Thursday, October 3, 1991

WWF Battle Royal at the Royal Albert Hall (10/3/91)

Royal Albert Hall
London, England
October 3, 1991

Commentators: Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon

Ring Announcer: Mel Phillips

In between Summerslam 91 and Survivor Series, the WWF had a ppv worthy card....for residents of the United Kingdom anyway. The Royal Albert Hall was a concert venue usually reserved for orchestras but for some reason the WWF made its way there. We have a bunch of cold matches but the storylines did carry over like Roddy Piper vs Ric Flair and the rise of The Undertaker. Plus the star of the show was naturally "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith. After all the matches, everyone that worked will be in a battle royal to decide who wins the Samovar Trophy....which is just an oversized urn used to boil tea. Before we do anything we actually had a dark match strictly for the home crowd.

Dark Match:

Brian Maxine vs Steve Regal

Two World of Sport stars have a match for the local crowd. Maxine was 53 years old and played a flamboyant character in British wrestling in the 70's. Regal was the inspiration for Darren Matthews to become Lord Steven (later William) Regal. Regal won the match.

Winner: Steve Regal

We start off with Heenan and Monsoon greeting us, "Sir Robert of Heenan" or "Lord Brain". He says he should be treated with dignity and Monsoon says he'll be sitting on his dignity in a few minutes. This is going to be a LONG recap with nearly 3 hours of their commentary. Monsoon says let's get to our first match.

Match 1

The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty) vs The Nasty Boys (Knobbs and Sags) with Jimmy Hart

Oh boy, a preview of Survivor Series next month. Heenan says it feels like they're in Madison Square Garden and Monsoon agrees. Monsoon says the venue is 120 years old and Heenan says so is Alfred Hays. Shawn swipes Sags' jacket at the bell and whips him with it to start before Knobbs gets in to take a beating as well. Marty puts the jacket on then blows his nose in it to get Sags totally irate. They stall to start for crowd reaction and Sags finally starts with Shawn. Shawn backs him in the corner but Sags reverses it and gets in some right hands. Sags misses a clothesline but Shawn gets caught in a bearhug. Shawn fights out of it and hits the superkick on both Sags. Knobbs runs in to eat a superkick and Marty flies off the top to take them both out. The heels regroup outside and Sags gets back in to tag in Knobbs. He calls Marty "buttface" and demands he get in. Shawn tags in Marty and Knobbs gets in a knee to the ribs. Knobbs hammers away in the corner but a charge eats boot. Marty hits a second turnbuckle facebuster and Shawn does one to an interfering Sags as well. The heels regroup outside a second time as Knobbs tells a fan to shut its face. The referee starts counting the Nasties out with the Rockers counting with Joey Marella. Marty somehow trips up Knobbs with a single leg takedown then gets in a side headlock. Knobbs heads for the ropes and blocks the O'Connor Roll but Marty sunset flips for two. Knobbs makes a hasty retreat to tags in Sags who eats a drop toe hold. Marty gets in a front headlock as Monsoon says the Rockers have taken the Nasties off their game. Sags backs Marty in the ropes but eats an armdrag. Marty stretches the left arm and Sags makes it to the ropes but Shawn pushes him off. Hart screeches and the faces pull a switcharoo with Shawn taking over on the arm. Isn't that a heel move? Marella asks the fans if they tagged and naturally they say yes. Knobbs gets in to protest and they do the switcharoo again as Hart gets even more irate outside. Knobbs gets in a third time and we get a third switcharoo. Hart screams to the camera the referee is stupid. Sags powers out of it and boots Shawn in the ribs. Sags charges in the corner but Shawn slides under him and pulls him nut first into the ringpost. Shawn hits a reverse atomic drop and goes off the ropes, but Brian pulls the top rope down too early and Shawn HAS to go over the top to the floor despite looking right at him from across the ring. Monsoon says he'd love to go down there and sucker punch Jimmy Hart as the heels bait Marty in the ring so Knobbs can clothesline Shawn on the floor. Sags taunts the fans from inside the ring and pulls Shawn to the apron, snapping him off the top rope. Knobbs tags in to drop and elbow and cover for 1...2...nope. Knobbs clubs away in the corner but Shawn tries to fight out of it. Knobbs grabs Shawn by the leg and Sags makes the tag. Shawn is whipped off into a bearhug and does the fade then revive routine. Shawn hits a bell ringer but goes for the scoop slam unsuccesfully. Sags tags Knobbs who drops an elbow to the back before locking in a chinlock. Heenan "I think I heard him give it up." Monsoon "From HERE? Will you stop." Shawn picks up Knobbs and slams him backwards then gets the hot tag to Marty....but wait, Marty had one foot on the rope so Marella won't let it count. Knobbs whips Sags in to the corner but Shawn ducks him and clotheslines Knobbs. With both Nasties down finally Marty gets in. Jannetty cleans house with dropkicks and right hands. Marty moves and Knobbs runs right into Sags, causing Marty to cover for a deuce. Marty rams their heads together as Shawn revives to whip the Nasties together. Marty covers Sags for 1...2...nope. The crowd cheers thinking its over and it even fools Monsoon. Heenan says its not over yet and Shawn throws Marty on top of Sags. The ref tells Shawn to beat it and Knobbs uses the distraction to waffle Marty with the megaphone. Sags covers Marty for 1..2...3 to win the match. Monsoon blames "the pipsqueak" as Heenan says no, "Shawn put his hands on Jimmy and the megaphone went flying and hit Shawn." Wasn't too formulaic and the Rockers always made any tag team match better. The third man outside made the difference as the Nasties win it.

