Sunday, March 29, 1987

Wrestlemania 3 (3/29/87)

Wrestlemania 3
March 29, 1987
Pontiac Silverdome
Detroit, Michigan

Commentators: Jesse Ventura and Gorilla Monsoon

Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel

Vince McMahon Jr is the greatest wrestling promoter we've ever seen in most of our lifetimes. Love him or hate him, his impacts on the world of wrestling have been felt for 40 years plus. One may say the day he hit his stride was when he launched Hulkamania with Hulk Hogan in 1984 and parlayed that into the Rock n Wrestling connection of the mid 80's....however his greatest achievement was what we're about to witness. Make no mistake, the Rock N Wrestling era from 1984-86 was a lucrative jump for professional wrestling, but Wrestlemania 3 would go on to eclipse that and make Vince McMahon and honest to goodness millionaire. Wrestlemania 3 from an in ring standpoint was not the best Wrestlemania of all time, but because of the attendance figure, the importance and from basically everything going on at the certainly feels like it. Wrestlemania 2 was broadcast in 3 different locations and was considered an out and out mess despite it doing good numbers on pay per view, so Vince decided to top that. Going back to early 1987, Vince felt that to give Wrestlemania 3 the pizazz it needed, he needed to present a match that hadn't seen before on a national level. He wanted Hulk Hogan to defend his title against Andre the Giant, but the problem was twofold. First, Hulk Hogan had wrestled Andre the Giant during the early 1980's at supercards in Shea Stadium and the occasional AWA tour so it wasn't like fans hadn't seen them go at it before, but in 1987 there was no internet and videotapes weren't as common as they would eventually become, so you had to have been the hardest of hardcore fans to have remembered that. The second problem was Andre had just gotten serious back surgery to deal with his condition and he basically claimed he was finished. To solve that problem, Vince basically had to beg and plead the 40 year old giant to come back for this one match, to which he agreed. Now...because Andre and Hogan had been faces for so long, the only way to make this match work was to turn one of them heel, and Andre being the more monstrous of the two, was the perfect fit. The storyline was Hogan had beaten everyone since he had won the title 3 years earlier (think Roman Reigns) but Andre, Andre had been undefeated for 15 years (never let the truth stand in the way of a good storyline) but felt he wasn't getting the recognition he deserved. On a special episode of Piper's Pit,  Andre turned heel, challenged Hogan for the title and took on Bobby Heenan as manager. Now the main event was set, the unstoppable champion Hulk Hogan against the gigantic undefeated Andre the Giant, started selling like hotcakes and when it was all said and done, 76 thousand people crammed into the Pontiac Silverdome (the fake attendance was 93 thousand, guess they felt 70 grand wasn't enough) and resulted in a buyrate of 10.2....a figure will probably never happen again. 10 MILLION people were watching wrestling on Sunday March 29, 1987. What's forgotten about this event happens to be the undercard and the opening. Even though Andre vs Hogan was the main draw, Vince still needed an undercard to deliver. "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat may have been Vince's 2 best in ring workers in the company so it made sense to put them together for an Intercontinental Championship match, what Vince didn't expect is that match turning out to be arguably the best match of ALL TIME. Also on the card was "Rowdy" Roddy Piper's "retirement" match...yes believe it or not after being wrestling's hottest heel for 2 years, he decided to call it quits. Standing in his way was a worthy opponent "Adorable" Adrian Adonis who also was rumored to be on his way out. To add pizazz to that match, they made it a hair vs hair match...which also made way for a new top babyface which I'll get to later. The only other really famous match was King Kong Bundy and Hillbilly Jim culminating their feud with midget wrestlers, and you'll see the result of that shortly. The rest of the card include a one on one encounter between Hercules and Billy Jack Haynes, a tag match featuring former WWF Tag Team Champions The Dream Team taking on The Rougeau Brothers, another tag team match between The Can-Am Connection against former IC Champ Don Muraco and "Cowboy" Bob Orton (ironically his only wrestling appearance), a battle of music encounter featuring Jake "The Snake" Roberts with legendary rockstar Alice Cooper in his corner against The Honky Tonk Man with his manager Jimmy Hart (part of the Top 40 garage band The Gentry's in the 1960's) in his corner, The Junkyard Dog takes on former NWA legend "King" Harley Race, a tag team match between The Un-Americanz (Volkoff and Sheik) against The Killer Bees, a one on one encounter between "The Natural" Butch Reed and Koko B Ware and a match who's real backstory outweighed the storyline, The Hart Foundation (Hart, Niedhart, Davis) taking on The British Bulldogs and Tito Santana. The card was set.....the stage was set....76 grand in attendance, 10 million watching worldwide...let's get to Wrestlemania 3. Vince McMahon stands in the ring and later admitted he could feel his late father's presence as he says "WELCOME...TO WRESTLEMANIA 3!" He sends things to Aretha Franklin who sings a beautiful rendition of  "America the Beautiful". The story behind this was Aretha had gotten stuck in traffic and didn't make it in time for a soundcheck, so she performed without one...and because she's so awesome no one knew the better of it. We then go to ring announcer Howard Finkel for the first match of this epic card.

Match 1

The Can-Am Connection (Rick Martel and Tom Zenk) vs "Cowboy" Bob Orton and "The Magnificient" Don Muraco (with Mr. Fuji)

Rick Martel had been a tag team wrestler for most of his WWF career leading up to the mid 80's, so when he bolted for the AWA and won his first major heavyweight championship, you would think the WWF would have had big plans for him upon his return.....yeah, ANOTHER TAG TEAM. Anyway after being Roddy Piper's henchman for 2 years, Orton finally gets to wrestle on a Wrestlemania. Zenk starts with Muraco and Muraco poses for the irate crowd. Zenk starts with a side headlock and a shoulderblock drops the Magnificent one. Muraco backs Tom in the corner and gets in a forearm. Zenk goes up and over in the corner, hits an arm drag and a scissors monkey flip for 1..2..nope. Zenk sends Muraco off and tags in Martel for the double monkey flip. Orton gets a double armdrag for his troubles when he runs in. Orton then makes the official tag in and gets in a side-headlock and shoulderblocks Zenk. Zenk recovers with a scoop slam and Orton walks into a right hand by Martel. Orton gets arm-dragged and rammed into the buckle. Zenk armdrags Orton but Bob gets a knee to the ribs and locks in a full nelson. Zenk reverses it and Muraco runs in. Orton reverses it again but Zenk moves and Muraco clocks Orton by accident. Zenk covers for a deuce tags in Martel who comes off the top on the left arm. Martel works over the left arm and tags in Zenk, but Muraco gets the blind tag. Zenk scoop slams him but Orton gets a knee to the back on the apron much to Mr. Fuji's delight. Neckbreaker by Muraco is followed by a knee drop by Orton. Bob covers for a two count and they run off the ropes into a double shoulderblock. Muraco and Martel tag in and Rick goes nuts on Muraco who Flair Flips to the apron. All four men get in and a double whip has Muraco backdropping Orton by accident. A double dropkick drops Muraco and a regular dropkick sends Orton over the top to the floor. Muraco whips Martel off the ropes and Rick goes for a crossbody. Muraco trips over Zenk and falls flat for 1...2....3 to win the match. The Can Am's win it. Good opener that woke the crowd up real quick and this indirectly led to a long, slow face turn by Muraco. We go to the replay and Monsoon enjoyed the opener.

