Thursday, March 25, 1971

WWWF at Sunnyside Garden Arena (3/25/71)

Sunnyside Garden Arena
Queens, NY
March 25, 1971

This is going to be a straight write up since no matches from this house show have ever been recorded. Ten days after Pedro Morales had his first WWWF title defense at Madison Square Garden, almost the same crew came to Queens for a house show. The main event was Pedro and Manuel Soto taking on Bulldog Brower and The Wolfman in a 2 out of 3 falls tag match. Other matches included Little Brutus and Sky Low Low taking on Little Joey and Frenchy Lamont who were subbing for Sonny Boy Hayes and Haiti Kid. Let's get to it.

Match 1

Mike Conrad vs Pete Sanchez

Sanchez was another New York latino veteran that was a fan favorite in the Garden. Here he takes on jobber Mike in the opening contest. The bout ended in a 20 minute draw.

Winner: No one (Draw)

Match 2

Jack Evans vs Hurricane Rivera

The big rematch from Madison Square Garden from 10 days earlier. Just like at MSG, Rivera got the victory

Winner: Hurricane Rivera

Match 3

Vincente Pometti vs Chief Jay Strongbow

The Argentinian takes on the fake Native American in the middle of the card. Strongbow got the victory.

Winner: Strongbow

Match 4

Little Joey and Frenchy Lamont vs Little Brutus and Sky Low Low in a 2 out of 3 falls match

This was advertised as Sonny Boy Hayes and Haiti Kid but apparently Joey and Lamont subbed for them against Brutus and Low Low. As usual Brutus and Low Low win.

Winners: Little Brutus and Sky Low Low

Match 5

Bulldog Brower and The Wolfman vs WWWF Heavyweight Champion Pedro Morales and Manuel Soto in a 2 out of 3 falls match.

Who thought back to back 2 out of 3 falls tag matches was a good idea needs their heads examined. Thankfully this was the main event and it had Pedro teaming with Manuel Soto to take on two top heels in Brower and Wolfman. After Pedro dispatched Blackjack Mulligan, he was going to need a new opponent and showcasing Wolf and Bulldog made sense. Pedro and Soto got the win

Winners: Morales and Soto

Not much to say about this show as it was a house show in Queens that's been lost to time. The good thing is it essentially had possible Pedro opponents in Bulldog and Wolfman. Really would have liked to have seen Strongbow and Pometti because Pometti in his younger days could go. Still, if you caught this show I doubt you left dissappointed.

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