Monday, September 16, 2024

WWE Raw (9/16/24)

Moda Center
Portland, OR
September 16, 2024

Commentators: Joe Tessitore and Wade Barrett

Ring Announcer: Samantha Irvin

We are weeks away from Bad Blood with the final showdown between Drew McIntyre and CM Punk scheduled to be a Hell In A Cell Match. Other matches haven't been signed yet but maybe this week will shed some light on the subject. Damien Priest is supposed to go one on one with Dominik Mysterio while the two behemoths Braun Strowman and Bronson Reed go one on one again. Let's get to the action.

We're shown people arriving to the arena including Rhea Ripley and Damien Priest. Priest takes on Dom Mysterio later. All five members of Judgment Day arrive with a graphic saying Balor & McDonough put the tag straps on the line against New Day. Next are Kairi Sane and Iyo Sky as its going to be Kairi against Bianca Belair one on one. Jade Cargill and Bianca arrive as well as Braun Strowman and Bronson Reed. CM Punk arrives and leaves his rental car door open with it still running. That's a good way to get it stolen.

Here comes Punk to open the show with a soliloquy. Wade Barrett on commentary says Drew McIntyre failed to end his career and Punk will be looking to make Drew face the consequences for it. A deadly serious Punk says softly that people ask how many matches he has left in his own bones. Punk says the answer is way more than you think and the crowd chants his name. He says when he came back to WWE he claimed the wasn't there to make friends. He didn't anticipate making such a mortal enemy that the only way to settle it was in Hell in a Cell. He had a feeling that touching four turnbuckles in Berlin wasn't going to settle it and Drew probably didn't think taking out Punk in Chicago would settle it either. Punk is too damn stubborn and Drew's fatal mistake was not getting the job done. Punk says if anyone asks how many HIAC matches he has left in him and Punk says the honest answer is zero. His sister, his wife and an angel on his shoulder all told him not to do this. Punk says he's going to explain why he's going to do this. The last time he was in Portland he said if Drew pushed him far enough he could become the devil himself. Punk says the devil in him told him this only ends in Hell In A Cell. Punk says he can't promise he's going to kill Drew because he doesn't make promises he can't keep, but he promises he's going to make Drew bleed. Punk says Drew is going to have to kill him because he's prepared to die and be over with. If this is the end of his career, so be it. He says Drew better be prepared for the end of his career because he'll see Drew in hell. Deadly serious Punk with no humor or sarcasm just makes things even bigger.

We cut to a highlight of the Intercontinental Championship number one contender tournament match between Sheamus and Ludwig Kaiser from two weeks ago with Pete Dunne beating down Sheamus, costing him the match. Last week Sheamus returned the favor and chased away Pete. We cut to Cathy Kelley with Sheamus and asks what's going on with him. Sheamus says he taught Pete TOO well and hit him where it hurts, the dream he had to become a grand slam champion. He says Pete hates being called Butch, so Sheamus naturally says it over and over again. Sheamus says "ARE YOU READY FOR A BANGER?" On to our first match.