Time of match: 5:58

Winners: The Can-Am Connection by pinfall

We cut to a video package of the events leading up to our next match. Billy Jack Haynes and Hercules are battling over who has the best full nelson, yes that is the feud. Hercules attacked Billy Jack and locks the full nelson on him before we cut to an interview. "Mean" Gene Okerlund are with Hercules and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. Heenan calls him "Billy Jerk Haynes." Hercules actually thinks he's the Greek God Hercules and Billy is going to feel his wrath. Heenan again says Billy Jerk Haynes. Wow, Heenan didn't carry the interview, the hell?

Match 2

Billy Jack Haynes vs Hercules (with Bobby Heenan)

Billy Jack was a legend in the Pacific Northwest so leave it to Vince to not capitalize on his success out there and instead have him in a feud with Herc over who has the better Full Nelson. They go nose to nose to start and a tie up goes nowhere. Billy backs Herc in the corner and Herc hit a knee to the ribs. A kneelift drop Billy and Hercules clubs away with forearms. A charge in the corner misses and Billy chops away before hitting an overhead press-slam. Billy goes for the full nelson but Herc retreats over to Heenan. Billy chops away at Hercules and whips him into the corner, but Herc runs out of it with a clothesline. Herc stomps away at him then sends him off the ropes. Herc hits a backdrop and rams Billy Jack into the corner. Another hard whip has Billy stunned and Herc delivers a vertical suplex. Herc covers for 1...2...Herc lets up Billy. Herc says he wants the full nelson but that allows Billy to fight back. Billy goes for a suplex of his own but can't lift him because of the hurt back. Herc delivers a backbreaker and stomps away at Haynes. Herc slams Haynes over his head and calls for the full nelson. Hercules locks in the full nelson but Monsoon says the fingers aren't locked. Billy fades and revives then starts to power out of it. Herc lets go and hammers Billy then sends him off the ropes. A double clothesline has both men down then Haynes begins to rally with a right hand and inverted atomic drop. A clothesline drops Hercules and after a boot to the ropes, another clothesline puts Herc down. Billy drops a leg then hits a second rope fist drop. Billy calls for the full nelson and hits it, Monsoon says the fingers ARE locked. Hercules manages to tumble out to the floor with Haynes still holding on to the hold. Referee Dave Hebner counts both men out and calls for the bell, you gotta be kidding me. Heenan gets a knee to the back of Haynes then retreats in the ring as Fink announces the double count out. Hercules grabs the chain and waffles Billy with it. Haynes blades in plain view of the camera and Hercules clocks him again and Haynes' face is a crimson mask. Hercules clocks him right between the eyes and locks in the full nelson. Hercules leaves with his heat and who thought this was a good idea? Vince was still learning that non-finishes were unacceptable at Wrestlemania and would rarely make this mistake again. The match itself gets a bad rap. Its a big hoss fight, were you expecting Flair/Steamboat from Billy Jack Haynes and Hercules?

Time of match: 7:53

Winner: No one (Double count-out)

We cut to Mean Gene with King Kong Bundy, Lord Littlebrook and Little Toyko. Bundy says he'll squash the two midgets along with Hillbilly Jim if he has to. Bob Uecker joins Monsoon and Ventura in the commentary booth for our next match. The heels make their entrance as we cut to Mean Gene with the babyfaces. Jim says he's worried about his partners and says he'll have their backs. Its funny how the original broadcast has the original music Dont Go Messin With A Country Boy but the Peacock version has stock banjo music despite Monsoon saying the theme title. 

Match 3

Hillbilly Jim, Little Beaver and The Haiti Kid vs King Kong Bundy, Lord Littlebrook and Little Tokyo

Why Bundy and Jim needed midgets to settle matters is beyond me, but what happened at the end made it well worth it. Bob Uecker joins in on commentary and proclaims his favorite to be Lord Littlebrook, heh. Bell's gone and Ventura says this is a different kind of match. Haiti starts with Tokyo and arm-drags him. Tokyo takes him down and they go into the midget antics. Ventura asks if Uecker can take the midgets and Uecker says his kneecaps would be re-arranged. Littlebrook and Tokyo run into each other and the face midgets row the boat. Haiti hits an atomic drop on Tokyo and tags Beaver in. Tokyo gets slapped in the face and tags out to Littlebrook. Monsoon says Littlebrook and Beaver are two of the best midgets in history, wow, now love to Low Low? Beaver kicks Bundy on the side and Bundy tags in. Beaver refuses to tag out even with Haiti Kid getting in to tell him to get out of there. Beaver goes though the legs and dropkicks Bundy for no effect. Beaver finally retreats to tag in Jim. Bundy clubs Jim in the back but Jim ducks the line. Jim drops Bundy with a clothesline and hits a big elbow drop. Jim covers with the other two piling on for, Bundy throws them all off. Bundy drops Jim with a back elbow smash and a front facelock. Beaver runs in to smack Bundy to break the hold as Ventura correctly points out that if Beaver is touching Bundy, Bundy has the right to retaliate. Oh just wait, Jess. Bundy hits a splash in the corner and punches away. Beaver runs in to punch Bundy but Bundy catches him. Bundy scoop slams Little Beaver and Ventura asks if he's gonna splash hi. Bundy drops a big elbow on Beaver as the front row is visibly laughing. The bell rings as Bundy's been disqualified for attacking Little Beaver. Bundy goes for the big splash but Haiti Kid, Littlebrook and Tokyo all pull Beaver to safety. Monsoon says the other midgets don't like what Bundy did. Jim hits Bundy with a right hand as Ventura calls Bundy's partners turncoats. Jim's team is announced the winners as Jim picks up Little Beaver. Bad match but fun to see Bundy destroy Little Beaver.

