria vs Ivy Nile then take more looks at Elimination Chamber reactions. Cathy Kelley is AJ Styles and wants her opinion on John Cena's heel turn. AJ says "Wow, I didn't see that coming." Karrion Kross hugs him from behind and says its not that surprising if you think about it. Kross stirs the pot by asking about Logan Paul and AJ says he's not John Cena, the Universe needs a reminder of who he is. He's gonna call out Paul next week on Raw in Madison Square Garden. AJ tells him to get lost as Kross says "That was easy." Kross lost Ellering and the Authors of Pain so being AJ's lackey or "devil on his shoulder" might be fun. On to the next match.
Match 2
Ivy Nile vs Lira Valkyria for the Women's Intercontinental Championship
We get a clip of Valkyria successfully defending her IC title against Dakota Kai last week only to get jumped by Ivy Nile. Bell's gone and Lira wastes no time, dropping Nile with a dropkick. Lira kicks Ivy and goes to work with knees to the face. Lira hiptosses Ivy and covers for a one count. Cole says this is their first meeting since NXT years ago as Ivy drops Lira with a clothesline. Ivy pounds away at Lira and whips her into the corner. Lira cartwheels away and sweeps the leg to drop Ivy. Lira hits northern lights for 1...2...no. Lira dropkicks Ivy through the ropes and goes up to the top rope. Ivy grabs the leg and dragon screws off the second rope. Ivy isolates the left leg as we go to break. Back from commercial, Ivy has a half crab on Lira. Ivy rams the knee into the mat twice but Lira rolls her up for a two count. Lira does a backslide for another two count and backs her into the corner. Ivy gets a boot to the face although Ivy rolls through a crossbody and stands up with Lira in her arms. Lira rolls out of the powerslam and hits a gut wrench bomb, but her knee gives out. Lira shakes it off with some clotheslines and an enziguiri. Ivy counters a torando ddt with a suplex and covers for 1..2....no. Lira rolls through a scoop slam with a cradle for 1...2...no. Lira catches Ivy with a swinging neckbreaker and goes for the Nightwing only for the leg to give out again. Ivy hits a double axehandle to the back and an atomic drop. Ivy hits a sitout powerbomb for 1...2....no. Ivy locks in the ankle lock and Lira sells it like crazy, but she makes it to the ropes. Lira hits a sunset flip for 1....2...no. Ivy hits a german suplex but misses a big boot in the corner. Lira hits an Orton style backbreaker and hits the Nightwing. She covers for 1..2...3 to win the match. Damn good effort by both girls as Ivy isolated the leg and Lira sold the daylights out of it, but still did enough to retain. There needs to be a big feud to give the title some legitimacy but this was a damn good match at least.
Time of match: 9:32
Winner: Valkyria by pinfall (still IC Champion)
We get a plug for WWE Evolve and a recap of the Rollins/Punk brawl from earlier. Rollins is trying to leave but Cathy Kelley gets in his face to ask him what happened. Seth with eagle vision spots Punk from a mile away and sprints toward him. In the words of Dick Stockton "AND THERE THEY GO AGAIN!!!" They get separated again with Adam Pearce directing traffic. Punk says he gonna kill Rollins as we go to break. Back from break Rollins is with Pearce one one one and says this is the easiest job of Adam's life. He's gonna do what he did to Roman Reigns and make sure Punk doesn't make it to Wrestlemania. Rollins says "Its him or me, that's a hill I'll die on." Pearce says "You want to finish it? Finish it....next week in Madison Square Garden inside a steel cage." Rollins smiles and Pearce says get out of here and he doesn't want to see Rollins' face until next week. Pearce tells security to not let Rollins off his bus the rest of the night.
We cut to a highlight of Ludwig Kaiser attacking Penta last month and then winning a triple threat match last week against Penta and Pete Dunne. Inside the ring, Ludwig Kaiser is here for a conference. He wants the fans' gratitude and the fans jeer. Kaiser says he took away Penta's attention that he himself deserved for a long, long time. Kaiser "Boo all you want, you know damn well Ludwig Kaiser is a future world champion!" That would have been interesting to see a babyface Kaiser in Germany against Gunther but oh well. Kaiser says he and Penta still have unfinished business. He says what Cena did to Cody Rhodes is nothing compared to what Kaiser will do to Penta. He goes on to say Penta claims to not know fear but he's going to fear him. Here comes Penta for the rebuttal....in the form of a hurracarana to the suit clad Kaiser. Penta sucks the line, hits a superkick and hits a slingblade. Penta head scissors Kaiser over the top rope to the floor and hits a springboard clothesline. Penta hits the hilo to the floor to leave Kaiser laying. Potential MSG match next week? Maybe.