Match 1

Sheamus vs Pete Dunne

The graphic says "Don't call him Butch". Wade Barrett says Pete was an international superstar and became a lackey to Sheamus in the Brawling Brute days, now Dunne is out to show he's more than that. Bell's gone and Dunne immediately goes for a Brogue Kick that Sheamus dodges. They slug it out with Sheamus getting the upperhand. Pete chips and kicks Sheamus but walks into a sidewalk slam. Sheamus heaves Pete over the top to the apron. Sheamus goes for 10 Beats of the Bodhran but Pete blocks the second forearm by hyperextending the elbow. Pete runs into a tilt-a-whirl slam and Sheamus stomps him in the corner. Pete hits a standing enziguiri and goes to a finger lock. Dunne stomps on Sheamus' elbow and taunts the irate crowd. He does a plancha on Sheamus on the outside and steps on Sheamus' hand against the steel steps. Sheamus hits the Alabama Slam on Dunne on top of the announce table as we go to break. Back from commercial, Sheamus has Dunne on the top turnbuckle. Sheamus goes for White Noise from up the top but Dunne counters with a sitout powerbomb for The crowd chants "Butch" to get under Pete's skin and Dunne starts hitting Sheamus with seriously stiff elbows. Sheamus blocks another attempt and calls him a bitch before hitting a stiff lariat. Sheamus hits a clothesline as Barrett says "payback is a butch." Sheamus clotheslines Dunne in the corner and hits a running powerslam. Sheamus goes up to the top rope and pulls his right kneepad down. He hits the top rope kneedrop and covers for Sheamus goes for the Celtic Cross but Dunne hits an enziguiri to the head. Dunne goes to the top rope but Sheamus uppercuts him. Sheamus delivers a powerslam off the second rope and covers for Sheamus goes for 10 Beats of The Bodhran and does it 17 times....ouch. Dunne grabs the shillelagh and kicks Sheamus away only to walk to the knee to the head. Sheamus grabs the shillelagh and threatens to hit Pete but the ref stops him. Pete grabs a cricket bat from underneath the ring and hits Sheamus in the shoulder with it. Pete hits a Brogue Kick and covers for 1..2..3 to win the match. Big time cheating by Pete but that was a damn good match. Dunne wanted to break out of the shadow of Sheamus and he did it big time here. Barrett says Sheamus got hit for six.

Time of match: 11:07

Winner: Dunne by pinfall

We go to a highlight of last week where Judgment Day laid out the terror twins but Jey Uso made the save. We cut to the Twins walking in the hall and running into Jey Uso. Jey says Priest can handle the match on his own but he'll be watching. Xavier Woods shows up and says they haven't seen eye to eye in the past but they all hate Judgment Day. Woods says he and Kofi want to face the JD alone and Priest says to whoop they ass and take their titles. Jey and Rhea give each other the flirty eyes and Priest tries not to laugh. We get a highlight of Liv kissing Dom at Summerslam before a graphic of Priest vs Dom tonight.

Back from commercial The Miz walks up to Braun Strowman and says good luck as Braun shows off his bruised bicep. Miz asks why Braun says Miz was no match for Bronson Reed and Braun says that was out of context. Miz says he's beaten every superstar and Braun says sometimes it takes a monster to beat a monster. Miz says got it and to go win.....hmmm. On to the next match.

Match 2

Natalya (with Zelina Vega and Lyra Valkyria) vs Zoey Stark (with Shayna Bayzler and Sonya Deville)

This is Natalya's 175th match on Raw. We get a quick cut to last week where Pure Fusion Collective called out Lyra and Zelina only for Natalya to show up to even the odds. Natalya's team won now she faces Zoey one on one. Natalya rolls up Zoey for a one count and Zoey shoves her halfway across the ring. Natalya rolls over Zoey and blocks a hiptoss with a takedown. Natalya goes for the sharpshooter but Zoey bails to the apron. Zoey kicks Natalya in the head and hits a springboard dropkick as we go to break. Back from commercial, Zoey goes for another springboard dropkick but misses it. Natalya hits a german suplex and a clothesline, then boots Zoey in the head. She covers for Zoey misses a charge but arm drags her then hits a rolling slam. Zoey hits a superkick and covers for Zoey tells Lyra to shut up but Natalya blocks the Z360 and rolls her up for Natalya and Zoey exchange counters and Zoey rolls up Natalya for, Natalya reverses it for 1..2.....3 to win the match. Natalya rolls out of the ring as Tessitore says she's building momentum. Wade says she has the deepest playbook of anyone and it was definitely veteran instinct to win. Not sure why they're building up Natalya of all people but hey, least she can go.

Time of match: 7:01

Winner: Natalya by pinfall

Back to Cathy Kelley with Rhea Ripley. Ripley is going to face Liv at Bad Blood for the World Championship but Finn Balor interrupts. Finn says they haven't had a chance to speak and he really feels like he's just as bad as Priest. He goes on to say they thought they were family and Priest & Rhea are the reason none of them are World Champions. Rhea says they're not re-writing history because they WERE family and she stopped them from fighting every single week. Rhea says they'll be the bad guys in his fictional story but at Bad Blood, they'll find out how bad the Twins will be. Finn says he was responsible for telling Dom to go after Liv....and here comes Jey Uso. Finn says there's no problem here and to focus on his IC title shot because Rhea is out of his league. Rhea says he's got a point and Jey goes "What, that I'm out of your league?" Rhea says no, that he needs to focus. Jey puts on his sunglasses and heads to the ring.