Time of match: 4:07

Winners: Jim, Beaver and Kid by DQ

We cut to Mary Hart who's with Miss Elizabeth. Mary asks if Elizabeth is nervous and Randy Savage barges in and Mary tells him to buzz off. Savage tells her the interview is over and tells Elizabeth to get moving. Then we get a video package of the feud between "King" Harley Race and Junkyard Dog. Dog "This country aint never had no queen, this country aint never had no king!" Race wants the common man to bow to him but Dog refuses, hence the winner of the next match has to bow to the other. We go to "Mean" Gene Okerlund who's with Harley, Bobby Heenan and the "queen" Fabulous Moolah. Race says he's the only king, Moolah says she's there to crown the only king (Race) and Heenan trusts her to take care of the crown. Back to the booth, Bob Uecker gets excited because he's in love with Moolah and runs off to go see her. After that hilarity, Race makes his entrance. Then we cut to Gene Okerlund with JYD himself. Dog says Race has been on the throne for too long and its turn to wear it. On to the next match.

Match 4

Junkyard Dog vs "King" Harley Race (with Bobby Heenan and Fabulous Moolah)

The winner has to bow to the other, sounds dumb doesn't it? Harley Race was and always will be known as one of the toughest wrestlers the business had ever seen. He was one of the greatest wrestlers of the 60's and 70's and was greatly respected by everyone in the industry, however by 1987 he was all but washed up. I remember watching these old tapes when I was a kid and thinking he sucked, not knowing what he had accomplished many years before. He was two weeks away from turning 44 while Dog enters to Grab Them Cakes. Bell's gone and Race starts on the floor. Race gets in and they circle to start. Dog gets a right hand but Heenan instantly grabs the leg of JYD. Dog chases Heenan around the ring and inside where Race nails Dog. Dog rallies with a headbutt to drop the king but Race heaves him outside. Race kicks Dog down and goes for the diving headbutt, but Dog moves. Dog gets Race on the apron and clotheslines him back inside. Dog does a Backlund spot and Race flies backwards over the top rope to the floor. Dog scoop slams Race back inside and locks in an abdominal stretch. Race hiptosses Dog and does a diving headbutt....which Dog no-sells. Even Ventura says Race is crazy to think that would work and thought he was going to drop a knee instead. Dog whips Race who flips over the top to the floor. Heenan rolls Race back in who eats the doggie headbutts. Heenan hops on the apron and Dog chases him off. JYD turns around into the belly to belly suplex and Race covers for 1...2..3 to win the match. Just like that! JYD is irate but fair is fair, he's gotta bow. Race puts the robe on and Heenan sets up a chair. JYD does a little bow but then crowned the king with a steel chair to a huge ovation. Ventura calls it a cheap shot and said if Race did it to JYD he'd have to hold Monsoon back. Dog puts on the robe much to Moolah's dismay. Many say this was a bad match, I actually dug it. If you don't expect today's standards, its easy to sit through. Dog gets the last laugh with the king.

Time of match: 2:18

Winner: Harley Race by pinfall

We go to Vince McMahon himself with WWF Champion Hulk Hogan. Vince says we're an hour away and Hogan rants and raves about this is his last ride because people say he can't beat Andre. Hogan says its time to face the truth and he has to beat a 7'4 550 pound giant. Andre will have to beat all the Hulkamaniacs in the world and Andre will go down at the feet of Hulkamania in front of 90,000 people at the Silverdome. Watcha gonna do Andre when the real truth runs wild on you? Final count Man - 8, Brother - 4, Dude - 0. If you took the over, you win. We see The Rougeaus make their entrance and we cut to Mean Gene with the Dream Team (nice rhyme). Gene asks what Johnny V needs Dino Bravo out there for and Johnny doesn't even answer, he just speaks gibberish and Bravo says they're going to win. On to the match.

Match 5

The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques and Raymond) vs The Dream Team (Greg "The Hammer" Valentine and Brutus Beefcake) with Johnny Valiant and Dino Bravo

Why Luscious Johnny V needed Bravo around was anyone's guess going in, but it would be revealed later. Monsoon checks out the Federettes before we start. Beefcake starts with Raymond as the bell rings. Brutus gets in a hammerlock but Raymond flips over and delivers an atomic drop. Jacques tags in and they do a double dropkick to send Beefcake flying. Valentine tags in and Raymond tags in. They do a double crossbody spot for a two count and Jacques tags in to deliver a back elbow smash. Jacques gets a near fall but misses the second rope crossbody. Valentine starts dropping elbows and scoop slams Jacques. Beefcake tags in and he covers for a two count. Brutus tags The Hammer back in and Valentine comes off the top with a forearm as Beefcake does a backbreaker. Suddenly Bobby Heenan intrudes the broadcast booth as Valentine locks in the figure four. Heenan claims he's 2 for 2 tonight and Monsoon says Hercules didn't win and Bundy lost. Valentine goes for a piledriver but Jacques sunset flips out of it then tags in Raymond. Raymond backdrops Valentine and gets in a sleeperhold. Beefcake comes off the top and axehandles Valentine by accident.  Jacques hits the coup de gras and Raymond rolls through for a pinfall, but the ref is distracted by Jacques fighting with Beefcake. Dino Bravo comes off the top with a knee on Jacques and Valentine covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Valentine, Bravo and Johnny leave Beefcake high and dry. Bravo gives Brutus the arm and the elbow and Johnny waves him off. Ventura asks what's the matter with Beefcake and Monsoon says what's wrong with the others? They didn't do a good job telling the story but basically they cut Beefcake loose for nearly costing them the match. Now Beefcake is by himself. The match itself was fine but the purpose was to put over Dino Bravo. Oh well, next.

Time of match: 4:03

Winners: The Dream Team by pinfall

We get a recap of the Roddy Piper/Adrian Adonis feud next. Piper took some time off in the summer of 86 and in his place, Adrian Adonis took over Piper's Pit, renamed it The Flower Shop and employed Bob Orton as a bodyguard. When Piper returned, he was aghast at the Flower Shop and Don Muraco gave him crap for leaving. Piper confronted Muraco and got jumped by Adonis and Orton. They hit Piper's leg with a chair. Piper then went apeshit with a baseball bat, destroying The Flower Ship and says the war has just begun. Then in a later interview, Jimmy Hart slapped him and Piper went to attack, but got jumped by Adonis. Adonis locked in Goodnight Irene to leave Piper laying again. Then during a one on match, Adonis squirted Piper in the eyes with perfume. Piper then gives a firey interview saying he's on his way out and he's not losing to someone wearing a dress. "No retreat and no surrender!" We go to a pre-recorded interview where Jimmy Hart says you spell wrestling A-D-O-N-I-S and Adrian says to call him Clipper Claude. Adrian says Piper is going to look like a baboon's behind and he's going to fall victim to Goodnight Irene.