Time of match: 16:21

Winner: Nasty Boys by pinfall

"Mean" Gene Okerlund is with "Nature Boy" Ric Flair in front of the tea boiling urn.....sorry, "coveted Samovar Trophy". Gene asks him about his match with Tito Santana and the battle royal. Flair says Santana is going to find out why Flair is the greatest and Roddy Piper can run but he can't hide in the battle royal. Wooooo!! On to the next match.

Match 2

Tito Santana vs "Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Even though Santana was in the process of becoming El Matador, he still comes out in the white trunks and standard theme song. Heenan "There's a rumor Flair will be prime minister." Monsoon "Will you stop?" Flair opens his robe to reveal the WCW Heavyweight Championship, in your face Jim Herd. Heenan stands up and Monsoon says he'll have him taken out of there. Heenan "Want some tea and trumpets?" Monsoon "Its crumpets!" They lock up to start and Flair gets the advantage in the corner, saying WOOOO. Tito drives him to the other corner and slaps him down. Referee Danny Davis admonishes Santana as Flair gets dropped with a shoulderblock. Monsoon says Flair has never won the WWF title as Ric gets in a wristlock. Santana and Flair trade momentum then Flair gets in an arm-bar. Flair continues to pull the hair much to Danny's dismay. Santana nips up and Flair begs off in the corner. Santana unloads with right hands and whips Flair into the corner. Santana hits a back drop and two dropkicks causing a Flair Flop. Flair bails outside but Santana comes out and rams him face first into the side of the ring. Santana rams Flair's head into the barricade but Ric chops Santana and rams Tito's head into the barricade. Heenan says he smells picante as Santana gets elbowed on the apron. Santana goes for the sunset flip for 1...2....nope. Santana goes for a drop-toe-hold but Flair falls on his back instead. Tito goes for a leglock as Heenan cheers on Flair. Monsoon tells him to go to the ring and do that as Flair makes it to the ropes. Santana pulls Flair into the center and drops an elbow on the knee. Santana works the left leg as Flair begs off in the corner. Santana fires away but Flair trips him up and goes for the Flair Pin for 1...2....nope, Davis catches him. Ironic how just 4 years earlier Santana and Danny Davis were against each other at Wrestlemania. Santana does six top rope punches but Flair counters with a reverse atomic drop. Ric kicks Santana in the ribs and drops the knee. Flair covers with his feet on the ropes and Davis catches him again. Ric shoves Danny as Heenan says "No no no no no" and Davis shoves him back. Heenan "Don't touch the referee." Ric chops Santana in the corner and punches away before whipping Tito into the other corner. Flair whips him in the opposite corner and delivers a snap mare. Ric covers with his feet on the ropes again for 1...2...and Danny Davis stops the count without Tito kicking out, so Flair on the fly gets up and starts yelling at someone in the crowd. Santana rallies with chops and 90% of the crowd are children judging by the cheers. Flair does a Flair Flip in the corner and Santana clotheslines him on the apron. Santana suplexes Ric back in the ring and Ric begs off. Santana turns a hiptoss attempt into a backslide for 1..2.....noooo. Flair gets a thumb to the eye and a headlocked punch. Flair chops Tito down and covers for a deuce before delivering a back suplex. Flair applies the figure four as Heenan says to just ring the bell. Flair holds on to the ropes for leverage but the crowd rallies around Tito to roll over and reverse the hold. Flair breaks the hold and a regular forearm causes a Flair Flop. Santana belts Flair over the top to the floor and scoops slams him. Ric pulls Tito out and chops him on the floor. They slug it out but Flair rolls Tito back inside. Flair goes up top but Santana catches him and slams him off the top. Santana covers for 1...2...nope. Heenan starts gagging and Monsoon says to take it easy. Flair whips Santana into the corner but Tito runs out and clotheslines him. He covers for 1...2...noooo. The camera pans to Heenan going nuts in the broadcast booth but Santana hits THE FLYING JALAPENO!! Tito covers for 1...2....foot on the rope. Santana goes for the O'Connor Roll in the corner for 1....2...Flair reverses it and hooks the tights for 1...2....3 to win the match. Santana has always been a great babyface and he works perfectly with Flair, Tito would have fit right in 5-6 years earlier in the NWA and vice versa in the WWF. Great match between the two.

