Monday, May 4, 2015

WWE Raw (5/4/15)

We're just under two weeks away from WWE Payback and most of the card is set even if its not official. What IS official is John Cena vs Rusev in an I Quit Match and Seth Rollins defends the WWE Championship against Roman Reigns and Randy Orton in a triple threat match. What's not official but most likely is Ryback vs Bray Wyatt, Nikki Bella vs Naomi and New Day against Tyson Kidd & Cesaro. The status of Daniel Bryan is still up in the air so we'll have to see how that turns out. Definitely this week is important to add some last minute stips to the established matches and cement the others I mentioned. Let's get to this week's show.

Bell Centre
Montreal, Quebec
May 4. 2015

Commentators: Michael Cole, Booker T and JBL

Ring Announcer: Eden Stiles

We begin the show with Randy Orton coming out for a conference. Randy says Payback is fitting for a ppv because he's looking for Payback on Seth Rollins. He says Roman Reigns is also in the match but he's going to be disappointed because Randy is walking out of Payback the champion. Orton says there's not a damn thing Rollins or Reigns can do about it and right on cue, Reigns walks out to join him. Reigns says its not going down like that, if anyone's going to get payback, its him. The crowd chants RKO and Roman says the fans don't fight for him. Randy says "You want payback at Payback and on Rollins but what do you think I'm gonna do, just let you march down to the ring, beat the hell out of Rollins and just stand in a corner?" Reigns "I don't care what you do, but if you come near me you won't be standing." Orton says he's a 12 time champion, been in 12 consecutive Wrestlemanias and says Roman's only been in 3 Wrestlemania's and has 0 heavyweight titles. Roman says he beat Orton at Summerslam and doesn't mind breaking Randy in half. They go nose to nose when....The New Day shows up. What? Xavier Woods says this negativity has to stop. Xavier says they're the only champions out there and they're there to spread positivity. Xavier says nobody cares about their Montreal Boo-hoo job......what? Kofi says both of them squandered their opportunities away as the crowd chants "New...Day sucks". Kofi says what's in the past is in the past and today is a new day. Kofi says "New Day rocks" and Big E says Roman can't win the big one and Rollins not only has Orton's number, he's got it on speed dial. Big E then gets to the point and says they got a handicap match courtesy of Kane, all three of them against Roman and Randy. Let's get to it after commercial.

Match 1

The New Day (Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston and Big E Langston) vs Randy Orton and Roman Reigns in a handicap match

Least we're getting some wrestling in the first 10 minutes of the show, even if this was a main event caliber match shown right away. Kofi starts with Orton and kicks away at him in the corner. Orton comes out of the corner with a clothesline and suplexes Kofi on the top rope. Roman tags in and suplexes Kofi back in the ring. Roman stares down Big E and locks in an arm-ringer. Kofi punches out of it and Woods tags in. Woods gets a headlock in and shouts "I'm gonna beat Roman Reigns." Booker "I don't think this is gonna work out good for Woods." Roman drops Xavier with a shoulderblock and a samoan drop before Orton tags in. Orton suplexes Xavier and covers for a deuce before he stomps on the back of Woods. Orton drops a knee and covers for another two count. Roman tags in and kicks Woods in the ribs. Roman kicks Woods in the head then stomps the mid-section. Orton tags in and stomps Woods as Booker says both Randy and Roman were born into the business. Orton stomps Woods enough to make Ronnie Garvin proud but Kofi distracts Randy long enough for Woods to tag in Big E. E hits a belly to belly suplex on Orton as Cole says that's the numbers game. New Day isolates Randy in the corner with all three members getting shots in on Randy. Woods hits a dropkick on Randy and covers for a deuce before we go to break. Back from break Kofi has Roman Reigns in a nerve hold. During the break Reigns got a hot tag and cleaned house only to be knocked into the barricade. Back to live action Big E hits an overhead belly to belly suplex on Reigns and claps to rile up the crowd. Big E does it again and covers for 1....2....nope. Woods tags in with a slingshot elbow drop and covers for 1...2...nope. Roman punches away at Woods but Xavier counters with a swinging neckbreaker. Woods covers for a deuce and Kofi tags in with a big fist off the second rope. Kofi locks in a front headlock as JBL makes fun of Kofi's pigtails. Woods tags in and applies a chinlock but Roman fights out of it and gets the hot tag to Orton. Orton catches Kofi mid-air and powerslams him but Big E breaks up the count. Roman hits the Superman punch on Big E but Woods dropkicks Roman. Randy heaves Woods out of the ring and does the second rope DDT to Woods. Orton coils and looks for the rKo, hitting Woods with it. Roman then goes to spear Kofi but Kingston moves and Roman spears Orton by accident. Kofi covers Orton for 1...2....3 to win the match. Uh oh.....Randy's not gonna like that. New Day hightails it out of there laughing as Roman is distraught. Good tag match for what it was and its obvious the New Day can draw heat.