Match 6

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs "Adorable" Adrian Adonis (with Jimmy Hart) in a Hair vs Hair match

This would be Piper's "last" match as he was going to leave for Hollywood. Adonis enters carrying hedge clippers and Jimmy Hart has a mirror. Piper walks to the ring instead of using a cart then jogs to it. Ventura says this is the last hurrah for the Hot Rod. Piper caters to the crowd to start and Dave Hebner calls for the bell. The barber sheers are at ringside and they start by trading punches in the ring. Piper had hidden his belt in the back of his tights and he whips it out to tan Adrian's hide. He grabs Jimmy Hart but Adrian clubs him from behind. Adonis whips Piper with the belt repeatedly then Flair Flips over the top and out. Piper drags Adonis back in who drags in Jimmy as well. Piper rams both their heads together and crowd explodes. Piper sends Hart into Adonis and they both go over the top to the floor. Ventura scoffs but the crowd is loving it. Back inside Piper unloads on Adonis and whips him into the corner. Jimmy goes upstairs and Piper launches him on top of Adonis. Ventura says Jimmy is taking a beating and Hart trips up Piper. Adonis rakes the back and the chest then hits a massive clothesline. Adonis punches Piper and Roddy falls to the outside. Adonis rams Piper into the timekeepers table and Hart slaps him too. Piper gets back inside and Adonis unloads with left hands. Piper says to bring it on and they trade blows in the center of the ring. Hart sprays Piper with the perfume and Adrian locks in Goodnight Irene. Piper wriggles on the ground then gets to his feet. He rams Adrian into the corner twice but it has no effect. Piper begins to fade and his arm goes down twice....but Adrian FOOLISHLY lets go thinking he's won already. All of a sudden Brutus Beefcake of all people runs to the ring and revives Piper. Adrian grabs the hedge clippers still thinking he's won and the revived Piper knocks Jimmy Hart off the apron. Adrian rushes but swings and the clippers ricochet back into his face. Piper locks in his sleeper hold and Adonis' arm drops three times, this match is over and the crowd goes berserk. Ventura says he let go of the sleeper too soon and it cost him. That wasn't a catch as catch can match, that was a FIGHT. Definitely the best match on the card so far for the intensity alone. Piper was never a great technician and Adrian was a fantastic bumper so this was the best they could do, it worked.

Time of match: 6:53

Winner: "Rowdy" Roddy Piper by submission

After Adonis is out cold, Beefcake gets in with the barber equipment. He hands the sheers to Piper and starts shaving Adrian's head with the electric shaver. Piper has his foot on Jimmy Hart to keep him from interfering. Beefcake then uses the scissors to continue to trim. They get about halfway done and Piper holds up the mirror when Adrian comes to. Adrian punches the mirror, charges Piper and falls out of the ring. I think they were supposed to shave him bald but Beefcake couldn't do it. Don't worry, this will become his new gimmick and he'll get better at it. Fink announces Piper the winner in his farewell match as a fan jumps in the ring to congratulate Piper. Piper plays it off before security gets to the kid. Blackjack Lanza and Pat Patterson escort Piper to his cart to avoid further confrontation. At least the kid was happy to see Piper, if it was an Adonis fan that could have gone a lot worse. Piper would be gone for two years so he goes out a winner. Adonis himself didn't have much longer in the company either.

We cut to Mary and Bob in the booth with Monsoon as Gorilla says Ventura wanted to be introduced in the ring. Uecker says Jesse is just jealous he's going after Moolah. We cut to the Fink in the ring who introduces Jesse who shakes hands with The Hart Foundation who's up next. Monsoon says Predator is opening on June 5th starring Jesse. The Harts are introduced but we cut to a pre-recorded interview with The Hart Foundation. Jimmy says Tito wanted a war, now he's got one and The Bulldogs are crybabies. Bret and Jim hype up Danny Davis and we go back to the ring.

Match 7

The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and Dynamite Kid) and Tito Santana vs The Hart Foundation (Bret "The Hitman" Hart, Jim "The Anvil" Niedhart and "Dangerous" Danny Davis) with Jimmy Hart