Back from commercial, here comes Jey for a conference. Tessitore holds up a sign that says Keep Portland Yeet and Barrett says "What on EARTH are you doing?". Wade says he's supposed to be gentleman, hahahaha. Jey says he's going to be the new IC champ and excited about it. He's wanted it since he left Smackdown and The Bloodline. Uh oh, here comes Bron Breakker for a rebuttal in the ring. Bron "We got any dogs barking in Portland??" Bron goes on to say Jey's pursuit is relentless for the IC title. Bron says Jey's been here 14 years, a big star and the fans love him. Bron says he's done more in 6 months than Jey has in those 14 years. Bron did it without his father and uncle and didn't need their help or their name. Bron holds up the belt and says this is his family, next Monday he's going to expose Jey. Bron says Jey is nothing without his family but Jey says Bron has the dog in him. Jey won't take him lightly and says he's been winning championships since Bron was in diapers. Jey is only 12 years older than Bron so I don't remember a teenage Jey winning anything in WWE. Jey says he's going to dog walk Breakker's ass and see what Bron is about. Jey says his IC title reign will end up short and sweet like Bron's NFL career. THAT got Bron mad he sucker punches Jey. Jey counters with a spear as Tessitore goes nuts on commentary. Jey throws his shirt to the crowd and Barrett says if Jey hits that spear next week, we'll have a new champion.

Back to Joe and Wade to discuss what we just saw before we cut to last week's Raw where Damage Control faced the Unholy Union. Jade and Bianca interfered costing Damage Control the match. As Jade and Bianca are walking in the back, here comes an irate Iyo. Iyo calls Bianca a coward as Kairi has a bad eye and Bianca says it wasn't her call. Bianca challenges Iyo instead and Iyo accepts. Well, that takes care of that. On to the next match.

Match 3

The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) vs Judgment Day (Finn Balor and JD McDonough) for the World Tag Team Championships

Tessitore says we're coming up on the 10 year anniversary of the formation of New Day (damn we're old). JD and Balor come out alone as Tessitore says this is their first title defense in MONTHS. Joe has no room to talk since boxers defend the title like once or twice a year. Wade asks which Day this will be, New or Judgment. Bell's gone and Kofi starts with JD. Kofi forearms JD down and tags in Woods for a double dropkick. A slingshot splash and a scoop slam has Kofi tagging in for the moonsault off the shoulders of Woods. Kofi covers for a deuce and both New Day members double superkick the heels to the outside. We cut to commercial and when we're back from break, Balor has an arm ringer on Kofi. Kofi knocks McDonough off the apron as Tessitore says Woods hasn't held main roster gold since April 2021. Kofi does a move I have no idea what its called as Woods gets the hot tag. Woods wipes out both heels and gets a huge pop from dropping McDonough with a flying forearm. Woods hits a russian leg sweep with Kofi hitting a slingshot clothesline. Kofi planchas Balor and Woods hits a sitdown powerbomb on JD for 1...2...nooooo. Here comes Liv Morgan, Dom Mysterio and Carlito as Joe Tessitore complains. But wait! Here comes Rey Mysterio Jr, Dragon Lee, Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde to take them out. JD rolls up Woods for a deuce then eats a superkick. Kofi and Xavier climb opposite corners as Kofi takes out the intruders and Woods hits the Limit Break. Woods covers but the ref is on the floor much to Tessitore's dismay. Woods grabs the ref's attention and goes for an O'Connor roll but Balor blind tags in. McDonough rolls out of it and Balor comes off the top with the Coup De Gras on Woods. He covers for 1..2....3 to win the match. Judgment Day retains with an actual clean win when you think about it. Carlito and the others never touched the New Day but uh oh....Woods throws a tantrum in the ring and says "EVERY TIME! EVERY TIME!" Woods is tired of this and Tessitore can't blame him. They're slowly going with a Woods heel turn and with Odyssey Jones released, they might need Big E back to for the finale. Damn good match with the obligatory schmozz ending.