Time of match: 16:14

Winner: Flair by pinfall

Back to Mean Gene who's with Big Bossman. Okerlund wants to go see Suburban Commando for his birthday....ugh. He says the sheriff is in town and Bossman says the law applies all over the world. He calls Earthquake a piece of trash and he's going to take it out. He's going to celebrate by winning the match then the battle royal. Mean Gene says we'll be right back and we cut to Okerlund now out in the arena for an interview with Earthquake and Jimmy Hart. Hart says London needs earthquake insurance. Earthquake says its a really long boat ride to England, which is why they flew in a plane...ha. Quake says he came a long way to win this match and he and Typhoon will win the battle royal. On to the match.

Match 4

Big Bossman vs Earthquake (with Jimmy Hart)

Big man match with two guys that can move, this should be good. Bossman sprints to the ring and the heels clear out instantly. Quake tells the camera he's not going in the ring until Bossman gets rid of the stick. Bossman puts it away and we begin with a tie up. Quake shoves Bossman into the ropes and then into the corner as Hart laughs maniacally. Bossman takes a walk on the apron before getting back in. Bossman punches Quake as Monsoon says that got his attention. Bossman lands an uppercut to stun the big man and the crowd cheers. Quake throws Bossman in the corner and scoop slams him. Quake goes for the big stomp but Bossman rolls out of the way. He rolls out of the way of an elbow drop and chases Jimmy Hart around the ring. Back inside Bossman punches away at Quake but gets whipped into the corner. A charge misses and Bossman schoolboys him for a deuce. Bossman gets in a headlock and works it for a full minute before getting shoulderblocked down. Quake misses the elbow drop and Bossman goes to the second rope. Bossman hits an axehandle and rams Quake's head into the buckle. Back to the second rope, a double axehandle by Bossman has the big man down on his ass. Bossman goes all the way to the top but Earthquake catches the crossbody attempt in mid-air. Quake powerslams Bossman and steps on him before posing for the crowd. Quake hits a forearm to the back and chokes him on the second rope. Quake shoulderblocks Bossman in the corner then whips him to the other corner. Earthquake smushes Bossman in the corner and he drops. Earthquake sits on him then slaps him. Bossman comes to life with right hands but a thumb to the eye stops the momentum. Quake again slams him against the corner then locks in a bearhug. Monsoons says the hold isn't applied well and Bossman escapes with a bell ringer. Quake lands a forearm to the back to drop Bossman then stomps on him. Quake locks in a chinlock as Monsoon asks who's bigger, Earthquake or Typhoon. Heenan says Quake by six pounds which causes Monsoon to crack up laughing. Bossman powers out of it and goes for shoulderblocks, but Quake goes nowhere. Bossman runs into a clothesline and Earthquake stomps on him. Quake chokes Bossman with his boot as Hart hams it up for the camera. Bossman rolls outside and gets on the apron but is kneed off. Earthquake sends Bossman into the steel steps and rolls inside. Bossman rolls inside and Quake covers for a 1 count as Bossman gets a foot on the ropes. Quake elbows Bossman twices and a clothesline sends Bossman off the ropes, but he doesn't go down. Bossman backs Quake in the corner and goes to town with a series of headbutts before he's whipped into the other corner. Quake hits the avalanche and chokes him with his boot. Bossman goes for a baseball slide but Earthquake trips on him. Bossman on the fly recovers to hit an enziguiri (!!!) to drop the big man. Monsoon "He kicked him in the external occipital pertuberance area" Heenan "He kicked him in the back of the neck!" Monsoon "That's what I said. Bossman covers for 1...2....noooo. Hart gets on the apron but is knocked off by Earthquake. Bossman rolls up Quake for 1....2...nope. Bossman hits a series of clotheslines as The Mountie comes down to help up Jimmy. Earthquake is tied up in ropes Andre style and Bossman crossbodies him. Mountie trips up Bossman and Earthquake drops the big elbow. He covers for 1...2...3 to win the match. Monsoon "Boy did that stink!" Both guys were out of gas at the end and that should have been better than it was. Bossman was about to feud with IRS on TV but Mountie gets the last word here.