The backstory to this overshadows the storyline. Danny Davis was a crooked referee who screwed The Bulldogs out of the tag team titles, so after being fired as a referee, he became a full fledged wrestler. Dynamite Kid had suffered a very serious back injury and couldn't wrestle for months, so they had Davey Boy put the Foundation over (with Dynamite on the ground the whole match thanks to a sneak attack from Bret Hart, which was the scripted reason why Dynamite couldn't go). Davis apparently "screwed" both The Bulldogs and Santana, which only makes half sense because Santana lost his title in 1985 long before Davis turned heel. The Bulldogs enter and Matilda chases Jimmy Hart out of the ring as Tito Santana tracks down Niedhart outside and whips him into Bret on the floor. Ventura hasn't even gotten out of the ring yet as Davey Boy presslams Davis onto his teamates outside, legitimately injuring Bret as Davis poked him in the eye while on the way down. Gorilla has to explain to Mary why action happened before the bell as Bret legally starts off with Santana. Tito goes to town with right hands in the corner before whipping Bret into the opposite. Bret goes for a head scissors but Santana catches him and drops him clavicle first on the canvas (ouch), then the camera cuts to Ventura taking off with Matilda on the cart. Someone will have to remind me if this was the start of the whole Matilda is kidnapped angle or if its just Ventura taking her for a walk like a good Samaritan. Davey Boy and Niedhart tag in for a power vs power matchup which goes nowhere at first. Mary Hut cuts off Monsoon with a very important announcement.....she and Jimmy Hart aren't related. You see that bowl of fuck flying overhead Mary? Nobody gives, especially when Davey Boy rams Bret and Niedhart's heads together. A thin looking Dynamite (he still hasn't fully recovered and the roids hadn't kicked in yet) tags in where the Bulldogs execute a double headbutt on Jim. Santana tags in and locks in an armbar as Monsoon says Santana is the best pure wrestler in the company.....I'm sure Dynamite, Bret, Ricky Steamboat and Randy Savage will disagree. Niedhart backs Tito in the corner where Bret and Davis go to work while Jim distracts the referee. Bob Uecker correctly points out that Davis is "dangerous" when he's doing illegal tactics as Niedhart whips Santana, who leapfrogs over him and tags in Davey Boy. Davey backdrops The Anvil who begs off, before jumping up and nailing Davey with an axehandle smash. Bob says he never slid into third because he barely could ever get on third, ha! Least he admits it, meanwhile Mary Hart asks if Bret and Jim work out in their pink wrestling gear...even funnier. Then again, if you see Jim Niedhart working out I double dare you to make fun of him and see what happens.....matter of fact allow me to tape what happens. Bret tags in and misses his second rope elbow drop as Dynamite tags in. Tom whips Bret sternum first into the corner and clotheslines him down, finishing with a headbutt. Uecker asks when we're gonna see Davis and Monsoon says when Bret or Jim is in trouble. Niedhart interferes and nails Dynamite allowing Bret to get up and go to work in the corner. Monsoon says Davis probably has zero wrestling skills, which is funny because in real life he had been wrestling as the masked jobber Mr. X for 5 years leading up to Wrestlemania. Monsoon calls Bret the most improved wrestler in the last few years, true. Dynamite goes for his trademark snap suplex but Niedhart delievers and axehandle to the broken back. Niedhart tags in legally and applies a chinlock before setting him up for a Demoltion Decapitator, which Bret excellently executes.....why? Dynamite is obviously still in pain following major back surgery, why is he taking all the bumps and not perfectly healthy Davey Boy and Santana? Unless he insisted to take the pounding to show what a tough guy he is (which resulted him ending up in a wheelchair many years later) this makes no sense. Anyway, Davis tags in for the first time all match and the crowd boo's. He stomps away before tagging Bret back in, pissing off the crowd who desperately wants to see him get his. Bret continues to serve right hands to Dynamite before Niedhart tags in to deliever more damage. Mary says they're going to rename Dynamite"Firecracker Kid" if he doesn't shape up, its too bad he ended up a broken match stick at the end of his career. Bret and Jim continue to work over Dynamite before Davis tags in to strut around. Davis kicks him a few times before tagging out to Bret. This is nothing more than a handicap match between The Foundation and Bulldogs/Santana but the heels cut the ring in half so they've had the edge all match. Bret tags in to deliver more boots before they slingshot Davis...right into the knees of Dynamite. Kid FINALLY makes the tag to Santana who unloads on Davis with fists much to the crowd's delight. Davis takes a weird looking backdrop as Santana knocks Bret and Jim off the apron. Santana hits the flying forearm but doesn't make the cover, instead he delivers more fists to the crooked referee. Santana goes for the figure four but Anvil saves Davis, but only temporarily because Davey Boy tags in. Davey clotheslines Danny before sending him into the boot of Dynamite. Davey boy delivers the best spot of the whole match, a tombstone piledriver where Davis' head bounces off the mat....VERY dangerous and the crowd loved it. Davey goes for the delayed suplex but Davis feet curl and Davey couldn't hold him. Davey executes the running powerslam and makes the first pinfall attempt all match for 1....2 ..nope, Niedhart saves the day. Santana runs in and catches Niedhart with the flying forearm. Bret sends Santana outside before Dynamite cuts him off. Jimmy Hart throws the megaphone to Davis who clobbers Davey with it, then covers. The ref turns around 1...2....3 and its over, Davis gets the pinfall and the crowd is LIVID. The Foundation take off as Uecker says we'll never hear the end of it. That was a good match but putting the Harts over was definitely a weird decision since the Bulldogs never got their revenge 

Time of match: 8:52

Winners: The Hart Foundation by pinfall

The Bulldogs and Tito leave dejected as Mary and Bob leave the broadcast booth. We cut to Mean Gene with Andre The Giant and Bobby Heenan. Bobby says Andre is undefeated for 15 years and Hogan has never faced a man that's bigger, taller and stronger than him with a burning desire to win more than Andre. Heenan says the clock is ticking on Hulkamania and Andre will be the new champion. We go to Fink for the next match.

Match 8

Koko B Ware (with Frankie) vs "The Natural" Butch Reed (with Slick)

Its funny how 5 years earlier Koko B Ware was the bigger HEEL than Reed was in their promotions yet now he's a face to match up against him. Jesse says this is the match Barry Blaustein was looking forward to. We cut to Jesse in the booth shilling the Wrestlemania 3 t-shirt, imagine how much that would be worth today. Gorilla asks Jesse what it was like on the floor and even Ventura was impressed being in front of this many people. Bell's gone and Reed misses a right hand to start. Koko is wearing a Michael Jackson style glove and he backs Reed into the ropes. Reed clubs away at Koko but Ware ducks under the clothesline. Koko flips over Butch and tries an O'Connor Roll but Butch blocks it. Koko dropkicks Reed over the top to the floor and Koko does a cartwheel in the ring. Back inside Koko gets in a shot to the ribs and a punch to the head. Reed begs off but Koko puts his head down. Reed clubs Koko in the back and the camera shows Frankie chillin at ringside. Butch rams Koko into the buckle but Koko whips him off the corner into a hiptoss. Koko rallies with punches and a dropkick before the cover gets a two. Koko gets in a few right hands but a rake to the face stops that. Koko catches Butch with a small package for 1...2...nope. Koko ducks the line and hits a crossbody, but Reed rolls through it and hooks the tights for 1...2...3 to win the match. Koko bitches about it and nails Reed but Slick nails Koko with the cane. Tito Santana of all people hits the ring and rips Slick's clothes off. Jesse "This is terrible, he should be fined and suspended for actions like this! Its that latin temper of his, Monsoon!" Monsoon brings up Slick hit Tito with the cane in the past. Santana and Koko hit a double dropkick to clear Butch out. A moral victory for Koko but kind of a pointless match. Once again, Vince was still learning so having a Superstars taping style crash match at Wrestlemania was still common.

Time of match: 3:40

Winner: Butch Reed by pinfall

We go to a highlight package of the following Intercontinental Championship match. The storyline was Savage had busted up Steamboat and crushed his larynx with the ringbell to show he's a mean fella. When Steamboat battled back from the injury he enlisted the help of former Savage foe George Steele to make sure Randy didn't try any funny stuff. Savage had been the champ for over a year at this point and was arguably the best IC champ at this point. We go to a pre-recorded interview with Savage himself. Savage says he's not only going to beat Steamboat, he's going to put him out of wrestling. "History beckons the Macho Man, yeah!" He wasn't kidding. During Savage's entrance, we go to Mean Gene who's with Ricky Steamboat. Gene says this could be Ricky's last shot at a title and Ricky says the day has finally come and they've reached their moment. There will only be one winner and he will scorch Savage's back before coming away with the championship. Now if you're watching the original broadcast, he comes to the ring to Eye in The Sky by Alan Parsons Project but if you're watching Peacock, the overdubbed music actually drowns out the rest of Steamboat's promo. Nevertheless, here we go.