We cut to Cathy Kelley now with Bianca Belair. She asks what happened with Jade and Naomi and Bianca refuses to answer out of respect. Bianca says she feels guilty for that but proud that she won the Chamber match. She hypes up both Iyo and Rhea but she's going to beat the winner at Wrestlemania. Before we go to break, we hype up tomorrow night's NXT featuring Chelsea Green & Piper Niven in action as well as The Hardy Boyz. Next up, the Creed Brothers will face the War Raiders. Back from break we see the international calls from Germany, Korea and France on the Cena heel turn.
For some reason we cut to Chad Gable in "Mexico" looking for ways to beat luchadors at lucha libre. Chad asks random people if they know someone in a picture then meets a random dude in a park. The dude says "You must become lucha." Chad says he'll do anything and the stranger hands him a box. Chad pays for it and the stranger says he now has power beyond his understanding. This is going to be epic or incredibly stupid, no in between. We get a recap package of the Creeds and Raiders before the next match.
Match 3
The Creed Brothers (Julius and Brutus) with Ivy Nile vs The War Raiders (Erik and Ivar) for the World Tag Team Championships
Ivar's birthday was the day before and Cole asked what he wanted. Ivar answered he wanted to eat the Creed brothers alive....yikes. Cole brings up Pat McAfee's social media blitz the last 48 hours and Pat says "I love America, sue me." Well said. Bell's gone and Erik starts with Julius and they tie up, with Cole saying both these teams were NXT tag champs. Julius ducks the line but Erik is shoved. Erik shoves him back and they roll around before Brutus tags in. They double team him in the corner with double boots in the corner. Julius "How'd you like that, huh?" as he tags in Brutus. Erik scoops slams Brutus and tags in Ivar. Ivar drops Brutus with a line and threatens Julius. Brutus uses the distraction to clothesline Ivar from behind and tag in Julius. The Creeds hit a double clothesline on Ivar that goes nowhere and Ivar does a handspring double back elbow....Tajiri would be proud. Ivar tags in Erik and he whips Ivar into Julius. Erik drops him with a shoulderblock and Ivar scoop slams Brutus. Erik scoop slams Ivar on top of Brutus and Erik tags Ivar back in legally. Julius is whipped into the corner and Ivar catches him with a big right hand. Ivar goes to the second rope and Julius dropkicks Ivar ass over tea kettle to the floor....woof! Brutus tags in and sends Ivar into the ring steps. Julius tells the camera they're winning the titles for Gable as we go to break. Back from commercial the Creeds hit a double delayed vertical suplex to Ivar. Brutus covers for 1....2..no. Ivar fights his way out of the corner and hits a sit down on Brutus. Julius tags in but is kicked off, Erik getting the hot tag. Erik cleans house of both brothers and hits a t-bone taz plex on Julius. Erik hits a dropkick on Julius and caters to the crowd, hitting a knee to the face of Julius. Ivar tags in and Erik throws Julius to him, Ivar hitting a running powerslam. Ivar covers for 1....2...no. Erik tags back in but Julius rolls out of the powerbomb attempt. Julius catches Erik with a high knee and tosses Ivar into the ring post. Julius hits an overhead belly to belly suplex and tags in Brutus. Julius hits an Angle Slam and Brutus somewhat botches the 450 splash off the top rope but still covers for 1...2....no. Brutus pounds away on Erik and tags Julius back in. Julius runs into a back elbow but sets up Erik on the second rope. Erik punches him off and Ivar makes a blind tag. Julius kicks Ivar off the apron and hits a superplex on Erik. Brutus misses the moonsault off the top rope and Ivar gets in. Ivar misses a top rope moonsault of his own and Julius hits a shooting star press on him. He covers for 1....2..noooooo. McAfee says he thought Billy Kidman was here for a second. Julius eats a boot to the head and Erik tags back in. Julius ducks a line and hits an Oklahoma Slam. Brutus tags in for the Brutus Ball but Erik rolls out of it. Erik shitcans Julius where he's splashed by Ivar outside. Erik tags Ivar in and they execute a War Machine on Brutus. Ivar covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Good match with some highspots by some unlikely people. Good to see the tag straps defended with a good showing by both teams. The Creed Brothers' time will come eventually. As for now, the Raiders hold up the belts to the camera.