Time of match: 13:13

Winners: New Day by pinfall

After the match Kane comes out with a microphone and says there's no shame in losing to the tag team champions. Kane says their evening isn't over yet and he can tell they're developing a dislike for each other. He wants to exploit that so he orders Reigns vs Orton in the main event of the show later. Kane says that's best for business. Guess Roman and Orton are pulling double duty tonight and Cole at ringside says this will benefit Rollins.

Backstage Kane walks by the celebratory New Day and rolls his eyes before Seth himself walks up with J and J Security. Rollins says what Kane just did is similar to a kid who's been bad all year trying to suck up to Santa the night before Christmas. Kane counters by saying he would wait in the chimney with a blowtorch to fry Santa's chestnuts (hahahahaha!). Kane says he made the matches because that's what is best for business. Kane says Rollins isn't getting off easy tonight and Rollins is going to face Dean Ambrose and J & J are banned from ringside. Rollins says Kane was the outside interference and Ambrose is going to hurt him before Payback. Kane says he could simply tie him to the ringpost and Rollins storms off unhappy. Again. this would be cool if Kane was actually turning face, but he's not.

Back to Renee Young in the ring to bring out Ryback for a chat. Highlights of Bray Wyatt attacking Ryback are shown and Ryback says "MONTREAL, YOU SOUND HUNGRY!" for almost no pop at all. Renee asks why Wyatt has been targeting Ryback and Ryback has no idea but it was a stupid decision. The crowd chants Goldberg as Ryback says he's been facing fear is whole life then stops to acknowledge the crowd. That causes them to chant "Feed Me More" (hahahaha). Ryback brings up his real life injuries including his horrible ankle break (that took him out of the Nexus in 2010) and he's grateful that he could come back and continue doing what he loved. Ryback gets another chant going and says Bray wanted his attention, and he's got it. Ryback says Bray can't scare him and he woke him up, now he's starving. Cue Bray Wyatt on the titantron to say human minds create human monsters. Wyatt says deep down inside Ryback is a scared little boy and fear molds them all. Bray "Everything you love, everything you're afraid to lose is all going to fade away, and in will you. Run!" Still no explanation of why Bray wants Ryback but that's been his character for a year now, he attacked Dean Ambrose for no reason and now its Ryback. Onto the next match.

Match 2

The Ascension (Konnor & Viktor) vs Tyson Kidd & Cesaro (with Natalya)