Match 9

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (with George "The Animal" Steele) vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage (with Miss Elizabeth) for the WWF Intercontinental Championship

Whoever that has not heard or seen this match needs to immediately. For years this was considered the greatest match of all time and you're about to find out why. Bell's gone and a tie up goes nowhere. Savage gets in a waistlock but Steamboat reverses out of it. Savage jumps outside and pulls Elizabeth away from George Steele before going back inside. Steamboat ducks the line and catches Savage with a series of armdrags before a choke bomb. Savage bails to the outside and Steamboat chases him where Randy nails him back in the ring. Savage chokes Ricky off the top rope then snaps him back in. He covers for a two count as Ventura says Macho is the best in ring wrestler in the world while Monsoon says you can't deny his talent. Savage rakes the face in the corner but misses the charge. Steamboat gets in a wristlock and an arm ringer before snapping it off the top rope. Steamboat continues to work over the left arm but Savage whips him off and delivers a back elbow smash. Savage sends Ricky over the top to the floor and Steele looks over at him, but doesn't do anything. Ricky gets booted back to the floor but Savage pulls him to the apron to hit him in the throat with an elbow. Savage taunts the irate crowd then puts the boots to Steamboat on the apron. Randy snaps Steamboat back inside and elbows him in the head. He covers for 1...2...nope. Savage drops a knee and covers again for a near fall. Steamboat rallies in the corner with right hands and ramming Randy's head into the buckle. Steamboat chops Savage into an Andre spot. Ventura says if he was a sportsman, he'd let Savage go. Monsoon says its payback for Randy using the bell on him. Savage breaks free but eats a crossbody for a two count. Ricky hits an arm drag and shoulderblocks Randy for a two count. Another shoulderblock and cover gets a deuce but Ricky misses a charge, allowing Randy to knee him in the back. Randy goes to throw Ricky over the top rope but Steamboat skins the cat back in, only for Savage to clothesline him out of the ring anway. Steele goes to help Ricky up but referee Dave Hebner shoos him away. Randy hits a knee to the back that sends Steamboat over the barricade into the crowd. Ventura says the referee should be counting but Dave is busy yelling at Savage. Steele picks Steamboat up and carries him back over the barricade as Ventura protests. Steele throws Ricky back in and Savage throws him over the top rope to the other side of the ring. Macho goes upstairs and hits an axehandle to the floor. Ventura says Macho should break Ricky's throat again. Savage goes out and throws Ricky back in then goes upstairs. An axehandle hits Steamboat between the eyes and an elbow drops The Dragon. Savage covers for two and jumps over the top rope while snapping Ricky off of it. Savage quickly covers for a two count then delivers an atomic drop. Savage covers for 1...2..nope. Savage hits a vertical suplex and covers for a near fall. They trade blows in the center of the ring but Savage delivers a gut-wrench suplex. He covers for a two count as Ventura bitches that it was a slow count. Ricky rolls through a back suplex and chops away at Randy. Ricky puts his head down and kicked for it. Randy charges but Ricky backdrops him over the top rope. Ventura bitches that should be a disqualification and it should be noted that the only territory not to utilize the "over the top rope DQ" stip was, in fact, New York aka WWF. WCW had that rule well into the 90's as well. Elizabeth looks concerned as Ricky goes outside to ram Savage's head into the ring apron. Savage rolls inside but Ricky comes off the top with a big chop. Ricky covers for 1....2..nope, foot on the rope. Steamboat drops Savage with a back elbow but the cover gets a near fall. Ricky drops chops to the top of the head and Savage rolls to the apron. Ricky punches him off the apron as Steele looks like he's going to do something, but he doesn't. Steamboat chases Savage back inside but learned from his earlier mistake, catching Savage in the ribs with a shoulderblock. Steamboat sunset flips inside for Steamboat ducks the line and rolls him up for a deuce then Ricky rolls into yet another near fall. Ventura says this is one of the best matches he's ever seen as Ricky gets an inside cradle for 1...2...nope. Steamboat scoop slams Sandy and slingshots him into the ringpost. Steamboat sunset flips him for 1...2...nope. Steamboat O'Connor Rolls Savage for two but Randy grabs the tights to reverse it for 1.....2..nope. Savage grabs the tights and sends Steamboat into the ringpost. They try to whip each other but Steamboat collides with Hebner, knocking Dave out. Steamboat drops and Savage goes up to the top. Macho hits the flying elbow drop and covers but Hebner is out much to Ventura's dismay. Macho goes out to the floor and grabs the ring bell. Steele runs up and steals the bell but is kicked off by Savage. Savage has the bell and goes up to the top but Steele shoves him off the top rope. Ventura bitches again but Savage picks up Steamboat. He goes for a scoop slam but Steamboat turns it into a small package for 1...2....THREE, WE GOT A NEW CHAMPION! Ventura says that was a miscarriage of justice but Monsoon says history has been made. The iconic image of Steamboat holding up the title with Steele raising his arm is shown. Steele puts Ricky on the cart and Ricky leaves holding up the belt. The year long reign of Macho Man is over as Ricky The Dragon is the new Intercontinental Champion in one of the best matches of the 80's. To this day people still sing the praises of this match and it lives up to its billing. Savage and Elizabeth leave dejected as Monsoon speculates that Andre could win later too.

Time of match: 14:46

Winner: Ricky Steamboat by pinfall

Back to Mean Gean who's with Jake "The Snake" Roberts and Alice Cooper. Gene brings up Honky attacking Jake in The Snake Pit with the legitimate guitar. Nowadays guitars are gimmicked to explode on impact but Honky apparently used a real acoustic guitar which didn't break when he hit Roberts with it. Roberts says Jimmy Hart planned this out because Honky didn't have the guts. Jake says Honky took his shot but failed because he's still standing. Roberts says he's going to have his way with Honky and Gene turns to Alice and asks him about Jimmy Hart. Alice says this will be Jimmy's nightmare (nice) and Detroit is his hometown. To recap the feud, Honky Tonk Man came to WWF as a babyface but was getting booed out of every building. Honky then turned heel after a vote of "no confidence" and took Jimmy Hart as his manager. Then Jake (who was also a heel) had him on The Snake Pit and Jake thought he still looked stupid, so Honky hit him with a guitar, turning Jake face. Jimmy Hart was the lead singer of The Gentrys, a 60's garage band that had the top 40 hit Keep On Dancing. To counter Jimmy, Jake enlisted the aid of Detroit rock singer Alice Cooper (who had released Constrictor the year prior) to watch his back against Jimmy. Jake & Alice enter first to a chorus of cheers and we cut to Mean Gene with Honky & Jimmy. Honky says 90,000 people want to see Honky sing and dance and denounces Alice Cooper. Honky says he's gonna take care of Jake The Snake and we cut mid-promo. On to the match.