Time of match: 15:47

Winner: Earthquake by pinfall

Bossman chases Mountie to the back after the match as Heenan yells at the director to follow them. We cut to Mean Gene with the trophy again. Okerlund gives the rules of the battle royal and "Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich walks in. Okerlund says he's a favorite to win and Kerry says this is the toughest match and the winner will be king of the mountain. He says he's going to win and Okerlund says he's got The Mountie up next. Von Erich says Mountie is real tough with the shock stick but he won't have it in their match. Okerlund says they'll be back shortly. When we come back, Mean Gene is in the arena for an interview with The Mountie and Jimmy Hart. Mountie's music hits and they come out. Hart says the organization sticks together and Tornado will suffer the same fate as Big Bossman. Mountie says "forget about Terry Von whatever" and he's the only royalty around here. After he beats KEVIN Von Erich, he'll win the trophy too. Mountie can't get the name right to save his life, good for heel heat. On to the next match.

Match 5

"Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich vs The Mountie

Before the match even starts we get Monsoon saying "Gorrilla Monsoon along with Bobby Heen...." he's cut off by Heenan who says "Sir Robert of Heenan!" There must be a malfunction with the sound speakers because The Mountie comes in and there is no music. After The Mountie protests, Monsoon says "He doesn't deserve any music anyway." Oh wait, the speakers are fine because we hear the Tornado's music and he makes it to the ring. Tornado gets in the ring and as Monsoon is shilling him Heenan says "He's in great condition, I'll have to agree with you." Monsoon replies "But I haven't said anything about his conditioning yet!" Heenan says "Don't worry you will, just keep looking." The bell rings and Heenan says the Tornado is in for a very shocking experience and Monsoon scoffs. Referee Danny Davis has a hard time removing the cattle prod from The Mountie before he gives in. They lock up and roll around the ropes as Heenan tells us The Mountie is going to be a guest speaker at Scotland Yard tomorrow. Monsoon then brings up his time in New York jail after his loss to the Big Bossman at Summerslam 91. Mountie stalls and then Tornado goes to hit him but Mountie counters with a boot to the ribs. Tornado staggers into the corner and Mountie taunts him until Tornado catches him with a right cross to the face. Mountie slides under the ropes and stalls. Mountie finally gets in the ring and stalls again until Von Erich puts Mountie in a wrist lock. After a while Mountie sends Tornado off the ropes and leapfrogs over him twice before Tornado catches him with a right hand to the head. Mountie retreats to the outside and stalls again until he gets back in the ring about a minute later. Heenan makes up for the stalling by rambling on how Mountie is given a bad rap. Mountie gets out of the ring again and stalls....BOOORING. Tornado has had enough and once Mountie gets in the ring, Tornado drives him into the corner with shots to the head. Mountie recovers and whips Tornado off the corner and into a sleeper. Heenan then says "The weather forecast is clearing up!" Tornado finally gets to his feet and breaks out of it, bounces off the ropes and runs right into another sleeper as Heenan jokes about Sherlock Holmes. Tornado does the "fade then revive" routine as Heenan tells the ref to ring the bell. Tornado runs into the corner and ducks down and Mountie gets rammed into the turnbuckle. Mountie recovers but Tornado sends him off the ropes into a sleeper of his own. Lots of stalling going on in this match. Mountie makes it to the ropes and Tornado breaks the hold. Von Erich then corners the Mountie with shots to the head and then whips Mountie into the other corner. Mountie gets out of the way of the charge and Tornado goes shoulder first into the ring post. Tornado staggers into the corner where Mountie puts the boots to him. Mountie hits a snapmare and drives a knee to the lower back. Tornado gets up but Mountie clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside. Heenan tells us The Mountie is ahead on points as Mountie rams Tornado's head into the steel steps. Monsoon scoffs at Heenan and says that after all these years of broadcasting together that something should have rubbed off by now, so Heenan says "Nah I don't have a rash!" Von Erich climbs to the ring apron but Mountie punches him back down to the floor. Monsoon says he wants some fish and chips and tells Heenan to get some so Heenan says "Hey! I'm sir Robert of Heenan, I'm no errand boy." Tornado trips up Mountie and pulls him to the outside, catches him with a few right hands and sends him face first into the steel steps. Tornado sets up Mountie against the ring but misses his tornado punch and catches the ring post. Tornado gets in the ring in agony and the Mountie takes advantage by ramming his hand from the ring apron into the ringpost. Mountie gets in the ring and pounds on Tornado in the corner and sends him off the ropes but Tornado counters with a clothesline. Tornado corners Mountie and tries a monkey flip but the Mountie blocks it, hooks the legs and puts his feet on the ropes as the ref counts to 3 to end the match. Heenan tries to say that it was an accident that Mountie put his feet on the rope but Monsoon says "WILL YOU SHUT UP! THAT'S A LIE, HE CHEATED!" The Mountie gets back in the ring as Danny Davis yells at him but Tornado comes back and nails Mountie. Tornado sends him off the ropes and hits a back body drop. Mountie retreats to the back as the crowd cheers The Tornado. Not the best match and Von Erich had no chemistry with Rougeau. Mountie was being groomed for a run with Bret Hart so he needed a win here against the ex-IC champ.