Time of match: 8:29

Winners: Judgment Day by pinfall (Still World Tag Team Champs)

Obligatory Wyatt Sicks video with a QR code. None of this means jack because Bray Wyatt is dead. I understand Bo Dallas is trying to keep the spirit alive, but without Bray its not the same. The message is "You speak, we follow." After commercial we're shown both Mysterios at the UFC 306 show seated separately of course. After a highlight of the previous match, we go back to New Day with Cathy Kelley. Kofi says its not a good time as Woods is screaming at the LWO. Kofi says he told the LWO to have his back and Woods is mad about it. Kofi knew this was going to happen which is why he called for help and Woods said they never needed help before. Kofi says they had Big E Langston before and that makes Woods even more irate. Woods asks that they're not good enough anymore and Kofi says that's not what he's saying. Woods asks why he didn't know the LWO was coming and storms off. Now THAT he's got a valid point on. Back to the announce booth where we're about to have a big hoss fight. We get a vignette of Bronson Reed talking about all his victims before we go to the ring.

Match 4

"Big" Bronson Reed vs Braun Strowman

Hoss fight time. Strowman gets in the ring but Reed bumrushes him to start. Strowman sidesteps him and throws him into the corner where Reed legit rips the top rope off. Strowman hits a chokeslam and boots Reed out of the ring. The bell still hasn't ring as Braun calls for the Freight Train. Strowman goes to plow Reed but Bronson heaved some fan over the barricade onto Strowman. Okay, THAT was innovative. Strowman plows Reed through the barricade and Tessitore says this one is over. Security escorts Reed back with the Suit Brigade following suit. Strowman runs over Reed and sends security guys flying like the puddy patrol. Reed puts Strowman through an catering table as Jason Jordan tells them to stop. Strowman then puts Reed through a legit wall with Shawn Daivari running for an ambulance. Normally a no-contest is a waste of time but that was legit fun. Throwing a fan and ripping the top rope off was creative.

Time of match: N/A

Winner: No contest

After a highlight of the mayhem, the Suit Brigade, EMTs, security and the referees try to help out the two fallen guys like out of a MASH movie. We cut to Adam Pearce being confronted by Ludwig Kaiser. He wants to know who Gunther's next opponent is. Pearce says he's busy with the catastrophe and says he just might give the title shot to Sami Zayn. Sure enough, Sami's music hits and he's up next. Pearce says if Gunther has a problem, come see him himself.

Zayn hits the ring for a conference. Zayn says he's standing in the middle of a red hot ring in Portland, Oregon but all week he's been thinking of him and Bret Hart together in Calgary. Sami says Bret was his hero growing up and last week was motivational. Sami says he wants to be a true Canadian champion and he wants it. He NEEDS it, he NEEDS to become the World Heavyweight Champion. The fans deserve a fighting champion but Gunther refuses to give him a shot. Gunther claims that Sami isn't on his level while Sami says the real reason is Gunther is afraid he'd lose again just like at Wrestlemania. Here comes Ludwig Kaiser for a rebuttal and Kaiser asks what Zayn is doing asking for a match. Gunther shouldn't be scared of Zayn because he's the most dominant force in WWE. He's trying to protect Sami from embarrassment. Kaiser says there won't be a match because he's not good enough. Zayn says Gunther doesn't Kaiser to speak for him or need him for anything. Zayn stirs the pot by saying Kaiser doesn't need Gunther either as he already broke off his team with Giovanni Vinci because he wants to stand alone. Zayn says he's not going to win respect as Gunther's mouth piece and grow some balls to speak for himself. Finally, Gunther himself walks out. Gunther gets in the ring and says he'll deal with Zayn in a minute. He asks if Kaiser has anything to tell him, do it now. Kaiser says he's had something he wants to get off his chest...and drops Zayn with a clothesline. Kaiser pounds away on Zayn and hits his DDT on him. Kaiser holds up Sami and Gunther says no match. Kaiser and Gunther hug as Barrett says we all should be as loyal as those two. Gunther leaves but Sami hits a release German suplex on Ludwig followed by the Helluva Kick. The title match is definitely going to take place, just a question of how Sami will get to Gunther.