Match 10

Jake "The Snake" Roberts (with Alice Cooper) vs The Honky Tonk Man (with Jimmy Hart)

Rock vs...Rock I guess as Roberts and Honky finally go at it after The Snake Pit incident on February 21st. Jake doesn't wait and attacks Honky on the ring apron while he's still in the Elvis jumpsuit. Jake snaps him inside and rallies with left hands. The bell rings as Jake unloads with right hands and a kneelift. Honky sheds the suit outside and Jake continues to punch him on the floor. Jake rolls Honky back inside and HTM leaves on the other side. Jake scoop slams Honky on the floor as Monsoon says Alice is good with snakes. Jake rolls Honky inside and whips him in the corner. A charge eats knee and HTM kicks away at Jake's ribs. Honky swings and misses and Jake hits the left arm clothesline. The camera picks up Damien moving inside the sack as Honky slips out of the DDT and bails to the floor. Jake catches him and punches Honky on the floor. Honky whips Jake into the ringpost and dances in the ring. Cooper helps up Jake but Honky knees him back down. Honky again nails him off the apron into the barricade. Cooper again helps Jake up and Honky pulls him inside. Honky scoop slams Jake and goes to the second rope. He hits the fistdrop and Ventura says to go for Shake, Rattle & Roll. Honky kicks at the shoulder to soften him up. Honky rallies with right hands and drops an axehandle on him. Honky hits a back elbow smash then drops another axehandle on him. Honky goes for SR&R but Jake backdrops him. Honky quickly gets up and shoulderblocks Jake into the corner but punching him. Jake hits the inverted atomic drop but Honky recovers. Jake rallies with punches and Honky begs off. Jake sends Honky off and hits a back drop. A big right hand sends Honky to the apron and he does the Harley Race rocking spot in between the ropes. Jake calls for the DDT but Hart grabs the leg from the outside. Honky rolls up Jake and holds onto the ropes for 1...2....3 to win the match. Ventura says this is a major upset as Honky wasn't seen as anything more than a sideshow at the time. Jake smashes the guitar full force against the ring post to chase Honky away. Jimmy is still in the ring as Alice Cooper and Jake has Jimmy cornered. Jake catches Jimmy with a full nelson and Alice unleashes Damien. Alice coils Damien up and taunts Hart with it. Jake and Alice throw Damien on Hart before Honky pulls Jimmy out. Ventura says Jake should have stayed out of it so we could have seen Alice and Jimmy one on one. He's got a point there. Jake and Alice get the moral victory and babyface pop but Honky wins the match. The match itself was okay but the end was the real attraction. Fans wanted to see Alice humiliate Jimmy and he did.

Time of match: 7:04

Winner: Honky Tonk Man by pinfall

We go to The Fink for a very special announcement. Gene Okerlund gets in to announce the new indoor attendance record of 93,173....which is complete BS. Apparently 78,000 people passed through the turnstiles but Vince for whatever reason decided to inflate the number. Ventura says they should add two more to the number if he and Monsoon don't count. Monsoon goes back to Howard for the next match. The Unamericanz make their entrance with Sheik wearing the groin covers. Slick actually is still wearing his torn clothes from before and Nikolai starts singing the Soviet National Anthem. Suddenly "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan hits the ring and chases the heels out of the ring. Duggan gets on the mic and says as long as he's around, Nikolai will never sing again. The Bee's make their entrance and Duggan sticks around to watch their backs.

Match 11

The Killer Bees ("Jumping" Jim Brunzell and B Brian Blair) with "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs The Un-Americanz (Nikolai Volkoff and Iron Sheik) with Slick

Nothing like a good ol fashioned transition match to calm the crowd down before the main event. Sheik & Volkoff were sold to Slick by the retired "Classy" Freddie Blassie so they're with the Slickster now. Duggan had made his WWF debut in January and having him back up the Bees was to get him exposure. The bell rings with Sheik & Volkoff attacking immediately. The heels corner the Bees and go to whip them together, but the Bees reverse it and whip the heels in the corner. Ventura asks what Duggan is doing there and Duggan marches around with the 2X4 causing Monsoon to say he's on guard duty. The Bees whip the heels into a do-se-do and the ring is full of trash from the fans throwing it at the heels earlier. Blair sends Volkoff over the top and out as Brunzell hits an atomic drop on Sheik. Blair hits a bell ringer on Sheik and tags Brunzell in for the legal tag. A double elbow is followed by Blair coming off the top with a second rope shot to the left arm. The Bees make frequent tags and a double hiptoss Sheik. Brunzell and Blair continue to work over the left arm and Brunzell hits a dropkick. He covers but Nikolai made the save. The referee clears Blair out but the heels doubleteam Brunzell. The crowd chants USA as Nikolai gets a knee to the ribs. Sheik tags in and does a double chop to the throat. He covers for a deuce and tags out to Nikolai. Brunzell ducks the line but runs right into a bearhug. A bellringer breaks the hold but Sheik tags in. Sheik delivers a gut-wrench suplex and covers for a two count. Sheik hits a vertical suplex and covers for another two count but Brunzell hits a high knee. They do the "face makes the tag but the ref doesn't see it" routine as Sheik & Volkoff hit a double back elbow smash. Nikolai goes outside to celebrate but Duggan starts chasing him. Inside the ring Sheik slaps on the camel clutch but Duggan chases Nikolai into the ring. Duggan waffles Sheik with the 2X4 and the ref calls for the bell....what a dope. Ventura and Monsoon agrees Duggan cost the Bees the match. Fink announces the heels the victors but Duggan grabs the mic and gets the crowd to chant USA. The Bees cheer him on....why? He just cost you the match. The match was pretty much designed to get Duggan over but it was good until the end.

Time of match: 5:46

Winners: The Un-Americanz by DQ

We go back to Mean Gene with Andre and Heenan. Mean Gene asks Andre his thoughts and Andre says it won't take him long to come back through the curtain with the world championship around his waist. Heenan says he can feel it! Heenan says Andre is going to make him famous by becoming the heavyweight champion. We go to the recap of how this happened including all the way back to 1984 when Andre congratulates Hogan for winning the title in 1984. Then Hogan saves Andre from King Kong Bundy and Big John Studd from a two on one attack on Saturday Night's Main Event. Then Hogan and Andre beat Bundy & Studd in another SNME match and finally we go to earlier this year when Andre & Hogan received their appreciation trophies. Ventura says he'll produce Andre and Piper will produce Hogan. Andre challenges Hogan for a title match at Wrestlemania 3 with Heenan in tow to officially turn heel. Piper asks if Hogan will give him the shot and Hogan says "YESSSSSSSSSS." Now we get one final interview with Mean Gene and Hogan. Hulk says the Silverdome is in danger from 90,000 outside as the earth is gonna shake when he beats Andre. Final count: Man -1, Brother - 1 so if you had the under, you win. Finkel announces Mary Hart the guest timekeeper and Bob Uecker the guest ring announcer. Andre is carted to the ring and gets absolutely pelted with garbage despite waiving to the crowd. Hogan walks to the ring and here we go, the biggest match in history is on.