Time of match: 11:42
Winners: War Raiders by pinfall (still World Tag Team Champions)
We cut to Cole and McAfee who finally talk about something else from Elimination Chamber besides the Cena heel turn. We're shown the Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens war with Owens winning, setting up a Randy Orton return. Orton hits the rKo on Owens and it looks like it'll be those two at Wrestlemania.
We cut to a vignette with Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde saying New Day beat them down last week but didn't take their hearts or spirit. Dragon Lee says the New Day didn't get the job done, the LWO is stronger than ever. Rey Mysterio walks in and says New Day got too cocky, they didn't finish the job. Rey says him and Dragon are going to crush the New Day in a tornado tag match next week. Rey says he's proud of the LWO and says "New...Day Sucks." Dragon Lee joins in and we got another match for MSG next week. More hype for Rhea vs Iyo before we go to break.
Back from break Finn Balor is in the ring with WWE Intercontinental Champion Bron Breakker out in the crowd. Finn says the only reason he's still champ is because Judgment Day allowed it. Jackie Redmond is with Bron and Breakker says the only reason he's still champ is he's a doggggg, ruff! Breakker says he embarrassed all of the Judgment Day and Finn says he's untouchable in the ring. He says he can take the title from Breakker any time he likes. Finn says Breakker is hiding behind Jackie and when they get in the ring, he'll put the "dog" down. Those are fighting words in Breakker's country and he heads to the ring. Breakker is intercepted by Carlito and Bron sends him over the barricade. Here's Dom Mysterio who eats an overhead belly to belly suplex on the floor. Finn looks nervous in the ring but he hits a slingblade on Bron. He rallies with right hands and a chest stomp before taunting the irate crowd. Breakker recovers to hit a gorilla press slam and tear his t-shirt off. Dom pulls Balor out of the ring and Breakker spears Carlito out of his shoes instead. Cole asks why the Judgment Day is continuing to provoke Bron Breakker before going back to the Cena heel turn.
Before we go to break, we go to highlights of the heel turn including a cool montage of all the babyface things Cena has ever done in between the Cody beat down. They also show Travis Scott legit punching Cody in the face. 47 days from now it'll be Cena vs Rhodes in the main event. Cole says he spoke to Cody early today and he didn't have much to say then, but he'll address the world this Friday on Smackdown. Back from break Alpha Academy thanks Jey Uso for having his back and leaves. Cathy Kelley asks if he's thrown off his game. Jey says this is the wrong time to be going through it mentally because every week he's being told he can't do it. He says his back is to the wall and can't breathe, but Gunther told him he'd put him through 10 weeks of hell. Jey says at Wrestlemania he's crashing out and Gunther woke up a sleeping beast....yeet! Jey walks outside shirtless in Buffalo in March, which is a choice. In all seriousness, they're kind of rehashing the Sami/Gunther match last year only without the Rocky 3 twist. Before the main event, we get a graphic that Rhea Ripley has never beaten Iyo Sky....interesting. Bianca Belair makes her way to ring side for the main event, here we go.