Back to the announce booth, Tessitore says "Good for you Sami!" We go backstage to Cathy Kelley with Damien Priest. She says he has a lot on his plate in the last two weeks and asks how he's going to prepare for Dom. Here comes Liv Morgan to interrupt and says you should have seen how easy it was to choose between her and Rhea & Priest. Damien says its nice to see someone in Judgment Day have a set for once, but Rhea is going to shove Liv's set down her throat. He tells her to go kiss Dom goodbye because he's going to put him down. On to the next match.

Match 5

Bianca Belair (with Jade Cargill) vs Iyo Sky (with Kairi Sane)

Both partners are there for support which is weird since Kairi was supposed to be hurt. Bell rings and they stare at each other to start. Bianca gets a headlock takeover but Iyo reverses it with headscissors and nip ups. Bianca is rolled up for two but blocks a crucifix. Iyo cartwheel backflips away from Bianca and Bianca front flips over Iyo then tells her to kiss her ass. Iyo goes for the frankensteiner but Bianca blocks it, only for Iyo to sunset flip for Iyo chops Bianca in the corner but Bianca goes up and over and tells her to kiss her ass again. Bianca backflips over Iyo and hits a delayed suplex. Iyo hits an armdrag and they both point at each other as we go to break. When we come back, Iyo has a chinlock on Bianca. Bianca throws Iyo off and rolls her up for a deuce before dropping her with two shoulderblocks. Bianca dropkicks Iyo and tackles her into the corner. Bianca punches her in the corner and backflips over her. Iyo drops her with two clotheslines and a dropkick of her own. Iyo hits the running knees in the corner and goes for the pedigree. Bianca backdrops her but Iyo lands on her feet. Bianca hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Iyo recovers to hit a missile dropkick from the top rope and covers for 1...2....NOOOOO. Both women are down and they trade blows in the center of the ring. Iyo goes for the sunset flip for a deuce but gets launched onto the top rope. Bianca hits a spinebuster and a springboard moonsault for Bianca pressslams Iyo over her head but Iyo counters with a german suplex for Bianca shoulderblocks Iyo on the apron as the crowd chants "This is awesome". Iyo snaps Bianca off the top rope to the floor and Iyo hits a suicide dive. Bianca literally walks up the steel steps with Iyo in a vertical suplex position as Wade and Tessitore can't believe it. Bianca drops her inside and goes for the 450 splash, but Iyo gets her knees up. Iyo goes for the moonsault but Bianca counters by going for the KOD. Iyo lands on her feet and turns it into a small package for 1...2....3 to win the match. That was the match of the night for sure as Iyo FINALLY gets a victory over Bianca. That was a ppv quality showdown and Iyo showed she's still a threat.

Time of match: 12:24

Winner: Iyo by pinfall

Back to Damien Priest preparing for tonight's main event with Rhea next to him. Priest says he's going to tear Dom apart as we go to break. Back from commercial we get a vignette for the American Made stable. Its literally just Diamond Mine just with Chad Gable instead of Damon Kemp aka Bobby Steveson. At least they're attempting to push the Creeds and Ivy Nile. Back to Cathy Kelley with Ludwig Kaiser trying to straighten a tooth. Kaiser says next week on Raw, he's going to beat Sami. Kaiser says Sami's past is shady since he and Kevin Owens turned on each other all the time when one was more successful. Kaiser says Sami will never be champion....damn good promo.