Time of match: 13:15

Winner: The Mountie by pinfall

When we come back from break its time for the Funeral Parlor with Paul Bearer and The Undertaker. Paul says all the royalty that's passed through the Royal Albert Hall are in the cemetery. Paul says Undertaker will beat Jim Duggan and win the battle royal. Undertaker says the sands in Duggan's hourglass are running out and there will be a mass burial in the battle royal. Bearer ends up saying "Rest In Peace" as some guy dressed as the Phantom Of The Opera plays The Undertaker's theme as he goes to the ring. On to the next match.

Match 6

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer)

Taker actually gets a nice cheer from the crowd even though Duggan gets the louder pop. Duggan bumrushes him but Taker catches him with strikes. A charge in the corner eats boot and Duggan goes on the offensive with big right hands. Duggan clotheslines him over the top to the floor but Taker lands on his feet. Duggan caters to the crowd and actually gets a USA chant from the London crowd. Monsoon acknowledges it but Taker stuns Duggan off the top rope. Bearer says "Its allllll overrrr" as Taker chokes Duggan inside the ring. Heenan "Taker gives a whole new meaning to "Jack The Ripper". Taker chokes Duggan on the middle rope as Bearer tells the crowd to shhh. Duggan tries to rally but Taker counters with another choke. The ref barely tries to stop Taker even with Duggan grabbing the ropes. Monsoon talks about what will happen later in the Battle Royal when Taker is in. Taker walks across the top rope and nails Duggan in the back. Monsoon yells at Heenan as Taker once again chokes Duggan in the corner again....and again....until Duggan catches him with an inverted atomic drop. Duggan then rallies with right hands into the corner and does 5 top rope punches. Duggan stops when he notices Paul Bearer running off with the 2X4 and goes outside to retrieve it. Taker stops him with a clothesline to the back before throwing him back inside. Taker hits the flying clothesline and calls for the urn. Duggan grabs the 2X4 and waffles Taker with it to earn the DQ....idiot. Duggan poses with the 2X4 but Taker doesn't sell it. Monsoon bitches that Taker should have been disqualified earlier for the choking as Duggan waffles Taker from behind with it, knocking him over the top rope. Duggan gets the babyface pop from the crowd but Taker walks out the victor. Bad match but Taker's original character was slow and methodical and Duggan was never the best worker, not much you can expect. Would have been nice for a decisive finish but oh well.

Time of match: 6:19

Winner: Undertaker by Disqualification

Monsoon sends us to Mean Gene who's with "Rowdy" Roddy Piper to talk about the battle royal. Roddy says he's "prouder than punch" to be at the Royal Albert Hall and says if the place let Heenan in, he'd be okay. Piper says Heenan lies more than the government does and he's gonna slap him. Roddy Piper compares Ric Flair to "Boy George Jr" and calls him a "feather wearing faggot freak!" which even Okerlund looks stunned to hear. Good luck saying that these days. Piper says he's going to beat Flair, win the battle royal and party with the football players.