Kidd and Cesaro are reeling after losing the belts to the New Day and they get the Ascension to feast on here. Pre-recorded comments have Konnor and Viktor saying Kidd is a fake Hart and they're going to rip out their hearts. They claim they're the tag team of the future and JBL on commentary asks when does the future start. They bum rush Kidd and Cesaro at the bell with Viktor starting with Tyson. Viktor sends Kidd into a Konnor clothesline and Viktor covers for JBL says Stu Hart would have turned 100 years old yesterday as Konnor tags in to stomp away on Tyson in the corner. Konnor covers for Konnor chokes Kidd in the corner and tags in Viktor. Viktor applies a chinlock then tags in Konnor for a snap suplex. Konnor tags in Viktor who comes off the top with a dropkick then covers for a deuce when Cesaro breaks up the count. Konnor tags in who slams Kidd, but misses the elbow drop. Viktor tags in to prevent the tag but Kidd gets the tag to Cesaro. Cesaro cleans house of both guys before hitting a serries of 10 running uppercuts to Viktor in the corner. Viktor is out of gas as Cesaro hits a clothesline and covers for two. Cesaro gutwrenches Viktor from the mat as the crowd pops. Konnor is clotheslined out of the ring but Viktor drops Cesaro. Kidd suicide dives onto Konnor on the floor as Cesaro hits a spinebuster on Viktor. Cesaro does a giant swing as Kidd tags in to drop a leg on Viktor. Kidd covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Cesaro got the crowd excited as the burial of Ascension continues. Kidd, Cesaro and Natalya pose for the crowd as we cut to the back.

Time of match: 4:07

Winners: Kidd & Cesaro by pinfall

Seth Rollins walks in the back but is intercepted by Renee Young. She asks what he thinks about tonight's match with Dean Ambrose. He says this match shouldn't be happening and Kane is a moron. Back from commercial we get a highlight from Smackdown where Ambrose faced Rollins and Kane interfered to help Rollins win. Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring for the match followed by Seth Rollins. All of a sudden Kane's music hits and he walks out. Kane says he's taken Seth's words to heart about there being no point to the match. Kane says if Dean wins this one then the match at Payback will be a Fatal Four Way with Ambrose added to it. Seth grabs a mic and goes nuclear and says 78% says for triple threat and keep it that way. Dean grabs the mic and says its a great idea and asks the crowd what they think. Naturally they cheer as Rollins says Kane or Ambrose don't matter, he's the WWE champion. Kane says he's overruling him and to ring the bell.

Match 3

Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins

If Dean wins, he's added to the main event of Payback. No J & J Security means Rollins is by himself as well. Ambrose rolls him up as soon as the bell rings for Dean punches away at Rollins and chops away. Ambrose misses a big punch as Rollins bails to the outside. Dean chases him and drops Seth with a forearm. Rollins kicks him in the stomach and punches away before throws Ambrose in the ring. Dean immediately slides back out and hits a clothesline. Dean grabs Seth by the nose and kicks him in the neck. Booker T and JBL bicker about Kane's decision as Ambrose gets in a leglock. Ambrose hits a snap suplex and covers for a one count before Rollins kicks Ambrose in the ribs. Seth throws Dean in the corner and fires away then does a snap mare. Rollins kicks Dean in the back as the crowd chants for Ambrose. Seth punches away at Dean in the corner but Dean reverses it with punches in the corner. Rollins walks right into a big chop and Dean covers for a deuce. Rollins hits a running knee to the ribs, a scoop slam and a running knee drop. He covers for two and locks in a chinlock. The crowd chants Rollins sold out as Ambrose fights back with a kick to the head. Dean backdrops Rollins to the floor as we go to commercial. Back from break, Rollins gets in a nerve hold but Dean powers out of it. Dean is sent head first into the second turnbuckle as Rollins misses a slingshot clothesline. Ambrose hits a tornado DDT and lays on the mat for a few seconds. Ambrose punches away at Rollins followed by a slap and a forearm smash. Ambrose goes to the top rope but misses a clothesline. Rollins bails to the outside but Ambrose hits a suicide dive onto Seth to spark a "Holy shit" chant. Ambrose turns a back suplex into a front slam and covers for Ambrose counters the buckle bomb with a backdrop as Rollins misses the stinger splash. Ambrose goes up top and hits an elbow drop before covering for Rollins snaps Ambrose off the top rope and hits the slingshot dropkick. Seth covers for 1.....2.....noooooo. Seth taunts Ambrose who slaps him in the face. Rollins hits a superkick and covers for Rollins goes for the buckle bomb but Dean rolls out of it, punching Seth in the face. Ambrose clotheslines Seth over the top to the floor, spilling outside with him. Rollins outside hits a powerbomb against the barricade and rolls inside. The ref counts to nine but Ambrose barely beats the count. Seth stomps away at Dean in the corner and hits a running forearm. Dean answers with one of his own but Rollins kicks Ambrose in the head. Dean hits the rebound clothesline as Seth does a 360. Dean covers for Here comes J & J Security who were supposedly banned from ringside. Jamie Noble distracts the ref while Joey Mercury is immediately thrown over the top rope to the floor by Dean. Rollins goes for the roll up but Dean counters it and rolls through for his own 1......2.....3 to win the match. The crowd explodes as Dean is now in the main event of Payback. Ambrose beats a hasty retreat as J & J go nuts inside the ring. Damn good match between the ex-Shield members. JBL bitches about it but the decision is final.