We get a graphic for Sami vs Kaiser next week as well as Drew McIntyre making an appearance. The main event will be Bron Breakker defending the Intercontinental Championship against Jey Uso. Speaking of which, we cut to Jey Uso running into Ilja Dragunov in a suit and tie. Dragunov wishes him luck and "Yeet!" Uh oh, after Jey leaves here comes Judgment Day to give him crap. Balor says to choose his friends wisely. Dragnunov says he respects Damien, Rhea and Jey which is more than he can say for any of them. Balor says its a friendly reminder, but next time the message won't be delivered nicely. Good Ole Anderson style warning by Balor as Judgment Day leaves. On to the main event.

Match 6

Dom Mysterio (with Liv Morgan, Carlito, JD McDonough and Finn Balor) vs Damien Priest (with Rhea Ripley)

Liv kisses Dom before the match and Tessitore says "Would you look at this?" Bell rings and Priest immediately drops him with a shoulderblock. He heaves Dom in the corner and fires away and stares at Carlito, Priest choke bombs Dom and Mysterio begs off. Priest applies a wristlock and shoulderblocks Dom down again. Priest hits a heel kick and covers for Dom rolls out of a back suplex and dropkicks the right knee of Priest. Dom can't whip Damien and runs into a flapjack. Dom begs off again and Priest stomps away at him in the corner. Priest chokes Dom on the second rope in front of Judgment Day and Dom tries to rally with a body punch. Priest dropped him with a right hook that Tessitore admires. Dom rolls out of the Razor's Edge attempt and bails to the outside. Priest goes outside and rocket launches Mysterio into the apron before backing Carlito off. Priest throws Dom into the announce table. Wade says this has been one way traffic, Dom hasn't gotten an offensive move in yet. Priest pops Dom then Carlito much to the crowd's delight. Priest rolls Dom in but the ref takes his eye off for one second, allowing Finn to shove Damien into the ringpost. Dom hits a suicide dive that sends Priest into the announce table. We go to break and when we come back, Dom rolls out of a suplex and walks into an elbow. Priest misses a charge in the corner and Dom hits a tornado DDT. Dom covers for Dom taunts the crowd and Rhea taunts him back. Dom slaps Priest in the chest and it wakes up Damien. Dom's face says it all and Damien rallies with right hands and a series of kicks. Another big right hand drops Dom and Priest hits an inverted DDT. Priest covers for Finn distracts Priest again causing Dom to roll him up for two. Priest gets a kick to the head and a broken arrow. Priest covers for, Liv puts the foot on the rope. Ripley tackles Liv completely over the announce table, wiping out Barrett in the process. Tessitore tries not to laugh as Priest drops Carlito with a right hand. Priest grabs Dom out of mid-air and throws him into Balor outside. Priest superkicks Carlito but back inside, Dom superkicks Priest into the second rope. Dom hits the 619 but misses the frogsplash. Priest clotheslines Dom who does a 360 and pulls the straps down. Priest nails South of Heaven and covers for 1..2...3 to win the match. Tessitore "TAKE THAT DIRTY DOM!" Good match and the crowd's energy carried it as Dom had no realistic chance against Priest without his cronies at ringside.

Time of match: 12:11

Winner: Priest by pinfall

1 second after the match, its a four on one beatdown as Carlito, JD and Balor hit the ring to help Dom. Rhea gets on the apron but Liv pulls her off and throws her into the steel steps. Liv throws Rhea in the ring but here comes Jey Uso! Jey hits the ringside area but Bron Breakker appears out of NOWHERE and spears Jey out of his shoes. Meanwhile Judgment Day continues the attack on Priest as Balor hits Coup De Gras. Liv hits Ob-Liv-ion as Balor hits Coup De Gras a second time. Balor goes for a third attempt and hits it as Tessitore is having a coronary on commentary. Judgment Day stands tall as we sign off. Damn good show, especially the Bianca/Iyo showdown. It leaves the fans wanting more, especially with a lot of advertised not just for Bad Blood but for next week as well. The Judgment Day/Terror Twins feud is far from over and Uso/Breakker is going to rock. Not to mention Sami's pursuit of Gunther and the potential New Day Break up. The Bloodline may be carrying Smackdown but Raw is stepping it up big time. The next show after this is tomorrow night's NXT. I'll see you there.

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