Tuesday, January 5, 1971

WWF at Cambria Country War Memorial Arena (1/5/71)

Cambria County War Memorial Arena
Johnstown, PA
January 5, 1971

This is going to be a very short writeup as only one match exists from this card. I don't mean footage either, apparently the entire card has been lost to time including who was on it except for the main event. The only notable fact is the Cambria County War Memorial Arena was where they filmed the movie Slapshot.

Only match

Jos Le Duc and Baron Mikel Scicluna vs Dominic DeNucci and WWWF Heavyweight Champion Bruno Sammartino

Apparently this is the only match from this card that's been confirmed. So who are these guys? Jos Le Duc was born Michael Pigeon in Montreal and suffered through living in an orphanage when his parents separated and his mother couldn't afford custody. He eventually worked for the Quebec Provincial Police then became a wrestler. He was mostly known as a crazed lumberjack when he broke into Stampede Wrestling in 1968. Not only did he act crazy, anyone who's ever seen him knows he LOOKED crazy as well. Scicluna and DeNucci we all know, obviously. Bruno was born in Abruzzi Italy before immigrating to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1950. Since he was sickly and poor, he got bullied in high school which caused him to take up wrestling and weightlifting. Bruno actually competed in the 1956 Olympics for power-lifting and actually set a then world record for bench pressing 565 pounds. In 1959 he made his debut as a wrestler and became a top star for the NWA. When Vince Sr wanted Buddy Rogers as NWA champion and was outvoted to keep the title on Lou Thesz, he broke from the NWA to form the World Wide Wrestling Federation and named Buddy his champion. When Buddy started having minor heart attacks, Vince and his partner Toots Mondt made the decision to take the belt off Buddy. The two choices were 41 year old Antonino Rocca or 27 year old Bruno. They both went with Bruno and he beat Rogers in May of 1963. Nearly 8 years later Bruno is still the champ and he enlists the help of DeNucci to take on Scicluna and the deranged Le Duc. Apparently Bruno and DeNucci won the match

Winners: Bruno and Dominic

Who knows what was on the rest of the card but that tag match must have been wild. Without watching I can see Jos Le Duc beating up Bruno only for Bruno to explode and go beserk on him. Anyway, one match is better than nothing. Bruno had a date with Ivan Koloff in two weeks. The drama was building.

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