Time of match: 16:31

Winner: Ambrose by pinfall

Cole explains the Fatal Four Way rules before we get a highlight of the New Day beating Roman Reigns and Randy Orton from earlier. We get a graphic for Reigns vs Orton later tonight and back from break, we get the highlight of Ambrose defeating Rollins from a few minutes ago. Back in Kane's office, Rollins comes in completely irate. Rollins wants to fight Kane and bitches that its a Fatal Four Way. "What are you trying to do, kill me?" Kane says the WWE Universe picked the triple threat and Rollins caused it to be a Fatal Four Way by losing to Ambrose. Kane says keep it up and he'll keep adding people. Kane then says this is all to make Rollins better and a great champion. Kane says he's got a plan and walks off. We cut to Byron Saxton with Lana who gets a babyface pop for absolutely no reason. Saxton actually asks her what she thinks of the cheers and she has no idea what he's talking about. Fandango shows up and tells her to "feel it" and flow into the ecstasy of the WWE Universe. Here comes Vladimir Rusev to yell in Bulgarian and tell her to move it. Apparently its Rusev vs Fandango next.

Match 4

Fandango vs Vladimir Rusev (with Lana)

They're rehashing the old Marc Mero/Sable thing with Lana waiving to the crowd and Rusev mistreating her. Bell's gone and Rusev gets on him right away with punches & kicks. The crowd loudly chants for Kana and Rusev kicks Fandango in the head. Rusev charges in the corner and misses, Fandango rallying with right hands. Rusev gets a knee to the ribs and sends him over the top rope. Fandango goes over to Lana and starts dancing then she gets into it to a loud pop. Rusev clubs Fandango from behind and throws Lana out of the arena. Dude, she just distracted your opponent, the hell are you mad at? Fandango attacks from behind and sends Rusev into the ringpost twice. Back inside Fandango ducks the line and hits a series of dropkicks. Fandango eats a superkick and Rusev stomps on his back. Rusev locks in the Accolade and this one's over. Again, they're doing the Marc Mero/Sable, Mike Knox/Kelly Kelly angle so you know a Lana turn is coming. Total squash but it establishes Lana having some humanity and Rusev going insane because he suddenly can't beat John Cena.

Time of match: 2:12

Winner: Rusev by submission

Cole shows us Tough Enough videos as we go to break. Back from commercial we get a vignette for the upcoming ESPN special about the Performance Center and NXT. Cole shills the return of the god awful Tough Enough of June 23rd. I'm not even going to dignify it with a response. Anyway, here's R-Truth in the ring. On to our next match.

Match 5

R-Truth vs Stardust

Stardust cuts an insane promo before the match blaming R-Truth for costing him the King of The Ring. Michael Cole keeps calling him Cody and JBL keeps correcting him. Truth rolls up Stardust to start for a two count but Rhodes fights back. Truth drops him with a shoulderblock but Stardust hits a front suplex. Cody has a black back of something, unfortunately it doesn't look like a snake. Stardust hits a Russian leg sweep and does a cartwheel. Cody stomps on Truth and punches away at him before Truth starts to rally back. The crowd does NOT give a damn about this match as they collide in the center of the ring. Cody crawls to the bag as JBL says Dusty Rhodes is in the bag. Truth hits a Falcon Arrow and covers for Truth goes for the bag and finds a bunch of fake spiders in it. What? Cody rolls him up for 1...2...3 to win the match. JBL thinks they're real and tells everyone to run. Truth runs away as Cole scoffs saying they're plastic. JBL "You don't know that, they could be rubber!" Waste of time really.