Match 4
Iyo Sky vs Rhea Ripley for the World Women's Championship
Cole says Ripley has been nearly unstoppable for the past 3 years as another graphic shows Iyo's two victories over Rhea in NXT. Bell rings and Rhea powers her around in a reverse bearhug to start. Iyo gets dropped with a shoulder tackle and a dropkick, Rhea covering for 1...2...no. Iyo tries to roll up Rhea but Rhea chops her away. Iyo tries another takedown before ducking under a line. Iyo hits a victory roll for a two count then kicks Rhea in the head. Rhea moves out of the way of a 619 attempt and drags Sky out of the ring. Rhea slings Iyo head first into the apron twice then hits a suplex on the floor as we go to break. Back from break Rhea hits a top rope missile dropkick and covers for 1...2...no. Iyo then hits a modified backstabber and goes to the top rope. Iyo hits a top rope dropkick but misses the bullet train. Rhea hits two lariats and a side kick but Iyo rolls through a faceplant and hits a double stomp to the ribs. Iyo covers for 1...2...no. They slug it out in the center of the ring and Rhea clobbers her with a big right hand. Rhea misses a roundhouse kick and faceplants Iyo, covering for 1...2...no. Rhea looks concerned as Cole speculates that reality is kicking in that Rhea can't beat her. The Prism Trap is blocked and Rhea's suplex off the apron is blocked as well. Iyo snaps Rhea's arm off the apron but Rhea hits a massive boot that spins Iyo in a 360. Rhea covers for 1...2...no. Rhea goes for Riptide but Iyo counters with a tornado DDT. Iyo hits the bullet train in the corner and hits the In-Sane elbow, covering for 1...2...no. Iyo then locks in the Asuka Lock as its apparent this one's for her Damage Control compadres. Rhea hangs on to dump Iyo off the buckle, but Sky hits the bullet train anyway. Iyo calls for the Over The Moonsault but Rhea forearms her in the back. Rhea hits a top rope back suplex and covers for 1...2...nooooo. Rhea can't believe it and shouts "What do I have to do???" Rhea locks in the Prism Lock but Iyo flips Rhea into the ring post and to the outside. Iyo hits a sunset flip power bomb through the ropes into the barricade. Back inside Iyo hits Over The Moonsault on the back of Ripley, rolls her over and covers for 1....2..nooooo, Rhea got the foot on the rope. Ripley bails to the outside and crawls toward Bianca. Iyo hits a suicide dive onto Rhea and goes for the Asai Moonsault but Rhea electric chairs Iyo off the apron first then the announce table. Bianca claps for both women as referee Jessika Carr starts the count. Cole points out a count-out gives the title back to Rhea as she slides inside the ring. Bianca claps for Iyo as Sky just barely gets back in the ring. Rhea stares a hole in Bianca and goes outside to taunt her for some idiotic reason. Rhea says Bianca is scared of her and Bianca tells her to get back in the ring. Rhea shoves Bianca down and goes to get back in the ring. Bianca grabs her and shoves her against the apron....but Carr doesn't call for the bell. What? Rhea shoves her away and Bianca shoves her back. Carr gets out of the ring and says this is a title match, stop this madness. Bianca walks away with her hands up as Rhea shouts at her from a distance. Back inside Rhea says Bianca's gonna pay for this and drags Iyo to the top rope. She shouts "See you at Mania, Bianca" but Iyo counters the Riptide with a top rope frankensteiner. Iyo then hits Over The Moonsault and covers for 1..2...3...to win the match! Holy Schmidt.....when was the last time the World Champion of either gender dropped the title on the road to Wrestlemania? Iyo is the new World Women's Champion and Bianca claps for her. Cole and McAfee correctly point out that Rhea's ego cost her by worrying about Bianca. The highlight shows the fans going nuts for Iyo as Cole says she won it 47 nights away. That was a damn good match with a shocking ending. This situation just got very interesting and we might get a triple threat.
Time of match: 18:39
Winner: Iyo Sky by pinfall
After the match Iyo gives heart signs to the fans as Rhea calls herself stupid for allowing this to happen. We go off air with Iyo Sky standing tall. What a show that was. We started with a pipe bomb from CM Punk and a hell of a brawl with Seth Rollins. We had a serviceable Gunther/Otis match, a serviceable women's IC title match, a fun tag team title match and a shocking world title change. Next week at MSG is going to be interesting with LWO against New Day, AJ Styles calling out Logan Paul and Rollins and Punk in a steel cage. The road to Wrestlemania got a little more interesting with Iyo's win and Punk going berserk. Just going to have to tune in to find out what happens next. Rhea Ripley might be turning heel again since she went after Bianca for no reason but Naomi/Jade Cargill is also hanging over Bianca's head. The next show after this is tomorrow night's NXT. I'll see you there.