After a break we come back with Gene standing by the trophy with Typhoon and Jimmy Hart. Jimmy says they have 5 chances to win the battle royal with the Nasty Boys, Natural Disasters and The Mountie all in it. Typhoon says if it comes down to him and Earthquake, they'll handle it themselves. Typhoon and Jimmy leave as Power & Glory arrive. Paul Roma says the LOD have nowhere to hide now and Hercules says they've come halfway around the world to win the belts. Gene says if they fail, they may not get another shot for a long time. Roma says they won't fail and they leave.

After another break the LOD walk in for their interview. Animal calls Power & Glory "little geeks" and says they've beaten everyone that they've faced. Hawk babbles on and calls them Sour & Gory and their own mothers won't recognize them. Gene asks them about the battle royal and if they were the last two. Hawk says "AERRGGHHHHHHH WHAT A RUSHHHH" Animal says they're gonna beat Power & Glory and win the battle royal. Just like the Disasters, they don't have an answer either.

Back to Monsoon who shills the upcoming matches and sends it to Mel Phillips for our next match.

Match 7

Power & Glory (Hercules & Paul Roma) vs The Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal) for the WWF Tag Team Championships

LOD gets a big pop from the crowd as Monsoon calls the heels "Herc and Jerk". Hawk & Roma start and Hawk wants a test of strength. Roma stalls for some heat before slugging away at Hawk. Hawk counters with a dropkick then chases him around the ring. Back inside Hawk hits a neckbreaker and a snap mare before dropping the big fist. A cover gets two then Animal & Hercules tag in. Hercules and Animal shoulder block each other to no-avail but Hercules drops him with a clothesline. Animal counters with one of his own then tags Hawk in to work over the arm. Hawk chops Hercules in the corner but Hercules counters with an atomic drop. Hawk rams Herc's head into the turnbuckle 10 times and Heenan says that won't bother him. Hercules tags Roma back in and they doubleteam Hawk in the corner when Animal runs in. Roma hits a piledriver on Hawk who no-sells it. Hawk counters with a boot and an overhead press slam. He throws Roma into Hercules and Animal clotheslines Hercules out. Hawk scoop slams Roma then goes up top. Roma moves out of the way and Hawk flies across the ring to the outside. Hercules drops Hawk on the guardrail before getting in the ring. Roma drives Hawk back first into the ring apron before Hawk slides back in. Hercules punches and kicks Hawk before dropping him throat first off the top rope. Heenan "Where do they put the ice for the hockey here?" Monsoon "WILL YOU STOP??" Hercules throws Hawk chest first into the buckle and shoulderblocks him down. Heenan "Hawk got rear-ended". Herc then sells it himself and Hawk makes the tag as well as Roma. Animal beats up Roma then dropkicks Hercules. Animal hits a powerbomb on Roma but Hercules breaks up the count. Herc and Hawk brawl outside as Roma scoop slams Animal. Roma goes for a crossbody but Animal catches him mid-air and powerslams him. The cover gets 1..2....3 and its over. LOD wins it much to the crowd's delight. Roma claims Animal hooked the tights to no avail as Monsoon checks out the replay. A lot of people wondered why Power & Glory got a title shot after being virtually nothing since Wrestlemania 7, the answer is Vince didn't want to have another rematch with the Nasty Boys or start the Natural Disasters feud yet. It made sense that Power & Glory would be expendable in London. Ironically Roma would leave the company literally a week later on this same European tour in Paris. He's still in the battle royal though.

Time of Match: 9:07

Winners: LOD by pinfall (still champions)

Back to Mean Gene who's with the star of the show, hometown hero "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith. Davey is excited to be home and he says he smells victory over not only against The Barbarian then the battle royal. He says he's going to get both Earthquake & Typhoon in the Royal Albert Hall. We go to the ring where Mel Phillips introduces Lord Alfred Hays to introduce the next match.