Match 12

Andre The Giant (with Bobby Heenan) vs Hulk Hogan for the WWF Heavyweight Championship

THIS is what drew 90,000 people to the Silverdome, THIS is what 10.2 million people paid money to see, THIS was the monster matchup of wrestling. Fans didn't know if Andre would reign supreme as an unstoppable monster or if Hogan's reign would continue. Andre vs Hogan and here we go, Bob Uecker is the guest ring announcer and Mary Hart is the guest time keeper (like it matters). Andre and Bobby enter on the cart as Andre waves to the fans only to be pelted with garbage. Monsoon and Ventura debate about Andre never receiving a title shot before. Monsoon "This is all because of the guy with the white waiter's jacket on, Bobby Heenan." Hogan enters walking (no cart) to Real American as Monsoon says Hulkamania is alive and well. Ventura states "This is the biggest match in the history of professional wrestling." He ain't kidding. As the bell rings Andre stands in the center of the ring as Hogan psyches himself up by staring at him. They motion one step toward each other as Monsoon says "The irresistible force meeting the immovable object." Andre towers over Hogan as Ventura says "What's Hogan saying to him, I wonder. What could Hogan possibly be saying to him?" In real life Hogan was terrified that Andre would shoot on him and take the belt which is why he looks scared out of his mind when the camera closes in on Hogan's face. They trade shoves before Hogan blocks a right hand before landing 3 of his own. Hogan goes for a slam but can't lift him, Andre falls on him for 1....2...THR...nope. In what would turn into an angle onto itself, Hogan kicked out at the last second but both Andre and Heenan would later claim victory because Hogan's shoulder stayed down. Andre holds up 3 fingers as Ventura says "That was CLOSE Gorilla." Hogan sells the back as Andre kicks him in it. Andre clubs Hogan in the back and tells Hulk to get up. Andre clubs Hogan in the back again as Ventura says Andre is making it look easy. Another shot to the back is followed by a kneelift. Andre scoop slams Hogan and tells him to get up. Andre scoop slams him and walks right over Hulk. Andre picks Hulk up by the tights and whips him in the corner. Andre whips him in the other corner and says "Whos your champion now?" Andre chokes him in the corner and shoulderblocks Hulk in the chest. Andre ass bumps Hogan in the corner and delivers a big headbutt. Ventura asks how much more Hogan can take as Andre headbutts the buckle when Hogan moved. Hulk rallies with right hands and a big elbow. Hogan chops Andre in the corner and rams his head in the buckle ten times. Hulk charges but eats boot in the corner. Heenan asks if Andre is alright and Andre nods his head. Andre chops Hogan and locks in a bearhug. Monsoon says he'd be shocked if Hogan submitted but Ventura counters that he's never been manhandled by someone THIS size before. Hogan fades but revives by landing right hands to break the hold. Hogan tries two shoulderblocks but Andre goes nowhere. Hogan tries for a third but runs into a big chop. Andre sends Hogan off the ropes and delivers a big boot to the bread basket that sends Hogan through the ropes to the outside. Ventura hopes the match doesn't end in a count out (imagine if that happened) as Andre chops Hogan into the ring post. Andre goes for a headbutt but misses Hogan and rams himself into the post. Hogan crawls away and tears away the mats exposing the concrete floor. Hulk goes for a piledriver but Andre hits the most painfully slow, fake backdrop ever seen in wrestling. Fabulous Moolah wouldn't have been hurt by that. Heenan distracted the referee as Ventura scoffs at Hogan's poor sportsmanship. Andre rolls Hogan back in and rolls in himself to break the count. Andre sends Hogan off but Hulk ducks under a big boot, bounces off the ropes and drops Andre with a clothesline. The crowd erupts as Hogan does a Hulk Up. Andre staggers to his feet as Hogan picks him up and body slams him. Ventura can't believe it as Hogan bounces off the ropes and hits the big leg. The cover 1......2.....THREEE as the 90,000 in attendance go crazy. Hogan is still the champ in the most important match in wrestling history. Ventura "I never thought it could be done, Gorilla!" Uecker announces Hulk the victor as Real American starts playing. Hogan lays the belt down and wants more of Andre & Heenan. Andre and Heenan get on the cart and leave with Andre pointing at Hogan. Heenan facepalms on the cart as they get pelted with garbage on the way out. A sign in the crowd says Hulkamania Lives as he poses....and poses....and poses. The camera shows Ventura and Gorilla in the booth and Ventura says he didn't think Hogan could win, but he did. Hogan gets on the cart and poses with the belt as he leaves. The match itself wasn't a mat classic but it was about the tickets sold and realism.

Time of match: 12:08

Winner: Hulk Hogan by pinfall (Still WWF Champion)

We go to the final thoughts of Monsoon and Ventura. Ventura thinks Macho Man got screwed as Monsoon signs off with a photo montage of tonight's events with Aretha Franklin singing America The Beautiful as the outro song. Wrestlemania 3 happened almost 40 years ago and is still the highest grossing pay-per-view of all time. I've already mentioned how many people it drew to the arena and how much money it made on Closed Circuit Televison and Pay-Per-View, but the aftermath was incredible. Andre was now the company's top heel and a lucrative re-match was definitely in order, so his plans to retire went by the wayside and he valiantly fought his disease for as long as he could. Speaking of retirement, Roddy Piper did in fact retire to become an actor but only one of his movies "They Live" made any sort of impact. Billy Jack Haynes, the midgets and Tom Zenk made their only ppv appearance to date (not counting Haiti Kid being in Mr T's corner the previous year) while "Cowboy" Bob Orton didn't make another ppv appearance for another 18 YEARS. The WWF had overtaken the NWA in popularity so Wrestlemania became the grand spectacle of wrestling that Starrcade had been, and many months down the road, Vince would openly challenge Starrcade with his newest creation, Survivor Series...but that's a story for another day. As for the ppv.....from an in-ring standpoint only Savage/Steamboat stands out but nearly every match had a storyline or an incident which made it memorable, including Andre/Hogan.  Its a must-see of how to make characters and guys no one in their right mind would make stars out of, and turn them into legends. How do you top a show like that? You don't, but nine days later the WWF had a special house show planned in Granby, Quebec. I'll see you there.

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