Time of match: 2:55

Winner: Stardust by pinfall

This Thursday on Smackdown will be the contract signing between Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Ironically THIS is how they should have broken up the Shield a year ago. Here comes John Cena for his open challenge. The Montreal crowd loves to hate him and boos as he holds up the US title belt. Cena lets the "John Cena sucksssss" chant go on for a bit before he says "I quit". He says those words have meaning now as the crowd starts an "Ole" chant. He should have worn a Tampa Bay Lightning shirt but oh well. Cena says he's been fighting adversity for years and no matter the hostility he will never give up.  If he says he quits, he doesn't deserve to win and tells the crowd just like telling them to stop singing, it'll never happen. Cena says he loves how the rowdy crowd is passionate love him or hate him because Rusev doesn't care about the fans. Cena asks the crowd will they quit and they all scream "no". He starts calling out ppl in the crowd including a guy in a Quebec Nordiques jersey. He says they left town in 1996 but the guy still wears it because he won't quit and just like the Habs, the crowd won't give up either. Hahahaha, say what you will, Cena knows how to spin a crowd better than anyone. Cena says in two weeks he'll be saying "The champ is here" and he's here right now. After one more cheap pop he says he's the man to beat so bring on the challenger. After a few tense moments.....Bret Hart's music hits. WHAT?? Sure enough, the legendary Hitman walks out to a loud part. Bret grabs a mic and says he's here for one reason, to introduce a great wrestler. Before he can finish, Heath Slater walks out to interrupt Bret. Heath says this is his moment and it won't be taken away in Montreal. He says he's been RKO'd out of nowhere and then Rusev attacked him from behind out of nowhere. He's sick and tired of getting attacked out of nowhere but before he can say anything, Bret just pops him in the mouth. Heath drops like a dead deer and Bret goes on to introduce Cena's real opponent.....SAMI ZAYN!

Match 6

Sami Zayn vs John Cena for the WWE United States Championship

The crowd goes insane for the Montreal native and former NXT Champion. Naturally we go to commercial before the match starts and when we come back, we're underway. Zayn hits a dropkick to send Cena through the ropes to the outside. Cena moves and Zayn back flips back in the ring. JBL says Zayn looks good but there's a reason he calls Cena "Big match John". Cena hits a back suplex and covers for a deuce before applying a chinlock. JBL says Zayn was the one who ended Adrian Neville's historic NXT title reign. Zayn is favoring his shoulder which was legitimately injured and the doctors check the shoulder. Zayn says to let him continue and the ref says wrestle on. Cena lets him get ready and Cena unloads with right hands in the corner. Zayn rallies with a clothesline and right hands while favoring his left shoulder. Cena hits a series of shoulderblocks and the back suplex. Cena says you can't see me but Zayn counters with a victory roll for Cena goes for the FU but Sami blocks it by hitting a top rope crossbody for Cena bails to the outside and Zayn hits a rolling plancha before rolling John back inside. Cena catches him with the STFU in the center of the ring but Zayn makes it to the rope. The ref asks if Zayn wants to give it up but he catches Cena in the Koji Clutch. Cena rolls through it and goes for the FU. Sami rolls out of it and bridges a german suplex for We see Rusev and Lana watching the match in the back before cutting back to the ring. Cena catches Zayn with a clothesline and shakes his head at him. Cena goes for the FU but Sami lands on his ass, pops back up, then both men double clothesline each other. Cena bails to the outside and Sami literally dives through the ringpost to hit a tornado DDT....holy schmidt. Zayn rolls Cena back in but Cena catches Zayn with the FU. Cena covers for 1...2.....NOOOOOOOO. The crowd pops as Zayn kicks out at the last second. Cena can't believe it and goes for another one. Sami catches him with the Blue Thunder Bomb for 1...2...nooooooo. The crowd chants "This is awesome" as they trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Cena from out of nowhere hits the springboard stunner (!!) before delivering another FU. Cena covers for 1...2....3.....and that's it. That was AWESOME and really brought out the best of both them. Cena shakes his hand and raises Sami's arm in the middle of the ring to a huge ovation. Cena leaves so Sami can get a standing ovation. Say what you will about Cena, he made Sami look great on his main roster debut. Unfortunately Sami really did hurt his shoulder and would be out a while, delaying his main roster push for a bit. Still, he went out on top.