Match 8

The Barbarian vs "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith

Heenan makes fun of Alfred as Barbarian makes his entrance. Alfred gets excited to announce Davey as the crowd pops for his entrance. Heenan claims there were more women cheering for Flair than the Beatles and Monsoon goes "Will you be serious?" Barbarian starts with a headlock and a shoulderblock spot goes nowhere. Another one does nothing so Barbarian puts the boots to him. Heenan "You know he's a disgrace to London, right?" Monsoon "Who??" Heenan "Davey" Monsoon "HE IS NOT!" Barbarian bails to the outside and shouts at the camera as the crowd chants for Davey. Davey locks in an armringer as Heenan says they're evenly matched.  Davey sunset flips Barbarian as Heenan tells Barbarian to just sit down. Barbarian punches nothing as Davey slides underneath the legs and arm drags him. Heenan talks about Grambling and Monsoon says "Will you stop??" Bulldog ducks a clothesline and walks right into a big boot. Monsoon says he thought Bulldog would put him away quick with the battle royal looming and Heenan said "Noooooo." Barbarian slams Davey up against the ringpost then rolls inside. Barbarian pounds on Davey's chest then locks in a chinlock. Heenan says Hays was here when the Royal Albert Hall first opened and Monsoon goes "Will you be serious?!" Bulldog does the fade then revive routine but walks into another big boot. Barbarian piledrives Davey and covers for 1..2....nope. Barbarian slams Davey but misses a second rope elbow drop. Davey rallies with right hands and clotheslines Barbarian over the top rope to the floor. Davey and Barbarian trade blows on the floor but Barbarian clotheslines the ringpost. Davey sends him off and drops him with a clothesline. Davey covers for 1..2....nope. Monsoon admonishes Davey for not hooking the leg but Davey nails the delayed suplex. Bulldog pounds Barbarian in the corner then gets sent off. Barbarian misses a charge and Davey hits the running powerslam and covers for 1...2...3 that's it. Davey wins it. The audio strangely cuts out as Bulldog celebrates in the ring. Finally Monsoon and Heenan go over the replay and how Davey won it. Remember Davey vs Warlord and how boring those matches were? This was only slightly better. Barbarian could move a bit better and it showed here. Still, not much you can expect from these two.

Time of Match: 10:04

Winner: British Bulldog by pinfall

We go back to Mean Gene who's with the Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart. Saggs says there's been a plague or two here but never has the UK seen the Nasty Boys. Knobbs says they're gonna win the battle royal like they won the tag match earlier. Gene says the battle royal is up next. Alfred Hays joins Monsoon and Heenan on commentary as Mel Phillips handles the introductions.

Match 9

20 Man Battle Royal

The participants are "Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich, Earthquake, Typhoon, Tito Santana, The Mountie, Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels, The Barbarian, Big Bossman, Hercules, Paul Roma, Jim Duggan, Knobbs, Sags, Ric Flair, Hawk, Animal, British Bulldog, The Undertaker and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Double duty for almost everyone as everyone that worked is back, including Barbarian who Monsoon acknowledges was just out there. The only two who didn't were "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Typhoon of all people. Could have cut a few minutes off each match to have them two work but oh well. Piper comes out last to a huge ovation and goes right after Flair without even taking his shirt off. Bossman beats the crap out of Knobbs as The Rockers go after Sags. Alfred calls it a "tremendous tussle" as Piper and Flair run around the floor. Piper chokes Flair with an electrical chord as Bossman chases Mountie around. Roma clubs away at Animal as Heenan says the first man out is the first man who makes a mistake. The camera pans around the ring as Flair and Barbarian double team Piper. Jannetty saves Bossman from Earthquake and Bossman gets back in. HERCULES jumps over the top and eliminates himself then grabs a chair to attack Hawk with it. Referee Danny Davis tells Hercules to beat it as Knobbs ducks a discus punch to eliminate TEXAS TORNADO. Piper throws Knobbs over the top rope but he stays on the apron. KNOBBS swings and misses and Piper uses two fingers to push him out. Bulldog brings Sags over to Piper who kicks away at him. Typhoon picks up MARTY JANNETTY and drops him out. Heenan points out Undertaker has taken it easy so far and its good strategy. Tito Santana dumps THE BARBARIAN as Mountie bails to the outside for a breather. Earthquake grabs TITO SANTANA and throws him out. Flair chops at Piper as Hawk and Sags slug it out until Sags ducks a charge to eliminate HAWK. Duggan and Animal come over to dump SAGS out and Hawk dropkicks him outside for good measure. The only tag team still intact are the Natural Disasters as Undertaker chops Animal. SHAWN MICHAELS skins the cat only to be dumped by Mountie anyway. Earthquake misses the avalanche in the corner and Duggan tries to get rid of him. Hawk press slams Flair down as Earthquake tosses JIM DUGGAN. Duggan pulls a sore loser and waffles EARTHQUAKE out with the two by four with an assist to Animal. Piper and Flair brawl on the floor as even Alfred admonishes Duggan for cheating. Piper ducks a charge and RIC FLAIR is gone. Heenan goes speechless after Flair is tossed. Roma saves Mountie from Bossman danger as Bulldog has Typhoon halfway out. Piper crotches Taker but Taker headbutts him away. Bulldog ducks a charge and PAUL ROMA is out. Say goodbye to Roma as he had a match in Paris then left the company.  Animal hits a running clothesline on Undertaker but Taker ducks a second attempt to eliminate ANIMAL. We're down to six, make it 5 as Piper ducks a charge to eliminate THE UNDERTAKER. Uh oh, Taker pulls a sore loser and pulls RODDY PIPER out. The final four are Bulldog, Bossman, Mountie and Typhoon. Jimmy Hart's crew are in one corner with him with Bossman and Bulldog in the other. Bossman and Mountie square off with Davey and Typhoon. Bossman chases Mountie around while Typhoon drops the Bulldog. Bossman punches Typhoon away and drops Mountie with a big right hook. Bossman sets Mountie up on the second rope and jumps on him. He then slides outside and decks Jimmy Hart. Back inside Bossman charges, but Mountie then pulls the top rope down and BIG BOSSMAN flies out. Typhoon headbutts Davey in the corner and Mountie joins in for the double team. Mountie holds Bulldog in the corner and Typhoon charges, but the Bulldog moves which causes Typhoon to avalanche The Mountie instead. Davey Boy goes nuts and drives Typhoon into the corner with right hands and proceeds to pick up Typhoon by the legs as Alfred Hays shouts for Davey to get rid of him as Heenan tells Hays to shut up. Mountie nails Bulldog from behind and the crowd goes silent. Typhoon puts the boots to Davey and Mountie comes over and slaps him in the face. Monsoon and Hays observe it as a sign of dissention but Heenan correctly points out Mountie is just firing him up. Mountie and Typhoon put the boots to the Bulldog for a while then fire him off the ropes and nails him with a double clothesline. Heenan tells us the place is gonna go quiet once the Bulldog hits the floor. Monsoon says Bulldog was in a war just before the battle royal with The Barbarian. Mountie holds Bulldog while Typhoon comes off the ropes for a clothesline....but Davey ducks and Typhoon waffles THE MOUNTIE over the top rope to the floor, eliminating him. Alfred Hays cheers and tells Bulldog to get out of the ring and get some rest as Bobby Heenan tells Typhoon to sit down so Bulldog can't pick him up. Bulldog and Typhoon do the Force meeting Object routine until Typhoon misses a clothesline and Davey hits a dropkick. Bulldog gets Typhoon in the corner but Typhoon reverses a whip to the other corner and hits an avalanche as the crowd gasps. Davey staggers and Typhoon catches him with a clothesline. Heenan says the people are making their way to the exit signs as Monsoon says that they are NOT! Typhoon charges but Bulldog ducks and TYPHOON flies out of the ring as Hays creams his pants. Davey Boy wins it as the crowd goes wild. Typhoon gets back in as Earthquake runs back as well. The Natural Disasters double team Davey as Earthquake hits the powerslam. Hays cries foul as Quake calls for the aftershock. Davey slides out of the ring but the Disasters corner and avalanche him. All of a sudden Andre The Giant of all people comes out and rams the Disasters' heads together. Andre whacks both of them with the crutch and they retreat. That was short for a battle royal but they were at the end of the show. It served its purpose of sending the fans home happy.

Time of match: 14:37

Winner: "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith.

Mel Phillips announces Davey the winner as Andre shakes his hand after the match. Davey is presented the trophy as the announcers sign off. The matches ranged from great (Flair/Santana) to holy crap that was BAD (Tornado/Mountie). Its a wonder why Typhoon and Piper didn't wrestle as they were the only two who didn't have a match prior to the battle royal. The battle royal and show itself was just to get British Bulldog over, so mission accomplished. This was also one of the last times Andre The Giant would be seen as well. If you're wondering where everyone else on the roster was, while this show was going on a separate crew was in Miami for a house show. I'll see you there.

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