Time of match: 10:43

Winner: Cena by pinfall

Cole says Sami Zayn will face NXT Champion Kevin Owens in two weeks at NXT Takeover. Cole literally reads off his script to hype up what's coming up on WWE Network including Payback in two weeks. We cut to a highlight of Orton and Reigns losing to New Day earlier before The Bella Twins walking in the back. They walk by New Day excessively celebrating by putting Big E on their shoulders as we go to commercial. Back from break Renee Young is looking for Sami Zayn but here comes New Day instead. Kofi says they are OHHHH SO GLORIOUSSSSSS and Big E says "I SAID VICTORIOUSSSSSS". Xavier Woods says their future bright and his E60 episode is on tomorrow night. They start a "New...Day rocks" chant when the former champions Cesaro, Tyson Kidd and Natalya appear. Cesaro says the crowd is chanting "New....Day sucks" and Natalya says the only reason New Day won earlier was Randy and Roman hate each other. Kidd says everyone on planet earth hates them as Woods calls him a catastrophe of Canada. Big E says their negativity won't deter them. Kidd says that's okay because New...Day sucks. Kind of pointless since New Day beat them and then Randy & Roman earlier but oh well. 

The Bellas make their way to the ring for a non-title match between Nikki and Naomi when all of a sudden Tamina Snuka of all people run out and decks them both. Tamina tore her ACL last June and she's back. Naomi joins the beatdown and Tamina superkicks Nikki down. Tamina pulls Brie to her feet and Naomi slaps her before hitting an enziguiri. Naomi celebrates but the crowd is apathetic rather than angry. WWE really screwed up trying to turn the Bellas face out of nowhere because the crowd isn't buying it. Naomi says the Bellas run of dominance is over and THIS is what family is about. Huh? Naomi and Tamina aren't related. Cole tries to say Naomi is married to Jimmy Uso.....uh, the Samoans and Jimmy Snuka aren't related. We get a highlight of Wade Barrett winning King of The Ring and sure enough, here he comes.

Wade Barrett comes out with a crown that looks like it was bought at a Halloween store and screams "Hear ye!" in a mic. He calls them all filthy commoners and he is now King Barrett. He says he'll rule his kingdom with an iron fist and will bull hammer any insubordinates. He says get used to hearing "All hail King Barrett". We got a tag match coming up next.

Match 7

King Barrett and Sheamus vs Adrian Neville and Dolph Ziggler

Its been Ziggler vs Sheamus for the past month and Neville has been in matches with Barrett, made sense to put them together for this match. Ziggler calls Sheamus a court jester in a pre-recorded interview as Ziggler starts with Barrett. Ziggler swipes at Sheamus but Barrett clobbers Dolph from behind. Barrett pounds on the back of Dolph in the corner and kicks him full force in the ribs. Barrett covers for Barrett taunts Neville and knees Ziggler in the chest. Dolph counters with a tornado DDT. Ziggler covers for JBL goes over the Kings of the Ring of years past as we go to break. Back from commercial Sheamus has Ziggler in a chinlock. Ziggler powers out of it but runs right into the Irish Curse. Sheamus "Are you not entertaineddddd". He grabs Ziggler and taunts him, but Dolph counters with a superkick. Ziggler crawls toward Neville as Sheamus tags to Barrett. Neville gets the hot tag and hits a head scissors on Barrett then hits a standing hilo on him on the outside. Neville springboard dropkicks Barrett in the ring. Neville hits a standing moonsault for Neville gets caught in an up and over and Barrett kicks him full force in the ribs. Barrett calls for the bull hammer but misses it. Adrian hits an enziguri and German Suplex for Sheamus is tackled out of the ring by Ziggler but Sheamus throws Dolph into the timekeeper's station. Neville goes for another slingshot dropkick but Barrett cracks him with the bull hammer. Barrett covers for 1...2....3 to win the match. Barrett holds up his crown and scepter as Sheamus poses in the other corner. Decent match as the heels countered the speed of the faces with pure power.

Time of match: 8:38

Winners: Sheamus and Barrett by pinfall

Cole shills Roman Reigns Never Alone as we go straight to the main event. Roman Reigns and Randy Orton make their entrance as we go to commercial. Back from break, referee Mike Chioda goes to ring the bell when Kane walks out in ring gear (or his Corporate Kane attire anyway) along with Seth Rollins and J & J Security. Jamie Noble grabs the mic while standing on the announce table, he says he's the special guest ring announcer. Joey Mercury is the special guest timekeeper, special "enforcer" is Kane and Seth Rollins is special guest commentator. This was Kane's plan.

Match 8

Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns

Cole calls Noble the mayor of Munchkin City (hahahaha!) as the bell rings. Reigns and Orton jawjack each other with Rollins joining in on commentary. Seth "I trust Kane, he's got a plan." Cole "You TRUST him now?" Orton goes for the rKo early but Roman blocks it. Roman punches away at Orton and they trade blows. Orton drops Roman with a shoulderblock but Reigns sends Orton into the corner. Orton clotheslines Reigns but Roman counters with a samoan drop. JBL kisses Seth's ass as Reigns heaves Orton through the ropes to the outside. Outside, Orton backdrops Reigns on the barricade but Reigns fights back. Reigns drops Jamie Noble as Seth says that was uncalled for. Orton rams Reigns head into the barricade then throws Reigns into the ring. Seth runs down Rollins by saying he backstabbed the Shield and got Orton kicked out of The Authority. Reigns clotheslines Orton inside the ring as Booker asks if Rollins can beat the others by himself. Orton clotheslines Reigns down and goes for the powerslam but Reigns waves his finger saying no. Orton rolls out of a samoan drop and hits a backbreaker as Cole makes fun of Seth for pissing everyone off. Roman hits a running knee on the ring apron and calls for the Superman punch. Reigns misses it and runs right into the powerslam. Orton hits the second rope DDT and calls for the rko. Reigns blocks it and hits the Superman punch. Kane then trips Roman up and hits an uppercut with the referee watching. He calls for the bell but nobody is there to ring it as suddenly Kane, Rollins, Noble and Mercury stomp away at Orton before Reigns jumps over the top rope to take them out. Rollins gets up and sends Reigns into the ring post. The bell still hasn't rung yet so they're letting this go. Orton is rolled into the ring and he tries to fight back, but the numbers game catches up to Randy. Roman gets in but he gets beat down as well. Finally here comes Dean Ambrose to even the odds and they clear out J & J along with Kane. Reigns hits the spear on Rollins to get rid of him but Orton hits the rko on Reigns. Randy turns around into Dirty Deeds and Ambrose stands tall to end the night. Not enough time to tell a match plus the outside shenanigans ruined it.

Time of match: 8:35

Winner: Reigns by DQ

That was one of the better Raws of the year with Cena vs Zayn being the centerpiece. Kidd & Cesaro turning face was pretty much academic with the crowd booing the New Day and cheering Cesaro organically. The Uso's being out also drove the double turn. Ryback vs Wyatt is an important match for both guys because neither one of them seems to win the big one when it matters. Now that the main event of Payback is a Fatal Four Way, Rollins now has to rely on outside help to overcome his ex-stablemates and Orton. Then you have the Zigger/Neville and Barrett/Sheamus thing going on and at least they're trying something new for a change. It'll be interesting to see if they start to push Ambrose as a main eventer moving forward or if this is a one off. The next show after this is Wednesday night's NXT. I'll see you there.

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